Category: Comedy
Les récentes contreperformances de l'équipe de france ont mis didier deschamp sous le feu des critiques en plus des résultats sportifs le style de jeu et les choix tactiques du sélectionneurs sont souvent remis en question ce qui nourrit les spéculations sur un éventuel changement à la tête de l'équipe... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
المباريات كبيره وكبيره وكبيره جدا وتعدد بالكثير الجديد في المباريات بين المنتخبين هو انه المواجهه الاولى بينهما على الاراضي الجزائريه واذا كان المنتخب الوطني لعب كثيرا في جنوب افريقيا ننتظر فيها الكثير من الاثاره ننتظر فيها الكثير من الاهداف وننتظر فيها الكثير الميدان دائما لعناصر منتخب جنوب افريقيا... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
بالامس منتخب جنوب افريقيا واندورا تعادل في ملعب ال ماي بعبه بواحد مقابل 1د اليوم هي المباراه الثانيه هي الموعد قلت الذي يتجدد مع الجماهير الجزائريه البسني بلا شك جاء بفكر تكتيكي اخر وبمنظر عن السابق خلال المرحله السابقه التي نتحدث طبعا هنا عن المدرب الذي غادر الخضر المدرب القدير جمال بلماضي بلا شك سنشاهد... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] [music] [music] [music] you [music] Read more
Category: Sports
One n no doubt again again the goalkeeper guess is right but he had no chance even if he touched it he wouldn't have kept that out it was too powerful it was plac to perfection it's a brilliant penalty from christopher and kungu for the second week in a row to make it sevet nil chelsea won terrific... Read more
Category: Sports
[musique] en manque de temps de jeu sous les ordres de carl anslotti danis bos veut quitter le real madrid la saison passée il n'a disputé que 864 minutes avec la casablanca le profil du milieu de terrain de 28 ans intéresse notamment l'as monaco par ailleurs une bonne nouvelle vient d'arriver dans... Read more
Category: Sports
Emma navaro congrats to reach your first major semifinal it's sweet to be in the semi-final but even sweeter coming back from one5 down so sweet um yeah i might still be playing uh right now if i hadn't come back and and close it out in two but um yeah i kind of felt like i had um you know i was still... Read more
Category: Sports
Coming up on this edition of flash talk we'll talk with head ball coach kenny burns about the game against pit and looking forward to the home opener against st francis red flash the boss man himself director of athletics and vice president randell richmond will kick off the new school year here with... Read more
Category: Sports
How you doing you make freaking apprciate it yes sir thank you thank you so much on man yes sir i remember watching him come in as his freshman and i i knew right away he was built different back in college he played running back for us in colorado scored a touchdown on it actually that is grounded... Read more
Category: Sports
Foreign [applause] i was delighted i was very happy [applause] first call i was delighted it was a fantastic goal s it's been a while since the last time i spoke to world and won the game at the end of the game from so far was the most important was to win the game we needed to win the game and keep... Read more
Category: Sports
59 à 3 un score à peine croyable pour une finale de top 14 jb de quoi as-tu envie de parler prioritairement du naufrage de l'ubb de la partition exceptionnelle de de toulouse un peu des deux peut-être le score en fait reflète la physionomie du match mais ne reflète pas la pour moi le standing de de... Read more