Serving Others Yields Incredible Rewards!

Intro all right everyone thank you for joining me um on our FFL Tri-State Training Day podcast I got the Superstar Holly Newton who's out there every single day helping families at a high level May the transition from field to telesales of FFL believe and she's having a uh a Hall of Fame trajectory kind of year so we wanted to get you on Holly to talk to you a little bit about some of the things you're doing that's very successful how are you today I'm doing great thank you well thank you for jumping on with us and taking time out of your busy schedule um I'd love it if you could kind of talk a little bit about your transition from infield to telesales and the importance of that transition for you at this stage of your life for the things you want to do for your for your family Getting Started all right so when I started this job it was very important for me to get going right away um I wasn't working I just had our second child so I was just in a position where okay I need to get some extra income coming in for the home my husband's a pastor we had just moved to California within that year and we're just trying to you know figure things out so I started this job and I quickly hopped into it you know I didn't waste any time taking my test uh going through the Contracting I was ready to get going and once I got started I quickly realized with my county for California it was just so massive I mean I was driving hours in between appointments gas at that point because we're at the peak of inflation during that point um for California it gas was ten dollars a gallon are you serious I I'm dead serious I've never seen a 10 I've never seen a 1-0 period ever yeah you're serious Game Changers oh yes different different areas like I was stopping and fill up when I sellers because I knew okay that's cheap let me come up here and then I'll get to my destination in Palm Springs and it's like ten dollars yeah or balance so I was trying to figure all that out I wasn't able to book a lot of appointments because I was driving all over the place I would have like three appointments a day and then there were days where I just get no-showed so I called my comment girl Mindy and I said hey I'm wasting time on the road I can only have like 10 appointments a week doing this and she said okay we're gonna put you on the phone so I was only in the field probably a couple of months I closed everyone I talked to so I sat in front of people and I knew I could do it I just didn't want to waste all the time on the road right so I switched teleselles and it just completely changed everything within the first month of doing tell us cells I mean I I tripled what I was making at that point and it just I just kept growing too um every month I try to increase what I'm doing so there's this daily growth for me in that so tell ourselves what's a big game changer for me I am able to spend more time with my family um I'm able to um take him to the park with my husband and then say hang on I gotta do tell us all really quick hop in the car and I'm making a cell in my car within 30 minutes you know teles has been a huge game changer for me I'm able to do things with my family go on trips with my family and you know take a step back to appointment or two if I needed to and things like that and during the week with Ministry because I'm I'm a busy pastor's wife I have a lot of things that happen during the week I'm able to take time to do a Bible study with women in my church every Tuesday now that I'm able to do telesales because I can just hop into one room do my Bible study go into my office and do my appointments for the rest of the day so it's been really great with the flexibility that teleselles has given me and at the same time increased my production as well that's crazy first off I I admire your go-getter attitude big time you said you were not working and you got present this opportunity and you said you've ran after and finished the test quickly why were you not working um I just had a baby and it was just it was difficult at the time we had just moved from Kentucky from working at a church there to he was an assistant pastor there so we were busy with things like that and then everything completely changed when we took a dying Church in California to keep it from closing and we were extremely busy with that so we moved here beginning stages of my pregnancy we were working working working trying to keep the church afloat at that point churches weren't allowed to be open in California even though it was you know several months into the pandemic versus other places in the U.S so we were busy with that we were just trying to stay afloat the church and our family and then after we had my son um we were like man inflation's just getting worse and worse I'm gonna have to get a job so we were living page check to paycheck and basically living by faith which is not a terrible thing but it's a scary thing at times and so um by faith I took this job with FFL hoping that okay this is going to help us help our family and help our ministry and it has done all of that is helped our ministry it has helped our family be able to help other people other families missionaries and it's just a huge huge blessing to our family and has done more than what I have ever expected it to do you that's nuts um I love this so you so what made you intrigued about the commission only job like at the end of the day why were you excited about commission only Why Mindy well was it the flexibility except for me selling some clothes online you know that I have grown or whatever my kids are from that's the only experience themselves I've ever had and I remember seeing Mindy and other people that I went to college with do FFL and I'm able to see the flexibility they had Mindy being able to have a baby and do this job and provide for her family and do amazing things with that that is what attracted me the flexibility the freedom the Financial Freedom um I was really nervous about the sales part and then when it just came down to it it's so simple so simple now it doesn't it doesn't scare me at all you know anymore but it really did at the beginning and I was able to overcome that fear because of Mindy's Health really grateful for her that's amazing why were you able to then with no sales experience able to close everyone you sat with what was it about the the transfer of confidence that allowed you to help those people I have no idea naturally I want to help people so I'm in a situation where I'm in someone's home and I see that they're missing something in their life that's going to help them so I'm going to help them get that thing as life insurance mortgage protection and so I think naturally that part it's easy for me I want to help the families that I'm making appointments with because I know this is going to Better Lives that that's amazing so just the sheer heart and you know the ability to see that there's a whole your job's to plug the hole and you made it happen the transition in the telesales telesales not zoom sales correct just Telesales vs Zoom all over the phone I probably only done maybe a couple with zoom but it's more intimidating for the client it fits on Zoom is what I found so it's really simple really easy it's over really quick when you do it over the phone and I like it because sometimes I'm not feeling well and I'm sitting in bed sick and I can do appointments over the phone camera um I I of course I live specific time and I do a lot of my leads and stuff East Coast time just so I can do work in the early morning hours before my nanny shows up for work and before my kids wake up so sometimes I'm waking up six o'clock in the morning I'm just rolling out of bed my hair is all a mess and everything and I don't have to worry about a camera so I just do strict over the phone I love it so let's talk about then your schedule and your lead your lead flow how much you're investing in leads and you know how many appointments are you typically running a week let's talk about your schedule and the way you're set up structurally for this level of success My Schedule so I know my schedule is going to be a lot different than most full-time or even part-time workers just because I do have PRI I do have more important things I got to do that is Ministry God my family ministry is always number one so I have to make sure I manage my time very very very well I want 30 plus appointments a week I average about 28 to 32 appointments a week so in order for me to have that sometimes I'm double booking people sometimes I'm triple booking people um sometimes I am making sure I'm waking up six o'clock in the morning so I can have that 9 A.M appointment on the East Coast time um so sometimes I'm doing that I just really have to plan out what I have going on in my personal life in my Ministry life so that I can fill in the spots for FFL for the week so I work pretty much every day of the week except the weekends because I'm doing Ministry things on Sundays and I'm mostly on Saturdays as well but I'm working Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Friday third days is like my Sabbath that's the day I have with my family so Sundays is a work day for us so I'm putting in as many appointments as I can those four days a week and if I need to make up time maybe Saturday afternoon and maybe that hour time slot I have in between church and choir and church again on Sunday you know what I mean that I have done that like in fact two weeks ago I had four appointments that I booked in a one hour time slot um on a Sunday and that was insane I'm not doing that again um but I I was late for choir I would say that but I am I squeeze as much as I can in my schedule because my goal is 30 appointments a week I'm not going to slack during my time when my nanny shows up eight o'clock in the morning every day except Thursday and Saturday and Sunday so I'm walking out of my house when she is walking in I'm sitting in my office got everything charged ready to go for the day and I am not leaving my desk until it's time for her to go home at four sometimes I have appointments later so my husband goes and lets her off for work so I have to keep a strict strict schedule because I can't be full-time because who knows what pops up during the week with Ministry sometimes there's a random counseling session sometimes I gotta pray with someone sometimes someone's in the hospital I gotta go and sit with them you know things like that so I'm being as strict as I can with my time dude you're a machine I you know I love listening to this this is gonna inspire a lot of people Holly because you're making it happen like there's nothing about your seven day week that's not busy like nothing but you're finding a way to prioritize what needs to be prioritized to slot things where they need to be slotted to show up where you need to be and to run a strict schedule and still get the results with almost no excuses like there's no excuse we all My Philosophy have the same 24 hours in a day and what matters at the end of the day is what you use those 24 hours for and my philosophy on that is you know if you're filling your time helping people you will get rewarded for it and you know I help people through my church I help people through this job I'm helping other agents and that's you know at the end of the day that's what matters and whatever reward comes from it um I'm just happy I get to receive that you know because I put in the work for it I'm helping the families and if I'm not managing my time well I'm not able to help anybody so Monday through Wednesday I'm sure you look at that as like serious go time like you're on the treadmill hit the track let's run right yes um now Friday's the first day of the week do you view Friday the same way you do Monday through Wednesday oh yes Same Day Appointments Friday I so I like to book my appointments same day and Fridays or those days where it's like hey it's Friday let's go ahead and get this done today it's a perfect excuse for a lot of clients to book a same-day appointment with me and if I have to do it on a Saturday I'll put them sometime in my Saturday I can squeeze that in there but Fridays it's nice because it's a you know last work day of the week for a lot of people and it's like okay let's go and get this done later this afternoon or tonight you know things like that um people ease people can easily get off work early on a Friday because they can get all their work done and get home for the weekend so I find it easy to book a lot of same-day appointments for Fridays so that helps to get me a head start for my week for Monday for when that comes around but like you said Monday Tuesday Wednesday I am hitting it hard I'm trying to get as many appointments in as possible and it helps because Wednesday is also the night everyone submits their numbers so I really want to make sure I have it all there for Wednesday night when I hit submit for my slack so it's it's go every every day of the week it's go time every single time I'm sitting in my desk with my phone in my hand but especially Monday Tuesday Wednesday I'm really hitting it hard no doubt so um the so the early morning taking advantage of the east coast is that an all-day thing that you're dialing back east or are you what did you I don't know if I caught this but what hours on a Monday Tuesday Wednesday are you actually give me the hours and breaks if there are I know you have a nanny so that certainly helps talk to talk to us Morning Appointments so she comes in at eight I'm walking around my house at eight if someone's requesting for early morning appointment I can put in my schedule because it's six in the morning my kids are well sometimes they're not awake but they're usually still sleeping and I can just you know sit in bed and do my appointment or go over real quick this is not a home office this is an office away from the home so where we live at home my office is Evening Hours next door at our church we live next to our church so I can either walk out of my house and go to the church office and do my work or I can just do it in my house you know quietly before you know wake up the family for the day makes sense keep going yeah so there are mornings where I book a lot of appointments you know that's six to seven time frame right before my nanny shows up to work before my kids wake up and I give them breakfast and things like that well my husband gives them their breakfast usually I'm trying to do a lot of extra little things to get ahead of the day um so there are times I'm working really early mornings but official start time is when my nanny shows up got it around eight she leaves at four now I can let her go home sometimes my husband lets her go home at four um but I usually do have a few appointments around four or five and six as well um so that gives me a little more flexibility to squeeze in that extra time and then it's too late to do appointments after that time frame for East Coast time so I get the rest of my evening with my family so that we work East Coast so and that's intentional right you want your day to end earlier where you live it's funny so that's crazy most of the people that I talk to Holly are working to to create evening hours but because you live on the west coast you're saying hey I can I'll start early and I'll create evening hours for my family yep that's strong I'm I love this like you know just the the tenacity the focus the discipline the schedule and the teamwork between you and your husband and even the nanny that's making this a reality for y'all you are a struggling family Pastor wife situation paycheck to paycheck I mean you couldn't dream of an opportunity you could but it this is not this wasn't gonna just hit you across your doorstep you know thank God for Mindy and her ability to you know go out there and do this and share it right because where would you be where would you be in family first life didn't come across your door I want to hear this give me give me a small synapse so when I started inflation was at its Inflation highest like I said gas was up to about ten dollars a gallon milk itself was five dollars a gallon eggs now it's ridiculous I mean it's everything's more expensive in California it just really did really is when we were living in Kentucky his salary as an assistant pastor was perfect we had a home um I didn't have to work and it he came here took a paycheck cut um to do this job to help this church that was struggling and it was exactly paycheck to paycheck by the grace of God we weren't going into debt um the parsonage that we live in now the church you know pays for that for us to live in so that's part of our salary but if it wasn't for that if we had if we had a home we wouldn't be making any mortgage payments we would be homeless I mean it'd be just awful and our goal with this job was to buy a house for a family so we don't have to be depending on the church to provide housing for us and by God's grace we're going house shopping tomorrow we have a realtor set up and we're going to get a house and I'm so thrilled and so happy and so blessed that God has done that for our family and it's just truly incredible um where we would be I I have no idea I don't even want to think about it it's scary um we knew coming to California we would probably have to I would probably have to work it's just a two-person income household type of situation out here it's very expensive to live here I knew that stay-at-home mom wife lifestyle was going away so I was soaking it up as much as I can when I had my baby when I was ready to work I was ready to work and I'm thankful the opportunity of FFL was there because I just can't imagine doing anything else and having the same results you're incredible I will say this I know you're working on building your team right now if you do not build a team you're stealing from people you have so much to offer I mean this life you're building and your ability to relay it and tell your story oh my gosh like could you please start telling your story to people they would join by accident like I would join you like what are we doing here you know so just like as you're going through this and as you're working through these phases keep in mind there's plenty of people that need what what you do which isn't still hope and courage um teach train confidence organization um man I mean like you I just I'm telling you stuff I told Mindy when I first heard Mindy talk I'm like dude like what is wrong with you I'm like let's go so you if you don't believe me ask Mindy but you need to you need to this is going to go Way Beyond you okay this is going to go beyond what you've done what you've established which is amazing but it's too good to be kept under the Newton household you know what I'm saying like this it's it's it's going to go forth and With or Without You and when I mean that it's with or without your mindset of what you think your what you think you have time for what have you I think the time is coming very very near for you to I know you have stuff in the works people in contract with people that are getting started people that are selling but yo you're you have too much of a story to tell and people need to hear it and when they hear it they're going to boss out their bust out the seams to work with you because you nurture and you're serious like you know both sides so congratulations to you on all your success I'm really excited about what the rest of 2023 has in store for you um please let me know what we can do to help but thank you for jumping on with me you know I'm I'm more comfortable by talking to you today than I was before I got on with you so thank you thank you Mark I appreciate it Training Day with Holly Newton I mean this thing only gets sweeter that I felt believe teams got some something in the water I know that's for sure I appreciate you Holly thanks for jumping on thank you for listening we love you God bless [Music] oh [Music]

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