The Rancho Palos Verdes Landslide & The Unfortunate History That’s Repeating Itself…

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:41:01 Category: Entertainment

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imagine while we're filming this those those big cars just like dude that'd be so trippy like oh right here they like close it off um I don't know you can't really see the [ __ ] oh yeah I forgot okay okay you can't really see it but it's like down slow down yeah so Palace fres has some famous like landmarks I guess you could say was really well known for their glass Chapel Church Abalone Cove was down there you can go hike down there and you're by the ocean or you know within the ocean but there's also like a famous Road there called Portuguese Bend and and the crazy lore with that too is that um it's just it's been happening for like I don't know since the '90s right 90 1950s oh wow it's just been on record for land movement like ever since then and another thing about that cuz I remember maybe like 15 or so years ago right I remember seeing an abandoned house that was like right on the edge of the cliff I don't know if you ever SE like when you're going through the bumpy part there's that one thing with like the metal gate that swings oh that used to be a house right there yeah there was a house and I remember seeing it was all like breaking apart so that whoever had that I I wonder if there was more than one house there cuz oh for sure yeah but um they closed Abalone Cove because of the landslides um they closed down that glass Chapel right there which was a famous spot for weddings and obviously people went there to go to church I used to do instacart up there and there are I think the houses that there are falling apart are houses I would deliver to and I remember telling you how driving up there with my car just felt like I was just going to fall into the ground it didn't feel stable felt really sketchy like if I lived up there I my ass would have been gone I think what helped it not move for like maybe a good 10 or so years maybe it was moving a little bit was because we California had that big drought for a while right remember remember that what she was saying about you can go Airborne there is this it used to be kind of fun cuz um it's like this one dip it' kind of feel like a roller coaster you you kind of get the butterflies if you went like not too fast obviously like a safe amount of speed but um since last year since we had like a record-breaking rain since like the '90s I forgot how long it's been since uh it's like it's it hasn't rained that hard in like so long I think that really like what's it called sped up the the land movement and yeah and like I said Winter's coming too so I mean it already is moving a lot but like if we go through another one of those storms like yeah it's done done like for sure so yeah here's a little update from the news about the what's going on hello everybody Welcome to the news at 7 I'm Rick Chambers and hi there I'm Courtney frel in tonight for Karine winter our top story at 7 homeowners in a Rancho Palace faray neighborhood are struggling with shifting land and they are dealt with another blow today yeah just a month after they learned that their gas was getting shut off their lights now are going out indefinitely and that's led to an evacuation warning hiy that might be the neighborhood where they have their little private beach which even so cuz they are kind of like really at The Edge like they're kind of on the hill so I mean the houses above too like those roads are bad too like you could see the lifting and all that the breaking apart yeah we spoke with neighbors who say they are frustrated not necessarily that the power is going off but because they weren't given enough time to make matters worse today the bad news yeah see that's a part where you kind of can't feel sorry for because it's like they knew in general that this whole area is like like screwed you know I mean a matter of time I mean look at then those houses that fell into the cater below it's like obviously that wasn't a worry probably cuz it's like nothing's happened you know what I mean but still I would not if if especially if that land is moving like what do you expect like it's it's literally like a warning right then and there and I don't think unfortunately I don't think they would get home insurance if they lose their house to these landslides and mind you these houses are probably worth like Millions yeah like maybe like what like one like like a million to maybe two to three depending how much land they have and all that so I just I don't think it was worth living there yeah but you know some people they take the risk and you know sometimes the risk doesn't you know pay off you know yeah but it's just crazy though cuz they probably don't even have them like since they bought this nice house or if it was you know it's like a big chunk of like pretty much almost everything right so it's kind of like how do they where's their money now like did they do they have money to be like H nothing for me so or was it like a family home where they inherit inherit oh my gosh inherit what the [ __ ] bro inherited it andher [ __ ] you I'm not saying it Go just kept coming with 24 hours notice residents in the Portuguese B neighborhood of Rancho Palos veres were warned by SoCal Edison on Saturday that their power would be shut off indefinitely indefinitely and with no warning to sufficiently prepare Justin manzan says his plan today was to cut down a tree instead jumped into action and and were tasked with getting generators secured and while the official notice came today Justin says neighbors have been pleading for help as landslides have been an increasing problem the overwhelming sensation I first read the email I don't know what they want us to do though how do we help them it's like Earth bro I'm not you can't [ __ ] with nature like seriously like I can't they can't know amount of concrete or Paving can help them unfortunately save their homes like unless like it was a a home where you could you know it was like a trailer home then obviously yeah we could move it but we can't pick up your house and carry it off to a safe place it's like that's just how it be I don't know we should take bikini bottom and push it somewhere else especially too like we've been having minor earthquakes lately in California there's supposedly supposed to be like a huge one coming I don't know it's a big prediction for people and if that happens that that they're gone I would I would just be like pack all my [ __ ] and just hope I have family that can take me in and help me you know yeah from Edison is frustration 135 damaged homes had the gas shut off last month due to safety concerns then a sewer spill this week and the final straw two days ago a fire in the area further damaged electric equipment leading to today's notice Reggie Kumar a spokesperson with Southern California Edison said quote we know this is a difficult time for Rancho palo's veres and we've been looking for ways that we can keep the power safely flowing at this point land movement in Rancho palow veres has created such a dangerous situation that we must make the difficult decision to disconnect power to 140 residential customers indefinitely do I feel that that's a realistic amount of time absolutely not Rancho Palos veres mayor said to make matters worse the city's sewage system is run on electricity water sewage cannot be ejected from the home safely and properly and so it then becomes a huge sanitation and health issue meaning residents over Labor Day weekend were warned they'd have to EV honestly gas was a huge blow but losing electricity takes this all to a different level but despite the warning and offers for alternative housing Justin says this is his home that looks like it's like at the edge insects and birds and anything that reptiles anything that he can get his hands on you know I would like to stay in our home [Applause] so yeah here's another video of um from a report from oh just four hours ago but I guess they talked to some of the residents about what's been going on begin tonight once again with breaking news out of Rancho Palace Verdes where power has officially been shut off at more than a 100 homes following months of land movement at this hour SoCal Edison has turned off power service to about 140 homes in the Portuguese Bend area the power shut off started at noon it's unclear for how long this will last gas service to those homes was already shut off about a month ago the evacuation warning was issued yesterday shut offs began today in Portuguese Bend amid worsening landslides that have accelerated across nearly 700 Acres of the neighborhood following heavy rains last spring the slides have caused damage to homes roads and utilities down power lines recently caused a fire an emergency assistance center has been set up for affected families at Lera Linda community center iwitness Sophie fle is live in Rancho Pelos Verde Sophie lawmakers right calling for more State assistance even a visit from the governor right yeah that's right you guys and this is a nightmare situation for people living here there is an evacuation warning in effect and we did see some people pack up their cars and head out but most residents I spoke to say they are staying staying here because they're nervous about their homes being broken into with no power no street lights in times like these my house is dark right now no electricity um and no gas like yeah whatever what we said I know like you know they're kind of like they're sitting ducks though cuz what if if there's a like say there's about 30 people in total that stayed now imagine if the land starts moving where their house is sliding with it that no one's going they're they're not all going to be rescued there's no way or like all their belongings in there they could have some like nice stuff that's crazy well you know that's going to happen why can't the the police um guard off those places they have like those houses that were falling like in that other neighborhood like a few months ago yeah because people were going there and like climbing down no and like stealing stuff I'm like y'all are [ __ ] vile for that yeah trashy [ __ ] next door neighbors become essential no one's doing any Wellness checks except we are with our neighbors but there's nobody from the city up here yesterday at noon 140 residents in Portuguese Ben found out Southern California Edison was shutting off their power today this comes as a result of worsening landslides in Rancho Palace veres we can't solve Rolling Hills we don't have enough money to do it on our own the infrastructure has been neglected power gas and here we are these residents spared immediate evacuation thanks to backup generators but their sewage system relies on electricity a bunch of volunteers got together this morning and hooked up three generators to the sewer system and we had it done 45 minutes before uh Edison cut the power off in July SoCal Gas cut off Natural Gas Service to this same area and it hasn't returned it's just kind of mind-blowing it doesn't feel legal according to the Rancho Palace ver City man doesn't feel legal what do they expect though that that's all I got to I don't know like cuz cuz think about this you you know that video I sent you of like a gas leak or like it was like oil that leaked into like the streams from underground pipes and a fire happened and people died so if there's the gas leak and the pipes break and then there's a fire won't that travel like all through the gas line pipe they're they're not just doing it cuz they don't like you they're doing it for safety reasons like cuz the land's moving and yeah what you were saying like that and also too um you can't breathe in gas you're going to die from that you know yeah let me just see something of this yeah look they never should have allowed them to build there it was inevitable I seen and heard this before they should Salvage everything they can and leave they may be able to stretch it out 1 to 3 years if they're lucky but it will cost more than they gain like what part of your land is moving do you not understand this is well known for decades yep oh look somebody said something about the utilities they shut off the utilities to avoid larger problems like fires and explosion explosions Take a Hint which yeah it's true I'm not going to lie man cuz this area is pretty like filled with like some carens and like self Center people so you can kind of just see it again you know it does suck that they're going through this you know I get it but it's like come on yeah like I don't know you shouldn't have built there or whoever built it for you there like uh um like like if you got it inherited then maybe you should have sold it or something you know like you shouldn't have it shouldn't have been built on at all to be honest and I it's not necessarily blame the home own homeowners I blame the people like like for example when you want to build a home on land you have to go get the foundation checked you have to do all these regulations you have to make sure it's safe you have to make sure you know so see so then especially for the people building new homes they probably do hear those warnings and they're like who cares like like I we'll do it anyway they probably think it's one of those things where it's like it's going to take like my children's children's children will be gone by the time this is like you know falling down you know I don't know but wouldn't oh go ahead no no no go no but wouldn't you like if this was happening wouldn't you be like [ __ ] this I'm packing all my [ __ ] I'm taking all my valuables I'm going to take what I can and I'm I'm leaving you know if you especially if the money for it because then it's like are you going to wait till your house is just like falling into the ocean are you going to wait till your house is just Rebel and it's just you can't find any belong true true but I do get it too cuz like they said right they're kind of scared if like people are going to come break in no but I'm saying take all your stuff oh okay like like get what you can take all your stuff like furniture and all that sadly you probably you're not going to be able to take but like it's like would you rather you take all your stuff then you know you're you're at ease knowing all your stuff is safely with you or are you going to wait till it what I'm not I'm not worried about something breaking into my house which obviously like yeah I would be nervous for that but I'm more nervous for if the land movement does and the houses collide with each other sink in then it's like you don't have anything now regardless it's a lose lose situations he might as well pack up and leave true manager this Landslide has been monitored by the city for decades ancient landslide that goes back thousands of years it was activated in 1956 when khaw Boulevard was being extended to Palace verish Drive South but it's been left to these residents better known as teachers yeah you know what my grandpa was telling me that rest in peace you remember him I think I was thinking him to like the doctors or something in Torrance right mhm and he was telling me that he was telling me that um you know like cuz CR Shaw goes up to like the py mall and stuff right yeah they uh there obviously wasn't a road there a long time ago like people would just take Hawthorne like like the neighboring big road but I guess they made that whole like so them doing that whole construction like like pretty much going through the the the mountain that's obviously going to have some effect you know really though because cruna is only straight up though so are they blaming that building that road affecting it oh is it cuz it's cutting through the middle yeah cuz if you think about khaw and if you just keep like if you just imagine just looking straight up crenchaw if you're near like our old work right that is kind of like where would be like where all the land is falling apart you know does that make sense so they should have watch uh look just look it up real quick on Google Maps like just that just the mountain like PV where is crenchaw oh yeah see almost it kind of is cuz this part's crenchaw right here oh wow and then yeah look this this whole yeah Wafers Chapel so yeah they since they built this road right here they cut through the mountain then yeah look it's affecting like this area here then what about like this road um Crest Road where right here yeah cuz was that always there and then what about like isn't this Western like this over here yeah but see Hawthorne and Western go around this whole thing they cut like through it so then that's damaging like you know this area oh wow so yeah yeah cuz how deep do you have to to dig to make a road pretty deep cuz then obviously you to start a hill off from all the way in like Torrance you know to go like up so of course they're going to make it like gradual you know like so they had a cut through back in the day of years it was activated in 1956 when kensaw Boulevard was being extended to Palace verus Drive South but it's been left to these residents better known as teachers ex policemen school counselors to take care of earlier today LA County Supervisor Janice Han committing another $5 million in County funds to respond to this disaster also calling on California governor Gavin to come visit this Landslide has been moving for decades but the acceleration that's happening currently is beyond what any of us uh could have foretold I get what they're saying cuz it's like yeah it's like they're left with having to clean up the mess that whoever built it back then right or never made that road but it's like but you know about the land movement like so don't buy houses there build there you know no no no no no no but if the land movement started if they're saying in 1956 and it was when they extended the crenchaw road through then that means that the land movement was caused by the cruncha road being no no I know that's what I'm saying but like what she was saying she was saying like they're like left like from that from that they're left with uh the consequences of it but it's like there wouldn't have to be consequences if you didn't build a house there or buy homes there but you know you're taking that risk so no I know but maybe those houses been there since like forever and they never had land movement at all until that road was built and then they dealt with it and it's kind of true but you know at least like half of the residents up there have built since then then yeah I maybe it's built like a big ass house too up there and huh has his own private road I think so yeah resident say they have no idea when their power will come back on and they're getting ready to spend thousands on generators I never I never looked at it from that perspective though with the roads being built like crenchaw cuz it is breaking it apart from cuz remember when I remember when they were doing construction on there and they were doing like the piping or whatever yeah they have to like dig deep so then what's that neighborhood is that part of it too the like if you turn left going crunch on it's like um it's like a gate It's like got that light you get when you're like you if you turn I don't think any building there so I think just making that road just like caus like a little tiny like fissure and then eventually like you know like trickling through the mountain over time and making the land like weaker you know and then the rain too I mean granted that land was definitely going to like anything near the ocean like that I'm not trying to you know cuz it it probably take like decades thousands of years until something can happen but all right guys so what we're going to do now is um we're going to show you guys some of these locations we're going to head there kind of do some boots on the ground reporting so we'll we'll show you guys the two sunken Parts in San Pedro sunken city and then I call it just sunken city number two and then we'll show you some of the damage over in PV hopefully we can still drive over there and just like check it out we'll see you guys over there peace all right so now we're going to be showing you guys like the road we're going to drive I guess it'd be southbound I have no idea yeah I guess southbound towards San Pedro and then we're going to turn around and take the other way which I mean it's kind of the same road but I feel like now it's super messed up where you know wouldn't even matter the no like the bike lane and you know yeah so see they close off the bike lane there's this guy no motorcycle oh yeah trucks over two axles can't see that but that sign we passed did say that like trucks over two axles so probably like what big like moving trucks and stuff yeah imagine while we're filming this those those big cars just like dude that'd be so trippy like oh right here they can hear me right Abalone Cove um it's really beautiful you were able to like hike down um and you're by like the ocean but due to the landslides for safeties uh safety for people and like literally could die down there they like close it off um I don't know you can't really see the oh yeah I forgot okay you can't really see it but it's like down slow down yeah so yeah they're like f oh my god dude this road is so bad it used to just be like the hill you're about to see like that whole area was kind of messed up like for the longest but this road used to just be smooth after people would pass the hill and stuff and that crazy Road like this would just be like Smooth Sailing but now this whole Street's like super messed up well we could see the the plumbers yeah cuz this yeah this wasn't bad cuz I remember just going like the speed limit right here and then once I got to the hill I would just like drop down it yeah like obviously not necessarily speed down it but like maybe not hold The Brak like and just like it'd be kind of fun to like go down and you guys could see if you can try to get the road too I'm getting see look these cars have to go like slow up it cuz yeah look they even put a new guard rail right here probably to for people to avoid like flying off the cliff yeah where that car is turning that I believe is where the houses are oh yeah so there's a neighborhood nearby look they got cops here too so they probably don't want anyone like you know probably because the since there's no electricity that that gate is just has to automatically just stay open oh wow really I didn't even think about that point it down like towards the it's there you're good is the neighborhood that's sinking in in this might be over there in that neighborhood too I don't know I want to say it's that why are the police there you know oh I'll try to go up I thought it was the neighborhood that's next like right before this whole Road starts mm it's like right there cuz think about the glass Chapel Church like that one it's alled there and the lamb movement is all here and those roads over there are super bad super cracked so true so we did want to like get up out of the car and like walk around but I don't know with the police all around here I don't know if how good you know no there's no way yeah they probably don't want anyone like just around this area which is understandable since it's like all messed up but yeah that house I was telling you about I don't know if we passed the gate thing already yeah we did oh we did yes but yeah it used to be like you know like here like in this like NE in this little not neighborhood but like I guess grass area yeah look oh I didn't realize that's Plumbing oh these yeah the in front of us oh yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh this is not going to be the smoothest camera shot because this road is so bumpy put those muscles to work oh I I know that so look point it over here I don't know if that's a nature preserve or not cuz once this road does collapse I don't know uh my mom was saying supposedly look where the they're here supposedly where the they're building here they're going to build a road but mostly for the residents in in that neighborhood over there cuz obviously you know I guess it's important for them to get their houses you know well I mean they're probably not going to have a house unfortunately go back to if they're at some point yeah home sinks in all right so we just got here it's a day after Labor Day so it shouldn't be super crowded but uh you can kind of see where like the neighborhood used to be it um broke off we're going to see if there's way in they could have patched up the gate but people always break it open so maybe there's a way in I don't know check it out you see look the they're always like patching like breaking it patching it up we'll see if we can we can find one I don't know sick cast found the the way out I was trying to get some Boll over there so the last time you came here was like a couple years ago like four years ago I was like during like Co time so yeah you could see some of the the remains of like you know yeah Foundation to Old homes I wonder how this looks bro I haven't I haven't seen this in like years oh people are down there yeah usually people do photo shoots and stuff which I think that's what they're doing yeah when it go down yeah so yeah dude I like literally yeah it's been since maybe 2022 so yeah like two years how do you want to go down you want to go down this you want to see where that takes you all right I used to come here all time oh really yeah Ian what else you supposed to do you true I don't think it'll pick you up though no or does that thing you're holding pick up your voice or no I think so oh you probably hear me like a little bit true your pants mm woo it's cool though dude this is so trippy I think the last time I came and just stayed were there I don't think I explored more than what's here so what like this was all it broke off from this yeah you can see like old streets right there like right there it's like old Street in sidewalk that's crazy I remember when I came here younger though like years years years ago it wasn't definitely like some movement for sure since then I mean obviously more yeah it's crazy I remember me um and my friend rest in peace you know Z right mhm th it used to be like those two were like up and then there's another one and then him and his little cousin Brian we like jumped like you know cuz we're all into like parkour and stuff so I mean it it does definitely suck cuz I feel like maybe this one was uncalled for in a sense of like kind of like the 2011 which we're gonna go to how that just like fell out of nowhere you know what I mean like I don't even think there was any warning no warning I don't know I think it was really bad rain for a few days and it started cracking a week later but as you can tell a lot of people like to drink over here oh a lizard and I'm not going to step on it where oh but people just come here and drink which I'm surprised because I would not want to drink over here to be to like accidentally fall damn is that like for a bonfire yeah probably people I'm kind of I'm kind of hesitant but I would want to go over there you think it's stable enough or no do you would I rather not I don't want chance it I'm sorry with all the live week or Instagram reals you know true is there a way to go that way piece used to be up so this fell recently is there a way to go more down that way I'm Spider-Man you know so if if the thing starts crumbling I'm GNA jump you know yeah okay I feel this around true well careful you're filming I was just saying just stay there but okay I don't know if you want to come up n it's kind of hard to get up but oh I my hand okay if you want to live I didn't really need it but that's fine I'm a gentleman yeah you could just tell it just all connected huh yeah and I don't even know how many homes it wasn't like a lot it was just like a small little neighborhood you know like at the end of The Cliff that's kind of dope that pixelated graffiti right there there was a smiley face I zoomed in on it kind of oh really yeah oh man this sucks did anyone die from this or no I'll look into it but I don't no they are probably evacuated like how you know the PV ones being evacuated like there was a warning yeah things are probably falling off and falling apart true go this way yeah get that B- roll so just keep walking how I do it yeah it seems like this was the road and then and looks like it breaks off you just be all level like it is up there so this literally this whole Canyon fell down oh wow so like the 2011 [Music] [Music] yeah hello hello yes no I'm off I'm with fonts so yeah we got to the spot now this place always has been a preserve right they just expanded ite to the SE yeah pretty much yeah cuz you yeah it's a nature preserve so the thing that sucks is this land is more like stable and you probably could build a road around so you could get to the other side but to Nature Preserve so you know yeah um I forget the cuz when I went walking with my cousin over here they mentioned the Nike base and I was like oh it's over here yeah there's this one Nike Base that we went to oh we got to tell that story should we do in this video yeah sure so I guess in World War II um uh what's it called Los Angeles had all these Nike missile bases here to protect like the whole Coastal area right mhm for like I don't know air strikes or navy stuff too I I don't know um but we can go to it there's there's like a little area where like missiles would come out and you know like I guess defend the area if needed to I don't think they ever got to use it though but I'm surprised they closed it down you think it's because as years pass they have more high like National Security I guess these I think so yeah then so they don't need these defenses up yeah yeah yeah like obviously they sell people monitoring like like the Airways and stuff you know so yeah when me and Cass first got together we uh I took her to one of the Nike missile air bases it's like in yeah Chatsworth right like maybe like 50 minutes away from here and we went at night tell them what happened I don't know what happened oh you're talking me you're talking about are you talking about when it just you and I yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay well they can they hear me though that's right yeah you're close to me they can hear your loud oh yeah you think so we sleep outside tonight um when we went I was like what is that it was just me and him I was like what is that moving yeah it was probably like from here to not this not this brown Bush but the one like like Beyond it right the one behind it yeah it was just like a black mass so I was like what the [ __ ] is that and then we got closer and I was like is that a [ __ ] Buffalo and I was like there's no way is that a buffalo it had to be a buffalo I don't care they say not around here I'm not even joking it was a [ __ ] Buffalo it was no bull yeah because yeah it wasn't a bull or cow cuz they don't grow big it it had big fur like around the back like how a like a buffalo does like literally the head and and you can kind of make out the little horns so like I said yeah some could say a bull but I mean that' be kind of terrifying I a bull the bull would have attacked that thing and I thought at first I was like what is that a statue until it like until it started to move and then the tail was moving and it started to like go eat more and more grass mine you was only just one and this [ __ ] was like oh I could take it no you can't no no no I didn't say that I said which is dumb but I was like let me like go with there let me like take a picture like or like take a picture of me with it jackass babe no I know I know you my right that was just that was just me uh trying to be cool for was like oh we could have out R ran it and then I looked up how fast they run what is it like 45 miles hour uh yeah I was like they run pretty quick I was like yeah we totally with a van he doesn't want us to go down because he thinks we won't be able to get back up it's pretty steep and you got the vans on feel like you won't be a get if people can drink oh that's true okay well we'll come back with like proper I'll bring my Nikes next time you can see it breaks off right there yeah but um what's it called people have like bonfires down here but this is what it's just crazy knowing like this broke off sunken city so it's like it seems like within chunks it's breaking off so with uh Portuguese band over there it is breaking off as you as you saw in the video when we drove through it and you can just tell it's just going to be a huge chunk of land unfortunate yeah unfortunate but I don't know like I said I'm not sure if sunen City had any like warning signs like the people that live on Portuguese bz do I don't think this was any warning sign I think it just happens it just took like a week yeah so and I think you know Winter's coming up here if we happen to get more rain I don't I think that that whole road is going to be gone and I don't know which way it's we're kind of you're kind of cut off from that side if you think about it yeah you have to go all the way around or through other parts of P but there's not there's only like three ways to get into PV from or like there's just yeah there's just three ways to get in and out of PV so I think L that would just you know obviously take out another way and I think a lot of foot traffic will definitely be gone because honestly like I'm sure a lot of people love to take the coast for trips so it's kind of I mean this scenic route is gone at least you could go to Western but then you go up and then it connects and you could go back onto the coast but if that's gone I mean I'm I suck for people whose homes like if that's a way they're getting because these streets back there they're mostly like private or they like end you know so that it's kind of crazy to think that they're probably going to have to cut through the mountain and they're not going to have access to their house but then look look when they cut through the mountain the first time oh with crenchaw and now it's falling apart so it's just going to keep ruining it more and more and I just think it's crazy too like you even see the sewer on that side too like way over there against that rock so it's kind of like I'm just surprised people come here to drink cuz like there's alcohol cans down there and beer bottles uh well that's the thing too I can link um that video where I talk about the coast but the coast is taking like a bunch of lives whether people just like drinking and they fall off or people commit suicide off these Cliffs or and then look over there that's the like the the White House White House the lighthouse right oh oh yeah so the lighthouse is like where um what did they film 13 what's that called oh that Disney movie uh 13 the 13th year yeah 13 year turn to he finds out he's a merman but yeah so it's crazy I recently too on this side there was a whole Carnival setup for like a Chris Pratt movie yeah so I'm curious if they're going to say like how many miles do you think the sunken city is from here like maybe like what like how long how long maybe like two or three miles do you think it's breaking off in sections I mean obviously like Portuguese Bend is really it's much farther but mhm it is crazy to see and and then you can see Catalina kind of yeah it's a little but yeah but we have to wait to see what happens with Portuguese band I think it's going to fall off soon that's just my opinion based off how the road's moving like 11 in per day that's kind of crazy that concludes our what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] underwear nasty [Music] [Music]

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To the rim welcome here on the show 360 sport on trust tv i'm adini a shaf well you saw our ladies there that's the tigers always making us so proud for what they've done when it comes to basketball they've done it four times in africa at the one call afro basket and also at the olympics they were able... Read more

New Super Eagles Coach Bruno Labbadia Set To Name Foreign Assistants | Sports Update thumbnail
New Super Eagles Coach Bruno Labbadia Set To Name Foreign Assistants | Sports Update

Category: News & Politics

[music] [applause] hey come up l come up come up l [music] [music] [applause] hello and welcome to sport update on tr tv i am emmanuel fashion i'm full of smile because my director is actually making me to smile this evening because it got me covered uh behind the scene but uh we have a lot of stories... Read more

Ramakant bann gaya Modi parivaar ka हिस्सा! | Part 2 | Saath Nibhana Saathiya thumbnail
Ramakant bann gaya Modi parivaar ka हिस्सा! | Part 2 | Saath Nibhana Saathiya

Category: Entertainment

मैंने आपकी हमेशा इंसल्ट की हमेशा आपको टॉर्चर किया कभी आपकी बात नहीं सुनी मुझे तो सॉरी बोलने में भी शर्म आ रही नहीं रमा कान ऐसा नहीं बोलते सच तो यह है मैं आप जैसी मॉम डिजर्व ही नहीं करता मैं इस फैमिली को भी डिजर्व नहीं करता प्लीज मा मुझे सजा दीजिए निकाल दीजिए मुझे इस घर से बा जिस बच्चे को अपने अपने खून से एक मां सीजती है उसे अपनी जिंदगी से निकालने का मतलब है अपने शरीर का एक अंग को काट देना जो दुनिया की कोई मां नहीं कर सकती जो तुमने किया... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello guys asalam i hope you all are doing good and well so welcome back to our youtube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys lucia bronti will play against arena sabinka in the round of us open so if you want to know is going to win then stay active with us till the end... Read more

[FULL] Wahana Rumah Hantu Jatim Park Terbakar - SIS 04/09 thumbnail
[FULL] Wahana Rumah Hantu Jatim Park Terbakar - SIS 04/09

Category: News & Politics

Kebakaran besar ini terjadi tiba-tiba di kawasan wisata jtim par 3 asap hitam membumbung tinggi berasal dari wahana rumah hantu di area belakang jtim par 3 petugas pemanam kebakaran dengan cepat datang ke lokasi langsung berupaya memadamkan api agar tidak menyebar api pertamaali muncul dari area rumah... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello guys asalam alikum i hope you all are doing good and well welcome back to our youtube channel ways of success and we are back with another video so guys pleaser a canel will play against genx and the round of us open so you want to see who going to win then stick with us till the end so first... Read more

Die Bahn kommt... (Weed-Version) thumbnail
Die Bahn kommt... (Weed-Version)

Category: Music

Ich stehe morgens g und mir was für ein scheiß einfach aus ich doch lieber zu haus information wen schön zu sehen s ich hier weiterum stehenelleicht do besseringehen schau wieder auf die uhr stunde stehe ich noch r frag mich was mach ich hier nur die lautsprecher bleiben stumm sind noch belegt ist noch... Read more

Pelatih Legendaris Sven Goran Eriksson Meninggal Dunia thumbnail
Pelatih Legendaris Sven Goran Eriksson Meninggal Dunia

Category: News & Politics

Pelatih legendaris f goran erikson meninggal dunia pada senin malam waktu indonesia pelatih yang lama menukangi timnas inggris itu berpulang pada usia 76 tahun akibat menderita kanker pankreas pelatih legendaris asal swedia s goran ers meninggal dunia agen erust mengonfirmasi sun usia 76 tahun akibat... Read more

Man City vs Ipswich: A Premier League Clash | Live Stream, Scores, and Predictions #epl #live #r2 thumbnail
Man City vs Ipswich: A Premier League Clash | Live Stream, Scores, and Predictions #epl #live #r2

Category: Sports

Versus switch a prem league clash live stream sc and predictions sport for exting foot show as manchester c city takes town in the second round of the english preemier league for liveage at this high state feing real updates stay informed with minute by minute commentary scores and statistics and football... Read more

BREAKING NEWS: Government threatens to shut down KTN thumbnail
BREAKING NEWS: Government threatens to shut down KTN

Category: News & Politics

K news now in the wake of our detailed coverage of the ongoing protest against the finance field 2024 that has been organized by genz protesters we would like to inform our viewers that we have received threats from authorities of intention to shut us down we would like to inform the public of our commitment... Read more