Category: Entertainment
Garrancheira e garrancheira do meu coração eu quero hoje convidá-los para uma live que acontecerá no canal garrancho no dia 1eo de maio às 19 hor para discutirmos herança este romance aclamado de miguel bonf e será com a participação da minha colega booktuber daisy gomes do canal liter análise anotem... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Foreign [music] books channel today we presents the audio books of harappa curse of the blood river the first book of harappa trilogy written by vineet bajpai part 1 introduction 2017 new delhi video shastri a young entrepreneur from delhi gets an unexpected summon from his 108 year old great grandfather... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] i've been keeping myself so busy pushing out the misery trying to find the peace in me i want to be i want to be i want to find myself it again it's always a face i wanted to stay so you don't understand myself myself [music] i've been keeping myself so busy pushing another the misery trying... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] galadriel the name itself evokes a sense of wonder and awe a name that resonates through the ages one of the most powerful and enduring figures in middle earth her story is deeply intertwined with the fate of its people shaping the very fabric of their history her wisdom her strength her unwavering... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
आदाब मैं हूं आपका डिजिटल दोस्त शकील अहमद [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] चौहान किसी भी फिल्म में जो सबसे अहम चीज होती है वह होती है उस फिल्म का स्क्रिप्ट सारी दुनिया में बहुत सारे राइटर मिलकर एक फिल्म का स्क्रिप्ट लिखते हैं इंडिया की बात करें तो इंडिया की मशहूर जमाना फिल्म मुगले आजम को पांच लोगों ने मिलकर लिखा एहसान रिजवी वजाहत मिर्जा अमानुल्लाह अमानुल्लाह के बारे में बताता चलूं यह जीनत अमान के वालिद थे अमानुल्लाह के बाद जो चौथे राइटर थे मुगले आजम के उनका नाम... Read more
Category: Education
The light pirate by lily brooks dalton tells the account of a powerful hurricane which is approaching a small coastal town the low family prepares for the worst and the youngest low is born during and named after the catastrophic storm wanda wanda grows up in a florida remade by nature Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musique] c'est un roman qui s'appelle jour de ressac et je pourrais commencer par dire que le le livre est totalement dans le titre au sens où c'est un livre qui se un roman qui se déroule sur un jour et ce jour c'est le 18 novembre 2022 et il y a cette histoire de ressac qui pour moi est un peu le... Read more