Category: Science & Technology
Introduction what's up everyone? obviously you're not here because your flight was grounded. i hope everyone today is doing well with that. the massive outage that's actually happening today is not something that's actually affecting. i'd love to know how you're all doing with this outage and if it's... Read more
Category: Education
The microsoft outage on friday 19th divided the world into two parts one that love the fact that it's going to be an easy long weekend and the other well let's just say it was a nightmare of an event for them and in many ways it definitely looked like a trailer to such an event so what exactly happened... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[music] in today's video we are diving deep into how microsoft's crowd strike update left the airline industry in cowos and what it means for you stay tuned because by the end of this video you will know all the crucial details and how it affects your travel plans before we get started make sure to... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Response from our leaders here in the us coming up on 819. well, we've been reporting on this outage. that's been the breaking news this morning. the internet outage that has affected so many businesses and airports. and now we're learning it's also affecting the philadelphia courts. we've learned that... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Microsoft azure faced a major outage due to a cyber attack users couldn't access services like office outlook and azure for almost 10 hours so what exactly happened a distributed denial of service or dos attack flooded microsoft servers with excessive traffic causing them to slow down and crash despite... Read more
Category: News & Politics
>> microsoft is holding a cyber security summit today in the wake of a crowd strike software update that caused a global outage. as you may remember, the software outage triggered systems around the world to go down including airlines and hospitals microsoft reportedly plans to address ways... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
You need to hear this if you're into cyber security just back from the microsoft cyber security summit let's break it down so after the big crowd strike outage microsoft came in hot with some major updates first up they've rolled out new aid driven threat detection this means faster response times and... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Bring him home now. so some of the billboards in times square went dark because of a global internet outage causing chaos at airports, affecting banks hospitals government offices, media outlets and other businesses all around the world. foxbusiness correspondent lydia who you joining me to report on... Read more
Category: Education
दोस्तों amazon-in कंपनियां हमारे जीवन में कितना प्रभाव रखती हैं इसका आकलन तो आज आपको हो ही गया होगा जी हां आज मैं बात करने जा रहा हूं आज का बहुचर्चित टॉपिक जो कि माइक्रोसॉफ्ट आउटरेजेस है तम देशों में विश्व के बड़े-बड़े देशों में इस समय माइक्रोसॉफ्ट आउटरेज को जो है महसूस किया जा रहा है डिस्कस किया जा रहा है लोगों के काम बंद पड़े हैं इमरजेंसी सेवाएं बंद पड़ी हैं और तमाम तरह की दिक्कतों का लोगों को सामना करना पड़ रहा है बहुत सारे लोग जो हैं वो माइक्रोसॉफ्ट... Read more
Category: Education
Is microsoft under attack a massive outage has just hit globally affecting millions today july 19th 2024 microsoft services including teams outlook and microsoft 365 have gone dark users around the world are unable to access their emails join meetings or work on documents this massive outage appears... Read more
Category: Education
Some major tech outages in recent years part one number one crowd strike microsoft on july 18th 2024 8.5 million windows devices got affected by the blue screen of death halting airlines banks hospitals communication and government agencies it is the largest it outage in history with companies already... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Last friday the world finally got the y2k experience it deserved when millions of windows machines went down thanks to a bad update from cyber security firm crowd strike 8.5 million to be exact but now the plot is thickened and multiple theories for why this actually happened have emerged a was it just... Read more