Category: Sports
All right let's start bench cut number two mikey play the music let's go edge edge rushers didn't go to 15 this year that was kind of crazy which one gets double digit sacks this season as a rookie latu verse turner i'm going to say leu latu with double digit sacks this year the questions on latu were... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome to unafraid show daily live where we give you the most important things in sports explain simply quickly and honestly and we got three things going today uh we're going to rank the top 2024 nfl draft firstr quarterbacks so you got caleb williams bo knicks jj mccarthy drake may jaden daniels... Read more
Category: Sports
What's up everybody it's strictly unconventional back at it this is josh your boy be brandon yeah okay you're so stupid all right we're gonna kind of do a quick recap of last week's picks um because there were a couple in here that we lost out on um starting off with brandon's ridiculous take of oklahoma... Read more
Category: Sports
Iowa football was in tatters to begin the 2022 season spencer petrus was one of the worst quarterbacks i have seen with my naked eyes having a qb efficiency ranking that was 114th to conclude the year struggling against south dakota state university in a game where iowa won seven to three not because... Read more
Category: Gaming
When sean judkin spinning 150 yards versus luther burton sprinting 200 yards who will win this is a match up between the two best players in college football 25 ultimate team i was looking forward to seeing how they would do when matched up against one another should also be noted that this is post... Read more
Category: Sports
Look at the team to watch presented by amazon business we are going to look in depth at this ohio state team but maddie why ohio state number one in your draft here uh let me think here um well hey if they can't put it together this year then they're never going to put it together that's why this is... Read more
Category: Sports
Yo what su swag you already know what time it is man it's your boy k aka kl swag back here with a video man look man we got to talk about this one bro because it's real deal been pissing me off even madden ea sports piss me off madden really pissed me off we gonna talk about joe milton man every snap... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] well it's been a while since the buckey have taken the field and i'm so happy to finally say this one day left until it's saturday and ohio state college football is back hi everybody matt goldman here on the ohio state football report welcome in if you haven't subscribed come join us if you... Read more
Category: Sports
Forged on the grid iron in september perfected in the magic of march for the fans who love the crunch of the pads prefer a dunk and expect nothing but the best this was the big 10 now this is bigger 10 here's steve da indeed it is and we have made it to game week i'm steve dace with my co-host never... Read more
Category: Sports
And we're underway and it goes to b at about the four yd line and he found a little avenue yeah so far for the buckeyes third down at six six-man rush will howard to the corner smith got it touchdown his first and the first of the season he's got a manto man out to the outside right here bump and run... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back to the huddle on high street we have week two of the osu 2024 football season where i'm kind of going to recap this game against western michigan that we just saw about two days ago i've had some time to dissect the tape really get into it but the first thing that i wanted to start this... Read more