Biff breaks out as tensions reach boiling point in NRLW🔥🔥 : NRLW Weekly - Ep06 | NRL on Nine

Welcome hello and welcome back to the nrlw weekly podcast thanks to light and easy fueling Australian sport my name is Mary Silva as always I am joined by the one and only Ruan Sims and boy do we have a show for you today we recap another huge round in the nrlw ru tells you her light and easy hungriest player and team of the week we also hear from the North Queensland Cowboys Superstar K whitfeld and have a little bit of a preview of what's to expect in round six I know I said this last week but it's just going way too damn fast R but let's get stuck into things yeah absolutely it is going way too fast round six already two3 of the way through the season and yes you know just a few more rounds and then finals but it's exciting I think we're seeing great footy so I'll dive straight into my light and easy hungriest uh player of the week is Lauren Brown oh and considering we heard from her after the game and she said she wasn't 100% she scored two tries she had how many Tri assist line breaks line breaks that it should be terrifying for the opposition and I thought she was fantastic and she just continues to grow and become an even more dominant figure in that number seven jersey and I love what we're seeing out of her I love what she's doing at the Titans and what Karen Murphy's doing with her as well I can Lite N Easy player of the week definitely spoke about this on the weekend can definitely see a lot of murf's game in Lauren Brown so that's very very cool and you know obviously she's led the Titans to a big win against the Roosters on the weekend and you know it's h yeah I think that was a a really good step forward for the Titans they definitely needed it yeah what a confidence boost yeah and this is going to be no surprise that my hungriest team of the week is the Sharks oh five rounds five wins uh and obviously it's a it was a local Derby on the weekend they traveled down the prince's highway to wind Stadium they came away with a victory uh and yeah so they sit pretty Four Points clear at the top of the ladder the uh the shark so yeah they're that's my player hungriest player and team of the week I mean the Sharkies look a little bit Unstoppable at the moment they look great look the the genuine litmus test this weekend but we'll get into that a little bit later okay I can't oh I can't wait all righty well now it's time for this segment this the top two with Rue what's fueling Rue this week it just gets better I reckon I Lite N Easy team of the week do I Google every time I swear I do what are your top two oh well first one the Gold Coast on the weekend temperatures flared as did tempers and look I was workshopping that little headline on the way in today I'm not going to lie I'm not going to lie journalism school might be on the cards for me yeah oh yeah uh there was a little oldfashioned melee on the field you know so and there was Top 2 with Ru there was a lot of passion in the game and I think that's going to spark some really good rivalry for those two clubs going forward two genuine threats in the competition and they went toe-to-toe on the weekend the Titans were fantastic uh but yeah the uh The Roosters will I think that's going to be a good little matchup going forward always Circle those ones in the diary as I have um I have to tell this little story cuz it was so funny I I was at wi Stadium getting ready um for those games down there on Sunday when the one up on the Gold Coast was being played and we had it um on the screen in like the Press Box where the print media usually sits and there was a writer sitting there and like that little push and shove was happening and we all obviously are paying attention andever I was like oh my goodness oh my goodness and in the background of it Jamie Chapman and Olivia kernick pretending to punch pretending punch on I was like they're very good friends and I laughed so much but the writer sitting next to me thought they were being legit and when oh oh when Jamie was pretending to throw punches and I was like see no these girls all know and love each other they're just so passionate about it and there was no close F there was nothing it P it was just temperature honestly it was hot it was a hot day and when it's hot and you're frustrated temperatures FL like tempers blow up they do and like you just get really into it and it was handled well yeah you know you know I thought Jamie fresard showed some really good personality afterwards and she is a firecracker you know I love FR and you know but yeah that's just there was a little bit of a melee so a fun little bit to talk about I think when we get away from it but yeah it was a huge upset big upset so I think that's what also plays into that emotion and passion yeah yeah and I think you know they had their Tim again they'd probably dial it down a little bit so that you don't have to spend time on the sideline like that's totally you know you don't I'm not encouraging that but I'm just saying it's like it was quite amusing seeing the two in the background a little bit of a pretend yes pretend uh and then my second one I was very excited to see the video posted by the warriors with Michaela blide and Sarah harini yeah I was like that's very cool and this is exactly what I was hoping for when the warriors were announced that they were going to be returning into the nrlw because you just there's so much talent in New Zealand yes and not all of can come to Australia for the opportunity to play but now that they have their Club back they could be a genuine force in their first year because there is a huge talent that they can tap into there and huge huge potential and I think Ronnie Griffith is spoiled for Choice oh isn't he over there so yeah that's my uh that's my second Food For Thought yes and listeners who have been Tuning In All Season would know we spoke about Michaela blide in the episode with Tyler King both her and Sarah hini who you mentioned there are from that gold medal winning rugby 7 side from New Zealand so yeah very exciting 20125 ahead of us right now you're listening to the nrlw weekly podcast with Mary Silva and Ruan Sims thanks to light and easy fueling Australian sport well the Cowboys are off the back of a couple of very cool victories uh it was pretty much unanimous when we said who do we want to talk to Let's get someone from the Cowboys jakaya whitfeld and Mary you got to catch up with her a little bit earlier jakai whitfeld one of the superstars of the North Queensland Cowboys joins me now well I have to say first of all I can see your face jakaya and I was worried it was going to be more busted up after you had that little split over your eye on the weekend how are you going yeah yeah good I think I think Monday morning my eye was like fully shut um and I couldn't see out of it but it actually healed so quickly it's s now so in but it's good you're so tough that's why well it certainly looks like you are having the time of your life living in the sunshine in Townsville um yeah we've seen you in those colors for a little while now and this season's off to a great start how has it felt at you know within the the Cowboys World up there yeah it's been amazing um obviously been up here for the past few months and I guess I don't know for me it Feels Like Home um I've been welcomed by the club and the girls um and I guess the transition has been seamless and um it feels like my family up here and yeah it probably couldn't have gone much um better than it has oh I love to hear that and it's also reminded me that what we're doing with our guests this year on the nrw weekly podcast is getting to know you guys and your habits off the field first and foremost so I've got to remember that I've got to ask you these questions first so these are ones that give us a little bit of an insight into Who You Are could you start by telling me what is your go-to PumpUp song on game day oh my go to pum up song um I don't know I just like any country music to be honest I'm not like much of a music person I wouldn't say I kind of like to just get the vibe of like whoever's on the speaker I'm probably the person that will never be put on the speaker to but um I think probably China pada she's probably main girl in the gym on the speaker um so yeah I kind of just like get the vibe of Jakiya Whitfeld them if you're looking for like a postgame treat what is your goto food um postgame treat probably pizza or if it's like sweet um and ice cream or this isn't really postgame but on the weekends up here in Townsville there's a there's a h Shop a cafe and it's it's called Bloom and it does the best cookies and that's like our thing on the Listener questions weekend we love to go to bloom and get a cookie it's really good oh nice do you have an embarrassing nickname or a nickname that only your family called you growing up um yeah my nickname is bear I have this like teddy bear that I've had since I was literally born I still have it now I get the piss taken out of me all the time but I just can't part ways with it a and finally we've asking everyone this last week Taylor Preston revealed that her uh game day Superstition is to make sure that she's always got faked hand going on um even when she becomes a little bit orange which we love her for but do you have anything that you have to do all the time through the season to make sure that you're prepared for the games um probably not really I don't really like to be superstitious because then I feel like if it doesn't happen then I don't know I just don't like that feeling um I don't know this is random by been wearing like the same oh obviously they're clean but the same undies sh I don't know why that's just happened this season so I'm just sticking with it now I'm on a roll but I'm glad they're clean and I'm glad you clarified just in case people are wondering now you've already spoken about feeling like your Cowboys teammates are like a real family and I think that could almost be part of the answer to this question but things really look like they're heading in the right direction for your girls this year what has changed or or what's going right in this season is it that culture yeah I guess um obviously I can't speak to to the previous year um obviously not being here but I think it was probably similar in the sense of obviously being at tigers it was an inaugural year um same up here in in Aug team I don't know I guess I think it definitely does have a lot to do with the culture um I've been a part of a few teams um across my my union background and my league I don't know just here feels different um the girls up here like it's just such a good bunch of girls and I know like you guys speak about a lot but there's just such good humans off the field and I think um when we get on the field we really we really want to work for each other and there's so much heart in this group and um such a a good group of humble girls that want to go out there and work hard for each other every single game and um yeah I just think it's a bit of a different vibe and I think like you said it has a lot to do with the culture and under the lead leadership of um K tiisha Harden um and Kira D and all of our other senior girls and leaders throughout the group um I think that the way that I guess they lead us um is exactly that um they epitomize I guess what it is to be a cowboy and that filters out throughout our group so yeah I'm glad you mentioned your co- captains there because I actually wanted to ask you about Tesa Harden because in every time that I see her there's so much warmth in just having that interaction with her whether it's me a a pregame um interview or just seeing her walking around before a match like she seems like she's so experienced and she seems like an incredible leader does that a lot of that culture come from someone like her yeah 100% to be honest when I first was looking at coming to the cows um I met Delicia over at PMS um over in PNG last year and I actually had tea with her and Emma we have a bit of a running joke now um about tea time but yeah I met toan honestly felt like I'd known her for years um I feel like we've probably grown up a pretty similar upbringing and I think that yeah the way like you said her warmth and um the way that she carries herself and the way that she makes people feel um that that was a big reason for me making the move up here I guess being around like someone like tan and for myself um I guess learning to to be a leader and to grow in that space um looking up to someone like Telicia uh personally I don't think there's anyone that does it better so yeah I'm really grateful to have her um her guidance and her leadership um both on and off the field this year okay tea time what a what a cute little thing to to have that you've done together I um I have to say when I was up in Townsville a couple of weeks ago um for that incredible game where your girls won after the Kira field goal the heat the way that that plays a part in the in the games up there I actually saw you Coach Rick Henry say in the leadup to that game that he hoped that it was really really hot on the weekend because it gives you an advantage and that was pretty clear like how did you ACC climatized to training in that humidity and then playing in it with those home games yeah I think I guess it's probably a little bit different for us to the boys in the sense that the boys train in the daytime um so they are like obviously in the middle of the heat so for us it's probably still a shock actually playing at that time um but I think obviously we train in the afternoons it's probably a bit cooler then um so we're not 100% used to but I guess just living up here you climatized um to the the climate and it's obviously then a shock when teams do come up here like comp compared to Sydney and a CRA um and even Brizzy like the heat up here is so different um the climate is so different so I guess for us we do have an advantage in that sense but then like on the flip side going down to Raiders like everyone's like it's so freezing like it's cold and um so yeah I guess it goes both ways but I think but nevertheless like playing in that kind of heat regardless if you're climatized or not um it's pretty tough and I think for us it's just like not talking about it we say that a lot um whether it's the the cold or the hot but like I guess that's that and we kind of just leave it and focus on the game and the CH the heat's not going to change and you just got to learn to push through it and work for each other and that's what we do yeah and that's certainly what you did in that game that I was talking about it I think your girls showed a lot of resilience and a that real like grind until the 70th minute I think was exemplified there how did you guys look back on on that match is that something that has given you a lot of confidence you know you got the back-to-back wins after yeah I think um I think like for us we've spoken a lot about just just playing in the cycle and keeping to the cycle of footy um yeah I think that obviously each game that we've had there's things that we've wanted to work on um and get better at I think that we've we've built into that um even from last game there's definitely things that we're still building on but I think each game we've we've come back we've reviewed it we've focused um and refocused on the things that we want to focus on the week after so I think that yeah we're we're building slowly and I think there's there's confidence and belief growing throughout the group and that I think that's a big thing especially for our group um considering how young we were I think that cows last year were the second youngest um group in the comp so I think that's still probably the case now so I guess it is a lot about I guess um breeding that that confidence into our younger girls and even some of our older girls now um just to believe in themselves I guess obviously coming off the back of last year when you lose so many games I think it kind of can become like normal and and feel normal it's like you know how to lose um and that can be really defeating and you kind of forget actually how to win and how to win games um so I think yeah coming off um obviously our win in our loss sorry in that second round um I guess yeah I guess guess learning how to win and learning how to fight um and be gritty and be determined and and be resilient throughout the game and and stay in that cycle and and yeah yeah I think like again that that Titans game we spoke about it like it was an upset which I'm sure is not what you guys think about in terms of mentality but there's been a lot of that through this season a lot of unexpected results incredible games across the competition where we've just seen you know so much like right until the end we don't know what's going to happen and all that sort of stuff from you as a player are you seeing and or feeling like how much this competition is just going to another level this year yeah 100% um like you said I don't think there been I guess for us a game that we've been in where it's like oh we've won it or we've lost it it's like been it's been such a fight um and I know our power game like I think there was some record numbers in terms of the intensity of that game I think um there was a stat the other day that was spoken about uh that it was at the intensity of An Origin game so I guess that in itself speaks volumes for how our competition is growing and um I guess uh like the quality of what we are displaying and putting out on the field and that comes also from the young girls coming in so obviously we're doing something right in terms of the pathways and the young girls that we are bringing in and um the development that they're getting prior to entering the nrlw space to be able to play at this level um at such a young age now you're a code convert you're in the sevens uh program there's a lot of other girls coming from Union um nowadays does that excite you because it obviously brings like you know we get so excited when we see you in space all the strength in your game that that comes from that background does it excite you for what it can do for the game when we see the likes of Stacy Walker come across straight after a gold medal win all that sort of stuff yeah 100% um I know obviously down at the Sharkies dmy and CH have just come over and yeah I think it's so exciting obviously girls coming from um the professional rugby s space um whether that's the Kiwi girls or or out z7s girls um they're professionals and they're so good at what they do and I guess they're in and around the space that we want to be so they they're coming from a Prof full-time professional program which is where we want to see our program get to um in the years to come so I think that the experience that they bring um both on the field and off the field to help I guess Drive our game to be where we want it and I guess the quality that that they'll bring in ter terms of um the players that they are will be really awesome and yeah I think very exciting um exciting players and I'm personally Round 6 preview pretty excited to see them play and see how they yeah I I totally feel exactly the same and yeah that professionalism um because of that experience is something that we've sort of been speculating would be the strength from it do you think that when you came across um that was something that you've been able to sort of manage in your preparation or be able to I don't know share with other girls as you've come into the nrw CU it isn't that full-time professional yeah 100% I think it is something that um I guess for myself I hold myself to a pretty high standard I guess going to a professional program I've been in and around it since I was 16 years old um obviously going full-time at 18 I guess I learned pretty quickly what it takes to be a professional athlete um full-time and I think that that's something that I want to bring across um to the nrlw and I guess so many of the other girls that are coming across are also doing that um I think that I probably found it difficult um and probably still do just in terms of that difference I guess in professionalism but I guess we are limited in a sense um I guess the fact that we have protected ours it is hard um and difficult to have the expectations of players to be fully professional when we're only given a certain amount of time to be professional so um it is hard because we are limited and I do acknowledge that and see that um but at the same time I think that yeah hopefully in the next few years we are uh in a space where we can go professional and I think where we do have all those sevens girls coming on coming in and coming over um that there'll be a massive I guess support and help in that sense because they know what it takes um even just the little things in terms of preparation um what it takes to be fully professional just all those one percenters that people probably don't think about um and probably get away with uh not doing I guess in the nrlw I I guess probably really little things but um at the end of the day they mean a lot um in the game of yeah I think yeah we're certainly heading in the right direction and thinking about the future I know that you do some work for the goana Academy you've been spending your day doing some school visits today what do you as my last question for you when you're talking to this next generation of kids maybe boys and girls what excite you about how they see the nrlw or how they see female athletes cuz I'm sure you see how their persp perspectives are changing yeah 100% I think that um yeah obviously up here both uh with the Garner Academy and my work at the Cowboys um interacting with kids um on a daily basis and I think probably the most exciting thing is when we go to schools out here and stuff it's not just the young girls that um that want your signature it's the young girls and the young boys and and they don't care whether you're a female or a male they're like so excited that the Cowboys are coming um to their school or that a player is coming to their school so I think in terms of that um that generation of younger kids coming through and and on the TV they see the girls and they see the boys they're not just seeing the boys um so I guess in that sense it's really cool to see that when inspiring um a generation of boys and girls coming through and uh I think we were down only a few weeks ago at the Lor Spa Carnival um I think it's under 12s or 14s um footy Carnival over here in Townsville um and yeah it was just amazing like all the boys teams coming up to us and like they wouldn't leave us alone like they were just so excited uh that we were down there and and me and one of the other girls tula and a few of the other girls came down for a bit but we spent about two days um four days down there just hanging out with the kids and yeah I think for me it was uh made me feel pretty good um about not myself but about the game and where we're at the fact that we're inspiring so many young kids and um yeah it was a pretty cool experience I love that so much and hey like even for an bird like me you guys inspire me so you're doing it for everyone jakai it's always so lovely to talk to you love seeing how happy you are up in Townsville and love watching the Cowboys this year it's really great exciting footy that you're playing so good luck for the rest of it thanks Molly thanks for your time now let's get stuck into what we can expect for round six every single nrlw game you can get live and free on 9 and9 now Saturday 31st of August we start M on the Gold Coast yeah with the Titans and the Sharks I I could almost say we're starting with the game of the round yeah I I think this is definitely the game of the round um obviously the sharks are flying high they're they're playing some good footy and the Titans have come off the back of a very good win against the Roosters on the weekend and I think I I agree with you I think this is the game of the round um it's going to be very much a litmus test for the sharks they had a great win at home against the knights a couple of weeks ago this is another step up as well for them because the Titans are hungry they lost those two games in a row that they didn't want to lose and they bounc back very well against the roosters yeah now coming up against the sharks like the Titans are going to be hungry for this yeah going to be very very hungry and I think it's really important that the Sharks don't approach this with a complacent mindset not that they would I'm not saying they would but sometimes when you're winning it can be very easy just to take your foot off the accelerator but I know Tony Herman's not about that at all he's very very strict with with the girls and he's very focused in his mindset as are the players but this is a big test really really big test that you need to try and shut down Lauren Brown reduce the amount of time she has with ball in hand and making decisions which is hard because she's fast as well and the service that she gets out from the middle is fantastic because you had Georgia halil in there as another service level then you need to shut down Georgia to then shut down Lauren and then you sort of say okay if you shut down those two then you got to try and shut down vany police and then if you do that then you're going to shut down Nile Willam if you do that then you got to shut down Jamie Chapman so there are a lot of things everybody on the field for the Sharks has a role and they need to execute that role if they want to come away with the win against the Gold Coast uh so it is it is a big ask but I I think they're up for it I think they're very keen for it I'm of course I'm tipping shs but uh this is a big test a really big test for them and I think they will be very excited by it uh amaton agado was oh my goodness phenomenal next level on Sunday phenomenal so she was fantastic as was Tiana Pani she was incredible on that edge as well so that whole left Edge is a real threat real threat and then for the Titans if they concentrate on shutting down that edge then you're going to leave Taylor Preston to kick wherever she wants and her kicking game has been so fantastic she's been so consistent finishing exactly where it needs to defense has been up the kick Chase has been on and yeah so they they've got a really good cycle at the and I think they'll definitely need to and uh and TR and grind wi out of the Titans but defense is going to yeah have to be Paramount it it feels like this game couldn't have fallen at a better time I think for both sides considering how short the season is this is a real like oh could we see these teams both on Grand final day I think that we could potentially see that answer this week and seeing how it turns out and look Tony Herman's named an unchanged lineup coming into this week obviously unfortunately for Talia fono she's been suspended for two weeks but Sienna laipo it was great to see her back from that injury that she she think she got it through origin yeah so it's great to see her back so she'll slot into that six role uh and yeah so that'll be the thing it's like will like Lauren will probably do most of the organizing and most of the kicking uh so yeah yeah it's a good tussle but then again but then I say well then I look at I say okay well then you got Ellie Johnston V Shannon Mar Holly wheeler Jessica Ellison I think we could do like you can do there are incredible matchups across the field and this is yeah this is could potentially be the game of the season you just I hope so I hope each game is like that because then it just means that our product is fantastic absolutely yeah of course I I am tipping the Sharks it's uh it's going to be a tough road trip though yes but they're up for it they're Keen just quietly I did TI with the Titans so we'll see we'll see we'll be talking about this game next week I'll be standing at Taran Point bridge letting you pass you won't be coming home you'll have to in the studio all righty straight after that one we will be at combank stadium in Sydney as the eels and the dragons face each other and I think this is another interesting match up yeah this is a really interest this is a cool one because the dragons will be hungry yes they'll be really hungry and the eels I think will be disappointed that they let last week's opportunity get away from them yes and it was a genuinely good opportunity for for the eels like I said earlier there were glimpses for the eels but then they just their sets weren't finishing well um the people who had been threats just were shut down quite well but this is again a great opportunity for the eels to get back on the front foot and get back into the winner circle but I will say this even the score line belies how well the dragons can play last week against the sharks there are I think it was Angelina taranga she's been playing fantastic through the middle for the dragons as to they've both been so good through the middle Casey Ray is named to start at 5'8 with Ray McGregor we saw last week that sort of switched up and she went back to the middle and Z Hopkins started on the edge what that does then mean is that they have a left and right foot kicker out wide the dragons so they've got a couple of threats but yeah I've actually this was a really hard one for me to tip and I'm actually I think I'm tipping the dragons going break their losing streak all right yeah okay that'll be interesting I know on Sunday we will then be in Newcastle as the knights host the Tigers now the Tigers start to this their game last weekend I was like whoa let's go and they just let it sleep didn't they yeah they just couldn't continue on with it and this is the thing I mean the Broncos are such a strong outfit it's very difficult to keep them locked out of a game yeah so that was always going to be a really big ask for them I think again this week uh eie Jones has been named at seven Jesse southwell is on the extended bench so whether she hasn't been able to pass her protocols just yet maybe why she's not been named um but there this is a big I wouldn't say opportunity but this is a big task for the Tigers because what I the way the nights started last week they were they were right on song from the GetGo Upton had probably the best game I've seen her play in nrlw so far this year she was really strong uh as Yasmin cly stale was immense again so they've got to the Tigers started well themselves last week but defensively they're going to have to really aim up because there's plenty of strike in this night's in this night's outfit and I liked the the way that BJ had done his rotation yeah for the kns yeah I thought that worked really really well for them so it's going to be a big ask but I think the knights especially at home yeah uh yeah I think the knights Will Come Away with this one yeah I think they have an NL men's game straight after to S of big crowd for the novocastrian up there straight after the Broncos the Cowboys a little Queensland Derby will be happening up in brzy I mean like we said the Cowboys have had back-to-back wins but the Broncos have really found their stride I think the especially with Gail Bron coming back Stacy Walker is an incredible addition for them uh I'm tipping the Broncos for this one uh even though the Cowboys have had some good footy in them the last couple of weeks I've been really impressed with some of their players who are if you're not really into women's rugby league you wouldn't know these players but obviously we know them so we know what they're capable of but seemingly unknown players really stepping up and taking it on uh but I do really I really want to see the Cowboys try and get jakaya whitfeld into the game Space yeah yeah just create a little bit more space for her or get it to her a little bit earlier let her create or do something and then play off the back of it because she is fast and strong and she can break tackles so if you get it to her early or even just Against the Grain Coming Back Against the Grain she can create some opportunity but I think the uh Broncos even though it's in town it's in Brisbane sorry uh I think the Broncos will get this one absolutely well I shouldn't say absolutely but I I think they could but I want to say I think the Cowboys can keep it tight I think they can keep it to a take it to them I'll take it to them our final game of the round do you know what I'll be doing I'm going to be in Newcastle on the sideline and then I'm getting back on the highway to make sure that I'm at aliance stadium for the 6:30 kickoff of the roosters and the Raiders so everyone please pray for nice traffic for me as I'm coming home um The Roosters and the Raiders The Roosters are going to be that fired up after last weekend and I I just I worry for the Raiders yeah I think the roosters will definitely be fight and a home game for them too yeah so they'll definitely be chomping at the bit they'll be looking for a fast start because they were shut out last week you know so that uh they'll be looking to start there very quickly uh and the Raiders obviously they would have been very disappointed with that loss last week you know and they've got a lot of oomph in their pack I mean like so my Mata I thought she was huge for them last week she really was and she she always is but this was she it up another gear for them and she's going to have a work cut out cuz she's going to have to shut out Millie Elliot Amber Hall if when she comes CU Amber likes to come back against the grain their Edge back rowers are going to have work cut out for them it's good to see monol Lisa solola back which is great that's a big step up for them but yeah Holly May dod's going to have her work cut out against Amber Hall because the way she runs that footy and she's only getting better as the season progress she gets a bit more Fitness under the belt you know since she came back from that foot injury yes so it's going to be really tough and I think it's good to see Ash quinland back I know she was sick last week for the Raiders so I think having her back with Z will really settle that ship and give the Raiders more strike on both sides of the field uh but yeah at at the moment I'm tipping The Roosters at home yes for this Victory and again I don't think they'll get blown out of the water the Raiders I think they'll push them the whole way but uh there's so much quality in this roosters outfit and they will be hungry after last week very very hungry well we're certainly in for another huge weekend of nrlw footy remember you can watch every single nrlw game live and free on 9 and9 now get around it we're getting towards the pointy end of the season already my best friend actually messaged me the other day and she's like look I haven't been watching as much as I would like to be but I need to know who's the front runner who's the underdog all this sort of stuff and I said look to be honest it's anyone's game and that's the beauty of it so get in and amongst it send us your questions to answer on the podcast next week and we'll catch you next time thank you for listening to the nrlw weekly podcast with Miley Sila and bruan Sims thanks to light and easy fueling Australian sport this year NRL on9 is your One-Stop shop for all foot that's right Freddy not about the highlights Action 7 days a week bilan G podcast get that on your drive on the way home Immortal Behavior grab a SE on the couch for that and of course my favorite fredd in the a the best footy brains the biggest games don't trust the algorithm subscribe to n19 and get all your entertainment there

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Gus Gould reveals the latest news surrounding Josh Addo-Carr: NRL Presser | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Right just start off quickly with a um quicker statement obviously this is not the way we wanted to start this special week for the club our first time in the finals since 2016 and their club performing so well this year um but um we have to address the josh ad car thing today i believe our players... Read more

Lack of experience to unravel Dogs’ fairytale year: Immortal Behaviour - Ep11 | Nine on Nine thumbnail
Lack of experience to unravel Dogs’ fairytale year: Immortal Behaviour - Ep11 | Nine on Nine

Category: Sports

Welcome [music] hello and welcome to aortal behavior for this week many ways to win a game get your team home as a halfback he won the game with his kicking gun andrew kicks back and across it has been a freakish kick by andrew john i thought he'd maybe retire but give me father for i said maybe god... Read more

Bunnies rev up Damien Cook: In the Sheds | NRL on Nine thumbnail
Bunnies rev up Damien Cook: In the Sheds | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Five in a row for the bunnies let's go see what the boys are doing in the sheds what you doing up yeah cookie how's that how's that that was good good good fun um yeah look they they kept us stand our end for a long time but you we did on the score line just some's underpants cody's happy for once which... Read more

Elliott Whitehead reveals confrontation with Trent Robinson: NRL Presser | NRL on Nine thumbnail
Elliott Whitehead reveals confrontation with Trent Robinson: NRL Presser | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Oh ricky where is that uh victory rate in terms of the most courageous efforts from your side that you've seen yeah i i don't know if i've coached many uh many more courageous efforts than that but i must say i have coached a number of them none none more courageous but a number of them with a lot of... Read more

Immortal DEMANDS Latrell Mitchell must be selected for Origin Game II: Round 14 Recap | NRL on Nine thumbnail
Immortal DEMANDS Latrell Mitchell must be selected for Origin Game II: Round 14 Recap | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Uh speaking of state of origin we're going to welcome in now our co-host here billy slater and of course the queensland coach uh bill great to see you this morning how are you feeling now knowing that game one done and dusted out of the way and you're heading to game two at the mcg one up in the series... Read more

The BEST Battle for Brisbane yet has QLD Legends salivating 🐬🐎🔥: QLDER - Ep19 | NRL on Nine thumbnail
The BEST Battle for Brisbane yet has QLD Legends salivating 🐬🐎🔥: QLDER - Ep19 | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Welcome that ru when you ran out just puts goosebumps on the back of your neck ball switch straight through entrance there he's just for looking for an opportunity exhilerating football that's a good sign of a good team accelerates and punches through them and he's only going to get better and the hammer... Read more

Robinson CALLS OUT Elliott Whitehead for HIP DROP tackle: NRL Presser | NRL on Nine thumbnail
Robinson CALLS OUT Elliott Whitehead for HIP DROP tackle: NRL Presser | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Trend on update on s walker i guess uh i've got the three guys that are going for scans now so um doesn't look good for sammy um yeah so that's uh it's really disappointing but u they're all down getting scans at the moment how tough was that just to watch your team go down like that and it just felt... Read more

Legends pick apart the race for NRL glory: Freddy & the Eighth - Ep22 | NRL on Nine thumbnail
Legends pick apart the race for NRL glory: Freddy & the Eighth - Ep22 | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Welcome then they redo the first test again to determine if that's positive you can't drive and if it's negative well you're clear to go josh never did that one and someone wrote to him that he reminds him of an italian mountain cat so my dad said i want to call him tig and mom's like can't call him... Read more

The Sydney Roosters destroy club trivia: NRL Trivia | NRL on Nine thumbnail
The Sydney Roosters destroy club trivia: NRL Trivia | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

[music] ricky stewart ricky stewart fred ricky stewart and freddy yeah oh or individually oh so the coach was ricky stewart and the captain was was it fitzy or brad fer brad fer um brad filler captain ricky stewart coach sticky stewart and freddy freddy captain minnie no is no point score point score... Read more

Boys' PRICELESS reaction to Freddy’s VICIOUS high shot: Freddy & the Eighth - Ep20 | NRL on Nine thumbnail
Boys' PRICELESS reaction to Freddy’s VICIOUS high shot: Freddy & the Eighth - Ep20 | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Welcome john card goes i said oh mate it's a bit sore and he goes if you hold your nose don't if you hold your nose and blow and your whole head oh no i just love listening to those old stories that story fatty tells me every time i think about i get goosebumps gibson always said he said he wondered... Read more

Anthony Seibold confirms Tom Trbojevic injury: NRL Presser | NRL on Nine thumbnail
Anthony Seibold confirms Tom Trbojevic injury: NRL Presser | NRL on Nine

Category: Sports

Commissioner ss that was impressive what did you make of it yeah look it was a really good turnaround which we needed hoops you know last week we were well below you know the standard that we've um you know set this year so i thought the guys did a really good job with their prep during the week and... Read more