THROWGOD on Sketch Streamer, Lee Corso, College Gameday, Joe Burrow

Published: Jul 08, 2024 Duration: 01:21:47 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: lee corso college gameday
hello welcome to the throw God live stream let's see here oh there you go They're Gonna wheel Lee Coro back out to the college game day set on a wheelchair he's backstage he's eating cottage cheese and cantaloupe from a dog bowl um and they break up his pills into it he's got a back pill um because he his spine is shrinking and scoliosis and he's starting to turn into the [ __ ] Hunchback and Notre Dame and into the shape of the letter c and he's into a ball a paper ball of trash is a person he's just his body your body just curls and balls up and the ESPN producers are getting ready to just um just grab him and [ __ ] crinkle him up and throw him into a [ __ ] coffin trash can with all his head gear piled on top of him uh I can't believe he's still doing this he must not have kids that love him uh grandchildren or his daughter or something he should be in a senior living facility he's the joob b in the [ __ ] football um he he has a probably has an adderal addiction to be honest with you he probably takes vitamin B12 shot straight to the [ __ ] jugular a hybrid mix a testosterone a vitamin B12 shots they just shoot it right under his ear and tell him to go out there um is Lee Corso on OIC no one it could be um [ __ ] diet pill something uh he should be sitting in front of uh two televisions with magnifying glass screens on him eating pretzels and Neapolitan ice cream watching Mike Tyson bite Evander Holyfield's [ __ ] ear off and then limping out to the [ __ ] garage with a walker to smoke a [ __ ] uh a cigar from his box I mean this guy right here he's cashed he's he's uh he's basically uh Terry shyo uh I don't know if you guys know who that is uh when I was a child she was a mom I think she was like I don't know for a fact but I think she was wrestling with her husband um over [ __ ] bills or something and I and I don't know she fell and some story my mom told me about one of her friends about how you shouldn't hit women I think she made it up um she husband was like wrestling with his wife while she was brushing her teeth or something he's like you [ __ ] [ __ ] you racking up credit card bills and push her and she slipped and hit her head on a [ __ ] uh the bathtub or million-dollar baby herself broke her neck and was a vegetable and the husband would go to the hospital and when the nurses would leave he'd hold his hand over her mouth and uh and then the thing would go beep beep and they'd run in he pop his hands up and he'd be like oh just stretching out um but it was for a while in the news in Tampa it was like can we please God just put um Terry shyo down like a dog and people are protesting like even though she's in a coma she [ __ ] still stands a chance um and then I think they pulled the plug they brought to Dr kavorkian in to shoot her up with some uh some [ __ ] deloted or something and she died but here we are Lee Coro um dick Vel they should do a uh they should do a dual a dual death hanging and hypothetically allegedly all the college football fans at a college game day they bring a big hanging lunch out like in the middle of Town Square in Iraq with Sergeant Brody um from Homeland and Dick vitel and Lee Coro hypothetically allegedly in this weird movie they both they get hung and they hang them in the in the college game day that's the end of the episode instead of put putting a mascot on they just were dangling from a rope uh I will ask uh um I'm such a good entrepreneur it's unbelievable um yeah and the in the student sections they're just cheering and and uh or they could do like the the guillotine they could do the guillotine the lower Le corso and hypothetically allegedly the guillotine cuts his head off and then one and then they pick a Dr Pepper challenge fan they Pi they take sketch they take sketch the the uh I guess according to the internet from what I'm reading there a former Gaye por porn star taking BBC back shots they take him and they put and he picks Lee Corso's head up and he puts it on top of his head and he wears it and the Crowd Goes Crazy um who's going to win today the presidency old white men um they should invite Lee Coro to the presidential debate with Trump and he can and he can tell them something um what are let's look at Lee coro's favorite lines uh favorite Lee Coro favorite lines um it's not how you start the game it's how you finish uh that's what I tell women that all the time it's not how you start it's how you finish you got to do something babe do a little dance twerk you know you're sitting there you're kind of you're kind of flaccid it's it's full length it's a monkey tail it's a flopster and you're kind of shaking it at her antagonizing her and you're like come on you want some flopster and and you're just you're getting it up and you know dance a little bit and and you [ __ ] you got to spread the smell the pheromones from her puss and then it start you start to feel the blood flow I'm like oh fourth quarter come back I don't need pills to play this G that's what I do I get a computer chair and I just oh yeah I always tell her I say look back no one ever thought of the computer chair method did you no you didn't um it's not how you start the game it's how you finish on your face uh wow Lee Coro quotes that's why you guys come here that's why you guys come to throw God live stream go [ __ ] watch the uh go watch Andrew Schultz [ __ ] do movie reviews there used to be this big [ __ ] black kid on my high school team he's like 6 foot seven legit easily better parenting five-star Prospect at offensive tackle soft as [ __ ] inside I mean he had [ __ ] uh I don't know who was inside him but it wasn't it was it was Cuba Gooding Jr was inside his [ __ ] body and uh he ended up writing Amy win housee like an album review one day and on Facebook and I was like what the [ __ ] are you doing and he wrote like oh it's witty and enchanting and funny like using all these white people words I was like what the [ __ ] are you doing and he and he [ __ ] uh he got mad at me I was like well you're a lot of people are [ __ ] mad at you a lot of your family and friends at least I got to go play college football and at least I got a [ __ ] letterman jacket in the [ __ ] closet I'll pull it out right now 150 snaps a [ __ ] year what do you got [ __ ] Amy win House's CD playing in the [ __ ] background a black kid um I was almost as famous at oh yeah one time Lee Corso he actually took a picture I think he was at Indiana um he he took a picture of himself like he was beating Michigan and then Michigan came back and [ __ ] beat him um God these are the most boring quotes ever uh uh the Oregon Ducks his favorite mascot um don't underestimate Mike Gundy throwing the ball with his quarterbacks I have a soft spot for Iowa uh I I can't [ __ ] I'm not reading Lee Coro [ __ ] quotes let's look how old he is um Lee Coro look at it when are you thinks the last time he got a little piece of [ __ ] put his little finger in a little [ __ ] apple pie huh what do you you think he's got a blow B home and he [ __ ] uh when that old gu is out there if you need a blow by you just [ __ ] put it on it's like a Black and Decker for your balls you w't even need women you won't need women in the future you just need [ __ ] technology to [ __ ] get off you know how they used to have like a [ __ ] you can't see it but I'm like lifting my [ __ ] computer up you know you used to put like a your CD and your [ __ ] on a computer and it would go and with clothes and so you're [ __ ] put your [ __ ] and your [ __ ] computer it's going to be [ __ ] your [ __ ] let's see here um he should walk around with a scoliosis neck brace like you know [ __ ] this is how he should come out to the next show Hannibal Lector he should come out like this is how Lee Corso should do the next college game day in a [ __ ] situp chair with a [ __ ] [ __ ] uh muzzle on his [ __ ] face he should come out like [ __ ] Hannibal like this is how they should wheel Lee Coro just end it in a scary movie you know how he's so old this is how they should I'm not kidding you if I was a producer for ESPN I would start having Lee Corso come out to college game day and have Chris fer Rees Davis or whoever KK curve Street Rees Davis dressed in cop uniforms and they just bring out [ __ ] Lee Coro and uh and they take the muzzle off his mouth before he can start [ __ ] speaking um hey token black guy how are you you wanna you wanna uh you want to say something shut his mic off turn his mic off he's only allowed to have his mic on every every every once in a while it's off most of the time so they can't they can't hear his heavy breathing and um and they only and only the white guys are allowed to talk and they [ __ ] um leor over here he should have a bib on and there's just baby food and applesauce on it he should just be eating a spoonful of applesauce during the entire show I had a um I got a buddy who's an executive for a very big company that does a lot of uh let's say a Dr Pepper challenges contests and he say Kirk Herbst stre is the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] of all time I'm not making this up he literally said Kirk Herbst stre is the biggest [ __ ] he's ever met in his life he said Joel clatt cool which I can't imagine so maybe his credibility is way off because there's no way that Joe clatt there's no way this guy is cool this guy looks like a [ __ ] uh h a human Nutter butter a Nutter butter peanut butter bar that grew up to be a [ __ ] human I mean your kid looks like this I'm sorry and you know like a lot of people they want their kids to look cute and have blonde hair and stuff but I mean this is this is not this is NPC [ __ ] look at this small small dilapitated [ __ ] body uh Joel clatt decent little throwing motion right there he used to be the Andy Dalton of Colorado back when they let white quarterbacks play there um uh no white people are allowed to play this they took the sea off because it instead of Captain it represented Caucasian and they're uh no lado uh uh they're goingon to they're going to take the sea off the [ __ ] Colorado too they don't want anything to do with C Asians at Colorado um let's see here decent looking decent looking well three boys can make children can make boy children that's good means he's got a decent pair of balls on him it means he's got some solid seamen he can make boy children um little Kind of a Funny Face there but uh she looks decent uh got a bigger Theo got to get a little bit bigger earrings bigger the O bigger the hoe not bad uh uh I don't know I don't like these kind of like long dresses like women you should the dress should cut off right here on a woman um you should be able to see full thigh and cheek and leg um let's see here I think he lost 70 to 10 when he was at Colorado to Texas in the [ __ ] big 12 Championship um I played against them when we were at Nebraska we beat them um solid sexual harassment coach ASC scrap um um we don't say anything boys don't say we don't say anything when coaches grab our asses or smack Us in the butt we don't say anything just at work Nick Savin smacking uh smacking uh QB but see just giving AJ McCarron just a big [ __ ] J Jimmy tap just smacking him right in the dick just just Jimmy tapping the [ __ ] out of him doesn't give a [ __ ] what the you'll [ __ ] take it and you'll eat it who are you g to tell HR we don't have one just smacking them right in the [ __ ] about to Jimmy tap the [ __ ] out of them um that's okay we don't say anything there's no me too movement for man-on-man Crime we just call it fighting we just call it being tough you want to get in a fist fight little man-on-man crime when their females aren't involved it's just a [ __ ] Manon man crime you know they talk on black on blacks and white on whites what about just a good oldfashioned span spanking from your coach um college coaches spanking players uh let's see oh how big wind up in a spank who are you gonna tell uh let's see college football coaches hitting Players let's look at it h look at this [ __ ] face look at this [ __ ] face dude if you imagine you're at work and Carol she has cancer and you're just [ __ ] staring at her like this you got [ __ ] cancer well I you [ __ ] die right now in front of us huh and then I'll have the other janitors [ __ ] clean your [ __ ] CPS up you [ __ ] [ __ ] kill you you [ __ ] late one more time I [ __ ] K you [ __ ] [ __ ] look at him staring perfectly fine he's just he's just a mad [ __ ] uh he's just someone he's just you know he doesn't this is the thing he doesn't know you at all he's not related to you he's not your family he's not your [ __ ] friend he's some [ __ ] you signed up you got a scholarship and you go to this school he has he he hasn't you he's known you a year two years at the most four years of your life and he just has the Credence to just grind his teeth and [ __ ] and just [ __ ] cuss you out you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] and and we just have to eat it and then we have to go get jobs we have to go out in the workforce and you have to go get a job and you got to go [ __ ] uh and you got to manage people that are sick and dying with diseases and you're not all and if you make this face you're [ __ ] fired at them so there's a little bit of uh learning lost when you have to go live in the real world you're like what do you mean I can't uh what do you mean I can't [ __ ] uh I can't grind my teeth and [ __ ] stare down a [ __ ] senior citizen who's not who's not taking her [ __ ] job serious let's see is there more college coaches hitting players this is what I this is my goal face after having sex with a woman is just covered in squirt juice um let's see um are you [ __ ] listening to me God damn it [ __ ] spit coming out of his mouth they're [ __ ] I thought there'd be more pictures of of uh coaches just hitting players uh let's do famous instances famous instances of football coaches hitting players uh memorable fights between players and coaches on the same team let's see what we have here I want to I want to see actual fighting I don't want to I want to see actual yes let's see six more images this is [ __ ] gay [ __ ] that [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] let's see what Kyle ridden house here what did he say what did slobby K Kyle remember when you guys said that he was going to be a [ __ ] millionaire and that the and that the uh and the gun money was going to [ __ ] make him a millionaire and they were going to pay all his legal bills and [ __ ] you guys remember that I'm going to show you something in a second um where's his family Kyle rittenhouse's family Kyle rittenhouse's family um Kyle R where his collateral damage look at this [ __ ] face dude this is this is why this is why nobody wants Trump to be president is because of this [ __ ] I'm telling you right now this is why nobody wants Trump to be [ __ ] president because they see pictures of this kid [ __ ] crying and they think that's all of us um let's see here just under four years ago our lives were shattered when my brother was involved in the shooting incident with my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family um it the event uprooted their family stability and left us grappling with grief trauma and the harsh reality of starting over at the he has a gofund me that raised $3,550 um oh my god dude he lost they had to sell their house and everything uh let's see here totally [ __ ] um and you guys said family and you guys said that the they were going to let's look at his family let's take a look let's take a picture oh his little sister right there she got a only fans face okay Kyle got a little only fans face right there you can raise a little money that way um I I guarantee that the best thing she can make for dinner is some disgusting box enchiladas and I don't know I don't know oil these things up and jiggle on camera or something um [ __ ] Kyle R house and his [ __ ] pig family except for her she looks like a decent quality person all right she just needs to get two dermal piercings right here and uh and spend at least two hours scooping poop out of her butt just to find out it's boy night um that would be a post that she could make on Instagram reals um I saw that yesterday I was like hm that's interesting content um Kyle written houseis claims their family is broke uh let's see here our family's been through hardships the aftermath of our family uh stability left us grappling blah blah blah uh We've fallen behind on rent and now we're facing eviction with only eight days left in our apartment the thought of losing our home our Sanctuary is overwhelming and terrifying playing um so yeah the NRA didn't take care of him he's just should have went to the gym son you should have went and worked out or or uh or Tred to play on the JV football team or something you know what I'm saying these kids they got too much time in their hands you know that's in Europe they make him join the military or something um I feel bad I feel bad like when you're when you're you know he could have became uh he could have went into construction um let's see here um Kyle Rittenhouse poor kid poor kid but not as poor as sketch look at this [ __ ] loser holy [ __ ] I don't want to say too much because supposedly he's like a [ __ ] He's pretending like he's suicidal and and he used to have like some kind of [ __ ] I I don't know alleged pill addiction or something he's just making up things to like to to simmer the uh feedback about him he's just like okay I'm going to admit to it but I'm also going to say that I [ __ ] uh I have a rope hanging for my ceiling fan in my bedroom right now and I could hang myself and and uh and so he's I don't I mean is over I mean um let's see a merge of him and gay porn on only fans before stream his streaming career took off H first of all his real name is his real name is Kylie uh is popular in game circles see this is why you got to stop giving sick people [ __ ] millions of followers that's a there's a big I've told you this there's a big problem on the internet if you have Down syndrome or you're sick or you're small or you're missing chromosomes there's some kind of sympathetic empathetic compassionate uh part of society where they start clicking on their [ __ ] content and then they get a million followers and then you find out that they they um he 25 years old which is well enough uh you're 21 you can drink 16 you can drive 18 you become an adult he's 25 years old so he's seven years passed when you're when you're an adult and and uh two years ago so when he was 23 years old so just two years ago this isn't like [ __ ] uh this isn't someone in their this isn't Sylvester Stallone Mandy made a porno in his 20s and he's 50 you know what I'm saying or uh or or Camala Harris you used to be a stripper this isn't that um and date Montel this is not that this is two years ago okay this is actually if you think about it in the middle of covid he was taking black [ __ ] that's oh my God that's what he was doing that's two years ago that's 2022 in the middle of covid I'm sorry if you've seen some of the stuff I'm a change person since since BBC in the middle of covid I'm changed um I mean it wasn't jerking on I mean I I haven't really seen it I I read about it a little bit and all this is hypothetical alleged you have to go read it yourself um but his friends are sticking up for him I understand if you're mad I was dealing with some addiction problems a couple of them a couple of a couple of [ __ ] of them of the addiction problems sketch then alluded to potential Suicidal Thoughts he said I uh wow uh the people like FaZe Bank um and then his friends uh oh my God and then he's comparing it to the [ __ ] Kim Kardashian sex tape scandal do you know look at this guy the NFL invited sketch a [ __ ] suicidal with an addiction gay porn star to [ __ ] to the NFL draft this is amazing this is [ __ ] amazing um not everything needs to be broadcast and farmed um him taking gay dicks uh let's see oh oh s Gardner thanks sketch handled the situation better than a lot of people would have the same ones that loved him will love him after they find out that he did gay porn or he took dicks um and then big cat yeah my content comment is sketch is awesome and I hope have his back someone had his back I I don't know how gay it gets how gay does it get this is why you can't give followers to people with missing chromosones um during an emotion this is an emotional stream look at this [ __ ] guy holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] crazy bro I told you this guy was sick and and gen Z kids were like all for it they were like [ __ ] uh they were like defending them on my uh on my on my post and stream they're like he's just a s he's way he's a successful man he's a successful young man yeah came out uh plan a was to call it quits um he was just going to quit streaming after they saw his only fans that was his plan which was just quit uh let's look here sketch only fans name let's look at his only fans name Jamie Maher that was his username um was sketch on only fans this is [ __ ] crazy dude ah poor kid let's see is there this is the funniest picture of all of them dude this is the funniest [ __ ] picture of all of them are you [ __ ] kidding me he's in a Wonder Woman suit bro he doesn't he he kind of actually looks like less [ __ ] here than he does here do you know what I'm saying like he looks like he put makeup on and he looks he looks less [ __ ] here than he does here so is this fake do is this like a fake [ __ ] uh like should we give him an Oscar for having fake Sickle Cell Down syndrome um and I mean to go to this place this is actually him in real life oh my god look how gay his actual face is like look at that face that you have to make to be that gay oh my god dude uh poor kid look at him this is all an act this is all a fake act he's actually he takes his glasses off when he takes his glasses off and he's like uh by himself he goes straight to like this [ __ ] serious [ __ ] gay guy this is [ __ ] crazy bro and they're all friends with them let's do celebrities with Sketch celebrities um and sketch this is my no no no no celebrities uh sketch the streamer with celebrities look at him he just [ __ ] meets up with celebrities and he hangs out with them and they're all friends with them here's Jack Arlo just's hugging a [ __ ] uh sketch pretending I mean this is one of those kids that um have you ever seen like the [ __ ] uh who was the [ __ ] um kid uh adult pretending to be a child sociopath have you ever seen this Natalie Grace Barnett a little person with a rare brone growth disorder they thought she was six years old and then her parents later claimed she was a sociopathic adult I mean this is what this is this is sketch right here she's not sick she's like [ __ ] Jesus she's like a 27y old little person that's what this is that's what sketch is doing right now um he's like a sketch is like um is like hasbullah it's the same thing [Music] uh there you go and we're back I mean this is the real sketch right here um he's he's he's I mean this is some sociopathic [ __ ] behavior um let's see sketch and Dana White doesn't Dana White um doesn't he like make fun of [ __ ] uh trans people all the time sketch sketch meets Dana White let's see here sketch meets Dana White look at him number one bro number one number one in the air bro it's going down bro when I get out of here I'm gonna take my glasses off and I'm gonna go back to being gay it's number one bro sketch God damn it dude this is the [ __ ] gayest guy I've ever met sketch streamer sketch streamer Dan White here you go sketch with Mr Beast that's that's what is Mr Beast what is is he [ __ ] a gay porn star [Music] too look at this who is this look at this yeah dude this is this is why you gotta be careful bro it's why you gotta be careful um look at look at all the people that just hang out with Sketch holy [ __ ] dude it's all inact it's been all fake the whole time oh yeah oh yeah okay let's go look at some of the tweets um sketch the streamer let's look at his tweets sketch handled the situation better than a lot of people um met let's let's look at oh perspectives here let's go to Twitter and do it let's see what we got let's read the tweets godd damn I can't I can't [ __ ] look at that [ __ ] I can't I I'm not looking at that gay ass [ __ ] I'm not looking at that gay ass [ __ ] that's too gay for me I'm not doing it I'm not doing it I'm not doing it dude that's too [ __ ] gay that's too [ __ ] gay dude holy [ __ ] that's way too [ __ ] gay for me that's way too [ __ ] G oh my God holy [ __ ] dude um I want he Kyle rhous should become the new sketch Kyle rhal should become I'm not going that's why I don't I'm not going on [ __ ] Twitter Twitter's like a [ __ ] porn hub no one talks about it um Kyle redh house should become the new [ __ ] sketch Jesus Christ am I the only one who's normal in the [ __ ] world am I the only one that's just a normal person that's just like [ __ ] working out and throwing a football on the [ __ ] field is everyone a [ __ ] is everyone [ __ ] gay Jesus Christ I'm not looking at the [ __ ] gay ass [ __ ] I [ __ ] I already announced to I'm [ __ ] I'm not doing any of that [ __ ] oh it gives me the [ __ ] creeps what did this weirdo say Alex Jones turns on Donald Trump dude put down the [ __ ] caffeine pills Jesus Christ oh [ __ ] godd damn it I [ __ ] hate the internet sometimes Trump trump and again Trump's really smart he's got good instincts shut the [ __ ] up go back to the conspiracy theories they should I want to play him in a movie I would love to that Alex Jones is my dad I want to play him in a [ __ ] movie I want to make a movie about Bohemian Grove and I wanted to have [ __ ] um I wanted to have Shane sh I I just think this is funny too um no Shane Gilly Shane Gillis with the streamer sketch um where's the picture of the here here I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do let's go here let's search sketch sketch re did this turn into a gang bang yes or no I don't know I don't know the answer um hey man was that really you was that really you in that video you still be doing that [ __ ] if if it's okay it's okay if you be doing that [ __ ] um no I don't really do that no more I don't I uh love you look at this guy's comment love you dude this twoo shall pass no one will care or remember thanks Tao C7 um uh this Fu real suppot gay um uh uh everybody that matters still loves you let's see what uh holy [ __ ] dude I'm glad you addressed it oh wow um let's see here that's [ __ ] dope bro that's [ __ ] dope undersized gay guy uh Mr Beast where's Mr BEAST's comment where's his comment you think he text him and he told him to take it down and he's like can you take that picture down of us Jimmy Donalds and he says he wants to run for president and run this country right into the [ __ ] ground I guarantee this guy's a weirdo too anytime you see an MPC and they're like a they're like missing chromosones and [ __ ] they're not athletes like how hard is it not to be an athlete in high school or college do you know what I'm saying like how like how bad do you have to [ __ ] be how much missing chromosones do you have to have to not at least get a [ __ ] scholar ship to like an niia school or a D3 school or a D2 school or a [ __ ] D1 school to play a [ __ ] sport you had to have completely [ __ ] checked out I mean your parents have never had to throw a ball with you go go jogging working out something you had to be completely Barren of anything to do with the ball to not at least get to play on one [ __ ] college team and and even if you get like a gray shirt or a walk-on or something you have to be a completely neglecting [ __ ] [ __ ] not to have played college sports I'm not kidding you I I don't care if you're [ __ ] Link in the league on [ __ ] LinkedIn and you're the [ __ ] NFL of NPCs on [ __ ] LinkedIn I don't give a [ __ ] you have to be an absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] not to have played some sport in [ __ ] college and so when you see people like this they can be as smart and as famous and and social media famous as you want there's something sick there's something inherently lazy like for instance like you didn't if you didn't play sports in college you were sitting on your couch or something in the air conditioning you were um and and there's something that comes when you're like sitting like when you're playing a sport you're concentrating on your mechanics and you're throwing and you're sweating and it's hot and you're like trying to survive but when you're at home like sitting in your couch and all you're doing is playing on the computer and on the internet and your thoughts are just trapped that they can't evaporate from from your [ __ ] brain and the thoughts are in your head and you just [ __ ] you go schizophrenic and you're sick and so I know deep down inside he can smile all he wants they can smile all he wants I guarantee there's something sick going on here with Mr Beast too there there just has to be because it's in because he didn't release it from his body and you know he wasn't getting [ __ ] as a kid you know what I'm saying like when he was in college and [ __ ] you know no women were [ __ ] these guys do you know what I'm saying they you [ __ ] like if I walked in real quick and I met Mr Beast I would touch his shirt right there and then I would Bop his nose and he would [ __ ] he would go like the Dink and i' be like [ __ ] loser and and [ __ ] OD Doyal rules and I'd Flinch at him like that and he'd [ __ ] go like that you get what I'm saying and so like I know um they're some kind of passive aggressive something was wrong with the parents they couldn't get them to play a sport and be good at it there's something wrong with the parenting they're now they're all passive aggressive and and then you find out people like this you give them you give them hundreds and millions of followers and just to find out that that [ __ ] sketch he is sketchy how funny is that he even told you to your face that he was sketchy do you get what I'm saying sketch told you he was a sketch like he told you that he was so he even that he subconsciously was like oh this will be a fun name you know like Scooby-Doo or sketch or something and and he's and he's like I'm going to call my myself sketch because he knew inherently deep down and I called myself a God because I know I'm a God you know like I call myself something like up like power God Mount vus [ __ ] like that he called himself sketch like scary sketch Sickle Cell small you know he like downward like sad like [ __ ] sick um so he he told us I mean this you guys will watch True Detective on Netflix and then you won't [ __ ] uh and then you'll be like [ __ ] mad at like in real life when you're like hm are you not a detective in real life trying to find serial killers because I think we just found one because that's serial killer Behavior I guarantee he takes his glasses off and he's a [ __ ] he's probably a he's probably a 31 year old woman I'm not kidding you I'm not kidding I wouldn't be surprised if he's [ __ ] Ellen Page something something like that like maybe he has a [ __ ] down there I don't I don't know I'm just saying Hy pathetically allegedly maybe he had maybe he uh had a some kind of trans surgery or something and he [ __ ] had a [ __ ] made and he's got a [ __ ] down I don't [ __ ] know what the deal is I'm just saying sketch he told you he sketch and then this guy something's going on there with I know it is I know it is I know I don't know if you would know what to do with [ __ ] and that's what this and then the beard and the facial hair it looks like somebody put a glue stick on his lip and just patted [ __ ] hair on it and [ __ ] um can't grow facial hair uh something something's off there and then you want to hang around these people look at these guys in the background he's literally like collecting NPCs but look at this he has to like they Wi-Fi and their vibrations are like shooting off all over the place and you're like like whenever I get around like NPC like little people and [ __ ] I can feel the vibrations and it's like I'm like I'm like my my I start to feel like I'm being electrocuted by [ __ ] and I'm like I got to [ __ ] get out of here I can't [ __ ] be around him and he's just standing in there around Sick Sad people you know like sketch like if he touched me it'd be you'd hear like when a fly flies into a blue light like [ __ ] godamn it I'd be like scetch you mother you know what I'm saying he can't touch um um look at this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is the finger I used to shove up someone's ass I am I mean what am I supposed to do if I'm a celebrity and I meet sketch what am I supposed to be like what are you a [ __ ] uh were you from outer space or something like they [ __ ] did the UFO fly over where I'm standing and [ __ ] just like push you out and then you just fell down in the [ __ ] Earth and I'm supposed to find you like [ __ ] uh like Virgin Mary Found Jesus what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do um you know you know like get away from me like I would you want an apple or something here go dig in these [ __ ] trash cans back here instead of giving a swirly and a toilet bowl Jack harlo he should have held his [ __ ] bitten [ __ ] ankles there with Hospital gloves on and he should have put sketch's head here hypothetically allegedly in the landfill bins and had him just eating trash and and saying oh do scream you little [ __ ] swirly um again what did I tell you what are jenz again and white kids are [ __ ] to black kids now it's it's a again another if I'm playing True Detective here and I'm trying to reverse history and I'm trying to find out what [ __ ] went wrong here I'm just like small little white kid with a baby body Benjamin Button um always seeking out big black guys I mean it's it's it's starting to make s um and then the NFL not only did they encourage uh kneeling for the American flag now they're propping up according to the internet a hypothetical according to Antonio Brown a hypothetical [ __ ] kneeling in the flag hypothetical [ __ ] and I mean look at this guy whoa Houston Texans biggest fan is replace the N with a G um we finally had oh look at this [ __ ] comment we finally have an influencer who isn't causing drama and is promoting 100% pure happiness and people are upset shame thanks Nate [Music] D look at this [ __ ] he he uh he perfectly represents the Next Generation yeah make a wish exactly make a y all hating on them really got some sad lives okay um God I mean let's go I mean we're going back and we're reading the comments here um uh look at this one by chimmy we got a study Bros come up okay yeah definitely I think we did there's a lot of a lot of coming and him getting up off his knees um city turns up for my boy yeah hell yeah dog holy [ __ ] dude after this photo was taken bro got bent over by the whole tiger starting lineup oh my god dude ah look at this this how funny is this Caleb Williams he's just out there throwing balls to him and look the NFL what do you think the NFL executives are doing right now are they going to twist this are they going to turn this into like some kind of like lgbtq and they're just going to have commercials with Sketch in it oh yeah that's dope bro there's your favorite guy look how bad are how bad is his common sense I mean I hate I know I know um Shane Gillis is the next Kyle Rittenhouse as far as uh rise of popularity and complete fall and family completely en shambles but there he is theovon there's another [ __ ] comedic genius right everybody says theovon so smart have you guys ever watched the real world from like from like literally [ __ ] uh 1998 or whatever that he's on he's absolute [ __ ] but here they are just in a hotel room hanging out with Sketch with their look at him look at this simp look at Shane one in the air doing his signal this guy [ __ ] conned everyone this guy ConEd everyone and look at him look at these people ones in the air look at them because I I literally would [ __ ] I would say please let him please make you know like how you're like uh you're gonna start doing blow or something and people are like you know you're like that one guy you're like can he leave can you get him out of here you know what I'm saying like that would be sketch I'd be like I'm not hanging out here if that guy's [ __ ] here I would make him leave um yeah oh wow ah [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] oh my God the Winnie Poo of America that's what they oh my god dude dude look at this [ __ ] guy let's go sketch let's go fin finish him finish him do you think he was he's like jerking a guy off just screaming finish him on your face um let's go [ __ ] sketch let's go that's sick bro it's [ __ ] dope dude um oh my God again this is fake he doesn't even wear glasses or contact lenses he um that's what I bet again f just a character he doesn't he doesn't need to squint to do any of this you saw a sociopathic face bro when he was in the Wonder Woman outfit again this is why I don't play golf this is why I don't [ __ ] play golf [Music] hello yeah I'm just live streaming real quick okay yeah we're back all right that's why I don't play golf I told you gay guys play golf look at this you think he messaged on me he's like hey dude do you really have to [ __ ] uh can you like have posted a picture with my [ __ ] eyes open Jesus Christ the [ __ ] is that picture bro um oh that's what he he said that he said that right there my eyes are closed uh brother brother this [ __ ] gay ass [ __ ] this is why I'm not famous bro because I I would never let look at CJ Stout look at CJ Stout dude these guys have no like um ability to sense that they're surrounded by retards do you know what I'm saying they have no ability to be like Uh something's not right with that [ __ ] guy get him away from me right now look at them and these you know what I'm saying because when it comes to like they're always like end races and and uh you know Tyler Perry and we're going to [ __ ] take back the country and you know black people are going to run the world and then you can't even sense when you're around a sociopathic closet gay social media streamer whose name is literally sketch you can't even sense the danger that that hypothetically there's a chance you would want to suck all your dicks you can't even sense that and so you're going to run the [ __ ] country and you're going to and we're we're going to change all our policies and procedures for you people and we're going to change the entire planet and and CJ st's going to have an MVP season and he can't even sense dude this guy's gonna Dodge a Defender and he can't even Dodge a [ __ ] social media streamer that could potentially suck his dick do you get what I'm saying he's gonna look the safety off he's not GNA be able to look a dick sucker off do you get what I'm saying he's dropping back in the pocket and he can't feel another man who wants his penis right behind him he's got to he is he going to do a spin move on sketch before he sucks him off do you get what I'm saying like this is the [ __ ] I'm talking about is there is he's just sitting there sociopathically knowing in the back of his mind that he is he's a 100% um ready to get gay with everyone here hypothetically allegedly all according to what the internet says I'm just going by what the internet's saying and he's just sitting there loose his legs are open you know when a dog shows its belly it means they're relaxed and comfortable and they're just showing their [ __ ] bellies and they're just like look at him he just lean back and look at sketch right there look at his eyes look at his eyebrows he's like holy [ __ ] he can smell the dick he's [Music] like and and he just like look at him he's like holy [ __ ] I can't believe he's just [ __ ] got his legs open right now and he's just [ __ ] showing his belly to me and they're like sketch why are you doing like a dog ah you're so funny you're such a funny streamer and he's like yes I am it's brother and he's like not brother brother though I'm not trying to be racist brother brother um holy [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] guy um uh this look at this Mega luck this guy's changing the world holy [ __ ] oh my god dude social that's why you can't let social media people Scout that's why the NFL is sucking because they're letting social media people Scout the players and they have no sense that's why you didn't go that's why you're not that's why you didn't go to play sports in college you have no sense no peripheral vision of [ __ ] people and then you call someone like me like a hater and I'm not the one I'm not look I don't I'm not the one sitting here a sociopathic gay con man streamer that during covid was taking [ __ ] on only fans okay because I would because you can sense that just by staring at them you're just like someone's you know when I look at guys like that I'm like he's 25 doesn't have a baby doesn't have a kid and all he does is hang out with other guys I don't ever see a bunch of let's see are there any pictures of him with women anywhere where I don't see any there's a picture and he's not even look look look at him he's not even [ __ ] he's scared of her she can sense it she she's like oh I'm sitting next to a she can women have Spidey senses that's how they know whether they're going to let you spray your seen inside of them and and have a baby or not they can they have super Gars they can smell that [ __ ] in a second and she's and he's like why does this guy why is this [ __ ] a [ __ ] think he's Robin Thick and she's like holy [ __ ] um uh wow you're him brother that's [ __ ] hilarious holy [ __ ] again why don't I watch bar stol Sports because it's gay I mean that's why I don't watch bar tool Sports bro if I threw a spiral right now pretend like he wanted to play catch if I threw him a pass he would drop if I pretend like we're just at the park and I threw him a pass he would just all be drops and then he would get frustrated because he get 20 yards away and he tried to punt it back to me um look at him this is the guy he asked strout he's like you want to shoot an only fans with me and strout's like you s you tripping dog you silly and he's like yeah just kidding they should be fire though and um holy [ __ ] dude oh yeah that's sick Bro wow [ __ ] uh see fake it's a fake face it's all fake it's all fake bro he's born in a Petri dish and and look at this [ __ ] look I there's no way I'd have a picture with Sketch look at that another black guy on his shirt another one this is he looks like he was in a pach Tre dish and the scientist made him to love penis I I don't I he like he didn't get he didn't get enough vitamins in the inv vitro and he just [ __ ] um he wasn't even born from a vagina he was born he was born from they they put they took a goo and a pach Tre dish and they put it inside of a hardboiled egg and it cracked open under a lamp one day an outc came sketch but look at CJ strout no senses can't read the defense can't read the dick sucker you know what I'm saying like he [ __ ] he has no idea that the coverage is is about to try to give him [ __ ] and he he has no clue look at the smile on his face you want me to take a picture with a [ __ ] uh you want me to take a picture with a guy named sketch is he sketchy I I this is [ __ ] crazy bro uh I don't even know who that is but it's [ __ ] oh my God poor guy so when was this post post hold on he says two years ago uh 29 weeks that happened two years ago 29 weeks um ah it's [ __ ] sick Bro poor guy poor guy uh let's see here what else do we have rest in peace Jesse Jane rest in peace um I watched a DP with her Jules Jordan one time in a Bugatti and she just dpd and it was just [ __ ] amazing it was I was jacking off to it uh rest in Venus um let's see here Kyle ridden housee again he should be he should play sketch in a movie that's how he could get the money back from his family Kyle Rittenhouse plays sketch in a movie they should cast him a sketch and uh and he and he [ __ ] he hates the gay only fan porn that he made he goes out and he shoots gay people at a [ __ ] riot to cover up his gay only fance porn and then he get and then he [ __ ] um and then he tries to hide the facts and then he gets around a bunch of famous people and gets super famous and no one knows that he that he's a he's a gay uh [ __ ] social media stream streamer serial killer named sketch i' want that should be fire and he could get money back to feed his family and and get him out of a one-bedroom apartment and that he can move them into a firehouse and his and that's what he should do he should sign his whole family up for Firehouse training and they can all train to be firemen they can live in a firehouse he can he can um and he can make Chelly and whenever there's a house is burning down and they wake up in the middle of the night and they get in the fire truck and he could save a bunch of people's houses to make up for all the [ __ ] gay people that he killed during the riots and Kyle written House's family's Firehouse let's go that'd be [ __ ] fire I'm surprised Joe Rogan didn't have sketch on there you know just for just for uh you know let's see shows off his luxurious route what is it a [ __ ] Basset Hound fishing boat this guy's that [ __ ] yacht that's fake this is a 20 this is it's not an amazing yacht it's barely a yacht let's look at Deion Sanders yacht he doesn't have a [ __ ] amazing yacht Dion Sanders yacht let's [ __ ] oh it's fake look all it is is a 36 foot boat and people and it's just it's not a yacht nope look at it just it's just a little boat see there's no back here there's just an upper deck and a back um nope it's he got it from it's a it's a tiny house boat he got from [ __ ] Home Depot um it's actually this is a this is actually not even a real boat people this is fake like the Mark Zuckerberg um The Mark Zuckerberg Fourth of July this is this is fake by the way it's just AI generated I don't know if you watched it the mountains don't even move back there he's literally just on a green screen in a Hollywood studio and he's and see see how his pants aren't even wet well then how the [ __ ] did you get on the wakeboard do you get what I'm saying how the [ __ ] did you get on the [ __ ] wakeboard if your pants aren't wet if you didn't have to get in and walk well you just sat on the wakeboard and then the boat took off full speed out of nowhere and you didn't fall off the wakeboard I don't understand how he got his his suit's not even wet this is fake AI this is just green screen it's not real it's fake um ah [ __ ] holy [ __ ] um everyone just going maggot now this could be a bad sign everyone's coming out of the closet as an alt-right white Christian and they all just want to take the throne now from Trump and now that they know Joe Biden is Faking It Mark Zuckerberg he has all the data he has all the data on everyone in the [ __ ] country everything you like everything you [ __ ] look at on the internet all the [ __ ] he he's the one who probably leaked this the sketch only fans form he's probably the one who has it he probably he I mean think about um think about the Google guys they have all that [ __ ] data all right and they they probably [ __ ] leaked it they probably literally the CIA or the FBI they probably call [ __ ] people up they're like man sketch just getting too famous you got anything on them and they just sit on it and they just wait to [ __ ] leak it they're and and then look at this she his wife's about to be the size of a sumo wrestler um he should do a video where instead of doing uh Judo he's just sumo wrestling his [ __ ] Habachi chef of a wife Jesus Christ I he should do videos where she just eats octopuses and [ __ ] uh insects and stuff you know like the Chinese videos where the Chinese people eat crazy Foods um don't cover the baby's face it will change uh wow that's a fake [ __ ] video right there um I'm gonna look at coach Prime's yacht Deon Sanders yacht let's look at this [ __ ] I'm surprised there's not a picture of [ __ ] sketch on it and he's swimming with Deon Sanders he sensed it I bet I bet I bet sketch D amdom was like like Hey man can I come out to a [ __ ] uh can I get season tickets to a Colorado game and he's like no bro I got a I got sources in the black CIA they say you do gay porn um i' my boat was way bigger than this as a kid it was called The Feeding Frenzy and I would catch grouper off of it um see look this isn't a yacht it's not a yacht when you have to lay a [ __ ] towel down on the front all right um it's a it's a knot if he said you want to you want to see my yacht I would say it's a knot it's not a yacht um there's nothing even in there this they literally uh he rented this he rented this yacht you know rappers rent Lamborghinis and stuff he rented this yacht all it all it can do is float it doesn't even have an engine and a helicopter is going to come with the hook and it's going to hook it to the top and it's going to pick it up and it's going to fly it way back to the boat show that it came from and uh he invited recruits out to it and he's like how's this any different than Nick Savin boat that broke down on the lake it's the same thing and they're like where are we gonna go anywhere is have an engine and he's like no it don't do nothing it just float it's just like a buoy That Grew into a boat and he's like that rhymes that shit's fire that's the best of times um what did um let's see Antonio Brown um what did he [Music] say Antonio Brown uh let's see I think he called I think he called uh sketch a [ __ ] did he delete it Shannon Sharp's favorite streamer [Laughter] oh my god dude so dude everyone's gay it's so [ __ ] funny dude if they're famous they're so [ __ ] they're all gay bro um this [Laughter] sket oh my God holy [ __ ] sketch's favorite drawing damn he just out here killing sketch um that's [ __ ] hilarious where's the one Rec called him a [ __ ] though didn't he call sketch a [ __ ] uh more child support for me all right good job Antonio Brown that's that's not bad that's pretty decent um that's [ __ ] hilarious the one I told you yesterday they only sell one black dildo at the CBD smoke check shop and it's for people like sketch to come in um I just jokes are jokes but making sure his mental health is good this guy is dude do you think that the Airbnb that he [ __ ] rented you know you can rent like a whole house or nothing nobody on social media has money by the way um they're they're all brok and [ __ ] um because they get like 08 cents a [ __ ] stream um8 0.88 strength um uh but but the thing is is like he probably rented a [ __ ] Airbnb just the bedroom like a [ __ ] weirdo like a like a sketch and uh and he's just in there right now and the family is like out there like making spaghetti for family dinner and [ __ ] and sketch is just he's just in the spare bedroom of the Airbnb just live streaming about about the his past of uh on whatever they're saying on the internet about him sucking [ __ ] and being gay and [ __ ] and and they're like sketchy and they're knocking are you okay in there and he's just sobbing and crying and [ __ ] and he's like I didn't pay for you to [ __ ] check on me [ __ ] and and they just hear him uh he's just in there pretty I don't know I'd be scared I'd be scared about sketch because because something like this I wouldn't be I wouldn't be the suicide thing I I don't know I I'm being nervous sketch he he knock on the door he could be getting dressed up in a trench coat like a [ __ ] Coline kid right now I mean no one knows what he's doing but I just know he's in there and uh and uh I don't know they they could knock on the door one day and he's just [ __ ] uh and they're like sketch do you you think there's any way like pretend like someone do you think there's a way like someone could be like they could like die in like a pose do you know what I'm saying like a position like like you could die like sitting up holding a controller you know I'm I don't want this to happen but I'm saying like is there any way you could rig it you know like people hang from a ceiling fan and stuff and they're just like you know or like or he could do like or you do like not him I don't want him to do anything don't do this but you know like they say like Kate Spade Robin Williams they found him hanging from a door knob do you think there's any way like you could like take your life and you could just be like you could just be like [ __ ] it would look like he was playing Madden but he was like dead do you know what I'm saying like I don't want this to happen but I'm saying like you could just be like they could find you and like the game would just be like the the referees like do you want to accept the penalty or not and he's just been sitting there like super stiff and he's just and he his class and it looks like he's live streaming but he's not alive and and that's just how they're like I just [ __ ] found him and the cops don't believe it the ambulance nobody [ __ ] believes that they found him like that they think like somebody propped him up or put him in that position is there some kind of pill where you could do that like right at the last second like if you took too many pills like you're just like you just [ __ ] squeeze your muscles as hard as you can and contract and you get a cramp or something and your heart stops and you're just and you're just stuck in that position I um I don't want any of that to happen don't do any it's so everything's fake go make more gay porn I don't know why he doesn't go do more gay porn like get super gay become like the biggest [ __ ] gayest person ever of all time um you know what I'm saying like and that's what that's the thing about famous people is they'll be like oh I support him well then let him suck you off on camera you know like someone who's super gay like like who were the gayest [ __ ] um who are the gayest celebrities um I'm going to take a piss real quick e like who are they who who who could um who is like who are the who are the best gay guy celebrities that would suck let's catch off um if you were like who no like gay gay Hollywood um guy actors Neil Patrick Harris should could collap with Sketcher like Ricky Martin Lance Bass um 70 of the hottest gay male actors uh any of these guys he should be dming them right now to collap and do an only fans together and double down on Dick um Zachary he should do oh my God oh my God oh my God sketch should do American Horror Story this is the next American Horror Story hold on sketch um [ __ ] only fans I'm scared I don't want to see anything weird okay dude this is the next American Horror Story on FX is sketch this [ __ ] right here social media streamer sketch don't you guys agree this what do you guys think no comments no one cares okay um he should dude he should have did it you know how he should have came out he should have did his live stream yesterday as that person he should have did the live stream yesterday as the gay he should have did his live stream yesterday as this as proof but look at him now he's faking he's faking like he's a [ __ ] uh young confused um who's his family does sketch have a [Music] family uh he still lives at home with his parents huh did he not did they not knock on the door and say hey buddy it's not where you you doing in there you know did they not see the Amazon cart with the Wonder Woman outfit in it um you know what I'm saying like where they had where they like this is like BTK killer I want to show you an example BTK killer um hanging himself in the closet see this is BTK killer [ __ ] this is sketch this is this is sketchy Behavior you know what I'm saying like these are the pictures he would take in his house and then he would live and then he would go [ __ ] uh and then he would live stream as Andy Reid from the Chiefs you know what I'm saying he would this would be the pictures he'd take and then and then there' be NFL films footage and coaching Patrick Mahomes um CJ Str sketch hey man you know anything to integrate interracial into the White Community a a young this is the thing a young white kid who kind of looks dumb and like his Down syndrome and you just easily uh manipulated you know that's the perfect Target for a CJ stra the perfect Caucasian Target that he can control you know what I'm saying he's like yeah I'll collect this is a white I'm gonna collect white people like this this is what they do this what CJ Shrout does is they collect white people like sketch I'm not kidding you this is what this is what had whether they in high school or college or whatever I had a white guy like this um let's see if I can find them sticks NC State um they there was a punter I had NC st's name was sticks it's close to sketch I don't know if he did gay porn but I'm saying he had big black friends too they collect little missing chromosone white people like this look at this they collect them they're like hey sketch go in the go go in the uh you go into the gas station and get us the blunt wraps you you drive us around you stay sober and drive us around you're like our you're like our Uber driver friend look at this look at all these guys look at all one one one look at that [ __ ] you go get us the um can you uh can you go get us some food and they just do chores it's a CO they collect these Caucasians with missing chromosomes to go do chores for go get him go get him a Burger King [ __ ] dollar menu and [ __ ] and bring it back to him hey can you go can you go get us some candy can you go can you go uh can you go run some errands for us um yeah sure all right this is what I want you to do this is what I want you to go get me um this is what I want you to go get me from the from Chick-fil-A and he's and he's he's texting his order to him right now okay B C on bar stool this [ __ ] guy let's see what he is on sketch what's big let's let's take a look at big cat where is it at I thought he commented on sketch where's it at what's his comment on sketch um H what the [ __ ] is going on here I know he commented on sketch big cat responds to sketch [ __ ] tick tock anyways he says he loves sketch this guy look at that Aaron this white Aaron Rogers to this guy's a blind guy with a cane uh he turns into the flash at night and he solves crime in local communities and cities um and he uh look at these two [ __ ] guys I can't anybody you see wearing pants at all I never wear pants I hardly ever wear pants especially not this kind of pants um anyways very rough very sad day for sketch very sad day one last thing I wanted to talk about um is Joe burrow I was reading a comment because he's coming back from his injury before he gets injured again Rings his leg again um but he says he wants to play in the NFL Olympic flag football team with his friends and I don't think it's going to work like that there's a lot of guys that play flag football um out there in the world a lot of they've been playing their whole life like this guy right here is a better quarterback than Joe burrow at flag football I [ __ ] guarantee it you gotta dip you gotta [ __ ] you can't touch your flags you play starback look at him glove on the off hand this guy will beat Joe burrow out for the starting quarterback position in flag look at him this guy will beat him out too all you have to have respect for all these guys they've been playing Facebook flag football for years they know how to dip twist turn not get their Flags pulled there there could be a potential and maybe for marketing you'll see you will see almost no NFL players on the flag football Olympic team and if you do they're gonna get [ __ ] destroyed I don't care if it's [ __ ] Patrick Mahomes or Joe burrow or anything it's so hard to play flag football they can Rush right off the line of scrimmage they throw it to a starback there's four downs to half field it's not four downs for [ __ ] 10 yards it's to half field they even Dro one pass you're [ __ ] um there's all kinds of two-point conversion three-point conversion rules look at this [ __ ] you can barely even get their Flags they they dip and they turn and they twist I'm telling you right now the NFL players would get [ __ ] up and if they had to and go watch go watch with Mike Vic when he played [ __ ] Flag Football he got [ __ ] look at look look how goofy he looks he got [ __ ] he couldn't even complet he didn't shine he didn't that's a lie it's all fake um you get NPCs out there they've been doing this [ __ ] for years they run all kinds of little [ __ ] switch rub plays and [ __ ] um and it's not it's it's see look it's nowhere near as easy as you think it is um of course Joe burrow this guy some one of my friends goes to ALU he told me he thinks he's autistic like he has Asbergers or something but something's definitely something's definitely wrong with him um and you got you got to be careful Joe burrow uh with black people again did he meet sketch I don't know but look see got to be careful see look look at Joe look at this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] Joe burrow makes a team statement outside the National Underground Railroad all these black people could have spoke but they had a white guy speak like he was Abraham Lincoln Joe burrow that's crazy next next year they're gonna have um they're gonna have [ __ ] sketch and Kyle Rittenhouse [ __ ] speak um he's the SK he's the sketch of starting quarterbacks in the NFL Joe burrow oh look at him sick on his period blotchy faed blotchy blotchy period face he's menstruating and needs a hysterctomy he's got blood coming out of his butt uterus is about to fall out of his ass he's just craving pickles and chocolate milk h [ __ ] uh he's about to eat a handful of dirt or some cat food or something Jo bro he's got a his bre a filter his water bre a filter and his [ __ ] uh liver it just filled with [ __ ] uh you can shake it out and sift it and there's just a black guy's gold tooth in the bottom

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Category: Sports

Hello welcome to the throw god live stream let's see here oh there you go they're gonna wheel uh lee coro back out to the college game day set on a wheelchair he's backstage he's eating cottage cheese and cantaloupe from a dog bowl um and they break wake up his pills into it he's got a back pill um... Read more

THROWGOD on Sketch, Lee Corso, College Gameday thumbnail
THROWGOD on Sketch, Lee Corso, College Gameday

Category: Sports

Hello welcome to the throw god live stream let's see here oh there you go they're gonna wheel lee coro back out to the college game day set on a wheelchair he's backstage he's eating cottage cheese and cantaloupe from a dog bowl um and they break up his pills into it he's got a back pill um because... Read more

Ex-Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher needs to take this SEC head coach job thumbnail
Ex-Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher needs to take this SEC head coach job

Category: Sports

Is jimbo fisher angling to get an sec job like is is is that what's going on here i want to talk about this i also want to remind you that we are charging toward 100,000 subscribers i just want to get my little big play button my little nash championship and you can help me do that simply by hitting... Read more


Category: Sports

What's up oregonians are you ready for the big opening game of the 2024 season because today we're going to blow up the stadium with excitement and exciting news about the future of our team but first you don't want to miss this so tune in hit that like button and subscribe to our channel for all things... Read more

Von Miller sees the power in Texas A&M this season 💪😤 | College GameDay thumbnail
Von Miller sees the power in Texas A&M this season 💪😤 | College GameDay

Category: Sports

Guys so i got a chance to preview yell practice yesterday morning because the real yell practice happens at midnight on friday nights before home games aka last night aka way past my bedtime but it's a really special tradition that started back in 1931 five elected yell leaders teach the different yells... Read more

#NoahFifita #arizonawildcats #universityofarizona - Top 10 College Football Quarterbacks #football thumbnail
#NoahFifita #arizonawildcats #universityofarizona - Top 10 College Football Quarterbacks #football

Category: Sports

At number five we have the university of arizona's noah faf arizona was that team that you slept on until you had to face them now noah ffid ended 2023 stats with 2,869 passing yards with 25 touchdown passes for six interceptions negative 33 rushing yards and zero touchdown rushes but he ended the season... Read more

College Football's Most Important Week 1 Recruiting Visits | UGA, Auburn, UF, USC, Texas A&M Updates thumbnail
College Football's Most Important Week 1 Recruiting Visits | UGA, Auburn, UF, USC, Texas A&M Updates

Category: Sports

Welcome into the wilfong whip round with steve wiltfong game week it is here we made it today is thursday august 29th we got steve wilfong here i'm your host josh newberg and let's get this season started right hit subscribe to the on three recruits channel if you watched even one of my videos during... Read more

EARLY LOOK: LSU Tigers vs USC Trojans | Garrett Nussmeier, Miller Moss QB Duel? | Improved Defenses? thumbnail
EARLY LOOK: LSU Tigers vs USC Trojans | Garrett Nussmeier, Miller Moss QB Duel? | Improved Defenses?

Category: Sports

It's week one baby this game in las vegas sunday night usc and lsu this is one of those games that you saw on the horizon you're like man is ever going to get here oh it's here baby a week from today we'll be getting ready to watch this game which i cannot abs i can't wait week one is here make sure... Read more

Travis Hunter, Shedeur Sanders and Colorado made this happen against NDSU | instant reaction recap thumbnail
Travis Hunter, Shedeur Sanders and Colorado made this happen against NDSU | instant reaction recap

Category: Sports

Holy smokes 12 that's my nephew hey that boy can spin left that boy can spin right it don't make no difference he can block tackle snap the ball hold the snap kick the extra point hell the boy will fill up the gatorade cooler walk the dog and paint your back porch and he can't pass oh my god travis... Read more

Tyler Huntley: The Next BIG Thing in American Football! thumbnail
Tyler Huntley: The Next BIG Thing in American Football!

Category: People & Blogs

[music] tyler huntley the next big thing in american football in this exciting video we dive deep into the rise of tyler huntley the american football quarterback who is capturing the hearts of fans across the nation football from his impressive college career to his standout performances in the nfl... Read more

Arizona Wide Receiver Tetairoa McMillan's 78-Yard Touchdown thumbnail
Arizona Wide Receiver Tetairoa McMillan's 78-Yard Touchdown

Category: Sports

Wildcats one for three on third down tonight here's maf plenty of time throwing and that's complete the tac t-mac a house call again it's his third this one's from 78 yds out they're all tied up at 24 all thanks to tedo mcmillan yeah he and faf know each other so well he took one look back realized... Read more

Mike Evans 3.0! TETAiROA MCMILLAN BREAKS School RECORD With Insane 300 YDS 4 TDS… thumbnail
Mike Evans 3.0! TETAiROA MCMILLAN BREAKS School RECORD With Insane 300 YDS 4 TDS…

Category: Sports

He spider-man climbing a wall spiderman touching someone's hair oh bad yeah he certified he certified mike evv look about to rect to terra tero mcmillan record breaking holid versus new mexico look i think he had four tes you know what i'm saying so we about to go see what he talk about hand that was... Read more