I'm Back! ‪@Gap‬ Maternity Jeans Review

a long long while since I have created original content for my YouTube channel and baby we're back like I have been focusing all of my content creation efforts on Instagram which has been fine and I will continue to so follow me over on Instagram but just through like being on Instagram so much and like spending a little time on Tik Tok I was like this short form content is just enough enough enough I miss long form I miss valuable videos I miss like teaching I miss learning so I said I'm I'm coming back to YouTube so I sent an email out to my newsletter subscribers and I said I'm coming back to YouTube what do you guys want to see on the channel so over a 100 video ideas have come through whether they're just ideas or F questions or business questions coming from aspiring stylist so I'm going to be chipping through that list not all of them will be covered because some of y'all know full well you need to get into an LM program to get that question answered but I'm be answering a lot of your questions on video and if you have fashion video ideas or questions for me go ahead and drop them in the comments I'll do my best to answer them on video so before we get into today's video topic I need to give you some context on why this video is about to be a video so your girl is pregnant okay I am almost 18 weeks pregnant in my second trimester and baby babies were not in the plan okay babies were not in the plan I am 43 years old nodded the plan thought that ship had sailed and then Boop your girl's pregnant and let me tell you about pregnancy it is rough out here in these style streets from first trimester to just feeling like a bloated little blob where your regular clothes still fit but they don't look cute you're certainly not like jumping into maternity clothes the body image I mean it's just woo like first trimester rough for style but we figured it out as best we could second trimester definitely having a lot more fun with style I've been doing a lot of on the- field research about like the Best Brands what you need maternity what you don't need maternity Fabrics to look at how to not lose your style identity through pregnancy like this has been a mass master class for me in pregnancy style so because that's currently what I'm going through and a lot of the questions that were submitted were related to pregnancy and style we're going to come back to the Channel with a little maternity style um specifically jeans from the Gap so we're GNA talk about that but before we do one more little announcement so the YouTube channel is back okay I'm going to be creating videos up until it's maternity leave time and then I will be not creating videos who knows maybe I'll batch them and they'll still be coming out while I'm on maternity leave but whatever that's neither here nor there what I do want to say is past videos when I first started my channel I literally just shot the videos myself with like one assistant shakily holding an iPhone and I put out a video every day they were not well produced they were just it is what it is and people loved them and enjoyed them some of them even went viral but then as my business progressed and I experienced more success I started to invest in having videographers editors like a whole video team which is amazing and I love everyone that has supported me in creating YouTube videos but in this current season of my life I don't feel like doing all of that so the videos are just going to be like very you and me very raw hanging out in my office shooting this on my webcam and that's just what it is if you don't like it there's plenty of other channels for you my priority right now is not having like these huge huge crazy Productions I just want to be able to chat with you teach teach you about style and just enjoy myself okay so the videos are like this is what they are maybe I decide this is not fun and I want my team back but for right now we just doing it casual style like this so I hope you enjoy it and if you don't oh well there's plenty of YouTube channels in the sea this is how we're doing it in this season of Lauren's life and business okay so now today's video maternity genes and maternity friendly jeans from the Gap so when I got pregnant and it seems like everybody in my universe is either pregnant or like just had a baby so so one of my friends who works in fashion a boutique owner just had a baby and she was like listen out of all of the maternity jeans she's like I've tried like the fancy ones she said my favorite ones were from The Gap and I said you know what I trust your fashion opinion I'm going to try a pair of maternity jeans from the Gap and I'm also going to try some of the more like high-end maternity jeans and so far she is is absolutely right the Gap jeans for maternity chef's kiss and listen these suckers here here's my Gap maternity jeans they were like 50% off on the website so they came up to be like $39 that is the exact price point that I would like to spend on maternity jeans because once I'm done being pregnant I have no interest in having anything to do with these maternity jeans so this is a pair of maternity jeans from the Gap here's a couple things that I want to say about them if you are expecting and you need some jeans I ordered multiple pairs okay none of them look wildly different there was no like oh my God these are so fashion forward but I ordered a couple of different cuts and I made sure and this might be like Captain obvious to some of you but I know for a lot of you and a lot of my clients you just automatically put your size and like just check right out and you don't read the details that they're sharing with you on the website so when it comes to maternity jeans you want to just get the same size that you wore you know pre pregancy so if you are a size 28 which is my pre-pregnancy size 2728 just keep it at 28 to keep things simple um you would get a 28 in maternity genes now when you actually read the descriptions when they start describing it a lot of websites will tell you like how they run or you can also read the measurements Gap and you'll you'll discover this when I show you the other genes their sizing is not consistent okay like there's sizing that's just like on the money there's some vanity sizing happening it's just not consistent so I ordered multiple Styles and I also ordered multiple sizes so I ordered a couple of 28s I ordered a 27 I ordered even a couple of 29s because some of the reviews even if they don't write it in the description they're like oh these like ran small these ran big 28s that I tried on were all too big okay they were all too big the 27 too small the 29 fit perfectly so the 28 which is the smaller size were too big on me but this one that was a size higher than what I'd usually take fits perfect so the point is get multiple sizes this is like this is legit how stylist do their job is we order more than what we need and we order options so you as a regular person you should order more than what you need and Order options or if you're going into the store which the Gap here they don't have maternity in store unless someone returned it so sometimes you'll find some maternity pieces in like the sale aisle for the most part would be online order more don't be afraid to return stuff because I would have been bummed if I had ordered just the 28s and they're too big the 27 didn't fit and then the 29 I had to literally like check I'm like seriously what huh why did those others so just get options so what do I love about these jeans um they're so freaking comfortable and like really can all jeans have this can all jeans have this comfy cozy maternity panel like so good so these jeans are comfortable they're flattering my butt looks cute like I love the little band the only con that I have with maternity jeans like this is it limits your options in what types of tops that you can wear so right now in my pregnancy I've been like embracing the bump like right now the bump is out it is showing the belly is out some pregnant women don't like that for me I actually feel more confident just having it out because when I try to cover it up with bigger shirts I just look like I ate too many pizzas and sandwiches so you can't really wear like something tight like I couldn't wear this tight top with this because you would just you would see you would see it all you would see right through it so it does limit your tops I think these types of jeans are great for like my babies due in February so this will be great when it starts getting cooler and I can wear sweaters and sweatshirts I will definitely be like rocking it with these jeans um the other pregnancy jeans that I tried like I tried some from hatch and they don't have the panel they have these little things on the waist just like kind of helps you expand the waist I don't like how those feel like I just don't like how those feel you still can't show any belly cuz you see the these dumb like stretchy panels on the jeans so for me personally I'd rather do the kind that has the belly band but everybody's different that's just me so I got those from The Gap then I have this one pair of jeans from the Frankie shop they're no way maternity but I had them pre- pregancy and they have these little buttons that make kind of like a paper band uh paper band paper bag waistband so the waist is kind of cinched there's extra fabric and then they're a wider leg Jean well I unbuttoned the little buttons that make it cinched in and then they were the perfect like way too big for me jeans that fit below the belly perfectly in pregnancy so the jeans naturally I'll pop a little picture the jeans naturally were supposed to come like you know mid mid to highrise but then once I undid them and I got all this extra room in the waist they actually fit super great low rise so when I was in the Gap the other day killing time before a movie I was like oh I wonder what the measurements are on that waist because I can go in the men's department and get some like big old jeans and wear them super lowrise and have that like be the vibe so I found the measurements and then got men's jeans that had a similar measurement and I brought them home so men's department bag of tricks here so I picked up these camo jeans um and I got them in a 34 so the Frankie shop jeans that fit super like low rise kind of like off my hips that was a 33 in was the measurements so I got these 34s and they fit they're great the only con okay and again love this because the Gap always is a freak good sale it was buy one get one 50% off so these were only 79 retail and then with the buy one get one half off let's just call these like $40 jeans or something right something like that 40 50 bucks hell of a deal okay hell of a deal and I don't have to like maternity wear is not doing camo like everything so far that I found in maternity sizes is the most boring clothes you'll ever freaking see it's black leggings black bike shorts dumpy dresses that come in like the coolest thing is black and white stripes is boring so this I get a little bit of flavor happening and I just got it from the men's department so the only con for doing something like this is these were not designed to fit on the low waist these were designed to fit like a midrise which means when you wear them low waist below your Bump the crotch is long okay so if you wore low rise jeans the rise on the jeans is shorter right if you're wearing high rise the rise the zipper is higher it's got more to cover this you're kind of stuffing the zipper down below so it's just up to you like personal preference if that can Vibe if that look can Vibe with your style me I'm wearing it more like street with a tank top and the belly hanging out and the jewelry and the Hoops like you know what I'm saying saying I don't care if I'm rocking long crotch but if you were going for something a little bit more refined that probably wouldn't work as well okay but fitwise like they fit I like them they were not too expensive I even might kind of cut them um like cut the bottoms and just kind of G them up so look out on Instagram stories when I wear them I'll post those on stories and that's another thing if you're new to this channel I don't do like influencer try on look at me in my clothes I don't do that I never have I never will and I inevitably always get a comment or an email like I want you to show the clothes and put them on I don't do that find another channel that does I like to educate women about style so you can learn principles and apply them to your own style and be better at shopping and putting looks together if you want to know how something looks seeing it on me isn't going to help you because you don't look like me so if you want someone to dress you it's not a YouTube channel that's going to do it it's going to be hiring a stylist I don't take clients anymore but I have an army of students that I've trained that do so if you ever need a stylist hit me up on Instagram I'll send you the directory of my students and you can have someone dress you I ain't playing dress up on YouTube okay I don't do it I never will okay so I've got one pair of maternity jeans one pair from the men dep men's department and then I also picked up a pair from the women's Department these are fun and I'm sorry my kind of like recording it's going you know like fvy and clear I apologize we'll do better next time we're just dealing with it this time but these were neat because these are like cargo they have interesting wash again you're not going to don't make this stuff maternity so we have to improvise okay so on the Frankie shop jeans to keep them the low low hanging off my hips the way that I like them those jeans are freaking amazing and I'm bummed because they have other colors and they're all sold out I hope they come back in stock so the 34 in Waist on this the camos were good right so then I go down to the women's department and they had a 34 waste for women's I held it up to me and my man was with me and he was like those are those no he's like those are going to fall right off of you he's like there's just no way I said it says 3434 I said ah because I currently have been studying very deep in body image I have a new program called okay body it's all about body image and style the trickery that happens in the fashion industry it's a whole thing vanity sizing is real vanity sizing is real so for men and I'll have to get a tape measure out to like really really get the right kind of answers here okay so usually for men usually they're not going to be as hardcore with the vanity sizing as they are with women so I'm just going to assume that 34 waste really means this is 34 okay watch this these women's jeans that I got are 32 because the 34 I was like that doesn't look like 34 30 go all line up 34 versus 32 they're the same they're the same they're the same they're the same so if this is measuring 34 the Gap is telling you that this is a 32 this is Vanity sizing so someone who is 34 or this is 34 or size 14 um they're this is measuring as a 16 and they're like Yay I'm a 14 that's vanity sizing so you want to really make sure that you're checking I didn't try any of these on in store I just brought them home and tried them on when I got home and this is a similar situation these here um as the camo these were built to be a midrise jean which means it's coming more towards your natural waste than it is your low waist so if you wear a size like 27 Gene it should your natural waste should measure a 27 as well again Brands be fussing around with stuff they be sizing stuff all wrong but that's the part of the waste that's supposed to be measuring 32 so the zipper is chosen the length that's going to meet you down at your crotch okay so like midrise and it's going to meet you down at your crotch and around the waist that it's supposed to fit on your body that is the 32 in this case 34 I'm wanting to wear this at my hips okay which means it will fit but I will have long crotch okay so the zipper is going to be a little bit longer so aesthetic aesthetic wise it's just not going to look the same and actually this is a great example here this uh these maternity genes this is where it's fitting up higher above your Bump and then this is lower below your Bump which is just like the hip area so look how short this zipper is it's a fake zipper but look how short that is versus something like this which is much longer to the zipper but then the crotch ends all the way down here so that's why it might look a little funny see the crotch on this one just ends right here it's shorter right so it's going to look more flattering then this it's going to look a little bulky around the crotch area but I don't mind terribly so I'm going to be retrying these on and like re styling I I just popped them on real quick after I bought them um so it's just things that you have to think about for me I like style and I want to be able to occasionally wear jeans that are a little bit more fun and fashion forward and not have to change my whole entire style identity in these like PL old boring maternity jees throughout my whole entire pregnancy so there's some things that I'm just willing to overlook or I could also get tailored but I don't feel like spending a bunch of money on tailoring for piece of clothing that is so temporary in the grand scheme of my style so there is your little Gap maternity jeans haul lesson and my reintroduction to the channel so if you're returning say hello in the comments if you're brand new welcome and say hello in the comments too so until next time I'll see you later drop a comment if you have a video idea and I'll see you in the next one

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