Creepy Character Actors: Stephen Collins & Jeffrey Jones

Published: Jun 14, 2024 Duration: 00:45:42 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: jeffrey jones
[Music] welcome to what a creep the show with margoon and Sonia Mansfield talking about creeps from the past to the present this is your quick guide to the biggest creeps jerks [ __ ] and losers the best of the worst from two nice ladies who want the world to be a little less [Music] creepy welcome back to what a creep this is margoon here and my cohort and creep itude as always is the amazing Sonia Mansfield hey Sonia hello my friend hello my friend we are the podcast that talks about creeps from the past to the present if this is your first time listening welcome we ALS should let you know a couple of things one we do use salty language in this program so this is your big warning to uh you know put ear muffs on those kids if you don't want them to listen [ __ ] yeah and also we always end the program with somebody who is not a creep so just keep that in mind we will end it on a very positive note for all of you I think you'll love our non creepe today oh good we have a basic Facebook page we don't really follow that we're much more interactive in our private Facebook group you do have to ask to join and answer a few questions please do that and you can come join us there we're also at creep pod on Twitter because somebody had what a creep for over 10 years and never used it creep we're at what a creep podcast on Instagram threads and blue sky and also we have an old tiny email what aepodcast and if you would like some stickers please send us your email we will drop them in the mail for you Sonia you want do it yep we'll do it so you want to tell them about what's on the website our website yeah yeah go to wcre and it's everything you ever want to know about our show but we're afraid to ask you shouldn't be afraid to ask but go ahead and go there there are uh links to all of our past episodes and you can like open those up and their blog posts and we have all our sources because we Source everything we do we're not making the stuff up we want to give people credit for the work they've done uh if you're looking for a deeper dive on any of our creeps that's a fabulous place to start so do that there's also a link to our substack which I really should update and there's a link to our merch shop where you can get t-shirts and tote bags and face masks because the bird flu's coming y'all and CO's never went away and get some face masks they're really comfy I'm thinking about ordering some new ones did you hear about in New York our our illustrious mayor and Governor I did see this headline they they're trying to get it so that you can't wear a Subway mask on the subway to D bring down crime which is already crime has already been down and it's not because of the masks and people have been wearing masks on the subway I've moved to New York in 1995 I mean normally they were Asian people to be honest because they they knew better basically than the rest of us but yeah there's always been masks and that's just stupid and if you want to wear one wear one we do it is you know it will help you quite a bit but anyway sorry son I always wear mask when I'm on public transportation transp it's gross because people are gross like and you don't smell the stinky people I mean there are you know it covers your bad breath I mean there's there are some positives there I'm like mind your business if people want to wear masks let them wear masks it's not your business um what else was I going to tell people oh there's also a link to our patreon if you want to tell him about that Margo yes p a t r o n there is also an app that you can download to listen to our episodes our first eight seasons are on that patreon wall so if we talk about a past episode and you're like it's not in your feed that's where it is come join our patreon we also put on it is fun and we put out two bonus episodes a month on that patreon and it just helps us with the cause for getting these all these subscriptions and all the software and [ __ ] like that to put the show together so all of you I want to thank Whit and Frank for joining us on patreon I think oh thank you we really appreciate both of you and also we also oh yeah go ahead I was just gonna say I think you were going to say this too another way to support us is to leave us reviews an apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast it really helps us especially for people who want to leave one stars and poop all over us so I want to say thank you to ebony Cubana who gave us a fabulous five star review and apple podcast we really appreciate it also everybody at good pods or Spotify wherever once again we really appreciate it yeah all righty I think I went through all the rigar roll okay are we ready for these creeps o I think so okay I've got a twofer for y'all and there is a trigger warning here uh pretty serious one so y'all take care of yourselves if this is not the episode for you totally makes sense or you could just skip to the end and go right to the non creep it's all good uh trigger warning is digital child sexual assault and child molestation like it's it's serious it's gross yeah it's serious y'all we're gonna be talking about Stephen Collins and Jeffrey Jones do you know who Stephen Collins is let's start there yes I do he was in a bunch of TV movies that I liked and and uh but he's a character actor yes exactly this is our character actor Edition and then Jeffrey Jones is probably best known as the principal in Ferris Beer's day off or the dad in Beetlejuice yes um both of these actors have probably appeared in some of your favorite things to watch um and they're all they're both real creeps so we're going to start with Stephen Collins uh sources for this section ABC News in touch weekly New York Post People magazine Steven Collins's own website uh TMZ Yahoo and Wikipedia always Wikipedia so Stephen Weaver Collins was born in Iowa October 1st 1947 my apologies to the Libras I am one of you uh he grew up in Hastings on Hudson in Westchester County New York yes uh yes okay want to make sure I got it all pronounced correctly he started acting in high school plays he went to uh Hurst colle in Massachusetts and he was also in a lot of bands there and he performed in like 22 plays like he was very active in the drama Department after graduating he went to New York and he instantly like hit the stage like he did Shakespeare in the park he did 12th night at the Del Court theater in Central Park he did like tons he was very very busy and Steph Collins is one of those actors who always worked always like he floated between stage TV film for years a stage show here a miniseries there a movie a lifetime movie always working both of these dudes always working that's kind of I would think the dream yes you know you just you're just busy enough like you could pay your bills and stuff you're comfortable that way but you're not so famous that you can't really live a life yes yeah I have a link to Jeffrey Jones sources down here and there one of them is an interview where he talks about how great it is to be a character actor basically because you're always working you you get to do what you love but you don't have the trappings of celebrity and both of these guys were these kinds of guys they were really good at playing ex-husbands um boyfriends um and creeps basically yeah really good at that so you know Stephen Collins was never a huge star but you'd recognize him from a million things you've seen he was in the first Star Trek movie um he was in a ton of TV movies in the 80s he was Diane Keaton's husband in the First Wives Club yep uh but probably most known for playing the wholesome father on The Very wholesome show seventh heaven which is why what he did is even more creepy that show was on the WB which was a network that existed back in the day from '96 to 2007 um he also wrote a couple of novels which I read one of those novels oh which one do you remember the first one that he did and I don't know what it's called it's called eye contact I think so and it's about a woman who's an exhibitionist oh okay and it I remember reading it going whoever wrote this is really creepy because he has weird ideas of what women do it's basically woman who like gets naked and has sex with people like out of nowhere she's like I need to [ __ ] that couple right over there like that kind of thing yeah so sometimes when men write women they're telling on themselves oh absolutely they are and there's a whole genre like on Reddit of like bad sex scenes in in romance novels and books and it's usually the men that write really like her heaving press we doing this and that I want to just say also sorry this was the first time that I realized I got this paperback and jam Lee Curtis made the blurb and it was on the front cover and now I realize that's a warning when it's just like some random celeb praising they're like okay they're just doing a friend they're doing a friend a favor they don't really yeah exactly that is so it's so interesting that you read that that's hilarious um so he was married from 1970 to 78 it didn't last um and then he was on a drama series called Tales of the gold monkey I'm sure everybody remembers where they were when that show dropped um and that's where he met excuse me actress Fay Grant and they hit it off and they got married in 85 um you might remember her she was in The Greatest American Hero and then she was in the v miniseries so which if y'all haven't seen the V miniseries it was a phenomenon when it came on it was5 right yeah exactly and it was like a big deal and it was about like alien coming it was and they ate mice or rats they ate right I think they ate rats yeah and like oh it was creepy yeah what I remember was there was like a woman in the show she had sex with an alien and then she had an alien baby and the baby's born and it's like and it has like a really long tongue and I was like horrified by it anyway so they were married for like 20 years uh more than 20 years I should say and you know you could go online see and there's pictures of them like walking different red carpets and going to premieres and they look like a happy little family they have a daughter and but like a lot of couples more complicated than you think and they started having problems and they were doing couples therapy and they were headed for a messy divorce and you're going to find out why here in one second so while they were in marriage therapy Fay started secretly recording the sessions pretty sneaky that is sneaky yeah so in an interview later Colin said that um Grant had secretly secretly recorded like everything and he didn't know his wife was wearing a wire basically until after one of the sessions and he says would be shocking I'm sorry yeah she took me to a stairwell and she told me there she revealed I recorded I was wearing a wire I recorded that session and she's like here's our settlement and you're going to sign it now or that recording's going to find the way to the media and he Saidi always said this marriage is absolutely unfathomable you think you understand someone else's marriage nobody does yeah and basically I'm like okay but also she's not the problem here dude right there's a reason why she was recording it so she did like hand over the tapes of their uh sessions to the NYPD in 2012 because he was he was uh molesting people and exposing himself to girls to children and one of the victims was looking to wanted to file charges and she's like I I here hands over the tapes because that is yeah crime exactly and even with the recording like nothing happened like he didn't get charged with anything it just sat there for like two years and then the recording was leaked to TMZ leaked I'm going to put that in quotes um well I guess it is a leak actually I shouldn't put in quotes and that was like two years later so nobody knows who leaked these recordings um Grant said says that she didn't do it but maybe she did um he says that she leaked it and she's like no and I hope he gets the help he needs or whatever she also claimed that he's a narcissist with so sociopathic tendencies um she said that he would use his Celebrity Status to like groom you know families like he would gain their trust and then he would assault their children um in those recordings he he admits to what he did he Ms to three different three separate incidences of sexual misconduct in there so in the recording you he fully confesses to like molesting an 11-year-old girl in New York um she was a relative of his first wife again he's admitted he admits these things like there's right no denying it um he you know says that like they were sitting on a couch together and he like grabs her hand and puts it on him and it's really it's really really gross and he did it repeatedly to her when she was 11 and till she was 13 oh God it's awful and like in the session his wife just asks him like you know why would you do that and she asked him like did you get an erection and he says you know maybe a partial or whatever like he's very matter of fact about that he did these things um he also mentions another child a girl who lives in LA and their neighborhood um that he apparently tried to apologize to her years later but she wasn't having it and nor should she cuz [ __ ] that guy W and you can also re-traumatize a person exactly yeah I mean I understand wanting to make amends but sometimes that's about making yourself feel better versus yes the right it was 100% about making himself feel better and then he admits to again another girl in New York who was maybe 12 or 13 at the time so sorry it's so awful it's so gross um so the tapes come out and like he's immediately dropped from his there's repercussions as there should be imagine that so like he had a reoccurring role funny enough on SC so he got the boot from that um he got fired from Ted to which I haven't seen any of the Ted movies but no but I've heard enough about them to be like oh my God you're so gross the Ted people don't even want you the T movie people think you're just you're you're toxic right exactly like Seth McFarland sometimes cracks me up but I also think Seth Seth McFarland could be really gross and go bar no he's no that's once edgy humor we' talked about that like some you know it it's of a time yes exactly yeah so he I don't know if he thought this was going to help his career or not but um in December 2014 he actually like issues this like really detailed lengthy statement to People magazine y all know I love me some People magazine and he admits to everything like and of course but he when he talks about it's inappropriate sexual conduct with underage girls I'm like also known as children those are children and inappropriate is [ __ ] illegal and damaging yes exactly you know and uh he explains that these three victims were between the years 1973 and 1994 and that he had not had an Impulse to act out in such a way in the last 20 years just for 20 years he had this impulse and then the last years he's decided not to do it which good for you for not doing it but you don't get an boy for it either good job not molesting people in the last 20 years like here's your [ __ ] cookie like what a um that's narcissism to a very high degree exactly exactly um yeah and in the statement and again it's linked in the show notes he he goes into detail which is super creepy like you know talking about like sitting next to her one of the children on the couch and like moving her hand while they're watching TV and all it's really [ __ ] gross for a statement that you're issuing to the media I'm like this isn't one of your books you like it's nasty and then he you know does the whole like 40 years ago I did something terribly wrong and I deeply regret it and you know I've been working to a tone and and then he tries to blame his wife you know she released the recordings during a confidential marriage therapy session the session was recorded without my therapist or my knowledge or consent and it's like those things are true like that's not cool for the therapist but also whatever man you're [ __ ] creep I have no empathy for your outrage about being yeah exactly I'm sorry I know that we're not supposed to secretly record people but also [ __ ] off you were molesting children and I don't have empathy for you so you know and he actually talks about how he tried to like apologize and he even said but I I could have made I made things worse for her and I was like yeah yeah and then after he issues his lengthy statement to people like more stories came out because this is what usually happens happens it turns out you know it's probably not just these three children um and he also the wife releases an email that he says like he was so glad that they had a daughter he was worried that if they had a son that he would want to molest the son what yeah it's it's he says something really gross to the point where I was like I don't know if I should even say no don't don't don't no yeah yeah it's in the notes right it's in the show notes you can read the People magazine article yourself but he talks about like basically he didn't know if he would be able to not molest their son which is and he he says that it's untrue but it's it's documented so take what you will from that um after his confession he's never charged with a crime I don't know why that is if that's like a statute of limitation situation yeah um or maybe the people not wanting to come forward or it's I mean it sounded like someone was trying to come forward which is why these things were turned over to the police in the first point but I'm sure first place there was a statute limitations especially back then I mean it's only in the last few years that they've like actually opened a window and said okay if this has ever happened to you now is the time to do it and that's when people have to be like all right get a lawyer get some evidence yes you know you got to go through all this [ __ ] now and might be turned down you might be turned away yeah and it could be that the charges weren't going to happen which is why the tape gets leaked by somebody quote unquote somebody that's what I would so um he was never charged but he saw like a sexual dysfunction therapist for sex addiction um and he now he he doesn't work he's living in a small town in Iowa like you Google his name he was spotted by like Paparazzi I don't want even want to say Paparazzi I think somebody just snapped a shot and was like oh my God the dad from Seventh Heaven lives here I'm sure he made some decent money back in the day and maybe he saves sure again was always working yeah yeah but who's going to hire him I mean yeah yeah so so that's him and now we're going to talk about Jeffrey Jones um and sources for this one are Entertainment Weekly Hollywood Reporter um I have a link to an interview with Jeffrey Jones that's on YouTube and then Wikipedia so Jeffrey Duncan Jones born September 28th again a Libra y'all sorry Libras uh 1946 in Buffalo New York by all accounts a really smart dude um he went to Lawrence University in 1964 in Wisconsin he was Premed like yeah and his mother apparently was like you should try acting and he started appearing in shows at the at the college and he really caught the acting bug and he was really good and um he did a lot of different shows and he caught the eye of someone named Tyrone grie who owns the gri theater in Minneapolis Minnesota and apparently that's a really good theater I don't know that and he did like over hundred shows for that theater did everything for them like musicals dramas comedies he could do it all and then he started getting like small parts and TV shows and movies in the 70s and then in the 80s it's like him and like the guy who played Walter peek and Ghostbusters like these two dudes were so good at playing Creeps and Weirdos and asshol they were so good at that stuff I and I used to mix them up I used to mix them up all it's like the red hair the big eyes like um so Jeffrey Jones does amadas yes um which he gets like he gets a his only Golden Globe nomination for best supporting actor he doesn't win but um he's really good in it and then he does you know things like Howard the Duck and then the big things are like Ferris Bueller which he is he is really funny not saying they're not talented by the way exactly like he's so funny and Ferris berer like it's very yeah it's very Wy coyote like everything he tries to do goes wrong if you haven't seen Ferris ber there's some funny [ __ ] in that movie um and then of course he's like the clueless dad and Beetle Juice and again he's he's really really good in it and Tim Burton really loved working with him and people seemed to really love working with him they were down to work with him over and over Tim Burton used him again and Edwood and Sleepy Hollow like he was an actor's actor they like people liked him and like I said in the interview he talks about how great it is to be a character actor get all the fun get all the experience you get the money but you don't have the traps of celebrity like he's not being followed by Paparazzi yeah and yeah dude probably doesn't want the traps of celebrity because it turns out he's into some [ __ ] up [ __ ] so in 2002 um the story's very convoluted so stay with me here the LAPD were investigating some sexual abuse allegations from a 17-year-old boy he says when he was 14 um Jones who would have been 56 at the time took sexually explicit photos of him for September 2000 to May 2001 so he 14 and yeah he was 14 grade maybe oh Jesus and he says like he paid him to pose nude on multiple occasions one time he's like wearing a cowboy hat and another time this is a like he's with a bunch of stuffed animals oh which is to make him appear even younger you know um one time he dressed him up as a Native American I don't know what that's about but um uh and then police searched his home and that's when they charged him with possession of digital child sexual abuse um and soliciting the 14-year-old boy to produce explicit images so I mentioned this is a little convoluted because this also tied into they were investigating Paul rubben and yes PeeWee Herman because he was in an adult theater and yeah he spanked it in an adult theater which yeah so there which are two separate things those are two different things so what happened was this is how it all happens so a couple earlier a few years earlier it would have been actually it would have been 91 I think 91 um PeeWee Herman is arrested sorry Paul Rubin who plays Peewee herbman right is arrested for basically um indecent exposure in a in a adult theater in Florida which by the way this is prein internet so if you wanted to see dirty movies you were renting them or you were actually going to a theater to do it and trust me I'm sure Paul rubben wasn't the only one with his Wang no it's what you expect I mean that's like what those things are do you remember they had um I've I've done this before they've been in those booths where you put in a quarter and it plays like 10 seconds of the scene you keep putting in quarters yeah yeah so done it yeah he gets arrested um and it's a huge deal because PeeWee Herman is it being marketed to children and like peewee's Big Adventures come out and we get this very famous thing where like he then shows up at the MTV Video Music Awards and he's dressed as Peewee and he's like heard any good jokes lately which was the smartest best way to handle your public relations funny I forgot to laugh like you know it's like he did it exactly right but it really it der failed his career for a while for a bit yeah yeah but when people got past the fact that first of all like he's a human being not a also what he did is not really that weird it's like yeah he was in an adult theater and he was probably jerking it what it meant was he had a record now and he had he pleed no contest and he had like he had to do community service he he made some anti-drug public service announcements and you know all of that but it also meant like the law had their eye on PeeWee Herman on Paul Rubin sorry he's Paul Rubin in this Peewee would never Peewee would never so it's some point so they have his eye on him when they are talking to this boy who's who is he also mentions like that he heard that Paul Rubin has stuff so there was also like as they searched Jeffrey Jones's house they also searched Peewee Herman's House Paul rubin's house sorry Paul rubin's house peewee's house they have like a talking toaster the couch was like he would never like the secret word is no so they searched his home they found a bunch a bunch of like with what would qualifi it was vintage erotica and like there was a bunch of magazines there was no way there was hundreds and hundreds of magazines of these like old magazines and they you know the people who sold it to him are like he would have no idea that all of these things were in these mag it wasn't child pornography basically like but it happened the same time as Jeffrey Jones so people kind of right linked these things together which again kind of put Paul rubben in a weird space in his career again but again puffy the Vampire Slayer yes yes which was the following year right um so I just wanted to I don't want people to think that I wasn't acknowledging that there was a whole other part of the story there is a whole other part of this story so um Jeffrey Jones meanwhile literally had child pornography on his stuff and child digital child sexual abuse thank you and they they searched his house they found more stuff he had things on his computer etc etc so he pled um not guilty to the possession charge and he pled no contest to the charge of soliciting a minor so what that means for people who don't know what leading known contest means it means he doesn't admit admit guilt but he agrees to be convicted so it's kind he's not gonna fight it he's not gonna fight it right and sometimes people do that because it's stacked against them and and it's going to cost more money and it's more trouble than it's worth you might as well throw yourself the what they say throw yourself at the mercy of the Court yes exactly so he does this his attorney really tries to argue that there was no improper like physical contact no but telling a kid yeah exactly please exactly so gross so he he he really gets a really light punishment to be honest he gets five years probation and counseling yeah but he also has to register as a sex offender and here's where his trouble really starts to then gets even even more trouble because it's been extended multiple times because the Dude keeps moving and he keeps not registering as a sex offender so he continues to get recharged over and over like this [ __ ] would have been over by now for him but he doesn't want to I don't know if he doesn't want to do it or what because you would think I don't know if you're being charged with something like this and it is your you are obligated to register as a sex offender I don't know it seems like something you wouldn't forget every time no but he doesn't want to have that stink on him anymore exactly but understand but too [ __ ] bad yeah that's yeah yeah so he's been arrested twice for failing to update including once in Florida and then again in California in 2010 um he every time he receives community service like a lot of community service 250 hours of community service and then he gets another three years probation the dude is still like on probation wow because of it and needless to say he doesn't get as much work as he used to like which means there's probably more to the story than we know I think that the industry is like yeah I think there might be more um he did try he was doing a movie Once in 2006 called who's your caddy get it instead of who's your daddy who's your caddy I I guess is that an Adam Sandler film that no but you would think so it yeah um he uh was filming there and apparently like locals got really upset because first of all he showed up families were visiting the set things like that and they didn't know that he's a registered sex offender so people the community got really upset as they should like um but then he did get another gig he showed up in HBO's Deadwood yes GNA say a great show yeah he never heard the word [ __ ] said so many times and so eloquently so many time I I loved the show I love Deadwood honestly I forgot he was even in the show and I didn't know the stuff about him when I even when I watched it to be honest like this is stuff I learned years later probably when we started doing this podcast that someone's like have you done this guy so he was in Deadwood for like it was only on for two seasons which is a crime I think it was too expensive or something for the time pretty expensive so good it was a good good yeah and he there was a deadwood movie in 2019 and he was in that as well so but other than that he does not work um he tries to do like the ComicCon circuit principal Booth yeah the like the like celebrity you have to show your car your age yeah it and it it it's not working for him I've seen some videos of people who run into him at and like he seems like he's always super nice to people who approach him of course and and take pictures where because again people don't know like again I searching for researching for this episode people are like I just learned blah blah like they they don't know they have no idea even like Justin Bieber saw him one time and took a picture with him and posted on Instagram and people are like you might want to di that they don't know no um a new Beetlejuice movie is coming out um I think this summer right and he is not in the movie so if y'all are wondering um they've killed off his character which you know in the Beetle Juice world he could still be a ghost but I guess he's not going to be yeah he's not in it at all like they're they are done with him so that is our other creep Jeffrey Jones so Collins and Jeffrey Jones J good job Sonia um I was I listened to a show called Sam pink pancake Monday afternoon movie and he talks about TV movies from the 70s and 80s and he usually it's usually kind of fun I mean they do have those you know the very special episodes like Helen Hunt jumping out of a window on angel dust like Angel Dustin and stuff like that but he did one recently an episode with Margaret Cho and it was all about Fallen Angel do you remember this TV movie you might have been really young you're a couple years younger than me so it was about Richard merer who was an Romano's boyfriend one day at a time he was their lawyer he's been in a million jillion things I can't even like Richard Mer's like another character actor not a creep uh but he plays a creep he plays a guy that's drawing in kids to make these kinds of movies and there's a a girl named Dana PL who was 16 at the time but she always looked much younger she was in uh Different Strokes no she was in not Different Strokes you're think of Dana PL uh she w Dana um what was her last name now I know I'm blanking on it but Fallen Angel she was the sister in um National Lampoon European Vacation yes all right I know who you're talking about yes so that Dana was diabetic and that was one of the reasons why she was smaller because she was always on a lot of medicine and uh she was very petite and she looked much younger than she actually was she plays a girl that's only like 11 and it's in California and Richard Meer basically you know Grooms her and some other kid and there and I remember as a little kid watching it and thinking one of the boys was cute and then I looked at it a couple weeks ago cuz this episode came out I realized he was 11 like I was like nine maybe and so so I was I saw this when I was nine and it's creepy [ __ ] [ __ ] it's on um freey tub like it's on you can see it's called Fallen Angel but anyway there's a whole scene in the movie Melinda Dylan plays the mother and Melinda Dyan I love Melinda Dyan she goes to the police and has evidence these magazines with children being advertised in the magazine for making these kinds of movies and the cops like H another runaway parents coming in here you don't give your kids time so now we got to take care of things for you that was the attitude yeah like these kids that were in these things were kind of just lost and they had messed up parents so oh well that's just what happens and people didn't take it as seriously as they should have and this is only 10 years later when you're talking about it with Peewee and with yeah so yeah people used to not take it very seriously they did not they was yeah also it was just very like rub some dirt on it and walk it off kind walk it off and that's basically with her like do you want to get therapy she's like nah I don't know about that but it's like uh yeah yeah she should but anyway that's that's my whole point okay so do we want to hear about somebody who's not a creep let's like cleanse the timeline here please yes this person is one of my favorite Jennifers Jennifer coolage is I love Jennifer Jennifer coolage she's just uh you know she came to light she's born she's from Massachusetts and her really she's she her really big thing was being an American Pie she was in a million things before American Pie but once she was in she's an actress she's from the East Coast she went to Emerson College American Academy of dramatic arts always been a character actor she's always really good at um as well she does all those Christopher Guest movies yes but she really made her big debut was in 1999 as stiffler's mother stiffler's mom she the going on and and she was in Legally Blonde American Wedding love her she's just in a million jillion things she's always a delight she's somebody who's a real Ally to people there's something very fun and relatable about her there's nothing think the White Lotus I mean is there anything better than her and the White Lotus nothing oh good she's so good um she also dated Chris Katan for a while like okay what that seems like a weird match that to me I don't get mango I mean I she would eat him alive well maybe that's what maybe he's maybe that's their thing that's where he went I don't know but I wanted to pick her today because she also is very like we said she's an ally she works a lot for AIDS causes and AIDS assistance but also she's a big animal rights person a and she was she's a vegan and she was crowned and we're not huge fans of PETA but I do like she was peta's vegan Queen in 2023 okay well we like we like that we like that and she also adopted a dog named Chewy that was rescued from a meat factory in Korea and she's one of the most impersonated drag queen people out there no doubt and apparently she gets like people who go up to her all the time and do imitations of her and I think don't do that if you meet her just let her be her yeah just don't impress her with that but that's our non creep this week Jennifer kulage an amazing character actress character actor it makes me want a hot dog real bad I like soup we like talking and not talking talking not talking I love her that's a great choice that's our show this week and if you have suggestions we do recommend that you reach out to us all those places I mentioned at the top of the show we love it when you use the Annie pots gift from Ghostbusters we got one they just had the 40th anniversary here in New York outside the firhouse oh that's which is like four miles from my apartment I didn't know about it until the next day our email once again is what a creep podcast and if you would like some stickers let us know we also co-host a show called Dorking out where R dork out about movies and Sonia what are we talking about next my sister has been asking us to talk about Can't Hardly Wait for years so we are finally going to talk about Can't Hardly Wait you shared a clip and our what a creep group people are really excited um a lot of them grew up watching this movie yeah somebody else commented I have a feeling this is aged like bananas and suspect that person might be right I think it's streaming everywhere I saw it on Criterion and I was was like well if it's on Criterion but Criterion is kind of a wild card of a channel I it is fun to kind of check out Criterion even just to see what they have that month like what they put in there but anyway I think this is going to be a good conversation I I know that you've watched this and I've already watched it the documentary Bratz yes we're also going to talk about Bratz yes talk we save that for then and then we're also going to talk about below deck uh whether or not the chef should wake up if be W woken up in the middle of the night this is very important thoughts we have thoughts and feelings about this Sonia where can they find you you can find me at the Sonia and the Sonia show on Twitter Instagram Tik Tock wherever you are I'm there probably talking about below deck or love island or something or important stuff or Vander pump rules really important stuff where can people find you Margo I'm at Brooklyn Margo for Tik Tok and Instagram I should mention by the way if you sign up for patreon you don't have to pay you can just get a non you know get a free version and I always put the clips from twerking out on there so that's a place you could check if you don't have social media some of our listeners say I don't have Tik Tok or Instagram so anyway so on Twitter and Tik Tok I'm at Brooklyn Margo everything else I'm at Brooklyn fit chicken that's my site all right everybody thank you so much for listening be safe be kind just don't be a creep be a creep thank you for listening to us talk about creeps you can follow us at w creete podcast on Facebook Twitter and Instagram but don't follow us too closely you can email us your creepy stories at what a creep podcast but please keep your dickpics to yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music]

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