"We both like to hit people" - Georgia's Dylan Fairchild

Mentioned the English class he was just in man oh yeah what' you learn today in English class just what it's about they're uh trying a new thing for English 1102 students so I guess I'm the guinea pig yeah Dylan Kirby was saying that you know you you shared your journey with His “journey” while at Georgia: not traveling, scout team, etc. the team how you got here your time on the scout team I guess just what what has that Journey been like for you and and the why that motivates so many of these guys what is that for you yeah I mean it was it was hard my first two years you know um not traveling with the team's hard to do and um just being on Scout team you know I mean we got a lot of guys that you know are going to go through the same thing that I did and just being able to be like a leader to them and being able to tell them you know that's I did the same thing you know I mean that's it means a lot to me and um you know like you said part of my why is going through that you know um just going through the hard time being asked a question every day like who you going to be you know and having an answer all right give us the low down Jared Wilson, Drew Bobo, and Tate Ratledge at center Tate at Center or Jared at Center how's that working out yeah it's working out it's working out great I mean I think you know we're we're going to be fine with Bobo Tate Jared um anybody at Center you know I think uh you know we're confident in whoever we're going to put out there from from week one all the way through to you know wherever we end up in the playoff so I mean we're we're going to be uh I think we'll be fine no matter what we do you know hey Dylan uh what's um stood out Branson Robinson’s rehab about the way that that Branson Robinson kind of attacked his rehab you know during his during last year and he leading up to fall Camp yeah I mean I would say just his mentality I mean he's got he's got an incredible mentality I mean you know he was dealt you know some hard some hard hands just with the injuries that he had kind of being back to back and you know there's a lot of guys that I'm sure on the team I mean me being one of them I mean I felt bad for him but I don't think he he had an ounce of you know feeling sorry or self-pity in him he just was ready to get back on the field and it shows you know it shows and uh just the way he he shows up every day he shows up ready to attack every day and you know it's just a testament to his great you know Going up against Jalen Carter and others; His wrestling career mentality a two-part question from over here I guess they're in the scout team you probably saw a lot of Jaylen Carter what was that like going up against him every day and then part two with your wrestling background um in terms of the mental toughness it takes to get through wrestling workouts versus football at Georgia how would you compare that yeah I saw a lot of Jaylen Carter and you know Devonte Wyatt Jordan Davis the list goes on but um it was tough you know you you uh you come in as a freshman and uh play and as a sophomore and you know you're going against studs like NFL players you know I mean those guys are those guys are Elite level uh players and you know going through that definitely helped me today and um you know you know like like you said just having the wrestling mentality um you know going through what I went through as a kid as a wrestler like I mean I got beat a lot you know as as a young kid in the training facility I was in so and I knew that you know getting getting beats how you become better you know that's that's how you grow you got to get beat you got to you got to Lose to Win so going through that just was a big uh big step in just the process of being a The new additions in Georgia’s running backs room player hey Dylan y'all have a lot of new faces in the over here in the running back room with you know etn and uh Nate and all them um what have you noticed from those guys in Camp they're excited I mean um they've they've you know Trevor's done a really good job of just um I'd say becoming a part of our team I mean he's he came in uh to the room with open arms and you know we embraced him and and he embraced us fully and um you know just him his mentality every day I mean they they've they've really all got similar mentalities they're all you know attacking running backs they're not going to they're not they're not afraid of contact they're not afraid of you know hitting the hole or uh or bad days you know so I mean I think just embracing each other you know us embracing you know Trevor and um and and and the return of Branson has been has been awesome I mean I'm I'm really excited for him Dylan coach smart talked Gunner Stockton’s progression about the scrimmage Gunner had on Saturday and just a little bit about his progression at this point just what have you seen from him he's now been here for three years just the progression Gunners man yeah he's I love gunar he's he's one of my he's one of my favorite people you know in the world cuz he's just so humble he's so nice such a great guy and um you know on the field he really has a lot of I feel like he's got a lot of poise you know he's got a lot of things things go wrong I mean that's football you know and and and I think he handles it really well I think um he's very hard to shake or really hard to Rattle and he's just grown in that role I've seen him grow be more vocal um of a leader and embrace that role of being a quarterback His nickname “Pickle(s)” yeah we got a chance to talk to Ernest last week and he referred to you by the nickname of pickles is there is there anything to that nickname I don't know they just took it and we just ran with it pickle dill pickle I guess is why they call me that I don't know who started I think M started that a while ago we just kind of took it around with Who (including teammates) he models his game after it yeah I'm curious if there's anybody that you model your game after anybody that you study for maybe inspiration or just to learn from yeah I mean that's you know we watch a lot of film and I mean I Tate's been a guy that I've taken a lot of pages out of his book and put them in my own you know I mean I really love the way that Tate cleans the pocket um so I mean just little things that I'll take from I'll pick people's brains you know and I mean we you know take watch a lot of Trey Smith and and and uh just a couple people around the league you know we'll just pick uh pieces of their game and just put them in our book you know and that's a big thing that I've enjoyed about having Tate in the room is I can I learn a lot from him I mean I ask a lot of questions to him um he's got a lot of answers so asked about your best attributes uh His dedication, perseverance, toughness before you came in your Kirby said toughness was the first thing that came to his mind um can you maybe it has to do with your past being on the uh not being on the Travel Squad and that kind of stuff but I don't think you've missed much time or any games or anything since you've been in that is that part of it just uh and and can you just talk about dealing with that because line your constantly hurt you're always hitting um I'm sure you're always dealing with something how important is it for you to stay out there and stay on the field yeah I mean it's it's it's very important to just go and uh do what you got to do in the training room and um take nutrition seriously I started taking vitamins you know I take like a whole plethora of vitamins you know uh daily and I think that you know gives me a lot of energy and just support you know on the inside and I mean like you said on the outside it's just really it's just you know you got to be tough you know it's going to hurt you know there's going to be dings bumps and bruises and just being able to play through that you know it's a standard hey I guess Nate Fraser's running back Nate Frazier (“a unique personality”) practiced with you guys for you know almost three weeks now what's been your impressions of him oh man he's he's awesome you know he's got a uh he's a unique person he's got a unique personality and it's awesome you know um I didn't really know him at first and so he's got a uh he's he's he talks a lot and so so when he first got around us I was like you this guy is talking a lot but just getting to know him more that's who he is and I think um looking into the future I think he's got a really really bright future and he's a really good football player and he's got a great personality to go with it and so I'm I'm really glad we have him on our team yeah Matt Luke's now the offensive relationship with Matt Luke line coach at Clemson he was formerly here what kind of role did he have in sort of shaping your development yeah I mean he uh he did a great great job with us as freshman um I think he left in in the spring of my sophomore year and you know just just the things that he taught us I mean he taught us you know a lot of things that you know for me personally the biggest thing I took from him was linebackers you know like linebackers tell you everything and um you know being able to read linebackers and read the field that was that was his whole his whole deal with us was he wanted us to be able to look at the field and read it and um him teaching us that before he left was was a great detail that that I appreciate a lot from Young, inexperienced defensive linemen him when coach smart was in here he talked about some of the younger defensive linemen in Camp you know had to go up against the ones and twos because of some of the injury issues there just what do you what has stood out to you about some of those younger defensive linemen who you know getting tested pretty early on in Camp yeah um a I'd say a lot of our young guys have learned really really fast you know we've got a a big portion of our team that's that's young guys and um um I think they did a great like we took incredible leaps in in Fall camp and um I'm just excited to see you know like we got a lot of guys we got Nas we got I mean the list you know the list goes on about all the all these young guys that are on our team now so being able to show them you know the standard and and um watch them grow into that has been awesome I mean they've really done a great job with just learning all their plays stunts and uh and blitzes and um yeah they've done a great great job Dyan Comments on the offense as a whole (mentions defense) when uh when uh CJ Allen was in here he said in practice when number one offense is out there he feels like that's the best offense this defense will face all year how would you describe how good this offense is and can be I think we got you know we've got a lot of potential to be good um you know we you know we just take it day by day and um try to grind on each other you know like on on you know I could say the same thing about the defense side of the ball you know I mean I think we've got an incredible defense and I'm really excited to see you know the the Havoc is what coach Schuman likes to say you know I'm really excited to see that you know and and on in the games this year and um yeah just going against each other is a big part of just getting better you know and and accepting embracing the gr what is your relationship like with Relationship and differences with Micah Morris Mike and Morris and how are you guys similar and how are you different I think we both like to hit people we have a great relationship I mean we've like we we both you know have been through a lot of the Sim uh very similar situations you know on the team like we both were on Scout team you know for a long time and had to put put our dues in to uh be able to play at this University and just we respect each other we love each other like brothers you know um I know if I've got a bad day he's got my back you know and I uh I appreciate that all the time you know and I know if he's got a bad day i' I've got his back and I'd say just all all of us on the line we we we kind of just take each other's back you know if one of us is lacking in one area we'll call it out and and raise the standard you know and and I think that he does a great job and everybody on the o line does a great job of just holding each other accountable and um and just being best friends yeah Dylan I'm curious what's Favorite /most disliked thing about football your absolute favorite thing about football and when you're done playing in 15 20 years what's something you're like thank God I don't got to do that anymore my favorite thing and one thing that I don't like as much um God that's a hard one um right now I'd say just like running out there in the beginning of a game is my favorite part of it I mean I love playing the game and and that that's that that is why I do it is to play that's why I put all this work in and that's why we grind that's why we work so hard is to play and execute and and do things the right way and I think just seeing fans bringing people Joy you know seeing the impact it really does make like in the community is is the best thing to me you know seeing the difference that I mean this really it matters to a lot of people and um seeing that seeing how big of an impact you know we can make is is awesome to me you know and i' say one thing I don't like probably knee braces I'll take knee braces and throw them away once I'm done one more question uh you were mentioning Effectiveness of Mykel Williams (“incredible hand-fighting”) having a second ago I thought about Michel Williams he's a guy that can play all over the field including inside what what makes him so effective even at 265 when he lines up inside a tackle I'd say just his hand you know his hand fighting he's got incredible hand fighting um he you know he's got a lot of uh tape on his hands during practice you know he's got I mean he's he's got a couple fingers you know that he's had to work on these past couple uh years I guess and so he just his ability to hand fight you know with what he has um he's just so good at coming off the ball he's really good with his eyes too working on his twists um he he will if he's in a three Tech he'll look at me and he's running the te and I mean I'm think he's coming at me and he's really picking the tackle hip and I mean he just does a really good job with his eyes and his hand movement um yeah hand fighting is is he's really Elite at hand fighting and with his eyes thank you D thanks thank you yes yes um

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