On the Beat Live: UNC Football Summer Media Day, Basketball Finishes Roster

Published: Jun 22, 2022 Duration: 01:10:25 Category: Sports

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] grass welcome man to inside carolina.com on the beat live i'm your host tommy actually sponsored by johnny t-shirt johnnytshirt.com with on the beat live of course that means greg barnes and gregory hall joining us uh guys and i'll start with you greg straight out the gate we all the time talk about uh there is no off season within south carolina because quite frankly there isn't and you guys work long hours all the time um not too many days this long though what'd you do today greg and gregory when we get to you we did essentially a car wash uh for those familiar with the espn binocular uh with unc football typically what what happens is we go through spring practice and we have all the media availability there and then depending on which coach is is here you do it different ways you always kind of have a post-spring rap and i know with uh larry we we would get a lot of players in may and the idea being you know right after they finish up with exams we grab them before they they head off uh to home for a little bit of a break before coming back um really starting with with the covet situation uh jeremy sharp and unc mike brown have all done a pretty good job of getting us in touch with players and coaches during the summer so like when covet hit because everything was shut down we did like weekly zooms with players and coaches which was which was great um and now that we're finally finally kind of back to where we can see people in person i mean i don't think people realize that really it was the ncaa tournament an acc tournament where we finally got to be face to face with the basketball team and we did a little bit with spring football um but and kind of trying to decide how we wanted to handle the summer months um you know there was the the potential to have you know maybe weekly meetings uh with coaches and stuff but uh mac and jeremy decided hey you know what let's just do it all in one day it'll be a lot um but you know that way everybody everybody can mark off that one day can come to the kingdom football center and talk to everybody and that way you we've got acc kickoff down in charlotte july 20th and 21st and so with the dead period coming up coaches are going to be gone for vacations um so they decided that uh today starting at 10 30 we were going to talk to every single assistant uh larry porter was not in town so we didn't talk to larry uh but we talked to patrick suttus of course the the new general manager um we had lunch with the with the staff including mac um had some some down time with mac and then we we uh had his press conference and then we talked uh how many gregory maybe 10 players uh yeah close to it it was i mean both quarterbacks british josh downes were the offensive guys oh and brian anderson were the five offensive guys and then we spoke to tony grimes miles murphy noah taylor ray rava hasic cedric and awesome richards and cedric so that's 11 11 11 guys yeah and we got through them pretty quick 10 questions mac brown 11 players uh so yes to answer your question tommy to get around the long windiness of my answer uh it was what four hours i mean if you got there early we left at four so like it was five and a half hours spending time in keenan football center shooting talking football with unc there's worse things to do oh absolutely yeah it was it was a blast um but it was it was great so so thanks to unc for doing that we've never done that before uh and it was really a kind of a cool setup to and you know it's one of those things fans may not recognize this but if you have one meeting let's say with a you know dray block we use dre as an example on a wednesday we talk to him for 20 minutes well then you got to wait a week to talk to somebody else it may be tony grimes you have to wait a week and your son trying to say okay what exactly did i ask dre and what was i going to ask tony and then also needed to ask mac about it and so you have to kind of take notes remember all this stuff whereas like today everything's fresh so we were able to talk to gene chizick off the bat for 20 minutes um and he talked about pretty much everything and so you've already got that fresh in your mind and so it makes the conversations is so much easier it's much more free-flowing so yeah it was a very good thing and uh there's a lot of content to come out of that and uh they did it as i said because with with coaches going on break and dead period and all that we're not going to be able to talk to them until acc kickoff which is four weeks away but we've we've got a lot of content to cover uh in those four weeks yeah just a ton of stuff ton of stuff we'll talk about on this show and you know i listened to the coaches uh mack and chizik and longo's pressers um we'll certainly check out all the players and everything else and all the other coaches that you guys get up on inside cohen the folks watching right now or listening and chat or listening or or whatever need to check out all that content it's always fun to hear from guys and one thing when i talked to ben sherman earlier today nothing zoom no no more virtual it's in person and greg you've talked about this before that changes the game when you're interviewing and talking to people and you can't really express how much right yeah for sure um and that's one of the things i've tried to talk to my kids about is yeah we're gonna sound like the old man but when you when your communications are via text and snapchat and whatever else you may use zoom uh you lose a lot of that personal interaction and that's how you develop relationships so just being able to ask follow-up questions and to see how players and coaches respond to certain uh questions and the way they answer things and all those things are important um and so yeah being able to get back to that and once we get to the point where the guys were all on the podium today because we had so many in the media that were there i don't know there's like 20 of us there so it doesn't make sense to kind of do one-on-ones off to the side but as we get back to that then you're really kind of face to face and then you know players have a much easier time kind of understanding hey can i trust this guy is he just you're bs in me and we can actually understand hey the kid's nervous understood let's try to help him through that you can't do that over zoom and so you the face-to-face interaction is very important in what we do and i think it helps on both sides i agree and gregory to that point um somebody and people were blowing up the chat with legends i know we'll try to get to all of them but one thing is and i don't see it now because it's going so fast but somebody asked about the confidence level and how the players and coaches were this year compared to last year i noticed um at least watching mac uh mac mac said he foresaw what was gonna happen last year happened in the preseason i'm not sure i'd buy that but um being in person with everybody gregory how was that the confidence level how they carried themselves um you know this year versus last year even though last year's clearly was the zoom aspect of it but these guys seemed a little more less puffery i guess would be the way i saw it yeah and i think the perfect example of that is go watch josh downes's interview because if there is anyone that should exude extreme confidence and almost cockiness it's him right but just the way that i mean he's like look like we have a chip on our shoulder and i know it's very a cliche thing to say but just the the vibe and the energy that you get from these players and in the coaching staff is nobody cares more about the disappointment that they had last season than they do like because they they felt the confidence and to use your word the puffery last year right and then they came out and lost virginia tech and that just kind of derailed things and i know you can point to very close like the end of three games and the season could look completely different they could have been nine and four at the drop of a hat sure but like the end of the day six and seven was still the record but they have confidence in their own abilities and it's not a naive confidence like they see the way that the talent that they have they understand that but now it's that paired with okay we had that same talent last year and we had the greatest quarterback in unc history and we still went six and seven like there's another step that needs to be taken and since chiswick has came in since charlton warren's come in at least i've gotten the sense that these guys kind of have fully understood that and that's not to say that they're gonna go out and win 12 games right and i think now and matt keeps talking the goals to win every game because of course the goal is to win every game and then fluky things happen and you can be like our goal is to win nine games because then you're not gonna win nine games you're gonna win six games right so it's just kind of that vibe but to answer the confidence question i think these players understand that last year was just not good and they are going to do everything in their power to make sure that doesn't happen and feel that way again i i think what at least what we've heard and seen in the spring those steps have been taken and that's not to say it's fixed like i'm not sitting here saying you should bet unc over seven and a half wins all that stuff right like who knows like this team could do anything right um but just to answer your question about the confidence that's definitely something that we've seen it's not confidence in the sense of all right we just that stuff's gonna be handed to us it's confidence in the sense that they know what they need to do um to try to take that next step to avoid last year if that makes sense absolutely because they got slapped in the face early last year um and quite frankly i'm not sure they knew how to deal with it and so that that experience will certainly help greg one thing that i believe chiswick referenced and also 100 mike did max said we're going to play to the standard and if our standard's not good enough if we play to our standard and that's not good enough to win every game we got to recruit better um chizik was one of those guys that didn't recruit much if at all when he was here before um what stood out in any of those discussions with all these assistant coaches i mean jay bly is obviously in the middle of it and and mac brown's recruiting classes of the first two or three years are starting to come into age and all that stuff but what did you hear today in that regard about not only getting talent developing talent and how important that's going to be for this team to be quite frankly be any good this year well two things there number one um to kind of go back to your previous question to gregory i think it kind of reflected upon everything that we did today my main takeaway was probably mac brown and his quiet confidence um you know we all know mac mac knows how to he knows how to handle people he knows how to handle media he's great with boosters he's great with recruits that's kind of what he's known for um and even even though he puts on it's not really a front but he puts on you that that image and that's that's everything's hunky-dory and and happy and this is who he is um if you're around him enough he's like anybody else in terms of there are times when you kind of pick up on he's saying things because he needs to see him or he's saying things because he feels like he has to say him and then there are other times when he says stuff and he flat out means it and and just to listen to him both you know on and off the record um and some comments that he made he really feels like this team has a chance i mean he wouldn't come out and say oh yeah we're going to win 10 games or whatever nothing like that um but just there are various questions that kind of came his way um you just just about this team and everything that they went through in the off season and kind of the change around the program and all that kind of stuff um and you could just kind of sense this this confidence exude from him and like he was adamant as you mentioned earlier that he felt a lot he feels a lot better now than he did last year and just by looking at him and kind of hearing him say some of the things he said uh i believed him he sold me on it even though he wasn't saying anything kind of off the wall he just really thinks and this gets to the second part and it kind of gets to your question i think he really believes that the talent level is where it needs to be um you know are they there yet to be a national title team probably not but i think they're much further along than they have been in recent years and they're getting into the conversation of you know this is a team that should compete for an htc title uh almost annually and maybe that begins next year it's like okay we know this seems really good uh we'll go from there this year is kind of that you know they've got to prove it this year but the talent's there and i think he has a ton of faith and gene chiswick trot and warren um and that really kind of shown through that hey you know there things were not how he wanted them to be at the end of last year we everybody watched those press conferences everybody knew how frustrated he was of course that makes the decision to partner with jay bateman um and he you just tell he has complete confidence in what gene chizik is doing and then we know how successful phil longo and his his crew has been uh you know jack bicknell's very different from stacy cyril's you hear brian anderson and the guys talk about how he wants to be very physical at the point of attack he wants his guys on the defensive side of the ball which we really never heard prior um and so all these things you and coaches were saying different stuff and kind of all alluding to this but at the end of the day mac just having this you but what happened last year is not going to happen again i don't think there's any doubt about it because mac's on top of it and he has confidence that what they've done the last six months has paid dividends and he understands as well as anybody but they gotta prove it on the field first right i mean that's no doubt about that um but they've done everything that they need to do up to this point to be able to take a step forward now to me that was kind of the the undercurrent of all this today was that mac really believes they're on the right track a few things um i had one thing that was going to follow and i'll say that but greg to your point about the offensive line i'll start there one thing that stood out to me awesome richards first of all has matured so much and has got it's really become a solid interview i it was it was cool to listen to him today and see him collect himself but one thing that he said i mean he's played college football for three years like he's been an offensive lineman at this level for three years and what he said about bicknell was right away he learned how to be more aggressive more aggressive as an offensive lineman something that he had to learn and he's learning that in year four so i thought that was something that stood out to me and then tommy to your original question um about kind of talent and development and things like that tim cross was asked just generic question like who are some new names that might arise in your deep uh defensive line group stuff like that like some standouts and he look he looked at the media and was like they're not new names the new names are older names now guys like keyshawn silver who everyone knew i mean he was a five-star in-state recruit right guys like javari ritzy who played a lot last year um but like it's poised for that kind of level and obviously the defensive line is probably the deepest group on the team i know mack today was it mack who said that he was liked like every group like he didn't have an answer for that right greg um which you know i think we can sit here and pick the groups that are going to be better than others but he's the head coach so he's allowed to say that but just new names that are older names that kind of answers your question tommy about the talent level and what greg said there the talent talent's there i mean if the talent gets any if there's any more talent it's out it's like turning into those top tier programs that are there every year in my opinion as far as the uh recruiting rankings and things like that like you can't get any higher so if the wins don't come it's it's not from talon anymore which is kind of the quiet confidence that mack has he's not going to come out and say we have the talent to be great that happened last year and to answer someone's question about was last year's performance from being overrated under achieving a little bit of both i mean you can't be voted to go first in the coastal and make the ac championship game and then go six and seven like that's overrated but then there's also underachieving to where they should have won the coastal you know what i mean like based on everything that was happening at the beginning of the year so it's kind of a few things there as greg was talking to answer your question that stood out to me today yeah to that point gregory i mean i think the fact that carolina were they a top 10 team you know in the season no sure be it being over hyped uh but that because being over hype doesn't equate to six and seven right i mean i think several of us i know i did pick them to go nine and three which is probably where they think it was ten and two yeah so i don't know i don't remember i don't think i don't think you did pick i think you missed i think you missed that show i was out well i mean the bottom line is six and seven is not gonna cut it and we've talked about it leading up to this and so so y'all's take from today being there in person is that mac and this coaching staff have strong confidence that this team will be significantly better than last year do y'all agree with that statement yeah and i think there's two reasons for that one i think the way the schedule lines up they're very excited about the three games than a buy so i think that kind of plays a role as far as entering the season in my opinion um and then two i don't know if the coaching staff feels this way but this is something kind of my takeaway is everyone has talked about chiswick and warren last year being at the disappointment that it was i mean it sucks for guys like sam howell right like he didn't as someone who cares so much about winning he didn't want to go out like that it sucks for guys like jeremiah gimmel you know like guys that invested so much in that program and they just couldn't get it done but it did lead to the parting of ways with jay bateman and we never and we never want to see anyone lose their job but it is what it is it's a business um it led to stacy searles the parting ways with that and things like that changes that i think have given this the players more so a confidence on the defensive side of the ball that has that then the coaches see in the players and then that kind of leads to the coach's confidence it's kind of what i've observed and i could be completely off base but that's just kind of been my observations to kind of give an explanation to what you just said yeah and i think i think we need to lay out a disclaimer here tommy so let's make excuses from the get-go right before we even get into july i don't think there's any question this team is going to be better than last year's team what does that mean in terms of wins and losses that's where it gets tricky because last year's schedule was really not all that difficult and i think they showed up 55th and nationally strength of schedule this should be tougher while they have some easier games going to boone for the second game that's going to be tough that's that doesn't mean you they should anybody should expect carolina to lose that game but they can trip you screw around and lose that game but you're talking about notre dame at miami miami will be good pittsburgh pittsburgh is going to be good at wake wake returned to everybody they're going to be good and then nc state on black friday those are all going to be good football teams i don't expect carolina to lose every one of those games but they could and i think that's kind of the difference is you can't just look at win and loss and say hey you know this team didn't equal what they did last year or whatever i think this team will surpass their record from last season um but they they may not they may be better than what their record says let's put it like that you know the show's getting hot if we're getting trolled by the 900 numbers uh looking at the let me ask you this question greg is gene chiswick worth two wins his higher alone because i'm pretty sure they don't lose the state game last year if jeans is the is the defense coordinator but then is is that higher and is charlton warren those defensive hires are they worth um two wins because then that gets you to the to the eight right the carolina is an eight win program what do you think about those highers just in that regard probably i don't know if i would go quite so far as to say two wins because i mean if you go back to the state game carolina looked really good defensively for 59 minutes 59 minutes right um and just just did not look good after that you know the divas did not look good whatsoever against south carolina so certainly that's one and then you know maybe with how the ending of the pit game went um so maybe i uh i think more than anything it's the talent level has improved i say the big step forward and i think gene gene will have everybody on the same page and i that's one of the things is you know if you want to talk about schematics is gene at the top of the list with regard to his peers ah yeah we could have that conversation as max said today and as we all know who followed carolina long enough when gene was here the first time gene is a grown man who commands respect and i think just having guys who are maybe on the fringes or maybe questioning how things were playing out last year he'll have everybody on board um i think from that from that standpoint yeah i mean i expect the defense to take significant strides is it going to be top 25 i'm not ready to go there quite yet but it'll certainly be better than last year and that should help him win another game maybe too you listen to on the beat live sponsored by johnny t-shirt johnny t-shirt dot com inside carolina's one live consistently live show we gotta do more of that we gotta have more more live podcasts maybe we'll do that one day but johnny t-shirt uh hey if you're shopping johnny t-shirt and i know it's not football related but they got the brady manic throwback jersey out there in stock got that email today they want you to come in and get those jerseys if you like the nil stuff take care of them get you some brandy mannix some prairie bird manic throwback jersey johnny t-shirt and certainly they've got you covered for everything else football season will be here i didn't look at the thread earlier i'm not sure how many days until uh florida atlantic kicks off or florida a m kicks off but uh it's coming so get your johnny t-shirt gear take a short break for the national guys pay bills on the audio version on the beat live be right back all right boys this back with on the beat live this is fun this might be the last one in a couple weeks um last one for a little bit until we get into training camp but let's keep it going on the football side give me gregory you mentioned awesome richards aside from him what player commanded the most respect today in the in the press conferences because i think you can tell when you interview players especially in person and greg can correct me if i'm wrong but you can generally tell who what players command respect and what players um are leaders in that locker room what players did that for you today it's miles murphy every time we speak to him i mean it just it just is he like he was after the spring game because more so he was talking about how he's offended when he gets lined up one-on-one to like when he's just getting blocked one-on-one like and that's something that he's worked with tim cross about it's like should be offended and tim cross told us this thing about how a lineman put his hands an offensive lineman like i guess one on one on one battle and put his hands up and was aggressive on a defensive lineman and they when they do that they always call for a rematch and instead of it being the same defensive lineman on the same offensive line miles member was like uh-uh let me in there i went in there like that type of behavior out of miles and i know the thing that when he came on with heels for life he was great and super confident he was like he even put me in the the sac bet conversation last year like he was offended then too but just the the way he talks i mean he commands respect he's deserved it second team all icc last year um the way he hand the way he carries himself as well just exudes exudes that confidence so to answer your question my guy would be miles miles murphy who you got greg i'm a big brian anderson fan um he's a good answer he's been around for a long time um he had every opportunity to complain and and uh lean on his injuries last year with us this offseason and even last year never did it and i think that really speaks to the leadership and i think the first question asked of him today was about corey gainer um and it was a perfect answer brian was like look you know one of us is going to play more than the other one probably uh but where we understand that we're trying to make each other better and at the end of the day that's really what we want because if one of us is better that's going to help the team win and he's really kind of embraced the leadership role he was a leader last year but a lot of those guys there was there weren't many leaders on last year's team and that was part of the problem but you had some very good ones and jeremiah gilmour a great leader sam howell is a good leader devon fox um you know joshua zudu he doesn't have many of them and a lot of those guys are gone and so while you do have younger guys like cedric gray and and the like kind of popping up into those roles brian's you're one of the old heads uh and uh he's embraced that role um he's he's a straight shooter he'll tell you what he thinks and uh he's just he's somebody that we're going to lean on this year i have a feeling um and uh he's always impressed me and he's he's kind of grown up and become the man i expected and become so uh hopefully he's he's able to play healthy and play a lot this year for carolina in his story interesting though and that in his story and and how he is this year sort of will be a tale for this locker room because you got a guy that's been there for a long time and now you've got a transfer that's coming in for his position there's no other way to put it yeah they've got corey gainer for brian anderson's position for various reasons it isn't that a huge tale about what we'll see how that locker room works with how anderson reacts to that and has reacted to that yeah that's a good point tommy because if your leader can't handle uh competition that came in in the off season uh what does that say about the younger guys who are stepping in and seeing other foreshore and five-star guys in front of them um so i think i think that's a good example good opportunity for him to set an example but it's a good example of of the kind of locker room dynamic so that's a good point yeah you'll see you'll see how all in people are um with how they react when they lose play in time we saw it on the basketball side certain people lose play in time it kind of goes sideways until it didn't and and all gregory miles murphy uh awesome richards did we hear anything about j.q conley today i know there was a ton of content one of the first questions on the youtube chat well what's the deal with conley of course inside carolina premium football message board he's got the greatest source out there for conley but what'd you hear today about that about him or any other guys maybe that have struggled with some injuries so no conley talk today um but i little tease i've got a in-depth thing coming out on him by the end of the month that i've been working on um and this is already out there i believe but his trajectory trajected projected return date is that by week um so potentially that third game against georgia state to like kind of test the waters and then should be should be good for notre dame is kind of where his training and where his rehab process is at right now um that's kind of where last information i've received and can can share with that but no talk about conley today that's just stuff that's something that um i know he's talked about and i think dina the target illustrated um she works guitar illustrated she tweeted out a couple weeks ago and i can confirm that that's kind of the status of conley um now some of the other guys geo biggers is a guy that got surgery recently i got surgery during the spring and ray vahassek talked with us today he was a guy that missed some time um and i don't remember which coach exactly said it today as far as like getting healthy and it was good that some of those guys weren't in the spring and they kind of just talked again about how some of the older guys that were hurt kind of let some of the younger guys come in um like storm duck not being available for the full time got to see some guys at corner like tamir brown just some younger guys got some reps um but i think the overall consensus is the guys that were hurt or weren't available in the spring are slowly getting healthier and healthier is kind of how some of the coaches talked about that today yeah and tommy some of those guys that were injured in in the spring like jq um there's not going to be a lot of information about him as a player especially because gene and charlton did get to work with him in the spring um and so i understand there there being a lot of interest in conley and as well as entire safety crew um but as gregory said you know you got a few guys who were able to practice but the ones who didn't the new coaches haven't put their their eyes on them on the actual playing field and so we're not going to get a lot of detail on those guys until they get back hopefully in training camp hopefully curious is able to practice some he i expect him to be in limited and orange jersey all these kind of things but until the coaches chiswick and warren can really see those guys they're not going to have a lot of insight to provide even though i know that's that's not what the fans want to hear oh yeah you you got to know you got to know who's coming back who's hurt who's not hurt what gregory um i was this doesn't have anything to do with conley or injury but someone asked unc's all-time average wins um does 133 unc season sound accurate yeah so it's just six and a half it's 5.4 based on based on what i've gathered from multiple things if seven 728 all-time wins over 134 seasons thirty three two pull out the record book man gosh well someone asked so i've been trying to dig here i would wager is probably a 55 percent winning per second or something which it's yeah it's right around 55.5 but which is what i've been saying forever it wasn't always 12 games right like seasons were shorter oh yeah so 5.4 average wins all time that sounds about right so 1888 so you're right on the years there um how many total wins let's see what you resist i need to watch i'm looking at it i've got a 2014 media guide here so i'm i'm well behind um that's the year i got my license oh jesus yeah so seven what 750 maybe i don't have a media god up here i got a bunch of stuff but just look at that there's somebody in some of these years i mean they played eight games in 1920 i would think 55 winning percentage give or take a few percentages they played two games in 1888 they played four games in 1889 they didn't play any games in 1890 that was a civil war gregory took it off the rails i was going to ask some questions here and now we're we're digging into 1800 i mean i'm dealing with uh bots and the this is just off the rails off the cuff show on june 22nd today this is uh there's some great bots in the chat i mean my son's 16th birthday how about that he is uh legal age to drive which is absolutely frightening terrifying has he uh driven off by himself yet no no he's uh he's on a a mission trip so he's not he'll wait till that happens yeah wait right wait till he says give me the keys and you're like uh no and he's like i can drive it's just terrifying uh let's get into it a couple more questions before we get out of here on the beat live greg gregory fun times on june 22nd the day after the longest day of the year this is the longest show ever uh are they gonna rotate quarterbacks greg longo offered nothing he basically could have said just refer to my spring practice but is it conceivable or inconceivable that there's some set rotation that this crowd has i think that is the key wording there tommy um i i expect them to use both quarterbacks now is it going to be set i would think not um we'll have to see how things play out but i would be surprised if we get in october we haven't seen a good bit of both guys now you know if one of the two steps in and maybe they go to boone and it's just lights out freakish okay well that answers your question uh but they they think both these guys are really good um and so i i suspect they'll play both of them because with them not having really played before there's going to be some highs and lows um and you don't want to get into that notre dame game with only one guy i haven't played and maybe that guy struggles maybe those two interceptions early well now you got to go to the other guy to let the other guy rest and he hadn't played any so um it would be fascinating if it is a set rotation i don't expect it to be but i do think both guys will play especially first four games of non-conference did drake remind you of luke at all today a little bit he's he's uh you know luke was not that outgoing and not that confident as a youngster it's a different world now it is by the time he got to be a senior luke was kind of like that so you can see some of the similarities uh but they it's funny they are both much more uh lively than their dad which uh which i get a kick out of but he he certainly has some of the same mannerisms crazy athletic trio of sons that's just nuts uh let's look at the uh i think they both play and i think this talk of if you don't have one quarterback you have none i think they've got to have both of them for the reasons you said greg they have no experience you got to get them both playing time because if you get deep in the season or even in that notre dame game i believe september 24th and something bad happens and you throw in somebody that's never played it could be um ugly all right tommy got breaking news from a well-placed source um average win total in the modern era is just under six wins what defines the modern era tommy's lifetime i don't know 71. certainly not since 98 or whenever you were born bta and after ta before tommy ashley after tommy ashley yeah there you go that is not fun man i'm old and y'all keep hitting no no i'm not old i'm getting older i don't want to offend you're almost retiring i'm getting close very close uh can you guys talk about special teams i know it's not sexy speaking of the bots we've got in the room greg's a big special teams guy but it's so damn important to winning and losing didn't i see a tweet that carolina has the most missed field goals in fbs since whenever yes alabama held that record for a while no they just they just hold the record for most missed meaningful field goals no they actually admit go look it up alabama 99 field goals i have no idea but yes i did see that tweet as well i don't know if it's accurate or anything like that david hale i think is going to put it out he's uh he's pretty accurate with that stuff how important are they going to be this year greg and who is it is it it's kim right is jonathan kim going to do it all is it one of these guys we haven't heard about i mean mac loves some special teams wants to win the special teams game carolina didn't win it too much last year yeah i didn't do all my research on special teams so i'm gonna have to we didn't speak to the special teams coordinator today he was out of town that's right okay valid excuse so that question can't wait or you can pontificate no yeah i think kim's expected to be the guy however uh we talked about talent we talked about depth and where you really see that play out is on special teams the coverages correct and so uh i don't have the up-to-date info on the specialists uh we know josh downs of course is going to be the punt returner uh but in terms of the the teams themselves the cover teams that should all kind of take a step forward and i think that's important and that comes with with doubt and all those things interesting stuff uh what else we got let me see if there's one more football question as we say we can switch to a little bit of basketball we'll talk a little basketball we don't want to the coast coast podcast covered the most recent basketball news heavily but i do want to get you guys opinion uh but last question and keep the short answers what's what position group could improve the most gregory it's gotta be oil has to be if it's not this team's in trouble can i say wide receiver even though josh downs did what he did i i not why receivers not named josh downes but even josh downs can improve i think i'm going to go with wide receiver because my hesitancy with offensive line is that the run game was good so the only not the only but like obviously their sac allowing needs to be better right like it just has to it 48 whatever the number is it's absurd number um but i i think most poise is guys like antoine greene jj jones bryson nesbitt will be a big part of that gavin like i so i'm going with offensive line and then my second would be offense or i'm sorry i'm not going with offensive line i'm going with wide receivers second would be offensive line and then third would probably be defensive line um just because stopping the like run defense does need to improve on the front at the front and pressure on the quarterback needs to improve as well and i think those guys can get it done so that's my three tier wide receiver is o-l-d-o okay greg to the offensive line point that gregory makes the run game was very good what if you take sam howe and retract him to the mean for a normal russian quarterback chandler ty chandler had a thousand yards i'm aware but who else did anything besides british books to end the season if you take away sam howell i think it's got to be offensive line go ahead greg speak truth yeah and one of the things with phil's offense and it's kind of a spread offense phenomena because larry fedora went through this as well is we look at the national rankings and we're all especially in the off-season they were all crazy impressed and the numbers are good um but one thing we saw with larry is you know against weaker teams he would absolutely light those guys up and it would really inflate the stats and then you get into some games against good teams and the offenses couldn't produce what it mattered and i think we saw that quite a bit last year and yeah virginia tech's a good example virginia tech wasn't great but they were solid and they were physical and they out physically carolina really on both sides of the field um and so you really have to kind of dive into the numbers and say okay well how did they perform in these critical down situations against some better teams and they really were hit or miss um so you stacy serials is a unique case because i think a lot of people are ready for him to go and he ends up going to georgia the national champions which speaks to the craziness of college football coaching right but i think if you look at this team as a whole the interesting component is you can make a case for a lot of positions that they have to get a lot better especially the defensive side of the ball granted injuries played a role with cornerbacks and and safety as well um but i think offensive line what did we say last year that for north carolina to to be able to make up for some of their losses uh you know with michael carter and javonte and diami and daz the offensive line really had to be stout and they really had to drive that offense to success early until all the other pieces came along it didn't happen uh and i i kind of think the same thing this year i mean you do have some more veterans but you don't have tai chandler back and you really you british is your guy right now um so and then you've got you don't have sam howell back there either so i do think the ol is kind of number one but i think there's a lot of spots on this team that can get a lot better which is kind of scary because your team should have won eight games last year and we're talking about there being a lot of positions that should be a lot better interesting take gregory hall basketball news is this the roster is full is it a champion and we'll keep this short because like i said joey and and sherelle and sean hit on it on their podcast um that's a must listen and shout out to the state fan that's coming to the chat we appreciate you spending your wednesday night in the inside carolina podcast always fun to have um you guys join us uh is it national championship or bust at this point gregory and greg i mean no like you tell me if unc gets the elite eight it's gonna be like oh terrible season like that's what i think when you or like you know like that's just what i think when it comes to that and now i think it's like 30 wins or bust is that fair third 30 wins are best is that fair that's a lot of wins how many games are you playing with post season how many play last year 40 they played 39 last year oh okay then like 28 or bust you know like a championship or bus i don't get into i don't i'm not no i'm not a fan of championship or bus but i do think this is a very talented roster i think it's a i mean it's got to be a more talented roster at this point this season than it was or at this point in the year than it was at the same time last year right just based on the way we saw guys kind of come along and play um especially caleb down the stretch and i mean rj doing what he like you know so i mean pete nance i think is very good um excited to kind of see what the freshmen can do not sure what the roles will be but hubert davis made that very clear he doesn't either so championship or bus no i'm not buying that i'm i'm selling championship or bust if that's a thing okay well we might have but i do think 28 is the line that's my over under 27 and a half boom interesting take greg carolina was an 8c that barely made the tournament until the last week of the season went on a great run and now the expectations are through the roof hubert davis coached last season with little to no expectation other than the normal carolina expectations early and it didn't work out well and then when there were no expectations the team took off how does he manage he talked about the noise blocking out the noise last year how they were terrible that noise now it's blocking out the noise this year about the expectations he's had a lot to do in his first two seasons quite frankly and more so than any coach that i can remember how does he do it how does he manage now the other end of the spectrum from last year yeah that's a great point tommy i really think it's just um he's just gonna have to work through it and i think he had success with sticking to his message last year and even though a lot of people had north carolina written off really by the time that pit game came around uh he he stayed true and he switched things up now you know the big story there was after some of the bad losses wake forest miami he was like nice to the guys and they were like what's going on here we finally got mad after the pit game and one thing that he talked about last week is he's actually going to be able to push these guys harder and same thing roy williams said when he came back in o3 is that first year you're really trying to fill them out you're really trying to figure out hey what's it take what buttons do i need to push and once roy did that what happened the next year it won national championship um i think that team probably had more more talent um but regardless we can have that conversation later so i think it really is kind of a matter of him trusting what took place last year understanding what he can do as a coach because he did a good job really closing the year um but it's a lot easier coaching guys and saying hey they think they think you stink i don't think so you shouldn't think so let's let's prove them wrong right that's pretty easy to do you can do that with elementary kids schools elementary school kids but what happened with the football team last year preseason top 10 all this hype and it came crashing down it was not managed well right and max acknowledged that um and so that's the challenge of when these guys you know armando is doing tv shows on netflix and hey that show's good don't you don't slander i haven't seen it my son loves it um he's turning 16 and here i am talking about it uh but with all the nil stuff there's a lot of things to manage especially when you've had success and so this is all part of the the learning process you're right he's had a ton to deal with um he did a good job you when it mattered last year so you he can really build off of that hubert's a sharp guy i will say people don't like to hear it uh ucla very similar to what happened and i think i think the key point about ucla is if you watch them last year and you watched that sweet 16 game against carolina that was a heck of a team they were really good nick cronin did a great job with that club however even though they made a unexpected run the year before to the final four they didn't win the pac-12 they didn't win the pac-12 tournament and they only got to the sweet 16. so if carolina follows that path this year would you consider them having a down year that's a bust that's a tough question they need one of the three right you would think but that's you know again i think ucla was very good last year they just couldn't get over the hump in certain aspects and that doesn't mean mick's a bad coach it just really speaks to how difficult you're winning at this level is when you're talking about trying to get to the final four and trying to win titles yeah like that's why i kind of go back trying to get to the final four and trying to win titles yeah like that's why i kind of go back championship or bust because getting those six wins in a row so much needs to happen right um and i can't i still can't believe that unc was four points away from national championship like that's still crazy to me to think about so that's why like my whole like no championship or bus now someone had mentioned and we just kind of talked about as far as acc regular season ac tournament national champion one of the three probably or instead national championship final four one of the three has to happen when they see regular season win the tournament or get to the final four if those first two don't happen then people are gonna be like a tournament runs gotta happen like the regular season weren't champions didn't do well in the tournament like so if it gets to that point then it kind of be like give us something because we know what this team is capable of right so that's kind of where i think things things leave there heading into the i don't even know next semester that means basketball season's in november so that's crazy but it'll be i mean it flies by i mean yeah so what you're saying gregory is you have not booked your hotels in houston yet i mean or your airbnb but i know a lot of people is that where it is houston it is in houston this year um i don't know if you can top new orleans for a variety of reasons i've never been to houston yeah yeah you probably have it was just a different town and different name all the same what do you mean i probably have what is that it's nothing special not a cement [Laughter] and what is it the rjnrj dome or whatever it is away from the city anyway it's been fun gregory um i'm gonna put you on spot you mentioned in a tweet that the last on the beat podcast it's not the last on the beat podcast will ever do i meant that as and two people responded like what do you mean i meant that as like a wrap up of the thing but for those watching i have i'm moving out west you know the imaginary girlfriend is out west i have officially received and taken accepted an offer to be out there in southern california for a a different job that is not inside carolina so for me this potentially could prob probably is my last on the beat unless kind of can work some things out with my new job and things like that but it's been a it's been a pleasure fellas as we've kind of grown this show and i mean it is june 22nd and we've had peak at like almost 100 200 people watching right and we've had a thousand plus watching us on random day in the final four and roy williams retiring and we've gone live for some crazy stuff in the last 18 months so it's been it's been wild but for those watching i am gotten a job and i will be i guess i can tell people what the job is now i'll be with the los angeles angels i am being called up to the bigs and i will be doing that for the foreseeable future so i appreciate everyone watching and everything and tommy and greg and whoever else joins on the beat maybe you guys can maybe ross can fill in for me how about that ross can get on the beat for you and uh but yes so that is my tommy putting me on the spot news so thank you to everyone who has watched and listened to me ramble and give long answers like the one i'm giving right now so no more greek no more grease flag this this may be the last on the beat live because i have no clue how to do the live stream i don't know if time is or not there's a step-by-step list of instructions i've created we have i don't prep and i don't follow directions very well we have leaned on gregory for for this kind of stuff for a long time so he's going to be missed both in uh personality uh more so even in contribution so uh good luck gregory we're gonna hate not having you on weekly we will have you on don't don't worry oh yeah you're part of this i plan on i'm bringing the headset the michelle can't take this headset for me i'm bringing the headset to l.a um orange county is where it's at so well we want a podcast with shohei ohtani and mike to talk a little carolina sports maybe maybe they're big unc fans and i can be like you know i know a podcast that would love to talk ball with you so the commitment to the imaginary girlfriend is just spectacular i mean to go so far as to get a job in another part of the country but hey he's showing pictures if you're on the youtube chat we have now met who's been in the chat if anyone's in la uh orange county and wants to come to an angels game and you know my twitter hit me up interesting look i'll say this um you know that when i tell my child that gregory is leaving and he is sad you know the imprint you've made on all of us on inside carolina i'm not going to make you cry like jim hawkins did greg i called jim today that man he pulled me through the ringer i mean what a guy jimbo he is absolutely anyway we're not going to get into the get into the fields and all but it's been pleasure my brother you are we joke a lot about being old and young and all that but you've been pretty awesome and it was fun to sit out and drink a beer in the bosch and watch a few baseball games over the past couple of years i know you learned a lot from the man on the podcast here with us so much i wouldn't be moving out west without that man below on my screen so carried on he he got you to chase the imaginary ring and uh hopefully the angels can bring you a real one when you're out there but good for you my man thank you you've been listening on to be live there will be more i promise you we can figure out how to run this thing without him we we will get the hamsters down in the basement to get the wheels spinning and we'll do more on the beat lives without gregory hall it will be it will go on the beat will go on greg barnes gregory hall johnny t-shirt as always i'm your host tommy ashley we'll see you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you

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