Does Aaron Rodgers watch Endtime? | Open Line Friday

Published: Jun 20, 2024 Duration: 00:58:47 Category: News & Politics

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has NFL quarterback Aaron roders been reading understanding the end time DHS Intel group led by Brennan and Clapper proposed plan to have Americans snitch on their neighbors we'll discuss all of this and more on open line today on the end time show [Music] welcome to the end time show vsteo here with Doug Norville today is open Line Friday so we're talking about whatever you want to talk about you have to give us a call the number to join us is 877 n time 877363 8463 the call screener Sherry is in there ready to go Doug we had a little pre-show prep meeting and uh she's ready to handle the calls so be nice to Sherry today people aren't always that nice Doug sometimes they can be a little Rowdy Yeah well yeah they don't stand a chance against Sherry I Sherry can keep up pretty well she takes care of herself pretty well yeah we'll put Sherry in the chats if you appreciate all the hard work she does as a call screener here at the end time show uh we have open lines 877 end time and uh boy Doug it sure sounds like Aaron Rogers has been watching end time and then uh the Department of Homeland Security is trying to get us to snitch on our neighbors for certain activities yeah and there's all sorts of crazy stuff going we've got a clip coming up of Tucker Carlson and Aaron Rogers talking but before we get to that news there's other news I want to highlight uh there was Monumental news actually that not a lot of people are talking about for the first time in the history of the United States of America the interest that we pay on the national debt surpassed every individ ual budget item except Social Security that's right the US now spends more on interest than on National Defense or even Medicare and it's only getting worse as big government continues to spin like crazy that's why Savvy investors central banks and concerned Savers are turning to Gold something not tied to the inflated US dollar you can too with the help of Birch gold for over 20 years Birch gold group has helped thousands of Americans protect their savings by converting an IR or 401K into an IRA in physical gold to learn more visit Endtime and claim your free no obligation info kit on gold today all right you can also put your com your um questions or comments in the chat Doug we'll be trying to monitor that it's open Line we try to prefer the callers but if questions and comments come through the chat we'll do our best to uh to answer those as well so yeah and we left a few people on on the phone yesterday we weren't able to get to everybody so if you weren't able to ask your question yesterday call in today and ask your question today we'll be happy to talk with you today live on the program absolutely yes so this story about Aaron roders it's interesting because um actually I got this story this morning Dave sent me this story and I thought it was pretty cool as I started to read it because of the things that Aaron Rogers was talking about so they say in this article and this comes from uh Pink Villa is where this article comes from but it says NFL star Aaron Rogers has sparked controversy once more with his tirade against government spying Rogers expressed his worries about the widespread use of ccct or CCTV cameras and other digital surveillance equipment uh during a Rec interview he became enraged the article says saying get off my computer get off my cameras get off my ring camera and accusing authorities of going too far so the article says one thing the video that we're about to share shows his true demeanor in the interview so I want you to see this because this is Vince one of those things where you've got the media portraying something differently than what it was portrayed as now remember the other day we saw a video footage of the president having to be helped off a stage at a fundraiser event for ABC I think ABC did the fundraiser event and uh we we saw him being helped off the stage by Barack Obama then later refuted that that was real with uh press secretary I can't remember her name now uh the young lady that does the Press SEC the Press uh interviews there at the white said that that was a deep fake that that was not real footage so now we've got this story where this leftist news article is printing about Rogers talking about conspiracy theory and saying that he was enraged when he did this so I want you to see the video for yourself now if you go and you watch the full length video beware because he he does not have um Christian um language I guess I should say or he doesn't we've modified the clip yes we have we've had to make some Cuts in there folks yeah we couldn't share everything because he cusses occasionally so if you go watch the full interview you will not get the edited version that we're sharing yeah so we're going to now show that edited version leave us alone leave us alone yeah stop spying on me yeah get off my computer get off my cameras get off my ring camera you know take down all this stupid CCTV cameras everywhere that are watching everything and because the next step to all of this if people don't realize this and this is the facts is China and what's going on there and social credit scores and your entire life monitored like that's where we're going slowly Jordan Peterson said was doing an interview and talked about how does you know I can't remember what the conversation was but I heard him say this how does corruption um take form when it's so obvious it's slow movements it's like barely ining towards you know total uh corruption and obedience where you don't really see it coming next thing you know like oh I have no other option but to get a chip in my hand or totally uh have a social credit score that allows me to you know fly on a plane if I don't have a good one then I got to ride on a bus or or a train or a cab or you know I can drive you know they want all electric cars I can just you know shut that off at some point because you your post on Facebook uh you know kind of violated the government standard here and also we're going to uh freeze your bank account or only let you you know eat at this restaurant uh sorry eat at the you know get groceries from this store not like the nice you know organic store you going have to eat this over here eat insects the AO store yeah we're not far from that if we don't like stand for for civil liberties and people always like you know when I talk about because I'm always been a big proponent of of Ed Snowden and people were like I have nothing to hide and I'm like that is the worst answer because I don't have anything to hide either but I want my privacy and you don't understand you think the government's just going to stop at what they're doing now they're not going to stop with this they're inching closer to to being 1984 where they have a set in your some sort of TV set in your house that watches you make sure you get up and do your 10 push-ups 10 sit-ups we're going to watch every aspect of your life we're going to give you a social credit score we're going to create I mean it's a great book to read it was written in 1949 and how many how accurate it is today literally the ministry of Truth we had the we literally had a a government organization that was censoring free speech and and categorizing things as misinformation there was a there was a Ministry of Truth Zar who was making decisions based on what they thought was acceptable Language online and all these factchecking like we're not far from 1949 that from that book 1984 which was written in 1949 um if we don't take a stand for our civil liberties so Vince I mean that's why we asked the question is he watching in time he talked about a Mark he's talking about social credit scores he's talking about China uh he's talking about electric cars being we literally said a lot of those things that he said like eventually you'll be just having a chip put in your hand we've been talking about that for a long time but uh especially the last several years so yeah it felt like he was felt like I was watching a clip of you Doug well and and did he seem enraged to you or did that sound like a tirade no it did not seem that way to me no but I'm probably not qualified as a am I middle-aged yet Doug uh I don't think that you're middleaged at all I'm close though you're getting white getting I'm a male yeah uh I was born a male I'm still a male yeah I've got all those things working against me in my opinion to those people don't right there's not a lot of value there so I don't know maybe he was enraged and I just don't see it because of all the privilege I've had yeah it could be um I thought we were about to get something from the sound booth but I guess not oh boy I am middle-aged apparently okay there you go Jim says you're middle there you go but I mean you you see what we're saying folks you you get this one-sided news story um you know is is telling you one thing and then the video footage proves differently and so it's it's just interesting but they call it also conspiracy theory Vince well we know that a lot of things he talked about are not conspiracy theory for one thing we know there is a mark of the beast coming because Revelation 13 tells us that that's going to be how you're going to buy sell or trade in the end time and so we know that that is a prophetic word that's that's going to come to pass that is in the Bible in Revelation 13 so apparently Aaron Rogers has some understanding of Revelation and some prophecy there but he also talked about the U credit scores of social credit scores which we've talked about and we've talked about these 15minute cities he he didn't mention one of those Vince but that's how this social credit score could affect everyone is if you live in a 15-minute City so if you're inside your cubicle and your little apartment building that's got everything in it that you would ever need not to leave or get within 15 minutes outside of your city Zone they could shut you down if they needed to because even these new apartments I mean my kids live in an apartment where the the key is is really just kind of an electronic key it's not a real key like you're used to it's an electronic key and if that battery goes out on that key they can't get in their house or if they apart decide we don't want you to have access to your apartment anymore they can change that key to where the key will not work in your door anymore and so that's not even a 15minute City Apartment Complex that's just a a you know one of these uh technology upgrades that they have in apartment so convenient yeah and and so I mean they could do that now I suppose they could do that now with gas powered vehicles if they could get to my little key fob and and do something to it to where it wouldn't communicate with a car and I wouldn't be able to start my car now but he mentions that with the electric cars as well so they're calling this conspiracy theory in this article but is it indeed conspiracy theory if it's happening I mean look at what they did he talked about freezing bank accounts we talked about that the other day as a matter of fact we talked about it with one of our new sponsors uh and how you can get around that with dealing with a Christian company and not dealing with a a normal Bank uh to where you they will not shut your account down because of something you said on social media or because you are giving money to a cause that they think is going against their cause and they want to shut you down like they did to the truck drivers in Canada so he talked about a lot of things there that have happened and are happening and they're calling it conspiracy theory so who are we going to believe you know are we going to believe what we're seeing right in front of our eyes or are we going to believe what they tell us to believe believe and so that's kind of the thing if you like what Aaron Rogers had to say in that clip put Patriot in the comment section we want to see who all out there I guess is thinking like us Doug uh cuz boy a lot of what he said I agree with entirely and uh Curious how everyone else out there is feeling it is open Line Friday we've got open lines at 877 n time 877 363-8463 give us if you'd like to be on the show with us or put your comments in the chat we'll do our best to um answer everyone's question today however we will prefer the calls that come in over the chat but we are watching the chat too so we'll see what happens um Doug before we go any further first cup coffee we've got to mention that people are people come into the chat and start talking about it some of them say things like I'm drinking coffee but it's not first cup and I it sounds like I W I wish it sounds like they're saying they wish they were and I can guarantee you that you wish you were if you're drinking coffee a first cup is our favorite here it's some of the best coffee you'll ever have a lot of that is because they roast it and then they ship it within a day or two from Texas uh to your home so it's some of the freshest coffee you'll ever have they're a christian-owned patriot coffee company out of the great state of Texas they've got 11 different rast each one named after a specific piece of American History Doug's favorite is the Boston Common and my favorite is probably the buzz Armstrong but I've liked all of them that I've had uh I've tried all 11 they're great you can get one of those roasts by going to first when you use cod end time you're going to get 10% off if you if you subscribe they'll give you another 10% off so you can get up to 20% off when you go to First and use code end time so go there today check it out Doug Where Do We Go From Here you have anything else to say before we move to the phones or the chat well we've got a couple of calls we could go ahead and move there I mean we've got other things we can talk about if we need to later but um this is their day let's hear what they have to say all right we're going to start in Iowa Shan is watching there Sean welcome to the end time show hello guys Brothers hi Sean um hi can you hear me yes sir how you doing Sean hey uh my question is concerning uh AI I know in the Book of Revelation where it says that he gives power to the image to make it speak and talk and says something about if no one worships the Beast that has the power to kill I'm wondering from you what your guys's thoughts is if this AI may be uh related to um the image of the Beast could it be uh future sometime in the future AI could be the the image that is being spoke of in the Book of Revelation um well Sean I believe that you were on to something there I I do think that it could be uh AI related or involved because I mean when we look at history and we see what happened in um in the Book of Daniel where we have Nebuchadnezzar has his statue and everyone within the kingdom was told to Bow Down and Worship this statue when the music played well I can see them being able to use AI to telecast that in every major city in every country everywhere all at the same time and when that image comes up and everybody have to bow down to it and begin to worship it well well yeah also Brothers um you you know that we have the technology now to do Holograms we can do Holograms now absolutely to yeah so yeah they could project that the AI image to wherever now you know yes sir so I I think that that could be part of it we we've looked at that and and we think that that is possibly how they're going to do that of course going to do a lot of other things uh you know it says that the uh false prophet does Miracles uh before the sight of men and and some of those Miracles could be AI related as well or uh at least things like have you ever heard of Project Blue beam and things like that they at one point they were uh I think they were promoting a Godzilla movie that was coming out and in Japan they actually use Project Blue beam to have Godzilla come up out of the ocean and and it looked like the real thing coming up there and everybody was amazed at that technology so that may be ways that they're able to do some of the signs and wonders that the Bible talks about too uh you know but of of course Satan has uh ability to to copy things and and make false Miracles because we see what happened with Moses and with Pharaoh's magicians in Egypt so but with the technology we have today I can see exactly what you're talking about and I agree with 100% that could be what that is Sean yeah I'm thinking guys that you know with our technology so Advanced like Daniel was told that you know put away these things Daniel it's for future you know yeah and he said the knowledge would increase man guys look look at our technology Absol like boomed since the 1900s yeah absolutely Sean so so yeah we our technology is is right spot on probably right where the Antichrist is ready to come into power and with the technology we have yeah he he could he could do the whole world with technology yes sir everything seems to be lining up right now at this particular time so there's no telling what's going to happen next all right Sean thank you for your call we appreciate it so much God bless you um all right Doug we're going to go to Washington now Tom is there let's see if this is the Tom that I know from Washington Tom welcome to the end time show hey thank you so much Vince Tom Lyman here and excited to have a moment to say thank you in time is uh definitely something that I've just started to listen to recently my wife's uh been a faithful listener for years and uh one word comes to mind and that's peace so whenever I uh sit on hold here thought end time and I thought the word peace and I'm putting those two together just thinking how even though I'm not one that's really followed or an expert at prophecy and everything you know if I listen to the wrong uh news station and saturate myself with all the things that are going on in this world it does bring on could bring on a sense of fear but just a little bit I've listened to end time and um it's been awesome so I guess it's a long way of saying thank you for what you all are doing and uh keep it up a question I have for you too on my mind is uh what about another trip to uh Israel anything in the in the plans or thoughts year ago I got to go for the first time it was the best trip I've ever had in my life would love to go again Israel trip Quest first of all Tom was on the show a month ago with Dave so if you haven't watched that show um you need to go back and watch it it I just put the link in the chat it's on end time Plus available for streaming 24/7 but uh he's are we going to go back to Israel Doug what do you know about that anything well I I know and Tom was on the bus with me and Tina so we we had a blast we had a good time and you know Tom's a big guy I told Tom he had to have my back in some of those places if we got in trouble he kind of looked at me with big eyes and said man I'm a peaceful guy so but uh you know ain't the joy hour right right but Tom I'll tell you what I do know we're probably not going to be able to go this year and the reason why is because of the things that are heating up up north right now uh with Hezbollah and uh Israel saying that they're getting ready to go into Lebanon uh and probably on the ground as well as air attacks Lebanon or not necessarily Lebanon Lebanon but Hezbollah the terror group has been launching missiles into the northern part of Israel since October 8th and so that's what hindered Dave and them from being able to go up to um the Jordan River and baptize folks in the Jordan and things like that so they don't want to put anybody in Jeopardy or In Harm's Way and so that's why we're not going to go they were thinking about going in November because some tours were going and they said we could go as far as Galilee uh and you remember how beautiful the Galilee area was and we went out on the Jesus boat and how amazing all that was that day but just a little north of there was where we went to the Jordan River and we baptized people well they've they've moved people out of that region because of these missiles that were coming in from Hezbollah so instead of of wanting to put anybody's life at risk or anything like that just off of going to a tour we're going to hold off for a while uh but hopefully this stuff will will get over soon and we can get back because we all want to go back I mean we love it as much as you do and so hopefully maybe by next year I can't say for sure but I know this year is looking like a a no so sorry buddy yeah no I understand I understand and I just say again thank you for the show and and thank you for the trip that we did last year you know I was walking those streets and thinking again how safe I felt how much peace I felt and I you know I felt more um [Music] danger sometimes in my own home streets of good old country that I've lived all my life and I just I think about that trip and um of course God was with us he's always with us and I had some great tour guides and everything but I think that's what I'm appreciative of so much in in my life these last few years is just the peace of God that you know he's not surprised he knows the end from the beginning and I just pray that uh we continue to share that with each other and with others around us that uh and if you're listening to the wrong voice too much you can just live in this constant state of fear but yeah you know this is all in the Bible and it's happened I I think it's exciting you know I've shared with people recently if anything else you know the darker the world the brighter our light it's a time to really you know saturate ourselves with the word of God and continue to let that flow out in our conversations and even talking about the news and it's tragic what happened I understand that things that are out of our control but God knows what's going on and I just rest easy knowing that uh he knows our tomorrow but you know if uh I could just again say thank you for the efforts of doing a show every day and talking about these things and um speaking into family's lives that uh good things are happening and and God knows the future absolutely amen well thank you for everything that you and L are doing there too and you know we showed everybody about the joy hour when y'all were here with us and uh that's a big deal there there is Revival happening within this country in different places and different ways and you guys are definitely part of that Revival so we thank you guys cuz we consider you to be out in the trenches kind of doing some of the trench work out there because you're in the world doing that we we have this ability to do this and Reach people through the studio and things like that but you are out there in the world and you're meeting and greeting those people and showing them love of Jesus so we appreciate what you do too Tom amen amen I tell you everybody knows what happy hour is but joy hour you know what it's h it's needed and we need each other we need God and need a atmosphere where we can uh Celebrate life as long as there's breath There's Hope and I'm thankful for today and love you all appreciate you love you too brother all right love you Tom thanks so much for your call Doug we are coming up on a break here so I don't want to bring anyone else on at this time have to cut them off I always ha doing that as much as people think I enjoy it um someone posted in the chat uh where is Babylon the great and they suggested it was Jerusalem well we we know it's not Jerusalem because Babylon the great is going to be completely well mystery Babylon the great is going to be completely destroyed in the end time and we know that Jerusalem will not be because Zechariah 14 tells us that people who survived the battle of Armageddon yes there's going to be survivors of that battle and the Jewish people that live into the millennial Reign they will have to go to Jerusalem every year to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and so um we know Jerusalem will be intact and mystery Babylon is going to be utterly destroyed so it's we know that mystery Babylon is Rome slth Vatican interesting isn't it well that can uh ruffle some feathers well I was just texting with someone earlier today you know we talked about some of these pastors that are all this stuff is being exposed right now and I was explaining to them about Revelation 17 and what we talk about with uh the Harlot church and I said well if she's the mother of the harlots that means there are daughters who are all the daughters yeah good point there's some Catholics and Protestant clothing but that's there's a break we've got to go Doug we'll be right back see you there a voice spoke to me and said I've got something I want to show you I was so sure God had talked to me and I was stunned by what I saw a direct fulfillment of this over 2500 year old prophecy the United States will stand with Israel why haven't I ever seen this before onethird of humanity will die what do these beasts symbolize the lion the bear the leopard the combined beast from Revelation 13 represents the end time government of the Antichrist understanding the end time now streaming on intime plus and available to order at in go to in / or call 800 end time what if you could understand Bible prophecy Dave Robins the host of The End Time Shows TV and radio programs is holding a free prophecy conference near [Music] you gain peace and understanding about what the Bible says concerning end time prophecy call 1 1800 end time or go to events to see when Dave will be in a location near you [Music] welcome back to the end time show Vince steagle here with Doug norel open Line Friday we're talking about whatever you want to the number to join us is 877 in time 877 3638 463 Doug I should say whatever you want to within reason yeah sometimes we get some calls yeah that have nothing to do with Bible prophecy today this show is we explain current events through a lens of Bible prophecy so if your question falls into that very vast category uh give us a call we would love to chat with you um I do want to remind you that Dave and janana Robbins will be in Kingsport Tennessee this weekend uh Dave will be teaching tomorrow and um Sunday the 23rd and it will be an incredible lesson tomorrow it is the green Horsemen and world World War I talking about what's happening in the Middle East and how that is going to expand not not exactly what's happening in the Middle East is going to expand but there's a war coming according to the Bible that will start along the river Euphrates and uh Dave is going to be talking about that in specific detail and the connection to that with the green Horsemen um and so it's a very great lesson that you need to hear make plans to join us Kingsport Tennessee go to events or give us a call call at 800 end time we'll be happy to help you out there yeah all right Doug ready to go back to the phones yes let's do Tom was talking about the future got me thinking about that big announcement that's coming but I still can't announce it yet so if you want to know what that announcement is if you want me to Spill the Beans um what should we have them comment Doug Spill the Beans Spill the Beans yeah yeah comment spill the beans all right we're going to go to Oklahoma now Joel is watching there Joel welcome to the end time show you like cutting me off I know you all right we are going to Jord he cut me off in the in the past he has done done it before he tries to do it out of love oh with Joel like to do it but you can see it in his eyes yeah I do enjoy it sometimes Joel I got got to confess you do what I do enjoy it sometimes I've got to confess well yeah I do don't lie about it just tell the truth that's right always hey I was going to ask y'all the other day I'm sitting on top of the bunker right now in the shave uh how far in do you think this country is going to go to the Beast system I know chapter 12 in Revelation tells us that we're going to fly the woman of safety which is Israel for time time and half a time but how far in do you think I just want to know y'all's opinion how far in do you think we're going to go well I believe Joel that it'll be implemented enough in this country to where people that want to to join in on it will be able to do that I I don't think that it'll be fully implemented because if it were they'd be able to put sanctions on us where we wouldn't be able to to be the wings of the eagle to help Israel in any kind of way and I know people want to they they they get concerned right now because this country is not really backing Israel the way that we're going to in the end time because this Administration is keeping them from getting weapons that they need and things like that because of the protests that are going on and we're kind of bowing down to the world government right now uh by telling Israel we're not sending weapons and things like that but apparently we're going to be standing with Israel uh during the time of the tribulation and so we couldn't be fully implemented there but I think it'll be a worldwide system to where if people want to be implemented in it they could and they could be part of it uh you know and and a lot of people are going to do it because of the convenience of everything of being able to have that that chip or that Mark or whatever it's going to be and your right hand or your forehead where you can just do things so easily and automatically we've seen a lot of people that have already done things like that put chip in their hands in this country that unlock their doors and turn on their lights and they can pay for their bills and buy a soda from a a machine down here we call it coke uh even if it's a Dr Pepper we call it Coke so where I'm from we call it pop I know you call it pop so that's why I just kind of said pop yeah so anyway they'll be able to do those things and it'll make it easy for people so they'll want to to have that and people that don't understand what prophecy says they'll do it's kind of like what Aaron Rogers was saying while ago they're going to implement those things to a point to where they're going to make everybody do that and you're it I was talking to one of the production guys earlier about you know bowling a frog you know they say you you can't throw a frog in Bowling water you got to turn the temperature up slowly so that they don't realize what's going on to boil that frog or they'll jump right out of that pot and so that's what they're doing right now they're implementing things slowly introducing things slowly to try to to get people on there but as far as us being completely implemented under the mark of the beast or the Beast system we wouldn't be able to be the wings of the eagle that Revelation 12:14 talks about and you know we already have a military base over there that we do military Maneuvers we're the only country in the world that has a military base in Israel and does uh Israel uh we we work with Israel through all our different um Maneuvers and all that we sell our weapons to them our planes to them they modify our our um f what are the F-35 they modify and so anyway we work with Israel in the military U more than any other nation in the world I think they'll try to implement it and I think there'll be a civil war here before they if they trying to get it implemented that's just my opinion yeah I think they they're like you say they're slowly you know Satan he implements things slowly he doesn't give it to us all in one dose CU we wouldn't accept it right and but I don't know I just feel like they're going they're going to try to throw the switch on all of it and going to be some bad stuff happen that's just I don't know yeah then I don't think we'll be in it at all right well they they have talked a lot about that Civil War that you're saying they've even made a movie about about it and even though we can't see that we don't see it in scripture we can't find anything about a Civil War in the United States in scripture the left talks about it more than anybody and they're trying to say that that's what uh Trump would bring if he doesn't get elected that it's going to cause a civil war so it just makes you wonder I mean there's a lot of things that have happened and you haven't seen supporters of trump go out and burn cities and and you know destroy things when he was convicted of these charges that they've convicted him of and now he's a convicted Fel and supporters of trump did not go into the streets and begin to burn and and uh Rampage and pillage um where you can't say that about the other side so that's right you know we've seen what they'll do yeah okay well thanks I just kind of wondered yes sir well thank you you thought I never had got your thoughts on it yes sir all right all right Joe we appreciate love you love you guys don't cut me off till I say that all right all right we love you too Joel love you guys running out of time have a great day sir thanks Joel God bless you appreciate your call we're going to go to Georgia now Doug adrianne's calling from there Adrian welcome to the end time show hi hi thank you for taking my call um how familiar are y'all with the topic of something called it's an end time it's an end time thing it's called the gang stalking never heard it before really it's where people who have demonic spirits in them they stalk Christians like me I've never seen them before and they stalk Christians true Christians H have have not heard of anything like that uh I mean it I'm not saying that it doesn't exist I mean there's people out there that are stalkers but um I I have not heard about that before now okay okay thanks for addressing you thanks for taking my call because I think eventually more people will be hearing about it I go places it doesn't matter I go to the bank the grocery store any any place the park anywhere and I'm stalked by people that I don't even know them and um and you know it started when I was in the library I I well I don't know I don't know if I I don't know if that's when it started but that's when I started noticing it I would sit in the library I would read my Bible and there were people who again I don't know these people and they would stalk me so I'd even even in church I was stalked by people that I don't even know and it's a real thing there are some of us that talk about it online it's called gangstalking two separate words okay and little uh you know it's a little unnerving at first but then like I said I got online and I realized there were other people experiencing the same thing and uh yeah so well thanks for bringing it to our attention we'll check into it and see what we can find out about it all right okay thank you thanks for taking my call yes sir God bless you sir all right we're going to go to Tennessee now John uh is watching there John welcome to the end time show hello John everybody put John in the comment it's the John from Tennessee that someone was asking earlier about you from Tennessee well I guess I've been the John at this my house for a while so there you go you look like you're doing good excuse me God's been good I'm I haven't been to the doctor yet I go uh let's see a month from now but I'm just going there to get medical proof basically I already know what the Lord's done anyway I'm glad to hear it good to see it uh what was I gonna say now it was more interested how you guys you were asking about you our note says you want to ask about the Middle East situation oh oh yes the Middle East and the way that things are going mhm I haven't been paying a lot of attention to who's been doing what other than uh Hezbollah throwing their Rockets over into Israel and I I haven't heard any more of of Iran doing it but uh is there any more word about uh what the rest of the Middle Eastern countries are doing with the uh other um abrahamic covenants and things well right now I I haven't seen a lot about the peace agreement and those things of course Saudi Arabia are still saying after this war they're going to sign the peace agreement so that's that's the big news and they're saying they're going to do that I have seen there was an article that uh came out today where it says that the UN is going to try to um manipulate around the US veto to have um Palestine come into the UN as a member state so that would be a huge thing if that happens America's been vetoing that and keeping the Palestinians from becoming a member state within the UN um I mean they don't even have a country right now would they have to document their their borders you know I don't know exactly how that works to tell you the truth it probably David prob a better person to talk to about it cuz he probably has a better understanding of what that would uh imply there but that just that news alone that they're going to try to maneuver around America's veto to try to get the Palestinians to be accepted in there is a big deal but then I also saw today a story that um the Hezbollah leaders are saying all this stuff to Israel like their troops aren't afraid and everything like that but this big story came out today in Jerusalem Post that said they're getting reports of people who live within Lebanon saying that the Hezbollah terrorists are getting out of there and and retreating already that they're being told by their leaders to get rid of their cell phones because Israel can track their cell phones and find their exact location and they're being told not to stay the same night in in or not stay twice in the same place so if they are camped out somewhere overnight they're toad to move somewhere else the next day because Israel is tracking every movement and they're running for cover right now so that's sounds wonderful yeah so I it's a lot different than what we're hearing over here that's good well you can't John we I'm sorry we've got to cut you off the we're right up on a break here uh thank you for your call God bless you we have open lines at 877 in time give us a call we'll be right back [Music] they that understand what is taking place instru minute except a man is born again he can't enter or see the kingdom of God I don't care what label you've been given or what label you've given yourself you are essential you still matter this is a journey and when we get to the other side of that that's where our prize is that's where our reward [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is end time is not going anywhere [Music] welcome back to the Endtime show Vince seall here with Doug Norville don't forget daveid and Channer Robins will be in Kingsport Tennessee this weekend go to events to learn more about the venue and the specific details of that conference you can also call at 800 end time for additional details of course I want to also remind you about our summer sale that's going on you can go to suum to learn more about all of the deals available one of the highlights there is that understanding the End Time DVD series is available for a donation of any amount you're going to get 14 DVDs a lot of people take groups through this small groups bible studies all the different things some some are taking their whole church through this series uh you can get those DVDs take a whole group group through for a donation of any amount that's only available for a limited time of course there's a number of other options there one is you get your book signed by Dave um and is Will Islam rule the world that's a big question right now $2 is all that DVD cost so uh go to suum to learn more about all the deals that are happening we're going to go to Oklahoma now Debbie's watching there Debbie welcome to the end time show thank you yes ma'am hello hello how are you Debbie I'm fine Doug I've talked to you before um my question is in a sense um I've talked to you before about the wings of the uh leopard the foul yes ma'am okay and it's like there's nothing else mentioned about that correct that's right tells about the The Lion and the Eagles wing the bear and it just goes in description about the for I mean yeah the forehead of leopard but that it just say the wings of the foul and of course my mind is like there's got to be more to that so um I know you all talk about you've talked about um possibilities of the Antichrist and thinking possibly maybe macron and I came across this the other day I don't know whether it was on your program or your deal on online or what but um when I was reading about that it said that uh acronia we know this referred to as the prince of vandora and that this came about during 1805 under Charlie Maine I've never heard you talk about that situation we have actually talked about it on a couple of different programs we talked about it just a little bit but we talked about it uh it's whoever is the president of France at the time uh is also the prince of endur and it's a shared situation with a bishop of that area so it's it's ruled by a politician and a priest basically or a u a holy person so it it's kind of like the Holy Roman Empire it's like a miniature version of that and Charlie M actually granted this to this area this Endor area because of their stance when he needed them to stand behind him in a wartime situation and because they did that he granted that to them so that they would always have a ruler who was the president of France and they would always have an Archbishop there that would uh be able to be their religious Authority and so yeah it makes U mcon another interesting figure however he he may not uh be in power much longer from you know some of the things that are happening there in France we'll just kind of have to keep a a watch on that um I know I I can't remember Debbie if we talked about the possibility you know we go from Daniel 7 to Revelation 13 where we see the individual beast in Daniel 7 but in Revelation 13 this is a combined beast and because Daniel 7 does not tell us anything else specific about those wings it doesn't say like they were plucked out like it does with the eagle it just says that the leopard had four wings of a foul and we know that in Revelation 13 it doesn't talk about those wings again it just says that the world government body has the body of a leopard so we assume because we never saw anything happen with those wings those wings will still exist within that leopard and we know that mcon and Merkel when she was in um as the prime minister of Germany that they met and they resigned the U French and German uh agreement there to where they had the Franco German Alliance and they said what they were going to do is honor that every year they would have a little ceremony where they would honor that to to commemorate their loyalty to one another so we just believe France will indeed still be a major part of that leopard body now the does that mean the Antichrist will come out of France we don't know that we just know he comes out of that Europe uh out of Europe and probably the European Union so that's all I can really tell you right now about that I guess then it has so much to do with the Holy Roman Empire the fifth world Empire that it just seems like and that it was established back in 1805 yeah that he is PR of that now that there's just something there me about that you know I'm right there with you I mean I I when I found that out I was fascinated I couldn't believe it and so I was like wow this is crazy but I I also took that to Pastor Baxter years ago we I I'll never forget we were in airport in Dallas we were getting ready to have dinner because we had a couple hours for a flight left and we were getting ready to sit down and we we were at Friday's restaurant I'll never forget it and I was telling him about Emanuel mcon because I had I'd found all this stuff out and I was giving him all this information and he just kind of looked at me and smiled and he said brother Doug I've got a file cabinet full of antichrist that people tell me who he is and so he said I'll just have to put that in that file and I said okay that's fair enough but you know as time has gone on he's gotten to be more and more of an interesting character so we will definitely keep our eye on Emanuel mcon and see where it goes from there okay do you have a minute for or do you need to go if y'all need to go that's fine no go ahead okay well I was look at his name and I know I've heard you all say that Emanuel mean God With Us the Johan meaning GI from God Michael meaning who is like God Frederick meaning peaceful ruler and then I thought I read this and that says well here is the kicker macron means a mark placed over a vow MH to indicate that The Vow as long which we understand that then it says Revelations 13 tells us the Mars is the name of the Beast right then yeah I I agree with you like I said but we really we will not know for sure who the Antichrist is he's a great candidate I I give you that but when we're confident enough to say for sure we will shout it from the rooftops yeah yeah but we'll know one day cuz he'll be revealed so are you already on time plus Debbie I am and I have been for quite time about eight years now I think I I was going to send you the the is Emanuel mcon the Antichrist video Doug and I did which you know we talked about him for about an hour talking about a lot of these details that sure U makes it look like he very well could be well I'm teaching right now a class at my church on the prophecies so that'll get you in so exciting yeah and so are the people so anyway thanks for your call Debbie we appreciate the conversation so much thank you for being an in time plus subscriber as well thank you um God bless you Debbie uh Doug I got a new nickname in the chat while uh while Debbie was asking her question get some more hate Vince the knife steall will'll cut you off at the drop of a cowboy hat Vince the knife at the of cowboy hat prefer the GU somebody put a lot of effort in that they sure did um so there you go but some people don't like the nicknames either so I better stick with yeah I I could guess who that might have been would I be right no okay no all right well we're going to go to Texas now Ryan's watching there Ryan welcome to the end time show yes hello um I really uh I'm enjoying your show thank you for uh talking about the end times it's pretty cool um I just wanted to uh it sounds like there's a lot of like sincere people who want to you know know more about the end times I know everyone has their own kind of perspective on things um I wanted everyone to focus on I feel like it's a very key verse it's very important so please write it down and look at it Revelation 39 Revelation 3:9 that will tell you everything you need to know about Revelation thank you all right thank you Ryan appreciate it very very much Revelation 3:9 does that come to your memory Doug oh yeah all right what what do we need to know sounds like an important call well I mean he's he's just he's making a point but I mean it's I I don't know if he what his point is at this point but it's behold I will make them the synagogue of Satan and say they are who say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them come in worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee so he's either saying that the Jewish people who are in Israel are not true Jews that they're the synagogue of Satan which there are a lot of people you know we've told you anti-Semitism is on the rise I don't know if that's what it was about cuz he's hung up now and we can't go back and and ask him if that's the point the record he hung up I didn't cut him off he hung up that's why I said he's making a point and and I think that's what he was trying to say uh there are a lot of people that believe that the Jews that are in Israel are not really Jews uh but folks let me tell you something okay there is the prophecy of the dry bones Ezekiel 37 and if you read that prophecy that prophecy came to pass on May 14th of 1948 when Israel became a nation again and God knows who his people are okay he didn't put in a bunch of people from the synagogue of Satan in there and then say I'm going to save all of Israel first okay so that's we also see what's going on there if they were the synagogue of Satan why would God protect them and we've watched God protect over and over and over I'm I'm going to share something real quick Vince because it's important uh and I wish that he would have talked about it in the interview with Dave the other day but the gentleman who Dave talked to with the IDF he he has uh I think either a YouTube channel Landon you might help me in my ears at Tik Tok or YouTube The Golden report and he told us story on there that right after all this happened they were in a kabo and they were trying to run the Palestinians out um the Hamas group out and they were under heavy attack and they had already had several C casualties and he said that they were out of options and he said okay Jesus it's your turn and he said when he said that he didn't realize that he had the mic keyed on his radio and a pilot heard that and had one missile left and he launched that missile and that Missile hit a boulder and ricocheted and blew that Boulder to pieces and it killed every one of those Hamas leaders and he said that he couldn't believe it this miracle that happened and there was a man there that lived in the caboots and after all this happened he went back to visit that man cuz he just wanted to talk to him and he said that man said I was there that day and uh he said there was another guy there with with the old man and he said it just happened to be that pilot that fired that shot and so he's there with the Israeli pirate uh pilot that shot that missile and the old man said I was there that day I witnessed that miracle of God and he said and we plowed this field and work this field all my life and we don't have any Boulders but there happened to be a boulder that day that that missile just hit and it blew the boulder to pieces and killed every one of those Palestinians that was God folks and God knows who his people are and he protects his people and these are not the synagogue of Satan so that tells you all you need to know man man Doug it's been a great week here at end time been a great week around the world uh God's been doing great things in the world here at end time I can't wait to share um some of the things that are developing a miraculous really Doug the last nine months have been miraculous and so exciting things ahead God's doing wonderful things and can't wait to reach this world yeah show people what true true Christianity true conservative conservativism is all about amen uh go to in watch. in there's thousands of hours of content available for free because of incredible Partners like you that give every single month at consider partnering with us today we'll see you right back here on Monday [Music]

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