Crossover: Brandon Aiyuk is BACK!

I went down to Palo Alto and played golf at 6:30 oh you were up with the chickens now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game alrighty it is crossover time we welcome in Mark Willard and Mark Grandy Grandy portions of Mark Grandy okay portions great yesterday yeah he can come on whenever he wants and he's going he's he's got some some thoughts he's got some takes today I know I happen to know that little birdie told me oh yeah you were on fire I've been bragging on you all morning I mean I I I was uh are you still that hot I won the pool I won the pool I won the pool I won the pool I won the pool won the do you guys even know that you were in the pool please help us uh it broke during my show oh gotcha gotcha it broke during my I was I was you know when stories you know are coming I always just mentally do that like I wonder what show is going to get it and I get mad when teams Break Stuff on Friday night don't do that cuz it's fun you know you get to react right in in the moment and um there were aspects of it I don't know how it grabbed you right when it happened there were aspects of it that surprised me for sure um I still had to spend the evening kind of piecing it apart yeah um there's no doubt in terms of one of the things I've said for two months now I have to at least take a little bit of I was wrong in terms of the Leverage that I mean he got 30 million a year that he did I think he was I know people are looking at it two different ways at the same time some will say like his hold out of Camp got him nothing at the same time he's now one of the top six or seven paid receivers in the game so um yeah interesting so your energy was Roger is just me Guru speak your energy was Roger Clemens like yesterday because you felt like tell me if I'm wrong Willard he had this same deal weeks ago yeah and that's why I'm still like first thing I texted the guys this morning because I always like to get a night asleep okay and I woke up and I said I'm still annoyed at Brandon auk I'm like I I think I can simultaneously go the Niners are going to be a better football team this year fans are happy well sure because fans we're like and I don't I don't challenge anyone with this if you want to just make nachos and be happy about tomorrow God bless you God bless you but I like I don't I don't necessarily think about this situation that way um if you pitch to me that this definitely means Debo's gone next year I'm bothered but what a you or anybody cuany brought that up the the biggest gift we can get is the present what if we just focused on this season asan brought up the Last Dance element I didn't think it applies but it might if we're thinking like like how about you compartmentalize or anybody like yourself Willard those issues but yet enjoy what they got this 17 games I mean we can do that at the same time can't we do you worry about the future oh come on now okay but do you enjoy today yes like I'm not going to root against Brandon I'm not like a weirdo yeah like I'm a Niner fan and I and I by the way good Lord I hope I'm wrong I hope I'm so wrong I hope I end up being so stupid on this where Brandon performed like the absolute Elite receiver he's now being paid to perform like and the Niners have structured this in a way where like Debo and Brandon can both be on the team for at least two maybe three more years and piol can be good and you can pay like of course I hope that all happens and and when that time comes we can look at at me and go boy you're a worrior for no reason I hope that happens I hope I'm wrong of course I will enjoy this it's not just you st of course it makes them better this year but if you ask me would I have done this if I knew a two things that Debo was gone at the end of the year and B that Brandon behaved this way in the month of August no I wouldn't have done it the the one thing that struck me was to me the numbers 4 for1 120 77 million it's it's it's a lot but it's reasonable 76 yes what did I say 77 76 million I mean it's reasonable based so at that point my first question is really like you know what I mean yeah but really from who the team or him everybody yeah everybody it's like really huh it's like really like I give I give if you want to do because people like to do this right you got a pie you got a pie and it's a blame pie and you cut it up I 25 % goes to you Niners and 75% goes to you Brandon and here's why you you ners said you were dug in in May 26 were not budging yes you did so that was that was a lie but I'll give Brandon more the blame because when you got to the time that mattered we are arriving at Camp it's time to get ready for the season you budged you did budge and you put the offer that Brandon and his people already agreed with other teams and said like remember TJ on our show 28 give him the Almond Raw Deal and he's there and then the ners did that and Brandon went no and sat there for all of Camp until the day they started finding him and then goes okay now I'll come in I'm sorry that bothers me can't we hold can't we money talked Charlie Sheen Tucker I totally understand the fan that's like don't care about any of this Brandon's playing cool totally understand but aren't we all also allowed to hold people accountable for how they get to a certain place right like you're bothered by example the Giants free agency every year everyone's bothered not that you didn't get Aon judge but that you sort of you sort of promised that something was going to happen that means you don't like the way they're going about their business I don't like the way anybody went about because I I saw them on the on the chat on Twitter for the people that say what's the did Bosa do anything different than Brandon how would you answer that like where was the Venom toward and so is Trent I have all respect in the world for dude just shut up and just do your thing then I've got all the even Debo which was a little loud but what did Debo do got it done by Camp you get it to don't like I'm so shocked that so many people are just this forgiving we all just got dragged through a national lead story annoyance vibe killing Camp supposedly killing story but what do you do with the the the the uh the anger as far as we got a game next Monday night you know what I mean will it like if you see auk in the grocery store you're GNA say hey what you do for what do you do now he's now you watch him and you start he starts to re no doubt we're watching confidence or favor with the fans and tou passes was help 30 Mill so was the 26 maybe wrong maybe it wasn't 26 how did he go from that to 30 well yeah the ners the the ners didn't do great this summer either they didn't do great this summer they misread it a bunch of different times um 30 Stein and then to me though the the answer on how badly the Niners misplayed it comes later that comes next year we find the fall out agre let's find out what this means but wasn't that naturally going to be the case maybe and that's where that's a that I think is a really good question like what if it were 26 then does the same thing apply is Debo gone just no matter what you know like but now now we see who leaves and does Brandon perform that's when I think you assess whether the Niners did a good enough job or not yeah I I completely agree and it it might change it might change I mean Andrew Wiggins got that deal after the Championship and we were like boy it's it's a great number for wi 25ish so he was a great play well now it doesn't look very good um the one thing I do think we we also can't just assume is I I think a lot of times it's like okay Brandon four-year contract he'll be here four years and what I learned from the Draymond Green thing is teams don't want to give up an asset for nothing they just don't and the 49ers didn't like what they were getting for auk and I think it's within totally within the realm of possibility they sign auk to this deal they play the season out and they trade him next year auk maybe it's possible maybe so uh or or their or the the complexities of the back end of this deal allow them to wiggle out in a way if they were to want to you know what else I found interesting though like this deal suggests dude we love you right we think we think you're imper top at the same time there's reports everywhere that it's like or we'll take courland Sutton or Terry McClaren or George Pickins or you know whatever the hell y'all got well then do you really love him and that's what I ask that important to where you just said you know we'll trade him as long as you give us some other wide receiver who's proven at the N I swear to your Willard I threw that at steiny and he basically I'm not talking for you I go wait a minute you put a ring on the finger but you also told them we were ready for a divorce right if I'm Brandon I'm kind of like whoo what does that change at the end of the day cuz I got my change Willard and now you know from Brandon's perspective CU I would feel like you guys were really ready to he wanted to get traded he told he never did he I think he bluffed that and he never signed on the dotted line to go somewhere else d he so so he the idea that Brandon auk right now would be like you know these guys did try to trade it's like no kidding they they were worried you wouldn't sign it came off like I thought he thought it would never get to that and the Niner signed off allegedly a couple times Willard old no doubt what you giv us rap report still reports that even in this final hour over the last 48 hours Brandon still could have chosen the Steelers if he wanted to wow and he chose the ners and I I don't know where the money is I agree with you on that but I think also that's like what you guys are talking about is kind of the nature of the business in other words we romanticize all of this so we look at the whole thing as the 49ers right and so that means everybody everybody's all in a foxhole together and they're all trying to do a thing but but Brandon iuk probably looks at his bosses the same way everybody listening to us looks at their bosses they that that's your workplace so like do you all have to love your boss and agree with your boss no in order to take the contract and be like okay I can go to work every day like yeah that that's where I feel like it's forgiven I don't think Brandon takes this with him out onto the field right which by the way there's another thing that I'm confused by that everybody is just so ready to forgive what if he's not ready to go full board on September 9th and you're still all just okay that he held out for well we did that with Bosa and we really truly didn't know until the race was over right but in theory Bosa was getting more money Bosa wasn't being offered what he was asking for until the end according to what we've been told if Brandon asked for a then was given a on August 10th decided to skip camp anyway and now has put September 9th in doubt Come on B yeah there's no way not he'll be out there but but is he at full I got to imagine will from what I know no so like can you oh go ahead yeah can you two help me out what's this signing bonus he he's due before next year for 46 what what made that H talk to me about that I didn't understand that I'm not going to be I I'm not going to be the best person to describe this but every contract in the NFL has and and this is where it gets really stupid it has like guarantees and then sort of like actual guarantees so those actual like hardcore guarantees are what is basically quote unquote kind of doe at signing and in this case more like due over the First full season of the de so um a lot of it has to do with what will go into an escrow account like you have to pay that right away Jed York has to put that aside write the check 46 of the 76 47 is actually what I heard but yeah and so Brandon will actually have that in Hand by April 1 and then the rest of it gets paid out over the next four years that sounds like 47 is all you got at the signing yeah it is at the signing it is but there's still 30 more guarante all right gotal guarantees right I got you and now is where I'm guessing I think you know if Brandon were to to suffer some sort of horrific career- ending injury well all I don't you you know that's when you get into injury settlements and Major League basball you get it yeah different stuff like that you're listening to 957 the game kgmz FM and HD1 San Francisco always live on the free Odyssey app twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union it is time for what's bugging you to termites munching causing you woe at coest control were Pros you know Swift Solutions eco-friendly care check out our site for what we prepare atop we pest beware I've been holding on to this get since Tuesday can I go first Dr Steiner can I go first of course you can okay so I'm one of the dinosaurs to still uses Facebook and I use it like a photo album I've had a brother-in-law's birthday we had friends in from Mississippi and la and I this this this is a PSA Willard and steiny I'm hurt listen I'm 50 years old I've done High School I I I I'm no stylist but when I put a picture of myself with my family it's not to be graded and what's happening now is men and women that I know that are older or my age are sending me personal messages through of Facebook with red teacher writing circled around my shoes my sandals my teeth to tell me you need to do this the Crocs don't go with the jeans the shirt is wrinkled and I'm telling you it hurts me that you're this old and my friend and family that that's all you have to do to convey to me that my Style's lacking or my shoes didn't match and I'm just here to tell the people I feel sorry for you I would never do it and stop it I didn't even know you could edit a picture and use the red ink to Circle what you want to Circle but I am who I am I'm a father of three I'm not a stylist but don't tell me my Crocs didn't match my top and send it to me I'm over that high school is over don't do it stop it I got like five different ones last week and I'm hurt ask me how I'm doing how's Norm doing not my Crocs don't match my top your bottom too needs help come on I really like the sweater that you're wearing well I feel fly today do I like the sweater that you I had to get that off man and and you're it happened you're one of the most authentic people I know and so like it happened Willard I'm glad you started with you feel sorry for those people like what on Earth what on Earth what are we doing the only mistake you're making is dude you got just stop going to Facebook and I know why you're saying I'm hearing this you're like put you're almost using it like Snapfish you're like I'm just putting my pictures in there so I've got somewhere it's me and the family I would just suggest maybe an iCloud account or something like that that's a little bit more private but uh yeah happened well they're all ugly places they're all ugly places now but but it yeah it hurts even more when it's coming from your own your come on all right I got it off my chest man good that's good um good lord well I'll I'll keep it relatively simple now that Brandon auk's here and Sign Sealed and Delivered I you know and he it's happened for the last couple weeks BR Trent Williams bugs me a little bit what he's doing it it just does and not that he's not a great player and he can do it of course he can and he's going to get away with it cuz he's a great player but I don't it doesn't mean I have to like it and what bugged you so much about it if we can ask what is he is coming off very selfish to me like if you tell a team well if you don't give me more money I'll retire I get that's your right but then I don't want to hear about team camaraderie and my brothers and all that kind of stuff not necessarily from him but I just come on I mean he's opening up a can of worms I think they're gonna I just of course he can do it but I don't like it is that by the way has that been reported that he threatened retirement I hear that bouncing around a little bit I mean last year at times they were you know throw away done it before I mean yeah yes I mean he I haven't heard it specifically but I don't I don't know I I think he sees that he's got this organization over a barrel and and there's conventional wisdom that they they can't win without him okay so I'm G to try to make more money then and I guess that's the game and I get it I don't I don't you know it's the game you understand it this I I understand that doesn't mean I have to like it and I get it's football which is different than the other sports but I don't know doesn't rubs Fair just rubs me the wrong way a little bit yeah better have a good year I'm going to be watching that all 22 that's actually that's my concern all the 49ers the whole team is is does is the fan base now arrived at a spot instead of cuz I know today is a day where everyone's like Yay let's get excited now about the season are you really just like are you going into this like let's win week one let's have fun I love the season or or are you like looking at the Niners as if they're kids not eating their vegetables you better you better be good you better not pull a hammy you better this you better that like there's so much Super Bowl talk before week one has even happened but they've earned that I don't know if they want that John Lynch is trying to say the opposite Tom Brady said the opposite the reason that the Super Bowl hangover is a thing is because you automatically have to go back to the start it's like it's like Monopoly go back to the beginning you have to go back to the start and start over and it's hard and all different things can happen and other teams are good too and I I just that's I too much super yes that's of course the goal but I don't like all the Super Bowl talk in uh in August I hate it yeah that's not for me not for me what do you like I know they're I know they're one of the favorites we all know they're one of the favorites by the way if you I I'll do something real quick gry you should do this you should do this with us you got something that's bugging you I would bet knowing you just Oregon State how about that do they bug you no they're not even on my radar okay wow anyway I was going to say and I I started this a couple weeks ago since you brought up social media so will I Willard man I would like someone to help me I I I want to not Twitter and like but we have no but I think we have to Yeah well yeah and then there's also just the Habit it's almost like my homepage it's where I go when there's nowhere else it's my new television but I can't find what I want to find anymore in there wow there's two things that happen that get in the way of what I actually used to use it for I'm not someone that was I'm not Bob Fitzgerald get off of Twitter I'm not negative on Twitter I'm just negative on what Elon Musk has done to it right to the point now where there was always the negativity but it's gotten worse but now you can't even run from you have no but you have to work your way through all of this stuff that you're not following that like all I get like do you get this too it's like videos uh like morbid knowledge and it's a video of like this person died right after this video was taken and there'll be eight of those until I can get to oh by the way Adam Sher say Brandon auk signed a contract man I hate it yeah it's an awful awful needed website that's your boy Elon hate it I can't speak to it yeah you're Kurt flood you you're done we'll see yeah stay stay tuned you going to be like Oasis and make a comeback in five years probably I I've never said never I've never said never did that go over everybody's head the other thing is Ken looked at his head just poed around the corner yeah because he you want to go let's go over to Europe and let's go let's go see Oasis resale tickets are $1,000 I don't know but we'll talk to somebody you're my wonder wall right that's what it was I was in North my favorite day any day things is my did you hear John Sally join us no oh my and I wanted to it's still out there I know was it was it great on for a half hour joh yes have you ever had someone that you thought hated you so much turn out to actually love you like this and he didn't hang up on us I asked him he he wasn't bummed out he just you know he said we hung up on him and he was great yeah yeah and then I said can you give us John T you're listening to steiny and goo he did it and he did it yeah of course he did it yeah I sound like a group wait no no no no no yeah why so fast it's too old it's too t just rela under the weather today you're fine it's three more minutes you stay at home nowadays when you're under the weathery what what's bugging you where he's sitting uh I wasn't really expecting this so I thought of something really quick right now at the US Open we got a couple of Americans doing battle against each other Ben Shelton and Francis thefo a couple of the best American tennis players in the world right now it I what's bugging me is that they matched up against each other in the third round I wanted to see them both go deeper into the tournament it sucks that one of them is going to be out after today do you know what impresses me sometimes around here because I even saw Bonte is on vacation he spent 45 minutes this morning on 957 the game I said that was and he's tweeting about this matched I just as a father of three I don't know where you all get the time it's live ball is live Willard you guys watch every sport you'll show up the next day and you know what happened in tennis golf the WNBA and I were locked San Jose State s Jose State Sex San Jose State quarterback has a laser I am so jealous of y'all how the hell app got go what's his name granny t t yeah he go Bonte goes this is a bad match up for TFO I'm like I don't even know langage you're that was excitement was Shelton I don't even know I'm like I don't know what y'all are talking Willer ball is life oh my god steiny do you have where you San Jose quarterback has a gun I'm was there all right Bron went to the game told him that he he went to the game he's got too much everybody to have a great long weekend enjoy the holiday and you know what say thank you to a union member huh it's Labor Day is that your new sign off I don't I gotta go shoot your shot say thank you to a union member John Sally

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