Weeknights - Lil Wayne responds to Superbowl backlash, The Apprentice movie trailer

let's do it you ready yes you know we'll do a bit of Joy pain sunshine and Rain just not in that order Joy and Pain sunshine and Rain happy Friday everybody well this is I guess that's our intro yeah there you go this is week nights you know where we we you know this is week nights and I'm Dash that's it straight to it on this Friday yeah all right no AKA either huh nah CUA it's it's not it's not late enough in the day for me to you always snitch on us I do snitch but no actually you snitch on us because I know you say all the time my my background is brighter when we record during the day cuz we can see a sunshine no rain all right well I'm glad you woke up on the right side of the bed this morning me too I was worried sometimes I'm grumpy with these morning pods I understand trust me I get it I get it anyway welcome ladies and gentlemen I am JD AKA he who pods no glasses this morning so let's get into it well let's start with sunshine and Wayne right if you if you weren't sick of us talking about the Super Bowl I am and Kendrick Lamar and Little Wayne well you'll probably be sick of us after today I hate talking about the same thing three times in one week I hate it stuff keeps happening and we're here report on it yeah yeah well you know we we told yall about Kendrick and the Super Bowl we spoke about the backlash then we spoke about Nicki Minaj specifically in her backlash and her rants all in the name of Little Wayne and now Lil Wayne himself has stepped up to the podium and he spoke about the Super Bowl he did and so I'm going to summarize for those who haven't seen it but you should go see it for yourself because I am paraphrasing I am not quoting him line for line okay he basically said that he was really sad about what happened he's really disappointed what happened in the fact that I was I was about to say it I'm sorry I just don't don't know what happened Sor he was really disappointed in the fact that he was not given the opportunity to perform at the New Orleans Super Bowl at the Super Bowl in 2025 which is taking place in New Orleans he's disappointed in himself and in the fact that he was not given the opportunity uh and he said he appreciates his fans even though he was very down his fans his peers his friends his family everyone was really there to help catch him when he was falling and just really hurt and you know he's working on himself he's working on getting better and he's working and he wanted to thank everyone who was in support of him during this moment that's the summary okay your thoughts your thoughts are blink blink blink I I hate I hate the I hate the language around this thing this thing that happened to him like okay it didn't happen to him it didn't it just didn't happen at all I don't you you don't think he was denied an opportunity that he wanted I don't understand is there a piece of the story we are missing who said he was up for it he put his hat in the how does that work people actually ask to be a part of it and and then that that's the short list even if they don't he EXP exess interest in wanting to perform and he was I think that I'm the king of R&B every day but nobody's booking me right you're right I'm having I'm I'm sorry I don't mean to um come off as I as if I lack compassion um yes I do believe that he looked distraught and upset um I understood what he was trying to say I just don't understand what the I I feel like there's a piece that I'm missing I feel like and maybe I'm being too pragmatic about this I just don't understand we have been talking for a week like something happened to this man and I don't know what happened to him because to my knowledge people make their decisions or they they decide who they want and that's that I don't understand when was he up for it it's not like there was some that like there was five people on the uh you know on the short list and he just wasn't chosen or is that the case I just don't this is the piece that I'm not that I'm not understanding and maybe that's way like beyond anything I'll ever be able to understand because maybe that will never be shared with us but I don't this uproar is a public uproar this uproar is not in reaction to something that happened to him this is in reaction to something that happened for someone else yes we we have never had a conversation about oh so it was between Kendrick and J not JayZ example it was between Kendrick and jcole and Little Wayne and Drake and and Kendrick was chosen we didn't have a conversation like that so this happened to him conversation is weird coming out and saying you're hurt okay fine that's understandable is something you wanted to do you didn't get to do it okay but when when were you up for it cuz I keep seeing different things but the Super Bowl has been in New Orleans at least five times and Little Wayne has been a rapper for two decades more yeah but rappers were not all right okay we spoke about this before rappers were not really headlining I I just think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion and honestly I feel bad for Kendrick at this point like this this this this thing has been has yo I feel like the buzz they thought they were going to create by announcing Kendrick as the headliner is not what happened oh that I disagree with but I understand why you say it because it's not about Kendrick nobody's having a conversation about Kendrick anymore I think as long as the Super Bowl is being discussed it is tied to Kendrick and it is tied to the NFL and I think that's all they really care about uh the people who set this up uh and so I think all of this helps promote the Super Bowl for free really does it when people are upset at at the headliner because they're still yeah because the thing is this people like to give lip service but action is not the same as talking it's easy to say I'm upset I don't like this yeah but what are you going to do about it are you g to skip watching the Super Bowl no are you gonna skip watching the halftime show no and today there's this whole quote unquote hate watch thing and so even the people who want hate on Kendrick and say oh he's going to mess up or he's not going to be able to perform not like us or he's not going to be as good as Wayne guess what they're gonna do they're gonna watch it so yeah this is all free promotion this is just more uh visibility for the Super Bowl the NFL couldn't even pay for this promo that's the crazy [ __ ] that no one is talking about this is probably the most free pay free promotion that the halftime show has gotten in EOS but I feel like that this is this is free promotion for the NFL this is free promotion for the Super Bowl and the halftime show this is not free promotion for Kendrick this is not in favor of this conversation is not in favor of kendri I don't think that I don't think I don't think all promotion is is in good faith I think even people hating on saying if if mad people go publicly and say yo that that podcast week nights it sucks that show week nights it sucks people are going to say hm I want to go see if it sucks let me check this out I understand that I'm not I know I understand um all press is good press and all of that but what I'm saying is no one's saying his name right now everyone's talking about little Wayne so that's the part that I have a problem with we've completely decentered the person who this was supposed to be about oh yeah that's I'm saying I don't agree with that because the hate mentions Kendrick I the tweets are saying I can't believe Kendrick it's not the Tweet people are not even talking about that's what I'm saying like everyone's saying and maybe we're seeing different tweets I don't know and that's okay uh our our feeds are different for a reason but the I'm seeing tweets still this morning that say Lil Wayne is more deserving than Kendrick Kendrick could never do What Little Wayne would have done and that's okay I'm not saying you're wrong I'm saying perhaps we're just seeing different things but I just feel like it's it's it's gotten it's one thing to it's one thing to want your favorite artist or want the artist you like to do something but it's now we're not going on a week of oh boohoo Little Wayne didn't get the didn't get the nod I don't I don't know it's weird to me it's just I hate I hate the internet if the internet didn't exist we wouldn't be here like this just I I feel like it's not disrespectful in fact there is a video that resurfaced of Jay-Z saying it would be impossible to slate the halftime show with people from the city the the the game was going to be in every year from years ago yeah I mean we we also said when it was first announced that that's not something that is a ritual or a tradition in the NFL traditionally people do not perform at the Super Bowl when it's in the city they're from we even pointed out also sometime during this conversation the many conversations that the last time it was in New Orleans Beyonce performed and so yeah I agree it's not a tradition and I don't know why people have assumed that I think that people just look at Lil Wayne as such an iconic figure of New Orleans that they assumed because he was interested that he would get the gig and assuming is never good that's not how I'm interested in a lot of things I'm interested in making a million dollars a year but no one's no one offered it to me I just I'm sorry I I maybe I'm being too cold about this I just feel like this is silly this is really silly and I feel like the the I I just think it's silly I don't understand it I don't understand why it's this deep where it had to be like a whole conversation around it a whole week of talking about it now little Wayne is coming out and saying that he's so sad and I think honestly this video that he put out is just going to add fuel to the fire I don't I don't think there's a fire you you don't think any of this is a fire I think it's smoke but not fire okay I I understand what you're saying I just look at it differently because what what is next people are going to Tweet people are going to post videos but they're not boycotting the NFL they're not boycotting Rock Nation they're not boycotting Apple music they're not I all the things are still going to happen there's still going to be a Super Bowl show that is going to be 13 minutes long Kendrick Lamar is not going to be removed as the performer they're not going to say okay everyone we heard your outcries we heard the people and we are going to give you what you want we will allow Kendrick Lamar to perform next year so Lil wink is no they're not going to do that so all of this to me is smoke it's it's no it's no action coming with it it's it's lip service um I think Little Wayne handled it well I think him saying he's sad is okay I think him you know expressing himself is okay I think he handled it well a lot of people have been [ __ ] on Kendrick and [ __ ] on the people who quote unquote put it together uh he didn't do that he didn't take aim at anyone specifically he didn't say anyone's name he didn't you know do a lot anything derogatory towards anyone say anything derogatory towards anyone um I I thought I thought his his video was good I thought it it it came off sincere um yeah it was definitely sincere yeah and and I could kind of relate to feeling like okay so I need to be better I need to do more so that way I could be looked at for this maybe next time do you think there's enough time for little way I don't I don't know that answer I think you had a great point when we spoke about it uh I think the second time where you said you don't think there's going to be many more of these type of Super Bowl performances uh because people may feel there's been too much as you said Blacky black Blackness uh I also heard a rumor I don't know if it's true but I heard that rock nation's contract is ending after this year and so all of this might go away I don't know if that's true that's what I heard um and so I don't know what happens next I don't know if Lil Wayne is is scratched off whatever list existed I don't know was he ever on whatever list existed as you said right we don't we don't we have never seen definitive proof that he was on a list and so I don't know you know I don't I don't know is he going to be banned I don't think he specifically did anything to hurt his chances I think a lot of other people did uh you know specifically Lil uh Nicki Minaj and Birdman and his engineer manager uh I think some of those people handled it poorly but I I don't know I don't know the relationships he has in the business I don't know his positioning in certain lists quote unquote so I don't know I don't know if there's a Super Bowl performance for Lil Wayne and I I think like I said I think I said it to you off pod I wouldn't be surprised at this point if Kendrick brings out Lil Wayne I just assumed like at the beginning of this that that was a possibility I also I whenever there's something like this happening um you want if you just pay attention to some of these things you wonder if oh you know he'll be in New Orleans I wonder if he'll bring out this person I wonder if he'll bring out Master P I wonder if he you know um I I I don't think that's I don't think that part of it is strange I think that's pretty normal look Usher was in New York all week and he was bringing out Little Wayne Sorry Little Kim Little Kim um Jim Jones a bunch of people that are New York artists and he's been doing that in a lot of different cities um so it's not uncommon to have like a headlining artist do things like that um so it was never out of my mind that um rappers from that area artists from that area whoever might have been involved in it I think we we've talked about how methodical and intentional Kendrick Lamar is I could totally see him doing something like that so before I feel like before the conversation bubbled up that was a thought in my head but now it's bubbled up and I don't even care like I don't even I just feel like this I don't know like you said people will still watch I will still watch the superow but it's annoying at this at the end of at the end of this oh I don't I don't disagree at the at the end of this week where we're going into now a week post announcement and we're still talking about little Wayne I'm annoyed with it I just I'm just like okay yeah so big like it's a 15 fan base but I don't know I just I mean Lil Wayne is an icon he's a legend and he has a big fan base I understand the little Wayne is an icon in a legend I don't I've never disputed that in fact every time we talk about him I talk about how big he is I talk about how I like him as an artist so I don't I don't think it's lost on me his his impact I don't I've never questioned that um I just don't we don't do this like we don't every year now like what like we don't we've we have not it has not happened before to my knowledge where a Super Bowl performer has been announced and people have just completely been like well why didn't you choose this person and turned it into this Snowball Effect where the artist had to come out and say something and all that that that's just to me it got too big no matter how big the artist of course if we're talking about the Super Bowl we're going to be talking about huge massive artists because those are the people who are in Super Bowl halftime show conversations it's never going to be the small artist it's always going to be artists that have the most impact so right just just so we're clear I don't question Little Wayne's impact I don't question his reach um and I personally like little Wayne's music and if I had not seen a recent performance of his I would be like oh that would be interesting to see that performance but on television I haven't seen it live but I don't know I just I just think this whole thing was corny but it's just me I respect him and like you said he handled it well um I'm almost sorry that people put him in a position where he had to where he had to get involved I wish that as a private citizen he could have just felt whatever he was going to feel and deal with it privately right um because it's got to be it's got to be another gut punch outside of the one you already are experiencing personally to then now have this outspread of conversation surrounding this and now it's kind of weird like cuz you were part of the hip hop community and now it's like us versus them kind of thing and like I just feel like the whole thing is just weird and he was put in a weird position I don't want anyone to think that I blame Little Wayne about for this in any way I don't think Little Wayne is the problem here at all I don't think he's the problem here um I actually really do feel bad that he had to come out and say something cuz I feel like maybe if it wasn't the way it was he wouldn't have to do that he wouldn't had to like it's just he clearly also seems like he's going through quite a bit just off of what he was saying so right I don't know all right I I I understand what you're saying I do think it's annoying um but I understand the impact he has in the fan base he has and so you know those people are going to speak their mind especially in the age of social media uh where everyone has a voice yeah so hopefully now that he spoke up they will shut the [ __ ] up I bet there's going to be a petition by by the end of the weekend going around it's it's it's not it's not going to change and truly I think this Us Versus Them thing is what's going to cause Kendrick to not bring him out yeah because he was already team Drake so putting that aside for hip hop and bringing him out I can see Kendra doing that before all of this but now maybe not and if you start a petition how could I bring him out if y starting a petition to take me off quote unquote but you know people on the internet to weird stuff like that you know I agree but that's why I said the other day I don't think people are thinking about how this affects Wayne and his chances and his relationships Etc yeah so well moving on to other iconic legendary people uh the former president and the Republican candidate Donald Trump has a film coming out about him uh this film is called The Apprentice and the trailer came out yesterday or the day before something like that when we're recording this and uh we both checked it out uh Bucky I don't know his real name Sam something uh is playing Donald Trump the actor who plays Bucky in the MCU he is playing Donald Trump in the film um and our guy from succession Jeremy uh Jeremy Strong is playing kend Roy AK AKA Kendall Roy is playing his mentor in the FI uh I did not know that guy had a mentor and so that already piqued my interest it's his lawyer oh okay it's uh uh Roy I think it's Roy con the lawyer that went to that that got into trouble did he go to ja jail or something like that that's the same guy okay okay yeah didn't know that was his mentor that's very interesting yeah so it kind of takes us I guess it's going to take us through their Beginnings um right yeah well the trailer's out I saw the trailer I think the trailer looks good I like that the trailer was less than two minutes it's like a minute and 38 seconds I said yes yes and so I was happy that it was not a Long Trailer what were you about to say I was gonna say I don't like that I really liked the trailer I I hate that I don't I hate that I like the trailer because I know how the story ultimately will end maybe not not maybe not in the film but I know in like this is real life this yes but we don't know where in the film the movie ends where in where in the timeline the movie ends I don't think it matters though because we are we are in the timeline we are part of the timeline but is he part of this film is he getting proceeds from this film like that I think that matters well I'm not even saying that I'm not even worried about that what I what I'm saying is it's just a bit cringy because we know where we are today so it's yeah kind of bizarre and I think very meta to be having this movie come out right now apparently they're pushing for it to stay in theaters um up until right before the election shouldn't be hard to do that it comes out October 11th so yeah they they apparently are trying to make sure that it stays in the in the theaters I don't know who that benefits I couldn't really from the article I read I couldn't really tell um because I I I can't I also can't tell by the film if it's leaning in One Direction or not wait a minute or the other things just got things just got interesting I I Googled is Donald Trump involved in the movie The Apprentice the first thing that comes up is a article from Esquire that's titled the uh I'm sorry wrong wrong yeah it's it's titled the appr princes everything we know about the Donald Trump movie and the little by line says a lot of people are threatening to sue the film including the Trump campaign oh okay so then we know which way it's leaning but I that's the thing I couldn't tell they did a really good job of not telling us that in in the trailer yes I agree which okay so then it is sort of some sort of C it's some sort of campaign to just I guess disparage him and make people not like him leading up to going to the polls that would make a lot of sense I'm truly I'm I'm surprised that this movie is coming out now and for those reasons I mean we're we're less than two months away from the election we're weeks we're now weeks away from the election right I'm just looking at the article while we talk what' you say I'm just looking while we talk at the article yeah I would I would not want this coming out either if I was a part of of his Camp honestly I wouldn't want it coming out either way I just feel like these things sometimes oh okay okay hold on it says here notably one of its okay so the film debuted in K's film festival in May and so there were largely pos positive responses from critics according to this article from Esquire it says notably one of its most vocal detractors was the Trump campaign spokesperson Stephen Chung Sean uh announced at the time that they plan to sue the film calling it garbage and election interference by Hollywood Elites I mean maybe that's what that's to me that's what it seems like if you're trying to keep it in the theaters probably the director said to variety that he would gladly screen the film for Trump quote I don't necessarily think that this is a movie he would dislike I think he would be surprised you know uh and so yeah it's largely about him in the 80s and his rise to becoming a Real Estate Mogul knew they knew they knew what they were doing they didn't they they did a movie about his previous life rather than doing a movie about his current life which right I think is really smart if this is strategy um it is strategy strategery it's definitely strategery uh but yeah I I think because there's no way this would have come out if they had they'll probably be like you know when you go watch biopics and things like that they probably and and stories that are movies that are based on a true story there'll probably be a little blurb at the end of the film that says Donald J Trump would later go on to be the 40 whatever whatever president of the United States I couldn't I wasn't I just I've been watching Scandal and they keep referring to the president's numbers and now I'm confused because those presidents aren't real so he's he was the 45th president yes Obama's 44 I do and that now that I'm now that I'm having a a real conversation now yes um but they'll probably say those things but in the film you probably won't get any of that I mean if it's about the 80s I would assume no and yes you would write it is Roy con who is the mentor it said it in the article yeah so that's the lawyer that everybody knows today and everybody knows your name right they've been they've been apparently they've been riding together for a very long time so or we're riding together correct um well yeah oh go ahead I'm sorry that was it oh I was gonna say I think the trailer looks good uh I I'll be checking out the film oh me too definitely you don't it doesn't take much to convince me so all right so something else comes out octob oober 11 I can't remember I feel like a big movie was coming out on October there's there's a lot of movies coming over the next I would say six weeks or so six six to eight weeks yeah I just think honestly the remainder of the year at this point oh Joker oh sing Joker Joker 2 comes out October 11th yeah you ready for Gaga and and uh ready for Gaga to to sing her heart out I won't be I won't be watching that but also it looks like Saturday Night comes out October 11th which is about SNL if I'm correct okay but no I won't be watching Joker 2 in theaters I I don't plan on watching it at all but who knows maybe I'll be convinced to watch it here in my in my home at some point who knows okay I need to be able to press pause because 15 songs it's a lot for me I understand yeah anyway ladies and gentlemen this was week nights thank you for being here enjoy your weekend we'll see y'all on uh Monday night maybe oh maybe we'll talk off pod salutations everyone peace out

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