Lions Gate Portal 88 | CONNECTED CONSCIOUSNESS | Guided Meditation

Connect with collective consciousness through cosmic journey. Beautiful wild heart gather close. As we embark on a celestial journey through these transformative energies of the landscape portal, this cosmic threshold beckons you to recognize the intricate tapestry of our interconnectedness, inviting you today to weave your own thread into the grand design of collective consciousness. Hi, I'm Katie from Whispers of the Wild. And today, we'll explore our imaginations, inviting you to visualize yourself as a cell in the larger cosmic body, recognizing how your own inner changes ripple outwards, affecting not just your world, but the collective world around you. And so, before we begin, if you haven't already explored parts one through to four of the Lionsgate portal series, I invite you to do so as we lead up to the 8th of the 8th, 2024. I've placed them in a playlist for you to make it easy to move through the collection. If you haven't already done so, I would love for you to subscribe to Whispers of the Wild. Press the bell icon to get notified of our new meditations. And we also have Little Whisper Tales for the young and young at heart. For now, gift yourself this time to journey within. Find your comfortable position. And if you haven't done so already, gently close your eyes. Take a deep inhale, like a wave of calm moving through all of your being, anchoring you into this now moment. And as you exhale, gift yourself permission to shed the weight of the ordinary world. With each breath that follows, feel yourself sinking deeper into relaxation, like a stone settling at the bottom of a clear forest pool. As the celestial Lionsgate approaches, you may find yourself more attuned to the whispers of the cosmos. Senses sharpen, emotions flow, creativity blooms, dreams whisper. Your senses sharpening, the stars above seem to pulse more with ancient wisdom, inviting you to dive deeper into the well of your own intuition. In this sacred time, emotions flow like wild rivers, carving new paths through the landscape of your soul. Creativity blooms within you like a midnight garden. Dreams become vibrant messengers, carrying with them whispers from realms beyond all of this, reminding you of the infinite potential that resides within your very cells. In this space between worlds, your wild heart becomes both the alchemist and the transformed as you weave threads into the grand tapestry of collective consciousness. As the lions gate beckons you, are you ready to step through? We'll begin with a deep relaxation countdown. Ten and nine. With each number feeling yourself going deeper into relaxation. Eight, seven, and six, your body is becoming a more and more relax. Five, you're now halfway down, so just go deeper. Four, your mind is becoming calmer, clearer. Three and two, you're entering a deep state of relaxation and receptivity. One, you've now reached the alpha level of mind, where connection manifestation are most powerful. Where every sound and noise and movement around you simply takes you even deeper and deeper into relaxation. Visualize a shimmering web of light extending from your heart in all directions. This is the network of awareness connecting you to every living being, to the earth, and to the cosmos. Relax, release tension, attune, trust intuition, connect cosmic. Now, feel a wave of relaxation flowing from the top of your head, all the way through your being, down to your toes, and with each breath. Allow this wave to wash away any tension, stress, anything within your body that's ready to just simply move through and be released with love and light. As you settle into this comfortable space, allowing your senses to attune to the whispers of the cosmos. Feeling the ancient wisdom pulsing through the stars above you in the night sky, you are being called to dive deep into the well of your intuition. Let your emotions flow like wild rivers, carving new paths through the landscape of your soul. Visualize yourself as a luminous cell pulsing with a divine inner light. This is you in your purest form. You are a vital part of the cosmic body. Notice the delicate threads of light extending from your beautiful being, reaching out to connect you with everything around you. These gossamer strands stretch beyond your body, beyond your surroundings, beyond the earth itself, connecting you with stars and planets, with other beings throughout all of this magnificent universe. Feel the gentle vibrations of energy running along these threads. With each pulse, with every vibration, become more aware of your place within this vast network. You are not alone. You are an integral part of a grand cosmic dance. And as you breathe, imagine these threads of light swaying and shimmering like spider silk in the morning dew. And with each inhale, breathe in the collective energy of the universe. Connecting and energizing through chakras and visualization. And with each exhale, sending your own unique energy, your essence, out along these gossamer threads. As you affirm, I am a vital part of this cosmic network. My being is interconnected with all beings, from the tiniest meadow flower to the mightiest celeste, your body. Now let's journey through your inner landscape, beginning at the base of your spine, feeling the connection to your root chakra as you visualize rich earthly red light grounding you deeply like roots reaching into fertile soil. Feel the loving arms of mother earth as she holds you, nurtures you as we move up to your sacral chakra, sensing warm orange light, igniting your creativity and joyous feel it flowing freely through all of your being and out into the world around you like SAP rising in a tree during spring, shifting your focus to your solar plexus chakra, visualizing a golden yellow light kindling your inner fire. Can you feel your personal power awakening? A remembering of all that you are. Your gifts ready to take inspired action. As we move to your heart chakra, visualize a lush green light expanding with compassion and connection. Your heart is opening like a blooming flower. Visualize this lotus, its petals unfurling with love for all beings. As we move into your throat chakra. Azure blue light enhances your ability to communicate your feelings with cosmic wisdom. Like a clear mountain stream carrying truth. Your truth at your third eye chakra visualizing an indigo light. And as this indigo light becomes brighter, an awareness of your connection to higher realms. Your intuition sharpens like a night blooming jasmine reaching for the stars. Enhancing celestial connection through crown chakra visualization. Finally, your crown chakra visualizing the violet flame strengthening your connection to infinite consciousness. Like the aurora borealis dancing across the night sky. Just take a moment to rest in the beauty of all that is. As you feel all of your chakras spinning in harmony, their light intertwining with the cosmic network. You are a living bridge between earth and the cosmos. You are a conduit for celestial wisdom and healing. Light affirming, I am a vital cell in the cosmic body. My inner transformation enhances the collective consciousness. Rest, affirm, transform, expand, connect with universe. Rest here and feel all your chakras spinning in harmony, their light codes intertwining with the network of awareness. Affirming I am one with the cosmic body. My inner transformation enhances my inner world and the collective consciousness. With all of your chakras now humming like a harmonious forest symphony, turn your gaze to the ripples you create in the vast ocean of consciousness. Imagine your inner light as a sacred flame nurtured by the cosmic energies you've awakened. This flame, cradled in the hearth of your heart center begins to pulse with a rhythm as ancient as the earth itself. Feel your inner radiance grow, expanding beyond the boundaries of your physical form. Like the first rays of dawn stretching across a misty meadow, these luminous waves carry the essence of your being. They carry your dreams, your compassion, your wild spirit. Visualize these ripples of light touching other souls like gentle raindrops on still water. With each contact, another sacred flame ignites, each joining the dance of awakening. Every ripple that you send out into this cosmic universe weaves another thread in the tapestry of global consciousness. You're weaving, creating patterns of unity, love and harmony that spans the cosmos. Affirming my inner light dances with the universe. My thoughts, my feelings create ripples of transformation that touch all beings. Rest in this radiant connection, feeling your essence intertwine with a greater whole. Connect deeply through breath, embracing silent potential. How does it feel to be both the drop and the ocean. And so let's journey even deeper with our connection to the collective energy, through the ancient wisdom of breathe. Imagining all those joining in this meditation as a grove of ancient trees, all of your roots intertwined beneath the soil, and yet your branches reaching for the same skydehe. Breathe in deeply for four heartbeats. Let the breath fill you like spring SAP rising in a maple tree. Hold and feel it nourishing every cell, and then exhaling for four, releasing all that no longer serves you back to the earth for transformation. Breathe and hold for four. Embrace the quiet potential of the void. Let's breathe together in this sacred rhythm. Inhale for four. Hold for four. Exhale. Perform. Feel the collective energy pulsing through our shared breath, like wind moving through an ancient forest. We are all leaves on the great tree of life, our individual movements creating a symphony of change, affirming in your heart. As I breathe, I am one with all beings, our collective breath, a powerful wind of transformation. Unify breath, plant intentions, create radiant energy. And so, resting here for a moment, savoring the power of this unified breath, can you feel the threads of connection strengthening with each inhale and each exhale. And so, with our energies aligned, and our breath as one, let's plant seeds of intention in the fertile soil of our collective consciousness. What changes do you yearn to see blossom in this beautiful world? Perhaps it's the unfurling of peace, or the spreading roots of compassion. Tuck these intentions safely into your beautiful heart, seeing them as luminous seeds, pulsing with potential, affirming. I nurture these seeds of light with the waters of my intention and the warmth of my love. Watch in wonder as these seeds begin to sprout. Can you see their tendrils reaching out to intertwine with the dreams and hopes of others? See how they form a vast, shimmering web of possibility, each connection sparking with the power of shared vision. As this network of intention grows, it forms a radiant sphere of energy, wrapping around all beings, from the tiniest ant to the mightiest whale, from the deepest ocean trench to the highest mountain peak. Connected to cosmic whole, vital and transformative. Can you feel the pulse of this collective field, thrumming with the heartbeat of our shared hopes and dreams as we affirm, together, we weave a tapestry of light, each thread vital to the beauty and the strength of the whole. How does it feel to be both the weaver and the thread, the dreamer and the dream? Know that you carry this cosmic connection within you, always, in all ways. Like a tree that knows the touch of sun and reign. You are forever part of this greater whole. You can connect with this network at any time, like a bee finding its way back to the hive. You're a vital part of the cosmic body. Your beautiful inner light and transformation enhances the collective consciousness affirming, I am perfect, whole and complete, forever connected through the whispers of the wild. And so it is.

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