Category: Film & Animation
E e e hello guys welcome to my channel in this video we are going to review the crow movie so join us as we dive into the world of movie review exploring the depths of the crow movie get ready to embark on an epic journey filled with interesting facts as we explore movie review and fact so whether you're... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The crow 2024 it isn't good it isn't bad but more of a fun bad movie with some baller action scenes that are sparse here and there not there there's not too many of them but you know the the last one was especially good and creative and fun the original movie had a lot of death emotion and care to it... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I never be [music] alone yeah he goes through a very intense transformation the journey begins with um him meeting shelly falling madly in love and uh then they both get murdered spoiler alert um and um and it really sets him off on a course kind of a mythological course of what he could what he's willing... Read more
Category: Entertainment
In news it's not really a surprise to anyone the remake of the crow is not doing too well at the box office we have this article here from deadline talking about it with the headline deadpool and wolverine pulling feathers off the crow and putting blink twice asleep as summer winds down sunday am box... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I just watched the new crow movie the remake wasn't a remake they just kept the two main characters names and that was it nothing else is the same i hated it i hated everything about it i think it's worse than the borderlands movie not technically technically it's better than the borderlands movie but... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
The first kill in the crow comes when police recover a female body that was killed and ditched in the nearby lake she was killed by the villain of the movie who made a deal with the devil a while ago the deal is he has to sacrifice people to the devil to become immortal he killed zi because he was trying... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Why are you all just sitting here do something help me you're all monsters all of you you're sick don't take our words too hot you know how difficult brides can be help me Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro wow this this guy's in his groove he he loves doing this evil saking evil once an actor always an actor recognize this puss never seen beetlejuice beetlejuice trailer that chip before in my life or afterlife we doing thisle juice beetle juice beetle juice i'm need it upstairs b p down the fort... Read more
Category: Entertainment
He's super cute do you just love getting to be home with him all the [music] time can't i do i love it you're an artist right well i i used to be wowow but that feels like a lifetime ago literally definitely we get it i used to be a stripper the before times nobody in this family can clean their own... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I've been hearing all this buzz about an amazing little horror movie that has come out of ireland recently so i got curious i decided to give it a go and now i have opinions so if horror is your thing you can help out the algorithm please give this video a like and help out the channel and subscribe... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] سلام عليكم افريد هو فيلم رعب واثاره وخيال علمي ويصلح للناس اللي اعمرهم 13 سنه من اخراج كريس ويتس وم بطوله جون شو كاثرين واترستون مع هفانا روز لو وقصه الفيلم يتم اختيار عائله لتجربه جهاز ذكاء اصطناعي يساعدهم في المنزل اسمه ولكن مع مرور الوقت نرى افعال ايهيه المخيفه والعنيفه... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So the crow the 2024 version is i guess a reboot or it's a reimagination of the kill film franchise and i've been told that it is not a remake even though let's be real here guys the comparisons between this film and the 94 film are inevitable there is no way getting around that at all this film was... Read more