"The Will Rogers Follies", 2000 Hicksville Village Players

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 01:54:02 Category: Entertainment

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e [Music] [Music] let's go flying and [Music] the will into the ring Sun of [Applause] all just [Music] be name the [Music] only going take [Music] take's go [Applause] [Music] [Music] us his wi and wisdom let me see all the vo of the century there's no way the Just multip Me [Music] by are asking see what to he's also king of Hollywood now he stands Valentin [Music] M [Music] the he be number be number [Music] the dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] be InterContinental your around [Music] [Music] we my day without I get L this very special day a week night [Music] I need to to floating everywhere each family to make it so they to what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everywhere tells us what's a star star is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thany Will [Applause] here's [Music] our in time [Music] I oh yes I come [Music] wayli I [Music] how that was some interest wasn't it that's Mr zvi's idea of how to open a show actually I can't expain too much considering I like it better than his first idea which was jump from the balcony anyway I'm glad to see you folks here today because Sunday is my favorite show of the week I didn't say that yesterday no sir I said Saturday night was my favorite show now it occurs to me that you folks when you hear the name of rers you automatically reach for your pockets in fact I'll bet you're half expecting the ush to come down the eyes cans to pass down the roads to collect your lose change for Will Rogers hosel and Institute that money does a whole lot of good but you can relax we won't be doing that tonight mainly on accounted you took most of your money when you bought your ticket you believe the price of theater tickets these days when I saw what they were asking for this show I thought they were looking for invest so I reckon I owe you something for it which means I better get to work see you don't go far now thank you you know this act is the same act I've been annoying audiences with all my life and Mr zigfield too I was kind of surprised when I heard from Mr Flor and zigfield after all all these years I was even more surprised when he told me it was time to do another one of this follow especially since the last he produced personally was over 60 years ago back in 1931 Mr zigfield said not to worry because his idea of my life was a whole lot more theatrical than the way I actually Liv it and he be looking down and said us straight from time to time not from Heaven I'd be might surprised if he ended up anywhere in that particular vicinity no he met from the bathroom which is right up there about where you folks in the third row are sitting he said he'd be looking down and see how his show was moving along so I guess a better moving along oh before I forget I'd like to introduce to you to a real famous person sitting right here in the audience America's greatest Aviator fellow cloma Mr Wy stand up w [Music] let's go flying will anytime partner wild is the first fell in history fly so low around the world and he did it in under 8 Days heck now he's in the letter clear across p in that amount of time you're doing just fine folks we'll get out of here early tonight takes twice as long as you have to explain to J great seeing you w now believe it or not some people think this ain't respect my father haven't been one but I don't think there's anything wrong with swinging a rope as long as your neck's [Music] not as a i t some KN I learn to make a the ground practice the fence books and most anything I found I even R my sisters if they dare come around this P time was my solitary skill and people ask what will become [Music] well I told a man give man and he can not that is the choice that he has got he could wind up hanging out from a tree or he could spend that's what happened to me a man man man [Music] you make a see what you [Music] do everybody SP with [Music] [Music] a man a man it's good to set your sights up high but don't expect high in the sky [Music] [Music] World choose to [Applause] run now this the for breakast my oh maybe sell [Applause] [Music] banana tees from the day I came I'm always in a r just a r give a man enough rope give a man enough rope simp that choice that he has got make a choice what you do [Music] my that's [Music] give [Music] [Applause] man here's today's hickville Tribune Mr Rogers she does wonders for the circulation of thee now it's a fact that the Tribune is the only paper in hixville that has right to go along with his pictures my father would love Tribune mainly on account of but never used to plug your mind from two points of view maybe it gets funnier on the inside cold weather chills CH trade in n France you know why they pronounce that town n the French ain't got to work for nice Long Island how the wife shoots husband that's the third one in the past week season must open a month earlier now it's a funny thing but these are the exact same items I used to see in the paper 70 80 years ago so so maybe some of the things I said back then still might make a little sense today let's find out anybody got a 70y old newspaper back there okay August 17th 1935 Will Rogers and Wy post die airplane crash in [Music] Alaska let's go flying well wow it's still the greatest Aviator in history if you don't count that one time can you make that an 80-year-old newspaper here's your 80-year-old newspaper Mr Rogers thank you okay now new Yugoslav col torn by ethnic stride anti-cigarette legislation ending in 42 States President accused the flam are you sure this is an old paper I got a funny feeling they've been stealing money by putting out the same paper for 80 years okay another philster paralyzes Congress how they love to talk the other day a congressman stood up and objected to a certain Oklahoma comedian poking fun of him Congress well you see the thing is about my jokes they don't hurt anyone but the Congress whenever they make a joke it's a law whenever they make a law it's a joke president V turn excess fat and govern our new president could do that real quick just by staying away from McDonald's you know I tried to tell the president all the latest political jokes but it was too late he'd already gone and appointed SNL vice president Rob I thought there was an understanding that Brooks didn't Rob [Music] Crooks folks want to talk that one over mon yourselves I don't know those banks have all them vice presidents the United States only has one we still haven't found anything for him to do thank God now this is the place where Mr Zig wants me to introduce to you somebody very important but how much time do they need minut mom told me there be days like this I like to show off some of my harmonica skills as well as my roping skills so here's a little something for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] 15 seconds okay well here's nothing for you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay now okay now this is the place where Mr zille wants again to introduce somebody very important M account without him I wouldn't be up here right now that's my fa Mr CL B robs first I got to set up the [Music] seat this is our little ranch house and those are my six beautiful sisters and today is a new day 4 1879 reason I remember that day is that's the day I was [Music] [Applause] born yipp yipp I hit the old Bullseye hooray hooray hooray a boy hey I got be a boy step right up a boy I got what else can I want sing ho ho I love my girl girls after all of those girls I gave it one exra Shing a lot got to pass out give me I keep shine on the family name give me I a ranch so he'll be the same standing I got miles around why I the SM and the smiles around hoay hoay hoay I got me a m powerful whale says he Hardy and H and he'll be proud as can be he knows that he like his my hopes no longer are SL I'm h on him and he up to be a man of a man like yours truly hooray hoay hoay for my lucky star Have a Cigar JP for Joy at last it's a boy you got to keep [Applause] trying it's a Bo [Applause] [Applause] now I'm 13 P I've got some bad news oh Lord son don't tell me you got yourself exell from school again you got to have an education Willie so you won't have to worry about ending up in the Congress I sent you to six schools in seven years you never made it past the fifth grade ah the kids keep making fun of me they call me a red skin you're not a red skin Willie you're an Indian our people didn't come over on the mlow we met the boat don't forget I'm fre Cherokee and your M's W qu gee I guess I past fifth grade I know how much of a Cherokee that may be I want you to be proud of your any of Bloods son now over here I want you to uh take a look at a painting that I happen to treasure among all things and Mr zfi calls this next thing one of his living Tableau so try and look folks please you'll be watching okay son Beast your eyes on customer Last [Applause] [Music] Stand so um how do you think of the pict now boy it might just be the best one I ever saw what do you like so much about it being on the Wind side mhm well now that you're 19 I was wondering what you wanted to do with your life made up my mind all going down down to the Argentine become Cowboy Argentine I always counted on you staying here and running the ranch I don't think I have any run anything talk why can't I do with my life what I want to I reckon you could son but I wouldn't consider myself a good father if I didn't make it as difficult for you as possible when your M died I told I told her that I'd raise you proper and I'm willing to give up sometimes I think the only reason you're here is to give me something to look at in my old age you're staying here and that's fine uh I'm going Argentina P I say you're staying here and running this Ranch I hate to tell this that there is no way in the world you're going to stop no probably not all right Willie you go to Argentine but I just want you to remember one thing when you're down and out about a friend in the world or a daughter to your name I want you to remember this one piece of fatherly device I told you so get the hell out of here I'm still in a good mood all I can say is a man's a fool if he thinks his st's going to live up to half the a father has more hoay hoay some dirty work has been done he can't be the real one can't be CL Roger son he says he don't want a ranch he's some ranch must be herand she for sure to AR he'll steam what a crap out it schem it's the end of my dream he will never be a hell of a man looked up to man hell of a man like he truly but what they hat still got six girls 6 million curs and jumping for joy goodbye will boy and go right for money goodbye will and I'm sure my father did everything for me tried to make more out of me than what I really am how come out with something is always somebody else's idea how you should run your own life you know it's a funny thing the minute a man becomes a father it's like he automatically forgets what it's like being a son so long on my way to see the world so big and wide I might find something I can do and find a guy that's here inside so long come up today I hope before my journey ends I learn to do a trick or two so you conr to all your [Music] friends so I'm off ARA there's a whole lot of people out there and I knew way back when I wanted to meet as many as my time would allow cuz people are what life's all about just a moment Mr Rogers yes Mr Z excuse me for interrupting but you've been out there for two sees now we haven't met the girl as you should know in zeld production the romance never starts later than the third scene I told you folks this would happen I know he sounds kind of bossy but you got to remember what it's like growing up in Chicago with a first name Florence well come to think with Mr zfi I I did meet Betty Blake before my trip to Argentina uh she was working in a railroad station Betty was the prettiest sweetest girl in the whole territory and she was in the freight office and I was expecting some new long flan underwear from back east from my trip to Argentina you know the kind with the trap door in the back very romtic and just where was this Enchanted Railroad Station o look homea oh absolutely not Mr Rogers nothing in a zigfield show ever happens Ina uh stage manager please yeah uh Peter do we have a setback there we can use something uh spectacular something Z we got that Fiji Island set Fiji Island come on Mr Z good you might as well say we met on the moon brilliant Mr Rogers you met your wife on the moon uh Peter set up the moon scene please well that just stand there Mr Rogers you're going to meet your wife Betty on the Moon yes sir [Applause] [Music] well here I am Betty BL simp from markas stand with my favorite single sister because I landed a really SW job great office of Miss on the moon but desite all the in the moon I haven't met him yet sing Miss l i we've heard enough Exposition this L sing yes sir Mr big [Music] fields you from distance i w w up in a staring place [Applause] [Music] exist justtin [Music] of I'm drifting I'm bloating a Le in the [Music] windless sing sailing on [Music] the empty yet feeling I to come to [Music] rest in's arms in's heart some unknown someone's some [Music] my hours are endless my days have no sh my nights are SP at I'm busy is missing I I don't know but I know it must be there in someone's eyes in someone's [Music] smile [Music] see [Music] CH changey change I feel that it's almost there my [Music] some somewhere excuse me you the station master I'm the assistant is there's something I can do for you I said is there anything I can do for you uh uh did I happen to mention I'm in a long suit of underwear coming in on the 5:00 [Music] rocket well so far you didn't Happ to mention anything at all that's cuz I'm painfully shy I once let an entire Barn H down cuz I was too shy your fire by chy that shipless Rous boy who lives on a ranch of Fes out and who spends all your time roping possibly amount to anything I guess so glad to meet you Betty BL a simple farm girl markas who name of my favorite single sister here on Theon because did you say single sister so happens that I have a single sister too six of them in fact six single sisters go that's hard to say I bet you wouldn't believe this but I've got six single sisters myself did you hear that folks six single sisters ain't that amazing it's hard to imagine two people having more in common than that well we'll skip the next few lines see they didn't amount to much get right to a good car gosh Betty Blake you're awfully nice in fact you look like the kind of girl that comes along once in a blue her and you seem like a pretty D Moon person yourself I'd sure love to hear you sing sometime rers how did you know well because in a z show everybody who's dressed and sing so how about it you mean sing right now no my long underwear they come in yet oh Well the 5:00 i' will be arriving [Music] any hello there hello Mr engineer how was the trip not too bad I lost a little time chugging around the Big Dipper but I made it up along the Milky Way oh and I have this package address too that shipless Rogers boy who lives on a ranch a few miles out feels like long underwear me thank you Mr engineer so long honey got a blast off see you in a light year or so all rers oh boy that's great I can't wait to try them on I've got a better idea how about we take a long walk after spe Tranquility I think this going to be a whole earth tonight gosh i' love to Betty as soon as I get back to Argentina Argentina that's where I decided to seek my fortune but when I get back if single like your six sisters I'd love to take that walk I only gone a year so long B I promise you right I AIO [Music] very the Mist is lifting a chain in the air a sea change a sky change I feel that it's almost [Music] there friend [Music] I all right so he didn't finish his education he didn't want to run the ranch and he deserve me when I needed him the most but it have to turn me into the grouchy old grum of this show this roll of Clem is a frustration mixed with rage unsympathetic roles can sink you on the stage so just s with me till my warmth comes shining through I don't get lovable till somewhere I've been asked to deliver a postcard to Miss Betty Blake Miss Betty Blake I have a postcard for you from Will Rogers thank you dear BL here I am in South Africa South Africa he didn't like Argentina oh came here on a cat Bo and I got seasick in fact I was so sick that even the cat couldn't bear to watch do you mind when I got here I found a job SP Texas Jack's Wild West show what are you doing practicing I'm your understudy well we're not exactly the same type why do you think they pick you I'm Mr zigfield type oh well anyways here comes the good news we're finally coming back to the US of as Texas Jack is focus into his St Louis World Fair he's coming home isn't that wonderful we have to stop in New Zealand and Australia on the way home so if you're count days like I am the exact number is 642 642 why Will Rogers I'm not wasting my you on some shiplet uneducated no account broke through chokey Show Business cowboy no sir not this simple Farm BR excuse me honey do you want those 642 days to pass just like that well of course then you just leave it to me here take this ladies and gentlemen don't just stand there honey go make your change ladies and Gentlemen by special arrangement of this Mr zigfield that cat it is now 642 days later and the St L World's Fair of 1904 probably presents inside and inperson Untamed Cowboys and Indians displayed their Mastery and skills of the untain Broncos and Mustangs of the Great American fairy direct from their triumphal World Tour Texas Jack B Hall's Wild West showout [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] n [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] r [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I'm really sorry drag me away from Texas Jack show will with Char but I simply couldn't stand and watch a minute longer because I did not consider the show business a respectable place for a grown man earn living I've waited almost 3 years to see rers and I'm not going to wait a minute longer because just as soon as I get him to qu the show business and start behaving like a normal person that's when I'm going to marry him oh bet that's wonderful has he asked yet well depends on what you call asking we call asking asking well in that case not dead so you girls are going to have to run along Mr Ed's amazing Hall of electricity and I'm going to wait right here by the safe door so maybe we can settle this once and for all Hello Girls hello will I can almost swear those are my Six Sisters Blake it really is you when I saw you in the joh to nearly fill off my horse what you think of the show cuz that was just about the most disgusting spectacle I've ever witnessed you leave my rope act no your ass was wonderful but did you have to do with all those people watching talking about the audience play stand up there in front of strangers he will R where's your shame now folks how can you not love somebody like that so I explained to her that I couldn't ear a Liv and just been in my room in front of family and friends then we had a two lines that were too Saad to repeat here we found ourselves looking at St Louis top first F oh well look you can see all the way to Illinois yeah I suppose you had your fair share of guys I was gone there were a few but only one had to worry about yeah who is that Ben Harvey he's a promising lawyer yeah what do he promise you well Ela has nothing whatsoever to do with Show Business now hold on what's so Dad blame wrong with what I do I'm happy when I'm standing out there in front of all those people and I know I'm making them happy stle getting your hopes up about reforming me because when you marry me you'll get exactly what you saw in at the tent tonight including the audience and nothing more well Rogers who ever said anything about Mary deal Li just now is it you or not it's let's shake we're heading [Music] soon Mr Rogers just a moment Mr Rogers Mr Rogers stop what's going on down there a wedding of course what's it look like but not now Mr Rogers The Wedding always ends the ACT yeah well Benny and I preceded the ACT ain't that right honey well Rogers they can hear you moving along Mr Rogers what happened next next I you got married you mean I'm sorry everybody but looks like what we' seen you later at the end of act one oh let's see what happened next after I kiss the bride organ was playing oh promise me I went promised it oh well you really mean it you really playing those Dreadful wild w shows sure am thank you will from now on it's strictly vaille vaille come on PL you can have the time rep head he will cross Land from the West CO way up to M Train after train see the nation vation be together here but my we go TR what to know there's the small time and the medium time and the big time and the medium small time Small Time medium and all big time down medium time looks down Big Time Small Time small medium time the road you you put a big time star on my door I can hear the CR Ro Spotlight me the spotlight me when you touch me and you me my theing just to know that you love me is the big time for me see like like I got to go do the third show I'll meet Jack at the me restaurant great NE play right [Music] Smalling Iron Pony make my swim I Big Time feelings [Music] inside now I'm when Hees be on the together free thank forness we have no family there's me hi [Music] I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] J we fun we been down not just in one with we run [Music] there's us and us to the watch tilt your head make [Applause] the ask us what we want to [Music] [Applause] be [Applause] yeah from the small time to the medium time to the big time no more [Music] [Applause] up sad or happy or M nothing's easy and nothing's [Music] we we stay together it's the for users and rers and it's the big time [Music] for can weide the man can weide well don't mind I them well I wanted them to do their homework now so that somebody in this family will get past the fifth grade come on Blake they've been all over the country just think of the geography L they getting how do we make to go Paul just H gy up hold on what was it you were saying BL well we have to talk the beautiful H theater presents the star of our show that Oklahoma philosopher Will Roger sorry I got to show to do but will we have to talk when I was young I had a perfect life my perfect cous is my father perfect wife and every my life so perfectly I made a perfect Tre perfect Tre but now I look around my Tre are spitting at the SE I decision now look at me when I something wrong I do it perfectly I been [Music] I got my now I [Music] thought my St thinking change [Music] On's I love my Betty blank telephone call all for B play oh it's you again a little misunderstooding well you can relax I'm feeling just fine and by the way the name's Rogers now Betty Rogers I'm married but Mr zigfield says the wedding always ends the I know I know don't tell we saw justice of the peace and buffalo that need you won't tell them will oh don't worry honey you're Secret Safe With Me Not hello is you lucky is that you how are you in the other girls still single how is my life oh it's great just great you should see the fancy restaurants we eat in and the deluxe hotels we stay in here in um wherever we are how do the children like it oh they love it almost as much as I do when are we com home I don't know is you like me when you're having a time of your life like we are it's pretty hard to tear yourself away I love you too tell the girls I miss [Music] bye from second to Second oh well I didn't see you there you know I was thinking during the show tonight how long have we been at this 7 years maybe my B was right I should have stayed in Oklahoma well are you serious yeah let's face it where I'm going is nowhere Oklahoma's as good as nowhere any day but you're at the top of the bill now top of the bill and SE raing still only making 100 a week maybe a man has right to go on K himself not he's got out of life and family but well I don't care how much you L the life Blake I made up my mind we're going back to Oklahoma oh well thank you so much but are you really sure of course I am my big break was going to come along it would have been here by now telegram for Mr Rogers telegram for Mr Will Rogers that's me Are You Will Rogers that broken pool nope as right now I'm just Will Rogers thank you Mr Will Rogers Bo there see around the DI Dear Mr Rogers please to invite you to my 9 B staring WC Fields Edie and Ed TN stop can offer you a salary of $600 a week stop expecting an immediate and affirmative reply most sincerely for and than you what is it will your father you did oh no it's nothing important just another booking go pack up and collect the kids I'll give notice we should be back on the rench by Sunday night oh well you'll never regret this I mean giving up a five day and see rap like they giv up the zigfield FES but I mean we wouldn't have to worry about that I mean who they right Ro you're being a great sport about this Blake but I'm not quite sure that new yor New York folks put up my little act much longer it's not a little act anymore well not since that day you got all tangled up the Texas that folks looks like I got all my one get out of here here talking now will Mr zfi doesn't pay $100 a week for a few BR tricks he give him a new show every night calling papers there's not another act like yours on the surface that's why we're asking for 7 I love you so [Music] [Applause] [Music] much I love big [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you for coming and now the Zi F of 1921 proudly presents public lar of the United States Mr Will Rogers never met a man I [Music] didn't hello girls hello no p a cold now you know Mr Z spends millions of dollars on them costumes I don't see why he don't let the girls wear them anyway I'm glad to see you folks here today for my anniversary this marks my 2,500 consecutive performance here father right here in New York lot's happening we've lost a few important people Teddy Roosevelt our Nicholas of Russia and my PA clim Rogers be surprised to know all three of you shared something in common that's right none of them caught my hat I have an important announcement to make this here is my last night of the B going off to Hollywood to become a movie Screen Actor I'll be out of here tomorrow and I'll be Climb by airplane careful will well I won't actually be doing a climb I'll just be along for the ride no I leave that to the folks who know how like Wy post take Let's Go Fly let's go flying B what are you still doing here I'm waiting for it we promised we would go fly to Alaska I don't come to the end of so never saw a fell so anxious to break his neck mine too anyway as I was saying I'm going to Hollywood become a movie screen my only regret is that my P didn't get to see my success but it's I never approved of it like you always said go don't out there keeps on gr without any nourishment thought I might give my hand to that new device we got called radio that'll be an improvement at least no one there be expected to see you H what are you doing here I just told him you were dead you died 6 years ago so some of your jokes but they're still hanging around where' you get the wings wardrobe hell no they're real do they work nah still need the damn stairs anyway I was just telling the folks what a shame it was you didn't get to see my success success what success you know what I do huh I'm the star of the show not as far as I'm concerned hello ladies hello get P You're Dead yeah but they're not what is it you were saying Willie we're going off to H movie screen act you I may be dead sunny but I'm not blind you're sure not much to look at I fig that's half your fault instead of running me down you should have been proud of me proud yeah I make the people laugh just ask the audience they like what I do they know they like the dog ass listen to me Willie Mr Rogers yeah he's talking about me H what the hell is going on down there I'm pay you to do a show yes sir you better run along now Bob all right um listen to me I know I wanted you to be a Rancher but if it wasn't any you could have been a doctor an inventor or or something important some something something you both look back on to be proud of because that's what greatness is Willie leave in the world a better place than when you found it it's great to be great uh but it's greater to be you don't you want to be great son little man's great if he thinks he is who said that I know well that's all right um what's going on here sounds like a wedding better R along now PA all right goodbye ladies bye but just remember one thing like life's never as long as the young think is you got to do something tooke your crowd of something tooke look back on anytime now you can wake up de and that's it take it from me Will i l than you think take it for me you look [Applause] beautiful for weding for wedding number two number two I love it the first time I this be first time long as it's with you we [Music] me then I don't care how or where I any time you ask me I'll rush to the altar won't [Music] even thousand ask me this all as [Music] spring getting of such a good thing make my life a honey [Music] Heaven all my days and my night [Music] like Mary Mary [Music] [Applause] you I you for the time I love you I got you douy I got you twice Twice As Nice [Music] down ask me ask me next [Music] spr enough of such a good thing my [Music] life my days and my night [Music] like you we're [Music] for happen years ago tast what it now let's kiss Weise [Music] dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in the joyful bonds of poly redlock I'm playing this part of a protest Sunny Mr zigel is too cheap to hire another act do you Betty Blake take this no account to be your lawful welled husband even though he will become America's biggest star which means he will never be home as often as you would like for Richard for poor for better for worse I do and do you William pen Adair Rogers take this saintly woman who deserves better to be your lawful W wife even though she will never stop trying to keep you from flying to Alaska with Wy poost until death de heart y then by the power invested in me by Mr seld Chief skate I Now Pronounce You husband and wife you may kiss the bride now sunny [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen there will now be a 10-minute intermission time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and he can't hang that is choice that he he could up never Tre he [Music] to man you had [Music] [Applause] to F slow you make a [Music] [Applause] [Music] choice a man you man [Music] wow and he can get unang the fing he [Music] he [Applause] fancy that's what happened to me you're getting there you're getting there I'm trying sir oh you're doing just fine have you been working on that one trick I've been you show me one more time okay no you you should be able to do it by now see you ladies and gentlemen Mr Eric pap well I hope you folks had a wonderful time during intermission I sure if any of you were smoking out there you ought to be ashamed of yourself as far as I can see the only good thing about smoking tobacco is that it chased the mosquitoes away which true positive that are smarter people number of things have happened since you people were in line who had three different presidents Mr hardy Mr folage Mr Hoover all Republicans of course but the Democrats don't have to worry history is shown that people can only stay in Republicans for 12 years at a time then we had that Monkey Trial down in Tennessee find man descended from a I don't know I never believed any of that anyway I always figured man descend or yeah man Des lawyers no now it's like I always say all I know is what I read the paper lately they're starting use a new word e which only means is far as I can see our land now the P who didn't know any better cut down all the trees never did plant one they pled up all the land that should have been left to Grass the way got intended it see what they thought they were living off was the land really in future generations and problem land is they're just not making it [Music] [Applause] [Music] anymore look around the world a Lely side lovely sky and see where it used to be look around the world is shining bright watch the green grass gr well that once was where the spring that L rain where the gr that love l look around they vanished overnight where the Lely world I used to see close the open Skies love you the hor look around they disappear from s and when I recall what used to [Music] be I'm weeping like a weeping willow tree just look around you'll see a m [Music] now I got that chess I suppose you folks are dying to know how was I came to run for president well it was in the spring of 1928 this distinguished fell came up to me in the ash hotel right here in New Mr Rogers have you ever thought of running for president of the United States that's the fellow now I swear everything you're about to hear is the gospel TR so help me seld Mr Rogers now that you're back on top is the number one box office star of stage screen radio and news papers wouldn't you like to try for president I don't know politics is the only branch show business I ain't tried yet this country needs you Mr Rogers well I'll tell you this this country might be used to having anything at all named his presidential candidate but I don't think we' sum to the professional actor stage yet would you mind telling me what political party you belong to I'm not a part of any organized party I'm a Democrat would you be interested in running as a candidate for the debunk party debunk exactly Mr Rogers you've been asked to speak of the Republican convention in Kansas City and you've also been asked to speak of the democratic convention in Houston Democratic Convention that's great the Democrats always have fun at their convention that's because they know they're not leaving anywhere afterwards still here lately so what do you say Mr Rogers since you're the first man in history who's been asked to speak at both conventions in the same year why you could ask the folks to vote directly for you now have you folks ever heard anything some nonsensical in your life I mean a man would have to be Plum loo to give up a career in anything just to go into politics so will you run for president or not Rogers I sure [Music] will the day people's Victory is the [Applause] and Republicans asking for your I've got this divy with some new ideas to don't ask me what my platform is I leave that step below cuz no one keeps those promises as history has I'll run a clean get pain and that will be my wning heart considering the kind won't be too Mr [Applause] Thea [Music] [Applause] by nomination [Applause] greata 22 will Willam [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] us [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now any of you who to study history might recall that I did didn't get elected president but I did carry a state namely the District of Columbia which it turns out one state at all I took that as a personal compliment though because whoever gets elected it's those folks in Washington who have to put up with them for the next 4 years but I've got some advice what future n needs don't go tell them the truth nothing can hurt you more in an American election than tell them the truth [Music] meanwhile back at the range right see Mr zfi as these pinky calls trouble in Paradise only in this case Paradise was Hollywood California I suppose we were pretty rich by now we had our own Polo Field and our little ranch house 22 rooms but problem was because of my work I wasn't getting to spend as much time with my family as I needed to so this is the scene where the leading lady sings a torch song about a j while leaning against the [Music] piano all I do is sit and stare and sh and an empty chair what a man never there a [Music] afterno one show all the [Applause] he our colist friend of pres for all [Music] the Turning I'll have but every time I start this feeling fls my heart he needs me to be the cat the by myself I'm So Lonesome a part makes it tce as the people and play my away the road with him hotel St suitcase pack and I look around me he's the black man he's [Music] anywhere so to see all the away from Mr byy I can't make love to a shadow and there's no man left for [Music] me thank you h I feel much better now very good to M don't believe what he's got me doing now will there be anything else Madame no thank you Hastings who are the children there outside Madame waiting for the entrance [Music] music mom mom guess what he's home hello hello stranger uhoh well I decid it was time to change the subject so I uh spent a little time reting myself with the kids incident people been asking me how come the kids never got any bigger I told them of course they got bigger but to demonstrate that we need a whole another set of kids Mr zigfield says the for's enough for any show by the way they're only ought to be fre little Freddy here passed on during the DI epidemic in 1920 I'm sorry son you're going to have to run along now I yeah you got me there son all right you can stay yay you're going to have to leave your mom me alone she might upset about something and there's no use telling I don't know what it is so run along to your room all the way up PA halfways good enough a scoop how bad is it l pretty bad the last time you're here you couldn't even remember where the bathroom was well it's a pretty big house really even bigger without in it well you realize that in the past year alone got four F cof pictures 52 radio shows 365 newspaper columns spoken at 15 151 19 countries on five continents I know that but the day you don't know why do you keep traveling what are you looking for people I can't get over L I know they may walk and talk different but they're all the same there's going to be too many of them they all want exactly the same thing three meals a day and a good night's sleep well we're people too and all we want more so does that mean you don't want to expens some presents brought him what presents well I got to win out side this here is a small sample it's the world's most famous anst found it song on the Statue of a goddess I figured it was better on you oh well this is beautiful but it looks so expensive you shouldn't have spent so much money L sure is funny I had a wife telling me not to spend with my thought told me i' never made I want you to take it back on okay wait we'll ride and St back here okay I'll keep it but I just can't believe for the I you been read the newspapers lately Prosperity has arrived everyone's making money has been a time more fols are making more money I been here president 's been saying two chickens in every pot two cars in every grive two mores on every house two parts three four time let's just relax enjoy it we been through so much together WEA we everybody sh your [Music] in s me baby let's keep tast the best of it sff the of it feel have Luxy feel take the fruits of our labor andge to the hill we [Music] deserve before we must in [Music] life money only money [Music] sh bright like the light in your [Music] eyes I got from other guy that by so blue and Brilliant they all to make your white and blue with all the jewels above I'm still I'm true to the flag [Music] [Applause] CU I you don't my [Music] way them on [Music] some raise the neck line of the queen who rules my heart where as the Jew above you were passion for love you are angers perfect work of [Music] your Necessities no white but my should like if you will have nothing all these of my love I'll them in a take them [Applause] [Music] back what the hell going on down there what are you doing my set stop it don't you hear me I said stop here come on upstage immediately yeah what's going on down there we're shutting down Mrs Z shutting down I didn't any shutting down it's beenal economic class cuz the mock this depression going on outside baby but this is a f i don't allow any depression in here we run out of money this Z we can't meet a p I'm sorry sir I'm sorry Mr s Mr SEL what about me that again no not us why why not us I don't know maybe it's because I'm in the cheering up business right now that business has never been better but I don't feel right about it Blake how can I face all those people what do I tell them well you remember said me a long time ago a man makes a Liv by what he gets he makes a by what he gets I said that yes that's not so bad what do I give him now what do you mean for the past year alone you been benefly family what more can me get Lake president wants me to go on after his speech tonight make people feel better but I don't know what to tell them well hey you got 10 seconds Mr ladies and gentlemen you have just heard an address by the president of the United States The Honorable Herbert Hoover and now Mr Hoover's invitation a few words from America's favorite humorist Mr Will Rogers uh Mr Ho wanted somebody to follow him cheer you folks up really he must be pretty desperate if he has to have the Democrat problem Miss cheer me up cuz all I know is what I see on the street corners what I see tonight are people without jobs without homes without food they are own people American people I hear tell that at least 16 million souls are unemployed a full third of the workforce these people are asking for our help but they're not asking for charity they're asking for a job and the next best thing we can do is see to it that they have food and the necessities of life we've got the money because there's as much money in the country as there ever was only fewer people have it but it's there president promised this country Prosperity but up to now only a handful of men have got it the difference between our rich and our four grows greater every year a man can make a million dollars overnight he's on every front page in morning but it never tells who gave up that million got you can't get money without taking it from somebody else that means there's not one of us that has anything that doesn't owe part of it to those who need it now I don't suppose it's the most unemployed or the hungriest man in America hasn't contributed in some way to the wealth of every millionaire in America it wasn't a working man that brought this depression thing on it all it was the big boys themselves who thought this financial drunk we were going through was going to last forever they over borrow overbed over capitalized and over everything else that's the fix we're in now people are starving death Americans can you hear that here in this country with more wheat and more corn and more everything else any country on the face of the Earth we've got people starved no country ever had more No Country ever had less 10 men to buy the whole world and 10 million can't buy enough to eat we hold the distinction of being the only nation in history of the world that ever went to the poor house in an automobile it's up to us to every one of us who doesn't go to bed hungry tonight to see no one else does either you'd think that some of our big men can understand that and try to fix it that they try to arrange a better distribution of things because if they don't do it they're not being men that's all there is to it where are all the big men Lord we sure could use one now I can't say anything more about it than that that's the saddest thing I ever saw hello B what's the matter boy you're standing there like a mo I never thought I'd say this PA I guess you were right of course I'm right about what me people are in real TR trouble real trouble and all I ever did about it was tell jokes looks like run out of those those weren't jokes you were telling Sun yes so you keep telling me H I don't know what the hell they were Willie but you can feel better you know well a long time ago on the ranch there was a very wise man Indian of course who said the smartest men on Earth were those that answered questions that the rest of the world didn't know to ask it I kind of figure that's what you've been doing what good did it do I don't know maybe none at all but you always said I had to leave things different from the way I found them I know what I said boy but from my perspective now there's one more thing I've learned and that's that sometimes it takes time to judge the true words of a man some men that are really big now can just be a joke in the history book take it from me Willie someday they're going to forget the names of lawyers and judges and millionaires even presidents hell I only found out about Franklin Pierce last week but I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere down the pike they're going to remember you Franklin Pi he was President so they tell me right between Filmore and New Canon never heard of them either that's what I was starting to tell you but you're different really because you never stop trying to tell the world what damn fools they were and you're too simple to have an ounce of malice in you so they loved every minute of it I'm going to tell you a story really seems that many years ago there was this ugly old sinner who showed up to the Pearly Gates to be judged and St Peter looked in his book and said I'm sorry sir your name's not there the ugly old sinner thought for a minute he said said but I'm will Roger's father and St Peter said well why the hell didn't you say so I'm saying so now son I uh I'm proud of you aren you going to than me well your success My Success hell yes it proves that there was more of me in you than either of us ever suspected your wit and wisdom let us see all the foes of this Century what a man a hell of a man is my [Music] [Applause] will multiply me by the millions not just one of you will do your public numbers in the millions as you been say in my all to you will he's welcome at the White House will forget around he talks up everywhere and tells us what's what a movie star s Bel star he's hotter than H Let's Go Fly will and you w so long I'll be seeing you pretty soon I expect what do you mean oh time to go will see you will you talking about last PR so I'm not ready yet no one ever is son I've got a whole lot more I want to do don't fight it willly a let's go will I need a little more time Wy say Bill meet you down the field [Music] I don't know why we're so afraid to go maybe because we're afraid we haven't done anything and live after we're [Music] gone I guess so why cuz I miss well Ro if anything happens to you can you get yourself kill what you do [Music] Without You iess gra without [Music] [Applause] you without [Music] you we just go I noticed the airplane wasn't doing exactly what Wy promised me it would do they fly anyway I said W we're going down I marked it casually as possible under the circumstances hell well says W nobody stays up forever while was right loud the time anyway the plane went down law of gravity being the only law of human beings have that broken W and I decided to go along with it the newspapers must have been pretty hard up for the week again the hicksvill G was four pages on Saturday and another four on Sunday which put us right up there with that other big trash the one on Wall Street not bad for a onee flyer on a half work sper the accident occurred on August 15th 1935 300 M the Artic Circle near her Alaska Charles a personal charge ofing body St luck been a particular favorite of mine he was the only man can get the entire parade of New York daily news without murdering anybody on August 22nd the last rights were held in Los Angeles California [Music] 20,000 people [Music] wild was funny thing it's chance fol to say all kinds of nice things they didn't want you to hear you're still [Music] alive hey you got to look the right side prong life more reputations than it ever made [Music] in Washington both houses of Congress observed a minute of Silence now then it might not sound like a lot say figure who mouth shut let out the country we half [Music] mask the nation's Motion Picture theaters have went [Music] dark both NBC and CBS went off the air for a full half hour through the media of radio Motion Pictures and newspaper syndication Will Rogers reached more people throughout the world than anyone in history before main business Gad didn't come along till I did kind of glad I miss television though I hated cheat folks out read a good book [Music] New York has airplanes from the Army airport to information O [Music] City for long behind I love airplanes ever since my first flight never missed a chance to ride anymore never could get my PO though he always said God intended for us to fly wouldn't have made the ground so hard Will Rogers Str [Music] every since Abraham Lincoln had the death of americ so many he told us the truth and made us laugh at it people are always asking me what it was like being married to National mon but of course I never after all national monuments don't this [Music] [Music] B he was the best in the world you know ever since I moved out to Hollywood I was somewhat of a curios I was the only fell in the movie business had the same wife started out with the reason for this is simple there has been a single minute that I didn't love Betty Blake with all my heart now I know it wasn't easy to be married to Betty used to say her only competi with everybody else in the world whether I told her not to worry I didn't love everybody else I merely like him now I suppose I met a lot of folks in my time and I always tried to approach them like my any ancestor you see an Indian looks back after and askes something that way he gets a view of it from both sides my man don't do that he figures that all size of thing are automatically just insane that's why you should never judge a man while you're facing you got to go behind him what he's can that then go around in the basement and have a totally different idea of who he is you'd be surprised how much easier it is to get along with [Music] everybody man and [Music] I I yes I remember long way down [Music] the I [Music] [Music] work though I know last one long Rocky High [Music] and [Music] I in all of my [Music] one I into all kinds of people the stars make evangelist politicians forti and I have reached the conclusion while hacking the oh I tried I tried never once a that I didn't I said I [Music] Valley and I have reached the conclusion while hi in the yes I never I the the something put me to the made me change my mind Som I always if you don't expect too much there's a certain human touch almost has God other animals have shoes on that you makes him what he is but it's like inside his skin living in the skin just like me a l of for the grace of God that is the philosophy of [Music] [Applause] this F but I give a one my way down the never [Music] away Prince of Wales work p my chery philos never met a man I bye [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now before you folks go we'd like to make a little presentation um in appreciation for all that she's done Woman Behind the Scenes we'd like to give her a small token of our appreciation so come [Applause] on speed speed speed I'm going to get you all thank you I just want you all to know what a wonderful wonderful group of people are on this stage and I could have done it with without each and every one of them and you should all be very very proud of the talent and exceptional people that are here thank you [Applause]

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