An Easily Forseen Failure Of A Remake - The Crow 2024 Review

the crow 2024 it isn't good it isn't bad but more of a fun bad movie with some baller action scenes that are sparse here and there not there there's not too many of them but you know the the last one was especially good and creative and fun the original movie had a lot of death emotion and care to it because it was such a wonderful powerful story that was just sad as hell so the reason I say this movie has an identity crisis is because it's trying to be like the crow the original but also trying to be something entirely different in terms of story and complexity it's trying to be too much and I think that's one of its downfalls if they were to have made this like an entirely unique story with different character names and you know overall characters it would have been received better than how it did before because remaking a cult classic doesn't really make a lot of sense to me especially when you know when it comes out it's not at the same level as said cult classic so if this movie had the balls the hoods Spa the confidence enough to stand on its own two legs by itself and not rely on you know an established story that everybody loved from the original Crow series then I think a lot of people would have been more open to it even if the movie had changed things around and you know added and made like the whole Crow power like you know all complex and stuff I think a lot of people would have been like this is a cool take on like you know a cold classic when it came to the story but just don't touch the overall you know like aesthetic and not aesthetic like the whole story like the original story of The Crow was Shelly and Eric because that one is a cult classic for a reason and even if like the original movie it did change a few things from the comics it still remained pretty faithful to it unlike this movie all right all right Le let's just stop comparing like the two movies please and let's just talk about the actual movie I'll be talking about spoilers because you know that's what we do here baby on this channel it's that's what we do and if you enjoy it if you enjoy me talking [ __ ] about the movies and and you know enthusiastically talking about movies I like you know hit that subscribe button go ahead and then you know like the video share you know it helps support the channel and thank you so much now the movie opens up with Eric as a kid trying to help a horse in in barb wire for some reason and you know he cuts himself there and at the same time I feel like like his mother who's in the trailer like in the for like in for in the background is dead because there there's a bunch of like crows like sitting on the trailer I don't know if she's like hi dead or you know whatever right but it just signals that you know Eric didn't have a really good childhood right then it cuts to Shelly waking up from a call from her friend who I don't even know the name of right because she doesn't really [ __ ] matter really and you know she's freaking out over a video and you know uh it's an important part of the plot and blah blah blah that same friend gets captured because the video is incriminating some somehow I guess uh like it's more incriminating towards you know Shelly but uh the big bad and you know wants this video erased or you know it for it not to go out into the public right so uh it was sent to Shelly and you know it was made by another male friend named Dom and the big bad a some CEO [ __ ] who he later finds out uh kills the female friend and you know I can't remember her name but because she's not really important uh she just you know her corpse is found later on in the movie and you know it just you know doesn't really do anything he just sets things in the motion really and that's really it uh we find out that the CEO guy made a deal with a devil to kill innocent so he can stay Immortal and you know whisper in people's ear to make them kill themselves for said for said immortality and I'm just like oh okay I guess I I would think you know as somebody who would obviously see a person who has a deal with the devil I would think they would be more powerful more powerful than that yeah no like he just sort of Whispers in your ear and basically tells you to kill yourself like I'm pretty sure he can he can just control like what you do he just needs to whisper in your ear for some reason and yeah like he just uses it just to make people kill themselves and it's never really utilized that much right so for some gu go for some goddamn reason uh you know he doesn't have any other powers any other enchantments or you know super strength or nothing he just hits you with the Hey little mama let me whisp in your ear and give you the whole ear harisman which just gets you to kill yourself and that's that's about it about his [ __ ] Powers it's so [ __ ] dumb more more on that later so Shelly tries to run away and you know as of now the big bad the big bad's goons are trying to you know find her and you know kill her or something get the copy of the video she has with a specific phone but she gets grabbed by some cops and send a rehab and you know that's where she meets Eric who apparently everyone hates for some reason like they don't really [ __ ] with him I don't know why but you know like like even if like the apparent like yelling in his face was just an exercise you know it's Prett it's pretty evident that no one [ __ ] with him because no one sits with him the security guards don't [ __ ] with him like that it's just an odd you know feature of the show I guess that he he has like a shitty life I suppose this is where I I guess like the Sparks are flying between Eric and Shelly and you know interest or being aligned uh I it's so it's so [ __ ] dumb uh I guess like she she sat right next to him start eating food say oh yeah no one likes you in here right he's like I guess and then like he starts complimenting complimenting her one of her tattoos like the laugh now cry later and he's like oh um well for me it's more like cry now cry later and then I was just like oh my God is this is this really his oneliner gang like game like what what's going on here and then she visits his room and she sees a a drawing of her naked with an emphasis on her on on her chest on her tits which yeah um somehow like Rises her up so I guess that's a win so with that being said uh Shell's mom you know knew she was there because I guess she was contacted or for insurance I don't [ __ ] know uh and you know the big bad cronies who uh control her or you know has given like the CEO has given her this lifestyle and stuff that you know uh she appreciates and loves and you know very brud begrudgingly uh you know reveal Shell's location and you know Shel realized she has been cornered and then that's when Eric like guides her to some place to where they escape together and you know yeah they go to one of shelle's friends place and you know they just start having sex doing tons of drugs more sex drinking more sex and you know it's not like Shell's being chased by anything right like you know by some guy who can control you with just Whispers and doesn't have like powerful friends and you know people that will hunt people down and kill people right you know they're not being hunted right it's just it's just such a weird it's just such a weird like decision to like to say [ __ ] the whole chasing and everything like they're just living in the moment I I guess even though she is apparently scared to death about the whole situation but I guess not anymore so during the first like you know the First Act I guess of the movie they were trying to establish Eric and shelle's relationship even though I guess like they only like been together for maybe like a week or two or something like that uh showing like how in love they are even going on trips with I assume shelle's friends because Eric doesn't have any friends until like he meets like the I guess his tattoo artist that did all like the whole bathroom stall uh graffiti on his whole body or whatever and yeah it's just yeah I I don't know how they're funding this or maybe like you know they have rich friends whatever right I just feel like the romance Works to an extent but dear God the dialogue hurts my [ __ ] soul sometimes like how Shelly said if you know if you find it hard to Love Me Love Me Harder and I wanted to throw my [ __ ] phone at the screen because what the [ __ ] is that this movie is trying to be deep in dialogue between two people in love but for the most part it just sounds cringy and just surface level intimate I think if they had just been been together for a few years after they escaped and you know went to another city um making music because they actually do make it a point in this movie where they both are very much into music like Eric is more into like the art and like you know the songwriting and shell is more into like the like she can she can do like songwriting too but more into the singing and the um the actual performing like the like also playing music as well on instruments as well because you know the actress is an actual [ __ ] artist so it would have been really cool if they just Incorporated her skills into the movie and have it to where they made original music for this for this movie here and have like the actual songs playing in the movie uh be part of the actual story to where it's being played everywhere and even in in Eric's head when he's the crow and you know it gives him more motivation to keep going on and especially since you know they're popular artists they would be on the big bads radar are because of course they're getting you know noticed by every by everybody so I think that would make incredible sense if they went that route like come on now it would have been fire as [ __ ] if you know during the crow part of the movie when he's killing people and stuff like that the background music is Shelly singing which you know drives him further into his whole revenge and stuff but yeah I don't know it would have been really fun and interesting to to see that to feel that to you know experience like this whole journey of you know enacting Justice with you know the woman he loves like voice in the background and you know being played in random like uh radios and you know uh CDs maybe even have like uh a rave sequence where like you know they're playing her song and you know because they they everybody recently found out that she has been murdered and everyone's playing her music and it's sort of like [ __ ] him [ __ ] him up in the head and it shows like um like like scenes and stuff like you know flashbacks to them going ahead and living their life it could have been really interesting but again they they didn't do that so back to the movie uh eventually Dom the guy who recorded the actual video uh finds Shel and Eric and you know warns Shelly about you know leaving because a [ __ ] course duh then they tried to get to his place to Eric's place which has a tons of mannequins and stuff I don't know why it was weird but um for some reason you know they were greeted by the goons that and then they were killed by a exitation oh my God shocker this is where Eric wakes up and is summoned to the realm of the crows where he becomes the crow powers and all and you know he comes back to life and kills a corrupt cop and then he would go to the bridge and jump back into uh this the water where him and Shel had a conversation about you know love and stuff like that and he gets a whole explanation about both her and him can be saved but the their love has to be pure or or else you know it wouldn't work and you know he has to kill the guy who's dooming her soul so all Eric has to do just go against the big bad and kill him along with the people involved with their deaths and you know they're they both can be free and live their lives back again which makes sense but the way the movie like does like frames everything the way the movie like goes about this this sort of goal is in some of the most like lackluster ways possible it's simple right he has to go ahead and take this guy down and you know he even finds one of the guys that kills him specifically and you know yeah kills him because he tries to interrogate him in his own car and you know kills him dead with one shot and it's kind of funny cuz the [ __ ] had a revolver and kills the guy in his car like I said and no one heard a thing like like not even the the other accomplices who were you know soon coming out of the building that was right next to said car and you know they were coming out to go because they found like the location of D then they wanted to go ahead and kill him but they got distracted because Eric went ahead and attacked the accomplices because of course they didn't hear him initially right but you know yeah they they lose him and he gets ran over but no biggy he has Deadpool healing so he'll be fine so Eric does go ahead and find Dom first how I don't know one one party has a car he does not and even if he used like Crow abilities it didn't even been it wasn't even shown so that that's that's up in the air and that's like sort of kind of dead so who the [ __ ] knows he meets dom dom tells him about the video that calls this whole entire situation and Eric goes ahead and finds the phone in in the Loft that that him and Shelly shared watches it and the big bad uses his powers to make Shelly kill someone yeah that's it and you know this makes Eric kind of a [ __ ] and kind of doubt everything Eric you you dense [ __ ] you killed two people and tried to kill others while you know like like why why are you judging her when obviously she was being manipulating to kill someone and it's not that far-fetched you literally have have healed from getting shot and being ran over and have like not full another ification from damage because you can still feel the damage but you have the powers of a God my man like like it wasn't her fault so besides that annoying you know situation uh him being a [ __ ] he goes to his his tattoo friend's place and the place gets broken into by guess what the big bad goons and you know they both get killed and you know he doesn't heal for some reason hm I wonder why and he wakes up in the cow domain expansion world and the guy in there who's like the mouth piece of the crows there told him that he blew his chance to save both him and Shelly and he would need to extend he he would need to ascend to heaven now for some reason because he wasn't a degenerate in life before all this I I don't know it's it's the rules of the movie who cares so Eric now wages his spot in heaven or Reviving whatever right uh he is willing to give his chance to Shelly and be damned himself which is agreed on and he is revived oh my God would have been a short movie otherwise uh he brutally kills the goons and figures out that you know the rest of the K of his killers and you know this guy at an opera and he goes on a cringy walk towards you know this Opera after putting like tattoo ink on his face and [ __ ] like that everyone was looking at him like he's [ __ ] psycho like a [ __ ] psychopath I would have called the police I'm sit like I don't trust this [ __ ] over here this [ __ ] has like face paint all this [ __ ] like it's the purge I'm not trusting that [ __ ] so he gets there goes on killing spree and you know the opera music is being played and the music and the combat are in sync and the music is okay too it's opera music you know I kind of like opera music uh again the the action here is especially great this is probably like the greatest uh fight scene in the movie not many of them but it's still fun creative and you know cool as [ __ ] it's visceral [ __ ] and you know [ __ ] gory as [ __ ] and it's pretty it's pretty fun to watch so after he kills the guy who killed you know know shell personally uh then kills the woman who ordered everything for the big bad he then goes to the big bad's Mansion puts a sword to this guy's throat and they both talk a bit I honestly don't remember what the [ __ ] they were talking about then you know the big bad starts whispering in his ear start giving him the whole Hey little mama let me whisper in your ear and you know yeah that he starts losing like you know imagine imagine losing because someone whispered in your ear that's some wild [ __ ] I swear so then oh my God dear God the memory of Shelly keeps him away from his influence and then Eric summons you know this guy he summons his domain expansion to bring big bad evil guy to the crow world where big bad evil guy is sent to hell shell is freed and meets Eric for the last time yeah yeah that that's that's this I'm when I first saw this I was like what the [ __ ] that's like that's that's it for the big bad evil guy that's that's [ __ ] it so yeah the movie ends with Shelly waking up next to Eric who died in the same you know apartment you know wherever the [ __ ] they were when they both got killed she wakes up you know revived by the paramedics and you know she goes on and you know to make music and you know is you know doing it for Eric I guess and I don't know if this is heaven or you know the crow reverse time or some [ __ ] but you know you know again that's where the movie ends and Eric Eric soul is still you know within the crow world and I don't know I don't know what they plan to do if they're if they're planning a sequel so yeah that's uh that's that's where the movie ends and it's kind of cringe so I I I have questions right so is Eric now like the crow guy like who avenges the innocent is he like The Punisher and some you know edgy way uh some guy who Ro Roots out corruption in the world what's the deal here because the crow is just a way for people who have been wronged to you know write their wrong to to write the wrong that happened to them in the world and then you know go go ahead and rest in peace back again so yeah so so I don't know what they're planning planning to do here do I feel like this particular story was heart-wrenching and sad yes but it wasn't an act of you know it wasn't a random act of violence it wasn't Innocents being killed because you know they they were they just happened to be in the wrong place the wrong time they were in the path of evil it literally was a planned event that was that just happened to caught up to Shelly because she didn't want to [ __ ] leave and like Escape because you know for some reason they couldn't find her for like a week or two in the same [ __ ] City and eventually tragedy struck because a [ __ ] course it did like like I don't know if his influence was that widespread but you were literally in the same city in the same location that you normally frequent no [ __ ] [ __ ] he was going to find you does the story here compared to the horror and tragedy and you know the the crazy [ __ ] up nature of the original Eric and Shelly story no like it doesn't like it doesn't even compare to the City of Angels story where Ash and his son were killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time witnessing a murder so yeah I I I don't feel like it's on that level of sort of like [ __ ] up but it's still it's still you know genuinely you know [ __ ] up that you know they they were killed in this way but it could have been preventable to an extent right I just I feel like if they didn't drag on the romance building and already established it and and you know we see them partying loving each other but we see them get hit with that random act of evil that was so tragic and unjust something had to be done I think that could have been better than this sort of like getting caught up in something you obviously should have [ __ ] ran away from I don't even know why they even attempted to try to do the same sort of death scene for both of them in such a [ __ ] way like I know it's [ __ ] up like if they didn't have the balls to make it as [ __ ] up as the original and you know just add that whole like evil factor that this was just just so [ __ ] up they should have just done something different they they could have had had it to where the random act of violence was between Shelly uh Dom Eric and their close friends that they had you know they all became victims of the big bad and its goons and their random act of violence because they were in the wrong place in the wrong time maybe at the and maybe at this party and they were chosen because you know they were there all the time they're young they're they're full of Vitality they're innocent for [ __ ] sake and killing them all and you know making them go through uh a bunch of Torment before dying and you know that would be a big motivator for Eric who has arisen because of the crow almost like in every Crow I only really watched the first one the second one kind of the third one and you know I just completely just gave up on the fourth one I'm not going to lie um if they just had it maybe like you know they always have in these movies where the crow would get like a like something sentimental that they would go ahead and sort of uh try and get back to get like their full memories and you know uh something something that that keeps that person alive physically in their hands or something like that right or like you know something that is uh symbolic right so if they have just made it maybe to where like one of the guys is so proud of like killing people and he takes trophies and you know he took a photo of Eric and all his friends and Shelly together as like their trophy and he hunts them down and he uses this person as a sort of like symbol that you know the other people are going to be hunted down and killed for what they did to the love of his life and his friends this movie if it was anything else but a remake of the first one it could have worked better as a fun dumb movie with a bit of emotion in it due to the sad nature of you know the plot and you know the overall motivation of the crow this movie didn't feel truly personal like none of the kills did and its Vengeance mainly didn't really hit that hard because it was just a means to an end due to the goal of you know not just killing them because they wanted to enact some sort of uh like Vengeance like like a like because they were angry they wanted Revenge they want to enact [ __ ] Justice it was just you know out of it was just killing out of necessity because they were just in the way and you know these [ __ ] were just truly evil if they made them truly evil like some of these guys were just doing their job and protecting dude but at the same time it just didn't feel truly like the crow the crow 2024 had an okayish First Act an okay second act and a disappointing third act that started off great with her Opera fight scene and ended off with a just a dog [ __ ] confrontation with the big bad evil guy which was a shame a guy with a deal with a devil and his only power is to just rise you up to kill yourself by Whispering into your ear yeah that's that's great this movie could have stood on its own two legs if it was just made to do so be a standalone in the universe and you know be done with it just make it a standalone in the universe where people can just become the crow and just enact some sort of you know fun fun bad movie I wish it wasn't fun bad I wish it was more compelling and loving and you know sad but it was also just really enjoyable to watch because you know who doesn't want to see you know Justice being enacted right but yeah um Bill Skarsgard does a great job and you know he he did he did a great job with what he got but godamn this movie Just suffers because of how loose The Narrative and emotion and just the death too it just it's just [ __ ] man their expansion on the cow power I feel wasn't necessary because it was always going to be a mysterious thing that helped right the wrongs of the world and doesn't need to be expanded more since that's not the main focus of the crow series it's in it's exacting Justice and even even that they quote unquote expanded on the crow power it didn't really mean [ __ ] in this movie at all because it wasn't really expanded it was just shown more like hey there's this realm of crows what about it uh what the [ __ ] but yeah um this movie without comparing it to the original is like a five or six honestly maybe like a five uh while when comparing it to the original it's like a three essentially like it doesn't compare to the original of [ __ ] chorus but there is is some decent stuff here that could have been built upon I'm not going to outright hate it because you know it had potential to be good maybe not you know 10 out of 10 Masterpiece good but but at least you know a decent start for a crow franchise right but yeah unfortunately with how it's looking now the crow might just be dead honestly boys and girls this movie has you know disappointed me and you know unlike unlike you know the Crow from the original and just the crow in general I don't think it'll be revived anytime soon unless unless it just starts going ahead and going through the animation grind or the animation route or whatever it's just yeah it's just unfortunate so with that being said what do you guys think love it hate it mixed about it tell me your like you know your thoughts and review on the movie in the comments below thank you so much for the support stay safe and healthy mental OT and physically see you guys later

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