[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good performance man don't ever leave chelsea never give up not just always yes people welcome to another chelsea live stream chelsea have drawn neil nill against wolves another two points dropped uh some people saying title race over we are won the panel um alfredo saying it's not over only seven points behind but i think also on our free is it six or seven i think seven according to alfred i mean we were how much we were at the end of day four day one six no actually don't know alfred you show your seven it could be six it might be six it might be six but listen arsenal are three points behind arsenal football club are three points behind they're not three points behind but what's good with you they are they will too no they're not that's right there's six points behind huh they're on 32 and we on 38. yo my smoking weed the something and then sorry so bro someone trolled me man i saw tweets about that one i'm sorry i'm sorry about that but listen cattle race over javi uh it is man just say israel i want to say yes i do want to say yes because just not i don't think on a point right now like it's not but i think the players we have and our current situation um these guys are like not good enough even though given context like that zero zero wasn't a bad draw given who we had out the injuries we had like this game made me realize our world-class players and our two world-class players are silva and kante how does kante miss out for that long and put in that performance without him bro and silva how how he's snuffing out everything before he even gets to it's just that up front we're just disappointed man these guys i don't think like i think i think like honestly i might be no i'm just talking much because they're not chelsea level bro you saw my tweet other david like i feel yesterday wasn't i just i don't know what it is with these players man like after that bro i'll ask the question where mount doesn't score i don't want to hit on mount i'm just going to say for each player we're mounting oh hold on hold on let's let's clear let's you got to you got to put a disclaimer because people don't start getting their in their emotions when you yeah guys listen the analysis i want to make is not me hating on the player i'm just going to literally analyze their game that i've seen the entire season not just moments where they've shined and not done anything mount when he does not score what does he offer that is the first one ziesh usually tries didn't really try today i didn't really see anything um alonzo was bad you know he's always going to be bad there's no point in saying no you know the funny thing is sadiq like even though he was crap he like he wasn't at fault like today bro bro like even though like he got beaten oh he would have been yeah even though he's regular orlando he he was half the problem today because wolves honestly besides that they didn't really offer much it's like like for instance um going forward mount gets a uh open cross that he should be doing way better it's just bread and butter for those wolves guy to play claire like it's not even given anything them to think about um pulisic gets a chance i i i personally think that's a good save like i'm not going to lie but it is a good thing but on context but listen on context these guys would not show the same energy to cho or to any other person because that's the boy like this is no hard feelings i respect everybody but the hypocrisy because if that was any other person in that position they would be especially cho and or lukaku they would be cooking them no listen listen bullish has done really well to obviously correct that i wasn't expecting more i'm not gonna i was expecting more definitely for sure but listen the whole front three was bad and i do have a bit of sympathy for all them because obviously what you're also going through right now lack of players you tried to counter the game in the game didn't happen no one's really up for if you know what i mean no one's really motivated content a good like that wasn't the worst result i thought we were going to lose bro [Music] it didn't look that bad defensively though i don't think it was that bad they didn't trouble us defensively like that for real median troubles in the first half they did you were said in the previous two games yeah i didn't think it was that bad previous two games were actually less pressure than this get chances before that uh chance nah he's right everton had like one shot what are you smoking sadiq i need to i need to remember nah but i gave praise to lonzo but like why is the ball mid-air and he's already running away in mid-air bro tell me what rudiger was doing there tell me what route you're supposed to cover the person in front of you not behind you so so are you going to are you going to blame tiago silvano what's silva doing no when you're left you got to tuck in nobody's in the basic defending you've got to turn in front of silva it's only one place how can we be once because he's on thiago silva's blind side bro like he has to cover really listen bro basically defending basic defending and coaching your left back tucks in bro he tucks in the man was already going there's nobody in front of us in front of thiago that's why he was playing with uh playing for player behind him i wasn't supposed to play it with the with the guy in front of him but for some reason decided to do the ballerina dance and run away silva and rudiger turn to him like yo what are you doing they turned to nine like three yeah what are you doing shocking it's definitely shocking but i don't understand what happened with rudiger and and like the last person has to tuck in bro like the left back has to tuck in in that situation it's not even about the left back taken so sadiq is asking why the other two players doing that's not that should well there's no communication doesn't you know there's no need to be a communication those things nothing need to be communication basic pattern education the only communication it would have been is thiago silva and rudiger because they cover in the center forward the talisman okay so let me ask you a question if a lot of the tucked in and the ball went past all the limit went to the back post what would you have said alonzo need defend well if it goes to the back that you have a faster like if it goes he has time to tuck in and then go and close down the shot because he's the father's person what are you talking about come on this is the problem though this is chelsea this is the problem bro the guys let me let me ask you that question reese james tell me about reese james in the first stop no you're not going to deflect james completely different positions let me finish on the alonso in this particular [ __ ] we already know [ __ ] no but you think he's [ __ ] with the cherry on top that's not it you think he's ice cream no no no no no i will put him in the mud even more for the fault not only he what he did was bad he had the player in his plane view before the shot was in and he was walking in the pace that's what shocking he was walking before the crosses even made uh uh to the uh to him he was in his view all the time that's what shocking part is okay but i'm asking where was rich james for the goal that was this alone can someone tell me now yeah that was the problem tactical unawareness what's happening behind him is it was it was pretty bad actually did not find the common uh community well i didn't know communication i didn't see any tweets i didn't see anything why i don't understand is it because it's the best right back in the league i've been asked to play like very high up the field yeah he he was probably asked to play higher up at the field but that's not it aspelicueta start asking the questions why wh what who am i picking up this guy or this guy that's what the question is yeah yeah he was asking a question that took a lot of questions just he's terrible too he wasn't terrible he didn't you know he didn't he didn't have any way to pass that right i had to play cover two players it was right to ask the questions which one am i following if the two players coming in which one is my f well technically it's the same thing defending one-on-one you don't cover nobody you cover the angle to the goals towards the goal you don't follow the ball with this situation after you have two players you follow the angles you cover the angle the closest angle to the goal and then you meet the first player that comes towards you you're not following the ball because if you follow under the ball it will spin you out and you will be out of position that's defending one-on-one too but to be true to aspirin it was way too many chances when james was made and made mistake not only tactical mistakes he made individual mistakes which was he was holding on to the ball on the right side too for a little too long you see we can create in this situation in this particular game it's hard to criticize the team but you like performance and everything but you can criticize the players specifically they played a knife position for example i will not criticize uh criticized pelosi in a specific situation because he's playing against the six foot six whatever center forward and he's like a little captain america you know what i'm saying but you can ask the questions like uh james like mount they play and then they position so they should be uh how you say criticism and james james had a really poor first half yes you did yeah yeah james james definitely had a poor first half i like i tweeted i was like this is the worst game i've seen from them that was terrible honestly though without the gold the golden assist how how does those like his performance is kind of like that he was to be fair i don't want to make excuses but he looked like he was injured i know he'll finally go back to your thing he wanted him sold in january he finally yeah you wanted rude to control right he's playing well yeah so how'd i feel uh what are you talking about well you said you weren't rude i heard you i remember that right no they didn't say bro i know you said it stop so pull up pull up evidence bro i will i know you said rudiger you don't care if it goes and look yeah he doesn't want me to stay what do you want me to do get him hostage sorry i have three kids well four kids now i'm taking the hostages yeah kj man the difference between you and him sold then you don't want he said you wanted to go man i'm not having it because that's dangerous because you could say something that i didn't say and put it as facts bro stop saying that put maybe if i didn't show me heaven stop saying that guys guys guys guys calm down at the one part i wanted them sold that's true i wanted that as well but guys like right now i could say you could you could clip this like i don't mind being upgraded on zs bro right now like i don't mind a better player for z it's like a refugee i don't mind being upgraded on all our wingers personally how about that but um kj uh coverage and so i felt they were okay when they came on i'm not gonna lie soul creating coverage you know kind of holding up the ball yeah i don't know what anyone was expecting from covers yeah because he would have yeah he couldn't he couldn't play a 10 on 10 game but then at the same time he wasn't bad uh he was pretty good actually he was pretty he was pretty good when he came on you could see the difference in the midfield i think we added more depth and we started playing more to the wings but unfortunately for wolves they caught on early and they started overloading the box i mean they were so compact it was actually crazy so every time we spr we went to the wings you could see the wolves players congregating in the box and it kind of made crossing pointless and i started asking myself why do we keep on doing this over and over again because wolves just clocked that so we were just wasting energy going to the wings all the time and coming in but kovacic was you could see as soon as you came on he was already attack-minded he just wanted to play the war up front he was linking a play nicely i thought he works well with seoul like he didn't have a bad game so i was happy about that but there's a potential for a good pairing there but i was saying this last week we can't expect this team to do well when there's no consistency with a starting eleven i think that's what i'm talk right now with this chelsea side especially in the attack because we keep on rotating this zero chemistry and we'll never achieve that if we keep on rotating our square tucho just needs to pick a starting eleven that he trusts and goes with it for a couple of games because we're in a position right now where even if we do enter january it's gonna be the same thing like just the same nonsense about having a curse it it's not nonsense you know in january it's going to be the exact same thing you need a kind of bold chemistry within the team right now because there's zero the players just don't look like they know how to play with each other except for i would say the defense but then from the midfield to attack it there's not there's not that fluidity anymore and that's yeah worry no all said um i was gonna say i'm not saying the purity shots was easy but i expected him to score there does anyone disagree he should be he should be scoring yeah he should be scoring it's not it's not the same as trogan i mean it was honestly we can't excuse you no he was on the left foot it's not his favorite food but everyone says he can shoot his left foot and finish oh easy oh i don't know i don't know if he can or not that's to my own excuse if he can there's no excuse then is he good at his weak foot he's good huh usually he's good with his left foot whenever the crystal palace goes he's roofing it with his left and yeah like you know when you hit it with the powers of one thing but yeah like to be fair to him i thought it was a good save like i really thought like it was a one-on-one you should be doing like our standards should be better but my thing is like if we're expecting all our strikers to score in that situation he should have scored in my opinion but i think i didn't like the only reason the only thing i will i was doubting if it's a left foot but since people saying that he's good on the left foot there is no excuse but yeah yeah that's uh was that our only chance that punished that's pretty much kante had one but he got blocked by cody did anybody think there should be a penalty in the last minute when this is i don't know i do i think i do i don't even know why diva didn't even look at them for the penalty players don't appeal enough man they don't appeal enough like i think it was studs up alex like and he he stamped on him yeah he literally stepped stepped on his ankle and the replay showed and i was waiting like whoa i need to see the var and it didn't even go i didn't know i remember not having it going back to the chances i think mount had a shot oh somebody posted on twitter that thing damn that's right on the top of the foot yo yo quick question so would you look still take so many chances or play like this how we've been playing chances what do you mean chances 20 shots 20 20 plus shots but we didn't score okay how do it's you can't compare if you don't score i mean in terms of the way we played it would you it sounds like we're working with just one if we scored and win the game i'll take that obviously but i mean in terms of the type of game that we play we dominate would you want a game where we dominate with so many shots on target or shots in general or just a boring game like this and score by one lucky goal or something i would rather yeah i'll take the score i'll let you go by the winning game i don't care about how pure it is as long as we're winning i would have took a shittiest win today bro the shittiest one one i'm glad we at least we kept a clean sheet i got that is decent in the second half yeah yes his best game for chelsea so far i mean that like i mean he lost couple of times both couple of times but at least he can run back and get it because you see he went back all the way and got the ball i wouldn't say that for jennifer if jennifer done that jennifer in catching that ball jennifer we were missing eugene today no we didn't yeah we would have held up the ball a bit more in possession at least yeah okay we missed regina a lot man yeah but you could see though i think when we get like big you're going to win the league you can you can you can get you can get jennifer back to you if you want no i think when we get our players back like cover church in them like when we get guy always pops up when andy comes home for something i never see this what's the thing you try to grow over here you're gonna win the league [Music] [Music] injured someone said you had a knock no he was injured he did have he had and i think he had to cover all the defensive duties and uh lost as she got covered he got he got hit with a one-two jab bro i mean once you knock out i thought i thought uh it was negative i thought kai howard had negative tests he did and then he did and then he went back to training yesterday and he done another one today and then it was positive wow it can happen that's how it works you know that those tests are false negative but they can be false negative and false positive you know they're right happened to my brother my brother he was ill yeah and then for like three days he got negative negative negative and then on the fourth day you got positive it was all the whole time so what is the validity of this these tests so we have we have guys that probably don't have it right now that says negative that could be the case exactly and having probably passed it to a couple of guys in training and then we have guys that probably do have hovers never had one huh howard's might not even have one no he's positive you know yeah but that stuff that's the thing he can't be positive but he actually not uh sick because he used to have a covey so he has ant uh what's the name in his body yet that was the thing yeah i'm not gonna pretend that uh that's the that's the situation but it could be false positive it could be false negative same thing that game well he should have scored yeah he should have scored that i would have wasn't that bad james was worse in my what opinion [ __ ] alonzo isn't even that bad man a londoner is not his wife would you siddique man you know what it is alex as bad as the standard performance so it's just like you got to go from that that's what i'm saying he's bad in general so you can't no today is actually today i've never seen such a bad defending iq that was today again specifically against that that play that the guy was before even cross was coming he sold the player in front of him and when the crash was coming he was just you know what spiny baller ballerina and tried to run away that was bad man that was bad wow i would be worried i would be worried for him if um the ball went past all of them and the back post got got the chance in the squad i'll be very worried i think he would have got slayed even more personally he was he was stuck like a chicken what can he do do you want that i don't know it was and you know that same type of challenge you know what's exciting about this you're no but even before the ball came in john terry will you know communicate our sighting bro leadership you know bro even if that goal went in we still need to score regardless soon yeah we are talking about alonzo we weren't talking about the front way front three it was horrible too but it's our problem arsenal are six points behind us yeah are still going to overtake us we're fighting top four soon win a top four battle that was that that's that's why that's why i said we're not favorites in the league winning the league in the beginning alfredo in the league now arsenal will pull out no comment bro oh my god we need rice mount kante to win the league but the bad ones everton the the point today isn't even that bad the one that was probably against everton yeah like that everton burning the man everyone struggles all the big team struggles they're a hard team to go to bro let me ask you something over there this chance where did we create today you didn't okay that's that was going to kick off um let me give you fun facts the last three or four games that i've watched yeah whether we score or create chances it comes from a lonzo i don't see anything yeah that's a fun fact he got the lucky rebound towards him in the first place it was a lucky rebound the way he got the ball in the first place hey john before that yeah so uh comments man guys in the comments listen alonzo is bad man but he's always involved in chances man that's all i can say to you guys that's why he plays uh you know spurs were in there four games in hand at one point behind us yeah but i'm not going to win bro yeah but still that's embarrassing bro they were shocked we got kante at the helm bro you seem to win the league bro i think they could beat liverpool i think it's gonna be an interesting thing i think two goals hit the max with these players on in terms of four at the beginning of the season already and i would just now but we gotta like take we gotta bro we've got a girlfriend who won the champions league man hold on hold on though a couple four but most of the time you see aspie on the mount on the right hand side they were screaming at him when he wasn't passing it to them because he just kept going backwards before they were getting paid because he didn't know what he liked they would do nothing with it apart from passing back again they weren't even putting crosses into it pisses me off every corner hits the first man he started to remind me of what's his name william willian he should be charged and if it doesn't hit the first minute it goes into the keeper's hands so so happy that next season the winter break starts and there's no december football we always flop in december man always are we flopping okay yeah but we going to the world cup huh it's too oh you're talking about oh let's start a winter break from next season they're doing winter breaks in december yeah and it goes to the world cup whoa that's only one time every season i'm pretty sure we're staying here oh no it's just a world cup no it's because of the world cup was in winter remember qatar too hot yeah pink and pierced before they made their buddha that's gonna stay no no no it's because the pink and perkies of england can get the sun burned playing in qatar so so guys who's gonna beat our front three man we don't want to see now we keep changing it what do you want you can't do anything oh we have to keep it no as in if they come back like who are we putting in now if everyone comes back we'll see when we go gotta figure out a way to work i think we're gonna actually postpone the games for chelsea because it's gonna be more cases man's always gonna play but regardless i think he's taking up space now man today this is sums up his last few performances you just didn't get go through the only thing is i didn't see him creating i didn't see any good pauses that last chance what was that postman that was disgusting silva silva's plan was he talking about no mount you know when he crossed in like stop his time in a wednesday oh and he's wide open yeah yeah yeah yeah as well you know people start crying when you criticize their star boys the top four battle no i'm not questioning he's not like this is not his fault i actually think we would if it wasn't for him this squad's too good to be in a top four battle man i can't hear you well this team you know the squad is not as good as you think it is bro i mean cause i told you oh i made it myself frank before we got these [ __ ] injuries yeah put the badge on it we looked solid as hell alfred that's his form bro it's gonna go down eventually but i've said why so i don't know if this team can circumcise consistency throughout the whole season to compete with city and liverpool that's that's the that's my opinion before this before the season started i i don't have problem with our uh first 11 i had a problem before the season with consistency because the last year showed me that we are not consistent and in the summer we never improved in the places we need improvement they thought just because we sound like coco in the first place we're going to carry on creating chances but we don't have creativity in our team creativity is a big problem the way we play and because of jennifer the way we're playing is hey jennifer didn't play today so what was the problem we needed him today there's no problem today he needed him in the first half we couldn't trust him yeah he played what difference did he make well the difference would be chalabad and you progressed the ball forward chalobah was sitting back so did kante if we had for example somebody that actually cd dm we will put another offensive player in the ender that's well anybody can be a cdm if he's just there but if he's not playing like a good c uh uh city in dm then what's the point of him i wanted a good cdm i always want to play with one six i don't want to play double six i want to to play like we're saying that we have problem with our forwards but we technically have less forwards than we're supposed to because of what system we're playing the problem the system's not starting to frustrate me but there's nothing we can do the system is not the system's not the reason why we don't create chances it's not the reason why we can't finish our chances it's the people that are playing it when we have zero okay second player player exactly what about what's what about the conceding but that's happening right now due to injuries i'm talking about when everything was fired hasn't been injured it was still the defense has been [ __ ] bro it's not the midfield the defense has been poor the last in a few four or five games how can you blame the system bro huh that every single game that's the time we still have three at the back rather than two so we should be defending better in general exactly well that's i play i'll anyway people if we want to play one way i'm saying if we get another dm with these current players you still think we can win the league no these attackers with these attackers you think we can win the league just because we're going to change the system no it doesn't work like that just like how you guys thought we're bringing the cocky we're going to win the league just because you bring it dm and go to the back foot doesn't mean we're going to win the league straight away either no if we've got holland we might just because you did streams every day for the summer trying to get highlighted mine's trying if we create five six chances a game then we wouldn't be having this problem but we don't we create one chance the guy who misses then we just blame that guy oh why do you not score from one chance per game bro he has to score that because he gets back the most that's why yeah if the people the people who go off the chair and say he needs to go out alone after one missed they need to keep the same energy for pillars man that's what i'm saying yeah that's what i'm saying i'd say that he played well today i don't know what i'm trying to understand who thinks that if we change system we're going to automatically become a better team i am [Music] so you've been information with the current attackers the current midfielders we're changing the system i want to change the players like no but yeah but frank frank if we change the system i think we will go on a decent run again and then drop off and that's that's problem consistency so change of system is useless but we don't have a dm we can't do that right now exactly with current information we cannot go back forward if we start a good idea it would be a better team i'm saying if we get a dm and go to [Music] with the current attackers you think we can win the league yeah no we're already seven if we go on if we let let me let me explain my point of view uh here's the situation with this system that we playing right now we have the squad forward to change to back four we need this change the players we have a system that suits the specific players in the system that's why tukul said it before he got the job the first interview he did after after what's his name uh lampard got sacked he said he watched the games where chelsea got better and he said it himself the reason why he wants to play it is because we get in transition we get better and the only player that does it is georginio he's horrible in transition he literally named it so he said you stay back you don't go forward that's the reason we're playing the way right i never asked that question i asked the question if we go to a back four we get a declan rise do you think we can win the league with with the rest of the players if we start from the beginning of the season yes do you think we could win the league with one aha zh as our attackers yes yeah lukaku uh mount uh uh what's his name yes what about one hovers now we said why are you picking the bad attackers that you think the bad attackers why are you picking if i'm making my own team i can put whoever [ __ ] i want in the front right i ain't putting the warner i put the players that i want i'm not gonna ask you for it who would you put who would you put he's like oh no no why are you no warner because the [ __ ] i want to because we paid 50 million for him obviously he's going to play we paid 70 million for hovers obviously two quarters array what is what is wrong with you you ask me a question and i tell you what i will do if i had the one single dm so you're going to say we're we're going to have free attackers for the whole season we're not going to rotate them i think frankie entering with analysis and he's trying to say like his point of view like you feel me like that's where the disc like is pointing this because yeah you're providing your analysis and like we know these players you forcing me with the players like what are you going to do with those two players who they say that i'm going to play those two players yo godzilla jump on g ah cool so you think we're going to win with lukaku pulisic and hatsune mountain we'd have a better chance we'd be close no we would not bro our attack would be better the only time if they're proving to me that they can score a week in a week out then i could say yeah bro but these guys you get another attacking team instead of a defender man of course exactly you're literally swapping a center back for it but then that's saying you're gonna create more extra attack on the pitch rather than the defender bro like you i know i agree with the system but he's talking about that three though he's talking about that front three that's not good capone doesn't mean we're going to create 100 more chances it depends on who we bring in no but you're going to move them out into the midfield and you're going to have a lot of friends i think there's more of a chance actually you're going to create more chances bro yeah you'll create more actually that's a myth that was pissing me off today we were playing the long vote of ulysses bro that's what i'm saying right now what we do is we open up my uh overlapped quiet dear play one two three build up and play through the midfield man but right now we can't do that i was starting to think that these guys are smart like that don't they see that the wolves are like all like six foot and that's clean how can you say alonzo has a fullback my mom was attacking so much but he was getting in the box for every course whenever reece james had the ball yeah see alonzo his hand up at the back yeah guys always up front like he's alone actually last game against everton i was like i've rather have alonzo on top than someone when they process up the person attacker he's an attacker bro yeah list if he loses the ball this is going to be over there not in the back in the middle he is not a left back he's a he's a striker so guys what's the most important thing that needs to be fixed right now in this team right now get healthy yeah just get one hopefully the villain okay i mean when everyone's when everyone's fit in general what needs to improve the front three or just alonso i think we need to start playing so slow and across the back line so much we need to like you know speed up the tempo of the game because i watched the game today and i thought brother i don't know what i'm watching like but you know you know if we didn't have injuries yeah i still think we'd be right up there with manchester united yeah too you can see the quality the difference that kante makes by himself is massive messy we're going to be close but the form would have dipped the phone would have dipped yeah but i still feel like how do you know bro how do you know i feel like oh sadie you're not you know at one point we were like four or five points above liverpool and now they're going to go like six points above us so maybe we would have dropped here but it would only get a one or two point gap bro for instance bro i don't think i don't think that burnley goal will happen in context [Music] i know i know but what i'm trying to say is yeah even cover chitchat well he hasn't played since october but it's the end of december now but you can see the difference in quality he's just not match field yeah you can can go between two different between two midfielders and create a little bit of space yeah you can just dribble past three or four players yeah yeah yeah yeah and kante's hidden work that you don't imagine can you imagine three players like kovacic in a midfield and only one defender one asana mid can you imagine how you can break those midfields with three of those players declan rise and three of those for example just for this is my dr my uh team next next season if we get the decline rise because i don't know about tucher mini the only reason i don't want to declare us is the price price for me is ridiculous but uh if we can get the decline rise and it's a big if for example that he can play in this uh a single dm and you can have kantia kovacic uh and uh a mount in a midfield and you can have up front uh gil not gilmore the other one from crystal palace because he's coming definitely next uh gallagher you can have gallagher and mount and galaga rotate whoever goes forward that's the myth that's the that's the uh midfield declan rice when he played alone six yeah well he plays right now nah he plays the subject oh yeah he does play no but bro sure i mean he doesn't play alone six either man i don't know where this has come from bro he plays with fana man bro but like at least for many he can dictate the play he's athletic and he has ball playing ability very good with the ball at his feet bro i don't know where this is coming oh he's all right bro like uh by the end of the season i guarantee you'll be six that's our fault we didn't pay 45 for him he ain't gonna be 40 bro i guarantee but that's rpg it's gonna rise because regardless if it's our fault or not but we're not going to get for 40 million when possible bro what you rather you rather pay a hundred mill for declan right it's not my money it's not your money bro just pay for the better player all right but then we're gonna start complaining when other man just gonna be like yo i want a pay raise and stuff like that it's gonna cause this harmony in the squad yeah if a player wants to cut them cut man i don't care about it it's bad for this it's bad for the squad you see that the ridiculous rages that like manual on it something like that saying it's not our money is such a casual thing [Music] want to come to my streams anymore i don't i don't respect that right now he's always busy he's on other streams oh oh don't give it away bro hey mr big trance fam oh my god that's it yeah you look note that down man i've said it since day one you gotta get excited over a couple games and we're on top of the league brother adds especially he gets excited bro are you now the most pessimistic last season for the church now man we're going to school this was a mustard today it was a must draw in the context that we had it was what happened today so that was the start of the season last season it's got a new girl playing dead for the season in it because it was the start of the season which brought me in man man two shoes doing miracles with the squad alfredo i'm telling you we will have moments where we'll go on a certain run for like five six games and we'll just drop like if school is gonna happen on this team bro if you give two show here's one one no top no one no tottenham oh my god bro come on 10k and one of tottenham bro come on that's a good goal as well bro spurs have been playing very well you know liverpool's defense is mad open literally what a goal man why didn't we beat wolves we could have been unlivable man that's not that why don't we be everton like this is ridiculous yeah i think everton is the one that actually is more frustrating that camera is coming in no teacher when you're coming you know i don't think it's gonna make massive difference anyway i think so you know we need to try a new formation we just have to try it yeah we need a dm though we need a dm all right midfielder we need there are so many possible things that can happen that will keep us in this race man seriously our fan base can we at least see how we play when we get all our [ __ ] players fit and healthy because it'll be too late for that it's too late if they know if they do a two-week break bro we're already six points behind by the time they come back we'll be 12 points man i'm fine no no no um listen listen if they do it bro like normally like i'm not saying we can win the league i feel like our players are inconsistent in front of goal but um if we get a two-week break and we get our players back and we have to play liverpool and man city back-to-back that's when we're gonna know when we're like for sure not winning like if we're not in around because if we could make points liverpool and city everyone's going to say yeah we're going to you know get back from yeah that's hundred percent 100 bro if we have a whole squad back and we're playing with them i still i still wouldn't say yeah i honestly think we had the old squad fit this whole time i honestly think we'd still be up there yeah i think we wouldn't be driving though that's the reason even today if we won and if liverpool loosely would have been level on points for the reason why the reason why i didn't think we players are your favorites the reason why i didn't think we were favors to win the league is because liverpool and city had the same squad for longer and they know each other how to play both on a longer run exactly but we are challengers definitely you can stay around that area i feel like we can yeah just cover around there that's my javi we're going to be staying with arsenal relax but we're not fighting with yeah everybody [Music] i'm watching on the sky 2 but how am i behind you are you watching the online store england yeah yeah online do you think they're going to cancel the like two or two week break yeah i just saw it wow i think liverpool gonna struggle you know why because the like they're they're better than us when they have their fit 11 but they're going to miss salah and money and they're where the goal is going to come from and i think they're suspected i'm actually opposite i think on one on one the squad is better our team is better than liverpool but they're a long ground they know how to play with each other yeah because they've been playing they're mature yo you know more creating uh shots not on defensive we set up system on defensive duties first because we have to with the squad right now yes that's what i'm saying you gotta change it oh now we gotta change it no neither this is the problem we got to get behind two show and get him his players because he's going to be the best manager that we're going to probably see at our club because i don't think chevy ukraine top managers are going to want to take over the chelsea job for real he's always going to be a player he's always going to be managers that want to take the charge of charlotte you can see that i don't i feel like two shoes like the right click bro i feel like we need a support what is he doing i don't know what is he doing he's moving like a chelsea player bro that's what you're saying chelsea had a perfect fit i think so too i actually i want him to stay a little oh god that was a that's upside [Music] i wish policy scored that man i knew that was we're just gonna have one chance today yeah yeah yeah yeah oh sorry would have been upside down i kind of knew with you on this thing i wanted the game to be cancelled man i was hoping that we didn't play bad like wolves are actually kind of like dead going forward like i can't believe we how many times we tried to cross the policies today that's so sad it annoyed those crosses didn't even make it to him well the courses were bad as well i think it was like desperation bro like this is nothing so let's just do the dumbest [ __ ] possible oh what is he doing other than that bros lack of creativity is in the squad man we don't have dynamic players i can just run in and do something with the ball no what frustrated me is because we have such a good players after shoulder players you know we have a fast speedy players lukaku is big as he is with those timberland boots he's really fast he's fast yeah he's really fast and what's his name even timo warner like you play him after shoulder like pass through the middle don't go over and sell it we just don't use it you talk about timberland the man touches the ball it like shoots off it's like bumbles up he's a blonde he's some bold you pay 50 million for a sprinter [Laughter] remember you saying bolt wanted to go sign for men you van is so bad man red card should be red card i think he ended up playing again and why countries like in the a-league usa yo why what what did christian do to injure himself ah it's not no christians in what did he do to injure himself oh we had back pain bro you know that guy is a bit soft man yeah what about jennifer yeah like i could understand georgina for carrying it you see the other day when harvest didn't play because they didn't know whether he was positive or negative it was the same thing today was regina he was ill i don't know what he was well all right good man like even though they're playing surprise i was actually capable of getting six out of ten today man you know why like you're like a good performer you know why i look good because you've been so poor so any past that yeah it's just like when keppel was in goal and many came out for a cross we were just like yo wow like it's just a stand like he could connect the past he could he was playing safe but that was kind of hurting him because there's times where he could like played it out and he's playing safe because he didn't want you know to lose the ball i mean yeah i get it as a glow confidence you want to make sure your first touch is good but still it's hurting us so that's what i'm saying i didn't think he was quite capable of giving us a six hours no he's he's too much for him but yeah i mean nothing yes no respond to monster oh we did mitchell junior today in the first half the center backs were uncomfortable to give it to china but orcante neither of them could really work in those tight spaces got injured again man i feel like both child about yeah i think he got injured again [Music] no no no uh he got hit in the knee i think it's a knock it's nothing serious oh when you try it yeah yeah it was jimenez with the back fingers yeah yeah yeah i think this two-week break will be the best thing for chelsea maybe we will get we'll see playoff pulisic look here's the thing about the two weeks break for chelsea fa does not it does not obligate it should go the rules of the world cup uh club cup they can put those two game that two weeks that we're missing and the same week that we play in the uh world cup club remember what happened to liverpool they had to decide which team is going to go with where fa can do that you know that right like we have to play games in the same weekend in the same year i think i'd rather i'd rather take that chance than if we could get a left wing back and we could i wouldn't players back but like right now the fixture pile up and the injuries are taken we're not best suited like to play these games we're going to keep dropping more points like i feel like we're better like i'd rather take that chance than when we get more players back and people don't have cold and kovich kovach can actually play and run around bro it's to play liverpool in man city back to back bro within the same week bro we we're not built like that we're not both like that and then spurs as well after that trust me kante's going to come to the bridge and stink up man he's going to put 10 men behind the ball and just defend for a point and we're going to put la caca and he's going to score he probably will over these guys i got like 10 freaking chances can't score one oh my god man chelsea man well even my cat was pissed at the game today we'll be back don't worry no we aim yes we will gross up ball siddique i love you man listen alfred you deserve players that we can google mature bro roll your taco you need to kill more mountain gala that's you don't think it's gonna work out you do you think gallagher is not gonna fit in there not with your mother can't play more mountain yeah yeah yeah yeah can i ask you a quick question i feel like you have to play even mount old galaga i don't think you can play them together let me hear alfred man let me hear you isn't it the same thing isn't it the same conversation about the gerard and lampard played same team yeah let me hear alfred guys after music i just want to ask you a quick question do you think that manchester city is immune from injuries or something and and covet cases and do you not realize that [ __ ] can go bad for them as well even they got the money to pay even if anything happened like that to them they will still manage to get the win when we can't i think i think i think city just stood up in a way where they just take care of themselves when was the last time seriously last season jabroni who's out for the whole season pretty much but the thing is their players can actually step up and fill a role yeah job to the same level like this up very set up on the fence if by set up the team is set up offensively not defensively and we have we have plays that can't finish that's what she said that one last forever well you don't agree you don't agree alex you don't agree we need vernon that's not who we need well i heard got married i heard verna get married i just heard he also missed his wedding would you say us but i'd rather you play up front i've got blair finishing a lot better finishing the most of them i'm not going to captain uh i'm deadly serious is she here to witness that today as i can tell you i played with him yeah i played him i played with him i didn't tell you he's all right oh you didn't get it i was making it i can't please i can chance i would have scored i still would have scored that what what chance trouble against united i want to score that easy troll yeah what's going on with them bro you just kick it straight at the keeper bro you crumble let me just say something i'm a host yeah and okay cool you're not allowed to be abused you can abuse this right let me say something with alonso i'm not defending him because he's good i'm defending him because he's only picked on the most that's the difference that you not fail to understand oh you always do that you always respect the players that are getting hated on bro i don't know why you do that because you back barkley back alonso you black cho you respect all these players that get hate you ain't chosen huh you hate children of course i'm rachel i've read him for years you never you never used to guest troll that last season you wouldn't guess true but now this season you're guessing him because he's getting too much hate yeah to be fair he's just defending because i'm defending the players bro i'm not backing him because i don't know where he's going alonzo ain't good but i have to back him because you're not good what every but the thing is it's not like people who are just not good how are you backing him over the top sadiq everybody like everybody on this panel he's supposed to be sensible about our abuse guys are so stiff that's what i don't like about me so i understand if it was like a 50 50 opinion and people are debating but it's just clear that everybody just doesn't everybody and you see that you know everyone at the rating because you see it now here's the over the top comment over the top abuse on a loan alonso is so slow that the person that he killed still out around him even if he was staying alive he'll still be faster than him you see i'm saying that's somebody some people saying that on that i think that's over the top of views but what we do we're just tickling him that's not over the top abuse he's just that kind of stiff of a player really really bad player man like there's a there's a play where he was running back from the ball and the guy was like he literally ran away from the player no no no i'm talking about that like when the ball was on the left-hand side and it was like looking like it was going out but though the player was so much behind it bro alonzo was trying to get back for the world the guy who ended up kicking it off him and get in the corner listen to this let me listen to this listen this is on top of his game jesus christ should be three up here moving like us right now oh that's a great save wow wow that's a great at least it's gonna go bro wait it's actually saved yeah i wasn't gonna save no it was it was what's the replay i did oh yeah he's the corner bro you got the fingers yeah it's not as safe he hit the goalie he literally hit the goalie it's not a same as mountain what is it same no no yeah same as mount yeah yeah yeah he must have just took [ __ ] this is how we have to play against liverpool on the break counter well the defense we might be longer hunt now see you away we're gonna get slapped three nil oh here we go again and if we have canteen competition that's it then we won't be even with canton coverage no no we won't bro we're gonna have lakaka over there he's gonna step on everybody 100 those 53 inch size shoe it's like ski skis the first touch is your fighting quality bro listen listen listen let me say something we had all our players against city home what did we do that game that was tactics though come on come on that was that dumb play bro and then we even said that he set up the team wrongly he's like that on me we played werner and the clockwork would you expect there's someone's in behind bro when is rubbish man we had them all in the champions league final two what did we do so these are gonna start defending werner soon i guarantee you yeah yeah it's looking like it no no i defended it already i give it one month i'll give it one month and speak some stuff last season you gotta stop did that cross into the box he made that good play why doesn't he get that why does he get so much abuse like that's going to be your reasoning yeah it's going to be like vanna made the run for that goal so much he did yo he did it in the space the other day he's like look that run for the champ music final that's important but that's different though bro we might not run we're not winning how about i know but but you're gonna use excuses like that like we're gonna we're gonna like score one goal and lose like three one you like yeah we're in it did that run no but listen to this this is this you like can't answer this question alonzo is [ __ ] defensively but he creates more than the front three in cert in the last few games and you know i can't acknowledge that no he doesn't nah he does he does he does what he done too big choices bro what are you don't talking about no we might have a point against everton we created better transfers of course i've got a point i know what i'm talking about bro what are you doing do you you rate alonso brother listen listen listen watford he was involved in two goals he was tomorrow because he knocked on my head though come on bro don't be shameless bro what the touch the touch for the run and get ready for the second goal for zx goal really good switching to me headed it down the line that's not creating a chance he cut it back to hammers and now that's passed it to my own what about the run the run yeah that was all right but don't say the second one bro he literally headed up okay okay okay we need one chelsea here he gave mount he won the ball game to mount he's got two penalties we can't we can't just go from open play and you're not talking about lonzo rule but who gave away the penalty but he still won the ball and he got the goldbroom but like we're now we're chasing the game and we'll always put in hectic situations because dumb mistakes like that but he made it 1-1 so what's the difference no mount made it one one oh perf he's the only guy that creates whatever whatever let's move bro i can't be the king of the argument about alonzo everybody knows he's yeah we got two penalties we need two minutes he didn't have to create because we will go behind so if alonso did not consider penalty we did not have to score the goal the game would still be zero zero i'll have to score the goal every game we're on about alex regardless who uh do you think he's good enough to tell me there's no that's what i'm you think he's good enough for chelsea yes i think what did i say what did i say daughter bro what did i say this guy is showing us how it's done we signed verna bro come on that's tottenham's fault though they should have been like three up yeah that's true man they had some crazy chances man [ __ ] you know yeah but guys i don't think anyone on this panel understands my alonzo story no we don't because he's [ __ ] man see i told you cause it because it's [ __ ] in your head you're not understanding what i'm saying bro i do not want a quality of play like alonzo on my team on chelsea bro we want challenge for titles okay but javi in the last we gotta fix the front we've gotta fix the first before we go into those guys are like bad as well but like he's just like another level of bad but how can he if he's creating more than the front three yeah he's literally created more than he is bro but he's costing us are making it harder for us you know that right like these guys are already not like clinical enough and us coming from behind is is making it worse these guys don't have wood what do you mean once his defensive positioning is terrible bro he gets down the line you understand like you you know that gold dennis right that gold dennis it came down his side for watford who gave the bullet right robin after she gave the ball away but he does not have the recovery pace always has to cover for him though he had like rudiger has to do the job of like two for alonzo bro so he has to worry about alonso you gotta understand attackers teams literally play for his mistakes and attack his side you know that right no you know what no i'm trying to say forget alonzo even when orleans is not playing we still have problems in our team it's not like i guess we definitely need to upgrade on that left wing back that's what we do he's not good enough for chelsea jeffy you know answer my question i do not see creativity except for my i do agree with that problem but this is the problem we got to stay on topic like i do like if you go to me the front line i'm saying we're going to need improvement but we also need improvement on alonzo yeah but he's still doing we didn't have problems with creativity when before she will get injured when she will start playing we're fine how are we fine if we're scoring from corners every game i'm not talking to you completely clearly so come on come on now you got to give it to chill well though bro like when we do now we have creativity problems we have creativity problems because if we're scoring from penalties if we're going from corners and we're running our wing backs to school then how is that not creativity problems just with chill it is true that's true i've been doing that reese james was scoring our goal exactly but you act like chill wasn't scoring our goals either i'm not saying i'm not saying anything bad about you i'm saying both bro forget goals it's not always about like i understand that creativity is a problem but like it's like everything's a problem when alonzo is playing like uh he makes it rough he's bad man he's bad he's terrible i think you're racist bro i think i actually got a racist what yeah i think he's racist bro like that's if i and if i say that to you it's gonna be big problems right no i'll laugh it off all right cool what are you cool i'm looking at the games we played with chu oh yeah uh [ __ ] zenith you know that one there was any game that was awful to watch he did nothing brentford shocking let me see what other games we have oh i didn't play my c yeah the point is even with chiller we still have problems to create yeah like that that isn't like we understand that but alonso just we need us a left back our system we play depends on our wing backs bro yeah we'll get one in january probably in it like we understand bigger problems of creativity we definitely need to uh we he's yes that the cdm the left wing back and we need but it's like if we play this formation right how do you think we're going to create more chances i i'm like axing to the panel like what do you think would improve our transcreation rate buy better foods holland no no no no no no that's that's the worst 100 percent that is the worst thing we can do we need to bring in we need to bring like how we like the thing is with the show in the front three we need to play cho in the front three and stop playing zhang the thing is my thing is like when we have attacked their attackers right how are we going to provide them with the service and get the ball to them like they're going to have to come deep and take the ball and start creating stuff i think because it starts from like getting the midfield connecting the attack so we have coaches for that fair and we need to uh we might think about james because this guy the last few games his form has dipped that shocking comment off the screen bro [Music] it's flexible this is facts like i'm not saying that though like the people taking the context i'm saying i'm not saying he's he's the main like he's like the reason why we're losing but i'm saying he's a big problem no no you say he's the main problem yeah right now but i'm talking about if everyone's fit then we've got other problems so wait jeremy what's the biggest problem creativity and then you understand that our creativity comes like a lot of our creativity comes from those positions like whether whether or not you think our children was good then those which was creative i don't really think he's creative but i do think he helps like he scores goals and chips in like he's not like so for instance bro our inverted i'm not saying him as specifically but the winner goes here on this here and there like very simple it's not like chihuahua school's weekly week out he had that three week freak and purple patch but listen i'm not saying that i'm just saying our formation depends heavily on the left the wing backs and how they're inverted and coming to the midfield so like a big portion i mean me i don't know maybe we need to change but a big portion of our creativity creativity does come from that yeah that's why two cool wanted a right wing back in it he wanted a wing back you could probably play both sides you give me yeah you keep me and you see how you see how james went to right center back today if we had someone like a hikimi slot him into right wing back take spl because as pia wing back is horrendous javi said um don't start lying you you start like javi said that you already know this man is about to start telling me so you didn't want trolling hey what do you think about zebras today he was used to salah he's non-existent but i said it yeah that's what i'm saying so we can't rely on these guys to be our creative players [ __ ] hell yeah he was always [ __ ] the thing i'm trying to say i'm trying to say it's not in the past that's what i'm trusting it's not the player itself because if we play harvest they've played lukaku if we play a pure stitch there everyone's going to have the same problem creativity problems so it's not on pure stitch specifically if we're not creating chances for him it's not on havers if we're not creating chances for him but i need a difference if it's a different story if we're missing chances if they're missing chances but if we're not creating for them that's a different story but what the fingers in the previous game they were creating chances and missing them habits what game everton um burnley i think in that game because rudiger created one of them well which one uh the one where he put a mountain amount here right a bigfoot i guess i i guess one more there's one more i think i think mountain had it it was harder though like it was kind of wide yeah but that was kind of like towards the edge of the box oh the edge created the chance for mount where you like scuffed it there was ones where habits played really well but couldn't finish not cleaning are you talking about feels burning again often burnley well yeah have it's habits missed a chance uh true mr trance and barclay as well people struggling to adapt to different positions yeah certain man's getting torched what's happening to me right ring back man joe playing right wing back he's just not good enough send him on loan get him out not chelsea yeah i swear that man you game said never again let that run through ever again yeah that man you can't remember him never again i never want to see the front line again i wanted to win that game so bad man i [ __ ] hate that club you don't know how much [ __ ] they got a lot of stick that game i remember they got lost in that game but to be fair there british done well on the left when he got moved to the left side i felt he did okay today bro it was like a three five two you never went out wide no but he went to the second off he went towards the left no i think he was playing central for the 490. no no no no last 25 minutes i think he was on the left side bro 100 someone moved into the middle definitely just can't remember who that's why he got that that chance that he missed left side yeah he he ran through the middle alonzo was on the left he put him through and then pilate was in the middle oh wait who's saying alonso did you hear that huh for the biggest chance of the game marco lonzo was involved again yeah good pass but like if that guy scored that goal who who who would you be going at that header that he should have scored the man starts running away midair like like he wasn't going to head it or something bro he's in ballerina what can i do bro yo he started running away while the ball is in the air like that guy was not gonna head it okay so javi if the ball went past all them into the black person he scored what would you have said honestly what if the bull went across all of them went past rudolph silva alonso if marcus another mark that guy that you were that's not a scenario though the ball was hurt the ball was placed on the guy's head right question if you weren't man are you defending that no i'm not i'm just asking you a question what would you have said if the last guy if it went over if he's in position and went over his head then i'll be like okay that's a good cross like so like shouldn't be nobody behind alonzo here's the left left back who you say bro that was that's you who's supposed to be there all right he played that ball right now guys i'm confused oh my god there was one guy that he's marking no he was wondering what the guy in front of him that's what you're not saying there's nobody there there was someone behind him no it wasn't that he was far right bro as a defender you talking even if it was somebody behind him he still needs to look for the one that's in front of him okay so i'm austin talking across all of them and they went to the guy in the back the way that cross was going bad ass and start to defend against the guy behind him there's not enough time but listen listen sadiq that ball is going to take longer enough time the guy's behind him right enough time to do this the guy the ball is going to take longer listen he wasn't close to me that guy was not as close to the goal as you think if that ball got to him alanzo has time to turn around and get out and press him there was a guy in front of him that he saw and you're saying that there's a guy behind him yes and he still turn around and walk away right so you like he didn't even mark anybody bro so you're saying that he was actually turning around from the first one and knowing that there's another one so he was walking actually uh running away uh to the middle yes plus that's why i was saying communication wasn't perfect no bro what is so what is he doing so tell me can you tell me what was he doing for nobody this is what i'm talking about he was lost because he's thinking should i mark this guy or should i want the guy behind that's a mistake i'm not i'm not disagreeing with you guys on that but i'm saying to you he was isolated and lost that's what i'm saying because there's no communication but this is the this is the thing he sets up that chance right but he could we could easily be one zero down because of that if that guy got any good decent contact on that ball and was profitable jeffy you got an agenda man please check it please because there is someone definitely behind them and then the guy goes one-on-one the guy like hoover man talking about when that guy had that free head though yeah yeah mid-air starts running away right in the back no he was that he was he wasn't in the box where was he he was outside that's what i'm trying to tell him bro i was at the box but it was horrible for my london i've really gotten silver started shouting at him after that's what i'm trying to say got the position right with the communication for that channel but bro bro even if what is he doing running away wait wait wait it is the cross came in and ran away from him you ran away we went that way because the play was coming in oh alonzo was following then donkey into the box and as soon as the cross came in alonzo ran away and then thiago saw and rudolph started showering what was rudiger until the silver then no maybe thiago silva could have been close but not it's nothing to do with rudy exactly there's no communication that's what i'm saying too long regardless what what's he doing there's a guy there for an open header go and put some pressure on him don't run away okay but what if the ball went past him went to the other should be at that back post that's what you understand there was no one there there was nobody this is shocking this is shocking bro come on like how are you defending this do you have heart like i'm gonna pronounce this i'm starting i'm sorry i'm thinking how are you defending this i'm gonna put up here why do we even waste our time every stream there's always the 20 minute argument about alonso he's terrible guys listen i want to get out there just to prove it yeah if they showed a replay yo ads i got an agenda right against him hundred percent you got more than gender for him if like everybody's saying the same thing though except for people who kind of like him and like have a sauce about friends like myself yeah like like i want to critic but it's not like alfred is like defending stupidity like you know what i mean he's just like i think he just likes the guy reshames defensively nobody talking about he wasn't a problem we're just talking about specific plays god damn reshame's not good enough reshaves are shocking today he kept poking yeah he i think rej like this is one of the worst games i've seen in a while yeah yeah he was passing he just kept passing it backwards to him and then he kept giving him and he's the ball okay so martin lonzo is 99 off he also like no no lie i don't like mouth fans don't get emotional he also has mountain dew she got the clip right now yeah there's no one in the box at the bathroom [Laughter] okay dad okay i'm not hanging on what's this going full screen what is silver doing he's ball watching so rudiger listen silver right there is ball watching so he does not know that guy's behind him so rudiger got it why not where's the communication what is this there's no freaking communication by the time you communicate the balls already in the background press play freshly look at this look at this stop stop playing with playing the round go to the moment where you f yeah you go because you know he knows he's wrong alex he knows he's wrong so he's trying to release look let's play man look look at this look bro please press play press play press play play man and then look at this bro because you know you're wrong i can't play that's not can't play it i can't play copyright i skip it until the bit then i'm gonna get to it but i'm showing you the story first it's highlights there's no story do you making up a story you're already showing it bro it's copyright so you're telling me a story that doesn't exist okay you see right there right here's the crosstalk man what's behind there so tell me guys tracking him alonzo got to tuck in because listen listen if the ball gets switch that listen a lot listen to the dude he's ball watching he's on his blind side there's only two better mark in the box one man's gonna be by himself and that's over they can't three man mark two players yeah because that was right they shifted over silver shifted over rudiger became central center back because if he's not there he could play a ground pass in that area so silva has to cover that i can tell you never played sadiq what doesn't know what he's doing bro no communication all right so can we can we play it though let's take the l put a copyright take the l right he knows what he's doing he's just trolling he's trolling purposes you can't be you can't be that stupid but you can't and but the funny thing is what's shocking is you got people in the comments saying the midfielder needed to help alonzo hey javi's pissed yes yes this is right they double loaded the back post like that you know where the back poses from where that the guy on the far right is just how's that double line are you wasting why is this guy wrong why is this guy wrong tell me double load guys listen listen listen let me just say something yo you're trolling on purpose and listen listen listen let me say one more thing one more thing and then i want to play i will play after this naturally this is this guy the guy at the top okay i know he has to adapt i know he hasn't that but his huh has he played football is he good football be honest he's right that was friendly bro that was a friendly he's all right bro that's like the food is bad and you don't want to offend somebody he's alright he's not amazing he's alright look he's already thinking you know what screw it i ain't going bro look at him look at him where is he going keep going keep going oh my god you got to just press play he did it on purpose oh actually now it's worth that i've seen a replay and there's actually two people that over there like you said it's even worse then it was just one person yo but we got to play look at look at rudolph look at you know what's so bad about this alonzo can literally see the whole play yeah the whole picture so there's no excuse like a higher quality we get punishment silva when i was shot at him but this is this is the case in point high higher quality we get punished for that you know right [Laughter] cool what is hector bellerin doing here [Music] what this guy thinks i look like better than this is actually funny oh man by the way let me ask you something anybody using this twitter space on the desktop because i think uh it starts kicking me out like for example i think it's my cpu start overheated on that on the phone and it just kicks out because it's like i'm using the probably the uh connection to uk long distance that's why how do you how do you do space on desktop there's no button for me do what there's no button for spaces on mine there you you can you you can uh you go in the search and type a word specific word and give you a space but you can listen but you cannot talk okay okay okay that's what i was is anybody using that as like a microphone because i cannot use my microphone yeah it's funny how everyone's quiet about this one isn't it right so everyone's saying we're james he was poor you were saying bro in the first half i was missing ads he gave a bad pass away if there was james that would have done that i just said that three hour ten today boys are three out of ten that's a good pause okay that's what you said [Laughter] did not say that dude on the group chat are you still biting bro oh my word i do i had a good time you know man i had to cheer myself up still well somebody got to bring some kind of entertainment for himself yeah man girl somebody gotta be a clown guys about google yeah send him the link i gotta go i wanna hear this i wanna hear what he has to say no if he defends that there's no defending man like how is he supposed to keep a person in an onside because he's with his back like why he can see do you think he can see with his back of his ball was cursing the ball was curling guys let's do this can you please bring up joshua's comment please please bro thank you anyone who defends alonzo has no iq but your manager plays him so obviously you must not have no idea who's gonna place are you no choice five is good bro no for him yeah for him exactly so for alonso his average is uh a three two one zero deleted oh this is the guy who hates lukaku no it's no no it's not yeah it is it's not it's not the one that was came on luis's stream i was like hello yes we know who you are man what's the question is elanza a good player for you yeah of course he is okay so tell me your back up left wing back that gives you seven goals a season chill well get seven goals this year oh he's not back he's not a backbone okay back up i didn't hit him why does alonso get seven goals a season last season [Music] is [Music] i almost believed that same bro he only scored seven actually he has only scored seven goals found his cousin yo thank you for checking that out because like i would have been here like i was thinking there's no way this brother scored seven goals he scored that he scored the burnley goal and kissed the badge no appearances yeah yeah yeah that's the guy that trolls from the lewis channel yeah let's go he said any number he's just like yo seven let me just go with seven try the foolish guys yo who left frank left oh freaking back yeah but nobody that was too funny anyway you see he's the guy that doesn't look at this he's a different person [Laughter] imagine a guy then you still bring him up we play we play better at lukaku we do do we yeah we do yeah look how i mean how much points have you picked up in the past games that he's here all our attackers are injured um when he's here i think we had habits against leeds and we still uh we won that game yeah we want that game what about burnley time to take some editorial we need minerals chances as well i hope you know because you have it some that yeah my habits is silky you know oh he's just there for cool points he's supposed to score goals as a striker buddy what he does in school oh so that doesn't count as a gold right he didn't do anything for that he was actually then why do you have a problem if they're doing their job why is there a problem because he's not doing the job he only scored like once in 10 games but we talked about him this guy just hurt from bro you know we have problems like even havers is playing right now haven't proven your house is improving let him play so that so is he supposed to support like is improving and scoring that lead scoring that leads chance you know that right true what about in the first half [Music] what is the first half the mount scored the goal what shots the one where georginio laid it on him and he does that he does that a lot where he misses those chances too yeah you don't even get those chances so how is that his fault because he's not doing enough that's what i'm saying happens is more involved that's what i'm saying to you but we're not scoring i know but my partner will still have the same problems then so how is he the problem if we still have the same problem he's not there and it's still the same how is he the problem we're not creating no we're not we're not playing better how like how's that we're getting the chances with privates right exactly we are we're not winning like we're not playing we didn't play well against bro what are you talking about what office movie we didn't uh this is the i'm done i can't i'm not i'm not sure about that i'm not sure i can't argue with him i can't argue what do you say he said like we're just done here like when that when stuff like that happens let me hit offer let listen alfred said the same thing vern offers more wondering relax [Music] you know what you're gonna do on the left side he's going to run push it to his left and then run out of bounce he got the same first touch bro same thing no way havana's first touchdown but his first touch isn't bad his touches and baddest his passing and his um he's passing his dribblings horrendous he shoots off his shoes awful he's just he's got a better touch he's got better touch they're both neither of them are bad bro pick one who's got a better touch pick one why you have to pick i think that lukaku touches because you need to pick one more over here it's so bad yeah so w how's he able to hold up the ball again arsenal goal tell me anyway that's the first game so all right listen let me let me hold on hold on let me ask w this how is he able to beat twenty [Music] when is the last time because it was on my stream you're sitting here to come on the stream right now bro the link is in the chat godzilla the link is in the comments come on man you're not falling right so alonzo is the left-wing back right yes yeah right he got the midfielder and he got the winger on the right hand side yes who is he supposed to mark and who is oh oh if silva leaves that position you if the silver leaves that position you know that's an easy sliding ground pass right here like i understand this is bad defending for the course initially right no no no no no you guys blame look dude guys blaming alonzo full heart let's see bro if if there's a midfield runner who is tracking the midfield that's my grandma my grandma's striking midfielder why doesn't he communicate to rudiger or silva or any one of them why is he just standing alone wait why are you blaming him why are you not saying anything about coverage i'm using that i mean why is he not communicating why is he just oh you want to see the wrong way too much time on alonso like i don't know how he this guy gets you guys so round up like cool he he he's not a good footballer he shouldn't be at a club no you answer first of all why you why you think uh acidic thinks you're racist that's my big question or racist man i want to know why we don't speak about racism talk about football no silly play please please city continue playing it continue no no let me call this point on this one because if you continue playing you're gonna i can't like like just move on firm he's driving hang on what is doing what's coverage he's doing tell me what this i bro i can't like he's out of position though he's out of position though exactly yeah conversation wasn't even on the pitchfold yeah him then [ __ ] [Laughter] can i blame him let me let me you can blame you you can blame whoever you want you just blame godzilla for something here apparently he didn't do he still doesn't make you right [Music] so i'm here now you didn't hear what the guy told me before that's why he didn't hear the beginning of a stream uh he asked me if alone dm will fix a problem no it's it's a long story i don't want to get back in it you didn't hear him from the beginning that's why i know i i know i know that guy i know i know his views on that i know his views on the issue i i've already told the person that i understand people's issues with your genio as a player but if you feel like declan rice is the solution you're completely wrong you can't believe that rice is the only solution did anybody ask you double you anything yet i said uh what's the name the system is if we want to score more goals that's what i was trying to say but then he said then he came back to me and said the system is not a problem who are you going to play a werner and that no who are you going to play up front werner and somebody else he said i was like why do i have to play werner and that why i can't choose my own players if i'm choosing the system but he like give me like no you can only play those i was like no i can't i can play whoever based off based off the everton game we can all everyone in the panel can agree that to coach a game where we should have killed the game off in the first half that really wasn't on the city oh yeah that is not a question of course it is there is not a question the bigger question with the chelsea forward is how we're going to play with lukaku if we want to play with lukaku we need to have a better striking ability and to create a better first of all that's not even it do you think a system is set up for defensive reason or for offensive reasons that's the biggest question if you think that with virginia we set up for the offensive reasons then uh i can i can explain it because i think personally the way we're playing now it's to suit a defense better than an offense that's all no but no no no that's correct but you have to add context as well who came into the job straight away he was asked to look for a solution and the first thing you do is solidify the defense because we know and he probably knew no hold on bro but that's my point bro like over time if you want to develop a full attacking system with fluid fluid and you have you have progressive players in the team and you create the chances you're going to need a lot of time to make that happen you can't just make that happen with a straight bank that's why i'm saying i feel like this system is temporary until too cool gets his players and can start playing football get rid of all the dead wood as well yeah i agree with you i don't think you look right just come in and we're gonna win the link because of declan rise that's not what i was saying i was saying is we need to change the system to suit the forward not we need i like for me personally it's my view that's why i was got upset with the guy because not only he was like dismissing my views then when he heard my views he was saying that the only players you're allowed to play is the ones that he's going to pick for me like if you see what i'm saying no no no no no no no no no you can pick your players but i'm just saying that i feel like you said you put them i'm just saying this is a lazy argument bro lazy argument just saying ah just bringing declan rice and i know you didn't say that but i'm no no no no to you specifically but i'm hearing this that's misinformed and it's a casual oh yeah because i can bring you underlying numbers that can bring up the points that you can't play that position you can't play that bro you can't play that long six you can't tell me otherwise here's why i think you're wrong about the lone sick i'm not saying he can play that alone six from the start of the season what i'm saying is i don't like to place a double double double six pivot what you can't play is this like for example if declan rice is playing he for example he can stay for uh for a bit as a lone sink and you can put somebody else like kovacic who can also play along six but is good going forward you see i'm saying so technically you can have a one loan six when we're going forward and the double when we're going going at your defensive technically it's how you're supposed to how we plan now but we don't have the good uh seating sixes that's the problem you see georginio he's a six but he's a really bad defensively seasons uh uh city and six that's the problem so how would you play anita come on man i'll say right i never liked the guy so don't ask me that's racist that's the reason why you call cause racist man oh man he's not trolling what did i say what did i say he doesn't remember what he said he has a memory of a goldfish he's a member of a goldfish yo he tried to come on here and try to say alonzo had seven goals last year and then adds the like it was close it was two it was two now i bet ghost and assist she had zero i said zero well all comes not in all comps i just said he scored seven goals i just remembered georgina was our top goal scorer last year with seven goals yeah penalties that's the prep that wasn't the prep well regardless bro what's he putting me he didn't score seven goals he scored two because you like do you like georgina yeah he does he does yeah i'm a big fan of georginio i'm a big fan i admire his play but but you know it's do you know what's alex i feel like you're the the points that you're saying i like i understand what you're saying and a lot of people feel like this but i feel like here it's it's not as black and white as everyone thinks like yeah i'm 100 right and yeah when something when i'm calling uh uh jennifer or j uh or whatever i'm literally making fun of it i don't mean nothing every person on the planet any fan on the planet looks at the game the way they like to be played you see i'm saying for example if i'm watching a game i'm watching for the eye of a guy that likes specific style of the game so if this guy that i'm watching doesn't suits the way i like the game i'm already gonna be subconsciously already gonna be looking at him a little bit you know what funky so that's the how already i'm going to look at the georgina because i always grow up i always grew up watching makaleli even before that like you know i'm saying my question sure michael essien if you had to but you know what i'm saying i'll i i'm okay with passing that he does in a bag but i'm not okay when he get bullied off the ball oh my god bro so for me so for me uh so for me it was like uh i actually a big fan of mikhail i'm okay with passing i'm okay with not creating and all that as a dm but he needs to be good physically because to win a premier league you have to have a physical midfield a physical midfielder a little bit and people saying what about the pep well pep actually proved it right that what happened is pep had to find a physical uh player in the midfield and rodri is a physical player now alex i definitely you see all the points you're making like like before this was all i was heavy criticism on georginio like i like for me too as well like i like those hoiberg type midfielders those ones who could do it pass and like his physicality they can defend on that type of thing but then i realized how important georginio is to this team like yeah because it's set up for him i don't get me wrong he's important but that's why i'm agreeing with you like i get where you're coming from like i like i don't think it's just necessary i think everybody has their vision and like the style of play that they like yeah you know what i mean that's how they judge the games based on how they like to games to be played alex is right there in terms of the physical side of things like he's not good enough he's too weak he's too slow he gets caught in transition but that's obviously why we've done this five at the back because the players that him and caught the church neither of them are really good defensively but he is like he isn't playing a challenge there's not many players there's not many players in europe that will do what georginio can do on the ball this is the thing this is why when georginio plays really well we play really well but when he plays really bad we are normally bad on that day and in the first half i thought today this first half was up there with one of the worst first half we've had this whole song and i think i thought this first half was terrible and i think our main reason because of that was because the defense couldn't give it to charibar and kante and they made feel that neither of them were showing and then even when they did show when there was one player and no one felt comfortable giving to them so we kept going long and wide and it was just it was horrible we created zero chances it's because the midfield doesn't because they don't play with each other you see like what i'm upset a little bit upset about both is uh what's the name uh it's because like we don't have it's not a tool technically it's the injuries and everything because we don't have the consistency between forward players between football players you know when they play with each other for a long time i want to look at your tv alex bro liverpool scored bro it's done you're joking tottenham have missed like five sitters for one now yeah yeah i think they're just purposely doing this to like it's typical it's just typical spurs you pushing him while he has the ball bro there was one out there in the first half on rotterdam they didn't give those so it's difficult that's a penalty you're pushing him back yeah best left back in the premier minute oh no salahan balled it when he tried to hit the ball at the start yeah wait hold on let's see this again yeah that's why i think you're going to take it as well oh that's handball it's handful it has to get no no i can't be given a sample if they don't go they can't give that's not really i don't know that's a push in the back right alex yeah there is a push in the back there is a push are you looking at the the push yo he you know you know 10 got away with that last game right against um newcastle where you can yeah that's not that's that's a handball that's a handball on a goalkeeper no apparently the ghost's been given oh my god not this this this is corruption first day they they go on with our game yeah now now this yo did you yo you guys saw that man city game even though like you saw you saw like when addison edison edison took that guy out yeah yeah yeah but they would probably smack them anyway but i just feel like it's just shocking her are you sure if i give him a goal or no i'm pretty that's how they're giving it man yeah they're giving it like it's a handball i think yeah i'm i don't know i think the prem is corrupted bro it's a top four race it's actually peak i think the prem is corrupted if you know what kind of yeah they gave a if i was a coach i would sell lukaku i'd sell zik on salvador that's pretty much it i'll tell bhakti as well what food is it i mean actually i'll tell him to i'll tell people attackers well a lot of these are backup yeah yeah this is just because she was injured i agree with you kevin is all right um well i've always thought you need a better wi-fi no i can't help it with that one sadiq's too funny right [Music] this stream is actually funny man i'm not going to watch the stream back there's not like it's actually funny now to be honest though if we get a penalty and we have extra subs i'll actually bring on kepler i agree i actually would deserve i really that's a valid point because kappa is better trust me but you can't you can't do that until you get to the penalty shootout all right it's time to go in an actual game you're gonna you're gonna bring on peppa you're gonna bring on kepper just to save the penalty and take off mandy yes yeah all right all right industries bro yeah i used to visit you have to think of it let's just end the stream let's end this that was literally the dumbest thing i've heard [Music] heads this guy is trolling are you still visiting out uh visiting bosnia or no i don't troll i speak fantastic no you don't need one where are you going now you just need a test bro you just need to do a pcr test right now this is the one time like i'm actually glad you guys have been invited alison alex and justin go watch it oh my god they deserve that that's karma you know would you guys trade lukaku for suddenly yeah yeah we need a striker bro yeah we need striker why we need something i thought i could bring our friends and have fun simple give me jesus i think i would 100 percent not for luca i wouldn't trade them for lukaku i will add them just to piss off arsenal fans if we win in anything and why not again i'll get from david from liu anybody that actually left arsenal who won a trophy just for that reason i would like to take over miami but to be honest right he hasn't been doing well because everyone has played the mad longer arsenal coming yeah it's like if you want to win something you go to chelsea if you just want to like dilly dally on your career just go to arsenal robinson is very little dirty little [ __ ] he's a scotsman thank you i did not know that yo he he did not go for the ball at all yeah that's a real red card man i might be able to even watch him or three games that he or he can miss the chelsea game yeah yeah yeah yeah it's similar liverpool right but you got a good backup though i like to see my casper it's kind of like even better he swiped to me just swipe to me go under his feet and he didn't go for the ball he went for like his legs like this has been a great game by the way this has been such a good game red card card response he's gone if he doesn't get all red for some street that's [ __ ] [ __ ] he's a dirty player yo that that could have been like a leg if it is up in the copyright copyright but you don't want to play that lonzo video right copyright copyright huh copyright what copyright fool oh i thought you couldn't play the streams of other games [Music] so that's three games right yeah if you have double yellow it's one it's one no it's double yellow is one freeze free i think a straight red is three even though the rules how i play how [ __ ] two two yellows is one yeah yeah i didn't like i said i have like i have a heavy bag outside that i need uh oh yeah i'm gonna buy one i gotta buy one would you which one you got i need a is it solid one it's a ufc one ufc i need one but you know a lot of these ones are like i'm keeping it outside i'm keeping it my outside only i don't put it inside you don't hang it no i don't hang it but it's outside okay the game is dead no it's going to start your game i think today's game i because we're going to play a weaker team bro great hobby video man our players our youngsters cannot play for the older because the whole team is sick over here well alex alex alex yeah you know lampard's uh final game against luton you're in the final game before you got sent what about it remember won't get sucked did you see the way we played yeah for the gold do you remember that gold that was called no i don't know what about it what about it yeah do you remember it yeah you remember how we played from the back yeah that's what we need why do we suck yo you should you should get a job and it's like stand-up comedy bro worldwide comedy oh johnny said johnny say johnny no he said he didn't go oh why because of the test and stuff he's supposed to put the 24 hours he thought that the game was going to be canceled it's true i said robertson got a gold assist and a red card what performance someone someone's won 48k for betting that really yeah bro inside trading that's sick a goal um because the odds that are so low 48k he puts not as low as betting a thousand pounds on what's his name on leicester winning the league remember that guy how much did he win a million yeah he's over a million pounds yeah i need to start betting son that's smart that's small yeah that led him just won 10k yesterday for what i feel bitcoin was saying oh good like i could probably have predicted this game was gonna be zero zero what moves yeah i won i either go one nil to like you making me say again didn't you said we're gonna get smashed yeah i did i i i thought it was it was like i'm just saying in the range like i probably could get some of these that that challenge is like that challenge even worse looks worse in the slow motion yeah someone makes right now in the future it's not a red card yeah why are you ruining it bro why are you ruining it since he told me to tell him so you're gonna listen just because the deke told you i already watched anybody alex has money to be made money hasn't got time for spider-man kids to take care of you don't want time for that for four kids yes oh sorry what a dead cross man like really shames man i've got two girls two boys i got three girls and one adapted boy i've got a house and a duck well i got house four kids two cars a dog a grown man i was driving in a stream i got alex on the stream i i'd deal with a lot you know what come on yeah right orlando you kind of have to be special to do that you know russian yes i'm russian i'm from eastern europe we only drive mercedes mercedes you're from russia i didn't know you're from russia what do you think i was made i didn't even know man i thought that something random i met sedonia or something no no no no what the hell i got alex i got that drew where do you think i'm from ed um nigeria jamaica ah big yo i think you read your profile man come on vote there's quite a lot of jamaican people in london as well when it's all uh i know you you know you know you know you know um i got bodies of mine away from bosnia but there's the one albanian guy that gets on my nerves all the time and we got in a fight he sued me for two grand man my two friends are from bosnia and there's another guys from albania you know boston's albanians they just love fighting you go to boston fights every day on the streets literally every day they're always fighting for kids as well 11 year olds 12 year old fighting they don't know nothing else they just tried that's the same thing back home so i think it's back home like like oh my word there's so many but they don't use weapons it's good yeah i like that that's the way you're supposed to fight yes i'm saying don't use your use your face man no god oh yeah yeah montenegro and finland didn't it our national team is such a disappointment man at one point bosnia had a really good team at one point yeah no in that 2014 yeah you were good that's since i remember when greece won the euros yeah we haven't gone to a tournament since 2014 though that's my number yeah this is this is a good time treatment actually look at this look at this way it's the same it's the same with uh of russia and soviet union when we're in the soviet union we had so many regions that you can bring all the players from and you know i'm saying same of bosnia and the uh old yugoslavia yugoslavia used to be a force as a sucker if yugoslavia was a country right now we could compete for the world cup yes imagine we had pjanic rakitic modric what are these players man jekyll melinkovic savage so many players oh black there'd be loads of players yeah yugoslavia is their country compete for world cup man yugoslavia was one of the strongest teams uh footballers countries in europe for a long long time yeah people just don't know the history romania was at what point a little like jikihaji was one of my grown-ups won the championship before yeah yeah yeah fats [ __ ] where's romania dude can you can you tell me who's romanians neighbors countries okay yeah who's the neighbor yeah who's the who's the romanians neighbor countries um wait let me think it's armenia armenia no hungary you're looking way too far hungry ugly serbia serbia yo it's bulgarian in him yes subway around there yeah moldova ukraine my dad is romanian my mom first my mom was from remember when you thought bolivia was in the uh caribbean sorry remember you thought bolivia was in the caribbean no way you're here no way yeah on the stream y'all there's a stream where he's like he's gonna get me that's poor why is shocking bro when's you're better than that bro he's changing [ __ ] i didn't no i'm not i remember he was like yo xavi's just gonna get on to me for that bro i could go back i think you wanted the holland rumor videos bro are you smoking something nah bro it's smoking spiff i have no idea what you're talking about smoke is not good for you don't watch this guy trying to expose me bro so you you're dumb regular bro so that's racist everything's racist to this guy i bet he's black he's oh that that's actually racism that is racist w what are you what are you amy yeah i'm african english oh that is racist he's black bro he's white he's north african south no he's [Laughter] you're ruining the game bro bro look what you need in there bro you're ruining it come on this guy doesn't like a land it wasn't alonso's fault it's a deep watches with his eyes closed he's ready he's a ray charles come on spurs do it man yeah the thing is like i see liverpool dropping points but i don't see men but liverpool will not drop points they drop they're literally dropping points right now yeah but they have a full fit team they're playing leads and leicester next and then chelsea they'll drop points again and again i feel like there's going to be games for mancity where they're going to need a striker to finish off some chances and he won't be there man i don't agree with that two games before now man city won't lose to me now oh you're dead who passed that someone who who chipped that ball to him then i'm in your head of us bro it was it was front ruby alonso who passed out who is this yo six minutes jesus it was harry wink so harry wings yeah i swear we deserve so much more injury time but these refs be like i see it is coming on csc mod is coming on the pitch cfc who oh joe thomas you look just like a and a cfc mod is the game over yet bro liverpool had 18 chances but they weren't good chances this is see that's why that status screwed talking to me some easy easy easy chances some easy chances if you think about it had the better chances that's the proper bad chelsea today at least i know when this guy talks like i know it's not oh i think oh oh my god he missed something outside of side outside but he missed sun sun missed oh my goodness he misses so many chances bro he's funny [Music] a long road i missed you missed you missed it so after all of this was still only two points behind liverpool yeah only two points about in liverpool man it's nothing but the thing about arsenal that i feel like they're watching catching us many games before we play arsenal what that's what i want to know also i'm catching no one no not arsenal liverpool i don't care about arsenal oh two i think two games [Music] i think look for him right i mean watch some gold from allison imagine mandy doing that by the way lads if you had to pick one if we if we get to the end of the season and we got no chance anymore if you've had to pick a team you just prefer to win it who would you pick city i don't want liverpool to win it but liverpool are so cool they're fans they're fans bro at least one city doesn't have a city doesn't have friends so i don't care about that yo city city wins and nobody cares like liverpool wins and you just hear this guy like lfc sonny with that haircut charlotte is the best player [Music] um is actually good so that's not even a loss loss come man we could have been level one point some people just did pull us it scored man but like it's like captain america it's like these people overrate pulitzer bro like trust me all these americans no offense and then and then cho would be playing good but they would be like yo also let me just speak let me just land some minerals all right all these americans say that cho has to perform at right wing but hurricane i don't know what's saying that are the ones saying that politics cannot perform because he's playing false now you actually have a good point there finally what's the consistency whenever someone's gone whenever someone goes on injury or something yeah they're always like oh wait until politics comes back wait until the mount comes back and then these men come back and they just don't perform bro i get to my problem they slay cho bro like cho could have a decent game or a good game and they'd be like yo he's not effective like i saw some guy said he only had a good game against burnley and norwich like not like it wasn't his cross for newcastle that was the reason why andres james got that happening she's playing the front three dropping stinkers but people are saying yes pill on the left but when the hot springs when hunter goes right wing back people saying loan him and you know what adds like it's just like i i'm not even the biggest shoeless fan but i i mean chose stan but it's just like i just did the hypocrisy yeah that's a deep no what justice is odd you have to invite me because i need to i need to land minerals against him what do you want to say to him don't wait for that you'll see you'll see the ref got this heartbeat wrong because they should have been a 2-1 to tottenham but we'll talk about it later look at them they're red in the face um is the game done yeah yeah your game's done wrong the team that are only two points ahead of us are in the total race but we're not three yeah ways guess where is definitely got three games in hand but this is the thing ads they're gonna drop points like this i think it's time but we could have been level with them today bro then everyone be like oh we're back in it we're back here alfred alfred we dropped points against average teams they're playing tottenham though that's different story everybody crap out of town like a little [ __ ] talking about average as well bro they're top what about earlier in the season what was your excuse for them then they're capable of dropping points again man sorry there's an earlier in the season i think we should just focus the epic up and during the season no one's on fire i gotta go geez yeah i thought it was all man we were guys if you want all right he doesn't deserve it yeah yeah you should get me more i'll back you are you sure you're 100 all right hello he's gone he's gone alfredo good night peace peace

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