Eagles vs Packers Live Stream, Play by Play and Reaction!

what's up guys the Philly special Josh Davis here with Thomas mot and it is the Friday night hangout of all Friday night Hangouts we've got Eagles action first Friday I think is what we're officially terming this but uh the Eagles football the NFL season was I guess officially back you know last night but Thomas just to have meaningful real regular season football and the Eagles to get last season behind us and start this momentum into this season I am absolutely hyped I know people are in the chat shout out to you guys uh but how are you doing it's a Friday night it's a Friday night I'm pumped man I'm ready to go I this felt like the longest Friday of my entire life I like look at the clock it's 11:00 a.m. and then it's 1 pm and then it's 3 pm like we just inched so slowly to get to this darn game and now we are right under 25 minutes away from kicking this one off and it's an interesting one Josh I mean this is a this a serious match up we've previewed this from every angle angle over the past seven days but I feel pretty good honestly I feel really good about the Eagles chances I'm pumped to see what squin Barky looks like this new look offense the secondary Sans Isaiah Rogers I think is going to be still pretty good it's going to be a fun night very very fun night I am absolutely pumped with you I totally agree uh shout out to uh well Luigi's Third Leg I think is that but congrats on the membership just joined for let's run it um by the way really quickly I did just want to mention this because um Underdog is the official sponsor of of the Philly special show there's a very limited time you have like 25 minutes like Thomas said before kick off but Jaylen Herz it's a free Square I mean it's automatic giveaway there so I just got to go ahead and mention that if you haven't already get in use my code Philly special uh take advantage of it you get that one and then you just pair it up with some other pick could be in a Packers player or just later on for the weekend so uh make sure you get in on that but more importantly we've got to get into some of the news because it was dropped right beforehand and it's kind of surprising a little bit shocking to me uh I think similarly for a lot of us we'll actually get to that other picture in a second but the inactives there you go um the Eagles relas officially the players that are not there now of course we knew Isaiah Rogers were not going to play Deon white was not going to play you've also got Tanner mcke Daren Canard Trevor Keegan Byron young those are not too surprising but jayx hunt right there in the middle not playing and we hadn't heard anything in terms of you know injury status or anything like that um what what is what's your what's going on here I guess what what do we have uh knowledge there or thoughts any perspective well I was looking at all the eagle beat reporters who were tweeting on this probably from a VPN or from their wives as we know you can't be tweeting from Brazil right now Andrew Deo he had a very interesting point from 975 The Fanatic he said that it was because Patrick Johnson is a better special teams option than jayx hunt and they wanted to have that extra special teams player in Johnson instead of jayx hunt which on one hand Josh makes sense sure Patrick Johnson had a very good training camp obviously makes the final 53 man roster jayx Hunt's a third round draft pick though Josh I mean again plenty of time to figure it out this season he doesn't have to be a 10 sack guy year one or really even year two just ask Nolan Smith but it's a little bit of a bummer I thought JX hunt had a pretty darn impressive preseason a really good training camp I thought he was probably the best pass rusher maybe better than Nolan Smith in a couple of those you know third fourth quarter of preseason games and not have him out there is it's a bummer will it matter in the end tonight no I don't think so he wasn't going to have five sacks but still you know Third Run draft picks there's kind of a cap right your first and second and third rounders need to contribute to some degree in year one and at least for night one you're not going to see Jan out there yes I know that and that's the disappointing part to me because you know we saw it so many times definitely in the preseason games the the speculation and we talked I mean egg nauseum at this point about like you know Nolan Smith and what's that going to be but him play playing more snaps and looking more promising there so I was hopeful naturally a lot of people were uh but it's one of those that you know at least uh it is it is a long-term project in terms of when we first drafted him CU that was everyone saying that you know you come from Houston Christians so draft night if you had told me this was going to happen it wouldn't be as surprising but you know I mean all things being equal and hindsight 2020 like you're like okay this is not exactly what I expected and then of course you throw on top of that a Deon white Isaiah Rogers not going to be there but we're going to be fine like I I think that we're lot still very optimistic about that we shouldn't be concerned about who's not going to be on the field because we still have death and there are some questions I can understand as far as Edge rushers does Bryce Huff live up to the hype can Josh sweat play well you know what does he look like um there there's lots of questions on that side but I I think that we're going to be okay in terms of pass rush as we've also said similarly with you know like Devon white and Isaiah Rogers this is not like a a deal breaker where I'm going into it and saying oh my gosh well we're going to we're going to lose the game like we we've totally lost our Edge because no pun intended I guess but we we lost an edge there in jix but we're not going to lose the edge here tonight uh we'll be fine should be just fine right now and I think the pass rush is gonna be okay I mean the real question is going to be this linebacker group Josh and we talked about it a lot the past couple of days no Devon white tonight we don't exactly know who the starting two out there they haven't officially said it although 99% chance it's noobe Dean and Zack Bond I'm sure Jeremiah truer Jr you might even see a little Ben van suumer and mixed in for certain packages and plays for sure on special teams but at least on a Trotter standpoint I expect to see him out there a little bit but that's where this defense is going to win or lose this football game Josh right the offense is going to do what the offense does if there's a little bit of rust I expect it to wear off as the game goes by just you know learning the kill andmore offense which by the way we'll talk more about the kill andmore offense they're not going to make it so darn confusing and go to every single crazy formation in the book game one right this is going to be a work in progress as the season progresses so the offense it's not going to look insanely different but we'll talk about the differences here in a second but the defensive line especially the linebacker group excuse me they got to stop Josh Jacobs Josh I mean Jordan Love is Great Christian Watson is great Romeo dobs runs incredible routes Josh Jacobs can be the differen maker for the Green Bay Packers tonight if he goes for a buck 45 and two touchdowns Philly's defense is going to be gassed all night long those linebackers are need to plug holes tackle in the open space and also cover well to make sure the eagle defense gets off the football field enough for that eagle offense to work and hopefully score a lot of points yeah if we uh if we're sitting here at 145 and two touchdowns everyone's going to go oh my gosh I'm totally with you there yes but uh Hunter Gonzo is saying it starts with Jordan Davis is that's definitely one of those where we're going to keep an eye on as well for the defensive line but you know if they can keep the linebackers clean and like you're saying there then opportunity for ncoe Dean to solidify himself whether it is him jeremi troter the linebacker by committee which you know everybody knows that's the tried and true recipe for Success these days in the uh the NFL um shout out to Philly da let me get to come some of these super chats here appreciate the five said fly goes fly finally a real game yes right there finally a real game uh we can be put out of our misery in a good way because I think that we were getting a little bit tired of like hey look we love to talk about some the players they trying to make the roster making a name for themselves hypotheticals all this other stuff but we are about 15 minutes away from getting it kicked off in Brazil seeing the Eagles first sign of of the new team with the coordinators um all that which we'll get into one other Super Chat here real quick as well uh vtor I think I believe I'm saying that name correctly hopefully I am says watching from bra Brazil hope my country gives luck to our Eagles Fly Eagles Fly so heck yeah in Brazil watching us here as we're streaming the game so appreciate that that's a blast are saying it's about a 50-50 crowd split so for you know the Eagles are going to travel well and it's going to be more of a 6040 and more Pro Philadelphia a lot of fans of other teams you watch the pregame here on peacock There's Tom Brady fans and Bucks jerseys there's Patriot fans I've saw 49er fans down there you know there's no NFL games in Brazil and so if you're a team of any NFL team going to this game is just kind of a fun thing to do but you're not going to have a home field advantage type atmosphere for Philadelphia the grass is the same exact that they play with at Lambo field and apparently in pregame the Eagles secondary went out there and they tested really the slipperiness of the field it is slick and they went ahead to go to the deeper and thicker cleats to go ahead and start this football game which hopefully will help it not be an issue for them because lambo's field is a little bit different than the link is in terms of grass We're not gonna get into that but still a lot of things going on pregame with the fact we're in a we're in Brazil right now and not sitting at home for a Philadelphia Eagles Lincoln Financial Field opener it does feel like you know again it's nitpicking and I don't want to go back all the way like two years now or or a year and a half removed but it does seem like you could have made it if you wanted the actual homefill Advantage you don't have the exact same playing surface as what the Packers played on I'm I'm just saying but uh we're not going to make that as an excuse it it it we'll be fine it's not going to matter we're good uh you know it this is ultimately comes down to I believe personally it comes down to Jaylen Herz in the offense by the way I've got the picture up for people that were curious or wondering it's not just Packers cheese heads it's also Philadelphia cheese heads right so right that was probably my favorite pick out of what I've seen so far from the uh the Eagles fandom there but uh shout out to everybody in the chat again if you've not already make sure to like And subscribe uh hanging out all night we appreciate yall support and seeing everybody checking in from all over the place we got Detroit Charleston uh saw several obviously in the Philly area uh a couple in Virginia I think there was in Ohio as well so uh we appreciate it again Nation everywhere but um also got to mention because you know again we try to be as unbiased as we can here might as well throw in the Packers inactives for tonight and officially according to um Packers and Adam shefer who confirmed it but uh Malik keath is is inactive uh Marshon Lloyd the running back who was dealing with an injury also defensive lineman Aaron Mosby defensive linan Britton Cox Jr tackle Kadeem telfort and Tackle Travis Glover so um couple different names there I think the biggest one was MarShon lyd that was a 5050 if he was going to suit up it's probably in my mind not going to change a whole lot you talked about Josh Jacobs and I do believe it it starts and maybe ends with stopping the Run game because how they like to use play action but uh you know you lose a potential backup uh to to spell Josh Jacobs so the trick is just making it onedimensional honestly I think if you get him to onedimensional then it's it's going to be a lot more of of a manageable game but if if if it's getting G Cas if the if the defensive Line's not holding up or the linebackers missing tackles then this could get dicey pretty quickly as far as the defensive side goes and that's something that Philadelphia is going to have to go ahead and respond to right the offense is going to need some longer drives and I would expect this game plan to be plenty of read option plenty of RPO plenty of saquan Barkley from the you know under Center runs just simple Powers across the A and B gaps just to kind of slow the game down a little bit in the beginning and establish 10-play Drive is probably what the offense would prefer go down score and then hope your defense can go ahead and hang on and listen this defense could be good Josh we are hoping it's going to be good maybe by the half the Midway point of the Season they'll be really good but for night one this offense I think is GNA need to carry them a little bit tonight I think it truly does start with saquan Barkley I think he is The X Factor in this game he is the one that's going to hopefully break this game wide open and again create those one-on-one matchups on the outside for both AJ Brown and Devonte Smith man that is uh I'm just seeing and I put it up on the screen too but seeing saquon Barkley take the field like how how can you not get amped up by the fact cuz he also talked about in the interview right like in in or in the press conference of the excitement to play for Philly to actually be in the colors there and get action because beforehand it was like okay you know he's going to get out there and and warm up but we're not going to see him actually get on the field but here we go behind the offensive line he's got a great track record I know it's not the same Packers team because you know new defensive coordinator Jeff Halley lots of changes there but still it's like sometimes you have a good track record against a team and it doesn't really matter who's there it's just you play well against that team hopefully it keeps up and saquan even has a history internationally playing well against the Packers you know because we think about last year was in New York and and he scored uh what was that think two touchdowns and then in London the year before that he scored a touchdown and had a good game um I think over like five yards a carry so we just parlay that into tonight behind a better offensive line and I mean I think that the I I think it's it wouldn't be shocking you're not going to see a a ton of carries you're not going to see like over usage from sequin but it wouldn't surprise me if you know we're going like hey he just had a 100 yard game because the o line that we have I mean why not they're going to try to Blitz Jaylen try to offset it with a run that's going to be a fascinating part of the again first couple of drives here for the eagle offense you assume the Packers are going to come with a lot of pressure although if you're assuming that then maybe they don't come with a lot of pressure and try and surprise Philadelphia I'm sure Kell Moore in this Eagle entire offense has game plan for any sort of scenario that's going to be thrown at them but you would expect one of the worst Blitz protecting offenses in the National Football League last year without their main protection guy and Jason Kelce they're going to be tested early and often tonight and that's where these these Slants to AJ Browns these you know quick screens to Devonte Smith and Johan doson get some receivers with green in front of them run and try and make some yards after catch is gonna be I think play a big role and stopping that Blitz early that way Jaylen Herz can then settle down get better protection later on this football game and work the football more down the field once the blitz stops coming because then he has a clear a clean pocket and is able to kind of scan the entire area so big interesting part to go ahead and start as well for sure how much yeah and how much do we see from uh a given for AJ Brown Devonte Smith but John Dodson does he get involved a little bit is there more of a decoy uh you know as you were talking about we mentioned it even previously as well but you know it's like there's there's so many different storylines there's so many things with this offense and very much looking forward to seeing that motion but how do those Playmakers get used who maybe gets forgotten about because quite honestly I mean the defense can only account for so many every single play so you know it's like okay you're going to pick your poison who do you decide to go with who do you try to shut down uh just another facet of the game that's going to be fascinating as well on the flip side defensively and Timothy Brown appreciate the two uh had a question here who will have the better game uh Bryce Huff or Josh SWAT that's a good question there who who who would you go with as of right now Bryce Huff or Josh sweat week one I think Bryce Huff I think Bryce Huff is sick and tired of hearing he is not in every down pass rusher he's worked extremely hard over the course of the past really month and a half at Eagles training camp and I think the progress from that first week whenever Vic fjo at his first press conference was asked this very question he said Bryce isn't ready yet to be an every down pass rusher but he will be I think he's ready to go tonight and again if Jaylen Carter turns out to be what we all expect him to be here in year two Bry off is going to have oneon-one opportunities all night night long probably every single snap he plays tonight will be a one-on-one opportunity and his speed move is one of the best in the National Football League his Bend his ability to dip underneath offensive linemen if they go get Jordan love rough him up early saw teams do this for the first half of the Packers season last year when they went on an incredible you know losing four they five in the middle of that first kind of half stretch of the Season bryu could be a big big part of that and I think he's goingon to have a great night now now listen there's an argument for Josh SWAT very quiet last year seemingly disinterested at times during the losing streak was not playing his best football he still has probably the most experience of any pass rusher not any Brandon Graham on this current roster right now maybe he has a big Knight I think both of them are going to play very very well I I'm right there with you yeah I'm excited to see Bryce Huff I think he's got the doubt like you said so reason to prove people wrong and you know it it's you see it in small sample sizes if he gets doubted if there's a chance now all right the lights come on an opportunity there so I I am I'm right there with you agree with that want to see it um shout out to Anthony deona who who dropped by also say good evening everyone real meaningful football is finally here best of luck with tonight's show and hope everyone is doing well we are doing well uh and again likewise with everyone else I mean it's just the fact that real meaningful football is here that's the reason to be positive so uh let me make sure it gets a couple these other super chats as well but uh vtor with another one uh appreciate the five said in Brazil Patriots Packers and 49ers have more fans but Eagle support keeps growing and I believe will become the biggest love the videos okay we appreciate that very much um yeah that's part of you know just trying to expand it as much as possible but uh it wouldn't surprise me if you know it a a organization like the eagles quickly becomes that route so um we will see also uh Andrew travelli here appreciate the five says it's 9:00 a.m. in South Korea I'm in my Eagles gear and drinking a beer hopefully that doesn't mean I have a problem C Fly Eagles Fly that is exactly what you should be doing there is nothing better than that 9:00 a.m. in the Eagles gear drinking a beer I totally agree let us know in the comments section where Everyone's Watching from like just Spam the chat right now where yall watching from someone's in Korea I'm assuming South that would be the guest anywhere else that's closer let us know uh we got another Super Chat here from Andrew saying I'm calling it now first tuty will be saquan I also think the first game play of the game will be a run play to him I would agree I think okay I think you're gonna be feeding saquon early and often in this one Josh I really do I really do but let us know where you guys are watching from down below there you go and also get a little uh clip of cidd out there cidi Deuce we got uh CJ Garner Johnson see him play I mean come on now number eight ma mentality set the tone for the defense I I there's so many it just we've talked about it before but the the the hype and all that yeah but the Vibes of the team are just different and I don't remember another season where I'm coming into it with so much of like there there's there's guys that have something to prove there's guys with chips on their shoulder there's lots of great things on paper yes you got to see it out there on the field but I mean my gosh the potential what we could see tonight I am I'm so excited about that and we were literally what seven minutes away or so from kickoff here we're getting Incredibly Close both teams have taking the field they're about to do the national anthems of both countries here bunch of people with the uh shout outs from where they are cool Reigns is in Melbourne Australia cool world is in South Jersey Matt seas in Lancaster PA someone says I'm in my break room at work I get home at 10: there you go get that work done okay China notice says China that's true that is that is absolutely crazy um wow well now someone says Russia same person so no that's probably not true Eugene Oregon that's true London it's 1 a.m. oh man the European uh watching audience time zone difference that's brutal Mark best says 1 am in London he has work at 8 AM you gotta call him to work Yik there's no way you're going to work tomorrow there's no way you got to St to watch the whole game right no way yeah you can't no you got to you got to take a day off it's it's of a doubt Kim Thompson's in Denmark all right this is why we do this for you guys we got a lot of people watching us tonight and uh we're going to make it the best uh Eagle stream on YouTube tonight we got a ton of new graphics been working on those all offseason long shout out to Josh's wife for making most of those she's incredible at it it's it's gonna be a bunch of fun and it's almost here I mean gez I feel like we're just doing one of our normal weekday live streams and yet we are five minutes away from kicking off the eagle season so right I I know and I keep thinking either it's it's we're doing a live stream or we're doing like preseason action you know cuz it just feels like but no this is it this is starting the season get hyped everybody uh oh come on Larry H what kind of question is that who you guys got winning this oh come on I mean it's it's blatantly obvious like take a look at the shirts the backgrounds the the graph like I mean I guess the graphics are a little bit more objective there non-bias but uh it's it's Eagles it is clearly Eagles um I got to get a super chat too because this is very much appreciated David uh the five says how much will we see of Cooper de Jean and quinon Mitchell and said uh watching from Connecticut TV sound off listening to you both and then hash Best In The Biz David we appreciate you you're the man thank you thank you do you want to take that one or either well you're gonna see quinan Mitchell a bunch quinan Mitchell based on everything we've heard is going to be your starting outside cornerback in base defense scenarios now you not run a lot of Base defenses and so you will be seeing quinon in a nickel in a dime stuff like that he will then go and be the nickel quarterback and key Ringo will be the outside quarterback so lots of quinon he's probably going to play almost the entire game on defense dein is going to be in select packages definitely on special teams he'll probably be the Gunner as well um it's going to be very interesting to see how much they get him utilized but you will see an absolute ton of queen9 Mitchell tonight and honestly I am I'm ready I'm ready to see him right I mean the hype has been there for the past four weeks that this kid is ready to rock you know day one plug-and play he gets a pick tonight Josh he he locks down Christian Watson and Romeo dos the legend of this first round draft pick at a corner uh is gonna start to really grow yes yeah I mean I when we almost saw it heck when we saw it in uh preseason when he when he had an opportunity quinan basically had the pck he dropped it he was right there if quinon Mitchell does anything like that at all it it will you're right it's going to grow it's going to be like all right we already knew he should and would be out there a ton of snaps but it's like all right hey you draft a first round uh pick there in that situation does he live up to the hype can he play up to similarly like a Jaylen Carter because we all started saying man we got these Vibes that feel like last season with Jaylen Carter but now this is just for a corner so it didn't take long for Jaylen Carter to make his presence felt even for the regular season we talk about the preseason but for the regular season last year um same thing for for Q I mean he's literally getting the prime time stage the lights are on everyone's watching assuming you have a peacock subscription or your local uh but you know as many as can and then this is your opportunity it's it's a Packers team that has a lot of momentum give them their credit they are a good team they have a young nucleus do they have a little bit of a let down or they keep that up with a Matt lefur offense that is pretty much the same I know you swap out the runners and a couple uh positions with the o line but overall it it should be for the most part the same so it'll be interesting you know you're you're you're forced into extra action or maybe quicker action than you would have expected because of the Isaiah Rogers injury um so defensive changes so I don't know but I think he's totally ready for the task because we mentioned it so many different times like you don't go up against AJ brown or Devonte Smith in practice every single day and then show up and be like no I mean no offense to Christian Watkins Romeo dobs and Jaden Reed and and the sorts Davian Wicks but like I mean come on it's it's not the same level so in terms of like intimidation there's nothing there but it is the first game it's the first NFL game of the regular season so I I'm curious you know do we see any any uh jitters any any nervousness any rust there I mean yeah I'm kind of getting anxious myself and we're not on the field so the answer all that is yes there will be rust and I think the eagle offense and the eagle defense will have their moments but the same has to go for the Green Bay Packer offense Josh you mentioned it being very similar to what it was last year that's true but the expectations are probably 5x what they were for the Packers going into the 2023 season to where they are right now they are the sexy Super Bowl pick in the NV in in the NFC right now they have the MVP front runner in the NFC by oddsmaker choice I mean most people have him Jordan love behind Patrick Mahomes and Lamar Jackson in terms of quarterbacks to win the MVP that pressure is not something you just kind of brush off here and just go hopefully win a football game if you're a Green Bay that's where I'm hoping the Eagles can take advantage because the pressure is on them as well but that Jordan love threw a lot of interceptions early on last year if you get him to throw a couple early in this game get him off you know his rhythm make him a little bit worried a little bit unsettled Friday game in Brazil then the Eagles can jump on them with their offense and hopefully have a big enough lead to when Jordan love does settle down and he will at some point in this game they'll have kind of you know little too too little too late in terms of that one so we'll see how that goes um almost 900 people watching on both channels give the shows thumbs up the thumbs up helps people find this as the stream we'd appreciate that I think we're kicking off when we come back from commercial make sure we're synced up we're going to be ready to go yep we are almost there um we are in Larry's asking also are we uh streaming from the same room today we are not despite the fact that it looks like that a lot of times because it's it's very similar um with the lighting and the setups and everything else but uh in different different states you know little little bit further away uh let me get a couple of these super chats as well as we're waiting for the commercial break to come back uh Timothy Brown appreciate the two more says why was hunt listed as an active ashod hash beer Ash Eagles uh we mentioning it earlier but uh ju some speculation as far as why he was an active I assume that it is based on andreww Deo his tweet saying special teams wise you have a little bit more from Patrick Johnson so combination of fangio Michael clay how they can use him feeling better at least for the opener for for Patrick Johnson um little strange little odd because of what we saw but uh that's that's what we got to go with at least for us right now so uh also cold cash appreciate the to said y all getting a little nervous cuz I am abely we very nervous we're almost here very EXC though I will say that um and then Edgar Gomez Flores appreciate the 10 I didn't get a comment here but if if you have anything just I mean don't don't Super Chat back but just comment I'll I'll throw it on there so shout shout out Barry uh Majid fly go fly from San Antonio Texas Josh I'm getting the kick return right now stuff from Kaye Harton make sure we're syncing up here uh for our broadcast they're showing me the amount of kick returns and give me a a little Glimpse the stadium so we should be synced pretty well here for everyone watching on peacock uh obviously we'll be a little bit behind because of the YouTube stream you can pause your peacock and then sync us up or if you just want to mute peacock and listen to us that's personally I would do it but up to you guys now getting laflor and serani there as well and uh I think we're pretty much synced here Josh so I think we're gonna be good to go all right well waiting to see who won the toss waiting to see who's gonna get the football first Josh if you win the toss are you taking it or are you deferring it which would you do I'm taking it you know let's get that offense on the field let's go make a statement drive down the field Take the Lead that is where I'm going with it for sure that's where I would go that's definitely where I would go um I'm trying to see looks like the Green Bay Packers are receiving this football defense up first says Chef comfort and we are oh man here we go they're playing the Philly uh they're playing a little Rocky theme you know so give you a little bit of a home look home field advantage oh my gosh all right new kickoff the dynamic kickoff rules means Jake Elliot will stand virtually alone on his side of the football field Eagles black pants black helmet and white jerseys and we are moments away from sending the 2024 Eagle season underway as this is actually Aaron uh sorry Braden man is kicking this one off so man is going to be kicking it from the 35 yard line he runs up to it puts his right foot on it and this one is going to be out the back of the end zone we have a flag though okay so we're starting off really well with an early flag this is is a Touchback so the ball will be at the 30 yard line but let's just see what the flag is going to be some must have moved would be my guess here solid and um they're still talking so we have not started yet lovely Touchback and during the kick an illegal formation on the Eagles so it'ss like ke Ringo was not lined up properly and so that'll be a 5 yard penalty and I believe they'll move the ball to the 35 yd line so not the best start for these special teams of Michael clay but no harm no foul it's fine it's not going to be a big deal we are ready to rock here for snap one Jordan love key Ringo is out there he is your starting cornerback this is the eagle base defense it is Zack Bon and it is noobe Dean and uh here we go Jordan love will start this one under Center lone setback Josh Jacobs from the Packer 35 motion across the formation Love Takes a snap turn give Jacobs up the middle hit and immedately stop and there's Jordan Davison to Kobe Dean that's loss of three great start by this Eagle defensive line Milton Williams in there as well Josh heck yeah that is a incred that that's one of the the positions that you talk about Milton Williams making a stop being that potential wild card if he has one-on ones win those good start pretty good pretty good start yeah that was Jordan Davis I mean goodness they went for three defensive tackles on that line to start they're doing the same thing um I believe on this snap and it'll be Jordan love in the pistol two receivers to the top of the formation second down in 11 second snap of the 2024 season for the birds Love Takes a snap fourman pressure looks right throws that's caught there's Christian Watson for a gain of about two maybe three across the 36 yd line that's Darius Slay on the tackle here's your first third down of the evening good tackle there by big play all right forcing an early third down that's what we like to see let's get off this field come on all right they're going to go basically no huddle gonna go quick here third down and six five wide receivers they spread them all out love alone in the shotgun now he's going to motion Josh JS back behind him unless he's going to stay in the gun he's going to stay in the gun now love standing to his right third down at six z00 opening drive fourman pressure back goes love clean pocket steps up throws left side that is caught it's going to be a first down there's Romeo dos working on avonte Maddox that's a gain of about 14 and a good throw and catch there from Jordan love to move the chains and the Eagles are not getting off the field early oh my gosh well third down I've got some PTSD I know it's very early but you see something like that it's like oh boy this is man coverage MX He Slipped that's basically what happened he slipped there and it's a simple out first down and that's going to be uh the first first down of the game here 1311 to go Packers opening drive love under center now Jacobs theone setback motion across the formation for on the play clock Love Takes a snap turn give Jacobs up the middle he's hit immediately by Zack Bon and then Falls forward quinan Mitchell cleans up the play that'll be a gain of about three really good run stopping play there from Zack Bon who people had questions on his run stopping abilities at this new linebacker position for the Eagles free agent Edition it's a good play there by Q going there being physical yeah he did a good job there too you're 100% right really really good job all right so it's Jordan Davis Jaylen Carter looks like Brandon Graham and noan Smith ith have checked in for the first time Maddox is their nickel right now looks like Ringo is out Mitchell is also in Packers inside Eagle territory on the eagle 37 second down let's call it six love under Center takes the snap turn give Jacobs running left side he's hit immediately and there's Zack Bon with Jordan Davis and he maybe got back to the original line of scrimmage Jordan Davis so far Josh he's been a an impact player in the Run exactly as you'd want him to be that's that's what you want to see right there making those plays hurry up Jordan love quick snap now throws across the middle wide open that's a catch down to the 10 still going and that's going to be a touchdown for the Packers there our flags as they went quick this is uh this seems to be on Philadelphia it looks like it's going to be on Philadelphia what was going on here they went quick here comes the flag it was Reed the receiver as they went real quick threw it across the middle to a wide open Packer Target for which could be the first touchdown we have seven refs all huddled up together in the middle of the field what are they going to call here I have no clue the Packers are walking back both wo okay bows by both teams offset all right we'll take that 12 players in the Huddle and 12 players in the Huddle on both sides so it offsets and they free play my goodness oh my goodness oh that was a little bit scary right there how often do you see 24 players on the field at once between both teams pretty rare not not too often no but uh yeah we we got that I see the the hurry up got them both they're showing you got players on uh on both sides trying to hustle off but did not make it so okay wow yeah they were trying to run I think Bryce Huff was the late man trying to get off the field right there so okay another third down third down and six Packers converted on their first one this one's at the Eagle 37 yd line loved quick snap takes the snap comes a blitz steps up up throws home run ball for Christian Watson and that is incomplete quinan Mitchell in coverage no flag all right talking to him too all right fantastic that was incredible coverage right there perfect coverage that's what you I mean blanket coverage he's getting I mean there's no chance turns his head right at the last second too Bo look at this this is about as good of coverage as you could possibly have you mentioned it gets that head around throws the arm up little bit of contact there not enough to freak out and now you would expect the Packers to kick no they're going to go for this Josh they have a a brand new kicker and now they're going to burn a timeout so they're going to think about this but third and six from the eagle 37 so you're in 50 plus field goal uh yardage territory here I think they're going to go for it it looks like they are yeah I guess I kind of kind of No Man's Land you don't necessarily trust your kicker so you might as well if you feel comfortable picking up the six or seven yards okay well let's see exactly what's gonna happen here Nick serani is still upset he is still drawing with the officials um and is not happy about something not sure what it is exactly I'm sure he's still mad about that last play but uh okay yeah they are going to go for this so they are not going to risk the brand new kicker they are going to try and uh try and try and stop him this is huge right here you get good field position and you also stop them from from converting their first fourth down of the game come on Bryce Huff what do you got fourth and six let's go from the eagle 37 loing the gun false start oh I must be delayed then is it a false start I think it is it is a false start okay I'm going to refresh make sure that I can pop back up they're showing me Matt laflor now I think I'm back here yep um and we should be good okay so now now what are they going to do is the question so there's the fal start that makes it third down and 11 surely you punt it now I mean I would assume yes and this is not the right tackle they called this on 74 I believe and so oh no it is on the right tackle he was early there yep that is on the right tackle so he called the wrong Jersey so that bails out Philadelphia and they're going to have to punt this now so really good good news for the eagle defense that is about as fortunate as you can have on what was again a pretty solid defensive Drive especially stopping the run for Vic fangio Squad as the Packers will punt this ball uh likely again we're waiting on this on Fourth and 11 but they're in punt formation cvy standing alone at his one yard line as the Eagles are in punt safe just to make sure the Packers are going to go ahead and yes they will boot this one away it is angling out of bounds cvy waves his arm and then lets it go that's going to be at least out of bounds further than the five yard line the ref is still running past the 10 and the Eagles have a better field position than I guess they could have hoped if you were Green Bay and we will go to our very first timeout here uh first TV timeout as the eagle defense holds Josh not a bad start not bad we'll take it it's uh little bit of of anxiety with that touchdown non touchdown call back for a second but you know the fact that it's uh not holding up then a little bit of a breath of fresh air um or a little bit of a sigh of relief because I was I was for just a second thinking okay here we go again there's a score yep no I mean honestly I besides the avonte Maddox first down on or first down conversion on that third down play you're looking at Jordan Davis Zack Bond and Kobe Dean all looked fantastic in run stopping and Quon Mitchell holds his own on what was the Lone shot of the entire evening so pretty good so far yep can definitely live with that one as opposed to what we saw previously all right we are uh we're approaching 2,000 people watching I only have what 175 likes on uh on my stream we need more likes guys go down below hit the Thumbs Up Button the way can find it here that would be uh that would be great give the show a thumbs up and yes people are asking if you want to watch the game it is only on peacock so you don't want to pay for peacock because it's not the best streaming platform I would say there's not a lot of shows on peacock then you might as well just watch it here so there's not too many whenever you said that I was kind of like I don't know what what I've watched the last time we were there but occasionally you know something something is is worth watching but not really all right we are on commercial break here and we're about to get the eagle offense and as we've said those those likes do trans uh translate into a a win so that's what they say that's what they say at a certain point I don't know what the number is it's always different each game but oh man all right let me get the graphic changed I gotta move that but uh so far so good I absolutely love the fact that quino Mitchell is already drawing that is that is to me it's like this kid's gonna be great I mean literally one good play he's ready he's he is not afraid this is I mean this is a massive stage for a kid who's played at Toledo his entire life he's in Brazil playing for the Philadelphia Eagles covering the best wide receiver on the Packers great play there all right I'm back from commercial break he shown at uh 63 degrees in South po Brazil G us a little side screen here that's fantastic football weather it's great football weather great football weather really really good um and here we go Jaylen Herz and the eagle offense they're giving us a look at uh Jaylen Herz under center from his Zone 10 how about this saquin BR me the lone setback come on baby how about this here we go first snap of the Eagles offense 1140 to go first quarter nothing nothing Herz changing something up at the line they motion Devonte Smith up a little bit closer still under Center for in the play clock takes a snap toss left side saqu Barkley he slips and falls and loses four yards ah field we heard pregame this is a slippery football field and they went in and changed their cleats and uh maybe a little too anxious there for sake one he slips and falls and bad start to the first drive for the eagle offense and it's probably loss of I think about four yeah just straight slipped nothing he could do Straight slipped yeah that's just not oh they're and they're saying he wasn't even sure about what kind of cleats as we saw with a lot of those players but case in point lots of five Smitty in Motion herts in the gun takes the snap Forman pressure hurts in his own End Zone looks left throws left that is going to be incomplete two high for AJ Brown he had about three receivers all around him it'll be third down and long on this first drive for Philadelphia well not the start that you'd want um could still get out of this for third 15 but you move backwards on the first one Anthony deona actually had a good point to remind us all of the first snap from Jaylen Herz was under Center uh you know that's not something that we see very often so the fact that it was the first one hopefully they can get the footing figured out yeah let's protect ourselves quick snap here from the shotgun Herz back in his own End Zone steps up throws deep ball across the middle Devonte Smith it's intercepted this one's picked off running with the football as the Packers to the 20 he's got some running Lanes in front of him and tackled by Jord milot at the 19 yard line of Philadelphia Herz threw that one into double coverage that one wasn't close that's the first mistake of the football game oh boy oh that was not a i me it's easy to say it with an interception that was a that was a terrible throw that incredibly ill advised you know you're trying to make something happen trying to force it like I I don't know golly that just mean that that takes a ridiculous throw to even get something possibly to happen because you had the other safety over the top and he's just I I don't know what he I don't know what he sees that yeah that's not that's that's that's not a good start that is not a good start you got to settle down geez and now you have great field position for the Green Bay Packers oh boy live to fight another day that that that's one of those you just you throw it away incomplete punt the ball 19 yard line of Philadelphia love empty formation they're in the Red Zone already 1046 to go in this opening quarter second drive for the Packers Love Takes the snap here comes a a corner Blitz that's going to be tackled and sacked it's Zack Bond coming from his nickel position Zack Bon has start to this game and that's a loss of three in the first sack of the Eagles entire 2024 season there's one of your starting linebackers heck yeah yeah they have Bond lined up here basically in the nickel he was showing he was going to come the entire time and this is a great pass rush on the other side as well I believe it was Jaylen Carter who was going to meet him there now you have a personal foul pass what is this personal foul for is that roughing the passer Jaylen Carter J he went into the legs he rolled into the legs oh my goodness oh you got to be kidding me he got blocked into the legs of Jordan love and that's going to do it oh half the distance and automatic first down what a nightmare start the past two minutes oh that's ridiculous well so much for that sack that was it was so so good you have a delay there and oh now you're sitting at 12 yard line first and 10 there's a first down run good tackle by CJ Gunner Johnson gain of nothing um for Josh Jacobs it'll be second down from I believe the eagle 11 and they're showing us this again oh no was Jaylen Carter after the play shoves the pack and then he flopped that's a flop right there by that Packer offensive lineman oh my gosh come on I thought he slid into the legs there oh all right second down to 10 yeah that would that was that was so little of nothing all right love under Center Josh Jacobs a lone setback from the eagle 12 excuse me second second down and 10 play fake love steps up throwing right that's going to be caught nowhere to go and that is a great open field Tackle by CJ Gunner Johnson again there's another flag here Jordan love did get hit let's hope it's not roughing nope it's gonna be on the Packers it's a hold on the Packers okay good so you're gonna have you're you're you're gonna have at least well yeah you clearly accept it here 10 yard penalty they got Rasheed Walker there with the hold all right well sloppy game for a lot of people let's see who he's working on um it is uh Josh SWAT who was really getting close on Jordan love who was slipping and sliding as well there this field is not it's not good that's for sure as Luke mus had the catch and it'll be second down and 20 yeah this field is really bad so far second and 20 923 to go from the Eagle 22 yard line following the Herz interception love empty set takes a snap fourman pressure steps up throws across the middle that is incomplete good t there by Reed blankin ship that's Davian Wix a lot of people think he can be special this year and he was staring down the gun barrel of a really big hit there from The Ghost and a good play by the eagle defense to maybe they can get off the football field here force a field goal if you could force a field goal here I mean huge huge based on what we lots of people's assumptions lots of conversations that we've had maybe not as much belief in the defense this would be been that's been the best so far I mean goodness gracious all right third down and 20 motion across the formation loving the gun fourman pressure backy goes to his 30 looks to the left throws that's a screen to Josh Jacobs he's got a little bit of blockers in front of him good tackle there at the 14 yd line and the eagle defense will hold there's Jaylen Carter making up for his really bad unnecessary roughness at the end of that second play of this drive and it will be the first Packer field goal attempt of the night and so far Vic vanjo gets a thumbs up I think he I think he's done a pretty good job defense looks good for sure oh no doubt you're you're not expecting I mean at least I'm not I don't I don't know how people are feeling I'm not expecting after two trips into the red zone of uh or or at least moving the ball further down the field and saying all right well maybe we get it to to three 31 yard field goal from the left hash ball spotted kick up and it is good and so your first points of the game will go to Green Bay 3 nothing and uh two big story lines so far tonight Josh let's call it three offense three plays three bad ones defense holding their own and the field conditions look absolutely terrible they look really bad and this is oh my goodness Robert Baker Super Chat is this field from Arizona reminds me the Super Bowl it looks like it looks slip it looks more more slippery slipperier if that's a word it's a soccer field they they tend to be this way yeah it's uh does not look very good at all there's I mean and the fact that you can see when you start seeing the extra texture on the field I think that's a Telltale sign uh yeah not not too good Austin Harris appreciate the two also the Super Chat uh miss this during the action but said I expected rust but W that's uh it's I think that was for jayen I think there was reference for jaylen's play but uh yeah that that was not a great throw maybe the offense can settle down come back out on the field do a little bit better well I mean it was saquin Barkley slipping on the field that killed that drive you have first down and 10 suddenly second and 15 back toback throws and ons a pick I mean we're not going to do the whole blame the field again we're clearly not in that situation but goodness gracious just you would think they would check these things beforehand Josh right would would would it make sense just to double check and be like how's the field look you're gonna go ahead and play down in Brazil oh wow it's not that good shocker okay no not the case not the case goodness gracious Elsa's Elsa's comment give Jaylen a break the game just started yes I know that but you know it's it's the the uh the nerves are high and you know you see something like that it's kind of like oh my gosh you know it's it's settle down but yes I do believe he's going to be fine we're all right we're going to be good uh by the way if you've not already hit the like button make sure to subscribe we be live for every game uh in streaming so if you like the work that we did as far as the graphics and everything else we try to do as much as possible but um here we are I missed the sack graphic too I I forgot to play that but we got so many of these we have them didn't matter that's true I so maybe I I I knew something that's true oh man 2500 people watching appreciate you guys hanging out here if you didn't hit the Subscribe button we'd appreciate that and uh it's only three nothing I feel like the sky is falling because the eagle offense has looked bad their one possession but sky is not falling yet nope Nick serani chatting with Jaylen Carter right now probably telling him hey man listen you're the best player this entire defense you have got to you got to lead you cannot get a hot head you know it could have cost the Eagles Big Time thankfully it did not it's only three nothing 826 to go here second quarter as the Packer was about to kick this one off uh for our new Dynamic kickoff and this is a squib kick that is gonna be bouncing off an eagle picked up by Kenny gainwell at the 10 and still running across the 15 that worked pretty well if you're the Green Bay Packers and the Eagles have bad field position for Drive number two for this offense Josh what do you tell jayen Herz what's your message him I I I don't know there's too much honestly I I think that he knows I think he knows all right hey that's not a great throw there uh maybe a a settle down we're okay we're going to come back and be fine but I don't think there's a whole lot that it's it's first drive let him you know let him adjust let him figure it out uh real quick Frankie Ray appreciate the 10 said didn't expect the defense to set the tone I'm with you I don't think there go well jaylen's under Center hopeful for him but 821 to go here first quarter three- nothing Packer second drive for the Eagles Barkley you're alone setback now they motion calcatera across the formation calcatera and gotard are in Herz takes the snap turn give Barkley running left side and he's gonna fall forward for a gain of three and that I think should count as the first official carry for Squan Barkley because it goes for positive yards he's now probably uh negative2 so far in the night he's second down at seven I would agree that I think that it's it's only right you give him that as the more official one but Jordan Justin says why did we not play the offense in the preseason WTF question good question that's what a lot a lot of people asking second down at seven from the eagle 19 Goddard motions across the formation hers in the gun Barkley to his right looks left throw screen past to Godard no blockers in front of him that's a gain of a half a yard it' be third down in six and a half and that uh will give you remnants of last year and a little bit of PTSD to poor blocking tight end screens that don't seem to work as that one did not it'd be third down Philadelphia mhm they're going hurry up hurry up all right third and six from the Eagle 20 yard line Herz in the gun Barkley to his left AJ at the bottom of the formation looks like it's GD with Smitty in the slot right now here we go oh lost the balls in the ground and it looks like the Packers have it it's an early snap are you kidding me oh my gosh and they do what do we we doing on cam Jurgens boy they're gonna shred Nick serion for not playing these guys in the preseason goodness gracious yeah Jurgen snapped it too soon oh my gosh geez the Packers yeah Jaylen is still looking around yeah he's not H oh my gosh what a disaster what a disaster start this is so bad you got to be kidding me my gosh two turnovers on two two turnovers on two drives yeah your defense has kept Belling you out but you can't do this continually so as now Jurgens and him are talking on the sideline first and 10 from the eagle 14 under Center give Jacobs it's GNA be a run to his right and he's gonna make one man miss and then a nice tackle there by slay there's a flag though it'll be a hold on the Packer offense as one's going to come back Garner Johnson missed a tackle there and it uh it does is not going to matter that was the first best run of the night for the Packers and it's a hold and that's why I can't believe this start oh my gosh cannot believe this start what a nightmare did not see that one coming I think this is a hold on whoever is grabbing Nolan Smith yeah that's Tucker craft I believe the uh tight end so that'll back him up sloppy play by both sides I mean listen both sides have been sloppy on offense so far first and 20 651 to go here opening quarter Green Bay 3 Philadelphia nothing two turnovers by the eagle offense have been the difference ball at the Eagle 23 love in the gun stamps his foot takes a snap turn right throws that's going to be a quick screen got blockers in front he makes a man miss and then Falls across the 15 yard line down to the 13 that's Zack Bon and CJ gner Johnson in for the tackle it's a pretty positive play pretty well-designed positive play there for Green Bay to get them some positive yards be second down for the Packers there you go second and 10 little screen to read again if you come away with holding them to three you know somehow it's second and 10 you're back to where they were initially you gotta love that from the defense but uh gosh you're asking so much yeah they're asking a ton here here we go second down and 11 from the eagle they're going to call it the 14 love empty takes the snap Here Comes an all lot pleasure by the B looks right throws right that's caught and that's going to be a slant right in front of SLE that's Romeo dobs I think he's a yard short of the line to gain unless they give him forward progress slay's playing six yards off they send all out pressure and a quick slant there to Dos works and I think he's going to be a yard short it be third down and one from the eagle four yd line he is short yep they checked it on replay too so he is short he fell forward but slay tapped him kind of towards the end of that and makes it third down and short here but again Eagle offense is uh not making things eag easy for the eagle defense here we go third down and one Jacobs alone setback two tight ends at the bottom of the formation love under Center they can still get a first down third down and one from the eagle four Love Takes the snap Jak hit in the back field to Kobe Dean great play there by the Lineback Brandon Graham as well it's a stop on third down it's G be fourth down and three let's see what the Packers do yes come on baby man Dean and Bon have looked really good and the Packers are going to stay out there they're are they're they're going for this oh my gosh okay if we get a stop here even you limit to zero come on play by off the edge my goodness fantastic play there Jordan Davis BG coming through the defense liveing up fourth and fourth and two here there you go fourth and two come on they thought about going quick looks like love checks to an alert under Center Jacobs alone set back and eag get a stop takes a snap turn give running up the middle did he get it I think he got it I think he got it it's so close I think he got it oh man that spot is right on the yellow Line's confident that he stopped him though noob's like he was celebrating I think he got it they're signaling first aren't they they're already staying first down yeah yeah the forward progress was too much dang it gosh he got hit immediately though it's noobe again he just couldn't bring him down Zack Bond was right there too [Music] yeah man Dean was flying into that back field though the defense looks fantastic early if we can do something from a positive standpoint but either way first and goal okay dang keep him out of the end zone four minutes to go first quarter three nothing game and now we have a timeout as the Packers were winding it low on the play clock there and they're going to burn a time out with four minutes to go here in this first quarter so oh man what a start what a start goodness gracious this is unbelievable I cannot believe what the offense has done so far unbelievable and the fact that the defense has still been doing what they're doing like that's the that's the impressive part but I can't believe it goly I thought believe appreciate the super chats uh Devin wow I don't think I brought enough beer to go uh brought enough beer go Birds go both you and me both goodness gracious also uh best Sam 2009 said uh this bad start is on serani we were being cute not playing offense in the preseason we now have uh we now see the result D played and preseason aren't playing well not much r a fair point not as much rust very early but uh oh my gosh Come on can the defense do something first go from the eagle three love in the gun Jacobs to his left Eagles have their jumbo package up on the defensive line Love Takes a snap he's going to throw looking left looking left throwing that is going to be caught no it's Dro flag this is going to be on the offense it's got to be one of these illegal screen situations Reed blanket chip really good coverage here Josh I mean this is a pretty good throw and it is pass interference on the Packers this is what they get the Eagles for every single year and it's that illegal rub route here as they're trying to get Christian Watson and they're gonna try to rub off with Romeo dos in a really good play he just just takes him out there's I mean there's no attempt at a route at all he literally just goes and checks him yep yep okay gosh this defense is fighting man they are they are trying so hard right now that's the fifth Packer penalty so far of the night 353 to go here and they backed them up so now it's a first down and 10 because they're so far back at the Eagle 14 yd line loving the gun play clock winding down three receivers bottom the formation love take the snap turn give no he's going to keep it roll to his right tight end that's craft and he's hit by Garner Johnson Out of Bounds at the Eagle five it'll be second down and goal from the eagle five good play there by Gardner Johnson to make sure it didn't go any further there's a really good Blitz by noobe there but also a great pickup I think there's Josh Jacobs on the pickup but I thought noobe had a chance whenever he came flying through to the line but he got picked up pretty quickly 330 to go and what's been like a a first quarter that's felt like forever I mean geez this has been a very slow start to this game as the eagle defense tries to hold on one more time second down and goal from the eagle five love under Center Jacobs the lone setback Love Takes the snap play action pocket pressure right is gonna be hit and throwing it out of bounds incomplete okay Josh sweat okay the eagle closest there eagles pass R Us has gotten some good pressure so far Josh be third down and goal yes sweaty came through there on a uh opportunity to get a sack I mean he was like he he was a little quicker acceleration than I think we might have expected um whenever he first slipped up from from a block but good coverage all around not really anywhere for Jordan love to go with the ball everybody looked good there come on Third and goal this is oh please get off the field they're probably going to go for it though right I mean this is like still four down territory if they went for it before you'd think they're not kicking another field goal third and goal from the the eagle Five Love in the gun takes a snap fourman pressure looking right looking right dumps it that is going to be incomplete incomplete as Christian Watson slipped and fell I think he was open I think got moner issue there and they're gonna kick a field goal Garner Johnson winsing as well I think he slips here let's see here's the replay Garner Johnson's in a Zone coverage and yes he just straight up slipped this is this should have been a touchdown oh yeah wow he had a little space he was going to field goal wow they held oh my goodness they held that's incredible that is unbelievable 23 yard field goal attempt for the rookie kicker ball up and good six nothing Green Bay and uh if I would have told you Josh that the Eagles go interception fumble within their first Sni six snaps of the game but said it would only be six nothing we would have taken that I mean to the bank so I'm trying to be posi right now we absolutely positive no it's fantastic uh I initially I would have been saying like oh yeah let's start down 6-0 but it's it's a much better situation to be in than what it could have been I I mean heck that it's very plausible that we're instead sitting here right now going oh it's 140 pack right so it's still a one possession game you go all the way down the field you score a touchdown and it's 76 you have the lead right after that so uh crazy not the way that any of us wanted the offense to start no doubt but uh Mason McCrae thank you defense right there with you everybody's believing it give it a thumbs up for the defense can everybody just hit the like button right now that's gonna help the defense and settle down the offense it's I mean it's just science at this point it's just science we greatly appreciate we will take those yes every every like everyone helps gosh what a start they have got to calm this offense down you got to get Jaylen a couple of just easy throws across the middle get the ball in AJ Brown's hands and just really settle things down right now you really got to settle things down all right come on offense has got to got to get something going now I mean that that is that is really more than we bargain for for the defense uh Philly fan yeah saying it's still a winnable game it's absolutely still a winable game fine a a miserable start from the offense but you know let's see what happens here on the spe on the kickoff special teams because that's a huge facet there and I think that this season that's going to be you know it's not crazy to say it but like a very big difference maker in terms of does Michael clay figure out the kickoff situation wh basically which coaches do and which coaches don't because you're you'll probably start seeing discrepancies of like oh well hey one team starts out with the ball at the 30 yard line most every time and some teams are starting with it at the 15 you know or even less so um that squib worked out really well last time I'm curious to see if they do the same thing let's see best Sam appreciate the two so it definitely uh gets gas this could be a long night yes it it could be uh it's the defense let's hope not gets gassed but it's uh so far so good I can't get over the we're not bad we're not bad for the the fact we are playing on this field it's just it's unbelievable as the kick is underway now and this one is going to go out the back of the end zone and so with 301 to go the Eagles will have their best starting field position of the entire nightall will be 30 3,000 people watching on both channels appreciate you guys be sure to give the show a thumbs up um just gonna calm down right now okay Jaylen obviously you know pressing a little bit here let's just calm down it's G to be just fine oh my goodness we need a touch for Devonte we need a touch for AJ Brown like we we we got weapons come on oh man yeah that Jurgens snap is brutal here we go okay turnovers in the first two drives of the season for the first time since 2014 versus the Jacksonville Jaguars we know how that season ended so here we go 301 to go six nothing Packers Herz in the gun Barkley to his left ball up the eagle 30 motion cvy across the formation hert stamps his foot takes the snap he's going to throw Forman pressure looks right throws right that's caught there's gotd for a gain of four and there's your settle him down play call by Kell Moore get some sort of Rhythm for Jaylen Herz in this offense that's his first big completion really of the night because everything else has been kind of pretty weak screens didn't expect to be saying that uh with just a couple minutes left in the first quarter but all right just take a deep breath move down the field dirty air appreciate the two said need to sustain a drive here so Rd gets a break absolutely yes keep this thing moving hers in the gun they're moving it around the offensive line Barkley to his right second and six from the eagle 34 Herz takes a snap play fake no give to Barkley running left side and Barkley is going to get about four maybe three and a half he third down and short that was a pretty good running Lane there for saquan Barkley his best run of the night and the eagle offense will have a critical third down here you've got to assume your your defense is gassed right now Josh get us first down get the drive going and they're going to start to settle in here I think yeah that was uh interesting too seeing Lander Dickerson he he saw the movement at the D line turned around and I think he he gave the heads up to Herz there I don't know if we you know we've heard like the protection calls and what jaylen's doing on that side but he gave a a signal to Herz and it looked like they changed something third and one from the eagle 38 takes the snap pre- snap throw caught that's AJ Brown for first down there's an off sides as well that's what I was wondering if they were going to blow that play dead there's an easy snap or an easy slant for AJ and that is the always open first catch there of the night for number 11 let's check the flag though I believe it's an offsides I think they did yeah it looks like they're going to get Kenny Clark here for an offside so it's going to be a first down for Philadelphia yes okay they will they will decline that as the game was about eight and uh there you go your first completion to AJ Brown of the night and now the offense is rolling here approaching the 50 they're starting to settle in good throw here from Jaylen Herz too that's the automatic we've said it a number of times you know but the the slant to AJ it's Unstoppable always always open just go there whenever in doubt so uh Herz takes the snap 122 to go he's going to keep it quarterback keeper running right makes one man miss he's Racing for the sideline and gets out of bounds for a gain of about three there's your first read option of the evening so far for Herz in this offense it'll be second down at seven as we dip below 110 to go here first quarter you know I don't know last year if he would have been able to uh outrun to the corner don't know for sure either I don't think so either yeah all right second down and seven for the Eagles here first look at Kell Moore on the broadcast her's going to be in the gun at the Eagle 48 Barkley to his right he's not subbed out yet so far tonight four wide receivers in including Britain cubby Herz takes the snap fourman pressure looking right throwing right that's caught there Smitty's First Catch makes a man miss there goes Devonte Smith with a big hit across the 50 and down to the 44 yd line of the Packers and that's enough for an eagle first down and Devonte Smith was dead to rights for a gain of about three makes two Packers Miss and that's a first down for Philadelphia and that'll probably end the first quarter what a play you said it right there I mean Smitty only had about three yards well they thought about going quick 13 on the game clock here 18 on the play clock let's see if they snap one here Herz in the gun in Packer territory they are going to snap one this is a quick screen left side there's Devonte Smith AJ Brown blocking and Smitty falls out of bounds for a gain of nine look at that and that is a good looking tunnel screen Devonte Smith to end the first quarter and the eagle offense is really starting to find a rhythm here Josh thumbs up for what we're looking at the past couple of plays yeah and you know we say the the screen pass that we don't necessarily love yeah looks a little different whenever you have the good blockers out there on that side so you throw it to Smitty have AJ and Dallas gter blocking turns into a gain of nine capitalized there second and one coming up all right after a little dicey situation we can we can take a deep breath the the offense seems to be rolling a little bit better yeah so hopefully we're okay but did you see all the the grass that popped up on Devonte Smith's helmet there after that tackle this field is just oh man yeah it's I mean you're both playing on it right you go back to the Super Bowl both teams are playing on it so what can you do but still brutal it's it's it's it's a really bad field it is a really bad field oh it's atrocious getting Sly these comments I love it outside Max Smitty not blocking yeah that's normally it would be Smitty be the one blocking uh no offense to him but you know it's like Smitty blocking Alam zakas blocking they went they went the smart route so it it's crazy I mean honestly again just just saying this from what we saw and the fact that like you keep this going you just March down the field the defense is able to catch up or catch their breath you be okay if they go down and score a touchdown literally it's like all right you know it's a new a brand new ball game I know it's incredibly early but still the fact that it's a 6-0 and it's not 140 or a 10 Z game it very easily could have been my gosh 140 you go crazy crazy you haven't subbed yet you're brand new we do this every single Eagles game plenty of eagles content as well hit the subcribe button I'm giving away tickets to uh Eagles and Falcons actually at Eagles stadium I'm going to give them away on my recap show tomorrow so if you haven't subbed yet be sure to do that there you go um and hopefully a sub will mean the Eagles are about to go down and score because 76 in this game looks very different very different yeah that is uh an absolute for sure um and by the way I think I've got to give away the LeSean McCoy uh helmet cuz the the person did not claim it so I've got to signed lesan McCoy helmets you can kind of barely see back there but uh at some point during the game I'll probably give that away to somebody so we'll see uh let me get these super chats real quick Josh H says I think both teams can say the field is garbage yep I think we've seen more than enough that uh the field is that way Lorenzo appreciate the two said uh at least the defense is showing up totally agree at least they holding up there into the bar hopefully offense can do him a favor here and go down and get six and Jake Wallace appreciate the five said Remember the Eagles defense started out hot against the ners then fell off maybe we'll do that against uh the Packers maybe it still looked better so far I mean let's let's be honest I know it started out well for like what a drive a drive and a half but you you just didn't even see that physicality so I think the difference is you're you're seeing some physicality from the squad that we didn't see previously here we go let's go offense herdz takes a snap play action rolling to his right now no one open now he's going to throw it out of bounds we taking a hit and that is going to be incomplete it'll be third down and one let me know if you want to take over up to you uh yes yep that be 144 to go probably be good as well so yep I I kind of spaced out that we switched quarters so all right we're good now third and one they didn't tush push either I don't think I don't know if they're if they're going to do it here y they are you should okay yes we're going to get it finally it's it's the uh tush push number one of the season and I don't think he got it the shove went forward and Jaylen he did either he he Packers went over too low yeah cam Jurgens and got hit immediately and this is gonna be fourth down this is gonna be fourth down my gosh yeah it's uh I mean looks like they didn't even gain anything from the line of scrimmage they're going to go quick okay so do you go again line up and do it again okay fourth and one everybody lined up for the brotherly shove saquin behind Gard behind sides all right there we go yep you go with a quick snap or a quick hurry up get him to jump five yard penalty first down gotta give a shout out to my boy Jacob Allen Watching The stream from Utah right now shout out Jacob Allen any ladies in the chat hit him up he is uh desperately single so just let me know really good play Here by Jaylen Herz probably on the hard count you can hear it there was the hard count and got him to go that is the beauty of the brotherly shove is that they are trying so hard to get a massive jump that you're just itching to go and there you go that's going to happen a lot more this year good play there by Herz and an easy first down and this drive thankfully continues okay not the way I expected it with the the brotherly shove but we're okay first and 10 ball at the 29 of Green Bay Herson the pistol the snap hand off squ got a hole up the middle breaks a tackle and up to the uh 17 yd line a gain of 12 yards best run from saquin behind the o line there it is let's go yeah this is just very simple they're going to go right behind McKai beckon they're going to bring in Grant kakera and how about cam Jurgens opened up basically the Panama Canal size hole across the middle of this Eagle offense and saquan runs right through it for a big gain lays a little hit on Xavier McKenna as well first down Philadelphia they're driving inside the Red Zone ball at the 18 Jaylen under Center sequan the single back now got it in motion to the right Jaylen takes the snap hand off saquin up the middle and he stonewalled immediately did not get a push at all loss of one or two yards there on the play brings up a second and 12 little predictable I guess one good run from a running back how often you see that in the NFL they give it right back and they don't go anywhere so nice play here I believe the penetration comes from the right side no it was actually the left and uh Lon Dickerson missed a block there and easy stop for a loss of one and be second down and 11 all right a little bit behind the chains had a little motion Johan doson out to the left side got trips to the left jayl in the gun Barkley to his right now motion Johan doson going to The Far Side Jaylen takes the snap looking over the middle has some time going to throw a deep shot to the end zone it's saquin it's not touchdown saqu Barkley receiving touchdown what a throw the lead wow oh my gosh how about the spice and flare from Kell Moore here Josh they're going to motion Johan doson all the way across on this orbit motion and then they're going to run two seams in front of this defense and sneak saquan out of the back field on a linebacker that is something we have not seen in over a calendar year in this Eagle offense what a dart from Jaylen Herz too this hit saquan right between the two and the six in the corner of that end zone and the eagle offense from the bad start they figured things out and that's the first touchdown of the gay and you're anytime saquan Barkley touchdown it just hit if you're betting on that one tonight unbelievable throw here Jaylen Herz I I did I had an anytime touchdown so I am I am pumped about that one uh congrats to everybody else who had hit that and of course Jake Elliot with the extra point is good and so that means for those that are curious the Eagles lead for the first time this season the Eagles lead after turning the ball over twice we got a ball game stream just a little bit make sure we uh link back up there was a little bit ahead there yep oh man that's why you draft saquan Barkley in the first round of your fantasy football league ladies and gentlemen that right there wow oh my gosh how about that a drive too right down the field that's what you needed that is absolutely what we needed oh my gosh let's thumbs up right now if you're watching this show and you're pumped about the Eagles getting that that that that first touchdown give the show a thumbs up birds back on top when we have 500 likes on my side we got to get to at least a thousand we have a ton of people watching right now we appreciate you guys hanging out with us but that right there alone is worth uh is is worth giving the show a thumbs up come on yes drop a like we appreciate it we're leading oh my goodness let's see I I missed a couple of these because obviously we're in the the Heat of the Moment but Jerry L appreciate the F had it really felt like the Philly lady what's going on that first quarter I he that was literally very much turned into the the Emoji on that side um and then Andrew Andrew travelli the TU bomb appreciate it said I called it you did call it saquin with the touchdown so good for you good for me good for all of us um that took it as far as an anytime touchdown score and you know obviously for Thomas I don't know if you took him as an anytime touchdown score but you have him in fantasy so regardless you know you're a winner there um man that is just like to see that from Jaylen the dot on the money and it's SE it's saquan like that baby that's the realization it's not like this is just a one-time thing it's it's the entire season of saquon Barkley the defense has to account for him and I mean you saw it there's some some hey he broke a run for 12 yards all right hey defense gets a little bit keyed up on saquon Barkley if he's gonna run the football and then all of a sudden you run him out of the back field a little bit of a wheel route come on oh man what a start I cannot believe that throw what an absolute crazy throw goodness cation I already have a heart attack we're like a quarter and two minutes in and we are easy oh my goodness unbelievable we'll be okay uh John M let's go let's go appreciate the seven also have another John here John Winkler uh let's see Phillies best Eagles 14 to7 I don't know what that means but we'll take it not sure Philly's Best Eagles 14 to7 I don't know shout out dirty air becoming a member of the show I appreciate that and uh we're rolling now I mean we are rocking and rolling right now gez 3,500 people watching on both shows we appreciate that 76 and that was the saquan Barkley drive right there I mean great couple of runs they convert on the fourth down thanks to the offsides and again this play they're showing us right now it's orbit motion so you bring joh Johnson all the way across and get his Defender out of the way you run two clear out routes from AJ Brown and Devonte Smith and then you sneak saquan Barkley on a wheel route he's oneon-one on a linebacker Kell and Moore welcome to the Philadelphia Eagles we've missed you and needed you desperately can't throw it any better uh so anyway after the kickoff which was sped up the Packers will have the ball at the 30 Jordan love drops back to pass over the middle has a man it's oh off the fingertips complete looks like that was Wicks there yeah it was and he just dropped it I mean it hit him in the hands should have been complete for a big gain instead it's incomplete and second to 10 BG coming around the edge here they had Max protect trying to get Wicks on a stop route and guess what he slipped yet again and the frustration from the Packer receivers I'm sure it's on both sides but that's two big plays one should have been a touchdown and one was a drop the slipping field conditions have been a problem second down and 10 there you go ball in the 30 Jordan love handoff left side it's not Josh Jacobs but a big hole gain all the way up to 44 and slip down there and he slipped and he slipt of course another yep it's wilon whose call is this do they not check these things out hey let's just go Sprint on this field and try and stop real quick and see what happens goodness gracious the number of times that I've seen some soccer matches on some ill-prepared Fields I don't know if it's the because of the swapping of the turf or the grass for this particular event terrible it's not ter Wilson's going to get another handoff looks up the middle has some space outside bounces it there and Zack Bond finally brings him down with the help of Reed blanket ship uh but not before a g of about four so it's a second and six should have gone nowhere Eagles had good penetration up the middle good kind of Bounce out there by Wilson and Bon again has had a very good evening so far brings him down a stop what could have been at least a 10 plus yard gain so second down now 1136 to go in the second quarter and now the eagle defense again playing great so far give us another stop that's what we need all right second in five officially Jordan Ling the gun Wilson to his left got trips to the right now motion Christian Watson left handoff up the middle has a whole plenty of room Wilson all the way the first down and more up into Eagle territory to the 36 yd line 34 yd line finally brought down there was I mean a mile wide for him to run through that lane well what do we say right we uh fantastic against the run the first couple of drives and now they're starting to work here they're going right at Jaylen Carter on this one sorry Jordan Davis Davis nowhere to be found that's a really bad rep there by number 90 Dean also got lost in the hole and uh Eagle defense reown a little bit on this drive is the best Packer drive so far the night because they've had to kind of go you know into Eagle territory every single time so come on all right first and 10 now Packers ball at the 34 yd line and Jordan love is gonna have to take a timeout because there was only one second left on the play clock that's going to be the final timeout for Green Bay their last one yeah okay okay see if that ends up biting him in the first half but yeah there go jeez still 10 minutes to go in the second quarter it's showing how crazy slow this game is right now it's unbelievable it oh man it's interesting though it's not been Josh Jacobs that's burned the Eagles so far on the ground it's been the other two backs for the Green Bay Packers that have had the nice runs if you will you know the solid runs and so keep an eye on that as the night goes on but very interesting that it's been it's been not Josh Jacobs as we're seeing more and more Packers changing their cleats right now on the sideline after again an atrocious atrocious Fu condition so far for both sides yeah been absolutely miserable um it is interesting though like you said with with Josh Jacobs there I don't know if it's uh anything injury-wise you see that they're changing out cleats on the sidelines for the the equipment trainers so that's always a good sign but they're back from the timeout now first and 10 ball at the 34 loving the gun Mal motion he's going to hand off Reed on an end round takes the hand off has plenty of room makes a couple people miss and still going all the way to the 10 to five touchdown Packers you got to be kidding me he had so many guys that could have brought him down there and just just March right just just go right on through the defense cutting through it like Swiss chees [Music] and well that was quick well if you watch the Chiefs game last night that's the exact same play Xavier worthy scored on and listen Reed is very similar in terms of his speed he's not as fast he's not 4-2 but this is this is a simple end around they have the running back as your lead blocker Darius Slay gets lost in no man's land Garner Johnson's getting blocked downfield nobody really comes close I mean a couple of hands go on Reed yikes there's a bad possession by the eagle defense and a quick score here by Green Bay that was atrocious and the extra point is good too so that's back to there's a flag on the field um we'll see what that is goodness gracious right now it's 13 to7 might be something yeah I mean Zack Bond had an opportunity to bring him down I think ionay Maddox had an opportunity to bring him down there was not guys getting off blocks as well but I mean wow that that was offside defense so that's that's extra point enforced on the kickoff not a difference there as far as the extra point goes so 13 to7 Green Bay I mean it it literally just went to the running game I mean basically like all right hey we're going to run the football and you're not going to be able to stop us so okay oh hang on they looks like are they going they're gonna go for two they're going to go for two okay I thought they were saying they were going to go kickoff but that's right okay so take that back it is 12 to seven and Green Bay is on the field uh to try to get two oh man okay come on this would be big I mean gez 12 to7 versus 14 to7 is quite the difference in terms of late in this football game when you're down two versus three or three versus five right instead of needing a touchdown so here we go come on love under Center eye formation at the two takes the snap hand off Jacob's left side meet by contact stop not going get first man there looks like Milton Williams hit him first and then I think that was q and Nolan Smith who finished him off oh that's huge that is absolutely huge wow okay 127 what a stop we'll take it we will take it you gave up the you know you gave up six but you didn't give up the eight so you know that's at least better but okay I think Thomas was in on that touchdown run I believe I saw Thomas Booker chasing after re yeah you're getting quite the uh interesting quite the rotation there on the defensive line Thomas Booker barely made this roster as your you know six fifth defensive tackle and uh yeah the depth of the roster um all right let me get these super chats in because we got several of these we appreciate them uh just during the the stream was difficult okay Leon says now let's exhale play some ball that was after Jaylen Hertz agre down we got this um not great after that unfortunately but yes uh John Winkler said the beating Eagles 14 to7 sorry no worries that makes more sense I was going to say I didn't exactly but gotcha Philly Don said I called that yesterday Thomas as far as the uh the touchdown I believe he did Josh H did I find it interesting man is doing kickoffs that's a good point they they've had Braden man um too make a lot of sense not injury for Jake Elliott as I think that's what they're probably trying to do they don't want him to slip running up to the football I'd be I would bet money that that that's what it is they want to save him for field goals only it's not worth slipping yeah makes sense and also Josh H again said it's the beginning of Spring in Brazil hence the turf okay well weatherwise I guess if we're not going to have the should have thought about this we played a game in Brazil but I me yeah the N had forever to think about this uh and then David David as well appreciate the five said equipment manager who changes cleats first will be MVP LOL go Birds you guys are great thank you David and uh it looked like it was the Packers equipment manager granted we only had the angle of the Packers so the Eagles one could also be on the sideline doing the same thing but from all we've seen it was it appeared to be the Packers that are back there swapping out cleats but uh here we are again and regardless of which team wins like it it will be a storyline like there's there's no doubt that the turf the it'll be the story line and you're going to see all the slips and people are going to say how did the NFL do this you you you spoiled a what could have been a better game because there's not going to be these excuses not going to be chance for injuries the main thing you hope is there's no significant injuries to come from it but even still the outcome of the game regardless of who wins you'll automatically go well if he didn't slip on that play or if he didn't slip on a potential completion I mean yep unbelievable unbelievable all right well both play both teams uh I should say are having to play on the bu so whatever you may think about that there there's something to be said let's see they have a the referee Ryan Dixon is getting his half looked at right now so that's where the extra uh the extra referee I believe that they carry on these games is is is there as there goes the kickoff big Dom is helping check him out too so he he should be fine it's a Touchback it'll be at the Dom is checking him out then sure 30 you know you're in good hands if big Dom's coming over there sure give show a like we're trying to get to a thousand likes here um we are getting close both channels I think we definitely almost almost there give the show a thumbs up we appreciate that it's free just hit the Thumbs Up Button very simple oh let's see what the eagle offense does though Josh me goodness a fantastic Drive following the two nightmare starts to this game with an interception and a fumble and then Jaylen settles down and goes right down the field Now's the Time to prove it again maybe get AJ Brown involved a little bit more here on this drive what do you say here we go let's do it first and 10 ball at the 30 yard line jayel in the gun saquan to his rights hand off saquan left side has a little bit of space pushes forward gain of about two before he's shut down maybe a three yard gain there not terrible looked like he could had a little bit more it's both sides are playing on this field but you always have to wonder right offensive lineman you're trying to bench press somebody who's the same size as you while also slipping around on ice is kind of my thought here right like how hard is it to run block right now it does make you wonder if it's easier to run block easier to pass block well that weigh in on the play calling here as they show us Kell Moore interesting to kind of keep an eye on as we move through the rest of this game all right second and eight officially ball in the 32 jayen in the gun again now Kenny gainwell to his right has motion Johan doson left side takes the snap fake hand off to Kenny G looking to the middle pressure now escapes to the right and going to throw it out of bounds incomplete brings up see if this is a coverage play here because Jaylen had a lot of time before a packer her linebacker Broke Free and ran him down I believe it was ran Gary I think but this is this is four or five seconds to kind of sit there my lot is in really good pass protection finally gets thrown there by Smith and then he has to throw it away out of bounds but I assume that's a coverage sack it's not a sack but a coverage play there by the Packer secondary third and eight come on big play here Kenny G on the field for this third down herds in the gun sees something now he's motioning over to Smitty and to Johan dodson's side got trips to the to The Far Side AJ Brown near side two on the G play clock takes the snap left side Blitz complete AJ he's got space breaks a tackle going forward to the 50 all the way up to the 45 of Green Bay pushed out of bounds big play first down let's go always open well Josh all we heard all offseason long was you just have to Blitz Jaylen Herz and he crumbles Jaylen recognizes it he changes this play at the Line This is a zero Blitz and Herz takes a shot at the end of this and of course a slipping Jer Alexander frees up AJ Brown that's the first time they've really sent some pressure on Herz and he's one for one so far in that one first down into Packer territory well done there you go and the hurry up here at least to get set and then kind of see what the defense shows so Herz in the gun again he's got trips to The Far Side Kenny G still next to him in the gun four on the play clock got a hurry three two is he going to get it off he does hand off gain well and no hurts keeps it he actually goes to the right side to the line of scrimmage before he slides down so he's uh no gains second to 10 this is technically technically an RPO they did keep Devonte Smith basically standing still in the slot and Herz could have thrown those football to him he kind of made that that that motion and then decided to kind of tuck it and then go down for the slide again slipping and sliding this Turf looks horrible if you're seeing this on TV it looks just absolutely really really bad especially on the NFL logo at the 50 it's miserable it's uh that was a little bit of flare there from Kell Moore that didn't get to show itself off on a uh kind of a an RPO with three different options for Herz there second down and nine yep there we go Herz in the gun again now has more motion which we see on almost every play it looks like will Shipley over there jayen looks that side now has a man Smitty complete first down and more breaks a tackle up to the 21 yd line before he's brought down first and 10 Jaylen looked off will Shipley found his second man there in in Devonte Smith he might have had him all along but he looked off the defender there made a play this is the basically the exact same play that we saw them score on except for it's Devon myth they want on this little wheel route right so they have an option to get the defense to sucker up on the running back coming off of the back field on for a screen then they sneak Devonte Smith behind the defense a nice throw there and again Kell Moore starting to get into his bag here on this really Second Great Drive by The Eagles here in the second quarter here we go 720 to play in the second quarter jayen in the gun takes the snap looking over the middle blitzed he's got gets it out to saquin who breaks the tackle no he steps out of bounds oh he had some room still a gain of about four but man that could have been bigger I'm going to say it every single time tonight Josh there was another Blitz by the Green Bay Packers and there is Jaylen Herz knowing where his hot route is right where do you go when pressure comes at your face he did not have answers to that last year this is a very simple dump off to saquin Barkley it gets five yards and you live to play another down you think back to the Giants game in New York last year these sort of plays ended up in sacks that's a great play there by Jaylen Herz to get the ball out and get five yards on what could have been a broken play here we go five on the play clock second and five jayen the gun both backs in to will Shipley takes a snap quarterback run up the middle has some space pushes forward almost the first down up to the 12 yd line and it'll bring up a third and less than a yard let's again okay again motion it makes a difference the Eagles ran this quarterback power a ton last year and it basically very rarely worked this time though when Kell Moore comes in as a play caller you motion shiple to run to the opposite side of the formation that makes the defense have to do at least a check at least look his way and maybe free up a run for Jaylen to get four here we go brotherly shove third and one second try this time and it looks like jaylen's got it there you go so one for two so far Dallas GD and saquin Barkley both of which squat a lot just shoving to Jaylen Herz in the back here you do wonder how much saquon Barkley's quads which you and I have seen up close in person they are confirmed massive we're going to help versus say Devonte Smith shoving Jaylen Herz in the back there's an easy conversion on the brotherly shove first down and 10 interesting the way that you said that but it is it is true it is true uh hand off now saquin he's got a hole he's going to make a touchdown no yesy two for two 11 yard touchdown and hey right there kudos to Makai beckon for the lane and pave the lane who also comes up there to give him a shout out that was picture perfect and saquan has not seen a hole like that in his entire NFL G there you go you think saquan Barkley is worth $13 million a year Josh I think the answer so far is 100% yes this is a big hole but he has to jump cut to make it and what do we what have we known Squan Barkley to do so well through his entire career jump cut to openings and then burst through for massive gains this is all 26 with both touchdowns for Philadelphia and paying him just even what he was due over the course of his entire career with the New York Giants in this off season so far so good 26 is here he's putting on a showdown in Brazil what a play oh my gosh oh my goodness I'm so hyped and by the way Jake Elliott did make the extra point so e a l s Eagles man come on now I mean just the offense the fact that we have that and it it's I just I can't tell you I mean the the the play design you know you called it out how much motion that we had throughout that series I I don't even recall a single play where I didn't say like there's motion right left Far Side near side somewhere that a player is going on so you have all the motion that's taking place but then the decision-making answering to the blitz saquin Barkley debut and announcement to the world which I think is what we expected to see him do but 14 to 12 man this team he looks good there's some things that we little dicey start with the offense not great with the defensive stoping the run but this is showing you the ultimate potential of this Squad and if they're on all if they're firing on all cylinders the difference of kellmore offense I mean it it just there there were some spurts of not being right there in in uh I don't know I guess I guess as far as like you know just making mistakes and turnovers and showing some Rust but you just see the difference and you see the belief in the guys too so uh John and appreciate seven more I think that's that's seven for seven points so we appreciate that uh but says he says thank you New York that is that's about what everyone is doing here and the fact I love also thank you newk that our Giants friends are probably watching this going they hate it you know they well there you go we we went ahead and did that as as you and I both talked to Justin Pew about it as well whenever we were on his show so sh shout out to Justin um but you know we were saying the same thing of like I mean come on like you get saquin on this offense and it's it's just a difference like he's he's excited he's pumped up he knows the uh potential that he has the Jeff stoutland o line what he's going behind I just can't believe it I cannot believe how good he looks I cannot believe how good he looks in this offense it's unbelievable it's unbelievable if you got him in in fantasy you're looking pretty good you're feeling pretty good yeah well he has 16 points for those of us who do have in fantasy stand Le very quickly of how many points he has so just checking in pretty good I know how you know that very quickly like that all right good for you oh my goodness wow James says he bought so many rookie cards this offseason that not too bad smart by the way this offense is starting to really cook these past two possessions we talk about rust that that narrative has completely died right the first two possessions sure these past two have been unbelievably sharp Jaylen Herz is seeing blitzes recognizing them calling them at the offensive line making sure he gets to his hot reads this is this is a scary offense I mean two really good drives in but it it's it's terrifying for the rest of the league right now it's really oh completely yeah because you gotta count for Jaylen you know as we say and then you got saquon there it gives me chills watching that drive oh my gosh that jump cut from saquin Barkley is prime saquin Barkley I mean that is what you think when you think saquin Barkley at his best we worry about health you know was he going to be healthy can he be good at 26 you know the age that running backs fall off looks pretty good so far on a slippery field looks really good so far he definitely does uh shout out to Austin Harris here says if you have a Giants fan friend uh check on them yes please check on them make sure they're okay um you don't have to first and 10 though let's see if the defense can do something here first 10 for the Packers Jordan love drops back to pass a little pressure from Nolan Smith it almost picked off oh my gosh no ncoe Dean the ball hit him in the hands and he dropped it that would have been a pick six noobe Dean and we have questions of the coverage but he was right there to make the play Oh My Gosh and pick six oh he was on Josh Jacobs perfectly Jordan love slipped okay first off Nolan Smith beats his man around the edge he slips and Falls Jordan love then slips and falls and then he almost throws a pick to noobe Dean that's going the other way and this game was blown wide open oh my goodness that was so close gosh okay well second and 10 now man that would have been huge love dropping it back to pass deep shot to left side and it's a batted ball up in the air out of bounds incomplete very dangerous throw Mitchell guess who with the pbu quinan Mitchell he's looked absolutely fantastic tonight so far Josh zero catches on the Eagles rookie and this is good protection by the Packer offensive line they're trying to find their linebacker and Luke Musgrave and quinan Mitchell comes off of his man and wow what an incredible breakup there to go Force third down and 10 Eagle defense again two good possessions two bad possessions this is possession number five they're starting to work it out You' love to see it third and 10 522 to play in the second quarter Eagles leading 14 to2 Jordan love now in the gun little motion left for Watson takes the snap fourman pressure has a hole up the middle going to try to create space now over the middle wide open is re catches it broken tackle I think he's gonna go he is 10 five touchdown Jaden Reed my gosh wide open jeez what a what a swing of emotions I don't he un That was supposed to be there I mean CJ gner Johnson I think is the one who slipped at the end but the field is terrible Eagles are playing Zone reeds in the slot on the left side and there's no one there I mean literally there's absolutely nobody there it's very simply a blown coverage yes CJ Gunner Johnson misses the tackle but CJ Gunner Johnson is not supposed to be the man in coverage he's just the the end man as my peacock stream has died so I am Flying Blind right now thanks to Peacock that was just wide open just like that well and there's a flag on the extra point so let's see if we're going to get another my whole peacock has shut down that's weird oh my good reot it hopefully you know they're going to get hate for uh this I'm sure that you're not the only one that's affected good Lord have mercy this is unbelievable come on make sure I have it on my stupid phone okay well they pushed the extra point back five yards so there was a penalty on the offense takes a snap extra point up the kick is did he get it he barely did snuck it in okay well this the score line that um none of us expected to see is a 19 to 12 or 19 to 14 um oh that was the opposing touchdown and then there's the I'm back all right they just they just went to commercial cool I am playing Reed in one of our fantasy one of our two fantasy leagues which is an absolute bummer um it's not Good Golly he's had a he's had a game that's just wide open no excuses for that I mean zero excuses Devonte all the momentum gone just like that it is we I mean it was it was that close and Mason like we were saying too bringing up the point of if Dean catches that if noobe Dean had caught that it's it's it is I mean we're not going to say ball game but it is like completely you got the momentum from Marchin Outfield you get a pick six the defense pins the ears back they they're playing with a confidence and and just like that you go from third and 10 hopefully getting off the field I mean you could have scored a pick six but even get off the field in third and 10 and a massive play by the Packers and now they have the lead just oh man all right Eagle defense I mean again they bent but didn't break those first two terrible situations inside the eagle Red Zone and now with normal siiz Fields they have they've struggled a little bit they have they have 100% struggled a little bit so oh for sure yeah that is uh that is not good um let's see I got to get this one here too because uh I missed it earlier but um let's see where is that one here we go uh it's it's Caleb my twin bro appreciate the five hey he says we nailed that lock bet on saquan to score bro also have him in fantasy so Caleb does have him in fantasy in his league so good for you and and we did we discussed we discussed the sequin for those that are following on Underdog and you know by the way just a little plug but you can use my code Philly special get up to $100 in bonus cash and if you follow along on X or Twitter whatever you want to call it I did share those bets I Shar the free bets I got a saquin anytime touchdown to score it was actually like a two times multiplier so you know for those of us that took it pretty good not too bad we're sitting pretty tripled the money with the other pick so JC Kirk oh sorry I was gonna get go go good go JC Kirk says saquan having a game himself appreciate the two and then der appreciate the five says is our defense really that trash or the field really that bad I can't tell right now that's a totally that was was not a field problem if if being honest that was a that was a blown coverage so but the field is really bad but again you could had a pick six there and this game is very different listen we expected a shootout right I mean come on we expected this to be off defense versus offense defense is trying to figure things out and you got it right now you still have five minutes to go in this first quarter oh they game is going to return it and runs right unusual did he just did he fumble no he didn't fumble okay just gracious returns it to about the 22 23 yard line so okay not great look at Bryce Huff did you just see that replay Josh oh yeah Bryce Huff slipping it this is worse than the Arizona field in ter so bad it is so bad we are going to have no indication on this defensive line after tonight they are sliding like crazy don't have any takeaways and and honestly if you're the offense I think you just start telling your offense like hey guys this is going to be unorthodox because let's try to run routes that create players or or defensive players slipping CU that that's your ultimate Advantage all right ball in the 23 jaying the gun fake hand off to saquan looking over the middle going to fire it and it's incomplete little low intended for AJ brown little shoving after the fact I think that was uh is that Jer Alexander also yeah a little little shoving but they no no Flags no Flags second and 10 five minutes left in the second quarter all right they're showing me brown right now I had to refresh so now they're showing me the replay boy Brown almost picked the one off the ground and then yeah shove there by Alexander and then a shove by AJ brown little drawing and the Twitter verse is just freaking out understandably about saquon but you got like anyone and everyone watching this game saying like how did the Eagles get saquin so second and 10 Herz takes the snap over the middle again it's complete AJ Brown first down breaks the tackle up to the 37 yd line and that'll be a first down AJ Brown he's looking at he's looking at mckenny after that one too I love it I love it yep don't let 11 get hot this is this is the d The Dilemma of the Eagles offense who do you want to beat you pick your poison it was 26 that last drive so far it's been 11 here early on this next drive and he's John with JR Alexander afterwards as well come on guys keep going get fired up I don't mind that all right 428 to play in the second quarter first and 10 Eagles have the ball at the 36 yd line officially jayen in the gun saquan to his left trips right faride Jaylen takes the snap Forman pressure has some time now going to try to escape to his right looking downfield going to have to throw it away out of bounds incomplete second attempt smart play don't throw another interception that's um that's what's what you don't want to have happen and no one open Live to play another down one score gain no issue there you're fine you're fine you're fine oh boy we need we we we need another score we got to go down got to go down and score oh yeah yeah you got to get the get the momentum back Jeff Halley has his work cut out for him as they show him there in the in the booth upstairs uh as he's trying to prepare for this Eagles offense it is a second and 10 now Jaylen Herz in the pistol formation saqu on the running back there motion Smitty to the near side Jaylen takes the snap hand off Barkley right side has a little bit of a push going to try to move forward and only a gain of about two yards so brings up a third and eight four minutes left in the second quarter how many times is peacock gonna ask me if I want to get more information on my NFL teams have you gotten that popup like 9,000 times tonight goodness gracious yeah now that you mention it I I just kind of was assuming I just got to keep on messing with it here but it's it's popped up a number of time so bad oh my goodness please you know everyone's just going to keep their peacock subscription after this the way that it's going right cuz it's just so lovely it's just a fantastic experience for everybody all right Jaylen takes this snap third and seven going to have a little bit of pressure it's complete and God has a wide open space up to the 45 all the way to the 40 where he's pushed out of bounds and a good play guess what hey Jaylen Herz completes a pass over the middle granted there's a Packers Defender that slipped but you could say that on just about every play uh a first down and AJ kind of got away with one this is a rub route here perfectly designed as AJ does not run into the nickel Defender but gets in his way and causes him to slip again welcome to the show tonight it's the slip it's a slip Fest but a nice throwing and catch GD has the first down and the Eagles are Marching into Packer territory all the Green Bay 40 first and 10 259 to play in the second quarter Jaylen herdz in the gun saquan to his left trips Right Far Side it's going to be a handoff saquin pushes forward and only a gain of about two yards that did not look good saquan is he oh no is he okay no he's okay okay he's calling he's calling for a sub that was a very strange awkward looking tag he went down to his knees and kind of had his yeah he got back pushed backwards yeah that hopefully he's okay he he is able to run off under his own power but I just I don't like seeing that he ran right into the back of Jordan Mila as well goodness gracious Inc comes 14 so Kenny gainwell is getting a roll here Jaylen wants them to reset the play clock too I think they did all right so second and eight gamewell to the left 3 seconds on the play clock now gamewell is motioning out right side takes a snap Forman pressure Herz has a little pressure up the middle escapes that now rolling out to the right side to find some time and throws a deep shot incomplete intended for Johnny Wilson first time that we have called his name but uh brings up a third and eight Packers have done a good job making sure Jaylen doesn't burn them on these scramble drills I mean this is a a very clean pocket for the majority of this snap no one's really open he s side steps the defender and rolls to his right and there's four Packers making sure it's either throwing this out of bounds or he's going to take a big shot so a nice play there by Herz and I like the confidence in throwing it up to his big six5 receiver and Johnny Wilson got to love to see it he drafted him for a reason so more so maybe for Red Zone but uh third and eight five on the play clock two minutes and three seconds in the second quarter left Jaylen Herz empty set takes the snaps going to be QB dro the middle but there's lots of pack there he's going to be stopped short by about two yards two and a half yards brings up a fourth down that's a I I don't like that play call just seeing what you saw what the Packers had up the middle but uh I don't know fourth and two I'm pretty sure Jaylen thought he was going to have a crease that didn't end up coming to fruition there that I mean that that is not a designed run Jaylen just decided to go for it there um we're going to make sure that saquan is okay as I scroll through Twitter um I believe no one is saying anything bad I think we're okay no news is good news seen anything yeah I think I think we're okay yeah I'm with Lawrence I didn't really just love the play call I know that Jaylen yeah they're gonna go for saw but they're for sure going to go for it be a fourth fourth in a long two in commercial break for a second uh Clark we appreciate the Super Chat the $11 C Super Chat that's a every $11 Cent we appreciate that I don't know if I've seen actually that you can do that for the the one cent Mark but uh there you go and appreciate everybody again hanging out with us uh jointly we have surpassed the Thousand light club we're at 1150 um if you want to go ahead and drop a like it's much appreciated if you want to subscribe also because we do this for every single Eagles game and lots of giveaways and hangout and watch party and celebration everything else but uh we appreciate you guys you guys hanging out 3600 people watching concurrently on both channels those are huge numbers this is this is fantastic we appreciate you guys as we approach uh approach the end of this first half Josh I think it's clear they will go for this I think that might have been the thought process by Jaylen keeping it himself on third down and eight you you got six so it's be fourth and two it'll be at least a 50 plus yard field goal and so my guess is is that they will go for this and try and keep this drive going knowing they're getting the football to start the third quarter so even if you don't score here you're going to get it coming up pretty quick yeah I I would agree with that that makes sense see if you can go down there though and make something happen it's just man the this game has been so strange with the the ups and downs it's like you know man okay the Packers could have a a pretty sizable lead and then the Eagles answer the Packers answer then the Eagles got some moment NCO Dean could have made it a two-score game and then the the Packers go down so it's just crazy the the way this has transpired but I mean here you go we got the two-minute warning that took place so they are going to go for it is officially a fourth and three I put a fourth and two but it's off officially here looks like fourth and three Green Bay leading 19 to 14 ball on the Green Bay uh was it 3 33 yeah 33 they're they're definitely going to run a play here 10 on the play clock here come on here we go gainwell to his left jaylen's left motion got it to the right and one on the play clock and they're not going to snap it they're going to call timeout here they almost got almost defensive end to jump they were really close yeah you burn that first time out you can think about this right you technically if you want to go ahead and try again you can keep Herz out there and as of right now Herz is sing standing next to Kell Moore and they're looking over the play sheet I think they're going to go Smitty's nodding his head yes I I think that that was try and get him to to jump see what the defense is going to show us go back out there with our best three play let's try and get this first down yeah they're definitely going to they're definitely going for this it looks like it for sure fourth and three they're coming back out on the field someone said do host even reply two chats tried to but we're uh we're really focused right now right we got wa we got wait for commercial in the middle of the action we're trying to call as much as we possibly can and we will get to everybody as much as possible and obviously uh the super chats first so we go through those but uh let's see if they can do it fourth and three big time here Jaylen in the gun got gamewell to his right trips left now AJ Brown motioning to The Far Side Right Jaylen takes a snap looking left now over the middle complete to Devonte Smith he hold on he did first down up to the 26 27 yd line of Green Bay that is a great catch this exactly why Jaylen was talking to Devonte Smith it's very simple go find the middle of this Zone and sit down he goes right in between Jer Alexander and the nickel Corner this is a great throw as McDuffy came to hit him in the end by Herz and a big first down to keep this drive going now we're thinking points 134 to go in the first half here we go and let the clock run down not too much time for the Packers so 128 to go clock is still ticking first and 10 ball at the 26 of Green Bay Jaylen takes the snap hand off to Kenny gainwell he's going to try to make something out of nothing there and only G about a yard maybe two we need to show us Proof of Life of saquin Barkley the fact he's not been back in this game after checking himself out on that awkward hit I mean we're not gonna We're Not Gonna over exaggerate here but it is is there's my everything I just said is okay they heard you just a little bit delayed they're like all right second and seven now we're under a minute clock is still ticking after the run two timeouts left for Philly Jaylen takes a snap looking right side now back left dump off to Kenny gainwell makes a man miss another one miss has some space up to the first down 15 pushing forward and finally brought down at the 14 yd line and Kenny G is able to get a first down that'll probably be a timeout I would assume it will so Philly uses their second with 43 seconds left here in the first half that was a great play from Kenny G listen we're very biased on both of these shows just look behind us but it's tough to be a packer Defender tonight it's tough to be a Defender period there is just no grip trying to cut and stop and Tackle these open field offensive weapons for the Eagles and I mean Kenny gainwell is not saquan Barkley but he's Shifty and if you're a linebacker and you're trying to tackle saquan Barkley AJ Brown Devonte Smith and now Kenny gainwell on basically an ice rink on the thinnest ice skates you've seen in your life it's brutal and that's it doesn't look fun to be a Defender right now I think whatever happens in this football game you have to put a massive asteris next to whatever you think about both defenses because the video of these people flying around and trying to not slip is wild and we're not going to learn until you get back at the link on Monday night just how good this defense is or bad honestly oh for sure yeah yeah because we're not going to be able to tell like you say based off of all the the slippage going on but uh here we go with this drive 11 plays 68 yards so far ball in the 14 yd line of Green Bay 43 seconds left in the second quarter and Philly has one timeout Jaylen in the gun motion Johan doson right side takes the snap looking over the middle has a little bit of space he's going to think about running and buy some time and he's going to be brought down for a sack at the 20 yd line ether throw it away kesan Nixon with a sack so I'm assuming they'll yeah they used it last time out golly Green Bay again they've done a really good job you could tell the defensive coordinator uh in Halle their new DC has taught them when you see Jaylen step up and start to run go get him don't give him a chance to get any sort of movement here this basically is one-on-one if Hertz makes Nix and miss here he's probably still running and so again good coverage on the back end we knew it was a good secondary with Xavier McKenna and obviously with Jer Alexander but a good play there in the open field by the Packer Defender we just mentioned how hard it is to tackle a nice job there and now Josh 25 seconds no timeouts okay anything in the middle of the football field it's second and 16 if you don't get a first down here you essentially are going to have to run the off run the defense uh or eventually two plays from now excuse me run that kicking team out there if you don't get a spike or a play out of bounds and make sure that you get a kickoff here because 1917 at the half is very different from 1914 it's critical no mistakes here here we go 31 seconds left it is a second and 16 like you said there's Jaylen Herz in the gun Kenny gaml to his right trips left and was there movement I thought there was yeah there's a false start they're killing themselves on this drive that'll be a second and 21 yeah we're at the point where you're just want to run the ball and then you could clock it I mean really if you want to guarantee that you're going to get points here and then kick the field goal on fourth down if we get to that point I know they still have 30 seconds and basically two plays but you're getting really dangerous in terms of one false step here and you're going to lose some time it's Goddard who ran darn it okay second and 21 now you got a mile to go for a first down 31 seconds still though in the second quarter no timeouts for Philly hurts in the gun takes the snap he's got a fourman pressure looking over the middle has some time plenty of time looking left side now going to fire it complete at the line of scrimmage for G who pushes forward for about a gain of four yards big hit there at the 21 yd line but now there's a third and 15 or 16 15 seconds left in the second quarter and the clock is ticking so you I would imagine spike it and yeah you're G kick a field goal yeah and that's what Jaylen will do clock down to five four there it is and Y it worked all right yeah once you had the uh the sack and then the penalty that that drive basically died let's just Trot out the best kicker in the league and Jake Elliott here get the easy field goal and really you're going in feeling pretty good Josh your offense is moving the football just fine they have not punted in this game yet the defense has been the question mark the past two drives but overall again two early turnovers to be down 19 hope F 17 is what everyone would have taken for the first half of this game I think I think all of us would have taken that knowing what we know for sure yeah yeah no doubt you only be down um have a chance to to lead with a with a field goal but Jake Elliot 38- yard attempt snap is good hold is good field goal is perfect and there you go three points halftime 1917 for the Packers that is official they will get the ball to start the second half as well as we now have go to the half and wow that was exciting we appreciate th we we're one person away from 4,000 people watching on both of our channels right now which is which is massive we appreciate you guys um hanging out with us here as we uh are going to have a fun second half um crazy what an absolutely crazy opening to this football game middle of this football game and end of this first half and Josh we've we've seen a complete mixture of what's happened defense cooking early I mean really really good back against the wall I mean not giving up a touchdown of those two Red Zone trips by the Green Bay Packers is fantastic offense is the one struggling turning the football over and then it's all switched the offense saquin Barkley they are looking really really good defense is getting gashed by their speed receiver for the Green Bay Packers and and suddenly you have a football game that could have gone both ways but is is is is neck and neck with two the better teams in the National Football League right now it is yeah it's uh trying to look at it as glass half full especially after the way that it started but it's difficult too at the same time cuz you you go back and you immediately think to the the uh the ncoe dean potential pick six and if you get a stop there even after the non-p six you know you get the ball back you keep going down the field um but yes all things considered it's only two points you got a chance to to take the lead continue that moment momentum in the second half and uh I I'm going to be curious you know will we see saquon Barkley quickly is it something that's more serious bman says Barkley came off the drive early chatted with the vpf Sports Medicine uh never went to the tent though kept his helmet on the whole time he hasn't been in since something to watch as the Eagles Approach the goal line so obviously he never came back in so there was a chat there but the helmet staying on is I would assume a good sign um we are going to go ahead and keep an eye on that man hopefully it's nothing nothing too serious but it did it looked awkward with his back and the way he bent backwards um gosh hopefully he's okay John M appreciate the Super Chat three more for for three for Jake the make says Jake the make baby that's right best kicker in the league he would have made the uh 50 what was it 53 yard that Justin Tucker missed earlier in the game last night Jak Jake would have made it you know I mean 50 50 plus that's kind of automatic range for Jake but uh there you go I'm going to help get some moderators here to help with uh all of those spam stream people that come up I'm trying to uh trying to handle it but uh if you guys would help me I'm going to make a couple of you guys moderators who are regulars not a bad idea um and help me put the uh get get rid of those those spam streams that pop up here every now and then so see I'm making a couple of moderators here we'll make dirtier members are GNA for sure if I see you pop up members definitely getting moderator Powers there we go and then keep uh keep keep on doing it I'll make another one right here uh okay all right Colin says secondary is cooked I don't know if the secondary's cooked it was just really that that one blown coverage the other touchdown here is the is the um you know the really good run by by this this Reed kid who's absolutely been incredible so far in this game so you know it is uh it is what it is I think at this point but I don't think that they're cooked but they they've struggled they definitely struggled yeah Dean needed just to catch that says cash if Dean catches that it's a 14-point swing I mean I mean genuinely it is a completely different ball game if theob Dean catches that interception and goes for six 100% easily yeah again not the end of the world as you say but um it's it's one of those that man it could have changed the Outlook Eagles really good at second half adjustments you know that's something that that they've always done a really good job and so let's hope that uh that remains the case man well in the meantime we do have some stats there pulled up uh as far as official stats of the first half so uh you know it's been Jordan love completions for deeper passes uh 9.3 average but it's only seven for 14 7 for 14 130 yards one touchdown one sack meanwhile Jaylen Herz 14 for 22 54 yards one touchdown one interception so man we need we need to see squin in there drive snap snap one saquan literally snap one we need oh my goodness we need him to be okay it's weird he wasn't in on that drive but yeah I mean mean we can only speculate so much but oh boy oh man all right am I I'm going to go use the restroom little halftime uh little half time hit here I will be right back you don't have your bottle that's what Thomas needs no restroom breaks appreciate everybody hanging out though in the chat this is fun as always but uh I mean the fact that we have real Eagles football meaningful action even as rough as it was you know in in the first half some ups and downs a little bit of rust and offense turns on a little bit defense not so great occasionally kind of the EB and flow uh China yes saquin is maybe hurt that it's kind of a weird situation I'll uh it's hard to say officially uh the fact that I'm seeing some of those comments there yeah we got to get the Bots out that's why I tried to make some of those others yeah that's a good point Josh it is a it is a uh a helmet time Sean no it's it's electrolyte it's I had a crossfit workout today so I had to get something else Zack bond has been doing pretty good he missed he missed a one tackle that was not that but he he he has looked pretty good saquin is an interesting is it an actual injury I don't know it's hard to say hopefully not kind of got bent backwards um didn't come back in since then so monitoring but he didn't go into the tent or locker room or anything like that so hopefully he comes back out second half we shall see um really quickly I will um I'm going to give away the the lesea McCoy signed helmet because Marvin McFarland did not claim it and it's been a week so uh let's see let's go ahead and do that I'll grab it real quick and then I'll I'll roll back over here so one second all right here we go this is it this is the LeSean McCoy s helmet I'm trying to get that on there where you can see it better but I'm appear to be terrible at this uh there you go but there's the LESA McCoy helmet signed that I'll give away to uh somebody here uh I'm going to do obviously someone for one of the ogs people that actually hang out and know a lot of stuff and I've talked about it a number of times so someone will get to first comment that gets this correctly will get the helmet I'll ship it to you um it's going to be what is my twin brother's name what's his first name unfortunately Marvin McFarland did not get that so first person to comment correctly uh very recent so again lots of people should know this but uh we'll see first name of my twin bro getting the helmet John M there we go John M I saw it first got the uh what what's going on over here what are we doing there's lots of guesses here wow um some people that are totally off the wall but you can tell where oh you giving away the the helmet yeah I I was giving away the helmet because I figured there's not a better time than halim since we got a little bit of a break but uh yes it was it was officially John M um my twin brother I said twin brother so um I do have another brother named John but yep it it was it was Caleb who also swung by during the chat so you know people that are commenting that but um yeah people they got close close not quite um but kudos to John M member of the channel John gets a correct so John I've got your email already I will uh get the double check on this but then I'll be shipping the LeSean McCoy signed helmet to you so good for you congrats little Super Chat shout out here to juice with a five two turnovers Great Red Zone stops only down two Fields a massive Factor unfortunately had to use the first half as a measuring stick I think that's a perfect way to go ahead and and sum it up I mean the the field is a serious threat right now in terms of both football teams and both have had negative plays impacted so again we're not saying it's just us it's the NFL being dumb for not checking it I guess but yeah the fact you're down two right now with two really bad turnovers on your side of the field is is is very impressive it's very good it's very good absolutely we'll take that I would like to check on Sean Barkley zero first half targets for Jan doson is worth uh worth noting um let's see all right I'm gonna oh hope he's okay use the r real quick and I'll be right back go ahead I'm trying to check on Twitter make sure that we are good in terms of uh what's going on with saquin Barkley um yeah I don't have any update for people who are who who are checking in um all right as Josh runs through the restroom we are still at the half right now um couple of notable standouts we have to at least give credit where credit is Du noobe Dean has played fantastic tonight and all those reports of suddenly he has won the job and he outd Devon white all training camp long which we both myself and Josh were a little bit skeptical about he's looked good he's looked really good I mean the drop pick six is tough he's a linebacker though it's not AJ Brown out there trying to catch a pass so you know he gets a little leeway even though he shouldn't you got to catch that football I I I think the defensive line has been good they haven't been good the past couple of drives though the turf has got to be a factor in terms of stopping the run it's got to be a massive Factor quinan Mitchell's been fantastic he's been the best corner I think so far tonight he's been great tackling as well he gets the up there on darus slay a missed tackle uh on one of those runs by Jaylen Reed but this this is going to come down to which defense can get a stop because so far the past four possessions have all been points for both teams past five technically with the eagle field goal so who is going to go ahead and be able to get a stop who is going to get that turnover we talked about it all offseason long this Eagle defense did not get turnovers in 2023 at all like like literally at all they got they got no turnovers in 2023 and you just need one you just need one to break this game wide open just need one to break this game wide open Jose Gonzalez with with the two I am not running the stream because Josh is so he'll have to put that up on the screen but I see it messed up I'm driving it's okay not a problem Philly Don says Q had a hell has done a hell of a job he has he has done an absolute incredible in incredible job so far he's been really really good um let's see here um what an awful idea of playing on a soccer field yeah well I am uh I am I I'm right there with you I cannot believe we are playing on a soccer field but here we are you know money money money welcome to to the modern NFL where where money is I mean it's not the modern NL it's the NFL in general but money is very important very important for uh for for the league and player safety and stuff has uh not been the case jot Jacob's also been very quiet in this game um I don't think he's he's been the best Packer running back so far which has been a surprise they've had a lot more um a lot more of uh success running the other running backs behind him and Jordan Love's been pretty good he's just couple of throws have been to wide open guys I mean Jaylen Reed's running wide open on that touchdown pass like what are you expecting whereas Jaylen I think is settled down and and been great I mean really Jaylen has been fantastic following those two turnovers which again let's talk about this the pick is jaylen's Fault 100% he'll own it he'll take it brutal you can't have it blah blah blah we know okay the fumble is not right you assume it is Cam Jurgens now did Jurgens think it was one snap cow you know Herz thought it was another I don't know but yeah you you can't really rip Jaylen for that second turnover that's just a bummer it is what it is and you know they're playing on ice rink too and so you got to kind of you know dive on the football he didn't want to get hurt so it makes sense that that happened as well as we're about to start the third quarter here um in in and what's been a good game man we're asking for this um we've been we've been asking for it we've been asking for the Eagles to play well and and and overall minus those turnovers they definitely have oh Josh with a cold beverage there I wonder what we have What's the guess is that a Olli poop I see there Josh what do we uh what did we grab oh yeah oh that is good you know oh that is good man I need one of those who wouldn't we are out we are picking one up tomorrow during the grocery Hall uh they got to sponsor us man I would this is not my favorite are you no Cola vintage Cola yeah yeah vintage Cola goes so hard oh my gosh but we're down to the bottom of the barrel so this is you know still not bad not Channel sponsors but we would love them to be okay we would love them to be if rep is somehow watching you know you want to sponsor the live stream who will cut you a deal um super chat here I see from uh bird's nest make sure get them both here B with a five sorry this offense doesn't look different from last year it doesn't I think it looks very different motion yes but still looks vanilla adjustments please well you got a second half to figure it out I think uh I think they have I am not drunk this is 100 million percent water just FYI see that comment from Andrew I am not this is a billion per water someone was asking if I was drinking a Pedialite I know it kind of looks like that it's looks which is I guess you know in a way kind of similarish um let me make sure and get some of these others too while I was gone looks like we had a about to kick off Ray love uh yes almost to kick off Ray love appreciate the sparkling Diamond sticker that's that's kind of cool okay appreciate that uh Jose Gonzalez the two messed up I'm driving driving okay happens and uh we're going to get a Touchback so Eagles start out uh in decent fi position as opposed to what we had previously and then also another two from Ray love saquan is coming on of the field thank you Ray love saquan is coming out oh my goodness oh my gosh I went my wife during my little uh bathroom break I was like please please please let's take one bark could be okay and he is so thankfully yes look at this offense though interception fumble 70 yard touchdown 70 yard touchdown 57 yard field goal they have figured something out now go down and score again I was saying Josh when you weren't here as you can call the third quarter obviously that First Defense to get a stop might win this game based on the last five drives seriously I mean you're not lying first and 10 though from the 30 it's going to be hand off to saquan and there you go gain of about uh what four or five yards he had about a half a second from that being a lot longer and I've noticed something Josh they have they've had a lot of success running behind McKai beckon we were wondering about the left tackle right tackle playing guard how is he going to be know running behind him and they've they've had more success running around the right side the touchdown was behind beckon earlier in this football game he's been solid it's been it's been very solid on a slippery field remember Brian baldinger said he's the best run Blocker on the Eagles I mean whether you believe that or not but that's uh what he said you got a second and seven here Jaylen takes the snap going to look over the middle now right side deep shot he's got a man it's AJ Brown caught 35 30 the 25 the 20 a foot race to the 10 it's going to be touchdown AJ Brown 67 yards oh Eagles Are Back on Top let oh oh my good what a start two plays 70 yards we just talked about the pre- snap motion and one commenter saying it looks very vanilla they motioned AJ Brown at the last second to confirm this is man coverage it's an out and up on Jer Alexander Alexander gets beat and it's a foot race for about 70 yards into the end zone and AJ's big he's also very fast what a strike and boy what do we say last four drives Jos this eagle offense it's everything we could have hoped for the weapons and stars are shining brighter than ever down in Brazil oh my gosh love it and Jake Elliott extra point is good so 24 to 19 did not take more than a minute not even a minute literally it's 1409 left in the third quarter the Eagles have reclaimed the lead oh my man you got it's it's a throw right on the money perfect throw AJ able to cut right across the field explosive plays we talked about explosive plays all off season long oh my goodness look at that we're having some fun too you got to love to see that we got a little bit we got a smile out of Jaylen Jaylen is smiling look at that and the footage from the link the Link's going crazy as always I love it I love it I love the fact that they inside the stadium too yeah that's fun that's so big what a big play I got the Super Chat from from Ray that was saying Sequon was back so appreciate that uh Tim says Thomas M doesn't drink alcohol he only drinks mag juice no I don't know I do that Gonzalez appreciate the two uh says Big D AJ Brown and then of course John M as he has been doing every Point scored John M appreciate the seven say e a l Eagles there you go let's go oh my goodness all right again which defense is going to get a stop first who is going to make a play first and oh man are you guys married to each other no we are not no we are not we talk we talk enough to where our wives sometimes think that we are but no no we are not yeah I was in Thomas's wedding though so yeah he was in my wedding so if that counts oh oh my gosh all right can take a deep breath here and let's yeah let's let's get this pick six let's make up for it all right 1409 in the third quarter Jordan love under Center ball at the 30 yard line after the Touchback so going to take the snap it's going to be a a Flea Flicker Jordan love looking deep has plenty of time nowhere to go with it now rolling left side and throws it out of bounds incomplete okay shot there at the end of that play flea flickers from your own 20 Josh that is not something you see a Flea Flicker is a 50 yd line shot play yeah I did not expect to see that that's what took me a while to to actually say I was like wait a second we're getting a Flea Flicker here what credit to Jaylen Carter who finally quinan Mitchell he didn't bite on that at all neither did nobody bit CJ Gunner Johnson qu has been so good oh my gosh he has been so good as advertised he has been fantastic all right now Jordan love hand off Jacobs up the middle to the right side breaks tackle ball on the ground I think the Packers got it oh my gosh re blanket ship was right there but also another Packer and they do have it it was uh slay was it Hilton I think Hilton on it slay posted it out or poke poked it out oh man great play there and blankin ship it it's in the air and then it hits Josh Jacobs arm or else Reed would have fallen right on it oh missed opportunity okay still third and one though Jordan Love Takes the snap Blitz coming pressure has to get rid of it quick he does and it's incomplete but there's a flag you got to what think you're going to call this on quinon there's no way they're showing Zack Bon did he did he hit theb there's also there's also P I think I think there's two here I think you're getting roughing and you are probably getting past interference I can't believe that's pass interference on Quan Mitchell it's hard to say because we we got to look a little bit later as the ball was you know in the air but from what we saw like it did not look like there was passing no I thought he was fine boy you know listen I am not uh I'm not I'm not promoting taking shots at Jordan love but if you're gonna take one I think Zack Bond just just took his shot and he hit him pretty good here's the call yeah this is gonna be pass interference on quinon and they're GNA take ruing with 15 on Jordan love yeah yeah they got Bond we need to see it I I believe it's helmet I think his helmet launches into J Love well not even helmet a shove a shove to the the upper part of the ah did did they get that there I mean yeah I think it's the shove to the ground it wasn't a shove and then a this it's a shove all the way to the ground oh and then quinon grabbed a little late there it's more legal contact than pass interference I yeah I don't really agree with much of either of them quite honest I mean and and I'm about as unbiased as they come so yeah oh yeah I can tell first and 10 at the 45 of Philly now in Philly territory Jordan love over the middle complete wide open and all the way up to the 2015 yd line before pushed out of bounds and that was uh the tight end craft I believe yeah the that was uh blown coverage or someone missed a it was on noobe noobe was was kind of in that zone area but he just dropped behind him technically a play action and yeah noob's in a Zone but he bit on this on this very short play action and Tucker CRA ran right behind him we talk about noobe Dean having a good night his weakness is coverage and there's an example and uh like we said First Defense to get a stop might win and we'll see what the Eagles can do backed up now on their own 15 yard line come on guys okay 1245 to play in third quarter Jordan left takes the snap hand off Jacobs to the left side tries to break a tackle but nope he can't Zack Bon and CJ Garner Johnson wrap him up for a gain of only about one brings up a second and nine we haven't called Garner Johnson's name a lot I know that he was technically the only player close in that long touchdown pass despite it not being his his man he's been very good filling these holes in run C in in run stoppage it's it's just refreshing to see right you think back to last year Kevin byard clearly not it once the Eagles made the move for him Gardner Johnson is playing well tonight he's not getting a lot of love though he hasn't made a bunch of big flashy plays he's been around the football as you would expect second and nine loving the gun Jacobs to his right takes the snap looking left side fourman pressure Jaylen Carter getting there just gets it away incomplete and it's a certainly affected Zack Bon and coverage but Jaylen Carter almost had the sack and certainly caused the incompletion there yeah Jordan love Jersey it's green but there's a lot of pain on it he's been hitting the ground this is Jordan Jaylen Carter I believe he is going one-on-one against the Right Guard and he just really bullies right past him and Brandon Graham is there as well well one more second and this is a tag team sack by Carter and the veteran friend of the channel Brandon Graham had him on earlier in the off season third and nine now here we go love now empty set Eagles showing pressure showing Blitz two on the play clock they are coming with a blitz Jordan love gets away quick right side and it's going to be oh you k a flag it's avonte madx I think they're going to get him with a interference you know a blitz is coming why don't you cover knowing the blitz is going to be there the ball's going to get out fast oh man they're going to put it spot foul it's get the one basically yep gosh he just he kind ofan trips and grabs and yeah he just didn't know what he was doing oh man Jord Love I mean just tossed that up in the area CU he was going to get hit he had to get rid of it quick it was not a wellth thrown ball at all it it it would not have been complete he didn't need to do that but again he was turned around not looking in the right direction so I guess he couldn't know but you have to think that with a full training camp C this is Cooper de Jean's position right once once Dee figures things out Maddox probably is the odd man out on this defense he's been the worst cover guy so far tonight that's uh that might cost cost Philadelphia seven yeah first and goal now ball in the two yard line love in the gun Jacobs to his left there's trips left on The Far Side seven on the play clock takes the snap fake handoff over the middle complete touchdown Christian Watkins slant route and vonte Maddox in coverage okay last long y you found the liability on on the bird defense this is this is Watson in the slot and you're not gonna you're not going to follow him quinan has to stay on the outside he's played the entire game on the outside interesting that they have not done any Ringo tonight Josh we thought quinan would go to the slot maybe he does after this drive just based on the fact that they have clearly decided to pick on avonte Maddox and it is one it's it's working and it's it's it's frightening right now but again First Defense to get a stop is going to win this game certainly at this point that is no doubt the way that it is looking with this as the uh extra point is good so 26- 24 now Packers official lead gosh okay man there there spurts they there are things that you see that you like but it's just like such an EB and flow of yeah like a positive play and then man hit it back with a negative play and just not paying attention I mean you know you got to give credit to Green Bay they are a good team but still it's like man these self-inflicted penalties I I do disagree with a couple of those on that last possession there but um man if vonte Maddox doesn't do that as far as the penalty then you're only having them Come Away with three points instead of yep seven yep I totally agree um let me just send a text offense can get it back so yeah we'll see what they do let's see uh Blake Wallen appreciate the two saw the Super Chat there not sure if you said anything um let me know I will try to throw that back up there I guess but uh we do appreciate the support means a lot check your phone Josh real quick okay make sure we're good to go there okay have just have that ready eventually yeah yeah having that ready um um let's see shout out a couple of penalties and turnovers are killing us yeah well and and and not getting our two turnovers right we've had two turnover opportunities the fumble by Josh Jacobs that Eagles couldn't fall on and then the drop pick six by uh Kobe Dean so couple of uh couple of missed of opportunities now as uh we got a couple of super chats Anthony ampo with five it got AJ and Jaylen at a 10-man fantasy league i' never been happier yeah oh AJ saquan and Jaylen yeah well tonight you're looking pretty good good gosh you're looking pretty good not a bad start yeah that is that is for sure not a bad start let's see did you get deres also I'm not sure if you saw that one but I did I don't think I did okay uh appreciate the five here said we need Coupe and Devon to get ready because Maddox and Dean uh are getting cooked right now so yeah yeah they are they are oh man unfortunately not uh not the best sign but all right again cannot um cannot give up any more mistakes on offense you got to go down and score we're almost to a th likes on my stream so we're over a th on total but if you're watching right now 2500 people 3600 total get the show a thumbs up get us to a th with you will score on this drive right that's what we need to be we can do it we appreciate you guys as that is a Touchback so 30 yard line it's where they'll be how about a saquan drive here how about how about saquan starting starting to cook a little bit you know he had a really really good previous two drives time to get to work here come on here we go come on two-point game all right Jaylen under the center takes a snap fake hand off to Barkley rolling out right side has gett and it's oh batted down Sean Gary there uh darn it that was dangerous I I thought he might have gotten a hand to pick it let alone to actually get it there but uh got a little space in complete second and 10 Andrew travell says went to get food more beer can you update me on the AJ tutty deep pass 70 y deep ball second play of the uh third third quarter beautiful phomen Jr Alexander although now is the focus from J second and 10 motion Britain cvy now to their outside right it's going to be a handoff saquon Barkley right side makes a man miss but now he's tripped up only a gain of about one or two he had a little bit more B but couldn't break that we've talked about tackling it's it's it's it's hard it is difficult on this field Cooper one-on-one with saquin Barkley there in the B Gap and and he makes a good play saquan Falls forward for a couple but third down and pretty long eight here Josh from the eagle 32 come on here we go looks like uh may get a free play potentially Jaylen sack there is there no flag ran Gary with the sack there's really no flag Eagles are pointing you got to be kidding me they're pointing like there should be a flag there there was a a packer that I couldn't see who that was that jumped off Sid I was thinking we've got a free play how is that not called how did Jaylen hold on to the football oh my goodness they're gonna that's that's a Lane Johnson sack I guess that is brutal there's there's no way they're they're they're not calling it I mean it's Fourth and 14 they're off the field they're putting the ball oh my gosh Nick just said you got to be effing kidding me that is wow that is so so bad BR man now punts the ball away huge Miss uh really good punt fair catch at the 20 yard line great great punt yikes come on that that that's so blatantly obvious that's got to be called oh man yeah that's tough that's like last night with Steve spagnolo which is illegal and the ref being like we Grant it to you sure called it I guess so you know it's fine whatever eag the fix is in it it seems that way when we see that good God that was rough that that I cannot believe that that was not called cannot believe that that was not called come on defense come on defense come on defense we got to get a stop we got to get a stop this is critical all right first and 10 now ball at the 20 yard line after the punt for Green Bay Jordan love left side has a man complete that's Do's first down on quinan Mitchell I think that's the first catch he's allowed 12 yard first I think that is the first one yeah that's a simple simple out right in front of quinon Mitchell good throw and toss there and this this Packer offense is starting to get a rhythm I mean we talk about MVP favorite Jordan love the media absolutely loves this guy and he's uh he's starting to he's starting to heat up here Eagles defense is gonna have to make a play still a ton of time 954 to play in the third quarter first and 10 now ball at the 32 yd line of Philly Green Bay here Jordan love mo men in motion that's got to be yeah flag there's two guys in motion that'll be coming back um yeah okay there we go the craft took off and I'm like what what are we doing here this is certainly not there's illegal motion legal shift oh man all right so we're going to get an illegal shift here yeah there's the shift okay that might help you know you got to stop stop them any way possible as we are five away from 900 likes over here um on my channel if you're watching appreciate the likes wouldn't mind a couple more to get us to a thousand for the end of the night we can do it we appreciate you guys have a day hit the sub button hit the sub button give us not sub you love the birds give a hit that red red sub button we appreciate that thank you got tons of giveaways I mean Thomas has the the giveaways he's doing with Westbrook sign Jersey I've got Isaiah Rogers white helmet that's uh autographed away I got itk oh yeah but first and 15 now well the 27 Jordan Love play action looking over the middle fires a strike and incomplete he had a man wow he had a man that was Wicks over the middle wide open yeah well love uh love the man in coverage there that is that is Jaylen Reed MVP of the game so far working on Guess Who avonte Maddox and uh this is a just a dirt ball I mean this is like one of those throws from shortstop by Jordan love that doesn't even make it to first base and just hits into the ground and then bounces up that's a first down and probably a lot more because Reed is catching that in stride Eagles get lucky second down to 15 and again Maddox is the real real liability right now working right now in the slot so might a Donovan McNab esque ball right there uh Second and 15 Love Takes the snap over the middle this time incomplete but it was a better pass dobs drops it that that would have been right at the first down marker instead it's a third and 15 tough throw here it's a little bit behind him we have ncoe Dean dropping into a zone so he has to fit it over toobe Dean and away from quinan Mitchell Mitchell not in the best of area to cover this pass a little bit behind Romeo dos third and 15 though Josh here here's your chance right take advantage of whatever you can get yet to get off the football field and get this ball back in the hands of Jaylen Herson and offense that minus that last drive has been moving the football really really well 913 to play in the third quarter 8 seconds on the play clock motion from Craft loving the gun takes the snap now moving to the right side there's a screen pass blown up noobe Dean absolutely blows it up incomplete there's a flag it's I think it's got to be got to be on the Packers right there's a holding or something it can't saw I saw Josh W put his hands on his head like he was upset might have held here is my fear please no illegal shift okay yes okay oh my gosh that's a late illegal shift call my goodness okay I was gonna I Wasing out there but ncoe Dean I mean he he he made a mistake early gave up a lot of yards to craft that is a hit the man Wilson there as soon as he is touching the ball read that beautifully breaking up the pass so fourth and 15 punt coming up shout out to Papa UPS thanks for streaming the game can't watch this is cool first time heing you guys not a bad production we appreciate that we're trying to be the best option if you can't watch right cuz obviously we'd rather guys rather watch but if you can't we appreciate you guys uh hanging out here or as we said if you want to watch and just you know have us on mute your TV we we're more than welcome for that too very good punt long Hang Time finally Brit CB Fields it at the 20 there's a flag on the play pushes forward to about the 29 yd line before he's brought down we'll see what this penalty is but uh for the moment multiple Flags in the field here they came pretty early but I assume it's normally on the receiving team that would be my guess here oh man someone finally made a play says Mark M yeah yeah they finally finally both defenses got off the field without giving up any sort of points so that's that's that's big okay one of the offensive linemen has his hat off which means someone went out of bounds and didn't L themselves back in which would be on the Green Bay Packers one of the refs obviously you said o lman i yeah you said o lman but come on don't be don't be anything see where that's going to be just a decent fill position right like the the 29 is where it would be if you just go based off of where he returns long time a very long time we're still waiting the fact that it's 10:30 on the east coast and we have8 minutes left in the third quarter is crazy this has been the slowest game it's crazy slow forever uh P chop yeah zebra is getting more air time than the players it feels that way certainly at times okay they're running over to ask serani what he wants to do here which is a good indication that it's probably um asking if they want to re kick or if they want to tack it on I would assume you tack it on because the ball's at the 30 anyway um oh I see what they're saying so there there's a foul on the kick and then by the Packers and then a foul on the Eagles on the return so they're going to kind of go one and then the other and you got to decide if you want to re kick this thing interesting and it looks like here we go let's see what the call is legal formation on the offense personal foul Blind Side block on the defense so they're gonna just repeat fourth down so they're gonna all that to just do it again yeah that took nine minutes just to figure out that we're just gonna reset thing which doesn't make sense if they're fouls on both teams why do you have to go tell Nick serani that just just say there are fouls on both teams it doesn't make sense because reff says that the refs are talking about their bets on DraftKings that's what they're doing they're trying to make sure they they said hey you see they got SE one anytime touchdown pretty good huh yeah yeah while we're waiting on this reick uh Alexandre I believe that's how you say your name hopefully I got that right but says will yall do uh all the eagles games or will you do all the games for the Eagles love the channel guys from Montreal Canada so we do appreciate the support and yeah as Thomas said we will be doing all the games except for maybe like one whenever we go in person to a game but yeah basically just about every single game we will be uh streaming and play byplay and everything else so appreciate you guys all right let's do it again fourth and 15 finally again snap a little high got it down punt is up it's not near as good as the last one fair catch at the 32 and cvy holds on so a gain of about three yards based off of the reick and uh there you go okay as we uh as we mentioned giveaways happening on this channel I have a couple of things when we hit 60,000 Subs which we are 800 away there's three 3,700 people watching so if you sub to my channel we could give this away tonight but signed Brian Westbrook Jersey to someone once we get to 60,000 subs and then tomorrow on my show I will announce uh well I've been saying it but we're going to have the commenters comment and be subscribed to get two tickets to uh the Eagles and Falcons home open I got some tickets to that and I give those away on the recap video tomorrow so Josh has Isaiah Rogers helmet when he gets to 75k that's coming plenty of giveaways happen if you haven't subed yet hit the red sub button you could be a winner there we're also like what is that 32 likes away from a thousand over here on my channel we get to a th that would be awesome and I think we have a super chat well I think I just saw Super Chat in two of them come in yes we do we do uh let's see we've got Nate I don't think I I mentioned this one because we were during the stream uh or during the game but said niobe proved why he should start Fly Eagles Fly okay after the hit uh he he's he's had some plays he made some plays couple mistakes but you know you see that the instincts in the IQ at times so you're like all right hey um let's see Devin thanks for the five also said love the coverage uh love the coverage guys have had the TV muted the whole time it's been a slow game we are looking better than we did last year love the stream I think so I would also agree with that yes and then let's see we've got Kai with a two go Birds there you go go birds love you guys thank you there you go appreciate it appreciate the moderators help me uh keep all these chats out of the uh yeah you guys crazy there's so many spam people that just like want to check out my live stream which obviously doesn't work um so appreciate you guys hanging out with us there also Penn State 98 with the five bomb says uh have you commented that the NFL screwed Philly fans two times this was a home game and they sold this to Peacock so sneaky ripoff so I think we mentioned a couple different times but now the field is a real issue this is a Ser it's a really bad look for the NFL because again you have this isn't week six it's not like they weren't sure as they're showing Roger Goodell I would love to be uh sitting near him and go hey Roger you idiot what did you do here like like why why why why did we not check this what did you think was going to happen I mean I mean genely what did you think was going to happen it's a shock that the field is bad oh man oh man yeah should have been automatic but yeah it's not too surprising unfortunately unfortunately all right Bird offense down two 847 to go they've been moving the ball well minus that previous drive Let's uh come on let's just right here get to work okay first and 10 at the 32 two Jaylen hurs in the gun takes the snap hand off saquon left side has a little bit space pushes forward in a gain of about eight yards there there you go this is an interesting run here Josh because he has a big hole if he goes right but he realized there was a linebacker coming into his left and if he bounces to the right he's going to lose a couple of yards uh and only gain about four versus put the head down and get eight pretty smart run there by the veteran gotta love it second and two changing something at the line all right Jaylen in the gun sequan to his left trips Right Far Side it's going to be a handoff nope fake Jaylen keeps it and that's not going anywhere G back to the line of scrimmage brings up a third and two yeah basic high school football here you run a read option which they obviously audibled into you're reading that defensive end on the left side Herz is supposed to stare right at him but the defensive end crashes on saquan then you give it or you keep it if he doesn't crash on saqu one you give it he didn't crash on saqu one and Jaylen kept his football he kind of predetermined he was going to run that's a mistake on the quarterback uh and leads to No Gain it's going to be third down and third down and two here cannot afford a three and out again yeah I was hoping he was going to give it I was expecting to say that honestly as I was calling the play I'm like all right well there you go saquan first down but third and two motion now it's going to be a fake handoff Jaylen right side pressured he gets it away it's incomplete I believe did they call it incomplete or they letting him run they did okay call incomplete this play call that's a bad one this is supposed to be one of those rpos where they throw it to Goddard in the flat and and and it's it's McDuffy sitting on it right the guy's right there and so again third and two just just run the football with saquin Barkley they're trying to get it to AJ brown but there's there's no one over there it's just not going to work so yeah and they're going to get grounding here because that ball never went to across the line of scrimmage so they're going to back him up and it'll be fourth and long for this punt oh are they not was he still they must have said he was still in The Tackle Box I guess didn't look like he was yeah it's a throw very clearly a throw yeah it didn't go very far there's not really any section there but okay well a quick punt then bred Mann gets it away and it's a pretty good one Fair caught at the 11 yd line so I mean phield position wise it's not the worst thing but uh not the offensive possession you wanted to see first and 10 coming back up for GB and man we still have 7 minutes and 21 seconds left in this third quarter crazy crazy interesting Twitter stat here I like to check and see what if I'm missing stuff Bryce Huff only 43% of defensive snaps played so far that's interesting um Nate you correct Bots are not welcome we we must bring down Skynet yeah there's a lot of bots they are they are trying but when you have there's a thousand likes by the way over here on my show appreciate that hey thousand likes locked and loaded appreciate all the subs too we're almost to 59.3 as people are are hitting that sub button we appreciate that okay still on commercial break here play calling still an issue for sure it's uh it has been good the past couple of plays hasn't been good the past couple of plays yeah I'm with uh stick shift he say justs run the ball like simple I mean you got eight yards from saquan Barkley there on that second down run like just just give it to him again you don't think he get second down and two keep it simple I know because even if you plunge forward you know it's not nothing sexy about it it's just like all right there you go there's a first down but nice and simple cute and you know all of a sudden you got to pun it away yep yep yep yep Jack appreciate the five man said you guys are always great at what you do and provide great coverage for the games go Birds appreciate that appreciate thats HEK yeah we got another night game two Mondays from now you know these uh these broadcasts are always long and so the late night ones are are always fun to wake up early the next day but uh I'm G pump for some one o00 kickoffs this year one o'c kickoffs are real fun it's call a game relax watch the L slate eat dinner watch Sunday football yeah those are those are pretty good working yep don't have to worry about it as much at least it kicks off the weekend tomorrow so yeah yeah it's true it's true all right here we go defense again they got to stop this last possession Let's uh let's go and get another one here still half of the uh third quarter to go 721 the Packers lead 26 to 24 not great field position ball in the 11 yd line see if Vic fangio's group can do something here Jordan Center Josh Jacobs there in the single back formation now there's motion Wicks to the right it's going to be a handoff Jacobs met in the middle immediately but breaks a tackle pushing forward now all the way up to the first almost the first down marker gain of eight yards Milton Williams had him dead to rights and he's able to break that and pick up eight yards yeah this should have been a loss of two 93 Milton Williams is right there right there and and Jacobs keeps the legs turning I think it's Josh Jacobs longest run of the night for nine right there Jaylen Carter drawing with him at the end TJ G Johnson pushing as well but yeah that's a that's that's a bummer because that's a drive killer to start making it second and long instead of uh you know second and short but tough play got to wrap up and tackle the longest run of the night for Josh Jacobs as now he gets another one left side has a hole makes a man miss and hurdles over CJ Garner Johnson but tripped up gain of about four or five that is the first down but there is a flag on the play I think they held Josh SWAT there was some good penetration there by I believe it was Milt Williams and Josh SWAT into the backfield and sweat kind of threw his arms up like he thought he got held my assumption is this comes back and it is a hold on the offense good all right what was that second and 11 now they've gotten Rasheed Walker a couple times for some holds it's tough being a defensive lineman on this field but I'm pretty sure yeah you can see him he puts his arm right here on Josh sweat's Jersey and and sweat probably I don't know if he gets to Jacobs he gets real close and uh you know everyone holds on every single snap but good to get caught on that one helps the Eagles out second and 11 all right here we go Jordan loved in the empty set Eagles showing fan pressure now a blitz coming with niobe up the middle Jordan love gets it away quickly and it's picked it's picked off oh my gosh Reed blankin ship with a pick at the 24 yd line Reed in the right place at the right time making a play you couldn't see him because BL ship was right in front of the other Packer Defender this is a diving I believe this is a one hand interception by the GH who very famously Josh start as a safety with the Eagles intercepted the previous Green Bay Packer quarterback Aaron roders that's a great play that is a great play by Reed blankin ship to break on that ball wow yeah that's a tough throw there by Jordan love too because he's trying to fit it to his tight end Luke Musgrave and deck Bonds in good coverage and he did hold it to the ground that's an eagle turnover baby they got one perfect oh right on play right on Q how about the ghost baby we've heard very little about him during training camp Che baby what a play Milk check here we go good field position first and 10 now we will take that Eagles ball at the 24 yd line in Green Bay territory hurts over the middle complete Smitty breaks a tackle and a gain of about eight yards there bring UPS a second and two a completion also over the middle we hadn't seen too many of those last season we'll take that nothing crazy a sixy turn around and then let Devonte Smith do the rest Josh you got so many weapons they're going to go hurry up here though all right ball in the 16 yd line now second and two 544 to play in the third quarter Jaylen Herz in the gun has saquan to his left got Smitty and cvy near side it's going to be a handoff saquin left side pushes forward got a hole first down a little bit more gain of about four or five yards up to the 12 ydd line brings him a first down man I was trying to finish that thought before they went hurry up there you have so many weapons on the outside Josh you have saquin Barkley behind you you can't forget about some of these guys been a quiet second half for Devon Smith you get him a catch there keep him happy and now you keep the pedal going here for a first down from the 11 they're going hurry up here we go Jayy gun trips left hand off Barkley up the middle pushing forward going to blast pass for it all the way the three yd line and okay he stopped there looked like he almost had moment him to go all the way forward but it's a second and two maybe did I mentioned saquan Barkley's quads are big and that we've seen them in person and they're in they're working right here great block by cam Jurgens going up to the next level and then those two massive tree trunks just churning towards the goal line if he would have had somebody to push him he probably gets across but a really good run by 26 I'd give it to him again here on second and one here we go yep second and one officially now it's going to be a handoff to saquin pushing forward he's got leverage he's got it touchdown saquan Barkley three touchdown oh my goodness gracious welcome to the Philadelphia Eagles wow sa Barkley man s Barkley if you doubted him if you didn't take him early enough if you're in your fantasy league if you missed out on him you're kicking yourself if you have Giants fans please do call them they they need to be talked to make sure that they're not when was the last time terrible three touchdowns in a game oh make sure they're okay I I don't know I don't I mean he plays well against the Packers but gosh the fact that is three touchdowns Eagles and Jake Elliott's good 3126 Eagles lead unbelievable unbelievable Reed blank and Chip makes the pick love that and the bird offense capitalizes with s let go they look good man this offense is scary saquan saquan makes this offense completely different man they are they are a serious threat a serious threat running the football now holy cow holy cow I'm just gonna casually check my fantasy team that has saquin Barkley on it just say yeah an incredible night no no lie oh my gosh as you're doing that I will also mention get crazy appreciate the five said read option basics for the defensive end there give the ball to the running back don't understand why he's pulling it that was back before obviously again we're trying to get to these when we can sometimes slow when we're live action but yes totally agree with you before whenever Jaylen could have gotten the first down didn't happen um but all is well that ends well and you know got back the the six points after that Jose Rivera appreciate the two heck yeah and then John again John with the MVP of the night with super chats another seven because seven points went on the board and says say quad let's go say quad baby say quad oh my go this offense oh he has been unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable yeah what what are we at now uh let's see I was going to look at the carry number 15 15 carries 60 yards two touchdowns two receptions 23 yards one touchdown he's gonna get he's gonna get a 100 just just on just on the ground I mean we have a lot of football left and you got a lead they're going to put it this be be 23 carries bu 15 maybe another one you want to get to four win your fantasy league week one you know oh my goodness well and also I'm going to say while you're winning your fantasy league I I am I'm making pretty good bank not going to lie with Underdog because we took uh saquin for an anytime touchdown I also took saquin over 64 and a half rushing yards I mean if he doesn't get five more in the rest of this game we got plenty of time to go so hopefully everyone took advantage and also again you know just use the the code Philly special appreciate that support the show help yourself out I do Post those picks uh and in full transparency we haven't hit all those so you know there's still time to go but this is uh summing up pretty nicely if you have uh been following and if you have any of them you hack AJ Brown four for 108 in a touchdown incredible game there still plenty of time how about this stat only other eagle with three touchdowns in his debut Josh Terell Owens back in1 the only other Eagle the only other one the only other one in their debut holy cow holy cow that's unable uh let's see Bittersweet machines as uh hang on I make sure did I did I miss the kickoff I was distracted did we get a Touchback yes yes we did all right Touchback uh Bittersweet machines though appreciate the 20 let's go says great live stream fellas go Birds appreciate that we got five here from clanky uh cranky cleus absolutely ordering a Barky Jersey when the game is over yeah it's going to be really hard not to oh my goodness it's be very hard not to he is as advertised and listen we had heard he looks good he looks healthy he's happy everything is great but there were still questions right what is it going to look like in an actual game and so far so good here we go though defense come on all right 426 to play Eagles have the lead now Jordan love to the left is complete to Dos quinon Mitchell almost had it there but it is a completion for a gain of about eight brings up a second and two we uh definitely could use a sack it has been it's hard with the pass rush just due to the fact that uh there is basically no footing in this game but uh yeah a sack right now would be great as we are about four 4,000 people watching right now which is huge come on D give us another one second and one now officially loving the gun takes a snap going to be handoff Jacobs and has a whole first down wrapped up by Zack Bond and Nolan Smith but not before a gain of about three or four and picks up the first okay AJ already over a 100 as well yeah nice to get I get sm involved I see Johan Dodson make a catch too he's played a lot for those wondering how much gonna play little decoy initially but he's definitely played a lot oh you'll like this one I miss this but I'll get it in real quick uh Nate with the two the Super Chat there says guess we need a Barkley one yes absolutely yes the answer is no doubt and I think pretty good just FYI Nate yeah I think we're going to need one that's a guarantee take that to the bank uh love with a snap now look at left side it's complete NOP broken up Quon Mitchell in coverage a little behind intended for wicks incomplete I need to see the replay here I thought for a second quinon had another interception I thought he was close here he's playing off coverage this is a simple out route look at the hip flip and a great break up go incredible play saquon's going to get the MVP of this game quinan Mitchell is a rookie from Toledo who looks looks like a 5year veteran I mean he looks unbelievable right now look unbelievable I don't think it's crazy to say this he he might be could be your second best player on your defense he might be now screen pass to Jacobs has a little bit of blockers breaks a tackle pushing for he's got the first down gosh Zack Bond was there couldn't get him noobe Dean wasn't there uh or couldn't get him finally W wrapped up but not before picking up the first is CJ injured Garner Johnson his hand oh no oh no boy would that be Bradberry coming in if he's out oh no did he break his hand hopefully not bradberry's got what like the six weeks or the eight weeks um oh sorry sorry no no it wouldn't be Bradberry it would be Maddox I guess yeah I guess that's yeah you can't really tell what he did on the shout out Matthew Davis with the five one team pays for running back goes off for three TDS the other team pays for running back he gets nine for 19 it's crazy yeah Jacob's been quiet up goes Gardner Johnson though yeah he's like he's taking off the glove on his hand but he also used his hand to to to to to stand up which I think is a good sign right I would think so he can't get injured on game one dude he seems okay he's not going to is he going to the 10 I I don't know it was it looked it looked it was hard to say he was walking off and getting looked at so shoot shoot shoot that's that's one of the questions though you know we mentioned it multiple times we're like okay safety depth you know do you have injury you have guys that do have injury histories and CJ Garner Johnson and re blankinship but trist McCollum is in there now Tristan McCollum is now good the preseason hopefully you know we'll see ball into the Eagles teritory now Jordan love under Center Jacobs the single back first and 10 takes the snap hand off Jacobs has a big hole wow all the way up into deep into Eagles territory to like the 25 yd line finally brought down by Reed blanket ship don't want to pick on McCullum coming in but he went to go fill that hole and he went right past Josh Jacobs here you know come on you're just thrust into a game and he took out his own play or he hit Bond instead of Jacobs key Ringo was also in on that play curious to see what they're doing with this defense right now it's every man on Deck I assume and uh I guess we're going to wait and see if you're going to get a uh get get CJ Gunner Johnson he's back in okay he is back in so one play thank goodness okay good drive here first and 10 ball the 25 though now going to keep going with what's worked to Jacobs this time going to try to bounce it outside and wrapped up by Zach Bon Zack bond has been really really good give it to me he's been fantastic tonight Josh and again up and down in training camp right he had good days he had bad days he's learning a new position he has not played uh this wheel line ER position in a Vic fangio defense and he reads this beautifully he has no blockers in front of him and makes a great open field tackle on who's been so far in the second half a hard to tackle running back in Josh Jacobs good play there I you know I'm just gonna say I tried to tell some people I was like Zack bond is going to start when fangio says something 40 years of experience May mean worth something but Jordan Love Takes a snap now out to Wilson who's brought down it again Zack Bon a loss there on the play of one brings up a third and 11 he just seems comfortable Josh at the linebacker spot again we can't overemphasize the fact that this is a new position and linebacker is an extremely cerebral position you got to know blitzing you got to know pass coverage you got to come up and make tackles in the open field that's his third well these are his season stats excuse me but he has been really really good over the course of this game and now we have a big third down and 10 in what is a fivepoint ball game Josh from the eagle 25 yeah 11 tackles for Zack Bond tonight and one that is unbelievable so you wanted your answer offb linebacker Zack Bond all right pressure coming Jordan love left side going to be incomplete it's dropped hit him in the hands for Reed but he can't hold on as zonte Maddox was trailing it it's hard to say if he could have gotten the first there it didn't look like it based on the angle but still you'll take it fourth and 10 let's give credit to Jaylen Carter you haven't mentioned his name a lot he hasn't gotten a sack but he's been he's been eating in that middle he was working on a double team he's going to see him a lot this year that freed up Bryce huff and I believe a free rusher on the other side to force this throw to the closest person to Jordan love which is the checkdown again he's he's his stats are one thing you saw it all the time with Fletcher Cox only six sacks in a year and yet he's a pro bowler good play there by gylen Carter and now a a 43 yard field goal by the rookie kicker here we go snap is good hole is good kick is missed no good it hit the crossbar it is no good hit the crossbar or hit the upright hit the up the right upright and no good 3126 it remains 17 seconds left in the third quarter and that that was a good snap good hold he just missed it yeah it just squeaks a little right you know this was five yards closer he makes this one really off the right side of the right upright it's it's something to say as far as you know the last 43 yard field goal that the Packers missed yep it was in the NFC championship game so there's something to say this is a different kicker of course but uh still you can't make it and now Eagles will take over let's go um well no the Eagles are gonna go on offense never mind we'll do get we'll do a giveaway at the end of this quarter all right ball in the 33 jayen the gun now saquan to his right takes the snap hand off saquan tries to Bounce It Outside left side he's got a big hole he's going to go 50 the 40 he's finally brought down the 35 of Green Bay oh my gosh saqu Barkley is having a night oh my God a huge gainable Josh this is a run behind the a gap there's nobody there's there's nowhere to go he he bounces it outside and the explosiveness that made saquan Barkley the greatest running back in the National Football League pre- Christian McCaffrey is back on display he gets from four yards behind the line of scrimmage to 20 yards deep in the absolute twinkle of an eye that was unbelievable speed there by saquon Barkley holy cow that is unreal let's go and that that is the end of the third quarter by the way for the officials go uh but yeah all the way up to the 35 yard line so again congrats to those who use the code uh Philly special and Underdog cuz you just hit the rushing yards over that I mentioned the uh the touchdown has been well over um and also if you did the alt line I mean we're literally coming up on 100 yards aren we I mean that did that I don't think they got him over but it's got to be close 94 94 rushing yards 16 carries that's going to happen let's go all right you have that picture that we can do uh yes let let me I've got it here let me pull it up all right we gotta give a quick shout out to our friends over at Clear Vision uh the people who put on Devon Smith celebrity softball game which Josh and I were at we were on the field for we hung out with saquan Barkley they do it every year uh in Allentown Pennsylvania it is an unbelievable event if you have not gone to it you got to go to it next year and they want to go ahead and give away one of the t-shirts um from that game to somebody in this chat right now we got to figure out how are we going to select this person we need to uh here here I have an idea how about okay let me know when you have it up okay this right here let's do the first person in the chat to type my wife's first name whoever types my wife's first name gets this SE this Devonte Smith softball t-shirt from Clear Vision shout out to those guys good luck first person what is my wife's first name she's beautiful and stunning and she's happy now that her fasy football well she was struggling there and Christian Watson caught her her touchdown so she's happy first name of my wife anybody know this is this is tough this is tough it's not L I feel like the ogs will will get this one but we'll see yeah Don no it's not Don it's not Christine I actually love getting the the guesses from yeah Jeremiah no I don't think I would have named married a woman named Jeremiah Brenda herts I wish never um haven't no there it is Cody English got it Cody English I see it right there I'm pretty sure it was Cody English Paige um I'm double checking for you to make sure I think that's that's who I saw too beautiful wife Paige Cody English I think we did I think it's Cody oh Jordan love working on that calav with the uh hypervolts there the little guns are I I think it is I think it's I think he got it oh there's Joey stack Joey knows yeah so many that came in at once though too so I'm I'm yeah I I don't see here here I'll you you want to keep looking you want to call this because you have the full chat yeah yeah you you you call it and I'll I'll just double check here Herz in the gun really good field position now for the Eagles takes the snap quick screen left side that's batted down incomplete they're trying to get AJ Brown on a quick screen I think it is I I'm pretty sure I don't see another wait wait I see some more P here wait no no I see Cody oh Matt Johnson is not going to win because he knows Cody English had it again Matt Johnson little turd um get out of here winning this yeah I see Cody said it again I think it's Cody gotta be right I think so I'm seeing I think it is I think it is Herz in the gun second down and 10 from the Packer 34 empty right now four receivers stamps his foot takes a snap Blitz coming left side hert stops throws that's caught calcatera across the 20 down to the 21 sorry across the 30 down at the 21 first down Philadelphia I think we're going Cody I think I think Cody got it yep it's Cody Cody shoot me an email it's in my description box or DM me on social media wait Paige is now saying LX got it nope it's LX who got it okay maybe I miss that I'm sure that she's on top of it more so yeah she's on top of it hang on hang on one sec go ahead Josh call it you all right first and 10 ball in 22 Jaylen takes the snap looking left side he's got AJ Brown pushes forward first down all the way up to the 10 yard line so first and 10 just outside of the 10 yard line I'm seeing LX I got to go up here man this is a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be did LX get it first there's so many people that it's like the flood I know of uh answers came in oops we don't have a first and 19 it's I see LX right here with Paige let's see there's anyone else okay then then there's Cody you keep calling Josh I'm gonna look all right first and 10 ball at the 11 fourth quarter 1357 to go Jaylen in the gun he's directing traffic and looks over to the left he's going to hand off to sequa nope he keeps it oh that was a bad decision wow that's loss of fouring we've seen that about three or four times tonight Ju Just hand the ball off you know worst case scenario saquin still picks up about a yard or two all right it's LX we're going with LX because my my wife keeps texting me and saying that it is LX so LX send me a UHA on social media send me your information we'll get that sent out just just tell me your size and address so Alex got it Alex got it sorry sorry Cody my wife was monitor in the chat and her name's paig so she kind of gets to call it back to the game though second and 13 you got it no it's you Herz Pro left side oh gosh almost pick geez that was scary yeah it looked like he had uh or he wanted to go there with the screen pass but or the pass to the flats but that was not going to it was a screen okay well it wasn't even a SC I was going to say at first it looked like he's get to block but John doson wow that Dad so scary don't do that don't do that again yeah you gotta play Defender there he kind of did he he basically did all right come on we just need points here field goal goes a long way in this game third and 13 third and 14 empty set for Jaylen two on the play clock he's going to get it away fourman pressure looked like almost delay of game but gets it away looking deep shot towards the end zone oh my gosh it's picked off that's terrible that is so bad it is picked off and dancing around is wow Alexander is going to bring it out and it's uh 12 or 13 body bro what is heing I I don't I don't know why you try to play her like that you cannot do that that is such a terrible ter like where you going close there's there's two or three Packers in the area what are you doing he's had two just terrible terrible throws okay killer for freaking points too right because you get a field goal worst case scenario you you it's it's a third and 14 before he throws it you throw it away throw it out of the back of the end zone if he gets three points then all of a sudden you're sitting there and going an eight-point game like you can't lose you're literally set up to where best they can do is go down score a touchdown get a two-point conversion I know there's still plenty of time but come on you got to know situationally but doing he's made two of those he's two throws like that oh my goodness oh my goodness can believe he just did that oh my goodness gracious yeah I mean think about that it's 3120 26 right now you get a field goal here yeah makes this game oh my gosh it's just it just cannot happen yeah we I mean AJ slipped but I don't think it makes a difference McKenna's coming over too oh that was terrible that was just terrible I I I know that you'll trust AJ and you want to you know make make some plays and and all that kind of stuff that's that's awful awful play no excuse for that one not at all um let me make sure and get some of these super chats CU I missed some as we were in The Hectic part James appre to five apologies that we were very late behind this but time to show no love yep I like that no love love but uh Dustin back whenever saquan did his thing said John Mary is breaking things in the Big Apple you know he's hating it he already hated it before but to see this uh and how about um Shane you know the GM Joe Shane who's uh Shane having fun tonight he does not look good did not look good on Hard Knocks um you you know he can't 11 to see this it's like all right hey we got to play that two times a year uh Matthew Davis great last name appreciate the five said one team pays for a running back goes off for three touchdowns the others team pays for a running back and he gets nine carries for 19 yards that was before Jacobs you know had a few few good runs but I I hear you yeah there's there's a total difference uh from what we saw from up to that point Andrew travelli another five said sequan has brought a CMC esque to this offense unbelievable go birds don't waste it tonight game don't lose this you can't you can't he is literally not lose this game doing all he can for the offense uh and then Josh H appreciate the two more bro said now we see why Vic loves bond that is exactly true he loved Zack bond for a reason just brutal that I mean Herz doesn't doesn't throw a pick in the preseason or in the oh gosh big big run oh well there's Josh Jacobs so we said he hadn't done much and there's a big run all the way to the 45 yd line so about a 30 what 33 yard Scamper oh sorry it's fourth quarter too yeah um okay yeah oh man that pick could really come back to haunt us my goodness and yeah we talk about him not making mistakes in preseason and then here we go he makes two really really critical ones here and now the defense has got to try to hold on and force a field goal now as we are into the fourth quarter here we go all right so 45 yard line 12 minutes to go here in the fourth quarter 3126 ball at the 45 loving the gun motion across the formation turn give Josh Jacobs up the middle good tackle there is to co de he's been great in run defense he's been really good really really good in run defense really has through shoots the Gap there I mean there's no questions about niobe in terms of the blitzing and I say no questions in terms of blitzing and run stop he is absolutely there IQ is very strong it's just questionable coverage at times but you're right he's had a he's had a solid game uh big dog appreciate the two also said this dude jaylen's going to un alive me uh they just showed the interception AJ slipped big time in the end zone so not a surprise there second down and 11 pass now throw right side caught Watson good tackle there by Mitchell across the 50 that'll be a gain of six on second and 11 be third down and five but yes AJ did squeak open he was open for a second Hertz through that ball too late again across the body and then again AJ slipped he would have probably broken the pass up at worst oh here we go big third and 1115 to go fourth quarter 3126 Philadelphia ball at the 50 come on who's going to get a sack love empty set three receivers to the top walks to the line 11 to go on the play clock calls out the mic shakes his hands to the right five on the play clock stamps his foot takes a snap fourman pressure back goes love clean pocket steps up BLS one right side wide open that's caught and a big gain in the eagle territory there he is again it's Jaylen Reed first down tackle made by Reed blanket ship that no one was close again gosh darn that pick is going to come to haunt us do not waste the sa one Barkley game Nolan Smith was almost there too he almost got a hand on it but you're right he's he's just wide open there's nobody there all the way up to what the 24 yard line good God geez I don't know who was in coverage there we'd have to see the you know sky cam view but he's got three for a buck5 and a touchdown with Wilson the running back now the lone set back as Jordan love goes under Center first and 10 from the eagle 26 takes the snap turn give Wilson big hole left side makes one man miss and then Falls across the 15 to the 14 that'll be a nine yard gain unless they give him forward progress for a first down and in a five-point ball game this game's shifting back and forth It's a pendulum and it's swinging in the direction of the Green Bay Packers right now Josh it should be he is short second and one yeah it should be one where at worst case we're sitting here going all right well they're moving the ball down the field but uh it'll be a tie ball if they score a touchdown and get a two-point conversion it'll be a tie ball game instead they get a score and all right well there you go it's a you got to go back and move down the field second and one ball at the 15 yd line love under Center takes a snap play action rolling to his right still looking still looking stops now he throws across the middle that's a catch and a good hit but it's enough for a first down Bond came up for the tackle on the running back Wilson but he got three on second down and one be first down Green Bay Packers you know this is totally kind of taking a tangent outside of this drive here but I wouldn't be surprised if noobe Dean and Zack Bon are your starting linebackers with a Devon White injury even coming back it'd be very questionable of seeing how that plays out but they they have been pretty solid all things considered as Landon Dickerson and milot they're talking to Herz not sure what they're saying on the sideline but first and 10 from the Eagles 13 takes the snap this would be a turn give Josh Jacobs running up the middle makes a man missed and gets hit by Guess Who it's Reed blanket chip in Zack Bon this time forward progress down to the eagle eight Milton Williams a little slow to get up as now he does it'll be second down and a short four here as the running game is starting to really wake up I have not seen Jordan Davis on the football field I I haven't been paying that much attention I don't think he's been out there for a while yeah I haven't been noticing watching too closely either so that's especially in the Red Zone let's see if he's out there right now is Jacobs still the running back on second and five 813 to go fivepoint ball game he is not ball at the Eagle eight Packers been in the Red Zone I think the fifth time tonight Love Takes a snap play action steps up in the pocket pressure coming throws it out the back of the end zone incomplete Josh's boy Nolan Smith was getting some pressure there and the eagle patch rushers they're starting to work a little bit as love reaches down and grabs his calf again trying to see if this is BG as well I think it is they tried to chip block BG with a tight end that did not work BG turned him and Nolan was uh pretty close there so get a little bit of pressure oh boy this is a big third down this probably no it's not four down territory I don't think because you you kicked the field goal and you're within two oh come on please someone make a play Third and five shotgun empty set from the eagle eight eight minutes to go in this football game love stamps his foot takes a snap fourman pressure steps in the pocket he's hit he throws and it is incomplete yes yes no flag little high for Romeo dos Devonte Maddox in coverage and we mentioned jayen Carter he got pressure right up the a gap again no that would might haveo there you go and Jordan Davis was back on the field Davis on a third down kind of surprising I wouldn't have expected to see Jordan Davis but uh yeah morao right in the face of Jordan love gets a hand on his uh outside arm not his throwing arm but still to be able to kind of offset that throw wow what a play all right Eagle Red Zone defense has been pretty good so far they have been pretty good this is another 26-yard field goal attempt from the right hash he missed his last one from 43 ball spotted kick up it's good two-point ball game 753 to go oh my gosh this is crazy LX make sure you shoot me an email thomasm gmail.com or DM me on any of my social medias let me know uh let me know uh your address I want to get you that that shirt oh man we've got to go down and score here we've got to go down and score the defense is not going to be able to hold them when they only need two yeah there's uh I don't have much confidence right now especially the way things are things are going things are transpiring oh come on Jaylen Herz 23 giveaways in his last 18 games not good not good you know some of them when we'd seen him in in the past you know you go like all right well there's a tipped ball or you just something kind of fluky but these tonight have been just I mean I hate to say it like just boneheaded decisions like the the first series to throw that pass is like what on Earth you doing same deal here regardless of the situation of the game I don't know why you're going to throw that but then also situationally when you say get three points at a minimum just terrible it it's a does not make any sense real Bray music with the five appreciate that uh you said kind of funny every time you guys have mentioned someone not being on the field they come back swear how he is watching yeah it feels like it it kind of feels like it yeah I I I I wasn't paying that much attention to the defensive line in terms of who was in and who was out but I felt like I hadn't seen Jordan Davis's massive body on the field for a while there especially during those big runs they were gashing us with come on Jaylen all we need is a touchdown you steal this game baby we got to get a touchdown they're still working on that calf of Jordan love on the sideline it's very interesting yeah it seems like he's cramping because he's eating a banana it looks like and must be they're going to go to commercial break for here here for a second man come on guys we're on commercial break we need we need saqu one to hit a home run here we need saqu one to hit a home run got to have saqu one just hit a home run seal this stupid ball game get us out of here that would be nice uh hey I like this here a member of the channel I did I'm not even sure I realized this um but I guess my burner account is is back uh my burner account is I sharing my thoughts I I don't remember actually saying this but it says I hate peacock from a Joshua Davis who's a member so good name um there you go guess don't know kick out into the end zone they're going to knee it so ball will go to the 30 all right Josh 752 to go you're up two your defense has not really shown that they can get off the field recently I think you got to go full Playbook I I don't think you're trying to milk clock here I think you're I think right now it's like everything go down and score this game because any score here makes this game way more difficult because it makes it you got to score a touchdown in order to win like a field goal and they still have to score touchdown to win this game for sure yeah you got to go and just take uh take it right now you have control of this you can seal your fate or come on sa make this make this game pistol formation Hertz turn give saquin Barkley bouncing out left side he's going nowhere he lost two dang it cannot go three and out though man cannot go three and out where where's that little AJ slant baby give me give me a little run after catch from Devonte Smith give us something Dickerson really missed there that was well blocked by beckon he got to the second level Dickerson whiffed completely I thought they would have had good blocking up front there oh man all right oh AJ Brown's slow to get up he says he's okay though you have to come out for a play okay don't like to see that though just got banged up a little bit there boy he got hit pretty hard he's good he's good he's waiting waiting to come bow on that hit wow wow still working on the Jordan love CF mobility's got to be a problem come on Jaylen give us a throw give us a throw baby second and 12 from the eagle 27 yard line make it 28 Catera motions across the formation now he comes back Herz slows things down he's pointing out the linebacker here Whisperers something in saquan Barkley here 718 to go in this game still ch in things 7 Seconds 6 seconds on the play clock Herz in the gun Barkley to his left Herz takes the snap play fake here comes a little bit of pressure steps up looking to his left no one open still looking now he back to the right still looking now he's gonna have to go ahead and throw this one away and complete there is a flag though in the secondary this is in the area of holding it's got to be holding Herz took a shot on this play as well I think it's is gonna be a first down for Philadelphia holding defense okay bail us out thank you thank you automatic oh boy thank goodness my stomach is just in nuts right now coming down in the fourth quarter just absolutely churning come on I guess we figured it'd be a close one but like they got you you're Alexander working on Devonte Smith yeah Smitty working on a double move look at that I mean slipping spping I mean that's not that much of a hold going say the slipping part is what I'm really looking at that it's a terrible like it's a terrible product to put out there no nobody has any traction AJ Brown back in hurts in the gun first down at 10 from his 33 takes the snap turn gives sa one Barkley he squee through the hole and gets across the 40 geez it's like that scene in The Incredibles where Mr Incredibles got to slide through the two lava things coming as quickly as possible in the evil air and he just gets right through at the end and squeaks through for a gain of eight that's a nice run that's you know what scene I'm saying I exactly yeah I don't know that I've ever heard that that analogy be used with but it it it works I my head I don't know exactly what you're talking about though Barkley over 100 yards rushing 18 carries for 101 and two touchdowns on the ground one more through the air second down and short now for the Eagles from their own 41 Herz again in the gun they got calcatera in tight I haven't seen a lot of gdd in this as they turn give saquan again he's going to lower the shoulder board progress will give him that first down and that will move the chains and to keep the clock mov here which is another perk of this drive you eat six minutes up and kick a field goal you're going to win this game no matter what AJ Brown also back in by the way so just just FYI good [Music] de 550 we keep dipping below here 29 31 Philadelphia Smitty has been a little quiet in the second half motioning saqu one out of the backfield they're going to go five Smitty in the slot same with AJ got her back out here Dotson up top four in the play clock hers in the gun from The Eagle 44 one on the play clock they don't they didn't get that thing off and serani had to burn a timeout and that is not what you want to do dang it what are we doing man not what you just some mismanagement stuff not not great decision making at times still got the lead we're okay but it's going to make great radio segment tomorrow should the Eagles have played their starters in the preseason hard to say Josh I mean they've scored 31 points just a couple of bonehead plays and the whole idea that Herz we kept raving about apparently he's having the greatest training camp of all time he's made some poor decisions you start to wonder the secondary they have a pick readed blanket ship probably should have had another one earlier in the football game but it's not been herz's best performance of the night so far and he's not been horrible either with a nice touchdown pass to saquan and AJ yeah I agree it's um it is what it is the fact that you could still get the win here we're okay but it's been very spotty there's been some Rust there's been some issues that we've seen with it um I don't know it it could still be okay obviously uh you just man he's got to make some better decision- making by the way people asking uh the timeouts on the scoreboard are accurate so if you ever curious of how many timeouts we have left yes Eagles have two Packers have all three first down and 10 after the timeout 533 to go Birds on their own 44 herts in the gun empty set takes the snap fourman pressure Herz standing in the pocket now he's going to roll to his left now he comes back to the right he's going to run Herz he gets across the 50 there goes Jaylen Herz and slips because that's what you do when you run on Corinthians Arena field for some reason he short of the line to gain he probably would have gotten it had he not slipped but a nice run there by qb1 probably his best of the night you haven't hit the sub button yet hitting the sub button guarantees the Eagles win I just we said likeing a sub basically guarantees it good run there man this is like on playing on a slip and slide it's unbelievable slippery this is it's crazy there yeah there's there's just no TR I mean it's so bad it's just terrible gain of Eight Second and two under five to go in Packer territory at the 48 yd line Herz again in the gun here comes a blitz up the middle stops turns throws that's gainwell falling for first he did step out of bounds though there's also a flag not sure what the flag is gonna be here I don't know where they threw this flag either IL formation Lane there you go there's your first penalty on Lane Johnson not being lined up not being lined up I was going to say that was a great great play by Kenny G there because it was it was not the best pass and the fact that he actually went back there and caught it and then made a diving play to get to the first down was be incredible up he's it's breaking the belt line of Makai beckon right that's what they're saying on the broadcast Lane's hot too and now Lane am I good gracious second seven Gates the first down ball back to the eagle 47 Herz in the gun I believe that's gainwell to his right Herz takes the snap turn Gib no keeping it now he's going to step and throw and that is an inter almost picked oh my gosh he almost threw it right to J oh my gosh what is he doing what are we doing what kind of throw is that a flag flag they might get offensive pass interference and eligible man downfield because it's an RPO killing us on this drive oh my gosh might as well right also why is gainwell in the backfield right now where's saquan just give it to saquin oh no second seven they're going to decline it so be third and seven now oh man do not give the ball back to the Packers with five minutes to go so so dangerous here Jaylen is literally throwing it to Jer Alexander lucky AJ round a 6'4 and strong he basically bullied that ball out of Alexander's arms oh my goodness third and seven 443 fourpoint sorry two-point ball game Herz in the gun Barkley to his right Gard in as well he's been quiet in the second half ball at the Eagle 44 sorry 46 yd line now they motion gard and Barkley into the backfield Herz takes the snap third and seven fourman pressure all day to throw all day still looking still looking now he's going to step up and run HST has got to go a long way to get there he's not going to get it not going to get it he's going to be about a yard short and there's a flag another flag Herz took a shot he says it's on he thinks it's on the Packers it it's could this could be a hold oh please please sense with how long they they were trying to cover come on does not look happy please be on please be on the Packers still waiting waiting for Roger gel to decide if they want the Eagles to win this game or not here we go holding defense let's go oh my gosh we're getting bailed out oh my goodness we'll take it we will take it oh my God got Clark defensive lineman he said 97 how did Kenny Clark hold we gotta get a replay here on peacock Kenny Clark is grabbing gainwell oh Barkley oh when Barkley was trying to sneak out of the backfield it looked like it it looked like it first down B all the way to the Packer 42 Herz pistol Barkley behind him motion calcatera across the formation takes the snap turn give saquan running left side he's hit almost immediately Falls forward for a gain of about two across the uh 41 maybe to to the Packer 40 welcome in 40 700 people watching right now thumbs up drop a comment let us know hang out see if we can win this game I agree with running the ball that they have got to get in a field goal range though you have got to get points on this drive to win this game oh my gosh just the anxiety here come on you got to do something I know I'm sick these decision making not been great you can tell that the field is trash because route running is atrocious and I know that affects the corners too but it's it's basically like all right what do you want do because you can't go anywhere there's no cutting second and eight from the 41 Herz takes the snap looking left here comes a blitz Herz is going to step up he's going to run to the left Herz to the 40 Herz Dives across the 35 it's still going he's got a first down there's the 600 PB squat jayen turns the legs and gets a big first down clock still running 334 to go they're in field goal range wow I thought he was going to be four yards short there throw up the breida one first down that was a that that's all Jaylen right there really good run here this is two Packer secondary players he runs over one of them and I believe that's Stokes the safety did he get the first yes he did that's a first down clearly it's why you squat like you do I guess man I'm gonna get to hit legs again tomorrow Herz pistol takes a snap turn give Barkley and he's going nowhere he falls forward he loses two maybe three actually that's a bad run Josh you're Green Bay you have three timeouts right now you have the two-minute warning coming up in 54 seconds you're going to need to get the ball back when we start burning them if you're Green Bay I'm maybe after the two-minute warning I guess because you want to try to hold on to him yeah I I would if if if it's me I'm waiting till after this play because you're going to have a chance to stop it and and save a couple seconds before it just dwindles down to the two-minute warning but it depends on what what it gets here if it's a long third down then yeah you burn it if not you you probably save second and 12 from the Packer 35 Herz has got to get one more snap for the two-minute warant takes a snap looking left steps up throws across the middle there's Devonte Smith across the 30 SM still going there goes Devonte Smith for a first down across the 20 down to the 17 yard line first down he's all of 180 pounds soaking wet he just pinballed off a couple Packer Defenders huge first down and G happen we're GNA do it we're gonna do it oh my goodness finally just a nice simple Crossing route Josh to Devonte Smith across the middle let him do the rest huh on this field and everything it's like there's again no cutting so he basically gets the ball hold on to it with two hands and just start running forward that's all that happens I think I just had a little delay in my broadcast okay I'm back look like they burned a timeout yeah so Green Bay has burned that first timeout yep we are deep into field goal range now and now you got to try to get the get the Packers to use their timeouts honestly Josh pedal the medal go score just just just go score a touchdown this game's over you don't have to think about it it's not even a thought I'm good with that yes please just get seal the deal I mean let's just say this we shouldn't and it doesn't feel like we normally would say this but with the dec decision making that jayen had like all right just don't don't do anything crazy you don't have to we're in an okay situation here take advantage think we'll be okay I got the sky cam make sure we're synced up right here they're showing me the back of Parts Herz and Barkley now they switch calat motioning across the formation four in the play clock from the 20 H takes the snap turn give there's Barkley up the middle he's not going far and that's going to be a game about two and now Green Bay will burn another time out because they're just going to start using them because they're going to want to save as much time as possible here as they have one left plus the two-minute warning 4,800 people watching the stream right now appreciate you guys sh a thumbs up so sure to subscribe we're giving away Eagles tickets on my uh recap show tomorrow so make sure you guys watch that one if you want to go to the Eagles home opener on Monday night there you go and I'll have one on Monday uh but there you go going to be out this weekend but also giving away uh as well so should be good shout out to the moderators in in the chat helping me with uh cleaning up the chat make sure there's no um uh bots in the chat we got a lot of people spamming stuff that uh are not real people shout out to Gold L Lucario thas M superb quick play call appreciate that my talking fast helps in these scenarios sometimes it hurts but sometimes it helps we'll take it all right so second and eight Josh I I I think I know Herz just had a couple questionable throws I'm looking for a nice easy schemed up pass to one of my best receivers for a first down here I I don't I don't run the ball three times with the Devonte Smith I I I don't think it's working or sorry with a sa one I don't think it's worth it right now second and eight ball on the Packer 17 takes a snap here comes the throw Herz looking left throws AC cross there's konte Smith across the 10 another first down there's the easy pitching T go baby another first down one more time how about this right on Q how about a 50 bomb from Dustin cat great job announcing guys I appreciate that so does Josh huge with a 50 bomb appreciate that Dustin thank you massive Dustin thank you that's exactly what I wanted Josh you do not need to run the football play to win this game trust your best receivers to win on one-on-one routes on the outside there's Devon Smith on this drive he's come up big and the Eagles are back in business really with a chance to seal it in the next couple place here yeah I mean they've only got one timeout left so it it's it is in perfect perfect position right now take care of business first in goal officially at the at the six oh my gosh this is C so close especially with the way that this thing started you know like the I was slightly concerned not looking great some Rust turn things around it's been very up and down but I mean here we are on the doorstep very close to be able to so walk away with the dub come out of Brazil with the win the clutch Gene of Devonte Smith is just crazy good right now just crazy good right now oh my goodness what about a saquan walk-off for the for Burger huh what do you think a little four a little four stack upstage the the Hat oh my gosh can you imagine I would love it people asking how much time left we hit the two-minute warning so we're two minute warning two minutes left unfortunately I know there's a way to do it we made a lot of upgrades to the the graphics the scoreboard everything here so hopefully you guys appreciate that uh we we don't have the clock and there is way to like hardcode it in it's hard maybe maybe next season my brother's a developer so maybe we work that angle and try to make it work but it it's a little much unless it's just hardcoded in and some people do have that which is is actually to the actual clock itself um but we do as as best we can there we go over the 5,000 Mark here for those of you just joining us appreciate you guys jumping in here Eagles are going to first and goal from about the 10 as we got 5,000 between both streams right now which is crazy we greatly appreciate you guys hanging out with us here as Philly has a chance to chance to wrap it up wrap it up right here boy to get out of this one with a win Josh I know there have been issues I know there have been bad throws by Jaylen Herz but this offense besides those has been pretty great it's been pretty pretty solid 31 points looking for a couple more here AJ Brown five for 119 in a touchdown defense has made some plays again the field is absolutely brutal right now oh man it's tough here we go all right oh my gosh the problem the problem with these night games Josh is I get so amped for a game like this I'm gonna go lay in bed for the next four hours with not being able to sleep not sleep I know first and goal ball six turn GI saquon Barkley up the middle and he falls forward for a game of about two Green Bay will burn their final timeout 157 to go and now Josh what about let me just throw something at you here they're thinking run could you do a quick little basically an RPO stick it in saquon's gut pop pass right over the top to Godard or AJ Brown that that feels like the play here bring him in tight boom boom seal it get on that plane and fly home yeah AIO right you could I I don't know because it's not that I don't necessarily trust Jaylen but I I there's also part of me that's going like all right it's it's second and goal you still have enough time you could run it see if you could just get enough push and score that way um I I don't I would I would have to probably run okay at least this one then maybe we talk about on third down but okay okay we'll see we play 14 on a 13 play drive that sucked over six minutes of this clock first second down and goal from the Packer five Barkley to the left lone receiver is Smitty Hur takes a snap turn giv saan up the middle to the one he is oh he's close he's right he's right there he is right there they're gonna call him a yard short ah okay oh my goodness it's brotherly shove time it is now you brotherly shove because the clock's going to run this is perfect this is honestly perfect you brotherly shove you you have the to brotherly twice two times yeah I mean I guess I don't know that's also a tough situation do you if you miss it the first time do you still kick a field goal no no I think you you probably do love go 99 yards or whatever it is well I mean he only got to get field goal range so that it's well still 70 yards 45 or or down to the 45 Something Like That 65 yards well the saquan Barkley fantasy owner in me is just crushed I didn't get my fourth but it's a little greedy so time out Philadelphia a little bit tush push look at sain he's like give it to me again please just give it to me one more time yeah he's like I'm ready one more time just give it to me look at him look at Brown hitting SE he's hitting saquon's chest and they're smiling right now oh man he's like all right I'll take it I'll take it oh my goodness look at that 132 total yards and three touchdowns already he could get a fourth if they did I mean I don't know I guess they could technically run it here to with uh with saquan why not why not do a saquan run and then you can tush push it right why not the the only fear is I suppose even though it's unlikely if he were to get tripped up for a loss of like three then you're going okay well but then you you just kick a field goal right I don't know it's probably tush push let's see here we go in the Huddle 112 to go 20 on the play clock two-point ball game it is tush push formation from the one come on what do you got third and goal third and goal Herz takes the TCH push he dropped the ball oh I think saquan fell on it oh my gosh I'm going to jump off a cliff I can notot what did he do how did he lose the ball well now they're def kicking the never had it yep it flew right out of his hand oh my goodness saquan saved us that's why you think about a run because it's so tight down there the tush push is not Invincible let's just say that yeah we were wondering what it looks like without without Kelsey it's not it's not as guaranteed gosh I'm going to throw up that was just so scary they're going to run run this clock down to 31 seconds and then burn a timeout that'll be their last one I mean I think you I I don't know what the analytics say necessarily on this I think that you kick the field goal because you forced them I think you do cuz if you kick the field goal they have no timeouts and you force them to go at worst 70 yards down the field even if you kick it out of the end zone and it's a Touchback 70 yards down the field and they have what like 26 seconds left in the game yeah but then you got a hill Mar issue here touchdown and you're done you don't have to worry about oh they're gonna kick it so I might as well stop arguing great I like the kicking decision personally well that's what I was saying I think that you kick it so yeah my precious wife so happy to get her Jake Elliott field goal here just for a little fantasy love little fantasy love for Jake the make yeah I would have handed up S one there on on on on that last play it just feels just feels right but okay nice easy field goal defense One play get us out of here come on this is a 21 y from the right hash man to hold levado the snap good hold kick up got it good boom there's a flag too I think you're going to have uh someone jumping over the center they they'll they'll they'll you know Decline and give it to him that that that that's easy so fivepoint ball game if you're just watching Packers are out of timeouts 27 seconds left so the Eagles are going to kick the kick it out of the back of the end zone in a couple of minutes and then um and then yeah and then we will go from there those just joining us just quick quick heads up Josh doing a bunch of giveaways Josh giving away sign Isaiah Rogers helment when he hit 75k I got the sign Brian Westbrook Jersey at 60k so you want to subscribe we're going to hit that in a couple days maybe tomorrow we'll see and then tomorrow's recap show in the morning whenever that drops we'll be giving away two tickets to the Eagles pack or Eagles Falcons game so sure hit those sub buttons um we would greatly appreciate it as we are uh 27 seconds away from you don't say this is stealing a win Josh this is not a perfect game I'm sure a lot of media people will will love to rip Jaylen Herz for the next 10 days essentially nine days before the the uh the the Monday night game he's played well enough to win let's just say that he's played well enough to win and this is the beauty of saquen Barkley this is why you pay him $13 million a year because on a night where jaylen's not playing his best you give it to 26 for three touchdowns and over 100 yards on the ground and you know it's it's worked out pretty well it's worked out pretty well Eagle defense I think is getting it mixed great it has its moments of really good I think madx excuse me Maddox has been the real issue um obviously when Isaiah Rogers comes back hopefully on next Monday who was shout out to Isaiah Rogers who was watching our uh stream of him being out yesterday he was texting Josh sending us pictures Brazil hotel room he will be back I bet he's bored prob like right now all right so Bren man again to kick this one off they're probably telling him just kick it out the back of the end zone and he does although no wait a second this is going to be returnable no it's returnable now Eagles Feld it very well good tackle there Ben B sumerin in on the play I think will Shipley made a good play there okay yeah all right so out Trot Jordan love we know he's dealing with cramps we seen bananas liquids and uh hypervolts those little I have one of those little massage guns for your muscles working on his left calav 22 seconds in a five-point ball game so just do not humiliate us and give us the big play and the Eagles are one and0 and then you get a nice 10- hour flight home and we all go to bed and lay in bed for hours because we're so we're gonna be wi awake so joh appreciate the three said good thing I'm bald already yikes yeah for real I'm gonna I'm right there with you John couple of couple more years I'm going to be there first snap take the love rolling to his left still rolling to his left now he stops to throw and that is going to be caught there at what is that the 40 45 in front of quinan Mitchell it's Jaylen Reed who's apparently the second coming of I don't know Calvin Johnson he's having a night and that is going to be up to the is he up at the 50 yeah I think it is wow quinon came back yeah 49 yd line 15 seconds Five Point ball game takes the snap love steps up in the pocket he hit it they got him no he shuffles the ball backwards picked up by just Jacobs across the 50 and Jacobs Runs Out of Bounds at the Eagle 45 wow not dead had him that was that was going to be a ball game that would have been it oh gosh and now we have a hell Mary with five seconds left Jordan love is hurt Jordan love is writhing on the ground oh gosh his helmet is off he is writhing on the ground oh my goodness hopefully he's okay oh no oh no maybe wow thiss maybe hopefully it's more of like a really bad cramp newly traded for Malik Willis is your backup who's goingon to have to throw this hill Mar cold Josh he's gonna have to because love has to come out of the game no matter what this is interesting here here's our replay love gets grabbed by Carter spun around oh and then steps on the ankle oh no the ankle gets bent really bad oh no ah that did not look good oh that is so not good oh man I hate this for Jordan love this is brutal I feel awful I feel awful for Jordan love especially at the very end of the game too like that yeah there's there's six seconds people are asking six seconds left Jordan love has stood up but he is being gingerly helped off the field and there's another Packers player too there's a uh I can't tell which is that a tackle love is extremely gingerly walking off this field boy you hate to see that that is awful again let's let's set the stage though 6 seconds five-point ball game they're inside the eagle 45 Malik Willis is the backup he is going to have to throw a hell Mar cold now oh my gosh this football game oh my gosh former Titan quarterback for those wondering third season he has not thrown a I'm not going to say anything like about that but let's say please don't they Flash the stats up there yeah three three three picks in his career please just let this ball do you do you put AJ Brown back there and try and I think he is is that AJ back there at the 10 it kind of looks like it might be it's is it no they think that's CJ at first I thought it was I think that's CJ so will Willis from his I don't sometimes I wonder if you just like you know do a normal standard rush you know instead of the three and you allow him plenty of time like you just forc them to get rid of the ball here comes a fourth Blitzer Willis is going to throw hot and it's incomplete wow that was interesting so they only burn three seconds he threw hot to Dos phly did what Josh just said and came with an extra rusher I I'd heat him up too honestly I'd do it again don't don't give him a platform to throw this ball it's a rookie it's basically a rookie quarterback in his third season but he's Jordan love is is not coming back in either way he tried to walk around he's not going back in So 3 seconds left third down and six ball still at the Eagle 46 no timeouts either way 15 on the play clock Malik Wilson is gonna finish this here goes the final play Oh My Gosh here we go love standing on the NFL logo takes a snap Eagles bringing three love slit or Willis EXC me steps up hit he's sacked they win yes sack B look at who that is oh he didn't get the throw off thank goodness oh my gosh Z go what a game for him and heck yeah Eagles win Zack Bond look at the team rally around Zack Bond go oh man what Z 15 tackles tonight two sacks 15 tackles and two sacks okay man I really do I I horrible I hope he's okay he's still sitting on the bench right [Music] now at least he walked off we can say that gosh yeah they did it they literally did it they literally did it holy cow they did it I think he had a Super Chat still up on the screen here from earlier is that is is that one older or is that one newer I don't even remember uh oh that was just from the Jake Elliot Phil goal yeah we already got that one y appreciate it from John they did it they did it I'm out of breath I'm like jeez Bon yeah bringing pressure was the right call there Josh that was the right call because you just make sure that he's not going to be able to throw that ball oh my gosh they won I mean parts parts of it were not pretty a 34 29 game and you had two interceptions from Jaylen you had two fumbles technically one yeah I don't know it gets a tributed to him but not a good snap um oh my goodness boy if you're Jordan love you have a serious injury are you are you um flying home immediately like you know like like you got to think about that 10 hours on a the fact that he walked off I mean that was a really good sign you never know so but but hopefully I mean worst case scenario what you hope that it's like a a Badin yeah and and it's nothing serious it's any sort of like yeah Terror break or like that that'd be not great um mil says he needs a cigarette I don't smoke either but I could I would probably crush a cigarette right now my goodness for that oh my gosh Ethan appreciate the 10 said glad for the win but hope love love is okay soon that was stress and hoping the NFL realizes they need to have better fields for four AR love is a stud and losing him to Turf is horrible yeah I I don't know if uh I I don't know if it's technically due to the the turf for that injury I will say that but but still I mean I'm with you in terms of the the field was trash all game long and nobody could cut nobody could do anything so yep yep hopefully learn a lesson uh cranky ugly wind will take it everyone enjoy trolling Giants fans tomorrow on X had fun great job guys cranky cranky thanks for moderating by the way I really appreciate that that was uh that was clutch while we were trying to get those those spammy Bots out of there I really appreciate all you guys for that very much appreciated yeah say hi to a Giants fan like everyone knows a Giants fan just just a little text with eyeballs would do it just a little like you know you know that's all you need or you could you could poke the bear a little bit more if you'd like to you want to it's never never a Bad Thing uh pork chop appreciate the two said dropping bonds down there so dude Zack Bon I'm tell B I was trying to tell everybody I was I was on the Zack Bon train from the beginning quinon Mitchell is right up there for MVP but Zack Bon is defensive m in this game and saquon's offensive MVP it's that simple Eagle receivers though still eight and I mean listen Matthew Bon with a 20 which first off I appreciate that greatly let's go great game other than Herz making some bad decisions everything else looks great I think that's the glass half full takeaway right even with Jaylen Herz making two really bad decisions they try to ball over three times but two really bad decisions they still score 34 points they should have scored more it could have been 40 and they win that game so you know it's it's it's it's one thing I think Herz will clean things up I know he's going to get shredded by the local media I know they're going to get him for the next couple of days but I think we have to acknowledge that you saw exactly what you think the Eagles offense was going to do they run the football with saquon Barkley AJ brown with a big touchdown Devonte Smith on that final drive was absolutely massive getting them in the red zone and and and they did what what you expected I mean that's that that's really what you wanted the Eagles offense to look like minus the turnovers you take the turnovers away in the game and this offense is insane I mean absolutely balling out so yeah 132 and three touchdowns for sequin is nuts too oh yeah it's crazy but expected for saquon Herz was extremely good ran the ball well had some really accurate throws you take away those two bonehead plays and he has a nearly perfect night I'm gonna say that that's true yeah I mean he he was there were moments that you like to see there were other moments where it's kind of like uh okay he definitely made some bad decisions especially with the situational throws and interceptions there but you know rust for the offense to Come Away with a victory like this you take it uh I know the comments obviously for Bryce Huff that is a question he had one tackle and that's it like not a lot even in terms of pressures I don't know it'd be we'll have to go back and watch a little bit more closely but I I don't think that there was much out there uh also saw a comment about slle uh saying didn't hear his name or anything like that that was a good sign the fact that we didn't say his name he's he's doing his job so um let me hit these super chats cuz we're getting quite a bit we appreciate all of you guys for hanging out shout Adrian real quick he was ask for a shout out shout out Adrian I think it Adrian lot shats shout out Adrian uh let's see Tony s uh for the five says you know Eagles back when they give us emotional roller coaster that is you're telling me good is gracious we're back baby we are back um eagle 20 appreciate the F said appreciate the live fellows glad we got out there with no injuries speedy recovery for Love Yes prayers hopefully everything's okay we do not want injuries for anybody um% skylord that was also the I'm having to smoke a cigar so there you go not a bad idea both ways Victory Cigar and you know help yourself there uh Sam with a 10 said fellas I'm a big believer in superstitions after the first quarter I put the wife to bed and then after halftime I changed the shirt and shut you guys off to change The Vibes looks like it helps so hey whatever it takes well yeah that's true tell that wife to go to bed honey you're done go to sleep you're done shut us off so you know I gu it worked that's fine you just it's uh it's only crazy if it doesn't work um so there you go Justin with the five says Q quarterback two and the or yeah quarterback two and the offense still looked good it's only week one yeah and listen they're going to get even stronger with Isaiah Rogers coming back so got to feel good about that um Dean didn't play bad either says private eth with with the two I I mean he was pretty good honestly noobe Dean I mean listen we I think Josh and I try to shoot it really straight like we obviously have to call PE call players out because no one's perfect and so we're up and down on a lot of players I was extremely hard on ncoe Dean throughout his entire career and I did not think he was gonna win the starting job and whether he won it or not or white got hurt or not we're GNA find out probably next week but he was really good tonight he he he looked the part and credit to ncoe Dean that's off to noobe Dean I I'll just I mean I'll say it right now like yes we have to watch it I think ncoe Dean and Zack Bon are your starting line Zack bond for sure but I think Dean and Zack Bon are your starting linebackers we're gonna see for for dein white you know when he comes back but yep only four tackles one tackle for loss for toobe Dean yep and a pass deflection which should have been a pick six um but overall the the combo between that I I think that you could very easily call it what it is and say you know they they they may be your starting linebackers so um it will be different too like again I know we keep harping on like the the field but when the field is better the pass rush will be a little bit different it was that way for both teams but you know you expect a little bit more so um delirium appreciate the five said a lot to clean up but glimpses of some really really good things great way to put it great way to put it yeah real a lot more than glimpses some some some real flashes there of some good stuff May the goo be with you NFL cutting cords with the International games is going to end someone's career yeah it's what do you say guys I mean honestly it was awful it it was really bad it the field was I mean field was horrific horrific and again someone the thing is go I was I was say the thing is like it's not a because I saw a couple comments too before whenever we're talking about this it's not necessarily a knock on Brazil and Corinthians necessarily because it's the new field anytime you do it it's like okay well we got to bring in the New Field to get this all set up and how many times do you see it whether it's in Brazil whether it's in an American sporting event anywhere it's like oh hey you brought it a new new field here and all of a sudden you got a trash situation but it it it should not be happening definitely shouldn't have happened you know back at the Super Bowl but that's a whole another story but it shouldn't be happening when you want to make this thing a whole big spectacle and say hey look at us we're it's International game first time South America lights on Friday night action and oh by the way we have a field that's worse than a lot of high schools so I don't know yeah not not the best yeah um Randle Cosby appreciate the two said it's brotherly shove don't call it tush push man yeah apologize I think we both said it a couple times I go back and forth I say some and the other but we we got you we'll try to as much as possible brotherly shot Alex I got your email I got your email don't worry I got your email um Dustin Duncan on that another two said you have to go look at Kelsey's Twitter timeline okay I need to check that out I may have missed stuff I'm I'm sure as far as tweeting and everything let's see did we cjon another one for five okay I'll get him in a second I think Pimp Juice I missed uh see Herz decision making will get better there's a lot of coping because of the field but we came uh let's see we came over or I guess we got over a lot of turnovers or overcame a lot of turnovers defense flashed that's true I mean I think the defense did Flash I think they did Flash I I don't think they were perfect and Jaylen Reed whoever that guy is is is unbelievable but uh yeah I think I think it's very hard to gauge the defense because of the field because you don't know what the pass rush is right like it's very hard to know what the defense look like without uh having a real pass rush so agree Daniel Bigalow five appreciate that said old lady bought me a new Devonte kelly green jersey and hat first time wearing it Good Vibes so I was going to say shout out to her and also you know exactly what this means you got to wear it every single game like yeah until we lose then you it then you can change it up so feel like her's interception was based off rust um the first one was really rusty yeah and a couple of those dangerous throws I think were also just kind of panicky right just just a little panicky but again you know turnovers have been a problem for him the past couple or the uh you know the past season didn't basically throw any but W in training camp so clearly he's been doing some things right just gotta kind of you know hopefully even things out hopefully you know kind of figure it out that's my hope yep uh L see cold cash the two just pulled out great hairs and I'm only 20 let's freaking go welcome to the club kind is gracious yeah it's it'll do that to you you know I think everybody's well aware you watch really just a couple but certainly you try to go through an entire season and uh there'll be a few more grays even at that age so don't worry about it it's just it's a badge of honor honestly because you say well I'm I'm an equals fan so good for you alexo with the two says I don't know I can see uh Maddox out there next week I I don't I don't know if that's uh saying I don't know I don't know if I can see Maddox out there I don't know if that's a negative or if that's I think that's a negative I certainly can't see him out there the way he played but it's hard to say right veteran is Dee ready in time that this is a hard game to thrust Cooper deene into right that that that's why there wasn't a change at halftime because you're just asking too much right and then lefl starts attacking the rookie try to see what he's made of you want thee to be playing in the second half of a game where you're a little more comfortable and start to kind of see how confident he is because he's basically only had three weeks of practice right I mean the past three weeks been has been his his practice so you know it it is it is what it is Taylor Murphy with the two says tigers's wire equals Jaylen run Tiger's wire like Tiger Woods uh I don't I don't know I'm drawing a blank that that's probably should mean something and something that I should know but I don't actually know what that so can hit you back there Marcus Dudley with the two said shout out to Smitty pivotal catches tonight go bird huge absolutely massive yeah he was really big why Thomas put up the uh the photo in his background yeah really big I mean and that's and that's what Devonte Smith does best right he he's he's grossly underrated in the league he's a one on you know 90% of the rosters on this team or in this league and the fact that he can quietly probably had eight catches you know especially like three massive ones on that final is why he is why he is great um couple more here CJ Deacon say whoever has Barkley and fantasy is a static with his debut I know a guy's name is Thomas Mt in my league with 12 people uh my wife uh so shout out to Josh is in that League too yes I'm exatic I'm excited I'm I'm so happy for you the fact at least I'm not playing you so that's that's a win I suppose but it's silver the C deal says Mitchell was great he was really good he was really good um was so so five tackles right so that's good he's third third on the team in tackles five tackles two pass deflections and was I mean fantastic in coverage all night so the fact that he's that high in team team tackles and being able to play like he is in coverage he he might be he might be your second best player on the defense tiger wire was the audible Jaylen called audibly before he had that clutch for run that's what it was okay thank you for clarification appreciate that I guess yeah I I didn't even know that but that's the only faky player behind madx Josh is Bryce Huff honestly and now again I am not going to rip Bryce Huff until he plays on an actual legit NFL field but didn't play a ton and was very quiet I thought noan Smith had a better night and noan Smith had a lot more I think I think Brandon Graham had a better night too I thought he was pretty good so yeah yeah I mean heck Jordan milata had the same amount of tackles as Bryce Huff so yeah well like that's just you know it's one tackle each Timothy Brown appreciate the two said we will see Coupe get action next week so again believing in the thought or the possibility of sure you get uh combined out there I mean we'll see like you were mentioning but if Vic fangio said before he's not ready yet I don't know if necessarily in a week's time uh you want to another Prime Time match up in a week's time they like all right here you go but maybe they're going to get a few more practices in that would be a quick turnaround but I guess we'll see on the note of going back to Bryce Huff AJ Jones thanks for the five said did huff and Smith get bullied all game I was at work and couldn't watch no they didn't get bullied it's very hard it's it's very very hard to pass rush on this field if you couldn't watch you watch the highlights they're slipping and slide I don't think they ever could really get a footing Nolan got home a couple of times like there were moments where the pass rush would get there that's why I can't fully rip Huff but Huff was just never really like there whereas you know Josh sweat was there a couple times Stan Smith was real close you know so it's hard to it's it's it's hard to gauge but they definitely weren't getting bullied definitely were not getting bullied I agree yeah like it's it's because noan was like you say he was almost there he made a couple stops in the Run game so he was able to do that but then in terms of actually getting to the passer it it's just it's so hard to say because we we even look at it and say all right two sacks for the entire Eagles team and that was Zack Bond and those were really thanks to more of like a blitz opportunity so it's not a beat your man type of situation and it comes back to the field which was just atrocious so it's hard to know um you know really how how much better the pass rush could have been um which is also what Chris was saying here uh thanks for the five said it's simply unacceptable to have a game played on a field like this after the Super Bowl field mistake someone at the NFL office needs to be fired unfortunately no one will get fired I would imagine but UHC toally on24 yeah totally with you on that here's Jason Kel's take on Twitter great first game of the year against a very good Packers team that's something we need to remember is now have a tiebreaking win against an NFC Juggernaut depending on Jordan love Kelsey goes on to say sloppy game but when they but they were executing man they were rolling lots of good ones in this one cleaning up some of the first game Jitter on o stock the explosions on D and we are rolling baby there you go you think he's that must been tough for Kelsey to sit at home watch this game just watching saquan cook I mean oh had to yes must have been tough he wanted to be there so badly let's just say this the tush push would have been better if he was there not the best snap situation uh it can be better but well it wasn't atrocious just it's just one of those all right you hope that the rust has now been shaken off you you got on the field you've been able to play get something in there um we'll see I Am Maverick with a two said we won for my birthday but damn it's stressful so yeah happy birthday man hope had sitation but you did hope you had fun losing three years of your life you had three less birthdays after sorry happy yeah hopefully it's it's a youthful birthday at least right I mean because otherwise you probably in a way you get you had a birthday today it probably was like a five years worth of birthdays um but yeah at least you did get a win so go Birds there blae also with the stressful part said man this is uh this is or this field was stressful onto the next one so moving on and listen let's just mention the next one right Atlanta coming back home we learn a lot about the Falcons on on Sunday it says not your dad's Falcons you know an eight8 perennial team the past three years real test for the defense real test for the eagle defense and and listen they've they they've gotten better defensively for the Falcons themselves so really I mean hey just I mean I I was telling my wife and my friends this the difference between starting 0 and one and one and0 for your die hard football team it's night and day I mean it is truly night and day right 0 and one tomorrow morning that alarm hits and you wake up and it's like it's like the world has ended honestly you have to get out of bed you have to you know all your friends are texting you no one text you when the Eagles win they all text you when the Eagles lose my phone is completely silent because the Eagles won Eagles would have lost had about 30 text messages so you wake up to that nonsense from all your Idiot non- eagal Friends a win though you go put your head on that pillow you kiss your wife good night you have the best night of your entire life you wake up the next day you feel great you have an incredible weekend a stressfree week one of of the NFL you don't have to worry about anything but your fantasy team oh man what a night unbelievable heck yeah total Game Changer oh total Game Changer uh and again appreciate all you guys heck the super chats here everything I'm trying to get to as many as possible uh we will get to all of them we're just kind of yeah going in in sequential order here um fliping the bird let's go with the five said I guess fangio was right about Bon LOL Dean could have had a pick six yes sir he was I was uh toot my own horn a little bit but you know I was trying to tell everybody Zack Bon's gonna be the guy there there's a reason Vic Vic fangio is not a a uh Nick serani or a a individual going go out there and just oh hey he's going to be good he's going to be he's if he goes out on a limb and said we think that he can be the guy we think that he could do that then he sees something special in him and sees how that potentially could translate so when we talk about the comparisons of Andrew van GLE and how you might play him the hybrid with Zack Bon the blitz ability you saw it there's your guy there's Zach Bon um fantastic night love to actually see it though totally with you appreciate the five also one more from flipping the bird um appreciate more another five said I won 140 on making a bet that Barkley would Score first for Philly and then I didn't think he'd get three tubs so well I don't know if anyone did boy I just saw I'm just scrolling Twitter make sure I'm not missing anything I want to see if there's any Jordan love update there's not that run from Jaylen Herz on second down and nine where he was going to be short and just runs over a packer corner to get across the line gain that's going to be forgotten we're not going to talk about that a couple days from now but that was oh man that that was a big run that was a very very very very big run big time very big run huge again the fact that like this is the offense like that's the thing you it's almost like pinch yourself you know it's like is this reality cuz the offense wasn't even close to clicking on or firing on all cylinders and you know being what it could be and you still scored 34 points you still put up 34 points and this is I mean situationally if you take care of the football better if you're if you are playing in a a more cohesive unit you didn't have rust early on I mean heck we could literally be sitting here saying hey the Eagles scored 408 like you could get two more touchdowns out of it it's crazy yeah I mean minimum they should have had 37 right that that that's like a a bare minimum there so no doubt no doubt uh Char with the two said looks a little like last year close W with floppy play no no I don't think so I think it's a little different way too many points we have to remember last year was really close with sloppy play and we scored 20 right and like it was three and outs every single game that last Drive was like 17 plays and it took seven and a half minutes right and that was the last Drive of the game and they could have scored a touchdown there right technically so this is a better football team than last year guys let's just be very clear the there are some really good signs to take away from this and we can be negative don't be negative tomorrow just be positive I think you got to be way way way way way too way too positive so totally agree yeah yeah got to be positive uh let's see Steph here with the I don't know actually what this symbol is appreciate the 250 bomb but I I I don't know I don't know what this I'm I'm trying to I don't think I've ever seen that dollar sign what that look like a P with a I don't know I'm sure people in the chat already know maybe you know Thomas cuz I I I can't say that I know what that is but wait I don't see it where where is it is it on is it on your is it on yours I got to check I don't see this yeah it it was on mine I'm sharing it on the screen for both of ours but I know that yours is delayed you can't see it through the other one but I it's like a it's like a p look I I don't I have no clue not a British town right it'd be fantastic we'd love it hey real money either way Steve we appreciate the 250 I'm regardless um it's it's the highest number amount that we've seen here uh was Q playing outside opposite SLE or nickel he was the best player on defense outside he was outside yeah that was something we didn't expect Josh we thought he'd be inside with Ringo on the outside I saw Ringo in for one play I think maybe later in this game yeah it was all Q I think they realized when he had that that that pass break up early on on Christian Watson I I think fangi was like come on guys we can't out play this guy like we can not we got you gotta play him right he's he's ready to rock right now which is crazy we have that kind of a cornerback ready to rock ready to rock okay I appreciate the chat you guys know everything because I I had never seen that before phines I guess a Philippines peso okay so there you go we Stephen appreciate you what's the conversion on Philippine Pesos these days someone here 50 PHP for a dollar I guess I okay I'm gonna take their word for it because I again I have no clue absolutely at all but uh appreciate that Richard Kane here with a two said reminds me of all the painful wins last year so see there's another I think it's a little different I can understand it I I'm also with you though I I do think that it's it's different in the sense of J we we we had a this felt different right like there's a lot of similarities I understand it like some sloppiness and oh we e out a win and everything else but the The Vibes of the team you saw some more smiles and then also in terms of the or the defensive side there's some physicality there's some intensity there's some passion maybe a little bit of a character and attitude that we didn't see last year so I know it's only one game and yeah we want to see a more dominant but it's the Packers right this is we're not talking about a a trash team here that it's just you walk all over them well and that's the key right this you lost the Cardinals last year right you you lose this game last year if this is the from 2022 they lose you lost the Giants the Cardinals the Seahawks you just beat the Packers this is the sexy pick of every ma major media Outlet like this is this is the team right they are all going for the Packers and you just won in Brazil on a crazy week you didn't want to be there on a terrible field and they still did it so yeah it's there are a lot of differences than last year we got to acknowledge them there are a lot of differences than last year y a lot and still you know again Packers played sloppy too so you could say it for both sides but the field played a big factor in that if if you hadn't had the field situation probably would have changed differently there um so I think it's it it goes both ways but I agree with you uh 48 wave appreciate the 10 said Die Hard Eagles fan from Texas I commented on Josh's post uh oh yeah I forgot about that Eagles 35 Packers 28 so you were oneof um and also said It reminds me of our first game of 2022 so there you go a little bit different first game of 2022 and then said I'm Sub sub to both of you guys channels love the content uh go Birds great appreciate that appreciate that we do appreciate all the support this was this was I mean nuts the amount of people so you guys are the goats but how many people wanted to hang out for a live stream um was an absolute blast but uh yeah we do appreciate all the support all the comments everything there I Isaac Torres with a five said what did y all think of Mitchell are we missing Isaiah already now I I don't mean this in like a defensive way so like you might not have seen the game but Isaac did you w did you watch the game at all because again no offense but if you did then no we love Zay we want him to get on the field we do like to see come back and make his defense better for sure for sure but cour Mitchell was I better than advertised like he legitimately you make the case Quin Mitchell is your second best player on defense jayen Carter one Quin Mitchell two back toback draft picks for first round agree I totally agree uh Andrew travelli with a five said should I get champagne now since I'm out of beer LOL yeah maybe just go to bed I don't know that's the it depends on but see he's he's uh what by his time now it's what noon it's like middle of the day he like joined whenever it was 9:00 a.m. so he's got a long ways to go you it is you're you're I mean Kudos it is is late it is passed we are into SL fading but I'm still I'm still vibing right now I'm like having a good time so it's okay it was uh it was too fun oh we got a second one I think there was multiple from Andrew so I at this point you might as well you got to celebrate it right you start out on the right foot as well you beat the uh team that went to the NFC Championship so we'll have to figure out my sleeping Arrangement whenever I go back out to the from the studio um see how the wife's feeling about the Packers uh Kai with a two said super chat for Bond q and elevated blood pressure yeah all three all winners tonight they they allit what a parlay they certainly did uh that's that was a good one to take that is no doubt um and then let's see 20 bomb from Shane huge what's up man said uh zero and one with a 9h hour flight uh 9h hour flight home is rough for the pack Jaylen fought and won no slides and gave it his all for first downs in that last drive that last Drive was huge that last Drive was Mass massive yeah we talked about Herz that again that last Drive they they don't win that game last year they don't win that on that last Drive huge absolutely huge yeah yeah and and we to the point of no slides from Jaylen also there were a few times you know earlier in the game and when he he is dead to RS there's nothing to happen but you could tell like there's a difference of hey we're winning this ball game and when he keeps he keeps a hold of the ball and he pushes forward for the first down and he moves the chains keeps the drive alive like that's the competitiveness that you want to see you don't want to see it all the time but it's like okay situationally make sure that you can do that because we've seen that I mean you know Jaylen herdz he squats like saquin does pretty much there there's a reason you could take advantage of that and so he did it's it's kudos to him the competitiveness I think you saw that even in a bad game for him I'm sure he would admit that as well it's you know he's out there competing and we got to see some Smiles so you know that that more of the the leadership and also not afraid to be like look we're we're having a good time it is a competitive game we got to be about business but it's okay to smile a little bit when you have some success so you saw that from Jaylen um and then heck yeah I mean that's a fantastic point because I don't know of many people that enjoy 9-hour flight period but if you got to go a 9-hour flight being 0 and one after a situation like that like that would be much much worse so heck yeah that the birds are one and0 and don't have to do that uh makes a 9h hour flight much better but would not want to be the Packer situation right now I agree I agree all right I think uh I think we're ready to wrap up we appreciate you guys hanging out with us umk what a night what an absolute night and and listen it's just a start if you never subed hit the sub button we got Recaps coming up this weekend I got mine going tomorrow Josh a little bit later on family stuff bunch of giveaways happening as well and we'll be live every game you know it's so fun it's so fun hanging out with you guys it really is it really is this was yes this was a blast um I say we we do it uh not this coming Monday but but the next Monday how about that one for the the game against Atlanta uh Shane with the the last minute Super Chat here so let me make sure and get that one in appreciate the five uh here we go says props for blanket ship the game changer no win without that turn that's a great that is a fantastic point the ghost does need his glory and he was quietly good tonight again you didn't call his name a lot you weren't worried about him in coverage he he was really good you know and I the blown coverages weren't because someone got beat they were just blown coverages right which is a problem and of itself but it wasn't like one guy besides Maddox was getting shredded they all they all looked they all looked pretty good man I don't know I got a good feeling I got a good feel I this team's pretty good man I think it's a pry good heck yeah it's a very good football team super super excited uh it is it is unbelievable um hey lookie here okay f l DB appreciate the five said love the scoreboard I run the scoreboard over on how about those Chiefs and this is well done okay so you are the goat I I've not met you personally but I've seen the new scoreboard is well done so kudos to you appreciate for this one this how get clock tell us how to do the clock I think there's some coding going on I'm pretty sure that I saw that um whenever either Cole was talking about that or someone else so it would be cool but you guys yeah y'all are killing it so but appreciate the support there was I'm sure that you know people can see the reference there was some inspiration from uh from last season on that but you know we had to at least try to manage it but um yeah all good stuff so appreciate that and Elbert also sneaking in a last minute last second at the buzzer Super Chat appreciate the two said Devon white and Isaiah Rogers H and this D will be great so You' make the additions you can make make the case yeah you got additions see where they even insert in that'll be the the storyline or at least one of those to keep an eye on later into next week because you know you would assume that both of them probably come back we'll see how serious the injuries are but you've got extra time with this mini bu and you know do they have a chance to reassert themselves they were the presumed starters I think for most people or is it a situation where you say Hey noobe Dean you you won the job and hey Q you obviously won the job and we're just going to stick with avonte Maddox in the slot I don't know or is Cooper de jeene ready so many questions there for the secondary um but nonetheless yeah to have the the extra backups and the secondary depth um we will absolutely take that so in the right direction uh again we appreciate you guys I don't know what it ended up with I think we had who knows like 70,000 people combined um throughout the stream so this was an absolute blast as y all know we do this for for every Eagles game lots of giveaways to come make sure to like And subscribe uh Thomas's video will be coming out tomorrow morning probably early afternoon maybe um so make sure to check that out mine won't be till Monday we're going out of town so it'll be delayed but um it it will be just a an abbreviated session whenever that finally comes so Monday uh be sure to check that out but appreciate you guys as always Eagles are they're one and0 they did it took advantage took care of business and off on the right foot so safe travels prayers for the team everybody else traveling back if you watch from Brazil you're coming back or just hanging out um but as always you guys know what it is go Birds appreciate you guys go Birds

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E [music] [music] [music] [music] you you give me power in your god's name i'm every person you need to be oh i'm [music] [applause] [music] it's game day we're here it is finally finally game day i have got the sam bradford jersey on as the greatest eagles quarterback of all time the bets are placed... Read more

Eagles beat Packers in Sao Paulo Classic | Spectator Sports Clips thumbnail
Eagles beat Packers in Sao Paulo Classic | Spectator Sports Clips

Category: Sports

What a first friday in the nfl 2024 season hi everyone this is sebastian fona with spectator sports we're going to break down eagles packers from brazil but before we get into it drop a like on this video subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and let's get into breaking down this epic... Read more

Eagles vs. Packers live updates: How to watch, odds, predictions for NFL game in Brazil thumbnail
Eagles vs. Packers live updates: How to watch, odds, predictions for NFL game in Brazil

Category: News & Politics

Domingo é dia de futebol americano se você não está ligado no futebol americano aos domingos você está perdendo eagles versus packers vamos mergulhar neste domingo a disputa é entre eagles e packers veja como acompanhar cada lance sintonize ao vivo na espn ou no nfl game pass fácil né agora vamos falar... Read more