SUSPECT ARRESTED. Morgan Guidry. VICTIM RESCUED!! Brenna Swindell. NEW INFO!!!

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:56:52 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: brenna swindell found
breaking news breaking news breaking News jlr investigates with the breaking news for all of you come on in everyone uh we've been covering this case for since this weekend the case of Brena Swindell mother three uh who vanished from Texas uh last week last Thursday evening of last week her family have been putting out public posts uh pleading for her return saying that she was with her violent exboyfriend Mr Morgan here well I got an update as many of you probably already know uh they've been found uh she's been rescued he's been put in jail but they made their way all the way from Texas to Oregon they were caught in Oregon it seems like early morning R 1:00 a. it looks like and Travis County uh police or Sheriff's put out a statement just before right when I came on they were actually putting out a statement getting details uh giving details about the situation and uh what's really going on here though folks um at it's very good that they're caught right it's very good that she's you know she's she's you know found and it seems like he's in jail now he's being booked for an out of state warant he'll probably get extradited back to Texas um but there's a lot of information out there and a lot of people talking about this case and they're like H did she go willingly or not and some people are saying now that she actually just went voluntarily with him and wanted just to hang out with him before he goes to jail so we'll talk about this a little bit um because this case got a lot of attention in the last couple days wasn't getting attention over the weekend until uh Monday and then just everything just went wide open and I think the attention contributed to them getting caught there was an alert out for the white um Kia that day the the white KIA Carnival there was a spotting uh believed Monday morning in Idaho uh over the weekend Colorado Springs licensed Point reader found them in Colorado purposely turning their phones off and you know we were very very concerned and I'm still curious about the situation but very concerned for the safety of Brena because you know this guy was arrested uh earlier in July just a month prior for assaulting her violently you know we read some of the details on our previous lives and then uh you know uh she pressed charges against him uh last week and two days later they vanished and we're thinking uhoh Gabby batito Brian batito type of Vibes uhoh uh you know his postings that you know sound like he was going to end it maybe end her end each other um but then some more information has come out in the last 24 hours and this this information is people that know Morgan side of the family and saying whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa she actually agreed she actually agreed to meet him at that uh pey's bar outside Austin and they collectively said hey they're going to go out and run away together and she willingly left behind her kids to be with this guy so you know what's the truth here what's going on here I'm going to get Magnolia in the chat so we can talk a little bit about this case because I don't I think this case continues um and it's curious to know you know for me or what actually happened um but it's good that they're found right no more Manhunt no more APB out for them uh CL clamo Falls clamo fall is beautiful out there big lake there and stuff like that I think they got I think they got arrested being outside the McDonald's by the way I got the actual street corner I'll show you on the map where authorities pulled them over you know they were they were looking all over the place for the vehicle this is the new uh report not much reports wise people are talking about she's been found cool right um but we like to hear the news reports to get details here's one little um clip here um I think it's a local media out there in Oregon that has reported on this so let's check this out right here and then we'll get Magnolia in the chat and we'll talk long morning long we've been telling you how Austin authorities were looking for a woman who hadn't been seen since last Thursday yeah she was last seen with her ex-boyfriend and now in arrest for has been issued for him but within the last few minutes we do have an update from Brena swindell's father who tweeted out she has been found that's all we have for now so let's go to Eric who has more on what he just sent out via Twitter and what we know about this whole case Eric so we know from our news partners that Austin Police confirmed that she has been found and that her ex Morgan gri was taken into custody he did have those warrants out of Travis County so again we do know that she has been found and that she has uh been found saved and that her ex has been taken into custody we're still working to get more information I'm already so far this morning made calls to the Sheriff's Office and from Austin Police to try to get more information but again that is what we know that she is found She is safe and he has been taken into custody but again actively looking to get more information so once we get it I'll bring it to you as soon as I do get that such a scary situation for the father out there the parents of both in fact of of the both individuals we were being told that maybe Oregon was where she was found right last time we heard that they think they saw her car from Colorado and we're being told uh initially that they were found in Oregon but I know you'll be following it up and appreciate that very all right so small clip let's get Magnolia in the chat so we can talk and we can share a little bit of things while we talk together um about this case you know this case has domestic violence um elements to it might have stock Stockholm syndrome it might be one of those things where victims are drawn back to their perpetrators we're going to we're going to talk uh a little bit more about this Magnolia she's coming in she's coming in folks hello Magnolia hello hello all right so um your take Magnolia Brena and uh Morgan have been found clamo uh Falls organ is that called clth k l a m a t h clth your take yeah I think so um yeah I mean I feel like we just did a a live on this right it was last night we did an update on this to share some of the new sightings of the vehicle um and we were just kind of dumbfounded how they still hadn't found the car yet and we expected they probably would very soon and they did so they someone I guess a police officer up there in Oregon spotted the car around 1 a.m. last night and recognized it as um it had been reported as stolen so he pulled the car over um and discovered them both in the vehicle and unharmed uh so when they were pulled over Morgan was arrested taken into custody on the warrant for domestic violence that was issued uh several days ago um yeah so she's she's she's safe I mean that's the good news right she's safe um presumably she'll be headed back home soon um I just think like it's um now we find out that it seems like she went with him willingly well I don't think it seems that way like I think that is the case right she went willingly um and we came across a post that you had sent me earlier about this um and we were I wish we would have seen this before but there was a comment that was on Facebook that someone posted um I guess it was said in the Spicewood Texas neighbor group I guess that's the uh neighbors app someone had posted in that in that app in that group that said they saw Morgan and Brena a few nights ago at P's bar they played pool with them and the girl went by birdie and the guy was Morgan the person I know said the girl birdie was talking about Morgan going to jail soon for something he had done to her and she wanted to see him before he went to jail she also stated the family wasn't happy about them meeting yeah the person I know says they've been at py a few nights this week in the evening time so last week they were hanging out at booties at least more than once and they were seen by locals um now another thing that came out yesterday I don't know if you saw this or not but there was a um a very short clip from the news channel if you want to look in the chat it's 17 seconds it's very short yeah but it's it's a clip that is reporting that Morgan senior his father had stated that this was not a situation of distress and that Morgan was actually a very chill dude or something like that yeah I have this clip here let me just let me play it for everyone so everyone can hear what we're talking about this is a clip and this is coming from the father of Morgan who's basically saying he's not a threat and he's a really chill dude now listen to this report right here phone Monday afternoon Morgan gidry senior acknowledged his son was charged with assault in July but said to me this isn't under duress at all he isn't a violent individual he's super chill adding they decided to make a run for the Canadian border it was a bad call speaking with me on the phone Monday afternoon Morgan gidry senior acknowledged his son was charged with assault in July but said to me this isn't under duress at all he isn't a violent individual he's super chill adding they decided to make a run for the Canadian border it was a bad call there you go they decided to make a run for the Canadian border yeah um so how come we didn't have that information before why did that only come out yesterday why did Morgan's father only say these things yesterday when this case has been going on since last week her parents have been posting that she's missing she's in danger because of him and then we find out actually they were hanging out together so well how does that even make sense Magnolia considering that she she is accusing him of assault right back in July back in July and then a couple days before they vanish together she officially presses charges and I said that last night like five weeks later she then presses charges and then two days later they they're off they vanish together after being at this uh P's uh club and then they put an arrest warrant out for him for assaulting her but they're together I mean it it to me I'm trying to understand this yeah um if you look at so we have a statement here too from the missing just to get people up to speed on on what happened um the Travis County Sheriff's Office put out a statement today just to clarify the timeline um and basically explain how it is that she came to be reported as missing um with all these resources looking for her um so basically they were on July 7th Travis County Sheriff's deputies responded to a family disturbance call involving Brena sendell and Morgan gri the case was assigned to a family violent detective who conducted an investigation communicating frequently with sendell on August 20th 2024 sendell told the detective that she was ready to press charges against gri and the detective filed a warrant for assault Family Violence of a House member impeding breath circulation it's a third degree felony so I'll I'll pause there um so this kind of goes along with what we touched on yesterday when we talked about this assault and we wondered you know why why she didn't press charges right away um I just think that I think a lot of people if they're familiar with the cycle of domestic violence um It's Not Unusual for a woman to number one never press charges sometimes they never reported or never press charges um but it's also very common when people when these women do press charges and then later they change their mind and they drop the charges we see that so many times in these cases and everyone says you know there's it takes seven times for the for the woman to actually get away from the situation so there's these patterns and uh I think it's hard to know if this had happened before if this had ever happened previously but based on the information that we read yesterday this was not just a case where he just grabbed her arm or you know pushed her and she fell or this was not like a small incident um he strangled her three different times with both of his hands he broke her thumbs she had injuries to her collar bone she she suffered multiple injuries here like actual injuries this wasn't just like a smack or whatever this was serious this was a serious serious attack to the point where he picked up a rifle and was was getting ready to load a rifle and she knocked all the ammo onto the floor and ran away okay so this was like a very serious incident now a lot of times with these domestic violence victims they feel a lot of Shame and embarrassment and so they don't want anyone to know that this happened to them because it's embarrassing that they're with a man who would do that to them and so a lot of times they hide it they keep it to themselves and case I get the impression that she actually did tell her family about it because her family seemed like they really had a lot of information on that case um but yeah this was not a small thing I mean remember she's a hairdresser and he broke her thumbs yeah that affects her job like affects her doing her uh cutting hair page right and if you go down her Facebook page which I did I went down the rabbit hole the other day um I actually saw a post where she referred to her thumbs being hurt and just recently she had made a post that her thumbs were getting better and she was trying to do hair again or something you know so this was a serious serious incident that happened um but still like I said sometimes you know they're they're ashamed they're embarrassed they don't want to talk about it well maybe maybe he did her thumb specifically to th her from doing her work like to do something you know some people do things to people to affect you know specifically so they can't do something you know what I'm saying maybe he said I'm going to you know bust your thumb so you can't cut hair yeah and I think that this was I think in this case that this was such a violent dra drawn out attack that it was probably neighbors or someone who may have called this in um because they said they responded to a family disturbance call um so it's unclear if she made the call or maybe a neighbor made the call but either way the police got involved um Sheriff's Office got involved this case was assigned to a detective yeah and it wasn't until August 20th that she said she was ready to file charges is there a time limit on that though like like what I'm saying is I mean you would what what I'm curious about and and I want to ask everyone in the chat okay so this incident happened on the 7th but she presses charges of you know a a month in in in a week you know basically 5 six weeks later into the next month is there a like a statute limitation on when a victim can actually press charges and say Hey I want to go in there it have to be like within six months of the incident a year within I know it's a felony I mean yeah this was a they said this was a third degree felony I'm not sure on on that I'm sure that it's something that probably varies from state to state but anyway I mean I'm just talking about the state of mind her State of Mind in the situation being a victim of this incident and yet uh still hanging out with this guy so she only just filed the charges on the 20th and she went missing two days later and these reports of people that saw them at the bar she's she was fully aware that he was going to be arrested and supposedly wanted to spend time with him before he was arrested so in some ways it tells me that she may have come to regret her decision to press charges maybe she pressed charges and then maybe immediately regretted it and and was like oh no what have I done now he's going to be in trouble now he's going to go to jail I love him I can't lose him type of thing and so she started feeling guilty and yeah Angela exactly she she started feeling guilty about it and wanted to see him again but and I understand that I completely understand all of it I think we all do I think everyone in this chat understands completely how this works how these Cycles work in domestic violence um a lot of people have experienced it themselves or they know a family member who has we cover cases like this all the time so I don't think that anyone is really confused on that I think we get it she loves him she doesn't want to lose him she probably regretted filing the charges okay well the father's actually saying that she was over at that there the the father because his father his father has the same name so it's a Morgan and a Morgan right Morgan senior yes Morgan senior is claiming and I got this post that's circulating that Brena showed up because he was living at his dad's house for the last 30 days and and Brena showed up there just recently before they took off right and he seems to have been aware that they were planning to go to Canada that's what he said he said they made her run for Canada so I guess they got this idea in their head that um you know I don't know why she didn't just go to the Sheriff's Office and say Hey I want to drop those charges um and just keep it moving you know like why wouldn't you do that so instead it seems as if they got in their head that it would be better if they just ran away from all this um and she decided to abandon her three children for this guy and literally run away together I think that's what people have a problem with um and I've been looking on Facebook today you know a lot of people are posting comments and they're like oh thank God she's saved thank God she's found which we all agree with that of course um and yes it's great that she was found safe and it seemed like she was in imminent danger right I mean we really were like this is not good uh so I think everyone's really beli by that but at the same time it's like she just ran away and and left her three kids and never never contacted anyone never said hey I'm okay don't worry about me I'm going with Morgan we have a plan we're gonna do this tell my kids I love them none of that she just up and decides to abandon her children I think a lot of people probably have an issue with that including me well you know maybe the people are just covering for him and making things up and saying that you know maybe the truth is he he generally took her against her will I mean the father might be just defending his son you know they got the same name though the father was cooperating with the parents you know apparently and showed that note that note was very strange too right well yeah I mean the note the note sound like a like last like suicide note yes so the note so the note and the photo dump those two things together told us he was depressed possibly suicidal and you know a lot of times that um abusers will use manipulation tactics like that to get sympathy from their victim so it could have been that he was just saying this he was acting depressed um he was telling her certain things to make her feel bad to worry that he's gonna kill himself if she doesn't go back with him and you know he could have been using those tactics but here you go listen the way you know that she did this willingly forget about what everyone says and all these other things the way you know is when he was taken into custody he wasn't charged with kidnapping was he nope here's his booking here let me show you his book he was booked on the outstanding warrant yes he's not charged with any crimes and remember that folks if if you know that you know when someone is you know someone does a crime and takes someone against their will they're going to be charged with something um this is his booking this is now I'm not saying there's pending charges but this is his current booking he is in the clamo county jail booking number 24224 and the only thing they have here is the date he was booked 827 2024 height 510 160 inmate number is 36 and it says the charges and the only charges he has in this uh booking folks is fugitive from another state uh kfpd arrest a agency uh clth Falls Police Department he was arrested on the corner of shock Avenue and Delia Street no bail so he has a warrant from out of state Texas um but there's no new charges there's no new charges on him in reference to this particular incident it's very telling yeah um so yeah I don't I mean we'll have to we'll have to keep an eye on it and see if there's any developments but but as of now everything we know says that she went with him willingly um and and left her kids which we couldn't believe you know we were like there's no way she would leave her kids there's no way she would leave her clients there's no way she would do these things um and he left that note he left that note right we we we discussed the note right we discussed the note I went back to spend one last night with her this is what he left to his dad everyone's all in shock like oh my gosh they need to be found ASAP he's going to do some harm and I'm not saying they wouldn't have done harm you know I I I don't know what the intent here is alls I'm knowing is now that we're seeing things and seeing people come out and actually I don't know again there's there's a lot of people out there saying thank God she's safe but there's also people out there in these chats are now defending him in a sense of saying now what he did to her with these charges I believe probably 100% happened right but they're just saying that hey he didn't kidnap her he didn't force her she was a willing participant in this situation which I just find so odd and that's why I wanted to like talk a little bit more about this is because how can someone be viciously attacked like that and then run off with their their perpetrator with the person that did this is is I I I want to understand that more you know cuz I mean that's that's just odd you know I wouldn't want to be around anybody that assaulted me never again it's just like um manipulation tactics and they work I mean it's it's why these it's why this happens so often and it's why we end up unfortunately with cases like Nicki McCain it's because I mean look at what Tyler did to her like she was in the hospital he he almost killed her in December and she was still in his house still in his life a trial was literally coming up where she was going to testify against him and she's still with them like well it's very difficult for people to understand who never been in in a situation like that but when um it it almost becomes like a like a codependent situation where they feel as though they can't live without each other and you know maybe she gets mad at him and and she's pissed off and she's like well I'm GNA press charges and you're gonna go to jail and you'll see what what you've done to me and then after she does it she sits there and says oh no what did I do now that means I'm gonna lose him and I won't be able to see him and oh no what let me drop the charges now and he can come home and he can change and he'll be different and you know that's what they do they they say oh you know that's not that wasn't like me I would never do that to you I'm so sorry it'll never happen again and blah blah blah blah blah um and they fall for it yeah but let let me be devil's advocate here here right and whether it's a male or female right she alleges that he she she was assaulted violently on the seventh you would think anyone that was assaulted right there and that extreme would immediately press charge the the affid I mean suu call the police police coming over see the see the the injuries is an automatic arrest why didn't that happen so I'm just wondering if this is a vindictive on her part pressing charges against him a month after the fact and just says I don't like what's going on nowadays around 18 of August 20th I'm going to go press charges on you well yeah it could be it could be that or she just uh didn't have the courage or for all we know it happened again or could just be a toxic relationship it could have happened again the weekend before last he could have done something else to her or maybe she found out something that he did she got mad she was like well I'm going to go press charges then and you know we don't know like the delay in that but we the the problem that that they had in this case is she was injured significantly injured yeah serious injuries and so that means he had to do something she would have had she would have had to go to the hospital right so there's a hospital record of the injuries and that's what he probably has against him there's evidence of injuries so it's not a situation where you know a lot of times people say domestic violence doesn't leave marks sometimes like certain abuse doesn't leave Vis visible marks so no one can see it and no one can see that it's going on and it can be hidden easily but in this case she was very severely injured to the point she would have had to go to the hospital for that and so now you have a record of him injuring her so it's very difficult to just be like oh sorry I don't want to press charges anymore I changed my mind because they've already got the evidence and and the The Da may not want to drop the charges they may want to continue the case regardless so you know um I just think this was a significant event it's hard for me to believe that this would have been the first time just because of the severity of it normally um I think with with domestic violence usually it escalates I don't think it normally just starts out of nowhere and all of a sudden he broke broke her thumbs and her collar bone and all this stuff you know what I mean so me he's been in trouble with the law I mean if if there was never arrest prior I know that as far as police contacts you're right there's probably been some police contacts we don't know as far as Arrest like he doesn't have an AIT like he's not an habitual offender he's done some knucklehead stuff when he was like 10 years ago I I got some old mug shots of them like you know like I think it was like a breaking and entering or something very it it ended up being a misdemeanor and a bail jumping charge um but nothing like serious and egregious per se you know and uh in that 10year span up until that egregious incident on the July 7th um it's the 7th it's they they're reporting it as the 7eventh I saw something that said the sixth but the beginning of July when this domestic violence incident happened between that time I haven't seen any craziness on his jacket right yeah it doesn't seem like he's had um too much of like a a spotty past he you know he seems like he he he's a chef he he has a decent job I guess works as a chef um we don't really know all of that but yeah I mean he had some stuff back in the day and it seems like he's been at least it seems like he's been living productively um um well let me show according according to his dad he's just as chill as he can be which is a very strange thing to hear someone say when we know what he did but I well sometimes parents are in denial too of their own children right the parents you no matter what you can pile in all the evidence that someone's doing something and you know people sometimes are just in denial true true right or uh you know maybe the father just sees another side of them and knows his son more and more more and doesn't regard that incident as you know just a blemish but overall his character is a good guy or something you know yeah I mean and it just goes back to the original point I mean denial is a very powerful thing it's a it's powerful in any situation when someone doesn't want to admit that there's a problem denial is is very very powerful let me show the map uh I got the map here folks this is the map where they got caught so they made their way all the way from Texas driving across in her car her vehicle and this is Oregon so let's just zoom this out stay with me Magnolia um so we're going to zoom out see the United States for all our worldwide viewers and people across the United States are we looking uh originally this this incident took place in Austin Texas made its way to Colorado uh on a license plate reader on I25 uh you know somewhere between Colorado Springs in Denver in that area um possible sighting in Colorado Springs on Sunday uh family memb said on Monday that spotted in Boise Idaho and now they were arrested in Oregon clamo Falls we'll we'll zoom in so I can show you according to the rest records and it's look at this it's like clth Falls is right by this big lake or something here uh upper it's called uh what is this what is this lake called it's called Upper clamo Lake Okay so they were arrested at the corner of shock Avenue in delaya street so it looks like it's like here but if I zoom in it looks like an intersection they probably most likely getting food at McDonald's or Burger King or some sort of fast food and they were probably pulled over by a uh somewhere you know in sorry folks I had to switch there my phone went off for a second well um McDonald's Burger King somewhere on campus Street here Delila street so you know it's probably a Vigilant officer that was like looking out and seeing oh wow look there's the white vehicle there's the white you know Kia yeah and then uh you know but why were why were they all the way out here and to me it's like okay the dad was the dad truthful because the dad said oh well they started out in Austin they're on their way to Canada well if you're up here at Boise Idaho you're actually going Southwest you're actually going west you're not going north so why did they go from all the way up to Boise Idaho which is here and then take a beline to clamo Falls instead of actually going up to Canada they went the other direction yeah I don't know I mean they could have they could have decided to change course um was on that's what I'm saying because remember the phones got turned off so if she's in on it and she was like she was in on it and I'm not even going to go far as to say it's a hoax some people saying it's a hoax believe it or not I mean you know spotted and Boise 415 Mi away but they turn off their phones she doesn't try to escape at all right she has to know right she or you know I'm assuming she has to know that people back home in Texas are looking for her right or unless she they turned off the phones I mean are they not watching the news are they not watching you know is there okay but but look remember they actually had several days before the media ever reported this yes we were like the first ones to report it far as as far as journalists go but remember I shared I don't remember seeing any any reports at all so they left Thursday night they disappeared from that bar Thursday night it wasn't until like Saturday that we got wind of this because we saw the missing flyer on on Facebook or something and um so we did our report I think it was Saturday or Sunday Sunday when we did our first report so that's like three days three days of lead time that they had before people really knew about it so they got really far in that short amount of time and then I guess Sundays when all the you know we started talking about it and other people started talking about it and then yesterday it completely blew up everywhere and by that point they would have known this blew up oh no um and so that's why I think that maybe yesterday morning um when it started really blowing up that they were like oh let's change course because um if their original plan was to go to Canada and now people are on their tail maybe they wanted to kind of like take a different route to be less likely to be found but if that's the case then she's in on it if that's the case then she's in on this this this on this and she you know deliberately ran from her family her life her children her job friends and everybody just took off to be with a guy it's strange I mean is there any like I mean hopefully we'll get more information but see see now now the swindells are asking for privacy and that's where some people also are kind of getting a big uh like hello like and I don't know you know and I get it I get sometimes when there's missing people or you know circumstances where someone goes missing and a family you know pleading for everyone's return everyone gets invested in the case which seems like a lot at this point there was a lot of there was a group set up and then everyone's you know posting updates flyers and everything like that and then when the person gets found yes that's awesome it's awesome when somebody gets safe but the family immediately says okay we want privacy now some people are with some people are cool with that but others aren't others feel slighted in that because they invested a lot of time trying to find out yeah it's typical it's typical with these cases we we see that all the time especially when it's a missing person's case and they find that the person was really never missing or they were voluntarily missing similar to like Carly Russell um or we you know we've had cases where the person was found um dead from a from self harm and in a lot of times those cases the families at that stage they're like oh we want our privacy you know like the same one we just had um with Ryan the little eight-year-old boy he was found and the family wants their privacy so you understand it and it happens in a lot of cases because um that's a terrible thing to deal with and now um in this case it seems like there might there might be a lot of embarrassment as a factor um this has to be extremely embarrassing for Brena in my opinion um I can't imagine how embarrassing something like this must be um because now the whole world knows that she just ran off with some dude who seriously injured her a month ago so now everyone knows the whole entire country was talking about her case every news Outlet you can think of was reporting on it her Facebook page is inundated with comments now so she's she's coming back to a very embarrassing situation and I'm sure that her parents feel embarrassed too but I wouldn't really put too much on the parents because they just want their daughter home yeah you know they know they know what he did last month and so they were correct and we were all correct in suspecting and being concerned that she was in danger that was the obvious uh you know suppositions make she was just injured by this guy now she's missing so everyone thought she was in danger and I don't blame her parents at all for um putting so much effort into this and making sure that all these missing person foundations were jumping in putting out the Flyers getting the word out they did the right thing they they did what they needed to do to get her daughter get their daughter home safe so but at the same time it's kind of like now you're looking at the situation like well she did this on her own she it looks like she went willingly with him and I wonder what yeah no then people are just questioning that I want to show something everyone this is the point that she did she now if you just Google her name Brena Swindell it's just it's look at that it's just like every single media Outlet now you know and now they're all reporting she's been found safe she's been found safe found safe but during the last 24 hours hours just the amount of media coverage there was no media coverage up to Monday morning and then it just blew up overnight it literally just blew up overnight and you had like all these media Outlets you know just reporting on this case and I think it's just you know I don't know if they expected it to be this big or this all this actually helped the situation for them to you know a sense of urgency plus you got a you know her father who was a former major league baseball pitcher for the uh multiple uh major league baseball teams including the World Series winning Arizona Diamondbacks in 20 2001 when they beat the Yankees it's out there and now you know they got caught but now you know a lot of the story that we didn't know is coming to light yeah it's very interesting too that they they did in fact have pretty much three days of of time before this ever got reported in the media I mean that's a really long time especially considering that her dad is like a famous baseball player um we we talked about that at the very beginning we're like how is there no media coverage on this case like this is weird you know um but but he didn't really want to talk about it at first well as far as the media he said I don't want to talk to the media yeah and I think that they they didn't want to do anything to mess up the investigation or speak out of turn or say something they shouldn't type of thing but um it is just strange I I I'm so I still can't get over that it was three whole days before any media reported it weird um so considering when they put that information out there they put it out there it's clearly out there which had hundreds and hundreds of likes and not one media person did it until Monday Monday and they got so so far that's what that's the other thing that's just shocking to me when you think when you look at the map that you showed they started out in Austin Texas and ended up almost to the Pacific Ocean doesn't just a couple days they were they were moving fast they had to be I mean they had to really just be driving non-stop except for gas and just really quick little stops because they made it so so far now for all we know I don't know if you can look at that map again but um I is there some type of fairy that's off of the off of the coast there well you would actually have to go to Vancouver I'm not so sure about that but uh not in that general area it looks like they you know went from Boise now I don't know what how the the family member were here's another thing too is how was family members able to determine family members were saying they were spotted in Boise Monday morning how did they get that information how did they get that and how do they know exactly how did the sister how was the sister able to say that her last known location was in Boise we didn't we which is true because ended up being true because I mean well I don't know if it's true but this is where they were called the explanation for how she knew that that's just what she said those were the words she used is it because maybe um is it because uh you know that uh she Brena contacted her family finally and said hey I'm with him and you know we're here we're here we're cool and even though the family knew that information they continued to put out that she was endangered I think that's very very possible just based on the wording her last known location um you they didn't say oh her phone pinged or her car was tracked or anything like that they're just like go her last known location so it kind of sounds like uh they kind of knew that she might be okay um but still they wanted her found so I'm looking to see if there's any fairy and I I I you would have to go up to Seattle and in this area up here to get a ferry you're talking about a ferry to go to Canada correct yeah yeah yeah so because I'm think I'm just wondering if they change their plan or they sounds like they wanted to go down to the Redwoods or something in California or something you know like I mean like head towards California instead of up north again because maybe they got maybe family members got a hold of them and Boise and they're like yo we know you're going to Canada come home now and they're like oh crap we got to go somewhere else and go like another Direction because the father was insisting they were on their way to Canada so you go up here phones turn off License Plate Reader Friday here uh possible sighting in Colorado Springs on uh on what uh Sunday and then uh family member comes out and says they were in Boise on Monday um however they got that information then they end up being here and getting arrested him is very strange to me yeah I mean they weren't I don't want to sound rude but they weren't if they were really trying to to make a run for it and get away they just weren't very smart were they they're in a car with the GPS system that the police were constantly pinging and trying to find you know what I mean like that did they not think about the technology because that's how the that's how it was known that they had traveled up to Colorado in the first place is because of that car um here's my question too like now that he's in custody will the charges be dropped against him for the stuff in Texas and will here's why I'm saying this if she's with him and she's a willing participant his lawyer can argue whoa whoa whoa whoa what do you mean she's a victim she's with she was with my client across the country and they went there together to run away together so how is my how is my client here you know what I mean he might be able to get away with the DV stuff like they might be able to get those charges dropped because a lawyer for him would be like yo like they're together there's no problem um I don't think that I can't see them dropping the charges I can see her attempting to drop the charges herself but I just think that now that things escalated so much and there was a a massive manh hunt for them um I have a feeling that the local Le will want to continue to pursue that they're going to want to hold him accountable for something for for the resources on the search yeah I mean just yeah because this is this turned into such an escalated situation like a they're running around all over the country and everybody's looking for them and it's blowing up in the media and wasting everyone's time and you know so I think that they want to hold him accountable for sure so going back to this timeline did to her previously so just to go back on this timeline she presses charges against him on the 20th of August for the July 7th incident it says here on August 24th tcso Travis County Sheriff's Office conducted a welfare check at the reust of swindell's parents so her her parents said hey go check on on on her on the 24th despite canvasing the apartment complex where she live and did they canvased the apartment complex where she lived and did not locate her her vehicle on August 25th Mr Swindell re sendell went to the Austin Police Department headquarters and reported his daughter missing Brena was entered into the the national missing and unidentified persons database apds missing persons and tactical intelligent units began investigating as the investigated as the investigation unfolded it was determined that the case was within tcso jurisdiction on August 2 uh 6 APD investigators met with tcso and it was determined tcso would be the lead agency anytime a loved one goes missing family members May reach out to law enforcement agencies to help I am grateful that APD had involment investigating this case and that Miss Brena Swindell was found safe that's what the interim police chief Robin Henderson said right so and when you look at that statement overall that statement the tone of that statement is basically them justifying their use of resources to consider this a missing person and to spend all this time and money and effort looking for her it's almost like they wrote this statement to justify the fact that they considered it a missing person case um because now it seems like she went willingly and so they're trying to explain themselves and say well this is why and this is how and this was the process and this is how it goes and and her parents didn't have contact so they're almost like justifying the fact that all hell broke loose for someone who left on her own yeah that's how that statement that's the tone I get from it well we're gonna we're definitely gonna follow this charges that's why I think that they're not going to drop charges because you could see I mean that the overall tone is like trying to explain why they did all this and then also um the process and the steps that were taken and so it's almost like they probably feel embarrassed too where's her children people have embarrassed everyone I'm sure her ex-husband is embarrassed her parents her family they all must be embarrassed and where's her children well they're with Roman okay okay yeah so basically is we're I'm gonna follow this case just to follow to see what his sentence is what happens with this case maybe they'll come out and speak and try get more of understanding we just wanted I I I do think that this case now that they're found it's going to kind of go away right and we probably not never really hear understanding but what we like to do is get back stories and we like to just kind of you know follow a story that we get invested in um and we'll see what happens with this we'll see you know uh if he actually gets extradited to Texas or they let him out and you know up there in Oregon and with the agreement that he goes back and handles his legal situ situation that's that's another story will he fight extradition um it's a felony so I'm I'm sure they can extradite um and find out what really happened here you know and uh maybe they'll come out and set the record straight or speak or whatever like that but she is a victim she's a victim um but it's just it's mindboggling that a victim would you know go back to their perpetrator but as you see it happens well it happens pretty much in every case um dep deping on the the vibe of the relationship and like I said I it just seems to me that this attack in July was probably not the first time it probably wasn't it probably started a while ago and it's happened several times and as we all know a woman unfortunately who is a victim of domestic violence is not going 's nothing it's sad and it's it's very frustrating but there's really nothing that anyone can do to make her leave she has to want to leave it's it's the same as an addiction to a substance you can't make someone do something unless they want to do it themselves now she has shown signs that she may be willing to take steps to remove herself from this relationship when she filed the charges that's a sign to me that she potentially maybe is starting to think about things and think differently about things but then she turned right around and ran off with him so we'll just have to see and um unfortunately yeah devil doll she needs the willpower so she has to want to leave him bottom line she has to want to leave him if she doesn't want to leave him she's never going to so there's nothing anyone can do to force her to do that her parents and her whole family could do an intervention they can try things like that but we've seen um the bond it's called a trauma Bond and it's very difficult to break that unless you're the person in it so she would have to probably go to therapy um get very good counseling to be able to break that Bond but no one no outside force can do it but her well said Magnolia thanks for the Insight we wanted to come on together me and Magnolia to share our take on this situation since uh we followed at the beginning it's always good to follow the conclusion uh might be more to the story and uh we'll keep you everyone uh you know tuned in yeah and I'm just so so so so happy that it turned out I mean it sounds weird to say I'm happy it turned out this way because I was so so worried about her definitely I mean just thank God that she's safe she's gonna be going home and and we can be grateful for that and we just can hope that you know maybe she gets the counseling and support she needs absolutely well done thank you Magnolia all right all right Magnolia with the wonderful I like getting Magnolia on here all the time right this is coming a new thing for me and magnolio and jlr investigates coming both together just talking and everything like that I appreciate all of you in the chat that are uh listening and uh you know we cover True Crime 247365 so it's good that this wasn't worse as it is uh if he did what he really did to her well shame on him right and uh yeah there should be some sort of consequences in that aspect for sure um we'll try to see what else we get out of this and uh keep you updated on this case we got our eyes on this particular case I am jlr investigates that was Magnolia investigates we cover True Crime 247 365 thanks for watching we'll talk soon uh never know what happens next right might be back in an hour or two who knows right got our eyes on certain cases right now so we'll see what's up and if something breaks you'll hear it here on jail or investigates have a good day everyone be safe

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