Build Breakdown hey everyone red here and you got another fun build for your tring your games and I can tell you that Survivor Mains absolutely hate this build it is of course an item breaker build or a human greed build so let's go ahead and break it down real quick first we're running weave atunement survivors will drop their items whenever they are used up and survivors within 12 meters of dropped items will have their oras revealed to us whenever a Survivor picks up an item they'll suffer the oblivious stas effect for 30 seconds second we're running of course human greed we will see the auras of unopened chest and survivors auras are revealed for 3 seconds when they enter an 8 m range of the chest third we have of course hoarder survivors will reveal their location when they interact with a chest or when they pick up an item within 64 M of hour location and the trial will have two additional chests last but not least is of course a Slowdown of choice but with twins I'm going with skirt chook pay resonance the first sem Survivor is hooked on a skir hook the jump the most progress is going to detonate for 20% as far as add-ons you're going to want to go with spinning top Victor spouse will cause survivors to drop their carried items and we're going to be running with silencing cloth Charlotte will gain undetectable for 20 seconds after waking from her dormant State survivors hate losing their items survivors hate Victor in general and survivors often hate a stealthy killer that they don't get a mile range on so this build is going to encapsulate all of that and well survivors like I said they they don't like this build so let's go ahead and get straight to the game play all right Twins Gameplay and we got the Grim Pantry I love to see it you know I keep wishing we'll get some better twins cosmetics in the future I feel like we don't really have too many good ones uh but it's just my current thought on it we have someone at Main Building cuz crows were Disturbed and it looks like someone's making their way yep hey what's going on gamer I want that item that is going to be mine thank you perfect I don't know if that was her who disturb the crows so we'll head back this way we do have undetectable for 20 seconds oh hold on can I make it over here in time it's a really good combination cuz just being undetectable for such a long duration and getting information from Victor allows us to get great sneak attacks hey what's going on even at strong Mains like this oh do you think we can go for a snipe hold on oh my God we got it oh man and that is the shots we love to see hey what's going on both of you guys are here cool there we go always be a little patient with Victor unless you're making like a big snipe shot like that o uh I don't know if it's actually worth we're not going to go for her we're going to see if we maybe get hook up on the pain res perfect Pang min's just chilling here but I don't really want to play on Jack so we'll send Victor right back over this way a little too risky oh we do have you right here there we go got it everyone's injured right now we have a potential right now to actually super snowball this game out oh look how close we can get the unack bladon is just so good Oh I thought for sure we'd have that nice just the tip and I got Survivor kind of peeking me hey why don't you come back here look at that human greed value as well just right away getting value off of all of our Burks nice drop let's do the no mind game mind game there we go it it works surprisingly well all right they got right back up and right back on the Gen hopefully pain res can deny it hey it can how we playing this gamer there we go yeah don't take me away from here or anything uhoh is that Survivor giving up on hook no but it does look like it yeah and they are I feel like every day I sit down to play Twins or like twins or skull Merchant obviously those two whenever I sit down and play these two uh man it's just DC all day or just giving up all day either way it's the same thing all right where you going uh-oh cool that's fine let's go up here and check this out real quick as well hi yeah of course we got give up oh I see we are having a fun time over here of course I'm going to try and just get this game over we can go obviously to a next game that way we don't have to waste too much time I'm guessing we're just still vibing up here yeah and there we go you know what that's uh that's how it goes with twins always unfortunate to see survivors giving up so early but that's why we play multiple games let's go NR wreckage let's go you know one of the things I really like about human greed and hoarder is they tend to cover most of your gens so you have an idea of where survivors are and aren't at least the beginning of the trial like I'm assuming we're over by one of these two gens here and it seems like I would be correct Sprint burst we'll just keep up real quick give me that item that is mine oh you know there is enough walls and stuff here where maybe I can hide myself long enough I think so o I think she saw me oh no her getting rid of Victor was just at the worst time cool pain res down and we missed a skill Checker something happened over here yeah I don't see anyone else so we'll send it this way real quick are we chilling someone has some pressure hi nice that's fair kind of okay with that oh and you went right back for your item I'm sorry but I'm going to need that item I don't have Franklin but I'm going to need put you down then and then take the item later cool no off the Record which is great for us oh yeah she's aware that we're chilling over here and then do back nice of course we have our item just chilling right there uh it'll take a little while to get to it let's go and eat the DS or we can at least get her to stage two oh that was a flashbang nice try though like I said just getting massive value and we have a guy kind of chilling out of over here we Attunement man everything's coming together so nicely where are you at somewhere here hi I can't really get that angle there we go that works so much better and another Survivor giving up calling it a game early oh got sucked just a little bit there that's all right we'll go for a quick hit on her and put that down uh I kind of want to swap to him but I don't know if it's like a really good call here we'll see drop oh no maybe should have or just kind of ran that really awkwardly there we go extra little bit of regression and I'm assuming we went right back over here cuz our item is gone am I correct oh it's looking like it hello gotcha oh no come on Dance a little bit there we go perfect oh unbreakable well that's fair means we get at least one more Chase here so far these games have been really really short with everyone even oh the hindered that is a brutal hinder I always forget about that I don't know if you really have anywhere to go we'll get Ora reading here in a second there we go hi survivors having a hard time staying in today's game so let's go ahead and play another sheltered Woods okay ooh kind of a weirder spawn here for our boxes cuz we aren't seeing like three gens overall so we'll go to the far right one for now oh someone's moving nice correct give me that map I want it it's mine thank you I'll be taking that I wonder if I can maybe cut her off she didn't really see Charlotte here so we should be good this could be a really good cut off actually oh it was too look at the distance we saved I don't see any pallets oh my God she got dead zoned so bad here there's a about over there but nowhere close here little bit of pain resed for the generator they did get off the Gen so that's good so we get lost to the Token someone was here oh you're still here hi no Vault I think you had to take that Vault yeah it wouldn't have saved I think much but maybe I want to check these other gens real quick oh yeah this gen has a lot more progress about 75% but no one's here are we going maybe for the save yeah we are on the Rock we have scratch marks we still are undetectable oh wait oh this is perfect peekaboo everybody thank you for getting out of my way that way I can take that Survivor perfect a little bit more on the pain res oh and there we are the information from Victor hello there cool no commit a little bit you know bigger of a hit box than I thought I'd have there but that's okay perfect and she'll of course drop her medkit did we come right back to the hook it doesn't sound like we did and we did lose a gen so that's you know they're on gen they're trying that's forever's making their way to the right I have nobody here at the moment either not really sure we'll uh send Victor out well Nancy got healed so maybe in the corner over here oh we're all here I didn't expect everybody but you know what that works out well for me they did get everyone healed up One Survivor going back over there we have someone over here by the chest actually howdy the undetectable is just so good I feel like she keeps looking for L sight Jes but they're just not going her way I should be able to get this was that a dead heart there's no way it was off the Record right wasn't she healing somebody else or did maybe she get healed and then run off I don't know that's really weird I didn't see like a a dead hard so but it might have been at the very last second unless she had off the Record and didn't heal I swear she was part of that healing group but to be fair I just saw a group group of survivors so I kind of went for it what's going on a almost everyone's injured once again oh have someone who's in pain moving to the left here I don't care so much about the Nancy oh no this twice she's been caught off guard by undetectable oh no oh man you know she's giving up right that that just AFK I'm done with this [ __ ] here you go I'll be very surprised if you don't [Music] leave but I have a pretty good feeling hi oh yeah and there goes that Survivor giving up we have a Tom in is so good for the or as well where did we go oh there we are trably not to show stain whoops didn't really want to go up that but it makes sense we'll take Victor back for now that way I can utilize Victor here in a second you want to drop this no cool there we go and now she's just dead to rights there it is she probably should just vaulted back over cuz I don't know if I actually had Victor plac right there where I could actually hit her from the quick Vault over oh we might be over here on this genen oh we are oh we were both over here I figur it might have just been the NY but us both making that o hold on go for like a little sneak attack surprise any dead hard nope no really I will give respect to these three players at least sticking it out here there they're getting saved too quickly before they can give up but I think they're trying to stick it out and play it out right back in there we go all right chasing the Nancy oh we do have Nia though running over hold up ah yeah I'm definitely going to try this real quick Victor let's go we just got to get over that little hump I'm keeping an eye on for Nia there she is what's going on gamer is a little bit of a long wall here oh but she's not committing it I think she was hoping for a pallet right there and she was just not granted one they have kind of a weird dead zone right now on this map all right let's take a quick look oh Nancy is going for it hold on no I'm trying to shut this game down another game another lever all right and now we have the large map mother's dwelling look at all of our chest spawns though really like spaced out and we had someone who's like really nearby but looks like he's holding forward run to the other side he spawn relatively close to us so that means they probably all spread uh spawn spread out is there any way I can maybe cut him off U I'm really not sure he's at the Vault I didn't hear him Mak a noise so probably balance Landing you got a lot of distance so yeah I'm assuming balance Landing there oh Fang went a different way there there she goes hey can you like give me this pallet so I got to worry about later thank you cool we'll take Victor back real quick that way I can send it on her uh she has quite a bit to play with here but I do want to get Victor out that way we can get items on the ground nice fake on the window but we were patient did you come back over here to work on the Gen no it doesn't sound like it oh we have two people over there at least we did let me go ahead and try and Branch over this way let's let go of Victor hold on just a second hi what's going on oh someone actually us a stip dig on you well that's not good for me but we are undetectable hold on Howdy oh no I like how the Dwight kind just looked at me like like oh man you're here early oh come on nice we're good that was a nice try oh we have a pain rest right here and a j has quite a bit of progress I like I like the group's you know attitude so far playing a little bit in my face I like it that means uh you know this group stays right or even more rewarding if we can make someone leave I kind of want to Branch off but we have him just in our sights at the moment I saw the other survivors over there but this will have to do for now thank you that's my medkit I could maybe go for him actually hold on no way Dwight knows yeah look at that surprise attack all day he's going back for his item he moved it for like a split second there I wonder if you heard our tear radius just for like before we swapped there you go I said no that's my item that is not yours you have to be the the one who goes for the Save Right Dwight oh we don't angle that way cool does he commit he does what do you mean how is that not a hit oh my gosh uh she's not going to get close enough we might as well go over here and get the uh hook up in all right so we lost one gen not too bad and it's one of the gens that isn't really by one of our chest probably should send a uh Victor to check over here I was going to say unit as if I was playing night oh hold up you got blood follow the blood hey what's going on I got to be careful here these trees can be a little wonky got him and there we go get ourselves a little bit the pain res action it looks like they're taking their items so this group's actually pretty smart they're taking their items to a corner of the map that's what you want to do oh come on tell me you're not leaving the game oh my gosh dude we we just can't get a single person to stay in any of our games there we go you know it's a testament to the to the amount of hate they must have for the build and for twins or it's just all for twins people do like to make a big fuss over a killer that they can't play against or they can't dominate come on there it is you got that dead heart in you yeah you do one of the nice things about playing off stream uh is just that I always get to keep an eye out a little bit more for like dead heart and stuff I'm not like juggling multiple things I can kind of just sit here and focus on like talking to you guys and uh focus on the game itself that's actually really nice there you are hi Omega hoarder value do you have it as well nope doesn't seem like it we do have someone over there oh but I'm not sure at what angle cuz once you swap to Victory you can't really see scratch marks anymore that's okay oh hello I see you have a flashbang in your hand yeah easy peasy there we go and now I have to play around this the downside is I can't use my power by a hook so this going to be I have to like take a weird angle here Hi O I feel like I auto pulled there a little bit like it it like reduced my lunge that's fine we'll see if we can send Victor around I can't use my pounce hold on not pound sorry but I can't like swap whenever I'm by the hook nice I'm kind of in a weird spot here no but we're going to play over here this is much better there we go he'll still be able to make the swap which is fine well we going do this that's cool I'm just going to go ahead yeah I'm going to go ahead and just pick up I was debating whether or not I could go for but I can hook right here she'll probably stay around here probably going for the save right away yeah she is cool that's fine it makes it quick and I'm right back on the hook to kill this Survivor and give Steve the chance to get hatched but we'll see how he ends up playing it looks like we're sticking right by Sha we didn't bring an offering I can't swap yet cuz she's still dying on hook there we go now I'll be able to actually use Victor oh we're holding away from the tile nice there we go and there we go that is today's build and you know what I don't think survivors like it that much so definitely play it in your game show them why they shouldn't like it in general and let me know what you think down in the comment section below much love everyone until next time I'm red and I'm signing off [Applause]

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