Zorro: Press Conference for the Launch of the New Series (clip video)

[Music] sorry uh be with you today uh for this and after these few words in French sorry I need to switch to English uh it's a pleasure for us to be here because um it's the very first strong TV shows that we present in France as paron plus we launched our service service in 2022 uh with a specific promise to deliver a month of entertainment and we did it uh we are still uh proceeding with this path and Zoro for us will be the sort of business card to say that we are in France we want to stay in France we want to present another star because param paramont plus was born from a legacy strong Legacy of paron pictures the entire world of the Stars the Oscars so the well the best moment and best way to introduced paron plus with a a local strong local original in Francis with Jordan which is a very strong star strong Talent which we hope and we are quite sure that will enlarge the uh audience of paramont plus we are pretty satisfied about how was the reaction of the audience uh in France in less than two years we could uh certify that we are able to deliver us Studio contents but also local Productions uh some of them have been discussed so I'm not entering now in the conversation of the branch Shore or of other production for the sport like Le St we leverage a lot on what has been really relevant for our tradition and our company which is the strength of and the quality of the star which we apply in the past mainly to the movies we are um convincing the audience that we are able to bring the same high quality and high Star Quality also to the TV shows Zoro will be exact in this part we will release Zoro with eight episodes on a weekly basis uh and today we announce a new news which is that we will also deliver at the end of the TV show another special content which is a making off which will be called um who is Sor and we are sure that you will appreciate also on top of the new content also the news that you can release today uh this the TV show will be available exclusive exclusively sorry now I was mixing with the French exclusively in on Paramon plus uh but probably you know and you read that we announced a very strong enlargement of um an agreement with a strong business partner which is canl uh we already have other partners like orang uh we work with Amazon we have several other agreements with a lot of Distributors but this news coming immediately before the launch of Zoro will guarantee that Zoro will be seen by millions of families because because Paramount plus is now available for the basic for the entire base of canal so um launching this kind of content in a moment in which a good portion strong portion of the French audience will be able to watch it will make the content flying even faster um so we believe that Zoro is exactly in the line of what we are trying to deliver with Paramon plus which is Iconic and strong IPS uh this is a Content that can travel across multiple generation because it's coming from the past but it's always a different way of making exoro character so we we are sure that Jan will have a great role in this and this content will travel across the International Market because after this launch in France the 6th of September uh in few months we will launch it also in Italy in Germany Switzerland Austria UK and Latin America and as we have seen different other times with titles and strong IPS iconic IPS like this one we are sure that we this will work really well also across other kind of audiences so overall we welcome you today with um this presentation of course other people can speak for sure a better French than mine but can even explain you much more about the TV show what I want really to stress is the uh satisfaction that we have in bringing live this project uh we were trusting a lot on it we really thank our partners which are now the ghosts they will appear um so it's it's a pleasure for me it's an honor to be able to present and introduce Zoro uh to the French audience

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