Category: Sports
Uh speaking of state of origin we're going to welcome in now our co-host here billy slater and of course the queensland coach uh bill great to see you this morning how are you feeling now knowing that game one done and dusted out of the way and you're heading to game two at the mcg one up in the series... Read more
Category: Sports
Right just start off quickly with a um quicker statement obviously this is not the way we wanted to start this special week for the club our first time in the finals since 2016 and their club performing so well this year um but um we have to address the josh ad car thing today i believe our players... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome to six tackles [music] this is six tackles with gus with matthew thompson and gus good welcome to six tackles for another week hope you are having a fantastic week goodness there's some rugby league news around jason demetri is sacked we'll have the inside story on a day of drama for south sydney... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome then they redo the first test again to determine if that's positive you can't drive and if it's negative well you're clear to go josh never did that one and someone wrote to him that he reminds him of an italian mountain cat so my dad said i want to call him tig and mom's like can't call him... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome hello and welcome back to the nrlw weekly podcast thanks to light and easy fueling australian sport my name is mary silva as always i am joined by the one and only ruan sims and boy do we have a show for you today we recap another huge round in the nrlw ru tells you her light and easy hungriest... Read more
Category: Sports
Five in a row for the bunnies let's go see what the boys are doing in the sheds what you doing up yeah cookie how's that how's that that was good good good fun um yeah look they they kept us stand our end for a long time but you we did on the score line just some's underpants cody's happy for once which... Read more
Category: Sports
Oh ricky where is that uh victory rate in terms of the most courageous efforts from your side that you've seen yeah i i don't know if i've coached many uh many more courageous efforts than that but i must say i have coached a number of them none none more courageous but a number of them with a lot of... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome that ru when you ran out just puts goosebumps on the back of your neck ball switch straight through entrance there he's just for looking for an opportunity exhilerating football that's a good sign of a good team accelerates and punches through them and he's only going to get better and the hammer... Read more
Category: Sports
Here we go the pen ultimate round what a stupid word stupid word absolute stupid word waste of letters anyway here we go first game down in melbourne the cowboys sorry it's up at townville country bank something yeah uh melbourne traveling up there eight rested grant anderson playing halfback t malalo... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome john card goes i said oh mate it's a bit sore and he goes if you hold your nose don't if you hold your nose and blow and your whole head oh no i just love listening to those old stories that story fatty tells me every time i think about i get goosebumps gibson always said he said he wondered... Read more
Category: Sports
Trend on update on s walker i guess uh i've got the three guys that are going for scans now so um doesn't look good for sammy um yeah so that's uh it's really disappointing but u they're all down getting scans at the moment how tough was that just to watch your team go down like that and it just felt... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] ricky stewart ricky stewart fred ricky stewart and freddy yeah oh or individually oh so the coach was ricky stewart and the captain was was it fitzy or brad fer brad fer um brad filler captain ricky stewart coach sticky stewart and freddy freddy captain minnie no is no point score point score... Read more