HC Clark Lea - Virginia Tech Press Conference

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:28:41 Category: Sports

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coach get us started and then we'll open it up for questions all right I'm excited to be here um you know I've gotten a lot of questions about um what it's like to take on two roles in the program and how that's uh maybe changed the way I approach my job and one thing I want to point out is I no longer have time to get doed up in suits for you guys on my press conference so you're going to get the ball coach Clark Lee um I'm fresh out of the film room watching our Tuesday work day uh for Virgin attch um it was a hot day today obviously it's going to be hot this week we're going to do some things here in the next couple days to take care of our team and make sure we're fresh I want to um I want to see a fast and physical vable team on Saturday we're going to need to be because we got a good opponent coming in um coach priz done a great job in in his two years at Virginia Tech and um obviously have a ton of respect for him uh remember coach when he was here and used to to come visit with them and talk talk ball and obviously Chris Marv being on the staff too a um you know a great Commodore Alum and someone again I have a ton of respect and love for so excited to compete with those guys I know our team is ready to uh to compete I talked to them this morning about um not skipping steps so um we can be excited for Saturday and look forward to that but um it's going to be Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday that that get give us the chance to have the Saturday we1 have so we'll hone in on our prep and um look forward to opening the season and you know charting our course through through a great year go ahead how much urgency do you feel going into this season and maybe not this game in particular but but to get off to a good start kind of valid a lot of Chang I think it's it's um I think the easy thing to say would be that um you know and maybe the the most convenient thing would be to see immediate U redirection um the urgency I feel has nothing to do with anything other than you know being here to win and wanting to have success so there's nothing additional there um but everything that I've learned in this role is that um you know you do all the right things and you and you position the program the best you can and sometimes you don't have total control of when that kind of manifests itself in performance what I can tell you is that I believe in the changes we' made I've seen and felt the progress here internally and I know that in time that's going to deliver us the results we want um and you know I don't want to back myself into a corner by saying you know that we have to get off to a good start you know I want to have a good season and one of the things I've learned from Jerry and I believe that team he had last year maybe started two and five or one and four it was something to that effect you know um so much of our game and what makes it great is about the responses you have in the moment and I don't want to talk a lot about last year but I think if I were to share any disappointment that I had outside of the pain of the results from last season it would be that I didn't do enough to get our program to evolve and to change and um it just felt like I could never get that team to the performance that we were proud of and uh we suffered because of it and so um I'm really interested to start the season I certainly would love to get off to a great start that that would obviously be a lot of fun and um you know for me though I'm this is a this is a 12 game season that we're trying to unlock 13 and 14 and on so um you know we'll learn a lot about our team on Saturday and um you know and we'll chart a course forward but um I'm really interested in seeing this team evolv and get better as year goes and I want to look up at the end of the season be really proud of the progress we made and I want that to show up in our results how much of a litness test is this first game given your opponent just to see where you are it's a test um certainly and and um I love the fact that you know we're going to be measured against a team that is getting a ton of publicity right now for the success that they were able to create for themselves a year ago again look at their season a year ago and I believe I I I've seen a lot of stats here this week I think they started the year two and four a season ago and they were able to build some momentum and finished with a great Bowl win against two lane um so again it's a great test it's the first test um and I think too often you know we've we've kind of in the past in this program you know we we look at one or two games this is a season this is a team that needs to be built for the endurance of the season um I know our team is going to be excited to play we need to execute we have to focus on the details but um we'll learn a lot about where we are to your point um and then we'll set a course to just grow and evolve forward because um we have enough we have enough we've improved our Personnel I think we've improved our um our Tactical Systems we've improved the way we train our team there's physical um you know uh speed and strength improvements and that means that we're going to be in position to win games this year and what we have to do is keep our mind focused on um the day and day out tasks needed to unlock our potential but um you know certainly we'll learn a lot Saturday you know being that it's our first game you said you didn't do enough to get the program to evolve and change are you talking team on the field last year are you talking big picture program that was more a statement to the team a year ago on the field just I think um even if you look at 21 um season I felt like for as hard as that year was there just was this sense of gradual Improvement I thought we played our best football later in the year um we just you know we weren't good enough and um and so and then in in 22 um I felt the same way obviously we started hot um in Hawaii but uh you know as the year went on we were able to find the the two wins late um and gave us a chance to compete for ball ability in the final game again we just weren't good enough in that game to to get over the hump um but I I think a team that improves through the season is a testament of of a good coaching staff and I I think it's a measure of my performance as the head coach and I thought last year um it wasn't you know for a lack of trying I just I never found the formula to get to get that group um to go to go beyond the performance that you know we delivered and um a lot of the changes we've made are a result of kind of processing that and and um you know wanting to move forward from it um the bigger picture of program stuff is independent of kind of the work that you know we do you know in terms of the Tactical training and the physical training of our team and the systems we put them in and how we designed success for them on the field and that that's kind of a whole another conversation yeah um you know on the depth chart your defensive line is almost all new players or players who haven't gotten a lot of chance to play before how excited are you about that kind of new look that you've got well I'm I'm excited I mean I think we've seen flashes of um you know some really strong play up front you know when you look at our league you you're not going to be able to um I mean there going to be times where you're going to line up against teams that are going to be 350 lbs across the front and there's always this idea that those teams can create physical pressure at the line of scrimmage that you need depth and then you know if you're not countering that with 350 across the board you have to you have to be uh fundamentally and technically proficient you have to play with great pad level um you know you have to um do things in terms of the the scheme to move people and to try to create advantages that way um and I've been excited to see that front grow in terms of the fundamental technical aspects we are bigger UPF front which is going to help us over the Long Haul here I also want to compliment our offensive line and Chris glenis and the job they've done I think we've been physically tested this camp and um so you know I'm excited for those guys I think there's a mix you know you you you um and guys I'm sorry uh this is this is just the way it goes now for me um but um when you look at the front and you talk about guys like corday um guys like Zen you're talking about new players um you know when you look at lonus zon when you look at uh DT you know Issa Bradley man Devin Lee obviously Glen SE Brooks is new as a freshman who's been impressive miles Capers I mean those are all guys that return and so we've gotten a lot of um snap experience for those guys coming back the addition of the new guys is obviously helpful and um we're going to lean on that group to have a great year on defense and and both sides of the line of scrimmage dictate how we play in this program and we need to be good approach well um we're gonna have a starter and we're going to lean on that starter to play well and and um and help us win the game you know and and um I haven't made it through a season here um again in our league playing just one player so um inevitably you know we're going to have a guy ready to take the snaps um on Saturday but I have no doubt in my mind that at some point this season we're going to be looking at a two or a three that will be out there in critical moments in our season and so um we'll start game one with a healthy quarterback position and you know I I have trust in those guys and what coach Beck's done with them and Coach Alman to to prepare them to be what the team needs for them to be what was the otus behind naming Diego Captain um the impetus behind it was just the team vote so um I don't select any leadership in our program um I'll I'll at times in the offseason with with the other coaches maybe um put together some um Squad leaders that that help just uh build accountability into our roster but when it comes to Captain boats and those kind of things that all happens um within the team and so we voted on Saturday and the team um you know I I I basically take the results and I kind of figure out where the line is and um really proud of the Five Guys that we named and I'm I'm impressed with Diego having been able to make that kind of impact on our roster um in such a short amount of time it's a testament to who he is and the kind of competitive mindset he brings into our program what are some of the things that he shown you on the field he's creative um you know he's he's a he's smart with the ball I think you know he's a guy that'll use all 47 seconds to try to figure out what the shell is so he can know where to go with the ball before the ball snapped um he'll change his arm angles on the Move um he creates with his legs um he's tough and I think those are all qualities that you know we need from that position um and so it's been fun to watch him you know obviously grow and he's familiar with the system but grow in in in our program and um you I've been really impressed impressed with the way he's taken ownership of our identity and applied it day and day out I I appreciate that because in the in the transfer portal era I think program building is challenging team building is not right team building is about a group of people getting together and and aligning on a mission um with specific identity and and specific standards and expectations and um the fear of you know 50 three new players and a bunch of transfers is that somehow you know you're you're you lose focus on your identity or it gets watered down with a bunch of different agendas um I think all those guys have come in and embraced the program that we are I think they all appreciate who we are um as they compare and contrast to other experiences but specifically um to Diego he's come in and embraced the aspects of our environment that make us unique and he's championed those in the locker room and uh as a coach you can't put a value on that so I'm appreciative of it where are you better on defense this year I'm sorry Chris where you better on defense this year where are we yeah I hope um I hope in a lot of places you know I mean there was a lot of room for improvement there um again go back to um go back to the ARA's question about the defensive front and kind of in answering that you know what what this league demands of you on defense um there going to be times where we play against fronts that are that are going to be physically imposing and we have to have answers to that and I I talked to the players about this I mean um our answer can't be to play one front you know it can't be to do one thing because um you know we have to we have to use a combination of our um again fundamental technical proficiency the physical power that we've gained and our athleticism and designed scheme to to be able to spread the hard down around in the front um the same in the secondary you know it's it's a league where there going to be times where you're going to you're going to play against you know three really fast receivers and you may not win every matchup but can you do enough in your shell to again spread the hard down around um and and keep the opponent trying to figure out fure out where you are and what you're doing I think we we got into a mode a year ago where you know we were kind of in one coverage and teams could formation us to get us into one coverage and it didn't go well um the other thing about last year to this year and I think just maybe a general answer to your question Chris is you know we didn't contest space last year so too often we were off and way leveraged at corner and it's so easy I mean we play against the best teams in the country but what's not hard is to have a corner that's off at 10 yards in pedaling and to have a a offense rip a hitch into that space and it doesn't matter who you play against when you concede space like that you're setting yourself up for a long day you're going to be chasing the ball around the field and so you know we have to put ourselves in position to contest space when you talk about the space in the college field you're talking about um you know the the the field number one you know the field space with the overhang and then obviously when when teams go into the boundary the the boundary space that they can create so that's a tactical thing that's a you know technical thing but it's also a mindset thing um and so teaching these guys um within calls how they disguise how they Tempo how they challenge um how they put pressure on the opponent um that that's that's kind of the ticket so look we're faster we're longer we're bigger um you know we we've gone through a tough camp where I think we've we found a rhythm with who we are in terms of our tactics and um now it's about you know putting it to practice against another team and again a team offensively that'll challenge us so how was J um well I mean you know where do I start um Jerry is first of all he loves football um he's such a good person I've always admired him as a competitor um he's got an amazing and infectious spirit and energy I think he's 110 years old and so I'm just kidding um he makes me feel young again um no Jerry Jerry's his experience is is um I lean on his experience and he's such a um he's always had tough and hard-nosed teams and the fear of the head coach is always are we doing enough you know um and so a lot of the the nights where it's hard to sleep you're just trying to balance pushing and pulling and kind of delivering a team to Saturday that you know is both fresh but also prepared and so Jerry's helped me a lot with his experience um you know kind of balancing that push and pull um I don't set a schedule without talking or picking his brain or hearing his thoughts on it it you know I'm kind of I've always kind of been a person that lives you know in work as like more more is better better so and I I just I kind of have a an ability to I have an ability to go you know but sometimes when you lead from that you know um mentality you know you can wear other people out and so he he's helped me kind of see um where we can balance the work that needs to be done and where we can also take care of the team mentally and physically um and I think those are the things that I I rely on him the most for obviously there's a really skilled football coach there so we've had a lot of fun um you know tactical conversations that um that I appreciate and um you know he's been helpful there and what I what I entrust him to do is is basically um you know be an observer in our program so all the systems that that are meant to serve our mission and that's winning all of those systems um he's a he's a a checkpoint on and so whether that's athletic training or nutrition or strength and conditioning or academics you know Jerry's going to be kind of gauging where um alignment exists and where we may be out of whack and where we need to address something so he's been helpful in that and then along with Tim you know they they oversee the offense so I can focus my attention on defense he's become a great friend and certainly it's it's really neat for me to have a mentor in house and um I I appreciate having Jerry with me Clark how do you focus on the human side of this you've got uh A Team all these changes that have happened on the roster on the staff and yet you're still working literally around and in a construction zone where fans are going to have to be patient I'm sure you all have had to be patient what what challenge does that bring to this team in this program right now it it is it's it is a challenge um you know I think gosh I um I've had this reflection of first of all I mean I can't say enough about Candace Lee and about what a partner she is and um you know it's it's exciting to be here at a time of transition and transition is not just physical spaces I mean we're you know we're redesigning and reimagining what it means to run a competitive football program in an nil and transfer transfer portal era I mean that is a that's a behemoth especially at a place that has has always been traditional with respect to the student athlete model I mean we're really having to push um so independent of that um you know like you appreciate little things Teresa like um this fall camp right that we didn't have to travel off site you know I appreciate nworth high school and what they've allowed us to do lipsum in the spring I mean I I you know but I'm I was tired of having to jump in a bus to go and scrimmage you know and sometimes you go we go to nworth and it Lightnings and what do you do you know I mean there's not a lot of options um and so like the fact that we've been able to scrimmage here is such an amazing thing to me you want to talk about a year ago where we were changing in the the pitching lab and having our halftime meetings in the pitching lab and you know it just like there were a lot of inconveniences there that at the time maybe I didn't you just kind of work through but the fact that we've evolved from that feels really good you know and um having been in the stadium now three times um It's not finished but it's not a dust bowl anymore you know and we don't have the scoreboard hanging on the rains and um you know I don't have to worry about a storm coming and they have to lower it down to the ground and that kind of stuff you know so um we're still challenged and certainly we can't move fast enough and I've said this before and I'll say it again we also can't stop moving you know I think there's a lot of things that are going on right now in our Sport with um Revenue sharing and and just so many changes um but this program needs to continue to push for attention and resources and to continue to build out um a best-in-class facility and all the things that that are required to be successful in this day and age so we have to keep pushing but um certainly I appreciate the fact that we've moved on from some of the the places we've been the last couple years and you know a year from now when we have a finished Stadium that'll feel really good um injury wise how are you doing are there any you know longterm issues right now um we have um Bryson Coleman um who had a u a clavical fracture he's going to be out for the time being but we'll get him back obviously Mark Davis who's back around the team uh which has been great to see him um you know he's going to be out for the season we have a couple soft tissue issues that um are still rehabbing back Grayson Morgan is just dealing with a a back issue that um it's going to keep him out probably for a month or two um CJ Williams the ankle fracture we talked about that out for the season and and the rest of it honestly is just um you know some wear and tear but I mean we're we're we're in a good place um and I feel that's a credit to you know coach Steiner and his staff and the training from the the winter and the offseason the summer um obviously a compliment to Ray and our training staff and and um you know I feel good about where we are in terms of our health and we made it through Camp relatively healthy so onward and upward anything else that balance you talked about that Jerry kind of talked with you about in terms of the team pushing the team is that has that had any bearing on how you go about your business on the other basis he's on me all the time about getting out of here here you know so um you know I'm I I'm kind of stuck in my ways um I mean I love what I do Joe I don't um you know I I love my family too I I I do the best I can to fold both in and and and be really good at both um but this time of year requires a lot of a coach it requires a lot of our players I mean they're not you know they they sacrifice so much that um their peers on campus you know won't ever totally understand um but um I love what I do I find joy in it um every day there are challenges every day there's adversity every day you have to problem solve um obviously I've spoken on this in the past but the most fun I'm having right now is coaching the defense you know and and that job independent of any other other job was a 100 hour week you know job so there's a lot to do um Jerry's alling me about staying fresh and he's right it's a long season I've got to approach it like a marathon not a Sprint you know again going back to how much we desire to have success early you know but the growth of this team is dependent upon you know all of our strength as the year goes and so um it's it's fine in the balance but he's helped me in that and he'll continue to push me in that I'm sure yeah what kind of grow you seen riy since I took over the program yeah yeah you know um a lot I mean you know he's durky is a guy that's endured so much off the field um and and it's you know and he would never um he would never paint himself as a victim like he he would never I mean he's got such strength that way but you know um you know he's a guy that's been through so much that's never had the opportunity to just focus on um you know being a good football player and I'm excited for him to have kind of gotten to that point in his career you I think all the adversity I think he just appreciates being a part of this team I know I appreciate having him here um but in terms of you know one of the great joys of the job is I get to share in the growth of all the people that are in this program and I I said I told this to the team the other the day it's like an addiction you know um when you when you get better yourself um or when you when you watch other people improve you know when you as a coach feel like you're a part of that Improvement there's no better feeling in the world than that and for me that's that's part on the field like that's a great feeling but it's when you see guys come of age grow into manhood um like accept responsibility and prove dependability and accountability um you know it's just that that that process of maturation that you know is really special I think no matter what we'll still you know nil transfer portal and the likes I mean coaching is still about those coaching in college is still about those things so derricky gives you a great opportunity to to see that for me to experience it he and I have had a lot of really hard conversations we've had a lot of really special conversations and I just appreciate um his desire to be a part of this program and to finish out his career here and I hope it's a great launching point for him into an unbelievable future and I want to be a part of that so anything else thank you all right thanks guys

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