TTWP 60: How To Make Rap Beats. Ceedee Lamb Holdout, JJ McCarthy Injured. Guest: ‪@tazzomadeit‬

I think of the 60 episodes we've done we've done like what two of them live Drew yeah they were pretty choppy yeah let's see we did we did the draft we did the after the Cowboys got blown out by the Packers and then uh after the Raiders destroyed the Chargers on that Thursday night bro I stopped doing raid man oh me I sto doing stuff live bro like I used to make beats on Instagram live bro and stuff but just be lagging acting up it never went right bro that's the thing I especially living in Oklahoma we just don't have good internet like you go out to places like La Seattle like these big cities they have like Washington is like a Hightech State too yeah they got Microsoft up there that's where it's head ordered yeah but like you know like Kansas City uh I think Austin they have Google Fiber internet and I wish we would get that because it's so I mean it's insanely fast and like I wish Google would like start expanding like nationally because they would put a lot of these internet providers out of business because Google wants everybody on the internet you know like they got the number one search engine you know everybody watches YouTube video if they ever got like a social media website to take off like they would have like all three like big things you know like a big streamer big social network and they already got the one might be wrong but I think they partially own Facebook meta Google yeah I probably like invested in it yeah but I let me restart the intro I'm GNA leave that in though because that was a good uh talking point welcome everybody train wreck podcast episode 60 I said we haven't uploaded in two weeks but this time we got a lot of stuff to talk about a lot of football news but first things first let's get into our guest Tay you want to introduce yourself man what's good man I'm Tazo made it know what I'm saying also known as T bro I'm a producer yeah man I say you make some good ass beats dude I mean you showed me some of your stuff at work and I I mean like we went to a lot of we went to school with a lot of wannabe producers rappers and stuff and they make the shittiest beats you can think of you know but dude your [ __ ] is good I've told you I want you to make us like a beat for the podcast like an intro that's like my number one like sign of respect like your [ __ ] is good thank you bro I appreciate you man we definitely gotta get something going man yeah I say uh we'll talk about it you know when we see each other as I got some ideas foring yeah at600 subscribers I just uploaded a new uh video two weeks ago yeah yeah that video ain't doing too good but it's it's because I haven't posted in like what five months I just gotta keep posting and it it should go back up I mean dude you had some go super viral like this one's got 152 thou or 54,000 views 25k like I you've had Stu take off yeah yeah I I ain't GNA lie I was not expecting that uh one with 154,000 that was really like some overnight stuff to be honest bro I made that beat in like 30 minutes too that's when I was like just starting on the west coast beats and stuff like that they just started going crazy so what do you use to like make the Beats is it like a website or do you have like an app downloaded that has like a bunch of instruments yeah yeah it's basically it's it's called like uh when you make beachs and stuff like uh it's basically like a app but it's called a doll like Daw it's called a doll and I use FL Studio A lot of people use like logic and like uh prot tunes and stuff like that to record but I use FL Studio I was watching I've been watching people make beats for the longest uh before like I stopped talking to my pops he used to make beats when I was little and like he he really was like the one who showed me f studio for real so I just kept it ran with it basically I always had a thing for music too have you ever thought about like you know making your Beats and rapping over them like have you done that on your channel yet uh no not on my channel but it's it it ain't really rapping but like uh my homies or my friends or Brothers cousins whoever they might rap on my beat you know I'm saying so I I let them use them do you kind of like take some of your like the beats that go viral you know and kind of like send them to people like hey you might be able to use this for a song uh yeah part partly it depends like uh sometimes I might post it on YouTube sometimes they might hit me up they might see it on IG because I always usually I always post like Snippets of stuff on my Ig and then like uh rappers and stuff like that some people they might hit me up through a DM or they might see it on YouTube it just it it's different ways that's how you know you're [ __ ] good when you have people hitting you up for them yeah so what's your beads do you specialize in the West CO beat um no I got a I really got um like if you go to YouTube before this was my old one I think think it was called U I think it also is Tazo made it or it's PR by Tazo or something like that and uh it was only it only has like two videos I you I really started off making like uh industry beats what I mean by industry beats is basically like all the big rappers in the G like little baby little dir young boys stuff that like uh basically like the biggest rapper so it's like all the big rappers in the industry I just make like regular trap beats and stuff like doing that so like I really can make everything I have made everything besides like some R&B but that's one thing I need to learn how to make is like R&B music all right let me see if I can find my YouTube and then okay if you do uh text me the link and I'll uh put it on the screen all right I got you so what's your favorite one you've ever done is it the one that went viral or do you have some that like didn't go do as well but it was like more of your like favorite um I'll would probably say my favorite beat is that I probably did is uh yeah it probably be the one that went most viral because like the song I sampled the song in it so it was like people for in the west coast like NorCal Northern uh California beats they use a lot of samples in they in their beats so like people uh rappers like a lot of samples and stuff like old school music yeah so uh I sampled a kha Cole song it's called Should Have Cheated and like if you know if you know that song you like you know it's a good song so like people people like they was like saying this hard they they liked how I basically like turned to like Auntie a auntie and Mama Jam in the 90s I mean early 2000s I didn't mean to say 90s early 2000s and uh early 2000s to like a a hard basically trap West Coast beat or a drill beat something how how you put it so is that something that happens often where you'll like hear a song and you think like hey I think I could kind of make this better if I mess with the beat you know and like maybe add a few more layers to it yeah yeah because uh Christian um another guest on the podcast we were talking about like with music especially like you know with guitars you know guitars only have like four or five chords you know on them so it's like okay it's hard to make it sound different every single time so it's like you know you hear some songs it's like man that sounds similar to this one you know it's like every song's going to sound the same eventually whenever you know you only have a limited number of chords to work with but you can always kind of add layers to it to make it better you know and so it doesn't sound exactly the same yeah um for me yeah I got those moments where like it's basically beat block like man I I'm only limited I got to work with here but sometimes I just got those nights where I be like just flowing and uh like really though I I feel like what help with it because I really don't have beat block as much I just I really don't like I'm just really lazy with Beats for real like I don't know why but I am but like luckily I I was in Ben in school I used to play like in elementary I played the uh violin I taught I basically taught myself how to play the piano I had a little keyboard but like anytime I got around the piano I just like took my time it was like playing the piano I tried to play the guitar but like that didn't last very long I played the trumpet in middle school so like I was in choir so I was like always in into music basically yeah so like see I I wish I was like more into music in my like younger years I tried to do the guitar but um the guy across the street from my grand he was the one that actually like got me into it and was teaching me and then uh he had a kid and so I kind of didn't get to practice as much cuz he was always busy so I kind of fell out of it and um you know my grandma she had this like not like a grand piano but like a little one you know and you know I would mess with it every now and again and it actually had a thing where it had like pre-recorded tracks on it and so you would hit play yeah and the key would light up so you could learn how to play the song on it and um I would do that and think I'm so [ __ ] good even though it's like oh this thing's telling me how to play it you know yeah hey man you gotta start somewhere gota start yeah that's Buist too is learning how to play the piano yeah bro I thought I knew how to play something like I learned probably like one song on there and it was like Ste Dre by Dr D Snoop Dog like that I knew how to play that and I thought I was like the greatest ever bro but like I used to watch people sit and play like piano on YouTube try to just mimic them when I have my key I still got my keyboard it's in my closet I just don't got it plugged in but yeah and then uh I always wish I was able to sing I can't sing worth of [ __ ] like just give him a couple of tequila shots he'll think you will yeah sing either bro don't feel bad I can't sing either you know alcohol does make you a better singer though because it clears out your throat a little bit but even then it's like you also go like kind of DEA you know too so it's like you start singing louder that's when you start to sound like [ __ ] because you're like I can't hear myself here's uh T's old YouTube channel right here if you guys my that was my old YouTube channel before it got um hacked so I really don't even got that YouTube channel no more I I that's like when I first just started got up and rolling with the Beats but um yeah that was uh like I making little Dirk beats and stuff at first but now then I trans transitioned over to like West Coast stuff nice I get you on the having multiple YouTubes like before my account that I have now I had one where I would just post like you know me holding my freaking phone up to the TV because that's how I thought uh people recorded their gameplay back then like I didn't know what a capture card was like I'm like damn these people have really nice pH yeah so there and you know I was you know so those videos were just ex same way bro yeah those videos were just freaking dog [ __ ] and then uh I would post some uh you know what Yu-Gi-Oh is the card game uh I would yeah I figured out how to screen record on my laptop and they had a PC game and I had a few videos of me uh playing that but it had like no commentary over it yeah and then then I decided when I was like 15 to Rebrand myself and then I got this YouTube channel and all I did was just post like 30 second Clips off my Xbox you know when Xbox got the DVR thing like you look there's like clips from like Madden 16 on there and then it wasn't until like it wasn't until like two or three years ago that I really started like taking it seriously yeah my first ever YouTube bro I was I think it was like around when 2K8 just came out like I used to be in the park I used to clip stuff and then like I used to put my Clips together and then like edit it put a song over it and like add some like weak animations from a free like basically like iMovie iMovie edits yeah and I posted on YouTube and it was just like 2K8 Park mixtape it was just me playing 2K I get you on that because like I still use iMovie to edit that's how all my videos are edited because like you know where we went to school they had like MacBooks and stuff so that was like the thing I learned from school and now like I don't want to try any editing software other than that I mean like what was you bet say I say 2K I mean that's that's really where I started like getting into YouTube too like uh Chris Smooth you know him I'm G let it fly yes I know Chris Smooth come on man yeah I say I think everybody knows him like like when I saw his videos like 2K 13 I saw my fair share Chris smoth I was like these videos are freaking cool and meanwhile I didn't know he was also like splicing together like Grand the auto Clips in his uh 2K gameplay like oh I'm driving to the arena you know and I'm like dude 2K looks [ __ ] cool you know like I was in I was into basketball but um I hadn't played the games you know and then I saw that I'm like wait you can drive in a basketball game I didn't realize he was splicing in Grand Theft Auto so uh [ __ ] you Chris Smooth basically got got my mom to spend money on 2K 13 and then I was like I mean this game's cool but I thought you could drive in it but hell now you basically can with the the freaking park or whatever you know how like career mode there's always a city you can exploore explore and you can get like a you know scooter and some [ __ ] City to explode is crazy Cody yeah sorry I [Music] my bad bro only it's uh never [Laughter] mind man how y been H well you saw me today so you know how my day is yeah I mean it was it was I mean it was all right it got uh a little busy after you guys left but I mean I still as long as I leave on time I'm cool like the day can suck but as long as I leave on time I'm good M was pretty good I just had my um classes today oh yeah he's having to go to Walmart school right now who drew yeah what for so when you become a team lead send you to Academy learn about you um your position your pacif pacifics that's what I was doing as my fresh area pacifics all right on me on me big team lead who who is your teacher Drew Lindsay oh um when I went to Academy back when I was a team lead uh we had this British dude named Scott that dude is [ __ ] cool yeah Scott's still there he's cool have you have you had him before no I had Allen Kayla and L Lindsay now but all right say is there anything else you want to talk about with your channel uh any upcoming projects that you're working on um I wouldn't say any upcoming projects but I am gonna try to push myself to get back active again on there because uh I be doing if I don't know if I I don't like saying fans like the people who support me you know what I'm saying a fans but I know they've been waiting on some more beats so I got to give give them some more beats that's kind of the thing it's hard to like push yourself with videos you know like I mean when you have one take off like that it's like then you get motivated but I don't know with how like the algorithms work and stuff it's like sometimes it's in your favor and sometimes it's not and then that's like you know you can make the best video ever you know like your favorite one and then it's like it doesn't take off you know but the thing is it's try to like have fun with it too you know fact yeah hey man honestly when it comes to me when I'm posting on YouTube bro like I posted video I just be like looking thinking like I just really in hopes of like somebody at least like rapping on the beat and posting it like sharing it because I be trying to share that music for real that's really all I really post beats for is just to post beats and share people music that's it I I be trying to find new music to listen to that's really all I make beat for bro this might sound weird and I like but um my best example like weird beats but that's also good beats is tired the Creator yeah I know exactly what you mean bro like he has the weirdest beats but they're good yeah it makes sense bro like it makes sense it's like unorthodox beats he has my favor beats of all time yeah me Tyler the Creator do got some good beats and I like it bro because he actually make his stuff too he's a producer as well yeah yeah man that's crazy I find that's that's extra work though rap to make it beat and also like be an artist yeah that's a lot of work but it's a lot of work to to pay off to me it's hard to top a Dr Dre beat facts I mean always Legend yeah there a lot of make beats bro Dre Kanye Jay-Z There's a few yeah true back to like the YouTube stuff like I swear if Drew wasn't this podcast it would be so it'd be so much harder for me to post videos cuz like he kind of is like texting me you know like oh dude let's talk about this you know and I'm like oh yeah I forgot we do that you we podcast yeah and then especially like when like recently where we went like two weeks without posting one but it's also like dude you gotta have [ __ ] to talk about you know and it's like trying to find like two weeks to find information about like I watch some of these other dudes that do like sports content on YouTube and it's like they're like reaching to like the deaths of like the practice squads to find something to talk about you know and it's like dude I couldn't do that stuff like like even like like the Cowboys you know I'm a big fan of them I couldn't make a video like every day like these guys too like uh Tom grai this guy he's a Packers YouTuber I'm like dude like he he loves his team more than I do because I couldn't talk about my team that much we can't forget our Lorden Savor bran perno yeah like same with him like I'm looking through some of the videos he posted over the summer and it's like he reviewed a game from like 1998 it's like dude yeah Cody I understand you bro on that part bro I ain't even gonna lie bro cause uh like I could not talk every day about Buffalo Bills bro like I'm already know I'm not from Buffalo New York bro it's just my boy Josh Allen that's my favorite player in the league right now bro so like you know what I'm saying I've been I've been watching the bills for a minute too I've been watching them since like 2020 so when I started really watching football I love Josh Allen I think he's the most exciting player in the NFL I mean the dude can throw it 70 yard yards and then run 70 yards in like 5 Seconds like the dude's insane with how athletic he is facts and he hurdles he hurdles people bro yeah he's Prett much this age as Michael Vic basically yeah say he he's vanilla Vic not Daniel Jones vanilla Vic me vanilla Vic you know how they were calling Daniel Jones say it yeah they were calling Daniel Jones that like two or three years ago and it's like yeah no that that's Josh Allen but I mean Josh Allen's that's a thing like Michael Vic he was skinny as [ __ ] you know and like he would take those hits and you'd be kind of scared for him because he was so skinny Josh Allen's [ __ ] huge like you don't get really worried when he takes a hit because it's like dude he trucks over dudes and he's like what 65 with his damn third bro what that I say he's like 65240 bro yeah like that run he had against the Steelers in the playoffs like that's how like dominant that dude is like like the Steelers have a good defense and he just made them look like a bunch of [ __ ] no for real I was trying to find um a gift of it but it won't pop up in Google a gift of the Run yeah yeah like out of all the quarterbacks in the league uh Josh Allen's probably my favorite to watch right now like um I like watching momes uh sorry Drew he's a big uh momes hater he K my ass um Jordan love I think is gonna be really interesting to watch too but I mean I think Josh Allen I I mean I think Dak Prescott should have won MVP last year but Josh Allen should have been second place and I think he was like I don't even think he got a vote what Lamar won it Dak finished second I think Christian mcaffrey was in like third when like Josh Allen had like almost 50 touchdowns by himself last year because he had like almost 20 rushing touchdowns and like 35 passing yeah like let me see and he didn't get hardly any MVP love and a goddamn running back got an MVP vote I'm pretty last no I think Josh Allen finished second last season no I I remember it was it was Dak because Lamar won by like a stupid margin for a dude that threw for like barely 3,000 yards and he had like 23 touchdowns and like eight interceptions meanwhile yeah Josh Allen had like 45 Dak had 36 I mean because if you're including Lamar's running ability into his MVP voting Josh had better production running wise than Lamar did you know yeah but sticking with the bills I got announced yesterday Matt Milano tore his bicep and looks like he's gonna be out until December and I tell you what for a linebacker to have a bicep injury that's that's really devastating because like you know H being able to wrap up you know and then having this part of your arm like sore and [ __ ] even if he comes back from it it's going to be a tough challenge for him yeah no it's definitely going to be tough but I guess the good thing for the the bills is they have this they kind of know what they're expecting now because he was injured last year too because he missed like all of last year yeah almost yeah or majority of it he probably played a couple games and like the dude's 30 years old you know it's like it's gonna be hard for him but man when he was playing he was one of the best linebackers in the league facts yeah I mean 2022 he finished First Team all pro yeah yeah I remember that bro I was watching every game that season I thought that was our year man yeah when you guys uh opened against the Rams you know they were the defending champs and you guys went there house and smack the [ __ ] out of them something like that it was like 31 to n or something like that yeah Matt Milano he played five games last year and five games he had 30 tackles and two interceptions and a force fumble so so like yeah that we're gonna be definitely gonna be missing that this season so how do you think the bills do um I think you guys actually probably win the division because I'm not a believer in the Jets how do you think they're going to do bro I think we going to win the division to cuz I don't believe in the Jets the Patriots or the Dolphins I don't I don't believe it I don't Patriots are gonna be lucky to win a damn game they traded mat maton one of the best players like I was literally just talking about to like my group of friends bro that I'd be talking about football with and play the game with like NCAA and Madden and stuff with bro he was just talking about this the day before they traded Matthew J we was like bro Patriots don't have nobody that like I don't know nobody on their team besides Matthew judon and then I wake up the next day and see Matthew judon traded I'm like well there goes the last Superstar on on Patriots bro yeah I me he he's what 32 so I mean it's not like he was going to be part of the future you know but yeah at least he could like what are they doing bro I I don't think they know what they're doing like they're they're in a full like re like you think of organizations rebuilding they're completely rebuilding from the bottom up you know they're washing everything bill bich was doing you know yeah and like they're completely cleaning the whole organization to try to build into something up but I mean the Patriots can suck for the rest of my life I don't care they they've won six Super Bowl their first rounder um Drake May is getting outplayed by their sixth round right now no I didn't yeah it's been a lot of talks in from in their preseason camps and all that speaking of the Patriots they got a game going on right now actually against the Eagles I'm gonna get that on the TV right now I I think Drake May has potential but the team around him is horrible and they're gonna if anything they might ruin his confidence you know like I think Drake may could be a good quarterback just not for it's the Patriots you know yeah yeah not just not for the Patriots bro because like I don't know bro there's nobody there bro that's like the [ __ ] Army of the NFL but yeah like the Dolphins I don't I don't really give a [ __ ] about the Dolphins like they're good at the beginning of the season they always collapse so like I don't really I don't really fear them yeah weather's under 72 degrees they're [ __ ] I about say yeah they F if as long as As say as long as we got uh HomeField Advantage if we play Miami bro we should be straight maybe I'm really only worried about the Jets because you know that's like I don't know they really like the only team that gives us problems because they they have a front seven that's I mean not front seven uh no they front seven is actually decent I'm not gonna lie they got linebackers reic is trying to trade out there I mean that don't matter they have Hanan IC last year and their defense was still good yeah they got they got like two good they got what Quinn Williams and uh what's his name they got s Gardner in the secondary too yeah s Gardner then they got they got a decent safeties like Jets not bad bro they really like the only team that gives us problems bro CJ Jets yeah he's the linebacker for him yeah yeah that's what I thought I just I hate Aaron Rogers so I'm just hoping I hope they suck like fact dude Aaron Rogers is the biggest [ __ ] prick to me how why so bro like you ever hear him in interviews like the dude thinks he's smarter than everyone like he's so [ __ ] condescending like the dude's old family doesn't even [ __ ] talk to him like I mean that tells me enough about him you know like yeah if the dude like own family won't talk to him and then you kind of hear about like he's basically become Brett farre like the will I won't I retire [ __ ] he was doing with the Packers and then now he gets to the Jets and he's like oh feel like I got new life you know like the dude just seeks attention dud now I think about he's exactly following that BR far route go to the Jets yeah he went to the Jets before he went to the Vikings so Trevor that's how you fix it you can get Aaron Rogerson Rogers has the he can do the funniest thing in the world right now yeah Vikings need a quarterback hey uh J kind yeah I me it worked out it worked out good for Jordan love you know like uh what's his name JJ McCarthy can sit behind Aaron Rogers for a year and then watch it uh they can get to the NFC championship and Aaron Rogers can throw a stupid interception like Favre did Aaron rod and Jay Jedis and Jordan Addison would be crazy though I'm not gonna lie yeah but here's the thing with Rogers he really hasn't had a good season since like 2020 yeah true because like that last year in Green Bay they finished eight and nine and he didn't play that good and then you know he got hurt the first at the Jets I was watching that yeah uh dude you you can go back to that episode of the podcast after that happened you'll never see a bigger smile on my face what did he do to you bro dude the two playoff games against the Cowboys that's what he did to me two [ __ ] games too makes sense makes sense cuz one of them was the the Dez cot it game and then the other one was the one the Cowboys were down 21 to3 and they came back and tied it all the way at 31 and then the Packers kicked a field goal and won it and I was like I still think that's the most heartbroken ever been during a football game yeah know that de cut game was crazy I ain't gonna lie yeah that game just pissed me off like it didn't break my heart it pissed me off i' be pissed too bro yeah I I did a video on my channel last year um top five worst cowbo voice losses and that was number one and I was so pissed recording that cuz it it brought up all those bad memories you know yeah what's the most like devastating loss to you is it is it that play yes bro bro I you don't understand bro I was hype we scored with what like I don't even remember it was 2020 bro I was watching that is like when I was like really like I was watching really like I was watching the Steelers and the bills cuz my aunt she was a Steelers fan and I was living with her at the time so like then was the only two games I was watching for real but then like the Steelers this is when it was what I think it was Big Ben last year when they was like 10 they was undefeated at first or something like that oh yeah when they started 11 and0 yeah this was that Year bro and then like bro we uh I think this the same year when we played we went into overtime with what's it called the Chiefs and all them I'm pretty sure it is yeah it's that game though the one you were talking about we went in overtime they scored with what five 13 yeah 13 seconds seconds yeah that that is one of the greatest games I've ever seen though yeah it was a good game after like after I sat back in like two days three days later I was like man bro that's like good ass game can't even be mad at that like yeah yeah that's that's probably like the most devastating I ever been watching a football game bro I wanted to cry dead ass Drew what's the most heartbroken you've ever been after a Raiders game it was not necessarily a game it was a season um I think it's the 2016 season when Derek Carr was playing like an MVP oh [ __ ] and he broke his leg and he got injured yeah guys I really thought we was going to Super Bowl that year cuz he was playing on was [ __ ] mine I remember that because it looked I'm pulling them up right now um but I remember because who did you guys start in that playoff game let's see Derek so Derek Carr in 2016 he had a 12 and3 record uh 64% completion percentage 28 touchdowns six interceptions and then um yeah he didn't have any started Conor cook in that playoff game versus the Texans God damn he only got sacked 16 times that season that means he got sacked like once a game yeah it was from my right side I remember that it's always from the right tackle that season that's ins that's insane though because our left tackle that season was Donald Pinn and he was our proo MH because we had Donald Pinn Gab Jackson Ronnie Hudson oh my good so you guys had seven pro bowlers that year simly yeah I remember Colo simly First Team all pro that year our right tackle just [ __ ] sucked ass That season let's see you guys lost to the Falcons the Falcons were pretty good twice the Chiefs the chiefs were good and then um I imagine you guys were resting your starters at that game against Broncos I never we had our third rings out there that game happened because did Derek Carr start like the next year or was he still he uses never the same after that injury yeah because since then his best season is 2021 and he still uh that was the year Gren got fired yeah um but he still threw 14 interceptions that that year and fumbled 13 times so well because we had Mara we have Amari Cooper Derek Prime I remember that year too because that was that was Dak Prescott's rookie year in the cowboys that that game I was talking about where the Packers kicked the field goal that was dak's rookie year and you know he played out of his freaking mine and Ezekiel Elliot was the best running back in the league yeah we even had CLE mag we had Nelson I think Charles wood was still playing oh my goodness I forgot on me Raiders did have and you guys lost to uh the Texans that year Brock ier that's who I was thinking of I was thinking that's who was playing for you guys but no he was playing for the Texans yeah we had Conor cook playing that playoff game who won the Super Bowl play for the Tex now bro I think the Texans are going to go to the AFC Championship like yeah I see it I think it's between them and the Ravens I think it's I think the Chiefs are gonna three repeat threee you think so yeah I know it's gonna be hard as [ __ ] to do but Chiefs not if so they have us to playe [ __ ] the Chiefs they have no but de though the these the NFL knows what they're doing bro they just give Pat Mahomes a bunch of thugs Speedy thugs they get in trouble and just go play football that's that's the only thing they want to go do Cody I I'm not saying I'm a Chiefs fan I'm just looking at them and I'm like they're hard to beat and like no they are [ __ ] them Kansas City swifties all right it's [ __ ] them swifties bro but like bro with Pat Mahomes back there like you just never know what you're going to get bro like that's why he's that's why I hate bro like I don't know what he's going to do bro and like I mean they won the Super Bowl last year and they got better like that's the thing where I'm looking at like they won it last year and their team like didn't suck but they weren't that good honestly like look at their receiving core and they got better so that's the thing where I'm like it's hard not to pick them win the Super Bowl yeah beat the Eagles and that was the thing like their team was worse than the year before when they also won the Super Bowl and they played a way better team because the 49ers last year were way better than the Eagles two years ago true yeah 49ers bro they stack bro yeah too bad they're about to lose auk though so where do you guys think is gonna go I think he's gonna go probably to Pittsburgh yeah I I seen Pittsburgh that' be funny if he goes to Pittsburgh bro I don't know bro Pittsburgh gonna be back on the map bro I'm not gonna lie bro yeah I mean him and Pickins be a good combo it's crazy it's pretty much established Justin bro that's crazy I think it's gonna be established I think it's established that Russell Wilson's going to be the starter though from the way it's looking because I mean Justin Fields hasn't had a good camp but I definitely think they could use Fields like use his athleticism you know yeah I just don't see why you would try to put bro any other position bro he's a good quarterback I mean I think he could do basically like what the the Saints do with uh Tamm Hill yeah I can see it cuz I mean they traded for him so they at least see something in him like Russell Wilson they announced today he's going to start the the preseason game he they said he was going to play Four Series so it kind of makes me feel like he's going to be the starter if they're already making decisions like that yeah unless they were gonna say like unless they were gonna say like Russell Wilson's gonna play Four series with the starters and Justin Fields is going to play Four series but they didn't do that yeah yeah we just gonna have to see bro I don't know what they got so back to Brand iuk I think that like the two like teams like I'm seeing right now honestly is the Patriots and um maybe the Chargers yeah I've read something about the Chargers I also heard um he rejected going to New England because he knew they were going to suck that and it's cold weather but um that was the report I had read that the 49ers had a deal in place auk just had to sign off on it or whatever and he was like yeah no I'm not going to New England I think he's gonna try staying c not gonna lie yeah I mean that'd be smart I also heard he might try to go to the Browns which I really don't want that to happen I've been hearing rumors that Ione tried to wide receiver swap yeah Cooper man that would suck Amari Cooper getting traded like three different times for a dude that's really [ __ ] good trust me I misser Mari Cooper is not he not what he used to be but he no he ain't no pushover yeah I mean he had a really good year with the Browns last year like the dude had five different quarterbacks and still caught for 1,200 yards you know yeah bro when Amari Cooper was on the Cowboys bro like I don't know I was mesmerized by bro I a't gonna lie especially I saw my mar groper R Jersey really you haven't got a you haven't got a Max Crosby one yet I was till you know I had to get a car I get you on that one hey bro don't even have a car yet I say drew just got a brand like a brand brand new one yeah I bought me a 2023 on S Bay yeah I thought he was gonna freeze I thought he was trying to freeze me to death the other day when we went to the gy like that AC in that car is [ __ ] cold like compared to my car you said what kind at 2023 Hyundai Santa Fe oh oh me so I can pull up a picture of a Drew if you want go ahead let me uh I'll have to download it though that way I don't show your Facebook profile but yeah the other day we went to the gym and um I was wearing shorts and stuff like that and he had the AC on and I was like God damn dude yeah could something with my car my driver side can stay cold by your side you can turn off the heat oh really yeah they some driving the car I'll show you hey bro that's how my brother's car is Cody in His Cadillac bro he has a like on on on the driver side he can have it hella cold and on the passenger side I can have it hella warm if I really wanted to really yep sh I wish the I wish the work van was like that so I could just um you know have my side you know not have to worry about the passenger side at all yeah this is I kind of agree with you because it get [ __ ] Co in that car that's a nice car bro appreciate you but Drew is there anything coming out of the Raiders camp that you want to talk about Devante as returned to the team and um we signed Nathan PR who's going to be your guys who's going to be your guys's stting quarterback um it looks like it's going to be muu but there's still it's still a battle between him and AD oconnell I I just don't get why they're giving up on OK Connell so easily like I thought he had a good year last year you know like he was thrown into a terrible situation with Josh McDaniels like I thought so it's not them giving up on him it's more of him like G michell actually mentoring him because they know everyone knows where we're rebuilding so we go to playoffs this Seas some cool if not oh well but it's more of come Aiden learning from garden because he he knows his stuff you guys remember who you play on Saturday yeah we're gonna beat your ass should we put a beted on it $20 $20 I don't know how I feel about that how about $20 if Dak Prescott plays uh a bowl of ramen if Tre Lance plays bet okay is actually I've been craving Ramen so freaking bad Tay you ever been to a junor ramen bar uh downtown Tulsa no I was looking at it on door Das literally yesterday though dude it's good so don't get door Dash you had to go restaurant I should have a decent ball no I wasn't going to order it off door Dash cuz uh I was just looking at new restaurants so like trying to figure out where to go eat oh yeah one of these days if you and uh DLo want to go there just hit me up um dude that place it's good I got you bro I I'll talk to Dow about it bro I'll let you know yeah only thing sucks we all have different off days yeah true and that's like the other thing go like going back to the YouTube stuff like you work a full-time job I work a full-time job it's hard to find like time like you know for you to make beats or like me to like make a video it's like you come home from work and you're like [ __ ] I don't want to do more work yeah true and that's another thing bro because uh with the me with the Beats bro I think I I allow myself to get so lazy is because uh before I started working at Walmart bro and like before I had got this last job I was working at Leon's barbecue but before I got that job I had a I was working at I think it was Sonic at the time if I'm not mistaken I ended up I mean Sonic right now I ended up quitting or something that before that Sonic the Sonic on Brookside had got tore down so I ended up quitting before it got tore down and stuff because like I didn't want to just go get it find a new job at son I was just like about to go get somewhere closer basically to my house because I'm I'm towards Walmart now so uh yeah uh um like I didn't have a job for a couple months bro but like bro I was I was still making beats bro and I'm like when I started going crazy on YouTube for real when I first got to like a thousand Subs bro I was making beats like from I was on my computer like a shift at Walmart bro like I was on that computer from like 7 in the morning to like 5: in the afternoon bro and then I finally go do something like I was just making beats from like 7 to 5 7 to 4 bro basically DN near and then like I would just post those post those post to beats post to beats and it was like nonstop for like three months straight bro up all night making beats posting on YouTube and then like I finally got another job and I was like yeah bro like that was sick I'm not doing that again bro see that's kind of I wish I was like that when I was out with my ankle you know like when I first got hurt you know I was like well at least being at home I could focus on my YouTube and stuff and then like I was going pretty hard at it mainly with like shorts you know cuz like sports contents it's easy and just make a quick minute reaction you know and YouTube's algorithm is way more friendly to that than trying to make like a a long ass video you know yeah or like a yeah so like I was going hard at that but then football season ended and it's like well crap now what do I talk about yeah and like so like after football season ended it was like okay just I think all I uploaded was like the podcast and if like some NFL news happened then I would make like a short video about it yeah on me that's that's not bad I might start uh I really don't I got a couple of shorts on my uh Channel I don't really make too much I usually uh you know like you can remix uh your video like it's option on YouTube make it a short that's usually what I do clip it and then like I'll put some like who can you hear rapping on this beat like which rapper could you hear on this beat and let people comment and stuff for YouTube short if I just want to interact with the supporters yeah I just want to interact with people I uh and then uh like I'll post um I don't know what it's called but it's like uh what is it bro I know you know what I'm talking about Cody it's basically like you can make an announcement on your channel like go the community post yeah I'll do that too and ask him like what type of Beats y'all want this week like samples I'll do a poll like samples or like grimy beat Dark beats and like whichever one gets the most V I upload the Beats those beats for the week basically yeah I want I want to do stuff like that too but I don't know I got like a formula right now like podcast WWE predictions videos new shorts you know like but I I want to tweak that formula and then like gaming stre streams like so for like every 100 subscribers I gain I would do like a celebration stream playing fortnite but then this season of fortnite sucked so much ass that I stopped doing them you know so the season ends tomorrow actually so what your next Milestone we're doing a master du duel dude we keep talking about doing that we need to do it so we could do that when I hit you want to do it when I hit 1500 or 1300 where you at right now uh 1244 we can do a 1300 that's fine okay dude I haven't even uh played Master duel in a while so I don't even know what my deck's looking like right now God damn it drew he did this he did this two weeks ago on the podcast he was drinking like Coke or something he kept burping in my ear and he was pissing me off I have to be consistent okay I'm I got me a rip 44 train Li sish oh that sounds so about to go to Sonic after we get done actually I live two minutes away from Sonic I'm G to go walk and go give me something to drink now that's how it is here there's one right around the corner from our neighborhood there pretty much luy distance from us too we was uh me aen and Montel was talking about that today at work I'm like bro I don't know if it's me bro but like I'd be super thirsty bro like I could drink a Route 44 drink in like two seconds bro yeah especially like like a cherry limeade like CU Sonic has the best Cherry Lime nade you know I can [ __ ] those up bro when I oh my bad my bad go ahead I say especially if it has like a lot of cherries in it adds more flavor yeah bro when I worked at Sonic that's probably like my favorite thing bro free drinks free food bro like it wasn't necessar for we had a little meal but like sociate meal but yeah I mean if you work at a fast food restaurant I feel like you should get free food you know like the thing with me like like if I worked at a fast food restaurant like if I worked at McDonald's I feel like I could probably never eat McDonald's again because I'd be like dude like I've seen how this stuff's actually like kept you know and how it's made like like all fast food restaurants like cut corners and [ __ ] you know so it's like yeah I I'm not gonna say like the Sonic I work that was the best but I ain't gonna lie bro like it was it was hell of black people in there so like [ __ ] if if if if the food ain't fresh like you know what I'm saying somebody gonna say something like yeah yeah I feel you on that but like the Wendy's here in town like it got shut down because somebody like recorded a video of like [ __ ] rats they were inside like the hamburger like in the packages where they kept once but twice for the same damn issue yeah I'll send you the I'll send you the article about it it happened like right after me and Drew graduated high school will you guys live at Yeah Yeah in our town uh actually it was like a year before that but yeah like there was like rats and [ __ ] and like I think somebody posted like there was like a heroin needle like on the like where they prep like the food and [ __ ] yeah fast food I'm not going to lie that's why I quit Sonic bro CU fast food is like the only job that like hires druggies bro like I swear bro at Sonic bro I had like a couple of coworker cookers that was on there like bro they just left they [ __ ] in the bathroom type [ __ ] like yeah bro there was this one girl a car hop that we had she left a metal spoon like a a bronze spoon in there it was a little spoon too so like I'm already knowing what it's for but like yeah that's the thing where it's like when people talk about like oh I can't get a job it's like dude have you seen some of these people that get hired you know like facts I mean like it is tough to find a job sometimes but you also have people where it's like like I have a friend who's like I don't want to do that and she'll say she needs a job and I'm like then you're not that [ __ ] desperate for money then if you're not willing to do it like say I got fired tomorrow I'm going to work at the first place that'll hire me and then I'll try to find something better but exactly having some money come in is better than having no money at all money exactly slow motion is better than no motion Cody tell them yeah because like the number one thing in this world day you need to survive is money you need money more than food more than water you need [ __ ] money you money to eat like you can't buy food without no money you can't get water basically without it almost killing you probably like were you g to go find water at the creek you know like I guess you get a [ __ ] water fountain you know but you ain't gonna get much you know like yeah like I said if I got fired tomorrow like I don't care if it's you know working outside in this freaking hot ass weather or you know working fast foods like I'll go first place that hires me yeah facts but back to football and we'll close with this um I'll get into the Cowboys and um training camp abouted as you expect other than CD lamb hasn't reported to the team he's seeking a contract extension and I've said this a million times Jerry Jones is a great businessman when it comes to generating hype about the team but when it comes to the actual like negotiating which is probably the biggest part about business is negotiating terrible like look at he could have had this deal done with CD lamb last year instead he pushed it down the road and now Justin Jefferson's gotten a new contract Jaylen W's gotten a new contract AJ Brown Devonte Smith they've gotten new contracts and they've gotten more money now than what the Cowboys would have had to pay lamb if they would have signed him last year like they probably could have had him for like 25 million a year now they going to have to pay him like 40 million a year because Justin Jefferson's getting like what 30 34 35 something like that I think it's 35 and lamb has had pretty much the same production as Justin Jefferson since they came into the league and so what I'm saying basically is the Cowboys are [ __ ] Dak Prescott I think this is his last year in Dallas I've said this um and the thing with him like I like Dak a lot but the dude got a $200 million contract four years ago why the [ __ ] do you need another $200 million contract are you really gonna blow through all that money like to me it makes me feel like the dude isn't serious about winning look at Tom Brady and the deals he signed you know I mean for [ __ ] sakes he's the starting quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys do you realize how much adors Med de with that [ __ ] gets yeah like we we talked about on a previous episode he made like $50 million one year in endorsements damn yeah and it's like look at like troyman and Tony Romo they both became commentators after they retired and like Romo makes $17 million a year as a commentator Amman makes like 21 million you don't think dak's gonna get a commentary gig once he retires so it's like dude you're really not serious about winning if you're not willing to help your team out and not take up you know a big chunk of the cap so you guys could sign cidd lamb or sign Micah Parsons or go out and get you guys some more help they could have had Derrick Henry yeah and said no we're stuck said we're stuck with Ezekiel Elliott's bum ass again he just took a year break from y'all went to the Patriots Yeah I know um I recorded a rant video when that happened like I I was in my physical therapy office and uh I got the alert on my phone saying he signed and I went because after I would leave physical therapy I would usually stop by this um tea place you know and get something to drink I skipped that and just went straight home and started screaming into my microphone and uh I had to do comment on the video like man Elliott wasn't that bad last year with the Patriots I'm like bro he didn't even run for a thousand yards he didn't have one game where he had over a hundred yeah bro like Z now like he's what 29 going on 39 like he looks like he runs in quicksand like last year he averaged 3.5 yards a carry oh my goodness which every year he's went down like you know his rookie year he averaged 5.1 yards to carry compared to 3.5 his longest run last year was 17 yards oh my god well hey man you know what I'm saying to be fair he did play for the Patriots you know what I'm saying yeah that yeah cuz I mean he was splitting carries with Stevenson but he's also going to be splitting carries with uh Rico D and probably do spawn oh me I forgot you I got do spawn uh bro where did uh Tony per go uh Tennessee oh which I think he he played the other night in their pre-season game and he did all right but I really like um Spears their other running back I mean that dude was he was really coming on late last year and I thought he was going to be their number one guy like that's why I wasn't like too concerned about them moving on from Derrick Henry you know yeah but they went out and got Tony Pard really SOA I really thought Pard was gonna go to like Cincinnati you know yeah me too I ain't going to lie I thought he was going to go to like not not them though I ain't going to lie I didn't think he was going to go to Tennessee yeah Pard he had four carries 35 yards and had a 24 yard run so had a pretty good game for he probably only played like a series you know yeah that was the preseason game yeah against the uh 49ers the other day what so I'm sorry to interrupt um Justin Simmons went to the Falcons dang yeah I forgot to mention that man so Justin Simmons was ranked number 57 on the NFL top 100 players list this year and just now got signed yeah in August kind of what kind of BS is that that's buffoonery if you ask me like yeah I don't know like I mean these guys on the top 100 list you know it it's voted on by players so they kind of get in off uh name value alone like Aaron Rogers got ranked number 92 and the dude played Four snaps yeah but still like yeah no that's that's that's bro played one drive and got injured what i g to say though uh yeah about the Justin Simmons thing though about him being 57 out of the whole in whole league bro the GMS bro they be being stingy bro with their money bro I don't want to pay nobody bro so how do you think the league would look like if there was no salary cap like if it was like baseball where youting to Shell out money you know all over the place would a team wi Super Bowl every year basically yeah so you have like teams like the Titans you know like what they basically just like cease to exist yeah yeah cuz then all the teams with the money pay all the best players well the the commander true they're actually like a top 10 like valued franchise but like like who's the least valuable NFL franchise I know they're all worth over a billion dollars now Panthers now it's the Bengals really yep 4.7 billion yeah that's actually I was thinking it'll probably be the Panthers or the Saints or something the Panthers are number 20 26 this is last year's list the other the one for this year is behind a pay wall so I can't pull it up but so this is 2023 Bengals Lions bills Cardinals round out the top or bottom four that's interesting like okay yeah the lions got to be going up like with them being good like hell the Chiefs how good they are they're number 23 Argo posted last year oh I said the one for this year is behind the pay pay wall but yeah top five you got Cowboys Patriots Rams Giants Bears I'm surprised the Bears are valued that high 89 players bu all the jerseys then it's not like they spend money I mean look at their Stadium you know I guess they're about to get a new one flooding the turf was flooding and stuff that game against the 49ers yeah when they had like a monsoon or whatever it like so the bills they're supposed to be getting a new stadium it it's going to be a dome right um I think so I like I'm one of the people that I think every NFL uh Stadium should just be a dome now like people are like oh that's not real football I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] if it's real football I want to go to a game and be comfortable like I don't want to get snowed on and [ __ ] like on they'll help with injuries too yeah people are like weather's part of the game I'm like yeah fine cool go send the go to the game send the stands and okay Grandpa go take your demena pills yeah like I don't know like when I see people like argue about that I those people I think are the stupidest people in the [ __ ] world is it's like okay go to a game then spend like $400 on a ticket to go send [ __ ] snow and you know what's funny it's always a goddamn Bears fans too yeah well yeah because like their new stadium that they're building I think it's still gonna be an outdoor stadium like it's not gonna have a roof and you got like we're Riders Cowboys fans we know Boi stadiums dude I want to go to your guys' Stadium like I actually I think I think I might be going there next year depending on uh how much Wrestlemania tickets are going to be because I want to see John Cena's retirement man match try I'm GNA try to go Las Vegas next year well the Raiders and Cowboys do play each other next year in Vegas so I mean I guess it just depends when it gets scheduled I mean if it gets scheduled around Thanksgiving we're should add luck you know but yeah if it if it's in like September that be perect a chance yeah to start writing letter letters to Roger gell right now be like dear Raj please week one Cowboys versus Raiders not lie I thought you was GNA start doing like an Eminem verse I thought about it I was like how can I make this like stand but all I think we're GNA wrap it up I told T we do this for an hour and we're already hour and 15 minutes in and I don't feel like being up all night editing and [ __ ] so T thank you for being on here man I appreciate you and we'll have you on again man because this is a lot of fun I appreciate you bro I definitely look forward to joining again bro I say next time you got a new be and stuff let me know and I can promote it on here all right my I knocked my camera out I'll let you know hey Drew it was nice to meet you bro hey nice to meet you homie appreciate you for having me Cody appreciate yall for having me my bad no problem man you're always welcome to visit as a yeah I mean H like I said we'll get through football season and then we won't have [ __ ] to talk about so that's when we're like okay we need to get some guests on here football season we can keep it going oh will yeah all right bro all right guys we'll see you next week uh next week division predictions

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