HOF (Scott Frost) Teaches Me 1 Pocket!

Published: Apr 07, 2024 Duration: 00:16:13 Category: Entertainment

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right I'm here with Scott frost a one pocket Hall of Famer he's done everything in the game of one pocket I am a complete idiot in this game I have no clue what to do Scott's going to throw us uh show us a few tricks he's not going to show us too much cuz he don't want to give all these secrets away cuz um they're valuable they're valuable yeah good point right got you break cuz I ain't got a quote and I'm going to pick your brains all right yeah so Carl the key is if you're breaking typically in the game of one pocket if you're breaking from this side it's customary that that's your pocket yep if you decide to do something dangerous or erratic then you make sure and let them know which pocket is yours ahead of the brake so I'm here you're there you're there this is my pocket yes right yes absolutely I have to put the choke that cuz I'm going to forget I know yeah you better Mark your pocket okay so what I'm trying to do is use a high left Q ball or a low left Q ball the top players like to drag the Q ball and let it just turn over before it gets to the one and if you drag the QQ ball the actually goes through a little better and you get a little bit more action off the balls typically a better spread higher Q ball the Q ball will deflect immediately then go through so it's it's all up to you but the low drags shot and break is a little more experiened a little tougher to hit right Scott's got a rack here we've come straight out of com so if he slightly butches this we're going to let him do it again but we'll see how he gets on custom Q shag oh is that your queue you've been putting in the rack waiting for this the wall buka the wall bu got so that's not how you want to break but that'll work so the whole idea and the goal is leave the C ball over it where you'd like it if if if you were to break him perfect you really the ideal is here and I'm using a house CU it's tough to keep the English on it correctly right leave it there so it's my shot let me just but the whole goal Carl yeah is to have a ball High and a ball low after the break it makes it makes tough for a defend because you got the pile here that's covering everything up Scott where did you learn this game who who when you first started playing one pocket cuz it weren't really a tournament game was it no I mean when I was young really I figured out that all the money people were playing rotation pool and they never expected a young guy to really be good at one pocket so I literally worked real hard at home for a few years and I was fortunate to have an elite player back then around me took me under Wing So in the pool room there was a top one pocket player in the pool room yeah who was it can you name his name is Don McCoy you know like Keith mccreedy buddy hall efon they all know him very well won the won the World Championship in 1979 but his main game was one pocket as well um so I figured out that if I could learn it at a young age back then the only other guy that was really welln and great at one pocket of the young age was Shannon dton oh okay right uh the dough boy they called him but he was a great player one of my I was a big fan of his uh when you first started playing was efon like was he known as the one pocket guy then like still is and always will be but yeah e and I just dreamed of meeting right like he was he was the man and always will be the man in the game he did things differently right I'm going to talk to you about it for a minute after I've uh put you in jail with this shot this is what I'm going to play even though well there's a really good shot here that you can probably let really let me see if I can find it that can win with you might win the game with it you might be able to run out from here so that's a big hint right so this is my pocket here and the idea is eight balls we're playing even basically just to make it easy but there's different ways you can play it but the idea is me and use a level game eight pockets in it I win eight pockets in there you win right eight balls in each pocket first to make eight in you're saying there's a shot I can play to win well there's two possible shots right I ain't going to spot it am it's impossible for me to spot that shot well no it's not impossible right this is your pocket so the key when this is your pockets you always want to look at the stack look at the stack very well is the two BT de well the two is dead is it dead but it's dead from the low side so if you're aiming straight on it's probably coming here but it's it's pretty it's pretty well wired it is wired is that wired 100% so just you're saying just aiming if you could kick to now I'm not saying this is the shot but for you against me yeah you need to do something aggressive if you're playing Efron what shot do you play if I'm playing Efron right now yeah it's a pretty good break from here and to keep him off of anything it's going to be very tough his return is going to be probably pretty powerful I might actually kick one rail to the second rail softly and just try and put him behind here and if I clip the 10 it's a bonus I find it fascinating how you are looking at that and you just you just instantly know like that you're in a bad spot if you're playing like another great one pocket player I find that fascinating I mean like the to guys like efon and Josh filler Shane Van boning um even myself or Chohan or somebody like that is you've got to keep them completely off the shot nothing Good's going to happen up here nothing Good's going to happen down here right if I leave them here they're either going to put me in the pile they're going to find something aggressive but if I can get him here that keeps him completely off the shot and you still have to hit a rail after contact yeah but but we're looking into that like if we don't hit a rail it's okay it's worth losing a ball so it's just worth losing a ball in that spot yeah I'm going to kick this in and run out just for Kick It In if you hit the top side of the seven two is probably going to go here so you better top side he means here right no if you catch the top side of the seven it's going to throw the two now so you need to catch the top side of the 11 and the bottom side of the seven well you caught something but either here nor there it did go you saw it you actually didn't hit it too bad he taught me into that he T me no I'm really joking anyway it's a really in-depth game somebody like yourself should probably never even considered starting to play I agree after that shot right so you are you going to chop the 1 in that's the that's the Poke yeah but also like I was talking about the key would be to you know if I don't make it I'm playing the Q ball behind the pile once again um I you always want protection in this game the QQ ball is always first so you would never try and on the one no not at this steep of an angle right I'm pretty steep here the five is hampering me so I'm going to have to put some check side or inside English onut to begin with um so really I would just try and chop the 13 make it and if I get over here somewhere I can re-evaluate right okay let's see the pocket in this position so you've got the pocket and now I'm dead no yeah so do I kick off there and make it that would be the shot yeah that that would be the shot but you seem like you understand the game already it's only cuz you're explained that the first shot okay okay I don't I don't fancy this I won't lie well you know the the rail is going to linken out with the new cloth so you want to make the adjustment just a hair I wouldn't use any English though flat ball is the right the right way to shoot this I'm using Mario 6 grand Q well this looks pretty good and that's really almost right where I wanted to be against have I missed a trick there now you you allowed me to you allowed me to see the three and now I could probably play something powerful if I wanted to I could go I could play a couple different options I could just try and I could try and pop the three off the bottom of the two or I could try and play the three across and just run the Q ball this way or maybe behind the eight all you play it Scott in one pocket is there a point on this rail when you're in this pocket that you always want to be or not well it all depends where like this ball might be you don't want to be here right um but if you're here and you've got cover around your pocket it's okay so there's so many variables in the game my recommendation especially in Europe like Neil's fans looked into um my DVDs and a bunch of other uh European players Alex ly the idea is really to constantly keep the pressure on your opponent with protection and what I mean by that is with the Q ball always protected so this rail is always going to be your friend any rail in a defensive play is going to be your friend because you're going to only be able to hit a smaller percentage of the Q ball this is a little awkward though because I'm steep on the three so I would consider maybe just actually trying to play it off the bottom of the eight versus the bottom of the two I think it's too steep to do that but either here nor there I'd probably just stun forward and stay aggressive with the shot and the whole idea is even just to move balls to my side if I fluke one in that's that's a bonus right right so it's basically protection first ah I see what he's done well that's no good but if I get you back here it's really good right right so if you're there would I would I try and bank that off that and run forward as long as the kiss isn't in play but you know the kiss could be in play I didn't really know that we were going to go through a whole game because there's so many variables it gets a little tricky to do that well I'm going to do this just to get an idea and then I want have to go up the break okay absolutely well there's a couple cool breaks I'd like to show you so let me out here real quick and then we'll uh that's no good no that's not bad right can I break that's great well that's that's not that great not but it ain't that bad actually you hit it pretty good with pretty good control right one n to frost right it's really easy on the new cloth to miss the head ball and catch the second ball full so you've got to adjust your aim point to a little thicker spot on the head bom yeah and that's ideal like uh you're a quick learner Mr boy so this is the ball you were talking about one's high and one's low no this is the ball high and low okay so there's there's a little way out of this I could probably kick to the bottom of the 11 and leave him a steep Bank on the nine so I'll just go through this scenario really quick yep it's a fascinating game when you're playing though isn't it yeah so i' leave that right and then I leave the bank on the nine but the problem is you can't Bank the nine to where it's free because you're going into the pile you understand so most one pocket players with tight Pockets like these would probably pass this up they wouldn't play it yeah because if they don't make it they're going to sell out they're they're they're going to at least leave me the 14 but they're going to go into this pile open everything up for me and if you don't make it typically a player a top player is going to run out right I'm this pocket yeah you are this pocket so kicking to the top side of this ball is pretty good there right yeah if you could kick to the top side of this ball it's going to clip off the stack if you have good speed and your Q Ball's going to come one two down here and you're going to get more cover you might make something damn that is yeah you like it right but you've got to be ACC I don't like it new cloth but it's all about your speed you don't want to hit a million mph but probably about a million a medium speed well there you have it so medium speed let's say you get me yeah you get me here now this is big trouble for me because I'm not only defending against these three balls but I'm really defending against this and this is the big problem you're forcing me to come down table and I'm defending against this ball anytime you can get up table and keep these balls in the danger zone which I call from the spot to this diamond and this diamond is a danger zone anytime you're defending against a danger zone and you've got a ball out here bear ball out here in the open really really tough to defend against that ball so I'm in a big Jam right here what a found fascinating there is my instinct obviously I've not played it but straight away my instinct was how do I put a ball or get it over the pocket but you just you got me at just getting it up there and shifting yeah you're just shifting each turn so you're playing two to three innings in right you're you're really playing for the return the return meaning your shot then what your opponent going to do to get out of that shot and what you can foresee in the in the second inning following there that's wild so you're really predicting way ahead Scott before you play this shot and show me how you get out of trouble well that's the problem this is a real that's why that shot is so effective I'm I'm in big trouble here like I don't know um now you played EF didn't you that was a goal of yours a few times and you got the better of him yeah I did but when I was young he murdered me forever right but but you learned a lot when you played yeah I played him uh everywhere I could find him 100 to 300 a game and he would beat my brains in for probably the first six or seven years and then I finally felt like I was ready and I beat him in Arizona a challenge match for 5,000 and then we played five or six more times and ended up beat him the last time for 50 I beat him 30 to 19 and that was back in 2016 but I did beat him when he was playing really good so that was Feathering my cat 100% big time because he's still my idol and everybody's Idol who's the best American player behind you at one pocket of all time not so much now or back when you were playing yeah who do you think take you out the equation oh you got to put choan up there oh yeah Chan you got to put Chan up there you played him big sets over the years or we kind of ran together for a long time you know we played a couple challenge matches uh I think I lost 30 to 28 on my return from retiring after about 3 years but he's really aggressive is it like too much respect there you don't really want to do it or yeah we used to travel together right so it's kind of weird yeah a weird situation s enough right what we got here what's the option I don't know I'm probably just going to try and dip off the 11 and try and lay the Q ball down here mind you I'm using the the Balabushka or the the wabuska so you just play this slow right yeah and hope it doesn't roll off see this is the problem I was talking about defending against this ball was always going to be the problem right and I'm going to leave you the cross corner so and here I would stay aggressive even draw maybe to the 11 if you can you draw it in you're banking the 14 to here I would stay agressive shot the N to the 11 I feel like if I ever played this game I'd be like one of these who play everything like at this pace that's okay you bumped the 11 so you're good right I feel like that' be me right before we go cuz we got com to do show me a couple of these fancy breaks you were on there's just two other brakes that you can play especially if you're an amateur but on new cloth this brak's good if you want to Rack them up this is a real nice Brak how I set them up or just freeze them up there just try and freeze them I almost won the derby with this break on new cloth I didn't do it in the finals because I was nervous but I'm clipping the one new cloth and the reason I'm using this brake on new cloth is because when you're putting inside English here on the three ball a lot of times I'll miss the head ball I don't use carbon fiber I use wood it's more designed for one pocket right um but so I decided to start clipping the one and open them up and send the Q ball two rails up this way I don't know how this is going to work out but it's something you guys should try at home it's pretty it's a pretty safe it's a pretty safe brake if I can get the cube allall up here here's why it's safe if if you do something from here as far as the return let's say you bank this up table now my return can be something pretty powerful to the stat right Scott we got work to do Shane's watching you've shown him too much he's watching yeah he is thank you so much I enjoyed it I enjoyed it you aren't an idiot after all idiots guide to one pocket with Cowboys and the legend scottt Frost

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