Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their draws this being a picture to that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see... Read more
Category: Sports
Argentina ganó una final manchada lo de la fifa no tiene ningún tipo de sentido cuidado porque le han puesto una sanción a la selección colombia tras el partido contra argentina de las eliminatorias el día martes y además quieren quitarle los tres puntos a la selección tricolor han pedido quitarle los... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their droves this being a picture that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see that... Read more
Category: Sports
Germán nuestro colega en estados unidos eh cómo andás cómo cómo ha sido este último tiempo andas bien todo tranquilo valentín eduardo alberto cómo están muy buenas tardes para todos qué dicen qué cuentan bien bien bien con la expectativa que implica me imagino no solo acá nosotros en uruguay sino en... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their droves this being a picture that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see that... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their droves this being a fixure that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see that... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well good evening to you and welcome on this most perfect evening for a game of football to which we look forward immensely it's hardly a surprise that everybody has come here in their droves this being a picture that has received so much coverage in the days leading up to it and it's good to see that... Read more
Category: Sports
Se viene atención men para elevar el centro a la oll la cabeza afuera afuera y saque de meta para bolivia va a ganar mi selección va a ganar mi bolivia señoras y señores empieza a rodar una lágrima en la mejilla de este relator con la emoción y con todo el sacrificio que también se hace a la hora de... Read more
Category: Sports
[تصفيق] الفاريز خطفها وحطها يا الهي خامس سريعه جميله على اليسار خطيره لكولومبيا ليساندرو بارتين الى عرضيه الىى فرصه راسيه الله لتسجل كولومبيا عرضيه وراسيه تبعد من الجميع خطيره وتسديد تنفيذ كره عرضيه خطيره وفرصه تسديده لكن الدفاع وبعد وتحقق الانتصار في هذا الملعب صعب كره ارجنتينيه خطيره نيكولاس خطفها... Read more
Category: Gaming
Well hello and welcome for the first time this season to everybody around when at the expense of the other would be the ideal scenario for both a flying start is certainly required and nobody in this atmosphere can hide from the truth about how much this game matters the scene overflows with color and... Read more
Category: Sports
We're literally outside man we're legit outside yes yes yes [applause] yes this is so lit this is so lit [ __ ] just got in the cab now heading to the stadium sun's out actually gassed weather in brazil has been so shaky since we've been here but it's a good day goody goody unfortunately this guy's... Read more
Category: Gaming
Ya está todo listo para darle inicio a lo que promete ser una gran competencia y a quién no le gustaría empezar esta campaña con triunfo llegó la hora y entra la gran pregunta quién [aplausos] vencerá arranca el partido vamos allá venga muchach demostr que es fútbol este es el titular de así sale alemania... Read more