The Israel-Palestine Conflict SOLUTION; Biden PRESSURES For Two-State Solution | TBN Israel

one Jewish State on the land as to which the Jewish people have a better claim of title than any other people any other land in the world so just one the size of New Jersey just let us have it already [Music] enough today we're joined with a close friend of TBN and a close friend of the Israeli people former US ambassador David fredman who is a unique character he is one of the architects of the Abraham Accords a the best-selling author of the book sledgehammer and his new book that's coming out very soon to stores around the world one Jewish State attempts to solve the problem of the Israeli Palestinian conflict Ambassador fredman thank you for being with us again and it's good to seeing you mat good to see you safe and back from the Army and uh God should continue to protect you and all the soldiers who are defending Israel amen and amen so let's talk about you for a sec sure you were a very unique American ambassador to the state of Israel I would say historical in this sense that in your time in office the US did something that it was on the fence about for my entire lifetime I guess recognizing the Goan Heights and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem almost overnight I want to start with a with a loaded statement I look at what America or the US has done for Israel in the last going on 11 months and in my in my book from what I've seen more weapons more funds more support than I think any other Administration in history you know much more about American politics and I do what is your take on that relationship between Israel and the US you know I think the first question you have to ask is you know how did we get to this spot and did America have a role in the the calamitous I haven't thought of that okay well I think you got to start there because Iran we left office it was broke yeah kasum suani was dead the US was deeply feared by the Iranian Nation fast forward to just a year ago they GDP was more than double from like 200 billion to $450 billion what did they do with the money they didn't build hospitals they didn't build schools you know they didn't build roads they armed the houthis they armed Hamas they armed without that I don't think the lubricant would have existed for October 7th to have occurred that's number one unra we knew unra was a bad organization we cut it off completely okay we knew that the Palestinian Authority was using money uh in ways that uh aided terrorism we cut that off completely okay Biden turned it completely on okay we had a team of people that were determined to to to break the backs of terrorists and Biden brought in a team of people that were essentially appeasing terrorists even now as we're speaking there's about 12 ships you know protecting Israel from Iran that's that's fine but uh it's it's too little too late number one uh and number two they're only playing defense they're using that uh that that assistance to leverage their way into the war room and in fact you know uh blinkin and Austin and suvin were in the war room like every other week over the last 10 months and they were handcuffing Israel they were not allowing Israel to go on offense they were giving them the resources to play defense but look you know on on a soccer field you could have the greatest goalie in the world yeah if you don't have offense you're not going to win the game so I think Israel's been handcuffed I think they could have won this war a lot earlier a lot more DEC ively and I'll just use one last example uh Rafa right uh they were begging Israel not to go into Rafa they were directing Israel not to go into Rafa they were withholding weapons what would have happened if if Israel would have listened to the United States and not gone into Rafa they wouldn't have won the war they wouldn't have discovered the entire route in the Philadelphia Corridor that's true of tunnels and tunnels and tunnels and weapons between Egypt that was the source of all the weapons that were coming in so I would say to you that they could have been worse but not much worse and they certainly could have been way better I would be much more comfortable if we were still in office over the last 10 months I've heard the claim and I I think personally agree with it were the projection of Power by the us or the lack thereof of it under the Biden ad Administration is what allowed all these different things to take place we didn't project weakness we we shouted weakness from the rafters and incompetence you got to be feared in this part of the World by your enemies not really you it's it's it's not liked it's feared that's the emotion that brings peace so can we play a guessing game for a second sure if Trump was in the White House when this war broke out and let's say it did break out on October 7th in the same way how would things be different oh look I think the war would have ended much faster and more decisively I think the messaging from America would have been um Israel was attacked in a in an unspeakable level of barbarity and cruelty yes and so no dual messaging here it it would have been win this war as quickly as you can as overwhelmingly as you can and I think that would have sent the right signals tobah not to intervene you know Biden kept saying uh you know I've got one word for you know Iran and heah don't kep saying don't don't don't every time he said that they would attack they would attack the the red lines were so completely blurred that you know if I were an enemy of Israel the message I'm getting from the United States is is you can attack now you maybe you can't attack uh you know the curia or the knesset yeah but you can attack M sort of like the message he gave P right which he said true look don't take too much of Ukraine you know if you just take a little bit of Ukraine it's okay but not too much this these this messaging is is death to to a peaceful resolution you know on acceptable terms look it's it's all about deterrence when you lose deterrence you you really lose the ability to protect your citizens and when America is perceived as handcuffing Israel it does impact adversely that deterrence President Biden seems to be the kind of guy who genuinely cares about the state of Israel you look at his his track record he's done this throughout his career at the same time it looks like he's speaking sort of duplicit messages hoping that he can get away with it but in his heart my impression was he actually cares about Israel in the the Middle East I don't really care what's in his heart to be honest with you I mean I I I think you know you know my Approach is you know I I pay for results results here mean Israel is strong and the area is stable and we have maximal peace minimal uh instability that's those are the results we want yeah um Biden's not getting us there he is not enabling Israel to be Israel to to make defensive and offensive decisions necessary to defeat its enemies you know you have to win a war I mean Israel got attacked they didn't ask for this fight they didn't ask for this war and they just have to win it and when they win it okay uh the the prospects for peace among the community of nations. onepiece is infinitely greater that if it you end up in this kind of um you know equivocal area where you don't really know what happened and and and Biden doesn't get that maybe it's not it's not a function of his heart okay sure he loves Israel maybe he does and I would say you know love me less and just give me what I need to win the war that's what that's what Israel's message should be you know and the words of Tina Turner What's Love Got to Do With It I love that so to your point though is this the structure of the parties and we have to to have a Republican president in the White House to really get that level of support I know I wouldn't even call it bipartisan just support across the board in the US I think where the Republican party is going is exactly where Israel Needs to Go Right which is um Israel can no longer be a client state of America yeah I mean it has to be a more mature relationship America is just sick of the Middle East to most Americans the Middle East is a place of just you know unending conflict and instability Israel is the frankly the lynchpin of changing that but but I think what most Americans want is for Israel you know together with the sois the amires to lead the move towards stability to keep America let America take a step back and let their allies do the heavy lifting which means that Israel has to have the resources it has to be able to arm itself it has to have you know the infrastructure to be you know on it own by it by itself you know a regional superpower yes and I think for America to facilitate Israel becoming a regional superpower and then taking a step back and saying okay guys go ahead and and police this area a little bit you know form alliances with your friends will will help to facilitate it I think that's where the Republican party is going I think frankly it's good for America and good for Israel do you think there's a chance even after this war and even after all these events to take the Abraham Accords several several steps forward oh sure is that still on the table look the only thing that weakens the advancement of the abrahamic courts yeah this may be counterintuitive to people but the only thing that weakens in and this I'm sure and you have to trust me on this is a weak Israel the quicker Israel wins the war against its enemies because these are the same enemies that Saudi Arabia has and the Emirates have and other moderate Sunni Nations have the quicker and more decisively Israel wins the more reliable uh and more attractive a partner it is with the Abraham Accord countries okay why is that because this is fundamentally an alliance of moderate nations against extremists the ability to stand up against extremists is the currency of the realm if you will it's the asset that makes everybody attractive to each other if you've stuck around so far you're probably enjoying this content so make sure you share like And subscribe and there's a little bell in YouTube that make sure you never miss another show so make sure you press it and thank you for watching and following us so tell us about your new book you have a new book called one Jewish State yes what's it about and what triggered you to write it well what triggered me to write it was the um October 7th yeah the the polling uh in Judean Samaria that about 82% of the Palestinians supported the um the October 7th Massacre and the efforts by Biden and other Democrats to say the solution here the way we fix this is we have a two-state solution I mean give the 82% uh population that wants to continue to slaughter the Jewish people give them a platform and a state from which refering the polls that came out where the population of Jude and Samaria was more supportive of the massacre than the population of the Gaza Strip yes it was about 82% it's bizarre on every level but yeah it is bizarre so you know it's the only book that actually says okay not only are we do we not want a two-state solution but here's what we do want the real solution is to let the Abraham Accords countries help Israel under Israeli supervision bring the Palestinian population in Jude and Samaria up to the same level as Israeli Arabs 20% of Israel is Arab right more or less hu University is like almost 40% Arab yeah you know the major elite universities are over represented by Arab Israeli Arabs the most successful ethnic group in Israel are Christian Arabs most successful highest home homeowners more than the Jews more than the Jews absolutely better educated more doctors more lawyers 20% of the Israeli population which is Arab Israel seeks to empower okay and that's a great credit to the state of Israel given the threats that it faces and it doesn't even seek to get credit for it and they should I see people already who haven't read the book they say oh you're advocating you know colonialization more aparte no no no it's it's about taking people and and bringing their lives up to a standard of living that Israel can be proud of yeah I think it tries to take a very complicated situation and bring about the most practical most achievable solution for everybody have you talked to political leaders about this idea what kind of feedback are you getting I say the mother's milk of the democratic party is the two-state solution uh until until they're convinced that there's that it's not going to happen or that there's a better alternative they're the tough sell I think in the Republican Party there's a lot of support I think in Israel there is there is support I think there's also like what does it mean who's going to pay for it there's a lot of Public Service you know to people to the citizens of Israel we going to provide that to another 2 and a half million Palestinians some of them want to kill us I mean how does work so there's a lot of questioning some people say to me we don't want to own Janine you know we don't want to own tarum these are places that are radicalized and that are you know planning attacks on Jews every single day and it doesn't mean that you ignore the risks it doesn't mean that if people aren't trying to kill you you don't try to kill them first but there is a meaningful population within that area that I believe will respond favorably to to more opportunity to better Healthcare to better education to hospitals my goal is not to in a year to to redraw the map of Israel my my goal is that within a year when we speak about this it it it becomes on par with the two-state solution as a legitimate you know basis for discussion that doesn't provoke outrage and insults and all that kinds people read it think about it and and give it a chance to really develop as as a concept and I think it's a good one you know Mike Pompeo wrote the forward to my book he said why would anybody be surprised that God's will also represents the best you know geopolitical outcome for everybody affected and so why not do a God intended especially when it makes everybody more prosperous and safer what you're talking about is a demographic issue that people have always been afraid of what happens when we're no longer the majority in this country no one suggests that Israel should substitute a a national security risk for a demographic risk I mean Israel is by law of the knesset approved by the Supreme Court affirmed by the Supreme Court it is a Jewish State and it has to remain a Jewish State and one of the points of one Jewish state is like saying to the world come on guys there's over 40 Muslim states there's you know there's a whole bunch of Christian States and Buddhist States and yeah just just one Jewish State let us have one Jewish State on the land by the way on the land as to which the Jewish people have a better claim of title than any other people any other land in the world so just one it's the size of New Jersey just let us have it already enough and um but and and I think the the the cost of that if you will is that you know the territories that Israel will become sovereign to that are that are Palestinian will have to be looked at and I use the example along the lines of Puerto Rico in the United States Puerto Rico is the territory of the United States the people in Puerto Rico have certain rights that are akin to being citizens but they don't vote in the national elections of the United States nobody accuses America of being an aeed State the point is this Israel has to be a Jewish state but there's no reason why Israel as a Jewish State cannot have sovereignty over Palestinian communities under which they have far better you know local autonomy and security and and Healthcare and all kinds of good things that's really interesting I'm looking forward to reading the book I want to end on a philosophical question it's been a year of trauma and fear and you know and pain for this country and I think Jews around the world yep uh and you're a father and a grandfather in this country where do you find Hope for the future well look I think the first thing is uh is Clarity I think there's more clarity now it's just because something's clear doesn't mean it's good but Clarity is better than you know than uh opacity you know which is Clarity well I think we know who our friends are we know who our enemies are we know where we stand in the world we understand the risks better than we thought I think we see what's happening in Europe we see what's happening you know on college campuses in America we understand what the challenges are I mean they're they're not fun to look at they're they're troubling but we have Clarity so we know what we have to manage against that's number one the second thing and I think this is the the the much more important um we learned a lot about the people of Israel yeah through this through this war and this attack the people of Israel are the greatest asset of the state of Israel they're Extraordinary People deeply patriotic even with massive disagreements you know on policy and judicial reform and who they like or don't like to lead the country I mean lots of differences but when push comes to shove and their backs against the wall they their brothers and sisters like in no other country I've ever seen and and that asset was on full display and um you can't help but be op optimistic after seeing that I 100% agree with you when you know where you are in history and when you know who you are in history everything lines up perfectly absolutely Ambassador Freedman thank you for taking the time to speak with us and I encourage everyone to read your new book one Jewish State on Amazon and everywhere books are sold thank you so much appreciate it great to be with [Music] you hello hello this is mati here in Jerusalem with TBN Israel this is y Pinto from TBN Israel here in Jerusalem TBN Israel is keeping viewers informed with Israel focused news culture and what God is doing in this land support TBN Israel today online at Israel thank you

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