DRIVER OF THE DAY AT SILVERSTONE - F1 22 My Team 9 ( Season 1 UK )

Published: Apr 17, 2023 Duration: 01:14:19 Category: People & Blogs

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Los gets boys loss gets it has definitely been I think a week or two out um since we've been racing now of course as you'd expect we still have uh silverston or silver stones or Britain or the brexit race whatever you want to call it uh up next in terms of the facilities I don't think we have anything to update you guys with right in terms of r d i mean our car is third well it almost tied with I would even argue McLaren and Mercedes it's funny because I mean we are technically third in the best car but as always the arrow and Chassis are so weak that we are we barely managed to fight off the alpines and the McLarens so I'd love for some of our um Arrow to come through here how long is how far away is this from completing four days okay so unfortunately that's not gonna happen and then what do we got here 12 days for this one oh well unfortunate but I think that's just the way it's uh it's gonna be for us yeah the McLarens are just ahead of us in terms of uh arrow and Chassis but it's all good and uh in terms of the vehicle let's go over to the practice uh items uh we go there we go good okay there we are fourth in the standings comfortably though uh thanks to our last couple of finishes and I'm sixth in the standings overall villadov's not having a great season is he um considering how good our car is and considering how good vilnev's stats are I do wonder if we should maybe look to um uh to make a change I I mean it's really cool having the double Canadian lineup but I don't know man Jacques seems a bit washed up I don't really know if that's just the way the game is in general or the way the game plays out or something but I do think Jacques is a little bit washed up uh I don't want to activate any of that crap there we go okay let's get it let's get it boys we're off to the UK see how we do oh my this might be the first time I ever race at Silverstone and it's not pouring rain oh that's kind of exciting actually a race of no rain that's sick I'm actually excited now I was a little bit apprehensive about this race because I find I do pretty poorly at this track that like long double s section and all that I seem to do do really really bad so let's see if it's still gonna be the same thing car setup I've had a chat with the r d team s all right let's see how we do let's see how we do boys oh it's so nice when it's sunny though I think for uh my team with nepo we're gonna turn off all the uh we only have medium um oh my goodness um we have medium settings on hello [Music] what do you call that Medium racing line I'm gonna turn this all off I think when we uh do the career with net uh like at a larger window of difficulty [Music] I'm gonna try and not use any ERS was it in the uh this season's co-op with me and NEP when I did a One-Stop race in the rain do you guys remember that or was that two years ago that was the hardest race of my life man a full race with one set of tires by the end of the race we had like 90 wear that was crazy I think NEP crashed out and uh and then he was like my commentator for the race I have no idea how to do that corner by the way I feel like maybe not hitting the the brakes is the move oh my god well that we lost a lot of time there [Music] oh that should be a warning terrible corner oh my Lord all right foreign we lost like oh my goodness lost four five tenths out of that corner yeah this that section right there I just awful I'm so bad also here we're definitely gonna get some mornings about that too much overcooked it there try that with no assists I mean I don't have any assists the only thing we have and everybody uses that is I think I have like a medium abs and that's it I think that's I think that's all I have I think that's I mean I'm not a pro race like uh you know esport driver so I think that having that is fair uh um let's try quality Pace why not okay I should be turning off uh anyways whatever should be turning off ERS until we get to the line though right there we go this is always impossible to get but that's a terrible corner [Music] damn it man oh my goodness that wasn't a clean lap oh there we go we got it okay I think that's the first time we stayed in Delta that was pretty good yeah that was all right for five for five quality uh who summed Mandy thank you for using the primer on me man you just followed the channel and subscribe thanks brother all right let's um let's retire from session I think that's a good enough warm-up I had chest and back day today boys so my like freaking arms are killing me right now damn look Claire absolutely heated me in terms of the timing hey thanks Mandy am I am I saying your name properly thank you preach appreciate it did it okay well quick practice this man deal cheers man okay see if that one will succeed damn it cheeky all right I'll have to finish it up in the next one sweeping right around the corner so crazy yeah and then if you hit that wrong it ruins the next fast like left right left or whatever what is that called it Cobbs or I don't know I can't remember Court Cox screw or something twist your dick off corner or I don't know what it is it's annoying though let's go easy work amen uh TR go with the 30. thanks bro appreciate the uh the late night F1 resub dude see he's really good like Jacques is really good in all the practices gets us a lot of uh XP but for some reason he just can't make it translate into the races man I don't know what it is but maybe that's good he helps us develop the car probably the most important thing right oh my God me versus Lewis Hamilton that's so dumb I have 1900 points to use here so minor weight redistribution I feel like we should probably do this so we can get the lightweight Wheels next right so minor weight redistribution or minor drag reduction you know what drag reduction kind of seems tempting actually can I do both damn if we rush it it'll be ready for oh wait it doesn't matter let's just do that then um okay and then I want to do this one oh my goodness both will be ready oh that's sick so they'll both be ready for France cool I think that's worthwhile all right let's put our new stuff on here oops oh my God imagine accidentally getting more new parts quality time here we go Aston Martin's upgrades might arrive before Baku isn't that crazy Okay so see where everyone's times are we'll go out at like 10 minutes just want to get an idea of where everybody's at we can put down maybe a really nice lap we don't have to go out again cars quick enough definitely quick enough hey there's vilnev so a 129 8 is basically my target right a 1 29 8. here we go as long as we can keep up with our teammate we're doing well [Music] foreign weird lit up my tires now unfortunately so that's a problem [Music] oh no they're okay bro what am I doing man okay hold on should be fine [Music] cars all of a sudden very tail happy I don't really know why all right this is the hardest corner to set up the next few that wasn't bad [Music] terrible though terrible that that corner right there every time if I'm in a close race the other cars come through and then put me under pressure here because I just do it so slow I mean that was an okay lap okay let's see not a great lap but um mods could be Gulag the nerd in the chat thank you boys all right let's see oh [ __ ] just gonna have enough time do I go again 129 6. I think I'm gonna be fine I don't think I'll need to go out again I think we'll be all right bro called me a nerd you are a [ __ ] nerd bro calling me fat dude I'm 37 and I probably have a 10 times better body than your stupid ass does that's a guarantee what the [ __ ] are my mods man anyways virgin has been timed out by the guy that's racing in an actual race day there we go see we made it to Q2 easy no problem uh Okay so okay so 129.6 for Jacques let's see what we can do [Music] this corner is so weird man catches me out every time almost spawn there ah that's us all right to back out of it I'm gonna have to do another lap already what no way no way no shoot man all right moment of truth here Moment of Truth here boys one shot at this oh no oh no what's this what the hell [Music] all right well this is going to be awkward I just made it too isn't that crazy oh my God that was so close we're all on a hot lap right now so this is this is a bit nuts that was a pretty good corner see what I mean about this corner though look at how bad I do it I lost like at least three tenths out of that corner maybe more I don't know I just can't figure that corner out p12 that was terrible oh p12 man oh my God I don't know I just suck at this track man Jacqueline p8 fair enough holy oh well starting p12 right mid-pack two we're gonna be a lot quicker than the cars around us so that's oh god well yeah Lewis Hamilton is my uh enemy or whatever competitor right now is not going to be fair I thought I said P2 for a second brought back down to earth with that finish geez bro that was ass I know bro hey little bro I was so ass the last corner of uh maggots and beckets or whatever yeah that I I just I can't come out of that corner properly that whole section I'm terrible in I can't get any fluidity plus gold no rain though 3.6 miles of Silverstone circuit in Great Britain is Hallowed Ground to the Formula One faithful we have 18 Corners that wrap around this former World War II air base and some good passing opportunities at the end of the DRS zones before we begin let's take a quick look at the grid lineup for today's race a fantastic effort from shoulder clay yesterday damn put him on pole and a Ferrari front row that's pretty cool as cheers yeah like how am I meant to compete with Lewis Hamilton man while Villeneuve did go PA olins Ricardo yikes man I even got beat by Ricardo Sebastian fettle where's Lando Norris bought us Magnuson Yuki sonoda and Mick Schumacher Joe albon stroll where was Landon Norris look at look at the Canadian frauds to go out I wasn't paying attention with a Grand Prix nearly upon us Anthony Davidson is by my side once again to offer his perspective let's have a chat about Williams what do you make of their performance so far this season well the atmosphere within that team seems very positive at the moment everyone seems like they're in great spirits and having a lot of fun doing what they signs Russell and her Staffing he contributed to the performances we've seen what Williams have no points this year what are they talking about all right well I don't really have oh my oh I don't like soft I don't I don't like the idea of soft to hard safety car or I I think I feel like that freaks me out I feel like who knows though we could go um medium hard I think is the play boys I think medium hard is the play it's a bit boring but I think medium hard is the play yeah wow it's sunny man I can't believe that incredible I think I think this is the first time I've ever raced at this track where it wasn't raining the whole time or most of the time in today's race hey everybody's the whole Paddock has gone medium so can't believe the game suggested that we go uh hard or sorry so going to Silverstone this year that's awesome man I'm kind of jealous all right here we go pray for me boys oh God first lap if we can survive the first lap chaos and dive bombing here I don't think we're gonna dive on this that was a terrible start man that was exhilarating dude I'm so annoyed with myself I was so focused on this zone right here oh what a little fight this was there we go that's basically what I wanted to try and do what is going on though there's a hell there we go that's better is there three of us wide here Jesus what a freaking start man hey I need to stay in eighth there and then I'm just going to lose all the time I've made up here to these guys now watch how bad I lose time to these guys here [Music] I just don't understand how they take that corner so fast it's really frustrating for me and then the rest of the laugh I can do okay thank you [Music] maybe I do need to shift down um wait did I not get DRS holy God that's not a good sign what was I doing there that's a little bit better that's a little bit better I don't know I just find that that area so manic [Music] right now there we go that's better I'm just trying to save the battery for now I'm so much slower through here man we make up a lot of time and then I lose it here now I just can't get to grips with that part of the track at all thank you I shouldn't have any issues with tire wear but I do foreign it's quite a bit better actually and in this section I lose all my time again okay that's a little bit better amen okay that's a little bit better [Music] ah I actually set that corner up really nicely bottled it though I got too excited thought I'd be able to maybe be able to make a play on Alonso oh my God how did I not get a warning for that oh my God how are they not like dude my car wants to kill me through this section Alonso and villenev seem to be so planted man vilnev is catching the uh back of the pack though foreign exit I just almost lost the car again I'm gonna go for it let's go easy easy top three easy for free if I look for 16th nice dude congratulations ggs oh good God that was bad that was bad that was bad that was bad okay I need villanov to like drag me away now foreign Jack you gotta drive man let's go I need you to drag me up to these guys come on come on go go go go go I'm just gonna build up my ERS now for a bit I think he just got I think he just got DRS on me well maybe not okay that's fifth gear I gotta be in fifth gear here it's a big train come on Jacques oh no lonzo's back in the DRS range is he getting a warning for that he just went off track completely I was gonna go into the back of them I had to go wide there I I braked way too late thanks dude what does that even mean well they are all fighting though holy moly Hamilton 's having a nightmare race him and Lando were fighting let's go I gotta Focus I got too excited there I got too excited I lost all my time damn it foreign okay he's got them in DRS now this is good this is good [Music] I think I'm fine I'm gonna pit a villain of pits [Music] I think we're okay right now [Music] oh my God man [Music] foreign to all four tires I would abounds every lap I think I think villanov's tires are done I don't know what to do here he's slowing me down now I think he's gonna pit he's not vilna oh for that's my fault vilniv has some sort of mechanical problem and and I just I jumped in way too late there that's on me that's on me boys [Music] all right I've been going to pit lot 14. foreign sorry Jacques we got to do it man you're slowing us down right now yellow fight for who I wonder if it's shock leclair's out Chico and Hamilton Lando's flying by the way [Music] do we think we stay out for one more maybe probably not a good idea I should probably pit with everybody else oh my God these guys I'm gonna say I will check out for one more I bottled it the Red Bulls you know what I made a mistake there you want to know why because the Red Bulls probably have incredible tire wear oh no I'm not even gonna get DRS this is a mistake I was thinking I'd easily be able to hold DRS with Perez but I did very poorly here no I'm not gonna get DRS this is bad guys this is really bad I made a mistake I made a mistake boys I think I made a mistake here I think we should have hit would have screwed over vilniv though but I think we should have hit okay that's okay we got DRS I don't know maybe maybe we'll see how it goes as long as we don't get us pit window a scrub in the pit Lane we should be okay who the hell is staying out by the way okay oh everybody's pitting now Lando P1 let's go boy come on in out in out let's go boys ggs perfect okay beautiful no scrub whatsoever love that love that love that love that he's six right now okay did we jump Hamilton we jumped Hamilton that was absolute whoa Lewis just Dove on my ass checo's just getting bailed out by me I'm gonna burn my URS here I don't know how I did that I don't have no grip how does check go so fast oh we overthrew the corner bro I had no grip whatsoever oh man Brookie mistake from Nick 2018 there I got no grip boys this is an l I'm gonna have to burn the RS just to stay in with them Lewis is flying though foreign see what I mean though even though they say the car is as good as the Merc I'm sure like Lewis's driving ability is also part of it but like I can I can't even keep up with these guys man technically our car should be right in the mix like I should be sticking with them like glue but uh whether that's just a meat as a driver or the issue or I don't know what it is but I can't even I'm gonna lose the DRS with these guys pretty fast here only chance I have is if they fight which I feel like they will [Music] [Music] yeah they're fighting oh check over shot the corner foreign oh no now what I know I I I think I could have stuffed my nose in there but Lewis is a maniac he would have just cut across me ah I should know better man because then I could have set myself up for this corner here no dude it's a really tough corner to pass there that I tried [Music] God Lewis is fast through there oh yellow flag freaked me out yellow flake absolutely freaked me out alonso's out damn [Music] [Music] I just don't know where I'm gonna make my play one car at a time is one thing but like two dog fighting and me trying to get in the mix I just don't know where to go what to do maybe this next Corner not this one here well let them slow down in this corner Lewis just went out the outside now you passed them outside the track so what happens there exactly is that legal he basically gained the advantage on the outside of the track nice pass but [Music] don't know where I'm gonna pass guys [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God well that was a mistake foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe we try and build up for like just the last lap pass Maybe to see if we can build up our ERS until then because I'm so slow through this section now this is actually my worst section now he seems to zoom through here man yeah I'm not gonna get DRS here oh no and checko has the RS foreign better [Music] [Music] okay we're back in DRS at least oh my goodness this is exhausting man try and just build up the IRS here he seems very slow through this section though see I'm gonna see what an attack feels like here this is a test oh he kind of overshot that didn't he oh no I wasn't I didn't mean to actually pass him here oh God that's a mistake and the reason it's a mistake now is I am not quick enough without DRS oh no I feel like I should let him pass oh bro I gotta Focus man oh that was actually such a fun little battle there oh God all right foreign yeah that corner when I was side by side with Hamilton there's no contact I just punched it out of the corner just because I got excited and I was thinking I I really wanted to do my best to stay in front of him but oh [ __ ] that was not good that was a terrible corner see if Hamilton mounts an attack on me foreign ly overshot that corner like an idiot is checkout out of the race completely he seems slow which kind of sucks I was hoping checko would be fighting Lewis tires should not feel as bad as they do right now all of a sudden I don't really know why try and save my ERS until Hamilton starts attacking Jesus that was terrible see now now now I gotta burn the ERS here for this straight there we go okay oh I'm so inconsistent man some laps I do that corner that section so well and then other laps I do it so poorly make the car extra wide Nick 2018 make it extra wide three more laps right that was a good exit [Music] another good exit thank you not a great exit but we'll burn some ers there we go damn he made up a lot of time there how fast he is through this section like I don't even understand how I have the Bernie RS mom one and a half laps I think he's pushing now last lap and a half to two laps they they burn ERS don't they pretty heavily I'm gonna have to do the same still plenty of ers okay Moment of Truth this section here boys Moment of Truth okay ERS ERS gotta get on the RS that was not good that was not good not good but we've saved ERS properly there we go very nice this is another section that Hamilton is so fast through ERS ER s e r s e r s e r s no mistakes no mistakes make the car nice and wide we're in the ERS starting now oh my God oh my God he might have me here oh my God oh my God Lewis is cracked okay let's save the RS for the last section come on that was terrible oh my God I'm I've lost it at the last corner come on come on come on come on come on CRS oh God CRS I'm gonna give him the outside if he pushes the outside he's more than welcome to let's go I think we got it unless I spin out here I think we got it boys yup he gave up let's go P5 holy yo that was so hard [Music] hey that was sick driver of the day p12 to P5 we'll take that I feel like all of our passes were really really good was that three flashbacks it's in the allotment GG man so they tell me what was it that helped them achieve this six damn Max where was Max wait so yeah LeClaire had a engine failure and signs was P2 so what did signs end up doing oh what a drive man what a drive that was amazing today's winners yeah we'll go check where where we finish up here too that is a big finish oh there you go Russell and signs two and three gg gg boys GG very well done Carla science extends his lead at the top they'll know man from p8 to P10 and I didn't do anything I even swapped pits I extended because I saw him pitting I didn't want it I I or I I kept going as he picked because I didn't want to double stack which actually worked out for me because we jumped Lewis then we lost to Lewis then we had to battle Lewis and Paris for the end but it's pretty legit man pretty legit Lando from p7 to P4 fair play man what a race for him another race since it's been a while yeah for sure bro I'm just a robot let's do another one man hour and a half or two hour grind let's just do another another one okay wait so how right I think Lewis did better than us in qualifying right not bad though I'll take that let's go an extra 404k also no I'm definitely I'm being sarcastic Conor there's not a chance brother nine hour stream chess day today no the Turbo upgrade failed did I see that properly what was it a durability thing that failed oh who cares all good it's just annoying though isn't it yeah that's really annoying but whatever um so we are eight days away this is gonna be big man major ERS set up that's going to be real nice when does it come good again for us oh man eight days so for France France dude I think we're gonna go for France I'm not doing well much love thank you Peter appreciate you bro I think for France because we have so many things that are going to be completed at or around France look at that I honestly think our car is gonna jump up to like top spot for just for overall um oh wow and then this too right oh my goodness yeah I think we might be first overall for France that's going to be wild that's gonna be absolutely wild boys so there we are we're we're strongly in P4 now no change in the driver's standing whatsoever right I'm six villenev is 10th which isn't a uh a great push from him but that's okay we're comfortably in P4 for the for the championship which is I guess we're best of the rest right which is essentially how we entered we entered as a mid mid-pack car and we're kind of holding on to our own right now which is pretty great fighting off Lewis Hamilton is uh nothing short of a miracle I'd have to say so that's amazing boys we got ourselves the Austrian Grand Prix I really like the austrians um some of them have faded quality I like the Austrian Grand Prix a lot so that should be very very fun I don't think we'll be able to do it tomorrow because of champ like that but we should be back on uh F1 by I guess Monday so ggs boys

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