UNC Scouting Overview: The Quarterbacks | Inside Carolina Analysis

Published: Jul 15, 2024 Duration: 00:48:06 Category: Sports

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Show begins welcome to inside Carolina's scouting overview series we are almost done with this in fact this is the last one I think last week was the penultimate this is the ultimate Final Destination quarterbacks that's Jason Staples I'm Tommy Ashley sponsored by Johnny t-shirt and congruity Jason let's get right into it quite frankly I would wager that 95% of Carolina fans care about this position this year more than any other we'll start with a surprise guy on the list who I freely admit was shocked that he transferred back to North Carolina but there there there worst places in the world to go to school there's worst places in the world to play football jacobe chriswell has come back to M Brown's tar Hills what' you see when you were scouting jacobe going into the 24 season really the thing I wanted to see was what he what Jacolby Criswell he had looked like in the opportunities that he' gotten when he was at Arkansas uh because I already I'd already had a pretty good feel for him when he was when he was at Carolina and it's like okay is he you know is he any different has he developed you know what what's happened and generally he looked he looked like he did when he was in Carolina uh and that to me is a good thing you know he I'll say this if he had not if jacobe Chiswell had not transferred to Arkansas I don't think we'd be talking about a quarterback competition this year I agree because he'd be the incom he he would be the starter he would have been he would have understudied under Drake May one more year and then he would have walked in and been the starter with Connor Harold as the backup that would be your quarterback room right there they might have had to go and get somebody else as a as a you know potential emergency guy but there's your quarterback room but that's not what happened he transferred out and understandably transferred out for you know going closer to home going to a place where he could compete for the job and and and then he didn't win the job there and they had a really good player there at quarterback and they got another one for next year they got they got some some good players so then the question is you know if you're him what are my options and he decided you know what I'm going to go back to Carolina I liked it there I liked it they better than than than Arkansas and I'm going to you know at least go back to where you know I feel comfortable can get a good degree and so on another good degree so there's a lot of this an interesting it's just sort of a weird situation because like I said I think if he had stayed he's he's clearly the the favorite to start at the position with him coming in though now in a new offense because remember he hasn't played in this offense without a spring under his belt you know the odds of him actually winning the job and and and doing more than than being a backup in this season probably the third guy are much less I mean it's it it's very very hard to compete for a job when you were not there in the spring and to compete for a job when you've not been in the offense and the other two guys have been in the offense over a year or well over a year for for Conor Connor Harold and and a year for a spring for Max Johnson so so that that's sort of the the front end of that now in terms of what I see on on the on the screen when I watch him he's still a big- Time thrower he's a guy that that can absolutely spin the football you know talk about guys that can throw it through a wall and he's one of those guys he he can absolutely just flick the ball and drive the ball to all areas of the field uh he's he makes Thea there are times where he'll just make a wow throw where you know there's one I'm thinking of in specifically when he was at uh and I think it's one of the ones that I included as a as a highlight for his for his scouting report but you know he's rolling left when he was at Arkansas in mop-up Duty and he just flicks the ball going left down the field probably 35 yards and just puts it on his guy and it's one of those like okay not many dudes are making that throw uh and you you know he can he can make every throw he can throw the posts he can throw the seams he makes all the throws around outside the numbers the other thing is it and this was one of the things I was most interested in you know he's gained a lot of weight since high school he was a little bit more of a dual threat type guy in high school question was I mean how much has him kind of becoming I don't want to say pudgy but you know he's he's he's gotten a little more thickly built since uh he thi yeah since since since he uh since he got to got to college I mean he's 230 and he's not tall um you know he's 6' 230 that's that's not that's not a a slim guy at this point I was curious you know what what did he look like on the move when he was at uh at Arkansas and one of the first plays that I that I saw when he when when I when I looked at the games that he actually played in was him taking off for like a 55 yard touchdown run and you know running a like a quarterback power or whatever it was you know was a a quarterback run game thing he's a guy that does have feel for uh for running especially between the tackles bring some things to the table there and uh you know those are a lot of pluses to bring to the table if there's a better third option at quarterback in the ACC I want to see him there there aren't very many guys like that that are not you know top two on the depth chart and and again we don't know exactly what the depth chart's going to be but based on him not having the spring he's he's starting at three and it's going to be really tough to to move up uh there are some warts there are some weaknesses and some of these are some of the reasons that he didn't beat out Drake may now the other reason he didn't beat out Drake May is well Drake May is Drake may but he also didn't win the job at Arkansas for some of these reasons as well and he he can be pretty mechanical and you know he's got he's got six fumbles on uh let's see how many how many uh how many I don't I don't have the number of snaps here in front of me but he's got six fumbles in in limited limited Duty that's that's not great there there are times where he's pretty pretty lack about where the ball is and he's gotten gotten stripped a few times uh that many fumbles in that fewer reps is concerning uh there are other times too where when you watch he can make every throw but for me the most important things for a quarterback are not really the arm strength and the wow throws and all that it's how quickly does a guy process does he anticipate those are the things that matter the most to me that was why when I graded him and and Drake May before the you know while that was still a competition I was adamant look if I if it's me I'm starting Drake May and I think Drake May is the top five pick why because Drake flashed Elite anticipation at times didn't have to wait for a guy to be open to throw him open now there were times he he didn't always do that but it was there and I always felt like and and I haven't seen anything to change my mind there that chriswell was a little bit more of a pick and pop type guy where he just Waits too Waits too long for the separation before he pulls the trigger now some of that is when you can get the ball there as quickly as he can sometimes you can wait a little longer you and you have that kind of Fe you want to wait a little bit longer just to be sure because you can put it in there but I want to see guys consistently get it out early and he doesn't get it out early enough for me uh and as good as his arm is in terms of being able to stick it in his deep ball is I think okay it's not great at least to date it hasn't been spectacular uh he has some inside the strike zone type misses out there when he's throwing some verticals uh so those are the things that you know he's going to have to improve on he's going to have to show growth in some of those areas to to compete for the job but uh thing is like I said if there's a better number three quarterback in the ACCC I want to see him uh there there might be one but I think if there is one it's a it's a true freshman that has no experience that nobody knows is that good yet so that's where we are and and and I think you know he's a guy that that if if he W normally if your number three quarterback winds up playing during the season you in trouble if that happens for Carolina this year they're they're getting a guy that can that can start at the power four level that would be coming in so you know that's a real that's a real plus absolutely we'll talk a little bit more on our final thoughts about something that you and I debated last week off air um we'll get to that in a Conner Harrell second we we'll go here we're goingon to go to Connor Harold next and we're talking about Jason Staples on inside Carolina's UNCC scouting overview series on the quarterbacks I'm GNA say this I thought Connor Harold looked better than Max Johnson in Spring maybe it's just what I wanted to see maybe it's me not know what I'm going talking about but Jason we saw him do some things um that made me at least say this is qb1 I don't know what' you see so I full disclosure I went into the spring fully expecting Connor Harold to to basically be the be the backup coming out of spring I think most people did I if I had to guess the coaching staff probably did and this is partly because I've seen Connor before right I I got to see him in practice last year and I've seen you know sort of where he where he has been I thought he took a really big step forward this spring and the biggest thing is that that the real concern coming into the spring the real reason that that you know he wouldn't he was not the immediate obvious ER parent for Drake May is you know he had a tendency to throw the ball to the wrong color jersey in practice and in scrimmages last year that's not a good tendency for quarterbacks right that's that's kind of rule number one right you don't do that yeah running backs don't get your quarterback kill rule number one quarterbacks don't put the ball on the ground and and quarterbacks don't throw it to the other guy right so simple simple game man yeah now that said when he went in in the in the postseason exhibition game against West Virginia and and and got the start there I thought he played really well and and actually before he you know got dinged up he was he was really Dynamic and then he got dinged up pretty quickly and I thought he was not quite the same player he was a he was a very different player when they had to worry about his legs full on compared to when he became more you know more limited in in terms of his movement and had to win from the pocket and that says a lot kind of about what you have to be thinking going into the season cuz when you're choosing who your starter is going to be as a as a head coach you're not just choosing your starter for game one right you're you're presuming that you're building over the course of the Season as you go along and the question is okay Connor might be our best guy in game one but is he going to be our best guy in game four Once you know some of the hits have come in once other things you know fall into place and this is by the way you know I I've seen a number of people wonder over the years why more NFL teams don't spend more time you know really running the quarter running their quarterbacks and why dual threat quarterbacks are not quite as much of a thing in the NFL one of the reasons is the seasons are long and hits over a season add up and it's hard to stay healthy and once you're once you've taken sort of that toll early season you're not the same runner in Game 12 game 13 that you were in game one it's where I I can't remember who the NFL def defensive player was who was asked who the the most impressive like offensive player he ever went against in in in uh the league was and he said well uh sort of a tie between Barry Sanders and first five games of the year Michael Vic and they're like first five and and the reason is first five games was before Vic started getting banged up yep and thing is once you start getting banged up and the game starts to CH now you have to win from the pocket and what NFL teams have kind of figured out is well if you're going to have to win from the pocket late in the year you better start with a guy that can win from the pocket so that's really the question sort of coming out into the fall is how much more of a step forward can Connor Herold take there I thought he took a big step forward there in the spring he they brought in somebody to challenge him for the job and he stepped up to the Challenge and you know you can see the guy didn't lose a game I think in his what his last three years of of high school yeah you know he's a he's a winner he's a guy that's very very smart I I don't think there's any question about that one thing I want to I want to highlight every time I've been at practice he is the last quarterback to leave he's out there with the wide receivers spending extra time working on stuff that's good now Max was out there late too in the spring but this is a guy that you know even when he was third on the depth chart he was staying late so he's just one of those types of guys um to me in terms of the actual strengths that you're getting he's he's got a strong enough arm you know you're not talking about a guy like jacobe Criswell who can just flick it and throw it to every every space on the field he's not that but he's got a strong enough arm to make all the throws uh he does tend to load up to to throw verticals you know one of those guys that kind of has to really kind of get that weight shifted and you know sort of looks like he's putting his whole body into it when he throws deep and when he does throw those kind of deep bucket throws to me it looks like he you know sort of throws to to areas to to uh sort of throws to spots rather than really throwing to his man in terms of where that guy is going to be given this coverage and all of that I'm not always sure he sees that as well and and really anticipates there uh as well and so there's a little bit of a of a mechanical aspect to him on some of the deep stuff does push the ball a little bit in his motion uh and then you know he's he's been a little spotty at times in terms of lots of little small misses that forces receivers to adjust when they're when they're on the move so you know you'll look at a screen pass and it's got to be you know right right you want it right below the chin you right at the chin basically so that you know the guy can catch it and take off and it'll be to one shoulder or the other maybe a foot high or two you know a foot or two high or low where that guy has to move just a little bit and take his eye and and that changes your concentration and all that so those are some of the things that that in terms of a of a thrower he's going to have to improve he does I think throw uh the seams in in breing routes really well and he can change speed with it you know in terms of how hard he's throwing it I think he's more natural at that than than chriswell is Chiswell you know he can do it but you know he's he's more of a a fast ball thrower I I think herl sort of changes speed a little bit more uh but um then you know then of course you add to that that when he does run he he can run he can really run like he can run run as Deion Sanders has said in the past uh so you know you're looking at a guy that's probably a low four five in the 40 and you know legitimately uh that range so yeah I I think uh he's going to be in the race and he's a guy that they have to strongly consider and if even if he's not the starter he's a guy that you know there might be reasons at times against certain opponents to have him on the field for certain packages and things like that because you can you can do some things with him uh and in any case he's putting himself in position to to compete if anything isn't isn't there if if Max Johnson doesn't you know jump out and win the job Harold's in position to jump out and you know take that job so you know we'll see what what happens there I I still think uh he's he's sort of in the 1B spot likely coming into the fall but he's not out of that job and he absolutely could win it yeah good player great kid great young man uh and props to him for sticking around and putting in the work like you talked about it just doesn't happen as much these days Conor Harold talking with Jason Staples inside Carolina UNCC Scouting Report overviews the quarterbacks who am I going to talk about next Jason probably Johnny probably Johnny t-shirt and Johnny t-shirt.com is my guess that is right Johnny t-shirt and Johnny t-shirt.com your place for all the Carolina gear you could possibly need we've got all the football jerseys I think I've seen the white Nike throwback football jersey you check see if Johnny T-shirt has it yeah you check Johnny T-shirt has it you're a premium subscriber you get 10% off that order you can wear it up to the Minnesota game wear at Kenyon Stadium wear it r house if that's what you choose to do but Johnny T-shirt has everything you possibly need if you're a Carolina fan and Carolina all sports they've got everything clean jerseys clean basketball stuff nil stuff whatever you need it Johnny t-shirt Johnny t-shirt.com audio version the national people pay the bills we're talking UNCC quarterbacks all right now we're going to talk about somebody else I'm Tommy ashy that's Jason St we're going to talk about Max Johnson we're going to talk about LSU Max Johnson we're going to talk about Texas A&M Max Johnson and Jason now we're talking about North Carolina Max Johnson you know I was watching some young men throw football on the beach when we were down there this past weekend and they were both left-handed so I was watching I paid attention and uh thought to myself I can't remember other than Nathan Elliott the last time Carolina had left-handed quarterback that played a ton Max Johnson could be that guy what' you see from him Jason so there's some interesting things Max Johnson here um you got a guy that's played four years of ball in the SEC against big-time competition you know not just the SEC it's one a lot of people talk about the SEC and the SEC schedules are great and everything no the SEC West has been really good for a long time right and and of late it's been the SEC West and Georgia that have been really good so if you're you know if you're Georgia that SEC SEC East schedule isn't a whole heck of a lot harder than what the what the ACC has been and actually in some years the ACC has been a good bit better than the SEC East but now Max Johnson's been hanging out in that SEC West where you know you do have a murderer row of defenses with a bunch of guys that are going to play in the NFL on on those defenses across from you and he's played against those those teams he's played multiple times against Alabama against LSU against Texas A&M against you know Auburn Etc all these all these teams that uh that play NFL style defense with NFL caliber athletes and he's had some success against some of those teams has he had consistent success not exactly uh but he's been pretty good and when he's had The Supporting Cast to to to be you know quality around him he's put up numbers so if you go back his best season was uh 2021 at LSU where his NFL passer rating was 100.7 that's actually pretty good and his adjusted completion percentage 74.3% which by the way is about the same as what Connor Harrell had in in the uh 23 season in mop-up time right at 75% adjusted completion percentage so you know that's that's that's perfectly fine that's quality uh you look at his Pro Football Focus passing grade in 20121 70.8 and when clean 87.2 and 27 touchdowns six interceptions in that year at LSU that's a good year those are quality numbers and actually if you look at his 2021 numbers and you compare them number for number with Drake May last year they're not that far off when he was playing with LSU Talent against top level SEC defenses so that's that's a plus you're looking at a guy that's been through a lot of battles and you kind of know what you have at that point now he is playing in his third what third offense cuz he went through I think two at LSU and then Jimbo Fisher's offense at Texas A&M and now this one so he's in either his third or his fourth offense uh which is very hard on a quarterback and there there were some warts too so if you're talking about the the the good things it's the experience it's he's seen everything there is to see basically for a quarterback at this level and he's played in some some of the more demanding offenses in college football so a lot of those things uh big strong guy six you know just under 66 235 moves actually surprisingly well he doesn't run like Connor Harold but he does move he's you know sub 49 guy might be even a little bit faster than that and can actually do damage when he gets outside the pocket strong arm can make all the throws good touchdown field actually when when he has time and and and can set his feet a good vertical thrower and has shown really good anticipation so there are different kinds of anticipation one thing he does a good job of is he recognizes blitzes in terms of in certain plays it's not a hot route you have an alert so for me when I was when I was coaching our if we had a post route in in our play call and our quarterback read quarters coverage I told our quarterbacks that's an alert that means you need to verify at the snap that this is quarters and if it's quarters you take the post because that that's just that's an alarm that says look they're insulting us let's go ahead and take the touchdown and they're one of the things that I noticed with with with Johnson is he has a good feel for recognizing the proper times to go to his alert routes uh and and puts those generally on the money uh does a pretty good job throwing on the Run much better moving to his left and right in that way and very good on the short to intermediate routes when he's not pressured and and does a good job of not forcing his receivers to to have to adjust run through and and they can run through the ball on things like screens some of the things that that Connor hasn't done quite as well yet Max has done pretty well there on the flip side the weaknesses are where you you start to see some of the concerns and that's number one the ball's too the he he gets the ball out late way too often he holds it too long and some of this is a is a is a is a consequence of being sort of a big play Hunter and also a bigger stronger taller quarterback who feels like he can see and wait just a little bit longer and and take that contact and we saw that with Drake May last year and the year before and actually was Sam Howell the two years prior those guys at times would hang on to the football too long Howell in particular waiting on trying to make a bigger play and Johnson will do that too difference is Johnson doesn't have the big play Upside that those guys have to the same degree when when Drake May held on to it too long it's 5050 on whether it ends up great for you right it might not be good but it could be great cuz he might just do something special that's not as frequent for Johnson when he holds it later uh I to me when he plays with good Rhythm and timing he's he's a you know sort of top quarter of the ACC type quarterback he's just playing in rhythm with good timing way too little just holds it takes pressure he he too often in the pocket will find pressure rather than working away from pressure he sort of will move move into pressure s not not feeling it uh all that well and that wouldn't be as much of a problem except that it's apparent when you watch him that he does not like pressure at all so you go back to that 2021 season he was an 87.2 Pro Football Focus rating when he was kept clean going to give you a guess what do you think his rating when he was under pressure was his his his Football Focus grade so he's 87.2 when he was clean I don't and you said he was 70 overall in passing he's probably in the 50s 33.3 geesh no bueno so when he when he Stay healthy and play boring golf had pressure that was a problem now he got better he's gotten better over the past two years when you know when he went to Texas A&M he was 71.9 when 45.9 under pressure and then last year 90.4 when clean that's an elite number if he doesn't have pressure those are Elite numbers under pressure 56.3 now that's still a whole lot better than 33.3 so you can see he's been growing y if he continues to take another step forward and gets that even into the you know mid to high 60s that's really good that's great you'll take that especially if he's putting up 90 type grades when clean right but there are times where when when he sees pressure when he feels pressure and especially pressure in his face he really does not like it and he'll have a tendency to retreat throw off platform throw while backing up and then a lot of and he doesn't have he's got a really good arm but his arm is not he's not Aaron roders who when he's going backwards he can make every throw and you know pinpoint it and all of that that's when the that's when the trouble starts and he's made some heads scratching decisions at times when he gets under pressure there are also times where he gets a little greedy uh and I'm okay a little bit with with a certain measure of greed if you're willing to if you're willing to if you if you're going to make the big time throws to compensate for some of the misses but I I I think really the biggest question mark for him is how he's going to handle pressure in his face how he's going to handle not having everything as it should be on every play and you know whether or not he's going to protect himself that's the other thing this is a guy who has not played a full season yet in those four years now granted that's in the SEC West he's going to you're going to take a beating if you hold on to the football too long there and when those guys in that side of that conference hit you in the pocket that can be a problem but there are too many times where like he'll he'll escape the pocket and he's running up field and it's like okay just take your seven eight yards run out of bounds live to see another play and for whatever reason he suddenly thinks he's you know a scatback and he'll turn the ball back inside and try to take on a linebacker and then you know you can kind of see oh that hurt it's like son what were you thinking you know just take off get your seven yards and get out of bounds but you are not going to you know turn this back in and Juke that guy out or take him on and and run him over it's just not going to happen you could do that in high school but four years into college you shouldn't be trying that against Alabama so it's some of those things that I look at where the decision is a bit of a the decision making at times is a bit of a of a concern all that said I think he probably is the favorite to win the job probably should be the favorite to win the job because of again the combination of experience what he's been able to do when not under pressure the ability to uh to to run an offense that he's he's demonstrated so far I think he's a guy that can win from the pocket there are a lot of pluses there and to me if he learns to take the free stuff more frequently just take it you got your slot open for six yards right here you know you got your snag route here take it you know snags coming inside okay take it the the the the flat route open right away take it don't wait and don't wait on something that might be there just take your six yards live to see another play if he can get into that habit and get into rhythm of being that kind of player and okay now it's play action you got your post safeties come down win with that he can make that throw it's just a matter of whether he's willing we were talking about playing golf before this before we got got to talking here on Air Max Johnson's a guy that I would love to see try to play boring golf stop trying to go at pins don't don't shoot at there's no pin on the there's no pin on the dang Fairway or on on the on the green there's no pin on the green there's trouble to the left you're dead if you go long here's the middle of the green aim to the fat part of the green a little bit right of the middle and if you screw it up and you hit it a little bit left you're fine don't don't think about anything else just take the easy spot just try to hit greens and if you're going to miss missing good spots if he can take that approach don't try to hit it 370 yards on this tight hole just hit your Fairway finder try to keep it in play put yourself in position where you can where you've got a good shot at at getting it on there Fairways and greens and two putt for par every so often you're going to get yourself close and you're going to have a chance at a birdie just play that that US Open style golf if he can do that then he's the to me the obvious starter going into the into the year and he can be a really good player for Carolina it's just a matter of really convincing him to play Within the offense and to really understand what they're asking him to do and to get all of that sort of injected into his veins and get automatic with it that's not a guarantee but I think that's that's what the hope is and and it would make a lot of sense for for him and for Carolina for that to work yeah agree with it I mean 100% like you said Fairways and greens six or seven yard pass plays they moved to chains repeatedly other contributors I mean Michael minger he flashed a little bit in the spring if if we get to the fourth quarterback season's over it is a yeah we don't want we're not even going to talk about other contributors what we're going to talk about is what you see on your screen right there that's congruity congruity hr.com yeah congruity HR I'm G miss doing these we should just do random podcasts all year uh congur hr.com frar Hills for your free assessment for your small to midsize business another locally owned local North Carolina business they've made a name for themselves nationally but they serve you locally and they treat you locally so if you're a small to midsize business owner here on inside Carolina go to that link congor hr.com star Hills get your free uh small business assessment let Darren and Matt and their crew see what they can do to help you out to grow your business make all the money and then get more inside Carolina subscriptions and more Johnny t-shirt gear everything you need final thoughts on the quarterbacks I don't want to lead with what we've talked about off the air but it is a relevant prop bit if you so inclined so before that before that my final my final thoughts are Carolina should have at least average level quarterback play in the ACC at a minimum Final thoughts with the with the room that they have and it should be above average because they got three players who I think are power four level starters in terms of what they can actually bring to the table four you know for for for one team to have three guys where if that guy went out there for Wisconsin and was the starter I wouldn't be surprised if that guy went out there for you know Wake Forest or you know shoot LSU I wouldn't be surprised none of those three guys are guys that in their full college career couldn't be a a a good power four starter so or power three really Big 12 is not really a power conference anymore but um but think about it when was the last time a big 12 team a team in the current Big 12 won a national title dude I couldn't tell you 1990 Colorado split it I thought George Tech and Washington split it or I thought there was 91 you're probably yeah you're right either way your point stands the current Big 12 they don't have contenders no matter what EA Sports says so I'm EA Sports I'm running with a I'm I'm going straight Big 12 to the 90 and that's why we're recording this today I'm not going to tell folks what day it is but the day this drops it drops the same day as EA Sports football EA Sports no it's not you yeah y'all didn't realize Jason does those um so let me ask you this you say they should at bare minimum have average Quarterback play overall and it should be better and it should be a good bit better than that and it should be a good bit better than that if all goes well do they need more than that everybody talks about oh my goodness there's no Drake may there's no Sam how they're going to take a huge drop off I think it for me they don't need these guys to be those guys and those guys didn't lead Carolina to any more wins than just about anybody else has I just think Max Johnson Conor Harold and over under 1.5 starts Jobe chriswell just need to be above average wrap this show telling me why I'm wrong or telling me why that's exactly right for this team well what are you what what are your goals for the season if you're Carolina that that really is the What are the season goals? answer to your question because I mean as I understand it you know eight wins is pretty is pretty good around here right and if eight wins is pretty good around here and that's the that's the standard that's what the goal is for 2024 then yeah you know above average Quarterback play against this schedule might be enough but is that what the goal is I think eight is the Bare Bones floor oh I don't know eight eight wins is pretty good around here I think uh eight wins is the Baseline for this team so and I've said their eight- win program for 53 years now but I think eight wins is the absolute drop I don't like saying drop dead but drop dead minimum this team's got to win this year so there's a few must wins on this schedule there's a few there's at least eight up so you know if if if eight wins is is sort of the expectation then you need above average Quarterback play to get there and you're going to need you're going to need better than just above average Quarterback play to win 10 to win probably to win nine because I mean I don't know if I agree with that there's some Talent on that defense but I still have some question marks about the interior of that defense and I question is how many points are you going to have to score to win let's say let's just say Okay eight wins let's say they're at eight wins who are the four losses Florida State it's going to be a tough game regardless of how good their quarterback is I think NC State is going to be a tough game it always is for whatever reason going to need good quarterback play not above average Quarterback you're going to need good quarterback play against that NC State team I don't know I don't know who are the other ones I don't know who I would not favor them against Minnesota I mean I just maybe we'll get my mind will get humbled when they go to Minnesota but I just don't I just see him winning that game who else is there that should be favored against Carolina well the way I see Carolina's schedule is I think there's basically eight tossup games or eight games you can put on the schedule as potential toss-ups so you know I look at it they they should beat Charlotte they should beat NC Central they should beat James Madison but that's going to be a tougher game than anybody wants to admit and then NC State might favor NC State I mean given when that game's being played and and Carolina's track record in November of late and against NC State of late favor NC State in that game Florida State you favor Florida State then you start getting to some of these others pit that's maybe 6040 Carolina right but that's that's getting to where you lose four times out of 10 yep right Georgia Tech I think that Georgia Tech team is going to be a tough team they're GNA be a tough out this year make that a tossup type game Wake Forest Wake Forest is not going to be I I don't think again that's probably 60 you know 55 45 60 40 Carolina but that's not a that's not a shoe in especially the week after Florida State right that Duke team not as good as last year's Duke team and probably 65 35 Carolina and sort of how I would handicap it at this point but again that's a that's a game you can lose and how do you lose those games on the margin you lose them with you know an extra interception here a strip sack in the back field there it's it's the little things like that that are the difference between good quarterback play and above average or average Quarterback play and that's the difference between well you know you win you go 4-0 to start the year then you drop one that you shouldn't have dropped at Duke you go you know you beat pit you lose you lose to Georgia Tech somehow then you go to Virginia and M Browns had so much success in in Charlottesville right uh then at Florida State and all of a sudden you might have three losses right there as early as that and then you still got Wake Forest Boston College on the road in November in NC State so yeah I can totally see that being where you you know you're having to beat NC State to get to eight if the quarterback play isn't good enough to to create some some plays downfield the thing is if you have good quarterback play not just above average if if you if if one of these guys takes the step forward to be consistently good now teams can't just sit on Omarian Hampton and dar and Darwin Baro that changes everything because we all know how good Omarian Hampton looked last year but the thing everybody's got to remember is when team's game plan for North Carolina last year what was the first thing they were trying to take away Drake may they were trying to limit Drake May we're GNA make make other people other than that dude beat us so you hand it off a bunch and amarian Hampton has space this year what is every team on the schedule going to do not let that dude that dude just ran for, 1500 yards last year I ain't letting that dude beat us so now I I'm going to have to have a quarterback that can actually throw down field and threaten teams enough to make sure that they can't just drop a safety into the box so to me eight wins you might be good enough for maybe against you know you might beat Minnesota Charlotte NC Central maybe even JMU uh I think pit you know if you're not getting good quarterback play Pit's going to load up with nine guys in the box and make you beat them with your quarterback right uh you know maybe you beat Virginia Wake Forest BC maybe you get to wins but I don't think you get above nine you know I don't think you get to 10 wins without good quarterback play it's just the nature of college football now you have to have a good quarterback folks that cold feeling you feel is Jason Staples throwing cold water on my 12 and0 prediction in August no in all seriousness I I agree with what you're saying and I love the point and that's something that people talk about the the thing you talked about there with am Maran having success last year and not having that Drake Factor this year that is that's what's affected the most not the actual quarterback Omarian Hampton's the guy that benefited the most from Drake M can Omarion carry this team in that offensive line especially what you talked about with Max being clean versus not clean and get Carolina through rough patches in games like you mentioned pit going and I think Minnesota May well do the same thing oh Minnesota absolutely will knowing how they play yeah they're gonna they're going to they're going to come in and they're going to challenge Carolina at the line of scrimmage and you know if I if I feel good if I'm coordinating that Carolina offense in game one and we'll talk about this as we get closer but just a t a little teaser knowing what I know about about Minnesota now if I feel comfortable about my quarterback going into game one and I'm chip Lindsay I run the ball I I don't run the ball on first down in the first quarter I'm coming in and I'm saying I know how they're going to line up and I'm play actioning the heck out of them I am rping the heck out of them to get my quarterback comfortable throws and force them to respect my passing game and then second quarter now it's time to pound but I want to get them out of that game plan early and the danger is if you can't do that now that's a that that's a bad sign for the rest of the year now that said I think with the three guys that they have they should be able to find a good quarterback I think I think there's a good quarterback on this roster for this year they just got to make it work gotta make it work August 29th it has to start working Carolina opens practice at end of July end of this month starts the season August 29th this has been the UNC scouting overview series I can't remember how many we've done but we've done a bunch of them and if you've missed any of them they're on YouTube they're on your podcast feed if you're listening to this on the audio feed you sort of Miss Jason's uh demonstrations of loading up the throw the ball deep and how bad he hits the ball left off the tea and if he doesn't want to hit it left he hit it right off the tea a lot of lot of gesticulation going on it's been a rough summer if anybody wants to teach me how to putt I'll be glad to you know buy the drinks and we can have a putting contest and putting lessons it's been a fun time Jason it always is man appreciate it thanks Tommy it's been it's been it's been a good summer on air I'll just say that it has been a good summer on air folks we're not going anywhere we'll be around the Plenty stay tuned for everything you get from inside Carolina Johnny t-shirt and congruity thanks

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