Roosters carnage sparks Robbo spat | The Daily Telegraph NRL Podcast

Roosters hit by injuries [Music] hello welcome to the Daily Telegraph and podcast I'm Brent Reed joined by Pam Wy Fatima kadoo wow what a weekend how do you how do we sum this up look we' got a start with all the drama and yesterday there was loads and loads of drama um if you're just catching up on it the roosters have been decimated they lost Sam Walker ACL gone for the year Brandon Smith ACL gone for the year Victor rley fractured scapula and I'm very unlikely to play again this year I'd imagine almost I don't know what the deal is with a fractured scapula but we saw BR position in his position almost impossible so um devastating day if you're a rooster's fan devastating day if you Roost is official and player what what what did you make of it watching it unfold oh it was just it was just one thing after the other like it was bad enough that you know to lose Sam Walker for an ACL especially um with all the talk around Sam walk about his future about you know he is you know probably a key guy in their spine if they are really going to challenge the likes of penth in the storm for the title and just to and he's had such a good year you know and he has overcome quite a bit to get to where he is now so it was really sort of sad to see him um carried off the field and then Brandon Smith Goes Down And then you know Victor Bradley goes down and you're thinking and and they three important guys to what they're trying to do this year and you're thinking you know the roosters do have a decent rust and they do have some depth in those positions they can cover those positions but you think without those three guys can they get the job done and now it's looking less likely well right because you're right they've got depth I mean they got cover for Brandon with Connor Watson and potentially Sanders Smith they cover for semi Walker he can move BLS around um Victor's a huge loss right because he's protected s he's moved to the edges sh bit amazing so for me it's if you lost one maybe you could cover the crack but losing all three makes it almost impossible absolutely and they've dealt with injuries all year this year haven't they they've just been in and out chopping and changing all year so yeah it makes it really difficult especially coming into this point of the Year where everyone's kind of needs to be at their best yeah yeah and we saw yesterday how much it affected them too right just even without a um like a noted goal kicker like at the end there like poor Luke kir has kicked four goals in his career um is kind of tasked with that it's tough what what do you do I mean if you're Robo put yourself in robo's shoes for a moment you've got options right now particularly at halfback um you can move Luke C to half and play we a you can put sandon Smith at halfback right B you can maybe move Joey man to six and because Joe so Le will be back this week and play Luke kir at halfback I think they're the two obvious options right yeah that's that that's it for me I think yeah which way you go coach Robo which way you going what do you mean so Luka seven yeah yeah I mean that could potentially work I mean Connor Watson is another option but then you almost think no do you leave him at 9 so he can also provide a bit of cover you know in that lock position um sandon Smith you know he's the guy that they've sort of e marked as the future in the halves potentially but then you also think you know it is a big role to step in and to sort of you know and he probably wouldn't be charged with taking on the side I think that has to fall on luk of course yeah um but it is a huge ask to ask of him so look I don't I don't mind the Joey Manu shout because they do have plenty of depth at the moment in the outside backs like Smith backert to's back playing to Mar markazi okay yeah I we will get that right we might have to get that right this week we to to but as in if they do go with Manu in the halves but then it's it's that discussion of are they weakening their outside backs just for cover when they got somebody like sandon Smith who is is a playmaker so they do have options but I don't know I think if you're looking for experience you probably go with Joey Manu if you don't want to disrupt the outside backs too much you go with sand and Smith and then you know um they've got cover in the back row with you know people like C tupo you know who can come in Wong um so they have options it's just the it's the caliber of player that they've lost at the worst possible time that's really going to hurt them I I I I know s miss the obvious one creates less disruption they've e marked him long term but I reckon joery Manu has been a bit down this year I don't think he's been as um I know he said injuries I don't think he's been as dominant as previous years and I reckon obviously he's leaving at the end of the year if you give him the six years and say Joey take us take us to the end I reckon you might get the best out of Joey Joey Manu again and I reckon the more times Joy's got his hands on the ball I just think the more dangerous they are that's what I think too I think just with a guy like that I think you're right he hasn't been as dominant this year no and I think yeah I think you're right there but yeah just giving a guy like that more time with the more control yeah over a game I think is only going to be a good thing I think the other issue got is you take Sam Sam's such a dominant player in that team you take him out and I think you got to change you've almost got to change completely the way you play right him and kir are completely different players yeah yeah well well that's the thing about um it it like about having Joy Manu there is obviously they would not have done any reps during the pre not any but unlikely to have done reps during the preseason whereas sand and Smith is probably more familiar with you know what that game plan would look like with those guys in the halfes so yeah I don't know and it's is it too like is it too far gone in the season to be thinking about you know overhauling everything yeah Robos are smart BL I mean you know they got L have to figure they got a lot of experienced players too I reckon be able to do it yeah it be easier at a club like that where you got a lot of guys been together a long time and they've been around the game a long time you know so they're pretty they could pick things up pretty quickly I imagine the the thing is and like obviously they have a title to win now but these are 12 months in injury potentially so what do they do then like I know they've got you know like you said sand and Smith in Chad Town's Ed but you know do they have to now all of a sudden maybe look outside you know the problem is if you go and buy something outside and Sammy Walker comes back in May next year and you got Chad in reserve as well like if you go and buy someone then that's another body you don't necessarily need one but Sam back in you know April May potentially that might take a little while to get back and Destroy but you know I don't I don't think you want to buy someone to to bring in on a I don't think anyone really of any quality would come for four knowing they're there for 4 months and then yeah gone anyway so you know I think the issue for them is now right I think next year takes care of itself CU they've got enough it's they got a lot of players going at the end of the year actually you know they're the last thing they could really afford to do is lose two BLS to acl's because there's a lot of change coming at that club but yeah the big challenge for them is now and how they get through now I mean is Conor Conor Watson The Logical hooker I imagine or I would imagine yeah You' think so they've got Zack clay as well in and around there um so I mean initially he moved to the halves and then he moved to Hooker when uh when Brandon Smith went down so yeah I mean and sandon Smith is probably an option at Hooker as well if they do decide to go Jo Joey Manu if they want to reshuffle you know the middle and the and the back row stocks to have Conor Watson playing at 13 which is a role that he said he sort of enjoyed a lot more which he took over when Victor Radley you know um went to an edge so um they do have options so it's just like you said it's like it's like putting all the pieces of the puzzle together right yeah now the other big issue to come out of this game was the St we love a stash Trent Robinson v Elliot Whitehead in rugby leag we love them this is a good one Elliot whad V Trent Robins now Elliot whad made the tackle on um Brandon Smith as resulted in him suffering an ACL tear um he's been charged this morning with grade three dangerous contacts a hip drop it's his fourth hip drop charge in the past three years but the first one he's been suspended for all the others been grade one charges he's at three to four matches now ellot wat had gone at the end of the year he's gone to England he's gone to Super League uh so he's probably played his last game for cber by the looks of it um but Elliot went up to Robo after the game and said look how's Brandon I want to apologize and let's hear this is Trent Robinson's version of uh what happened next what's going to happen with uh he came up and um just wanted to ask how Brandon was and just sort of said it's too many times you know the hip drop's been um pretty common in his game for a long time um and I just said it's too many times you know it's cost us a player that that was it he said it was an accident I just said look you've done it too many times that was it wasn't uh so Elliott's done too many hit drops yeah he done a lot in his career you know so um yeah it's been pretty common if you go and have a look it's not you know I like Elliott you know i' watched him since he was in Bradford and catalans and you know um but it's been pretty common and that that was what I said I know he's opened it up here which is why we're talking about it um and I wouldn't usually want to talk to you guys about it but he opened it up and it's been really common in his game um his whole career so um yeah well there you go that's Robo um and and look he was I've got to say he was really magnanimous about camra before that said said they defended great great word MD uh you know he was really he was really good about about camon and and he praised them um and then obviously Elliott had already brought it up prior to that so Robo has been asked about obviously yeah um look I don't really like it you know I think I think the issue for robo is and I listened to TalkBack radio on the way in here this morning um and people raise some really valid points you know Robos Coast J Hargraves Victor Radley who in the past have Hadar look at this this morning so so as I said Elliot had four charges this is his fourth charge in Robert said his career is had a history of hip drops Elliot's played in the NL a long time um he's had four charges and as I said three of them weren't even they weren't they were great ones he wasn't suspended over them this one's the first one he's been suspended for um Elliot opened up the opened up the door I suppose and Robo he responded um but I don't know I don't to basically BLS come to apologize and you've told him to go away and then criticize his record Elliot's leaving the NL at the end of the year it's been a great player for camber really law serving for them and yeah yeah he's played the game tough and rough but yeah I don't know I the hypocrisy of it right it is so you raised the point about J R High Graves and Victor Radley as well I think that's the thing that doesn't quite sit well with me like that's these guys so I had a quick look this morning so Jad R hard Graves this year um has been charged four times for a careless High tackle around 13 15 8 25 and in round seven for Dangerous contact and Victor Radley has had two careless High tackle charges and then a dangerous contact Charge in round 24 as well so yeah it's and then you could make the same argument that that's OB obviously part of their game or something you know that they've been doing that yeah right yeah I don't know I just it just doesn't sit well with me to point out someone else's record when you know in your own backyard you've got these issues as well yeah and I don't know because obviously Elliot whad when he spoke he said um he said what he said and I don't know whether Robo had heard it yet because obviously they go in straight after each other so um someone must have teed him up about it cuz they always told him giving him the heads up because of it maybe he said oh you know I would normally not say this but Elliot has already opened it up to you guys I think you got to handle it better I think you got to handle it better because he's left himself open as you know Pam to accusations of hypocrisy because he's had guys under his charge who've had long-standing records who've had issues their entire career now Elliot as I said I can't remember Elliot's been we should look it I'll look it up in a second ell it's been the NL a long time four charges only one suspension over it so I think as I said this is maybe he thought the four charges see a lot of people didn't realize it was the four charges you you got that information this morning cuz like you I was listening to talk back on the way in a lot of people did agree with you that you know it was a bit hypocritical of Robo maybe he could have handled it better and I think a lot of people were surprised because Robert is so articulate that he actually it felt I mean he says it wasn't personal but you know when when a guy's about to finish up quite a you could say an illustrious you know in a not League career in general somebody who's played you know hundreds of games 400 games but yeah the thing with is he doesn't say anything that he doesn't want to say you know he he knows the well the impact of his words and he chooses his words pretty carefully I think so that's he played he's played nine seasons in the NRL La white four four hip drop charges as I said one band so to say he's a habitual defend offender yeah um it's a bit over the top for me yeah which is which is fair enough you know but um and you got to be you got to be like as I said he was quite magnanimous earlier in that about cber we didn't see that but he spoke really glowingly about camber and the and then to then sort of lose that um to then go in that direction with Elliot I just think you could handle it better and he's normally robo's normally as you said he actually thinks about what he says he very intelligent guy right very smart very clever um and and you know he thinks about what he says in those sort of environments so you know it it's got a little bit of the the whiff of calculation about it I was just going to say but just on that like obviously the injuries happened at that point maybe they did or didn't know that it was going to be an ACL um he knows he's been put on report he you know not to say that he's trying to put the message out there but you know sending that message to the mat Review Committee you know this guy has a record it's left you know one of our key players with the ACL injury and PR does does and you know this morning it's a Grade Three you know 3 week yeah ban and he really he can only play if he gets it downgraded to to a grade one at the Judiciary so maybe there was an element of that as well you know the the thing is is I think it um for someone like Elliot Whitehead to kind of go up and own his mistake though and to want to say look you know I'm I apologize I think that is pretty classy like I I feel like that's big of him as a person and I'm sure like he's not any interaction I've had with him I'm sure you guys are the same like he's just a genuine kind of fell like a vindictive guy he wouldn't he wasn't a tear in that game though he like he did some pretty crazy things in that game that's not the only charge R from he's the only is he the only person on the match review um there's a couple other chares charg we got charged for a little kick out it andick that was bizarre can I be honest I don't think he should have got Sim him for that he was trying to kick the ball he didn't did he even cont kick you didn't kick anger so you can't I thought that was harsh I thought penal is enough for me in a warning on that one here's the T look this drop here it's ugly it's ugly right and and but you know hip drops I don't think anyone ever deliberately hip drop someone think these are always they're deliberate but it it has crept into our game so is a reason why it's happen it's like a lazyy and there's so many we we had this discussion a couple of weeks ago about head high tackles right there's so many reasons why tackles go wrong um but you know but he Robert just said it was part of his game that suggested to thing he does like that's an insinuation he does that deliberately yeah or that he doesn't care enough to get I think that's why over the top yeah so and you're right it puts immense pressure on the match Review Committee when they sit now that I think about it you know that might have more to do obviously he he is just like Sam Walker he's just like V Victor Edy as well so he's emotional I guess even though he seem um but the more I think about it I'm like yeah maybe it was like you said quite a bit calculated but not NE necessarily having a personal attack at Whitehead but more trying to influence the the result of the of the match Review Committee like let's cut to the Roosters premiership chances chase roosters now now as we said no Smith uh no Walker no no Radley can they win it no you give them a chance well I I would say no now but considering I mean Tommy turbo got injured on a weekend peph a small injury like who knows what this last round is going to toss up so I think they'd gone into second favorites before would have drifted out again so they're in third now that's I was just looking at the point of where they might finish up so well their other big issue now is they will play likely penth in the first week of finals I think they've lost their last nine against penth or that's true yeah then if they lose that it flips on the other side of the draw which means they'll probably if they get through to the prelim they'll probably play Melbourne they lost 10 of their past 11 against Melbourne so the record pen with Melbourne's diabolical and now they got no Walker no Smith no Radley um I think I think you got to put a line through them I think so too yeah yeah I think these injuries are just way too much to overcome which is uh you know disappointing in a way because I you know I still believe that the the premere is either going to be the storm or penth um and with the rooster sort of they had found a bit of form scoring points you think okay can they shake up the final series a little bit and then now all of a sudden they've got three major injuries and it's back to a two horse race at this point I mean do you think anybody outside of you know who we had penth Rooster's um storm can win the title no I don't think so no no it's a two that's what I me yeah yeah absolutely I don't think they can any well let's move on to uh one of the teams who won't be in the finals the Broncos my mighty Broncos or not so Broncos embarrassed by Dolphins mighty uh that was embarrassing on the weekend the Dolphins were really good but the Broncos were just terrible just terrible what he doing well they got a lot of they've had a lot of injuries all year inj yeah I know I know it's not it's not good enough even with injuries you shouldn't play like this I mean they just got um carved apart by the Dolphins yeah um you know and kev's obviously um coming off a grand final last year he's going to be under he is going to be under so much pressure to start next year Kevy Walters because you know this is a club that um should be playing finals football if they if they miss the finals again do you think kev's gone I think if they don't start next year well kev's in all all sort all sorts of trouble yeah I kev's the biggest thing kev's got his favor is that um he's very popular he's very popular out there especially with the former players the biggest thing he's got in his favor is the roster that he has he's actually got you know have a bit of a look at that so they have Adam Reynolds So Adam Reynolds is coming into like that's his last year at the club he'll be 35 um Midway through next year as well so then and he was dealt with so many injuries this year too so he struggled a little bit and obviously has not returned to his best and then we have Reese Walsh as well who they've put you know so much investment into Reese WS cost yeah but will likely cost them s Cobo or um Katon Stags as well it's you know those question marks start to come up about the roster now when they when they're not performing when I think they' still got a roster that next year it's a top four for me should be it shouldn't matter how you know liked Kevy is or you know who has his backup there like he should be judged by what he can do with that roster because it is a good roster and yes there have been injuries but you know penth have had injuries you know big injuries to people like Nathan clearly you know the rooster is now going to be tested and and you know the storm have had injuries ceron moner has been out for a period p p has been out for a period so like you could say injuries yeah that's it what you're saying is if you're a good team if you're a good you know you can deal with those things but even like in the press conference the other night he kind of didn't really have a an answer for it and then he kind of said but he also said something like um oh we lost four players out of our grand final team last year so and they let that was their choice I mean well they let go you know he could they could have made him stay if they wanted to but they let him go to the Warriors so um you know I I just think the flip side of that this is the Dolphins they were unbelievable and what a game this week now we' got Dolphins V knights in Newcastle I was in Newcastle yesterday K and ponga Knights-Dolphins set for showdown ridiculously good for Newcastle and when he's on song um they're a very very good football team can't wait you'll be up there on Sunday as well you going up there yeah yeah I've got to do um sideline for so yeah be cracking be 30,000 there be full house um great atmosphere he was brilliant but he can't do it by himself no so he needs other people around him as well to to be brilliant abely to be honest I didn't pick it I thought the dragons were going to steal that top eight spot but you know if talking about the Broncos being diabolical the dragons were even more diabolical yeah um but yeah I mean uh I think Fel KUSI got charged from the weekend as well so that's a big loss for them in that game um but I think they're pretty I can't split them I think that you know like Wayne Bennett made all these changes and everyone when he's he is he okay you know like Jacob AO he played at Center All Season he moves him he benches Isaiah CA um hammer into the centers and TR full that fullback and you're thinking W there's lots of little intriguing subplots in this game right that's what I was going to say so Wayne Bennett returning to Newcastle he loves to beat his old sides right that's like one of the great Thrills of his life and then it's old boy day as well for too so always a huge day they tried to sign Kum Pongo a couple years ago couldn't get him chrisan wolf used to be on the night's coaching staff right and sha O Sullivan the interim coach for a little while and sha O Sullivan his father P suan built the Dolphins has now gone to move to Newcastle about a month ago to re the knights so lots of intriguing little subplots with it all um but you know I think if look it's interesting you got two players who are in Kum ponger and and the hammer um for the Dolphins who can just turn a game on its head and they're sort of the two keys for me I mean if whoever whoever comes out and top in that battle will probably win the football game for their football team because as I said Kum was he was on from the start you know some days kin sort of you can drift through a game and he's but he was on from very start yesterday yeah and they just could they just couldn't get near him it's one of the great sites isn't it when good just when he's just floating around and he just with this play look he just keeps following it keeps it alive do you think um do you think Wayne Bennett will keep the same side we loved Cody nicara and Cody Nar be back this week so but you know interesting it work them like how can you change it after what they did you know the way they played and and Cody can come off the bench and play as of 14 you know I don't know I can't see how you can change that team after the way they played that was bizarre looked like he'd heard himself there car but he was okay who's your you think winded or something who you thinking kns or Dolphins I thinks um oh I feel like it's going to be a I say that with my heart okay as a night's fan so my heart says nights but my head says dolphin can I I go that way yeah yeah you can go that way do about you I think kns at home as I said there' be 30,000 they get fril back this week um there's someone else coming coming over the top of my head there's another one coming back as well so they get a couple back this week they'll be just about full strength I think the only bik that we missing is Jacob saiti so the other intriguing subplot in that game is Daniel Citi who's in talks with the dolphins about going there next year and he' be playing against them this weekend yeah so there's yeah there's lots of little intriguing something just on the you touched on the dragons who were in the Dragons finals chances extinguished box going into the weekend and then completely capitulated what is doing that was wild I was playing golf and and I was going the club the end after the game and one of mat said to me mate have a look at the score in this game it was ridiculous was it 4440 in the end 4440 in it's like an old it's like an old rugby game or an old Holden Cup game what did they score like 30 something points in about 15 minutes something ridiculous like that but I mean the the scoreboard does not in any way reflect the dragons effort in that game like that's probably their worst effort all year and they have been disappointing in other big games where they sort of really needed to win but with everything on the line against and you know parah have been that sort of um prickly team for some sides you know because they are a good team um but they should have known that yeah and they just the energy levels weren't there the enthusiasm weren't there and it was just was I I just kind of explain it feno was filthy afterwards fleno was filthy afterwards and and rightly so you wrote about this today the his little bit of a spray at Ben hun so what Happ yeah so I mean look another thing I say about this is normally the dragons bounce back after after a loss so obviously they lost the week before against canala again a game that they should have been up for the energy and maybe they up until this point had overachieved and they just sapped in terms of you know energy levels um but yeah there was a moment that was captured in the sh where you know obviously FL was quite disappointed and we saw even in the presser he walked out of the presser saying look I'm sorry I apologize but I'm just can't do this right now um and it was just a moment where he was obviously you know pointing the finger a little bit just showing I guess his displeasure and um and you know Ben Hunt didn't have a good game and he probably hasn't had a good couple of weeks and um it just didn't look good and we all know that Ben Hunt has been slightly non-committal in recent times over over um his future at the dragons and not to suggest that that somehow you know means that that relationship is crumbled but his relationship with the club is quite tenuous so yeah it's interesting time for the dragons like they could have been playing finals and they you know they bottled two opportunities two weeks in a row and I think that's what's probably really pissed fleno off more than anything um the fact that they just didn't respond after the the loss and um their future has been in their own hands and they have just each time let it sleep yeah I will say though incredibly frustrating uh I think we all had them as wooden spooners so ninth a ninth finish maybe they might finish 10th in the end he's done a great job you know it's not a final Series in his first year but they are one of the better impr improving teams in the competition and they've got some you know Damen cook coming next year Val homes potentially rcg or one of so um you know and he has managed to get the best out of the likes of and um Lano and suly and the rest of it so it's not dire but it is disappointing I tell Manly trample Bulldogs you I done a great coaching job this season although and again they had a terrible setback on on the weekend was the Bulldogs Cameron Caldo um yeah we spoke about the dogs I mean preseason early in the year always spoke about the dogs was two things yeah they lacked the half and they lacked midds they were too small and most of the year they've covered that really well they I mean their forward's been unbelievable but you know what Manley absolutely trampled them the other night Matt Lodge and tanella P in the opening 20 minutes andu just ran through them it was three huge bodies just really there's nothing really you can do to make up for that is there well I think I mean I I don't know statistically off the top of my head but Manny do have one of the bigger Ford packs right so it was always that sort of size the agility thing that has worked so well for the Bulldogs up until this point was going to be tested and so was you know it was DC ston you know and even s admitted himself that you know Cherry evens was part of the difference in the way he controlled that game and they just didn't have have that so um it's funny I spoke to one of the um players after the game one of the manly players and he said a good big man will always be a good small man and he was right I mean this game especially if you let the big man get a bit of a roll if you let him get a head start there's it's really hard to catch up yeah yeah it came it across from Manley obviously with Tommy and Jason sa Jason Sab yeah Subs well looks like Tommy we right the same for around one of the finals obviously can play it's an AC joint you can play with a needle in that um obviously playing a little bit of pain but Tommy see seemed as to be back anbury he finished the game though for me he finished the game yeah I think he's um managing some sort of uh bruising swelling um but sa looks he looks he's an all sorts sa he's highly unlikely by the sounds with to play I don't know if he'll play again this year um from what I heard this morning um best case scenario is like week two of the finals but that is absolutely best case scenario they're still sort of trying to determine whether or not surgery is is required and obviously he's done so sets up a huge game actually this week potentially um was manly uh Bulldogs play North Queensland and the winner of that game is guaranteed a home final yeah and the loser just got to wait to see what happens with man canella Sunday so the loser Manley could potentially leap fog them for a home final so it set up a great game between the Cowboys and Bulldogs this week who you got who you got in that Cowboys dogs it's in Townsville no no it's Sor it's it's a call um think no Matt Bon as well I think he failed a hi um potentially no Fox no Bronson Cherry um I'll go Bulldogs Bulldogs what are you thinking I go Cowboys okay I might go the Cowboys as well yeah um who Manley crella Manley CR I think Manley know Tommy no Tommy though Hur some you know that game's already sold out man sold out eight their 10 games this year at Four Points that's incredible they need new ground on the Northern beaches do can we get moving on that can somebody put can the government chip in some money can you find some cash an election year we're going to wait for an election year any um yeah I mean there we right Le why you think goes into may he likes cooler as well to Cooler's been played there and been really good at the end of last year and he's back back in from back to full fitness so they have plenty of options that's Friday no that's Sunday G Sunday and the bulog game we almost moved on without talking about the spoon bow Friday night Campell Spoon Bowl preview Stadium Tigers V power that's going to be a sellout Stadium 600 p.m. yeah oh maybe because of the 600 p.m. might dent a bit but there'll be a big crowd there who you got in the spoon Bowl how good's this it's so hard to pick because par all over the either with any confidence um but I think I let's go the Tigers yeah extra week the bar they've had such a you know rough year they've been some green shoots there are yeah yeah yeah and all the kids are um I mean yeah Heath Mason might play I've see gin will play um maybe Talon you know all those Campell Town kids stano's last game for stano's last game yep Camp Town Stadium I know I something just um with the eels I just think that even though they've had such a horrible season that there's like a there would be a pride Factor within those players I think that they they will do anything just to avoid it yeah so I'm going to go par I got the Tigers benj trust yeah the ERS will get the job done camel town all right well we'll see who would have thought that if that happens the Tigers I think will finish the season with more wins than param they the draws the nal's been blessed with the draw the way it's worked out because everything's almost round someone brought up yesterday to me the um the idea of the what was it the Wild Card round get last place in the finals I don't need it it's around 27 it's been yeah there's nearly every game counts for something this weekend yeah which is uh unusual yeah okay now let's move on What we’re watching to what you're watching what do you got for the fans this week important stuff what you I had been away for two weeks so I was over in Europe for two weeks and what a life what a life where were so uh Portugal School in Spain no we spent um a week in Lisbon oh okay good M from he loves it it's beautiful yeah absolutely loved it was stinking hot but on the plane back I tried to stay awake the whole time so I could avoid jet lag which I actually think I've done pretty well um and I watched the Fall Guy you guys SE this yeah loved it so it's a movie with Ryan uh Ryan goling and Emily Lunt it's said in Sydney um and so you can kind of pick out little places that you recognize things like that so good actually sure I haven't seen this ha li this is it's so funny it's really good yeah so I think you can get it on Amazon Prime at the moment so it was at the movies not that long ago so funny yeah very well worth a watch okay I didn't realize it was shut in Sydney shot in Sydney yeah so they um yeah all along Sydney Harbor and things like that so it's basically about he's a stunt man he gets injured um and then they ask him to come back to do this movie that's set in Sydney um and he's in love with the girl there's a like it's a love story she's a director um okay I'm not so keen on it now no it's but it's like action here we go yeah no so it's action it's uh yeah lots of stunts it's hilarious what do you got for T what do you got for the fans um I've got the new Mark Walberg um H Berry movie yeah the union um oh I only watched about an hour before I fell asleep not to say that I was no no no a recommendation no it was just it was just a late night um yeah fun it's not very like deep you know what I mean it's just like a it's just like an action movie you know yeah it's just an action movie with two Hollywood stars I think they blowing the budget on um halberry and Mark wber cuz I didn't recognize any other actor out of those two in it spy movie set in London lots of explosions you know car chases okay simp in my my wheelhouse yeah okay I've got um I've got the Beeper I think it's I watched this on Fox I think the other day Okay um Jason Statham you like Jason is it Stam Stam I've always want St okay I've always wanted to say his name Jason Stam yeah I love Jason makes great movies Jason STM action movies you know you don't have to think too much lot of beating people up and and and shoo them and stuff yeah I hav't heard it's a little bit far-fetched I've got to say well so it's called The Beekeeper because the the idea is that um there's this group of people in society they're called beekeepers and their job is to make sure Society is balanced right it's balanced because that's what apparently the the bees do for so they call him beekeepers he's a beekeeper so it's just basically a a killer right he just so this movie he just kills a lot of people assassin just to make sure Society society's got equilibrium the idea is he just he just kills a lot of people and soety be better for it so that's literally his job he has to kill people to keep Society The Beekeeper so I mean classic I really like his M you know his movies are great you know what I'd love to see him in what romcom I Reon I reckon he has done one yeah I yeah that's we don't remember that tells you how good it was he's always blowing up punching BLS and shooting people he's movie theater yeah I I like his movies though they're very good the mechanics a good one he he's did the mechanic series they're very good yeah big fan of Jason St them or STM or whatever St them STM anyway that's it was enjoyable beeper I just Googled whether or not he's done a romcom the first headline that came up was Hollywood needs to give Jason Seth my wrom that's from 24 so somebody wrote that this year has done one that'll happen I'm sure yeah we'll Pi we'll pict the movie Producers a script for him we'll put on Mt be offseason project offseason oh no but we're doing Hard Knocks oh Hard Knocks Hard Knocks all right well that's it uh obviously huge weekend this weekend you'll get the uh the podcast on Thursday and then the footy starts so enjoy it folks thanks for joining us [Music]

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