Category: Sports
Okay we've got the championship game of the little league world series chinese taipei against florida we're in the eighth inning extra innings it's 1-1 bottom of the eighth nobody on we have a runner here at second base and i'm going to play it through and then we're going to talk about what happened... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Yeah man that's baseball for you it can be very unpredictable and injuries are going to happen people are going to get hurt and m the horse's name is friday hope be with his third into the night [applause] b be going for two and he's in there but took a shot to the head and now is shaken up yeah this... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
With a slide ouch ouch and double ouch god that had to hurt we got a lot to talk about don't move a muscle stick around and matt the horse's name is friday with a slide that ball's s in the air to left field and deep berdo racing back makes the catch up against the wall what a play by dugo who now is... Read more
Category: Sports
Why there have been so many no-hitters this season. when the play-by-play announcer who did his job and did a fine job of it has to start listing all of the pitchers who just threw the no hitter it unquestionably doesn't sound the same as nolan ryan has thrown a no-hitter or don drysdale has thrown... Read more
Category: Sports
Of teams have called the a's and said hey you know you're not at a stage where you're going to be Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hey baseball fans welcome back to home run baker today is saturday september 7th and the hair approves it's saturday hey these are our top nown card today we got five cards let's check them out it's card number 654 mark ventos mets third baseman had already hit a two-run home run in the game versus... Read more
Category: Sports
oalf l hof s grahtig ac re,ut b eth babasell.hehod tbee b 14 rlwodn o eastte Read more
Category: Sports
I mean this is a big series for us i mean obviously it's early in the year but uh i mean we're both playing really good ball and here we are head-to-head and i mean it's always exciting do players even though it's june feel the intensity of a series like this when it's a division rival and right now... Read more
Category: Sports
This series win is one of the biggest the yankees have had in quite a while and it's because this team finally has some fight what's going on guys the king of 161st street i'm back with another video and in game one the yankees fall behind early what do they do they use a combination of small ball and... Read more
Category: Sports
On this episode of lock on angels i'm gna be honest here johnny did we really expect to win with jose suarez starting i don't think we did i don't think anybody did right hey what's the update on reed demur we're gonna talk about that and did you see how many people are attending angel games this season... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro we got some really really good players and um i think we showed it um and we're going to work to keep showing it and keep proving that um that we're a team capable of doing special things because that's our goal that's why we're here that's why we played for the new york yankees so um it's really... Read more
Category: Sports
I don't think anybody thought dean krer would be taking his next star after getting hit on his right wrist by that line drive just five days ago but neo's going to make his 21st start of the year see where the ra is and i tell you what you take away last start when he got hit he'd been really good for... Read more