Live: August 27 Logan County (OK) Primary Runoff Election Results with Chris Evans

e e e e e e e e e hello and welcome it is election night here in Logan County I'm Chris Evans here in the downtown Studios of second banana media here in beautiful downtown Guth hopeing you're having a great day a lot of nervous folks out there I would imagine here on the selection day got a lot to talk about here we got some I think we got five maybe six races on the ballots through throughout the entire County uh Wellston Public Schools a small part in Logan County uh won't go much over that this evening Deer Creek Fire Department and the Oak Cliff fire department are looking to increase their millage in their fire district uh Oak Cliff right now at 7.22 Mills looking to go to 10 mills that's on the ballot today for those folks and then deer Craig fire department seven Mills they're looking to go to 10 mills in their District house district 32 Kevin Wallace the incumbent he's been in the state Leg State House State House for 10 years he's got one more term if he can win the election tonight a little upset last time and the numbers are in early numbers are in and he's already behind so we'll see how that one plays out also uh District 2 County Commissioner here Logan County Charlie meows and Floyd Kaufman this is the third time these two guys have been on the ballot since in about last year and a half uh Charlie has won both of those each with three candidates in it but this one only two candidates will have some inside information on that and some of the key precincts that will play a role in selecting the next Logan County Commissioner for district 2 and of course the big one here in gut three gut three Public Schools looking to achieve a $45 million Bond 32 million of that will be going to a school if approved by voters that will come around the year 2029 some additions as well we got a lot to talk about the early numbers are in and we can go over those numbers as we look at first here let's take a look at the gut three school bond and right now off to a great start for gut three Public Schools 331 yes votes and7 no votes and breaking it down for the Guth three School District 141 folks made their votes through absentee mail 104 yes 37 no early voting last Thursday Friday and Saturday 227 voters voted yes and 70 voters voted no and now we'll see how election day turns out we move over to District Two Charlie o excuse me wrong one have to get that fixed here in a second I can tell you though uh right now uh Charlie Meadows uh with3 votes and Floyd Kaufman with 137 votes those are the early numbers uh for district 2 Logan County Commissioner absentee mail Charlie uh earned 33 yes votes while Floyd was able Floyd Coffman earned 31 votes early voting went to Floyd Kaufman he had 106 votes Charlie with 70 votes we'll we'll see how election day numbers come in and when you look at the the between Charlie and Floyd in June of early this year uh Floyd was able to have nine extra V nine more votes than Charlie and absentee voting uh that has been uh minimized down to two votes this for absentee mail early voting in in June of 2024 uh Floyd uh had six more votes than Charlie did and then uh that number has drastically increased an extra 3 six votes for Floyd this time uh so those are just some of the numbers and information we'll kind of go throughout the entire night uh it is interactive so we hope you can uh interact ask questions and make your comments appreciate uh Cody check us out says the audio is great awesome and uh Randy leay says good to see Shaw leading yeah um I'm not sure if I got that number out there thanks Randy for that um I think it's at the bottom of the list list there but early numbers Kevin Wallace uh again he's the chairman of the appropriation budget for the uh State House Representatives and he is trailing right now to Jim Shaw uh by a pretty good margin right now 57% of the vote 549 votes for Jim Shaw who won the three-man race but not enough by by enough percentage points that's why that is a runoff here 549 to 413 over Kevin Wallace yeah Kevin I did show it accidentally because I I'm might have to fix my number here in just a sec my graphic here in just a second uh Jennifer Whit I hope our school bond passes Jennifer off to a good start so far for Guth three public school so if I hit District Two it goes to that one okay so let me uh if I hit District 32 it goes to that one okay so that's a quick fix give me one second District Two needs to go to the right one got to push the button all right I apologize for that if I hit this button hey there it is I was up here last couple hours working on graphics and uh apparently I missed one so uh there's the official uh graphic there for district 2 and one more fix here see if we can get an update on some numbers uh everybody probably knows it by now uh the polls closed at 7:00 and now all those numbers have to be driven to the Logan County election board they're going to put into the system it goes over to the state election board and that's how we get the numbers do have we might be able to get some early numbers some maybe some early winners unofficial winners uh coming in a little bit sooner than what the final numbers here we'll try to get those into you so we might have a heads up we'll see how it plays out but do remember remember all these numbers here are unofficial the Logan County election board will will have a meeting on Friday and ratify the vote make sure everything goes well so even after we have the final numbers they're unofficial until um until Friday when the election board approves them and uh really haven't had any issues that I can recall in some time with that so uh we'll have a good idea uh here this evening all right let's check out uh see here I forgot to mention uh look at the Deer Creek and I don't have a Graphic for them but I certainly think the Deer Creek and oakcliff fire departments will get their millage increase uh for that don't have a Graphic but I think they'll pass very fairly easy tonight in oakcliffe uh 84% of the voters have voted yes so far and 70% of the voters in the Deer Creek District have voted yes we'll follow that throughout the night as well uh does not look like any updated no early voting numbers have come in quite yet so I will give you some idea I can give you some background here for so bring your questions on if you if you got it here uh old man says predictions and now I can officially start with uh Phil checking it out tonight so we can officially begin here um I was asked for predictions on the races tonight I think uh for Guth three Public Schools I think they have a a great chance of passing here tonight remember with Guth three Public Schools the bond election all Bond elections for schools have to be 60% or more that is the super majority of the vote and they have to get 60% this is uh the first bond issue for Guth repu schools since May of 2015 76% of the voters voted uh to approve a $16.2 million or excuse me 19 19.2 5 million bond with 71% the one before that in May of 2015 a 16.2 million pass 76.8% so gu three Public Schools looking to go three in a row on bond elections do you remember before the successful one in May 2015 there were seven of them that failed in a row dating back uh in the early 2000 the the mention seven straight by percentage points they the yes votes had it 53 49 23 55 57 22 and 53% of those failed elections so they got 50% one two three four out of those seven times but do remember you got to get 60% of the vote for a successful school bond election $45 million Bond it would add classrooms to Charter Oak and codal it would add a wrestling room on the on got high school and then a few years down the road it would be a $32 million School uh off a off a Highway 33 near Interstate 35 the land just west of brahs and Sonic so if you go to brahs Sonic look to the West that would be the land with a successful Bond tonight for Guthrie public schools and then uh the check my numbers here real quick one more time we do have some numbers from nothing big that one's for house district 32 Kevin Wallace uh still Trails it but a little bit closer uh for Kevin Wallace we'll get those numbers updated here in a second the other big race tonight Logan County District 2 there has been a lot of back and forth on Facebook uh it has been kind of interesting to watch and to see uh the different styles of campaigning in in that one uh so far uh as I mentioned this is the third time Charlie and Floyd have been on the ballot together and if you remember in June of 2024 earlier this year uh it was Charlie Floyd and Mike Ferguson and uh Floyd led the entire night but it was Charlie edging out with the very last precin to come in Charlie won by nine votes nowhere near enough votes uh to win it that's why we have the runoff here tonight the thing to watch out and we'll we'll have it here in a little bit as the numbers come in I think precincts 205 206 and 207 are the Marquee ones for Charlie tonight Floyd had made a big dip in those numbers precincts 205 206 and 207 is woodrest fire department Edmund Elk's Lodge and Charter Oak Baptist Church if you put a circle on any of these it's number 207 Charter Oak Baptist Church and uh back in in June of 23 Charlie got 66% of the votes when you combine 05 06 and 07 he Charlie got 66% of the vote in June last year Charlie was only able to get 50% of the vote in those three precs so Floyd made a big dip in that the big factor with that also Mike Ferguson got 23% of the votes in those three precincts Mike Ferguson reportedly we I didn't see anything official F Mike Ferguson but uh Charlie Meadows is claiming that Mike Ferguson endorsed him so there's 184 possible votes that could go up to either Charlie or Floyd So 207 is the big one to watch out for here in a little bit 205 and 206 as well another big one for Floyd would be uh Precinct 204 which is the Guth Church of the Nazarene Floyd got almost 62% of the vote back in June so can he increase those numbers we'll see here in just a little bit uh Randy says Charlie took Charter Oak I don't know if that's tonight but yes uh Charlie did take Char Charter Oak uh 224 to 113 over Floyd now that's where Mike Ferguson had 119 votes that's what I was talking about earlier those 119 votes or so okay G reporting 322 to 216 medal wins the Charter Oak so uh do the math there we'll see if we can get the updated numbers here in just one second and I got a little a cheat sheet over here to see the 205 206 and 207 uh I don't have any numbers for this go around quite yet so those those numbers have not been updated yet so uh going back to the GU Republic yes okay so uh Gina probably has the uh the early numbers there's there's and how you get the early numbers and it's a good chance that we'll be able to have it here as well they're called poll Runners so uh there's 11 precincts for District Two And so you send somebody out to each poll and they after the election when the polls Clos they put a piece of uh they tape up the final results at that poll location and then you call that number you call those numbers into the headquarters and that's and they write down the numbers for each for each Precinct and then that's how you can get the early numbers if you have poll Runners out there so uh I'm guessing that's how those numbers are in so the early numbers uh unofficially says uh 322 to 216 so 8 4 86 106 votes plus 106 votes for Charlie and last go round he would have had 111 so minus five now remember not everybody's going to vote as they did the first time uh this one probably we'll see with the Primary runoffs in District Two in June there was 1500 1,551 voters in June of last year it was 1,120 so 400 more voters is in June and uh we got some numbers here 205 206 and 207 okay these are again unofficial here write down the notes here I'm going to do a make sure we don't got any okay we do have one small update for gut three Public Schools let's get that in here real quick before I uh do some math here okay so we have Precinct 207 Precinct 207 Charlie had 3 89 this for Charlie to win this is the one that he really needs to have the biggest from biggest space of all of them 389 to 175 at precinct 207 there's I think there's a couple to so here a lot of text messages coming in appreciate everyone helping me out here uh and then Gina had 322 to okay that's what I have as well 322 216 Guth three public schools in Precinct 207 passes easily 389 to 175 so the official numbers for district 2 County Commissioner Charlie 322 and Floyd 216 so six vot vote difference for Charlie in Precinct 207 thank you for those numbers got another one here what Precinct is this this is Precinct 206 and uh Charlie with another Victory not surprising there we can kind of go over the strategy for Charlie in that area Tiff district is a was a big conversation I think that's going to be a 62 so Charlie wins precincts 207 and 206 no surprise no surprise Charlie was going to win those it was just how much would he win those by and in Precinct 206 G three Public Schools 100 yes votes 73 no votes in Precinct 206 all right Precinct 205 got three Public Schools yes 127 no 86 all right Precinct 205 we have 104 for Charlie Meadows and 101 for Floyd Koffman all right so we I'm glad we have these precincts early on this is a uh we had we had been talking about these three precincts for a while 104 109 and 322 for those three districts so Charlie has 535 in those three districts Floyd cofen 101 plus 62 plus 216 379 379 minus 535 equals so Charlie in those three precincts got 156 more votes then Floyd Koffman all right Floyd letting us though Floyd took woodrest sounds like better turn out this this round at least yeah uh we were getting numbers throughout the day people voting and letting us know what Precinct they uh what number they were at their Precinct and Randy yeah I think uh it does sound like it's going to be a good turnout uh not what you would think it would be but uh I think it will be a good uh turnout can you give us location of the precincts there's 30 of them in log County um so but precincts 205 the three that we were just talking about Precinct 205 woodrest fire department 206 Edmund Elks Lodge and 207 Charter Oak Baptist Church uh District 2 also coil Christian Church at 2011 Baptist Collegiate ministry that's in Langston Precinct 202 a sub Precinct at woodrest as well um Abel Community Church Church of the Nazarene Guth Christian church and Hispanic Baptist Church are all the District Two County Commissioner ones making pre making prediction out there rainy says uh Charlie 58% Floyd 42% Charlie if you ask him he says there's an 85% chance that he'll win by 60% or more uh I'm sure he has a formula somewhere but uh that is Charlie's prediction so the the Tiff districts um it it was a there was a special meeting in February of this year talking about tiffs and to be honest with you there was really no numbers strong numbers there were numbers but they weren't numbers to really prove if it can be done on time and uh I think Charlie really hit those precincts he knows where those voters are at but uh then you get the Tiff districts in there and I think he went in there and said hey if I get voted in I'm going to do these tiffs I think I already have two votes and if I don't get in Floyd's not going to do them so I think if uh that's probably I think a campaign promise that if Charlie does win uh the numbers have got to come in to show that is possible um not again I don't know if the numbers are there's never there has never been a tiff district for County Roads anywhere in the state of Oklahoma we've there's been plenty out there for businesses it's never been done I would certainly think it's been tried before and the numbers that they presented in that February which is on Guth news page if you want to check that out they were nowhere near um well they weren't the right number so it's hard to tell so um it would be a lot of it'll be interesting to see if the dollars can work there Charlie thinks they will we'll find out if he gets into office we do have an update on we have one of the 11 precincts reporting here uh Floyd right now with an early lead but remember this was the same scenario last time uh Floyd had the early lead before Charlie came in late and uh it's quite opposite of the Guth three School District they just need the majority of the vote to get in only nine vote nine vote difference between the two last time it was fun to watch there all right not sure if the numbers have updated NOP not yet it takes a second for my numbers to get to the computer and satellites and beams and all that stuff so uh give it just one second there is one Precinct reporting and while that updates I'm going to get one more update here for Guth public schools there is an up uh there are 26 precincts for Guth three Public Schools four of those precincts are in right now and right now gu Public Schools 75% of the vote uh someone asked about predictions I I I think the school ball in passes what percentage my prediction was 71% we'll see if I'm in the ballpark right now 75% of the vote and when this was last time got through schools past one April 2019 they got 71% I didn't know it was I knew but I couldn't remember what it was and I was doing my notes here and it was 71 so um I did not we'll see if that prediction 7 back toback 71 those are the updated numbers for guthe public schools 836 yes votes 276 no votes 75% say yes so far for Guthrie Public Schools Z says 2015 was 80% how about 76.8% that's what I have here 76.8% uh for the 2015 which was a 16.2 million bond that built Charter Oak Elementary the 2019 is building cural Elementry and gut three Public Schools is hoping the the this election will build cural in around 2029 is what they're hoping for here tonight Ze says same thing H that's a little different the school district will take both those numbers Seth District 2 updates make sure I got that in here District 2 183 131 yep those are the numbers right now with only one Precinct coming in Dana playing cards and watching results come in thank you you bet that sounds fun Texas hodm Dana goldfish all right see if we can get some updated numbers here we do have an update on the uh house district 32 and house district 32 there are 21 perings just a handful uh in Logan County so most of these are going to be over in Lincoln County for house district 32 that's between Kevin Wallace the incumbent up against Jim Shaw Jim Shaw right now leading that race and uh let me get this number in here real quick uh I'm G stop that so the numbers don't look wrong on District 32 until they go in uh Kevin Wallace has spent a lot of money he's never had to campaign this hard in a long long time he's been able to build up some funds in his uh political accounts and he has spent a lot of money if if I like that this will be his final two-year term he will term out but right now struggling to uh to get to uh f% against Jim Shaw District 32 those numbers have not updated yet maybe you will see them at the same time it should be uh District 32 when it updates we need quicker internet going up here Jim Shaw right now those numbers 57% but those numbers are going to increase up to 58% as soon as the graphic updates and it's going to take its time all right we'll try to get them updated here or there's nothing I can do I'm waiting on it to update itself so uh let's check to see loading County Commissioner still one gway stools still four and no update on Deer Creek and Oak Cliff fire districts make sure we haven't got any unofficial numbers let's see here District 307 I got a Precinct here Precinct 307 is First Christian Church and First Christian Church is a big part of the Guthrie school bond it is the basically the super majority of Voters in this Guth school district will vote at First Christian Church is that right 307 first yeah First Christian Church there on East Noble it passes Big Time 344 yes votes to only 58 no votes in dis in uh for the Guthrie school bond that is a huge victory in 307 one of the biggest precincts for Guth three Public Schools uh get some comments right here as we wait for the numbers to come in Jason kenning JC good to see good to hear from you JC it's going to be interesting see if if endorsements are positive maybe stits endorsements are positive or negative I think maybe what he uh may have said uh yeah a lot of back and forth on that as well uh Charlie meows was able to get endorsements from the governor Kevin stit he has gotten endorsements from Logan County district attorney ler Austin Thomas as well as district one Logan County Commissioner Mark Sharpton um interesting there with Mark Sharpton endorsing Charlie Meadows if Floyd wins this evening then Mark and Floyd have to work together I'm sure they can put that to the side but that puts a weird spot uh maybe it doesn't uh maybe it's you know water off the back but uh that would be interesting there uh Governor Kevin stit been well documented has some land in District Two that's part of his endorsement so and I I went to my Facebook page and asked others if endorsements mean anything the super majority uh said endorsements do not mean anything to them so uh some said yes some say they take a look at it but uh yeah it'll be interesting there but with that with that in mind I mean Charlie has gone all out all out to try to win this election he is he has gone and asked for other endorsements others have said no they you know want to stay stay clear of it uh but he has gone all out to try and win this election and uh if you're running a race why not go all out I did see Floyd I think one one public uh former State Rep Denny she's now the county treasur in Payne County uh lee Denny I think is her name she came out uh for him as well and uh Cody saying I can tell you the new road is being paved in front of my job I think your job Cody is in the city of Guth and that's a a separate deal from the county deal I'm sure you know that but just for others to see that all right let's get an update here on the see if there are any updates Uh Kevin Wallace it it might be a that might be tough for him to overcome this tonight all right we do have an update for guut three Public Schools seven of the 26 precincts are coming in again I think we might be able to get the guut three number here before The Unofficial numbers from the election board and as soon as that happens we'll uh I will give those to you but right now no issue for Guth three public schools and just a huge credit to let me get the number in here real quick just so I can don't lose my train of thought here uh um yeah Cody said inoc City yeah uh the got three Public Schools see if oh this one's a lot faster one those numbers are correct seven of the 26 are reporting G three Public Schools 1181 to 334 superintendent Mike Simpson went on the car wash of all the Civic groups and the Chamber hosted a forum and I think he talked to a whole bunch of groups out there to lay out what this Bond looks like and uh the Guth educ Educational Foundation had a couple of mailers you probably got those in your mailbox if you're in the Guthrie School District really wasn't a whole much whole bunch of a no uh push out there there was you know there was some a little bit but nothing major uh came together to go against the school bond um there was some talk at at a town hall meeting uh about the Charter Oak area with traffic and the roads but really that was the only thing that I saw uh there are there there are going to be a handful of NOS guarantee the people usually the older older people who don't want who don't want any more increase maybe they're on a fixed income those are usually going to be your no votes uh you have uh people who uh maybe Grant uh older folks that don't have anybody in the school district uh that would vote no for that um and you can go back and forth and they have every right to vote no if that's what they want uh you know those do you have will you have will those people have grandkids one day that goes through there but uh but really no big push no against the school district uh so wait for numbers come in Ronnie pop how does the bond committee go about selecting what to vote on it is a a good question there is a a a a committee of parents and folks who live in the school district and they go all they go to uh they go to each school and they talk to different department heads and then they talk what the biggest priorities are for the school district right now the big part with GTH through schools is capacity uh codal Charter Oak uh fogy Central Are all uh junior high high school is getting up there as well uh but uh capacity how to help out the capacity issue and a big part of that was to build a new school and then after the new schools built you can kind of reshuffle some kids around and spread out the uh the students in each building and then that committee presents something presents to the Guthrie Board of Education the Guth Board of Education here's what they say it's all in writing each uh Committee Member signs that and then the board of education has uh couple of special board meetings to discuss what the committee found what they think about of course they get the uh the staff's ideas what they see as well and then they finalize that and then the school board votes to put that to a bond to a school to a bond election and now the people have the choice so that's kind of the real quick version of how they would do that so it's a committee they've had the Committees for the last three three ele uh three elections and uh so hopefully that answers that I can always add more if you have more questions um Randy thinking my entire friends list is on here watching awesome very cool and I'm I'm not trying to waste anybody's time I I'm I'm refreshing trying to get these numbers in here as fast as I can and uh just slowly coming in we do have an update for cut public schools with eight of the 26 coming in and only one typo it would be a news per it would be a news a former newspaper lady that would catch it fixed hopefully here in a second thank you for that uh Cody ask char oak is over its capacity already correct not over capacity but real close real close it's over 90% a lot of schools are over 90% uh charart Oak had to put two Portable Buildings in there on the front lawn if the bond passes tonight those Portables would go away and they would add always get this backwards I think it's six classrooms at chard Oak and four at codal or vice first so it's one of those over there H Alli caufman crew is watching best of luck tonight caufman old man ask what does a county commissioner make good question all elected officials in Logan County Sheriff Commissioners treasur Court Clerk county clerk assessor Treasurer they all make by Statue I've learned this by Oklahoma statue they have to make the same amount of money and it's different from County to County obviously Oklahoma County has more people and so they're going to have more they're going to have resources and more money but uh without getting to the Weeds on the Sheriff who got some money he can he can have maybe a little bit more increase but nonetheless I think I want to say the salary of a county commissioner is around $68,000 a year I might be off a few hundred bucks somewhere in there but that's about what it is $68,000 good question uh Paige watching Paige a big supporter GTH three Public Schools hoping so badly this is the largest Bond pass in history oh and you're going to make me dig deep um my number is right now 76.8% is what I have right now that was May of 2015 uh Oliver says need bigger schools it's sad to always be behind the curve even though we just built a school yeah just built two schools looking to build a third school and yeah with those seven failed Bonds in a row really put Guthrie behind and everyone would love to have a performance center love to have turf on the practice field love to have a nice softball locker room all that but the school district was behind with roofs and windows and trying to keep the buildings upright correctly and so still playing catchup but what a huge stride uh the school district has made in the last couple years and I I'm starting to we'll see how the numbers come out here tonight but that's that what we call Momentum but really it's turn where you never pass anything never you know is all negative but now possibly three in a row so 35 Plus 45 35 40 almost $80 million if approved tonight since 2015 so $80 million in the last nine years would be approved and what a huge huge uh turnaround that has been for the school district all right let me uh great questions all right okay we do have an update here so I'm going to take the comments stop the playlist so we don't have any wrong information scrolling to I get this in here we have three of the 11 precincts reporting for County Commissioner need to check my messages make sure I'm not missing um numbers but let me get these in here real quick so right now it's a six vote difference between Charlie and Floyd right now and uh remember it it was just it was this way exactly in June it was just it was Floyd in the lead Floyd in the lead Floyd in the lead and then last Precinct comes in Charlie wins by nine votes it's amazing how many close votes we have in this County uh city council elections war three on majority on the west side I remember one year it was I think six votes and another year was nine votes so is every vote counts don't let anybody tell you anybody anything different all right so got that one I'm going go ahead and get gut three public schools in here updated gut three public schools now has 10 of their 26 precincts reporting and soon as these update I will share them with you got the public schools came down just a little bit still 75% of of the votes so still looking good for them 1292 and for 49 give these just a second to update okay District 32 in here why I wait for that we'll get back to your questions 12 of 21 I talked to myself sorry Jim Shaw I don't think Kevin may I don't think Kevin Wallace is gonna be able to overcome I there's still a lot of votes out there but this was the exact Trend in June for Kevin Wallace so uh Kevin Wallace has been a guut three a few times he's done some chamber events he's done some podcasts with with me in the past as well but uh uphill right now for Kevin Wallace all right let's see if these numbers are updated correctly on our screen District Two Three of 11 there it is those numbers are correct right now 24 48 to 247 still got eight to go uh do remember earlier thank you to all our viewers on here and as well Charlie has some big precincts coming in coming in and we'll take a look at got through Public Schools those numbers are correct 75% saying yes 10 of the 26 precincts are reporting all right all right did I KCK yeah Jake qes appreciate Jake checking it out rooting for Mr coffin Oliver they have absolutely made strides yeah talking about goobic schools Jessica good old Jess TMobile has a school giveaway school officials should fill out the grant it's free money for the fields or turf on the fields uh yes I saw that uh and uh I got an email and I forwarded that to the school district so hopefully they are looking at that and there's one big winner but there's also a bunch of consolation PRI victories in there as well smaller grants but yeah yeah uh exactly right I did for that to uh school officials so hopefully they can take advantage of that apply and see what's going on Greg Gibson says go Blue Jays it's our kidss future Lindsay selvis Lindsay has been a big part of the bond election as well uh she was out there on the corner the other day uh during uh football Little League Football was playing they were out there uh on the corner with the yes signs and uh Lindy's done a good job uh along with several others in the wrestling program the wrestling program will get just under $1.4 million for renovation of a wrestling room which would allow locker rooms for boys and girls right now the girls have to go out the gym down the hallway to the north gym to get dressed bathroom all that stuff uh the wrestling program has really exploded over the last couple years and so that would be a huge uh victory for the Guth three wrestling program with a past uh with a uh pass Bond tonight Courtney mclamore lady Jays won a huge game yesterday over Duncan Little controversy good story on Guth newspage well I think it's a good story on G newspage if you want to check out a little controversy there's a video on there lady Jay's huge Victory though had to throw out softball locker room didn't you yeah uh okay I I will go ahead and mention this as well with a successful bond election tonight for the school district they will look at maybe looking to make the elementary schools right now K through four make those a K through five and then this is down the road this is five eight this might be 10 years down the road the road 8 to 10 years we'll see is to make the elementary schools K through five and then make the current Junior High a sixth grade facility sixth grade only which would help capacity one grade at the junior high instead of two and then at Guth three ele Elementary you would make you would have to build a science wing and you would have to build a competition gym that would be a bond election obviously down the road uh and turn guest into a middle school a junior high you would have seventh grade eighth grade and Ninth Grade there and then the high school would be 10 11 and 12 so you would eliminate the ninth grade at the high school to allow more capacity there and so uh that's down the road again but that's you got to look ahead of things and none of that happens without a successful Bond tonight but that's the Forward Thinking by the for the school district to get that done and so uh you we'd love to put a $2 million locker room there but if the ultimate plan is to build guest as a junior high does softball field go somewhere else or you know there down the road but that's uh I bring up that's why I bring up lock room I went I went into the weeds just a little bit there so sorry but uh Luke young keep going with the bonds the more we get past the more bonding we qualify for you absolutely uh amber go pops talking about Mr Kaufman all the way from the Bahamas all right thanks checking us out all the way there Cody hay said Floyd is your winner I uh I let me uh until I get an official okay uh I'm being told I'm being told this is unofficial we we but it's close to official uh I being told that Floyd Kaufman has defeated Charlie and that Charlie Meadows called Floyd Kaufman to concede the race Charlie's Camp reportedly has the numbers and those numbers favor Floyd we'll see we'll look for that to be confirmed here in just a second uh okay I I got some unofficial numbers here so let me take the comments off here unofficial we'll we'll keep foll here but here's unofficially that we unofficially do believe the Guth school bond will pass tonight by a margin of 72.3 n% unofficially we'll we'll wait for the numbers to come here but right now got three public schools with a 72 2% passage tonight and now I have two sources two sources confirming that Floyd kopfman will win the race tonight The Unofficial numbers right now has F has Floyd Kaufman defeating Charlie Meadows by about 160 votes we're going to make we're going to make sure that we see in the same numbers here we make sure the numbers are being reported correctly number are being written down correctly but right now unofficially Floyd Coffman appears to be the district 2 County Commissioner winner by 54% of the vote 54% of the vote we G we're going to keep looking at it here but huge huge uh potential upset here uh Floyd Kaufman appears right now unofficially has been the district 2 winner um um but I I again I want to make sure that poll workers the poll Runners did the right right numbers sometimes the print can look weird you got to retrieve them gotta put them I got good sources I got good sources I'm not tell anything about I just you just before you go out on a you know you want to make sure you get that right so uh we do have 51 in and Floyd continues to win with the numbers here from the election board office 359 I'm talking to myself again so I apologize here but uh again good sources Charlie Meadows has conceded by with a phone call to Floyd Kaufman I want to go back to the endorsement thing here in just a second I had mentioned something but I want to make sure I'm I'm completely clear on what I said uh I'm going to get these number got three uh got three Public Schools numbers in here real quick and then no 531 okay let's let these numbers get into the system here real quick all right uh I'm just going to the comments here I'm not reading which is dangerous but uh Larry Busby uh says cofin well right now that that would not be correct uh Ali watching let's get it Floyd W who congratulations unofficially but yes uh another member another person Amber would definitely know would definitely know uh she says her pops has won get three Oklahoma Channel One appreciate you checking in go big blue BL thanks to everyone that voted yes talking about the Guth school bond District don't forget Guth blue J football here on Guth newspage on Thursday night get out to the Rock season opener all right Jordan says I hope either way whoever wins keeps their word and fix the roads they haven't in the last couple years it's tough um it's tough to be a county commissioner it really is they they need a whole bunch of money they don't get a bunch of money and they have to really it's tough no matter who's in office and I know uh land owners property owners have their favorite commissioner they do this they don't do that it's a tough job I I follow the Commissioners uh uh obviously with Guth newspage it's extremely tough lindsy Sil this question Bond new school is estimated to be built in 2029 would the classroom additions be before the new school yes the uh Charter Oak and codal what they what we think is a successful Bond tonight would be uh constructed in 202 so uh I think it would be in the summer of 2025 so it'd be one school year uh 2025 so I think I believe after the school year they would have the construction how long that takes I don't know but yes that would be in the summer of 2025 those would be the first projects the wrestling room I do believe would be in 2026 and the new school would be built in 2029 good question old man it's been a rough primary cycle on incumbents no doubt about that especially at the state house uh Cody confirming what we had confirmed earlier Charlie called Floyd to congratulate him uh Randy Lee large Lady ain't singing yet folks it's still in the numbers game now some back and forth Charlie can see it praying um see here I should probably start reading these here first uh Paige still happy for the school bond right now okay so this is uh from Charlie's Camp it's true that caufman it's it's if that's true about Coffman it's a huge oh okay no I thought they were uh confirming something that we thought okay uh Jordan says way to go Guth three uh Randy Lee says huge err for Charlie was predicting his own when giving big percentage points making his own people overconfident and complacent definitely one way to look at it that's for sure Jeff Taylor city of councilman congratulations got the public schools and we're congratulating her dad once again from the Bahamas how about that what time is it in the Bahamas uh Luke young how about that endorsement sarcasm uh Mike lenoi Officer Michael lenoi so glad that our community cares about our kids the school bonds are huge for our future Jeff Matthews would be awesome to see Jim sha Floyd cofin win decent chance right now if that uh coming true channel one congression of the District Two voters if you think our roads are bad now just stay tuned it's tough it is tough to be a county commissioner no matter who is in there so um it is tough tough tough tough tough all right Aubrey Shore excited for GPS okay I think these are I think the numbers are Final in house district 32 and uh yeah Kevin Wallace spent a lot of money and it does not pay off tonight Kevin Wallace is going to lose the election so the house the State House Representative will have a new A&B chairman wow so these numbers are going to be official for District 32 you get one more one more update here before I go into the next segment here County Commissioner nine of the 11 are in nine of the 11 are in punch numbers in here real quick right now Charlie Meadows would have the lead with the numbers that we have at this very moment a 31 vote lead but again we have unofficially multiple sources reporting Floyd has win has won but these last two precincts must be huge for Floyd because with nine of 11 precincts right now he's down 31 votes get one more here for Guth public schools and we'll look at the numbers here together and I think that's 15 of the 26 repor oh 24 of the 26 reporting for got the public schools so uh we got two precincts left to be official here official unofficial until the official numbers on Friday you follow right all right uh let this uh sync up here real quick get to the questions and we'll get it here uh Aubrey excited for G Public Schools I saw Aubry at The Forum at Meridan Technology Center uh David Ball thanks to the community support for the bond passage thank you Chris for all you glad to do it uh Thomas Tommy's watching Frank Sanchez thanks for the people of Guri for investing in our kids and Lowa BBE teacher at cter elementary getting excited for Cal to be built ahead of schedule hopefully they will move in spring break that's the goal is to move in in the color Elementary for school all right let's see if these numbers have updated here we'll start with the school bond turn the turn that off school bond 23 88 929 those numbers are correct and then for District Two Charlie with the 31-point lead but again with two precincts to go we have heard that Charlie has conceded the race and has called Floyd Kaufman to congratulate him and um we'll see if that's all everything is definitely pointing that that is correct but we just want to make sure for sure uh real quick uh Oak Cliff fire department looking to go from Seven Ms to 10 mills extra money for their fire district that passes easily 78.8% those numbers are in so a 3 mil increase on property taxes for folks in the Oak Cliff fire district and the dear Creek Fire District passes NOP does not it's passing right now four of the 10 precincts are in and right now it's passing at 70% of the vote just got to be 50% plus one vote both fire districts work together work on policy together work on state stuff together work on everything together usually Oak Cliff and de Creek one does one the other does the other and uh it was going to be pretty easy for them to get the three extra Mills Property Tax um in their fire district believe woodrest will be uh maybe looking at that in November big election in November um as we all know that one presidential I think we'll let the national people handle that one I'm not sure if there's going anything to be local in November uh question when will when will would Floyd Take Office good question it would be the the Charlie would have the term for the remainder of the Year all the way through December 31st and so I would certainly think the courthouse would be closed on January 1st so I would think Floyd cofman would be sworn into office on J uh January 2nd 8 9:00 in the morning at the Logan County courthouse uh is would be my best guest uh but first of the year I would certainly think January 2nd would be the day Floyd cin would take his oath of office we need two more prings for District Two and got three Public Schools still waiting on those District 32 it uh those numbers are final 21- 21 Kevin Wallace who's been in the State House of Representatives for the past 10 years will not get year 11 and 12 remember there are term limits for state representatives and state senators that law that law was actually Head Up by former State Rep Jason Murphy here in Guthrie he brought in the term limits it was passed there Jim Shaw Victorious by 500 some odd votes and that is official there reminder that uh all these numbers are unofficial the Logan County election board all election boards across the state will certify the votes on Friday board meetings uh but right now um gu Public Schools don't need that that's almost official and then we'll see what the final numbers are that's the other thing we have not seen quite yet the final numbers on that one here so GF Guthrie appreciate GF Guthrie checking us out tonight always one of our big fans out there viewers out there and Lauren husky come on Floyd a lot of huskies out there in this world especially Guthrie and Logan County uh but Lauren looks like uh Floyd from multiples two two confirmed sources that uh Floyd will definitely win this election we'll see how the make sure make sure tinis medley School Board member thank you Guthrie for voting our kids I love this s so many good things to come go Blue Jays well said Tina and lesie says another great day to be a blue jay Leslie the principal at codal elementary I know her her and her teachers are so excited we got to take a tour of cural I know a few weeks ago and she couldn't wait to message all the teachers that was their turn to go through the school and built and that school was built in 50s something they're little they're they're packed in there they're packed in there and now they're they're going to have some nice facilities that they really really deserve that teacher of the year Miss Joe thankful for a big blue jay win Miss carrot school teacher for GPS thank you Miss Carr with as fast as the district going thank you thank you thank you absolutely absolutely and stay tuned um after I sign off I got to go and get comments from everybody and uh put their thoughts uh in for an article well have more of a breakdown as well um I do want to say uh one thing I mentioned earlier that uh I mentioned Mark Sharpton Logan County district one County Commissioner endorsed uh Charlie Meadows in and I said it would be kind of could be weird you know the one that you endorse loses and now the guy that you know I I'm not saying there's going to be anything between I'm I'm not saying that but you your mind does go there but I think uh knowing both of them like the way I do I think that would be water on the bridge and just move forward and and both will do what's best for the county and I don't know if I made myself clear but I think they will do whatever is best for the county so uh now that definitely makes the Tiff District uh it was going to be hard to get the Tiff District numbers to work uh but Floyd is not uh has not been in favor of the Tiff district and there was actually Four talked about three in Charlie's district one in Mark Sharpton's District uh I think that conversation probably goes away we'll see you never know how that works but I think those uh think that might now go away County Commissioner meetings are always streamed on G newspage I try to get to every single one of them I might miss two or three throughout the year but try to get there as much as I can okay it is official here let's get the final numbers punched in the computer and then we can see how many people actually voted compared to the other elections here and so I'm GNA wait for those numbers to pop in here I'm going to go to my list here County Commissioner it was listed as tentative okay so the unofficial numbers are a little bit different but percentages is the same let me get this here give it a second here I'm going check on the school district make sure we get all those put in here see if that has been final here yeah okay good okay so District Two and the school bond numbers here come the final numbers here in just one second so we are just about done here appreciate everybody taking it in tonight it's been great question it's been fun having the back and forth see here we'll just see how close how good our poll worker our poll runners uh we're able to get the numbers in here uh 10 percentage points they're good percentage points they're good let's just see what the difference is here um okay let me pull up my my great resource my great source all right so let's look at District Two see if this district has updated 1111 there are the final numbers Floyd Coffman is the next Logan County Commissioner in District 2 come January give me one second I I have a check mark I worked on it I didn't use it last time I will use it tonight let me let me fix my check mark okay I had a I had a few people gave me a hard time that I didn't have uh I didn't use my check marks but uh there you have it the check mark for Floyd Kaufman who wins it by less than 200 votes 188 votes if my math is correct so congratulations to Floyd Kaufman by the way our poll Runners had 1040 so they were 60 votes off and then they had 878 for Charlie which is 24 votes off that's why it's always always want to be safe uh to make sure that's right but uh with other sources reporting that Charlie had called and conceded that that definitely helps uh with that but um always want to make sure uh but uh it's always good to have good sources as well I appreciate uh those helping me behind the scenes as well Guth three Public Schools it passes all PRI all precincts are reporting 7 2.23% of the votes and just remember when it passed in April 2019 it was 71.5 and in May of 2015 it was 76.8 so gut three Public Schools the last three Bond elections 70% plus congratulations to them and uh you know the big thing with Guth Public Schools is they were uh uh the big thing that they have have told us and it's true they've done this whatever they have gone out and said they would do they have done and so I think people trusting the school district trusting superintendent trusting the Board of Education I think has gone a long long ways I think Guthrie has turned the corner turned the corner of a of a school district that could not pass Bond issues and now look at the last three 71 72 and 76% of the votes and so just a big huge turnaround for Guth three Public Schools $80 million uh has been approved since May of 2015 has will build eventually three schools Renovations and uh so congratulations to all the teachers congratulations to superintendent Simpson the Board of Education all the department heads everybody it was a big collaborative effort the the uh the community has really R be rallied behind that as well it was really a team effort uh you know Dr Simpson being kind of the nucleus and the board kind of being the nucleus and you know they can't go out and say vote Yes or no they can only tell you what the bond would do and there was a lot of great Community leaders out there that uh got ahead of this and really uh for the most part for I saw just kind of supplied information didn't get nasty on social media didn't you know there was some back and forth but I really thought everybody was informative uh so I I congratulations to to the school district and everyone involved that should be very very very proud all right let's get to some uh comments well there's getting a there's a lot of them coming in here I don't know if I can get to all of them here but uh thank you guys for everybody for uh all the nice words uh Cara again mention the teacher this is my 11th year Cal 17 total so proud proud of this community R Poppin thank you sir thank you thank you uh Dennis Oaks thank you as well Becca Creed longtime teacher here got through Public Schools uh thank you for that officer lenoi congratulations Floyd cofin new District 2 County Commissioner Mark Kea does the same thing Aubrey congratulations to Floyd Sarah blevens as well uh leavon I'd just like to get all these comments on here you took your time to to type them in there so I'll be glad to put them on the uh on the screen for you paig so proud of our tal for supporting our children leaders in schools and congratulations to Floyd Koffman uh Carrie congratulations Floyd do J have Guth three hopefully coffin will will worry more than streets than wearing political t-shirts okay congratulations Rebecca says uh you know I think it might have been J what JC was one of them uh that made a reference to the check mark live check mark vir is Top Notch we'll we'll look at it one more time and then we'll sign off here in a second I just want to get all of our comments on here uh Bill Derby great City have got three employees says congratulations Mary Sue congratulations looking forward to be you being in office Miss Tammy Miss Tammy always good to hear from her says congrats Carrie congrats gu public schools and Floyd cman Bill Derby Blue Jays Champions Champion the bond absolutely they did uh Oki dead head cool name says so glad the bond passed Cody hay Sorry Charlie Larry Busby hopefully Larry you saw the uh High School huddle that's on now if you want to check it out I know you always like to watch that go get on the road coffin I'll take pictures at every bad Road they until they are fixed he will keep you he will keep you on your toes well Larry uh remember uh Floyd will take office in early January uh Charlie will fill out the remainder of this year thank you Phil Nichols well Phil gave me a compliment in the public man thank you Phil did the de Creek oakcliff question pass I will look that one second here uh Gian Ambre principal got three High School says thank you voters Okie dead head daring daring oh okay daring former gut three school teacher now in New York just a small difference from gut three to New York I imagine so but he says congratulations to his fine people back home miss Benham thank you for our broadcast oh thank you Miss Benham Miss Laura does such a great job with our special needs students at gu through Public Schools Luke young solid evening Chris thank you me at the Rock yep The Rock will be popping Thursday night tle tigers come to town Tuttle class 4A program G three's beat him last two years but G three graduated a lot of players Tuttle graduated all players but they had one of the best transfer classes High School football transfer movein however you want to look at they had one of the best offse seasons of high school they will throw the football and it will be a tall task for the Blue Jays but get out and be loud I think you're supposed to wear a white T-shirt and if you can't get out if you can't get out go to uh we'll have it right here on G newspage uh YouTube and Guth news so all right let's take one final look one final okay let's get these three comments in real quick gotth youth football congratulations Floyd we appreciate you what you've done to the at the fields we look forward to seeing what you do for District Two Randy Le theoretically Charlie could still get Tiff districts prior to January no I think um um good question I don't th I don't think so you got to have a couple public meetings um I don't think you can get that push fast enough and if you if you're if you by losing the election there's so much that that Charlie can and can't do the rest of the way um I don't think uh I'm not an expert I probably need to ask but I don't think it I don't think the conversation happens I don't think the conversation happens usually the uh the the F the person leaving office usually doesn't make any big they're by State Statute they can't make certain purchases over a certain amount and so I don't think that uh I I will confirm that but I don't think I don't think it could happen good question though I will try to figure that out and Mary Sue final final words says go Guthrie uh okay righty yeah cool just cares yeah that that's a good question I need to ask I don't think Charlie would do that since he won't be in office but watch and find out okay let's look at him one final time here tonight District 2 Logan County Commissioner it goes to Floyd Kaufman 1100 votes to 912 54% of the vote remember Floyd and Charlie have been on three ballots Charlie won the first two but the big one here tonight Floyd the next District Two County Commissioner Guth School District easily passes a $45 million school bond 72% of the vote it was uh a big victory early and often it ends in a big victory for Guth public schools in district 32 Kevin Wallace goes down 54% of the votes to Jim Shaw he also lost the primary election in June runs the primary election or runoff here tonight big big thank you to all the great questions out there and all the great viewers appreciate you with the uh questions and comments it really that's what it's all about is I don't want to sit here and talk but the interaction is fantastic and we do that uh uh real quick plug uh if you subscribe to Guth news page YouTube thank you if you haven't hit the Subscribe button but also ask that you uh also on YouTube find us at second banana media also on Facebook but we have a live Wednesday night show at now right now at 7:30 it's called open mic uh Ronnie Phillips and Phil Nichols join me and we talk stuff like this we have it's a fun show it's there's a little bit of ser seriousness every now and then but it's always an interactive just like this just with two characters with me and then also if you're a big high school fan every Wednesday night at 6 o'clock is the high school huddle we talk uh we'll talk Blue Jays but it's a Statewide show so every Wednesday night 6 o'clock High School huddle and then at 7:30 it's the open mic podcast every Wednesday night on second banana media go over there and subscribe and like it be notified when we go live it's a really fun Wednesday night then just like tonight questions comments we go back and forth that's what it's all about again thank you to everyone and congratulations the gut through public schools for Kaufman oh I lied uh real quick uh Cody asked me about Deer Creek and oakcliffe I will give you the final numbers that I have right now and I will hit this button here go down to the bottom and let you know that oakcliffe is confirmed it passes with 78% of the vote almost 79% of the vote and then six out of 10 precincts reporting for deer Creek it's at 69% so it looks like Deer Creek will also pass as well here in Logan County there they are so all right thank you so much and have a great rest of the week it sounds like we got cooler weather coming and continue to pray for rain we need to fill some Lakes up have a great night e

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