Leave a LIKE! cens of the reject Nation it is time for a movie  that I've been waiting to watch for the last 30   seconds of my life because I just heard of it ah I  never knew Leo the professional this is apparently   a very very loved movie that just for some reason  I'm living under a rock and didn't know obviously   I'm sure sure that Andrew knew all about it well I  am ashamed of myself it's been 30 years since it's   come out I should have seen it but yeah what this  director Lo B I probably mispronounced it or said   something you know how I do uh he directed one  of my favorite all-time sci-fi films with Bruce   Willis three years after this known as The Fifth  Element I love that movie so much so I am looking   forward to what uh came before that and I'm also  so happy that jux are back it's been too long   Roxy let's go trivia knowledge on that one being  something I was interested in okay that's good   good I like Fifth Element I think you remember  that one kind of I could picture the cover of it   but I'm like did I actually the second you said  it I thought about the six sense and then I was   like no not sense element fifth think I saw it uh  but I know I didn't see this one I know one thing   about it it's because we're looking at it right  now which it looks like a baby Natalie Portman I'm   glad that I know that because I confuse her with  Kieran nely every day of my life always happens   to me they are identical twins to me uh but you  know who's not identical twins wins all of you   guys you have your own thoughts your own minds  your own Beauty to you so don't forget whoever   you are at home we're so grateful for you like  comment subscribe if you aren't already please   Leon the Professional Reaction become a patron that's where you get all as our  girl Tera says the juice that's where you can   sync up with your own copy plus that's where Greg  and John cover stuff exclusively also if you want   all rejects all the time we are doing so much on  social like an obscene amount of stuff on social   because we wanted you guys to be able to get  to know us more out side of just doing these   reactions so uh you told the most beautiful story  i' ever heard in my entire life on there I won't   tell you guys what it is but go find it we do  funny stuff we do real things we do a behind   the scenes stuff so if you want more Rejects  and thank you so much to prepper for helping   edit us down we certainly need it especially me  with my long ass intros did you miss the long   intros I'll never miss your intros Roxy come on  they're the best want more long intros means you   so you do miss them no oh I I mean my bad never  Roxy Roxy he said he never miss my intros give   me an Oscar come on I always miss your intros  don't let us down Leon the Professional here we go oh that's the guy whose name you Lo B I think  that's how you say it but I you you guys all know   I always mispronounce I do too oh my God I'm  so bad yeah but I get called out for it all the   time I'm just used to it at this point okay Gary  Oldman him might know how to pronounce I think   commissioner my last name see I would have found  out about Natalie Portman right then right that's   true feel like we've lost this in today's I don't  know who that is you're embarrassing me in front   of Danny aello I feel like in today's films we  don't really get to see the intros and the titles   like this any as much anymore okay confusing what  the name of this is the professional sometimes   it's called just Le sometimes it's called the  professional and sometimes it's called Leo the   professional and Greg was very specific with  us that the version we had to watch was L the   professional on Netflix okay so it appears we are  in the Big Apple oh Eric Sarah I loved his score   in the Fifth Element uh is that true yeah I his  score in the fifth I've heard it so many times   cuz y'all know I'm such a a nerd for movie scores  the Little Italy a lot of soft focus and a lot of   shaky cam usually this is how horror movies start  Le B Ben let's talk business this fat bastard   is trying to move in on moro's business now you  know maritzio is a reasonable guy he just wants   a little conversation little class conversation  he don't want to hear about it maybe he'll listen   to you comes to town every Tuesday are you free  Tuesday for a little more action yeah I'm free Tuesday he looks like Hector Salamon just  in his uh ex you see you look at me Hector   he almost looks a little like big I was about  to say Vincento I was about to say Vincent in   afo I knew it I cut you off you did it's okay we  were thinking alike remember neatness counts you   got one half hour say neatness neatness counts  you got one and a half hour liness is Next to   Godliness that looked like Barber stri hand 1  hour much younger bar was the '90s yeah 94 yeah   not look like her a little bit a a little bit  Tanto downstairs there's a guy wants to talk to   you wants to talk with his pistol what's he look  like he's got glasses serious what he tell him I'm   coming up he's coming up oh [ __ ] somebody's  coming up he's so imposing and threatening and   we've just seen his sunglasses and heard his voice  Mickey open your eyes we got company damn we got company this feels like an 80s color palette  I love how suspenseful this is to start too is that the guy who got shot yeah for sure T tell the driver to wait for a South back  and hurry up oh what's he is just hanging by the wrist oh my God yeah it's something wrong with your  hey sweetie what's going on don't worry   baby it's cool all right she doesn't look  as much like Barbara stend as I thought she   is does look familiar she really does I'm not  sure what I've seen her in to look it up later later block both the edes uh dude there's only one guy I know he  doesn't know yet check the ter correct him Andrew oh oh my God hey I love how everything  we're seeing is like you're not actually seeing   him do it it's just from like a  certain angle yeah the p really cool what a cool intro oh he's just going willy-nilly oh this score sounds so much like golden eye  I'm assuming Eric Sarah did Golden Eye which   was one year after this in '95 Golden ey  is the only James Bond movie I ever saw   ah got to get you to react to some James Bond  films cuz I uh played the video game oh golden   ey I in 64 I love that game so much fun with  my brother I played that with my brother too   so many times we were not allowed to be  odd job though that was cheat considered cheating 911 emergency I need help somebody's  trying to kill me all right just stay on the   line I'll just be off a moment uh yeah  behind you always I I love I need help   being the first thing you say 911 yeah no  [ __ ] you called 911 I need help is for sure why boy detective Jefferson may I help you I'll  call you back I'm glad hey relax man I got   half of Bolivia sitting in the suitcases  over here go ahead and take it cheers I Le number who is that uh I'll talk to you  later sweetie okay bye yeah have a nice day   I see you're back in town yeah no I mean no just  for today uhhuh so it's safe to say today's your   last day in town and we'll never see your fat face  again yeah let me speak to our mutual friend yeah   he's definitely your Mutual BFF he wants to talk  to you yes make sure he understands and let him   go huh oh he definitely put the fear of God in him  yeah but doesn't it feel like he's debating still   killing him do you understand so say I understand  D good feel like he's going to yeah okay maybe not so he really is a gun for hire really  is a professional W like a ghost He is   literally the boogeyman he was John Wick  before John Wick no don't relax yet I'm scared the way they shot that the way  they shot that really I had question I was   to the last second is he going  to make it out right for sure it   was so suspenseful such a cool and you don't trust him Corner Bodega trying to think what else  I've seen this I know this actor's name is Je   Reno I've seen him in God Jean Reno I believe is  how you say it but I'm probably mispronouncing it   as well ran last name but I know those leggings or  tights are dope he was in Godzilla a couple years   Natalie a she's smoking a cigarette at such a  young age Jesus she got issues I love your choker girlfriend what she's probably like 12 or 13  at this point in real life she looks younger   than me hi why didn't you hide a cigarette  this building's full of rats I don't we old   man to find out got enough problems oh damn  damn hit sir oh that's so sad what happened   I fell off my bike of course you did don't  tell my dad about the cigarette you think   he's going to do that to you no way this  building's full of rats but he ain't one   of them he got you girl although you should  stop smoking understand why you're doing this that was a really bad way to dispose of a  cigarette is this Mr Oldman I don't touch it I   don't even know how to cut it try and follow me  all right oh yeah that actor does look familiar   June we gave you the dope it tests 100% pure now  it's July we pick up the dope and it tests 90%   pure now somewhere between June and July are we  talk talking about this out in public you know   I'm I'm trying to help you out here but you know  if you're going to be a hard ass about it I got to   disturb him and let me tell you when he's into his  music he hates being disturbed I'm telling you the   truth I hope so it's interesting that they're not  going to their close-ups at all because he's got   had talent for sniffing out a lie it's scary it's  almost like a sixth sense St St from cigarettes   to Lollipops I'm sorry he said I didn't get the  dope these are really interesting shot choices   and they're letting them run long God he looks so  intense you're watching slow horses I've not seen it young here Oh my he looks so scary right now don't sniff him he sniffing his that or also did  he do something with the dupe no no I don't think   he's trying to test that I think yeah he's about  to make like a commentary on of course he didn't   just do me a favor no thank you find out who  did by tomorrow noon wow he did not blink hey   I didn't cut your [ __ ] find out yourself  she's like invisible what the hell are you   doing out here get inside and do your homework  already oh yeah well you can get inside and help   you sister clean up the goddamn house and stop  smoking cigarettes I hope Gary Oldman Cuts you apart [ __ ] yeah the quickest way to make  us hate a character is to make them their kid so okay what you do a little bird  watching with that belt I think I'm funny that looks like a man who's in  pain who has he lost what has he lived   tell us more also does he like what  he does or is it just like maybe he   does that too because he's in so much  pain he's got milk commercial left and right and your back is going to be  in so much pain if you stand like that I'm impressed he can keep his plants alive glasses on to sleep interesting  sleeping also on a chair as well   interesting upright it's like he's  like I'm ready to go at any time one   bre inhale up my turn CH Channel and I'll  smash your face Jesus she's like F on you   my face is used to getting smashed I  don't care let me watch what I want pleas honey sweetheart turn that  down Mama's got a headache trying   to get the lay of the land here fat  ass R someone who's doing nothing all   day but watching cartoons move  a little ass and go get some food Beau say that again she's not allowed to  be a little kid I think I up hey it wouldn't be   the first time I mean you always come up  with something right yeah I think I went   a little too far this time I think you're  going a little too far right now I'm going   to be late for work how about working at home  today okay one now it's the Transformers she's   going to hit me Daddy Shut the goddamn  door please stop shoot this poor girl   up for the whole body dude that was Transformers  go back margarit McAllister head mistress at the   Spencer School in Wildwood New Jersey is Mr or  Mrs Lando home yes this is she now Matilda left   school without permission nearly 2 weeks ago  but if you will refer to page 20 in the rules   and regulations manual we sent you you will see  that unless there is a valid excuse for prolonged   absence your tuition will be forfeit she's dead  so what's your understanding of everybody's   relationship the dad the girlfriend  and the girlfriend's daughter and the son or have they both lost  someone and that's how they connect maybe he was also abused  as well I mean h that's got to have relevance she's bleeding or she did blow I  couldn't tell she's bleeding oh this poor   girl life always this hard just when you're  a kid always like this keep it hey I'm going   grocery shopping you want some milk one  qu or two it's two right very observant yeah interesting the only person who treats  her like a human being is professional hit man I'm assuming they're there for Natalie Portman's   dad oh my God that guy he is the most  like 90s with the hair yeah and the fit what a mly crew oh yeah they're there for Nat Portman's dead  well they said you got one day to figure out who   uh but it was him we know that cuz he said he  stopped to his mistress or his girlfriend went too far what is the pill oh oh oh I hated that oh  help help help yeah that was Nails on a chalk   born I like these SCM little moments before  the storm it reminds me of bth Hoven oh yeah same oh my goodness they're all going to  witness this or are they all going with   him well luckily n Portman's out of town or out  of the building yeah she went to the BEDA right   you can hear her crawling what about her little  brother that's what I'm worried about the the other but he's not going to  interfere he has nothing to do with this daddy did she say Daddy yeah okay so  he was also another daughter she was another daughter oh my God okay I guess the rest  of the family I thought she was going to   live because she was going to be able to hear  anything I did not know she was going to be a goner oh my God not the little boy please  not the little kid where is he he's like Ed Norton here we  said noon I've got 1 minute back   you don't like bethoven you don't know what you're  missing overtures like that get my juices flowing   oh Terra so powerful but after his openings to  be honest he does tend to get a little boring   touched the apartment he is disturbingly  good yeah on they TS in the apartment to   make it look like a robbery or because they're  looking for to find evidence that he was cutting the maybe the little boy is don't know my  God what a shot what a shot your aot are   cran I love him too I love moart sounded  like kmit the Frog I love Mo for this kind   of work he's a little bit light so I tend  to go for the heavier guys I do not think   they're going to kill the little boy dude what  doing huh man your bomba clap moue shut you're   right cuz we haven't seen like I don't think  he's going to be in the rest of the movie but   maybe he runs away I I don't think he's gonna  be dead because is this movie gonna kill a child child no boy if that was there the whole time why  didn't you grab it before you he walked in why would you wait God please no no whoa oh no no no no no no no no no no we're about to see a dead little  boy aren't we I have a feeling wow no oh stand look what you did stand here  right look what you did put a stain in my jacket usually the blood in the 9s movies  is like that bright red this is not this   looks he's dead this [ __ ] man forget  about it calm down I'm cing stay the   about the little boy they they clearly  haven't revealed it yet on purpose hey   Jes great Benny it's m stand surprised the  cops haven't uh come with all this gunfire   Benny we're coming out Benny don't fire get in  or any neighbors poked their head out nothing I   guess like what is it saying curiosity killed the  C there what's happening out there all right man   go de police why don't you leave that poor family  alone no no no no come why don't you leave them alone he said go back inside I think it's better if we go inside all right the kid comes like that into your store yeah have some questions like  why do you have marks near your eye   why do you have bloody nose turn that kitchen  upside down uh please don't continue walking   look what you did walk to Leon you killed  a four-year-old kid did you really have to   do that yeah he's seesar and he's going  to open the door and say where have you been this music is very similar to  uh The Fifth Element when really when   lelu is asking for help very similar music vibe dude let her in oh my God oh my God the tension  the suspense he's going to obviously   let her in but like but still you  feel it in the moment even if you know Jesus there three kids here I think Stan  killed this girl well Willie that [ __ ] shot   the little boy the third one's missing find her  so they didn't tell us and I'm glad I didn't   want to see that yeah me neither but also that  could come back later on WE cuz we didn't see it oh you are going to the wrong door dude this  is going to be an interesting Clash now between   the two of these uh group or I mean between him  and this uh group the mly crews you called them don't you recognize me me Grimlock know you good job girl let's hope  he doesn't see a picture of   the little girl when he goes back  in there yo I found it Bingo stand Fe cops outside we better go it's the  cops outside oh my God he's so unfaced   by getting shot cops coming and they did  a really good job depicting though that   they're on drugs so they're acting crazy and weird yeah oh oh what a shot what a  shot tell them we were doing our job what's your name Matilda send me on my way I'm  my way sorry about your father somebody didn't do   it one day or another I would have probably done  it myself your mother she she's not my mother my   sister she wanted to lose some weight anyway but  she never looked better not even my real sister   okay just a half sister not a good half at that I  wasn't far off yeah if you couldn't stand them why   you crying because they killed my brother what the  hell did he do 4 years old he never used to cry I   was more of a mother to him than that goddamn pig  ever was hey don't talk like that about pigs is   really much nicer than people they smell like  [ __ ] not true as a matter of fact right now   I have one in my kitchen that's very clean  you don't have a pig in your kitchen yes I   do it was just in there and I didn't see any  goddamn pig is he going to pretend to be a pig   right now piggy piggy where are you oh there  you are Menda hi Menda hi piggy he sees that   she's a kid this is probably the first time  somebody's treated like a kid in a long time   yeah ha how are you today I've seen better days  crazy that it's like again a professional hit   man you have anyone to go to any family  any play sales I'm going to get some more milkly [ __ ] I can't believe her chops at this  age and she's standing toe to- Toe with these   other like heavyweight actors what exactly do you  do for a living cleaner he's not lying you mean   you're a Hitman she's very intuitive yeah cool  I already love this relationship so much I just   like want the little boy to be alive still I know  I I'm with you I'm with you there you clean anyone   no women no kids that's the rules how much would  it cost to hire someone to get those dirt bags you   killed my brother 5 grand ahead wow how about  this I work for you and in exchange you teach   me how to clean what a natural setup what do you  think I'll clean your place I'll do the shopping   I'll even wash your clothes is it a deal no it's  not a deal where are you going to send her school   what do you want me to do I've got no place to  go you've had a rough day today sleep on it go   to sleep and we'll see tomorrow sounds good to me  Leon I just love that even though he's a hardened   like professional cleaner like he's still got a  soft spot and he's still a human at heart you've   been really great with me and the not always like  that you know it you feel safe with him it's like like you said it's the first time she's been  treated like as an actual kid and not being abused too and I'm curious to get into his backstory too  like either was he abused or did he suffer loss   or like cuz you know like in that shower scene  like he clearly has some kind of something that   he's dealing with well I think it's more like  he doesn't want to go to bed he puts on the   sunglass is like there's something about read  it um you don't know how to read I'm learning   B I had a lot of work lately so she can teach  you I've decided what to do with my life I want   to be a cleaner I want to be a cleaner here  take it it's a goodbye gift go clean but not   with me I work alone and understand alone funny  Clyde didn't work alone I even saved your life   yesterday right so now you're responsible for  it if you saved my life you must have saved   it for a good reason you throw me out now it's  like you never opened your door you let me die   right there in front of it but you did open it  so he's such a well-written young character you   don't help me I'll die tonight I can feel it yeah  they're looking for her Matia you're just a little   girl so don't take it badly but I don't think you  could do it she straightens up her posture like um aren think I going to know where those  shots came from how's that just the fact   that you can fire Ian what's the how's that  what' you do what' you hit what was that yeah   I hope she didn't hit I mean obviously we  just heard glass shatter but it's going to   just make a joke I hope she didn't hit anyone  but I know we did we didn't hear it MAA don't   you ever do that again or break your head okay  it don't work like that it's not professional   there's rules okay good listen and stop  saying okay all the time okay okay I love   this relationship so much expect to use that in  this hotel I have an audition at Jewel yard next   month I have to practice but not after 10 smart  I know he sees her eye I'll put you at the end   of the hall so that you don't disturb any you  fill those out please oh did oh um good call   girl yeah cuz he's still learning English can  I please fill them out you know how I like to   check into hotels I can't read I'll bring these  back in a minute you're lucky to have a little   girl that's interested in things I have a kid 17  does nothing all day long he's not even speaking hi putting in the name of a girl in my class  class he makes me sick see she is a little kid the score is excellent yeah like I said Fifth  Element one of my favorite scores so and golden   eye too it's a great one I want you to teach me  how to be like you and to be strong like you smart   like you Ma I know I'm not strong enough yet but  I could learn the basics the theory I want her to   teach him things too they'll Elevate each other I  need time to get my head together yeah and I need   a drink don't move I'll go get one it's so crazy  because in theory a man who takes a young child   under the wing to become a cleaner I would hate  but I love him yeah it's like that's the wrong   thing to do but here feels like the right thing  to do right in this circumstance correct yeah   for sure you know when you told me to get this  baby out for you I thought my hearing's going   I says to myself Leon's a pro nobody uses that se  Guinness I like to stay in shape he's getting it   for the girl it's like me I got to know where  everything is all the time that's why I never   leave this place except to go from me to there  except to go from here to there you know check it   make sure it's the right thing I trust you one  thing's got nothing to do with the other good line Jesus that's for beginners it's very Advanced  but again I've never fired a weapons so what do I   know the rifle is the first weapon you learn how  to use because it lets you keep your distance   from the client makes sense closer you get to  being a pro closer you can get to the client   the knife for example is the last thing you learn  and to hand combat yeah you're right it was such   an interesting concept for this movie like to  get us behind the idea of a professional not   only becoming a surrogate father but teaching  a young girl how to kill and for us to actually   be on board and be like this is okay like this  is a viable career path for her and it's like   what right but they did that yeah we should be  like uh put her in Foster hair and get her back   to school but instead I'm like this is good he  protects her never take it off until the last   minute it reflects light you can see you coming  from a mile away always Dr down never brighter   than the floor never brighter than the floor  cuz you'll stand out at least it just that's   interesting she's got the green and colors on her  so we're going to see her go more muted soon who   should I hit whoever who should I hit whoever  what somebody I'll be with you in a second all   right give me a few minutes thank you thanks  a lot you guys the suit SK oh I know him you   shoot whoever no one no kids right um okay I'm  feeling weird now about this just shoot whoever   they've got to be like rubber or dummy bullet  I mean it can't be real I'm hoping you're right   Cher in the yellow and orange keep calling  or paint or something I mean there's no way   she's because we will turn on her if she's  about to kill civilians yeah for no reason   watch his movement pretend you're running with  him try to feel his Next Movement take a deep   breath hold it it's a cool device they're using  for us to see no you're right you called that yeah one shot not bad huh I'm fine I just  can't bre get can we try with real bullets   now not I knew you were probably right but  still I mean that would have been crazy they   would have lost us yeah yeah yeah but I still  like that even there's always tension yeah   there's always tension suspense see  okay now her in the just like White Tank are they back at the apartment  or are they still in the hotel I   think they're back right no thanks no  discussion does a body good I remember   when they used to teach us that in  the 90s I haven't drank milk in so long wow his sitting up we got to  find out more about his backstory definitely oh wow adopting what her half sister  was watching no more Megatron Transformers seemed   a I love that she's teaching him that's  sweet teaching each other man all we do   is work we need a break let's play again  game shall we play a game makes you think   and it helps your memory it's exactly what you  need Go Fish or like memory with cards what is this like a virgin is that  Madonna yeah this is bizarre   like a bir other place okay who is it I don't know Happy Birthday Mr President Birthday  Mr President I don't know I hope she's   telling him the answers you should love  this she doing trivia with him come on   you know this one mustache Charlie Chaplain  no I'm this one he should know yeah he went   to the movies yeah that's why I said  that Jean KY good so funny oh my God   oh my God oh my God his turn I'm flipping oh  my God okay petam uh Clint Eastwood is your Brer maybe J John uh what's John Wayne see  that's was trying to say I said John I did   say John I just didn't say Wayne that was such  a fun game I am obsessed should play that here   do my Impressions and dress up you love your  plan don't you it's my best friend you have   a new best friend now you have a surrogate  daughter what was happy no questions yeah   is this going to be like John Wick where the  plant gets hurt like the dog and he just goes   off if you really love it you should plant  it in the middle of a park so it can have   Roots what a theory I'm the one who should  be watering if you want me to grow you're right yes yes this is so adorable so this is the hotel still  I think I think you're right I think you're right   all the money I make that you keep from me you  need some money no just curious course I've been   working a long time and I haven't done anything  with my money thought maybe someday I could get   all my earnings use it you met a woman oh on the  right track Leon you got to be careful with women   remember when you arrived in this country Leon  when I took you in you were still wet behind the   and already you were in deep ship because of a  woman all right that's relevant to something he   was in deep ship because of a woman what does that  mean it's your money I mean I'm just holding it   for you you're know like a bank except the worse  you don't have it because you know Banks always   get knocked off you know no one knocks off all  Tony well you only earned 0.007% interest your   money's here whenever you want it you just ask me  okay here's a grand it's okay I don't no come on   why is he saying he doesn't need it now thank you  all right now let's talk business I'll go get the file selling her cigarettes no all right time  to get into ciruit father mode no cigarettes   with me go AP [ __ ] on this kid I feel like  you can't just speak to any other this street   Leon get a grip what's a big deal I was just  smoking a butt while I was waiting uhoh what   happened to okay I want you to stop cursing  can't talk to people like that all the time   I want you to make an effort to talk nice  okay uhoh I want you to stop smoking stay   away from him looks like a widdow not wrong  she's probably so stoked to have a father   figure I'll be out in 5 minutes stand where I  can see you I love how protective he is of her okay thought he was maybe going to say something  to her to him I mean Leon I think I'm kind of   falling in love with you it's the first time for  me you know how do you know it's love if you've   never been in love before no honey that's just  somebody being cuz I feel it where you're in my   stomach it's all warm I always had a KN there and  now it's gone you're that's called somebody loving   you not being in love bab I'm glad you don't have  a stomach cake any that's such a kid response to   somebody loving her for the first time ever and  her not knowing what that means oh no look up yeah   you're right they're definitely still at the hotel  cuz it's Room 410 at the hotel with 60 at the   place that were at before was he seeing or hearing  out with her stressed about that wow sweetheart   been there this isn't going to be that kind  of movie though no way he's been he hasn't   had a creepy bone the entire time so no way  they're not going to start now I think kids   are allowed to have crushes on adults that's  what you do as a kid adults are not allowed   to I don't think this film would be as  beloved as it is yeah exactly did that exactly that was an awesome shot just seeing  him in the crowd of people like that walking   into the City and then zooming back out what  exactly does your father do he's composer   except he's not really my father oh God he's  my no no no no what he's going to break into   the room now and see what's going on oh  my God why did you say that why did she   do that oh boy she wants to be an adult now  Andrew have plans what is she going to get these shorts are just like her  go-to shorts but when we went to   meet the other guy he was like it's  been a long time I am curious like   how long has this been a crime scene  for right yeah it's a good point you make uhoh is there more stuff in  the floor oh oh no brother like   you said earli I'm glad they didn't show  us yeah that would have been unnecessary I guess there's stuff on the floor that was from her mom maybe oh did you follow the procedure what the  do you want with me cooperation I haven't got   time for this Micky Mouse [ __ ] you  want cooperation I'm up my office well   now she knows his office it's not a good  thing for a junior cleaner to know okay   should be at school hey hey come on that's my B  where you going okay so that ansers that that he   is a cop I thought that that when they wasn't  worried when the cops were coming good point   and they was like what do you want me to tell  them and he was like tell him what happened   cuz he left somebody there follow the blue car  I suppose you want me to blast the music and go   through the lights eh no Drive slowly take the  hundred bucks and shut the up okay it's say he's   one of those villains who's just not phased by  anything and also the fact that he's on Cen Cena   I don't get it how do you justify like getting  away with that with doing that to children like that's de oh they did say DEA I just thought they  were just saying that the old lady neighbor you   just gave me a great idea oh no bloody job oh my  God it's the old school Cherry Coke from the '90s   I love that look in entertainment news I'm beond  she doesn't want to look like a little kid so she   switched to the news right it's for you present  what's going to happen with her telling the guy   that it's a lover this is a little foreshadowing  for Gary Oldman we just saw a lot of Batman stuff   on the table how do you like it ni see oh no this  is what's going to happen can I have a word with you they just get kicked out yeah we got to hear  her apologize if I'm him I'm so annoyed with her   right now uh yeah that's understandable they have  to go back to the apartment or they go somewhere   else yeah I think they went back the shower so  did he take a job yeah oh no oh he get shot what   makes you say that cuz he was holding right there  and then you see blood on his hand I supposed to   stabbed or anything did you see okay maybe you're  right I don't know oh no that looks like a bullet wound do you think maybe stitching himself up  you think maybe he's get look at him stitching   himself do you think maybe he got shot and  because we saw how kind of invincible he was   in that first scene because he's not as focused  because he's got like a sera daughter now maybe   possibly I think we'll find out more about what  happened here hey Leon all done already no no   nice then people now I told you that that's where  he learned it from I was uh thinking if something   happens to me someday maybe for her money that's  what I'm saying that's what he's thinking he get   the money you remember the the girl who came  here the other day her name is m children if   anything happens to me uh I don't like that line  I'd like you to give her my money especially cuz   we basically just heard that we couldn't trust  him when we were talking in the last scene You   Can Count On Me Liam thank you Donnie I'm really  worried about Leon possibly not surviving Aly   Portman should have been nominated for an Oscar  for this I'm not kid she's really fantastic in   this and the fact that she's doing at such  a young age too it's a very difficult role what do you think when Gary Oldman gets it is it  going to be her or Leon gets what the his ending   oh oh like gets it you me like a light bul moment  like what he understands yeah my bad I think that   that might be what ends up killing Leon is that  she goes after him and then Leon ends up dead   because of it or something like job what do you  think I think you're on the right path that's   that sounds plausible sad and satisfying at the  same time uh something tells me that's not food   where you going special delivery room  4602 yeah but they're they see a little   girl they're like we don't really need  to check you're good know it's the 90s   cuz you're seeing payones all over the  place it's so crazy though because this   movie really does give late 80s Vibes to  me but I know it's 94 her fit gives 90 times you think is the uh having a little uh  midday fun we heard a weird noise just now oh [ __ ] how did he know cuz he's really good  at what he does unfortunately special delivery   huh let me guess oh don't do that Roxy's going to  freak out what do you mean what do you mean with   the pill oh he's going to make the crunching  noise yeah yeah Italian food I hate that it's   like the neck crack crunch you knew it you knew  I didn't like that what's your name Angel Matilda what's going to happen I don't know but my heart  is racing right now I'm really worried I mean   we already saw one kid dead he could kill her  and this could be a Revenge film I guess this   is something personal is it what filthy piece of  [ __ ] did I do now oh my God he's so crazy killed   my brother I'm sorry what a nut job and you want  to join him I take no pleasure in taking a life if   it's from a person who doesn't care about it oh my  God sming man he's dead oh did Leon Leon take him   out they told me this guy came from the outside  that's why we saw him he's been going after his   people go Leon boom shoots dead in 2 seconds I'm a  cop no women no kids guy looks a little like Jared Leto God don't do it oh my God the  contemplating is killing me holy [ __ ]   blood can you hear me yeah man I hear you Stan  just chill out man oh my God he's going to kill   him did you take her up to my office oh no  all right yeah God he's so unhinged this guy I think she did not think she was going to  make it out of that one I wouldn't have I know   where to find the guys who killed my brother if  something goes wrong I left 2 20 grand on the   table it's for a contract 5 grand ahead right  I love you Matilda all right cuz now he can   read cuz she taught him wait for me I won't  beong I can't park in front like this what   do you think about her having all that money  in the floors you think she knew her dad kept   it there do you think that it was from her mom  like maybe she knew that's where her dad kept   the money cuz they thrashed that place and  nobody found the money what' you plan to do   with all these guns huh maybe she was planning  on taking out the whole building this is wild where's Gary Oldman oh my God is he going to  get shot from behind right now that would call I   won't be long I've been hanging around here for at  least 10 minutes foll I did my best I'm worried he   followed he's following them but now he went into  the da and he shot two cops so or the two people upstairs oh no a little 12-year-old girl comes  into my office armed to the teeth and you know   who came and got her in the middle of the  afternoon the very same Italian Hitman he was   asleep in a bed yeah first time we've seen that  oh listen y bring these up and we go get some milk uh that spooked the [ __ ] out of me that got me  is he alone does he expect you do you have keys   to the apartment say no say no is there a code a  way knocking so he knows it's you oh she's going   to give him the wrong one yeah I would assume yeah  cuz they're how are they know yeah was knocked two times now he's expecting them good girl  that is a lot of SWAT or DEA I don't know   whatever they are final position we're ready  to go be careful well we saw how formidable   he was at the very beginning now that he's  expecting them they're on him his home turf   oh my God all this action in one little  apartment I'm so anxious to see what we   get here maybe he got out and went around  we haven't seen anybody go out of window yet just don't ruin that plant he's above go Alpha Team man down man I told you Benny  bring me everyone everyone you mean new but I   feel like I've seen that in Clips before everyone  either a clip or a a me yeah a gift yeah there you   go like now I know where it's from now we have  context who's going to be at the party everyone oh my god there a lot of freaking cops yes oh no Leon oh might be the last thing you ever look at don't  move you see anything he's here he's got a gun   in my head let the girl go okay the girl's got  coming out where is she going to go she going to   go into the apartment he's concentrating we're  coming with us but knife is the last thing you learn you shot him actually no you guys did that yeah nice I want to see the grandma again kind of escape this is what the  axe is for whatever I don't know   what happened I didn't see him  coming I swear yeah obviously babe those mother Mary Le stay down the plant it's his best friend how did he throw that oh we see  works out all the time so he's strong guy what's in there maybe an escape I I don't know yeah what's behind that fan the plant that is a very powerful looking gun not for beginners can he fit in there yeah he must be  able oh no is that big enough for you we said   not discussion not going I won't go oh I don't  want to lose you you're not going to lose me   you're giving me a tasteful life I want to be  happy sleep in the bed please go now baby go   oh he loves her she has to I love you Ma I love  you too the almost would have loved if she say I   love you too Dad yeah but she's in love with him  no I know but I I'd hope that that's kind of now   turned into a fatherly love as opposed to in  love I don't think yet but for him obviously get up and go Rambo on their asses I just said  take the guy out not the building but they can't   cuz he's a stud let's go Leon show him who boss  it's crazy that at this moment you and I even   think he has a chance oh is is he did he put the  gear on or something oh that's that's Leon right   medic on the heart yeah but they think it's not  yeah they they don't think they don't know it's   Leon smart smart that's intelligence good job Leon  cuz he knew he wasn't going to out out he wasn't   going to beat them in a fight that many guys we  got two men coming down the stairs oh my God that   was brilliant that was brilliant except he's going  to get caught by who Gary Oldman I don't know at   some think he's wearing a mask they're not going  to recognize him yeah but he's about to get caught   when he speaks or when he takes it off take your  mask that's deep you're from the third precinct   oh no oh no oh no God this movie is so damn  suspenseful I mean unbelievable SE them all right   fine yeah but does he he sees him does he know  what he looks like yeah because he brought photos   over to the Italian guy the Italian guy probably  had showed him I I'm guessing cuz based on his   face he knows what he looks like oh no oh no oh  no she's about to run into somebody okay come   on everybody out come on let's go let's go let's  go come on out he's going to do it himself he's   going to be gone right I don't know this movie  is constantly having me gassing do he have fun on   him this music makes us think he's getting out and  he's not oh it's the music is a giveaway right now   come on what are you doing here get out get out  come on oh no you think he's out but he's not oh no he goes back in to go find the girl or is  he bleeding right now too too much oh no no   he thinks he's good he's not I just saw him God  damn it [ __ ] [ __ ] uh oh I see him behind him now is there any way he ducks we hit the floor what a POV shot what happens to  Gary old man you can't just live and get away with it oh God Stanfield At Your Service oh she  he he's about to kill him he's about to   blow him up this is from Matilda Matilda  oh a grenade that's what I thought whoa oh that was so great that might have been  like the greatest line ever like when you   realize you're you're a dead man [ __ ] this is  from Matilda [ __ ] oh yeah it was a great line   too oh my God Leon asked me to help you out if  something happened oh look at his face but they   kept him alive I'm shocked take this money and  get the hell out of here and don't let me see   your face till next month $100 for a month but  where's she supposed to go too like 12 years old   she said she had no family she said her mom's  dead I'm starting to wonder maybe she's still   alive she just said that whose house is she  showing up oh the school cuz she said if she   doesn't show up at a certain point but it's been  a while right the passage of time since that the   the amount of time is confusing to me I want you  to know that I'm not the kind of woman who let   down a child whatever her mistake so I'm going  to help you and do my best to welcome you here   again and I'm sorry your parents died in a car  accident you have to stop lying to me Matilda   I want you to take a chance okay uhoh now tell me  what happened to you tell you the whole story my   family got shot down by da officers because of a  drug problem I left with the greatest guy in her   he was a hitman she's not going to believe him  but he died this morning and if you don't help   me I'll be dead by tonight did you believe that  that's the truth did she throw her out I don't   think so cuz she's only got you know her no no  I remember she said yeah of course get of it Roots I guess she believed that story that woman very 90s song I love it yeah you see the  twin to I don't see the Twin Towers must be in   a different part of New York wow damn keep it  rolling so we just watched Leon the Professional   Leon the Professional Review I get why this movie is so loved and we're GNA  really talk all about it because holy crap that   was a movie uh but a couple things from you guys  at home first if you are an apple Spotify don't   forget five stars if you haven't already gone  over to reject Nation shop.com we've got unreal   merch oh I have my sweater here CA shx let's go  baby and some really cool t-shirts out for the X   Jacks and they got some really cool upcoming stuff  yeah we do I don't know when you guys are going to   see this but check it out because we've got an  unbelievable um new drop that is coming sounded   like I said nude it's not nude it's clothing and  also don't forget about social media please go   over at real Rejects at the real Rejects at all  different social media platforms um okay damn I   feel like you and I both feel like we just got  hit by a car yeah for sure usually after a movie   we're like all right let's both both like okay  let's talk about it it was a great film you feel   well first of all I want to I loved all the  performances Gary Oldman played this unhinged   crazy um DEA officer and I I didn't even realize  it was Da I like how a lot of the reveals didn't   come out right away and they didn't like hit you  over the head with a lot of stuff yeah um so that   was great his performance was fantastic he's just  got yeah for sure he's just trivia man can you   tell me what he did did before this before this  I know he did the Dracula movie that was directed   by Francis Ford Copa I did I don't know too many  of this this wasn't him breaking onto the scene   this was he was already on the scene I mean it  it definitely pushed the the boundary forward   for him as an actor but yeah I know more of his  work after this with Fifth Element Air Force One   obviously he then did the Nolan Trilogy I'm sure  he did other films in between those as well but   yeah this is quite a performance from him uh jeene  Reno as Leon he was fantastic but uh and again   not downplaying their amazing performances but  Natalie Port as a as a 12 or 13y old to to be   up with these heavyweight actors and to stand  toe to- toe and give that performance at that   young age I Everybody Must Have Known everybody  must have seen her she's going to be a mega star   and she is a mega star I mean I think she is one  of the most talented people alive because she   doesn't move her face much like she just says what  she feels and feels what she says on her skin uh   it's unbelievable to watch her be able to do that  at that point because as somebody you know I've   been acting since I was I was in my first play  when I was four years old and it was really hard   to learn the craft for her it feels so effortless  natural just like just comes straight through her   um wow she's such an unbelievable the performan  has make this movie but it's also the the script   the actual script was really interesting I know  that coming into this Greg said to us you know   there's a part that's a little um controversial  now and obviously he's talking about her fing in   love with him of course but I didn't find that  controversial at I mean if it's controversial   to somebody then I I hear you but to me it didn't  feel distasteful because as a little kid I'm sure   you were the same way I had crushes on adults all  the time it's the adult's job to be the adult in   the room and Leon was absolutely never did I feel  like he was creepy at all yeah and if he it would   have been if again great point if he would have  been creepy then I would have felt like oh my God   this is beyond ridiculous and and controversial  now and now I feel like gross right um so I'm   glad we never went that rout and again like you  when I was at that age I I had crushes on adults   too so it's totally normal natural posters on  your wall like and also too like besides her   little brother this is the first time someone  was actually treating her with respect and like   a human being little brother's four yeah no no no  I'm saying yeah an actual like someone who's older   than four years old so I mean I I understand like  why she felt that way and I think that was the I   mean I I love the the intro by the way too A lot  of the camera shots the way we got introduced um   to this character of Leon um just seeing like  he's a ruthless badass as a professional Hitman   and then you see like he's actually got this soft  spot as a human being like just from the first   scene where they where we introduce him to Natalie  Portman's character for us the audience obviously   they have some history because they're neighbors  um but just like he's very worried about her like   he sees the mark on her face he sees her smoking  a cigarette saying you shouldn't do that right um   so he's already in kind of a protective mode and  we see like okay he's a human uh he's he's a human   at heart he's got a soft spot um and he already  he cares about this individual um and just seeing   that that relationship grow throughout the film uh  through the events that happen I think that's the   strongest thing in the film obviously naturally so  easy to say is their relationship and watching it   grow and Blossom like a like a plant um it's just  it's it's beautiful to watch and their chemistry   their interactions it's just they're so good  together was just perfectly cast between the   two of them in my opinion um Natalie Portman and G  Rau but they both must have had to audition their   pants off for this oh yeah but again just in my  opinion perfectly cast between the two of them   they work so well together yeah I I agree with  everything you're saying I also just feel like   this is why I love real rejects I have never heard  of this movie it came out in 1994 if it wasn't for   Greg saying this is what you're watching today  with Andrew I never would have seen this movie   for the rest of my life and maybe at some point  you would have gotten around to it maybe or maybe   not because there's so many new movies that come  and something like this is it feels timeless it   feels engaging it feels exhilarating yeah uh to  watch Natalie at the beginning of her career to   watch this story which clearly very much inspired  something like a John Wick which goes more action   heavy but this is like a more Indie version of  that I just thought that it was so incredible   um and that and that is why we do what we do  here absolutely like you know I love covering   I cover a lot of um new movies here too you know  something comes out like Challengers which I loved   that movie but that's like a a text from Greg  that's like don't watch this watch it here and   I was going to see it anyway because it's current  this I ne I would have gone my whole life and now   I'm so grateful I saw it because it's inspiring  and and the ending I feel like this wasn't a   Hollywood ending it was raw and it felt realistic  uh man I really love this movie I loved it too and   like you yeah that's why I'm so grateful to be on  this channel besides getting to share my reactions   with all you lovely folks and working with the  best team ever um yes uh not only that yeah juj   uh not only that it's we get to see so many films  apartment fellow je sorry true yeah it's just we   get to see these movies like again I've seen the  poster for this movie a million times but you have   what does it look like it's just I think it's  just the shot of uh Liam with the the glasses I   believe if I'm not mistaken um Natalie's not in it  I don't think so I could be wrong um but I believe   it's just the poster of leam with the the glasses  um which again always looked like a badass poster   but now i' I've got a lot more uh context to that  poster which is great um and I'm glad I never saw   because now I get to share my feelings on camera  about this film and again it's one of the Grateful   things I am for this channel is I get to see so  many movies that just for some reason passed me   by or I never I'm just a a creature of habit  a lot of M I do watch a lot of new movies or   movies that when they came out were new but I like  watching a lot of stuff in repeat as well because   it's what I'm comfortable with but also I'm glad  that I get to check new things out on the channel   or that are new for me even if they're older but  yeah and U last thing I want to say before I get   to the trivia and before you say anything else  I do on top of uh the relationship I just love   um how he gains like an appreciation for Life uh  through her and how they elevate each other and   again it's it's one of the more hard things yeah  he says that he's like made me want to live yeah   exactly and that scene at the end were we knew as  an as an audience at least I think you and I could   tell like this is the last time they're ever going  to uh be with each other was like it was heartfelt   and was sad yeah but it was still cool because  it's suspenseful because he's such a badass   you're like he could do this yeah once Gary Oldman  saw him like [ __ ] and also too once the music   started playing you were like that's a give that  was kind of a give like it's like happy ending   music and you're like no I we're not getting  tricked right now uh as a surprise to No One   this was nominated for five different uh 16  nominations five Awards uh wins but for all   different kind of things for awards circuit  Community Awards 2020 Awards I wish that this   was nominated for an Oscar uh I think Natalie I  mean you could make an argument for all three of   the main actors but Natalie porman especially  I agree with that wholeheartedly uh and yeah   for for both the male leads and for her too yeah  they were incredible so you've said that his name   is pronounced jeene I think it's jeene Renault  I I don't know okay according to jeene Renault   he decided to play Leon as if he were a little  mentally slow and emotionally repressed he felt   that would make audiences relax and realized that  he wasn't someone who would take advantage of a   vulnerable young girl Renault claims that for  Leon the possibility of physical relationship   with Matilda is not even conceivable and as such  during the scenes when such a relationship is   discussed Renault very much allowed Portman to be  emotionally in control of the scenes I thought he   did that brilliantly that's how it felt to me as  well yeah and that's why it didn't just like what   you said that's why it didn't feel distasteful in  any way like not controversial to us at least you   probably knew this but this was Natalie Portman's  Motion Picture debut ah she was born in 1981 she   was 11 years old when she was cast wow and two  years after this she did Mars Attacks damn did   you ever see that one wow Natalie P I don't think  so I'd have to look it up you know I don't know if   I've seen the other day Greg talked to me about  a movie that hasn't dropped yet so I don't want   to tell people but that we watched months ago and  he was like uh mentioning I was like oh I never   saw that and he's like yeah we saw it together we  watch it together I all the time um once I look   at it I'm like oh I know a little more Natalie  Portman beat out 2,000 other actresses for the   role of Matilda uh with her performance in this  I can believe it but that's a lot of people to be   curious who else AR you any any other celebrities  that yeah I'd be curious all the Interiors of   Leon's apartment were shot in Paris France all the  shots of the outside Corridor were shot six weeks   earlier in New York New York makes sense that's  it kind of like why they shootting the interior   and Paris right why not just shoot it in New York  if you if you're already there right may they got   tax breaks back then yeah they need exterior shots  for New York I get that but Lo luk B Lo B however   you say it I know he's French so maybe just wanted  to shoot back I no idea okay so this gives us a   littleit a little bit of knowledge about the title  the original cut of the film had more scenes with   awkward sexual tension between Matilda and Leon  these scenes were later cut out for the American   release dubbed the professional they were included  in the 1996 European release as well as the in   the deleted scenes of the special edition DVD  they were reintegrated back into the film for the   international cut which is now available on DVD so  I think we watched the one that's the original not   the one with the cutout scenes but I don't know I  don't know actually oh okay I have an actress that   was considered for the part of Matilda okay but  she was 15 so she was deemed too old too old um   I can just tell you because I don't think you're  going to guess it but I could give you one hint if   you want to guess not Karen nightly is it here's  the one hint she is the daughter of a very famous   rock star oh I'm gonna go with Liv Tyler yeah  I don't know why I would know that but I just   knew look how many stepen Tyler AOS Smith yeah I  I thought that that would I could see her doing   that but yeah she would probably be too a little  she's unbelievably talented great unbelievably   talented great actress and then four years after  this movie she did armagedon so according to Luke   Bissell first scripture draft Leon's first name is  Leon Montana I like Leon better okay um according   to Luke B the role of Leon was always intended for  Jean Renault and no one else however according to   the fact track on the deluxe edition DVD both two  actors were extremely interested in the role do   you want to guess either of them one of them's our  least favorite actor alive oh okay so I know who   that is M GI who's the other one and the other is  is a person that we've referenced a thousand times   today um who have we referenced a thousand times  because of a movie that we think borrowed from   this oh uh Keana Reeves mm interesting interesting  that is interesting that would have been a young   Kiana Reeves playing yeah uh uh Leon interesting  H have you seen this guy uh Jean Reno the only   other thing I've seen him in to my recollection  right now that's coming off the top of my head   is Godzilla 1998 with Matthew brri okay well he  has 15 credits that's a lot which is a lot um it   says that he wow I don't recognize a lot of these  titles I would imagine a lot of French films right   um possibly I don't know because it's translated  on IMDb so it's hard for me to tell just from   looking at it the one thing that I do recognize  is Pink Panther oh that's right he was in the pink   pan I saw that movie Pink Panther too I saw those  movies so long ago I don't even remember them he   was in a movie uh that I also saw or think I did  Coupes Retreat that's the Vince oh he was also   in Mission Impossible the first one with Tom Cruz  was he he was the first mission impossible totally   spaced down FR that was two years after this  movie damn that's crazy he was in Hotel Rwanda   uncredited though interesting uh so many roles I  feel like this guy is an absolute Bonafide star   and I'm super upset that I didn't know his name  before this now I do so that's what I got for   you yeah like I said great suspenseful powerful  character driven uh Thriller and when the action   scenes happen because you're so damn invested  in these characters you really give a damn and   it's great action too great cinematography good  direction good writing powerful uh theatrical   performance by Natalie porman great male uh you  know great performance by the other two leads   Gary Oldman and Jee Renault yeah we didn't spend  enough time talking about Gary Oldman he really   was Inc like the way that he I hate when we watch  on screen people use drugs and then they turn into   like [ __ ] jumbo the clown just like what um I  love how realistic he was in his usage where and   and like you can tell as he's talking about  I don't kill people whose lives don't matter   to them like this is a sickness that he has he  interesting character traits too and like the way   he would turn his head as he was biting don't do  it to me yeah but I'm just saying I I like those   ticks and those character traits yet that he you  could tell like I don't know if the script maybe   wrote that in or like I feel like that would be  a Gary man like I'm add these character ticks to   myself you know what I mean kind of like Heath  Heath lederen uh as the Joker where he would   do the like well I love when actors can insert  themselves and get really deep in the role like   and make it their own and just add those things  themselves so you would like slow horses man need   to watch is that Gary yeah anything with Gary  Oldman I'm I'll I'll check out he's such a damn   good actor it's just shows me every time I watch  another performance I'm like this guy's so damn   versatile that is it for us today um let us know  what you think we read all the comments we want   to know what your guys thoughts and feelings are  on this movie uh let us know if you want us to   do a team up again I'm sure we will can't keep us  apart and we will see you guys later later Rejects

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Category: Film & Animation

Introduction salut tout le monde vous savez jusqu'à maintenant j'ai parlé de films que j'aime bien au moins que j'apprécie dans mes deux dernières vidéos je vous ai présenté des films intéressants bien réalisés qui ont malheureusement sou faire du contexte dans lequel ils sont sortis et n'ont pas rencontré... Read more

SOUNDERS 1-3 NECAXA | Un RAYO⚡️ cae en SEATTLE  y clasifica al NECAXA thumbnail
SOUNDERS 1-3 NECAXA | Un RAYO⚡️ cae en SEATTLE y clasifica al NECAXA

Category: Sports

Les decía de izquierda derecha en su pantalla seol al revés aquí vamos entonces para amenizar para que se pase un grato momento ya lo saben y lo saben bien colombiano aguanta otra vez el trazo largo parece que estaba un poquito adelantado después del pase de vargas no hay fuera de lugar oportunidad... Read more

PACHUCA 1-1 QUERÉTARO J6 | DRAMÁTICO empate en el HIDALGO thumbnail

Category: Sports

Gusto saludarlos bienvenidos bienvenidos a esta transmisión juegan los tuzos del pachuca contra los gallos blancos de querétaro arranca el equipo de almada con su capitán carlos moreno en el arco con carlos sánchez sergio barreto andrés micolta y daniela cves en defensa dos volantes centrales elías... Read more


Category: Entertainment

Buenas noticias para los fan boys de julio humo el brighton de la mano de la joya de cristal que se eligió como el jugador más destacado del partido derrotó al crowly town por la segunda ronda de la carabao cup donde julio enciso dio de que hablar con una sensacional jugada y asistencia diego león la... Read more

ATLÉTICO DE SAN LUIS 2-1 ATLAS J6 | DOS GOLAZOS acaban con el INVICTO atlista thumbnail

Category: Sports

Con rosario es el cuerpo arbitral checando que todo esté en condiciones para arrancar el partido vámonos porque es vies fúbol se tira junto a dourado es un tercer volante pero le dan la pelota para que vaya al frente uh resbalón est es falta esta es tarjeta sin duda alguna del cata domínguez qu dice... Read more

TIJUANA 2-1 LEON en vivo || MÉXICO: Liga MX - Apertura - Jornada 6 thumbnail
TIJUANA 2-1 LEON en vivo || MÉXICO: Liga MX - Apertura - Jornada 6

Category: Sports

Contra santos y rubén om romano nos sigue debiendo una disculpa eh porque ese partido contra santos no nos creía que la jugada clarita clarita de penal cuando estamos viendo í cristian rivera el capitán del chaje junto al principito andrés guardado que sonaba mucho que lo quieren de auxiliar de auxiliar... Read more

Afghanistan vs New Zealand match: तीन दिन से Greater Noida stadium में नहीं हो पाया खेल |#shorts♥️🥰 thumbnail
Afghanistan vs New Zealand match: तीन दिन से Greater Noida stadium में नहीं हो पाया खेल |#shorts♥️🥰

Category: Sports

अफगानिस्तान और न्यूजीलैंड के बीच इकलौता टेस्ट मैच क्रेटर नोएडा के शहीद विजय पार्थिक स्पोर्ट्स स्टेडियम में खेला जा रहा है मुकाबला 9 सितंबर से शुरू होना था लेकिन बारिश के बाद स्टेडियम में फैली बदहाली के कारण शुरुआती तीन दिनों का खेल बिल्कुल नहीं हो सका है बारिश के कारण स्टेडियम की हालत बेहद खराब है Read more

Oscar Piastri post-RACE interview | F1 2024 Italy Grand Prix thumbnail
Oscar Piastri post-RACE interview | F1 2024 Italy Grand Prix

Category: Sports

Oscar that was a great race from you um definitely i think you did all you could but i'm sure you're still very very disappointed with that end result yeah it hurts i'm not going to lie it hurts a lot um did a lot of things right today you know there was a lot of question marks on the strategy going... Read more