Nick Sorensen, Chris Foerster and Brock Purdy Look Ahead to #NYJvsSF | 49ers

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 00:41:40 Category: Sports

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e doing good I'll open it for questions what's kind of the first thing you look at when you you take it at that Jets defense or offense uh you you want to see what you can find you know that that kind of crosses over you got to watch a few different things because the team is different you know with Rogers not getting many snaps last year so you kind of got to watch a few things but looking overall they have good position players you know they got good skilled players we know the guys that they brought in I think it's definitely going to be a different team they've upgraded obviously having one of the best quarterbacks that's played the game you know being in there it does changed them a lot you know and obviously you can see what they've done with their old line and you know making that a priority as well any way to know you're going to assume he's as good as ever but have you been able to see enough to know what he's got still who's that um no because we haven't seen like tape other than like you might see him throw once on TV or something with someone's at camp but I would assume he's back to where he is you know feeling great and you know his arm is his arm as long as he can move which I I would think that he can and he's put himself in that position he's been getting a lot of you know reps at practice I think he's you know he's been ready I mean he came back so fast at that point last year I think from that injury so I think we're going to see his best Nick what's the challenge of Defending Hall he catches it he runs it he's pretty fast oh yeah I mean he's he's a dynamic player he's explosive he's got speed he's got size he can really cut back and get on edges of people and he's had so many catches in the past game he's just he's a weapon he's a weapon they get him the ball and he's explosive in any way that he gets it how do you envision the lining up in nickel with your defensive backs who who are going to be your three corners well how we've been going has been how it started out you know was with Ike and and Deo and um Mooney and then we've been rotating guys through and getting a lot of reps with them as well but that's how it's going right now Renardo rotating in with Renardo do you cross train him we cross train him like I said he's bounced around and you know however we the rep counts are and how he feels at each position um then we just get him more reps of those that's that's just how it's been with him and whatever he needs we get him so he's prepared at both spots because he has to be how was tyen Noah looked since he got back and do you think there's a chance for him outside it's been great to see him he looks good you know when I see him out there and moving around I think a lot of it is you know part of just the process you know this was just the next step and just like anybody there's those check marks and those bench marks that everyone's got to hit and there's such a specific plan for these guys that I think he's just hitting that next one but you know seeing him out there and you know trying to watch him specifically and you know in his individuals and some of the Reps that he gets out there with look team I he looks good so it's about him how does he feel is he hitting you know those percentage numbers that he needs to hit with strength and all those tests that they do that I don't know fully they kind of give you some of it but um yeah just talk him through it and see how he feels are Robert Sal finger prints still on this defense in certain ways um I think so I think everyone's are kind of everywhere you know I think it was a lot of it came from Seattle us being there you know many years ago and and where that came from before that I but I think everyone's got fingerprints from everything in the league you know you always a lot of people are friendly with each other but also it's just you don't even need to talk to other people you just have to watch tape and you can see what you can tweak and then not even that you get so much different changes within staffs with different people that you spend a lot of time together you talk about different things you know so I think everything's tweaked and you evaluate yourself each year anyway and you might see something that could fit what you do so I think there's there's a lot of that carryover and tweaks that happen here and there for everybody offense and defense you know look what the different motions for offenses have done I mean one team does it the whole league does it within a week or two you know was joking I that the he played against Lynch and he said I think I played against Thon do you remember playing against I I think so I probably should remember but I think he was a lot younger than I mean I know he was I mean was a game in 2009 oh really where was it God sounds about made a what oh okay I don't I don't remember that this week does it feel any different for you than it has in the past or does it feel um I think it's it's just going through the week now I think it's just a change from the offseason to the training camp into now for me it was more more just remembering the schedule and how we kind of go through the days I think that would have been like that you know in any position obviously it's it is different for me in being in this position but it was more like because we changed the schedule later in the year a little bit to tweak it like everybody does so it was just just kind of remembering what the what the process was and what was next and how we chip away at it because you just work so hard you don't have time to think other than just work so for to say does it feel that much different it doesn't because it's just you're grinding and you're trying to work to do everything you can to win is it different because we also have some new coaches absolutely we have a lot of young coaches that are new to to us you know as well as Staley coming in so I think it's different every year I don't think it's that you know shockingly different to where it's like oh my gosh it's just let's do the work and Hey when's the next meeting again let me look at the schedules and so that's pretty much it what's unique about the challenge Aaron Rogers presents the defense um with him he's just he's really accurate and he gets rid of the ball quick um he's had a lot of success he's seen everything and you know you got to be able to be tight on the guys and he's good when he has a good run game so he always want to stop the run and then he's he's got different elements off of that you know and when he trusts receivers and has had time with them and he can be really pinpoint accurate when he knows where they're going to be I think that's the one thing that he's always been really connected with someone on his team that's really good and he can put it in a spot you know much like Mahomes and kelse have he's had that throughout his whole career and he's confident he's got a confident arm it's strong he can make every throw he can see the field so that part of it he's you know you could say that about anyone who's played that long because you probably have to be really good to play that long but he's also been really good that whole time so he's he just keeps seeing more and it adds more to you know his experience that it's it m that's what makes it tough and they also like you said he's he got a good running back too and they've revamped the o line um added another receiver and Mike Williams so and even that new running back looks pretty tough too you know so I think all those things combin match up of O Floyd against their their veteran tackles that they' brought in it's a good challenge for them you know those are good players um I love our guys too so we'll see we're excited to just get started and start playing how about odm he seems like he's improved quite a bit from scrimmage this summer is there a chance we're going to see him at safety in this game yeah I mean he's been going and he's been doing good and Malik just keeps progressing too so really happy with both of them along with TIG obviously most of the injuries and issues and such coming on offense in this training camp how good do you feel about the the continuity you've had on defense all the way through training camp and having your guys out there and being able to hit the ground playing really good football right off the bat um it's a good point because when you have the guys out there practicing it does matter because they're used to hearing each other and communicating um so especially when we had some guys that were hurt already with huff and and grain loss so it's it's been really that's important because they communicate really well they've messed together and the the good part of it is they've worked really hard and you can see it you know and they're very serious and excited about the next step based on what you saw from Isaac Adam on film last year and being around him so close spring and summer um can you put your finger on why this is his sixth team since he's been in the NFL I think he's he is a as I see him and what he's done I think the coolest thing is I feel like he's a self-made man like he's a worker and I respect a hell out of people like that because anyone who I've ever played with or coach that is really good they usually work really hard obviously there's Talent like you can't make it in the NFL if you don't have like god-given abilities but to either sustain a long career or to become an elite player usually those guys work their asses off and I see that in him so I'm not surprised so that's what's cool about Ike is you see how serious he is and you know that's just been consistent in my you know however many years being in the NFL both with teammates and with players that have coached it's there's usually not a surprise and there's not coincidence when those guys become what they become so I think he maybe maybe the surprise part would be like did he just figure it out later e we get a chance to see uh Brendle and kinlaw potentially lock horns and kinla supposedly put on 30 pounds um how what kind of a challenge is that going to be for Jake to Anchor against a guy like that great challenge we get challenges every week and javon's another crazy great guy great player loved our time with him here we really respect him and the job that he does it's going to be a great challenge for whoever has to block the guy he can be as dominant a defensive lineman as as as we see and and uh from what we've heard he's having a great camp and is's ready to go so obviously we're we got we got a great challenge ahead of us I know it's only been a couple of days but how does Trent Williams look just in terms of his game shape Etc Trent is Trent he continues to be Trent he gets out there and uh I think as always I think we've talked about before and getting guys ready to play there's that there's that push and pull of being full speed against somebody shoving on you and that's that yesterday got him a little bit but uh today he seemed much better and uh tomorrow he'll continue to push him self and we'll we'll see how it goes how was Christian looked being back in practice last he looked good he's he looks like Christian to me I mean same thing everybody if you don't practice we've again you need to practice and so the guys haven't practiced there's I don't want to say there's rust but there's always a little something that goes on just because haven't been doing it every day there's just that grind of every day day after day after you've missed a couple there's always something he look good you guys have been putting the Run game plan together going into this week has your expectation all along been that Christian will be ready to go and take and I think the run the Run plan doesn't change much I think there's much more probably involving the passing game I would think with Christian than there is with the Run game because you know he creates creates so many matchup issues on the in the passing game while that can help the running game it's oftentimes the Run game is kind of the Run game we don't like we've talked before Elijah had this run or JP has this run and Christian it kind of comes out as it comes out based on the way they were how tight they were calling the illegal formation last night is that something you have to reinforce maybe more than normal yeah I showed the clips this morning showed the and there was a kid from Washington uh had a had three they I think it it Post online where uh the quarterback had his first touchdown pass in the preseason called back as a guy those were legitimately that cat was a yard behind everybody else the ones yesterday you know not for me I'm not an official and I don't comment on officiating and everything else they see what they see and obviously the the letter of the law if your head's not breaking the waist the belt line of the center whatever that is and they're going to call it this game would you would you consider mix in in Jaylen Moore a little bit with Trent until he's fully you know game ready and in shape to go well I've tried to purposely let Jaylen just rep the left side because I don't know you know I I think a couple years ago the in the co year we went down to Sofi and Trent was coming off an injury in the fourth quarter of that game I went back and looked the other day with uh Dustin peris strength coach we had like a nine playay Drive 11 playay drive and a 12 or 13 play drive to win the game when Robbie kicked the field goal at the end Nick Mullins was quarterback we won at the end on a field goal and Trent said that fourth quarter he was hanging on and he'd just come off an injury so you know you'd like to think he's going to play him but then again it could be an 80 playay game and it could end up in a position where the guy uh can't do it so is it going to be a rotation I don't know we'll see how Trent does after tomorrow and see exactly what happens hopefully Trent can play it out uh if he can't Jaylen definitely had a good camp and he ready to go and how we orchestrate that I'm not sure that we have to we'll see Trent was it's a possibility that for if he needs a breather a series yeah I would think so that I mean you know we talk about it you see Trent Williams over there in the bike pedaling while he's waiting for the next series I just don't know it just kind of seems weird I don't know how we're going to do it we'll we'll see how it goes we're still it's work in progress but we've had a lot we t a lot of discussion about it we'll see what happens Trent went out of his way the other day when he when he talked to us to say that how special you've been to him for so long called you an uncle I think you know and then just curious how much communication do you actually do and how much do you just know each other and it's unspoken well if it's an uncle it's the crazy uncle you know that's for sure so uh yeah uh Trent and I it is Trent and I don't have to say a lot to each other in regard to that it's not an excuse that's not a you know we don't we just gotten close to the years you know I was with him when he was young and crazy and and he was having a hard time not managing the league just he was immature you know and I've watched him grow through the years and uh and we've been through a lot together he my son Micah who uh was a worked with us like as a ball boy at camp in Washington uh Trent took him in like his own brother and I think at the time Micah was 10 I don't know when he was he was young and uh from that time he kind of became part of our family he always was like a a family member to us we just just had a good relationship and and Trent's the kind of player that as you coach him you know I think Kyle would get frustrated with me but I think over time as he's matured Kyle's understood it the guys I get on TR you don't need it's a different relationship it's a guy communicate with talk with as I said I think I've said to you before that pun's right in that Bo in that in that basket with war done and Trent as guys that really get football early that was the point with Trent I started to coach I realized this guy sees the game at a different level for a young player so that communication was always that way and personally I mean it's not like we're in each other's business as far as personally family and stuff like that but there's just a closeness uh I don't know what is a good connection I'm flattered he thinks that of me I I've always thought of all my guys that way but Trent I've been with for a long time and watching his ups and downs and what he's gone through in his career been uh really cool it's cool to be with him right now guys was just he would like to break down barriers like keep going till you know play at a high level until at least 40 he seems to have a real sense of kind of history and maybe where he places in that how how have you seen that aspect in him grow in terms of he loves ball I'm sorry yeah when he got in the league it's like can can I see film on Walter Jones it was playing with Seattle and unfortunately the film we had Walter was at the end of his career wasn't as good as he remembered him Trent's always had an appreciation we've always studied other players he's always looked at other players Trent is a student of the game although he comes across all Flash and whatever Trent is dude is he is is locked in on football he loves football he loves studying the game he loves understanding the game he has a great appreciation for the history of the game and the great players that's why when people said well do you I didn't know what was going on with this contract I can't deal with it's above my pay grade for sure but I know the guy and the guy wants to play football for him to have said I I'm going to retire would have been really hard for him because he does have these other goals so I'm really glad whatever it is they worked out they worked out for him for our team number one because we need the guy but for him personally because I do know he wants to be known as that special guy it kind of sets be B you know sets all the the the things and I get it when I was in sorry story when I was in Minnesota Rand McDaniel broke the record for consecutive Pro bowls and this is when we it was at the elilani resort which is off on the other side of the island not downtown they just moved to the other side and he got the whole top floor of the hotel and it was you know my second third year in the league I think yeah I just well I was in actually in Tampa at the time but anyway I really impressed it God that is cool really really cool then I sat to a couple later with Bruce Matthews who then broke that record and you're like you know those things are cool those those those firsts you know I've been a part of a lot of bad firsts but to be a part of some really good first and for Trent that it's just a really cool deal ly Williams speaking of great players is is you know there's a lot of big strong guys but he's obviously great what what makes him so great he's got a great he's got a low center of gravity he's gotten bigger our guys were laughing the other day He's listed at 303 lbs I don't think he's at 303 anymore that might have been his his uh his combine weight but uh he he is a load and he plays with a great center of gravity plays with great energy he's got explosion in his body so he's one of those guys we listed a bunch of guys the other day as to where he would rank with you know and I'm not going to give you the ranking between you know the great defensive tackles that we face and we Face a lot of them um and he's just one of those real strong and explosive guys if you don't get on quick if you don't if you don't take care of your business you're not recovering he's too strong and too powerful a guy and it makes it hard to recover so you got to be on your your business early to take care of if you have a chance to take care of them talk about ranking ranking guys is that like guys in a bar like hey what do you think or or is there like a real meaning we have a little probably we have a little more experience than the guy in the bar but not much I mean seriously I get you no it's like here's so here's what I threw out I said okay how good is Quint Williams I said okay so I throw out okay Aaron Donald okay all right uh the guy from New York big number what's the big guy's name Lawrence right okay 97 from Green Bay okay um throw another one there's another really good one we play oh uh Chris Jones right I could list to about four three or four more guys you say okay where does he fit in that ranking well you guys in your mind are already doing it and and you guys are One Step better than the bar just one step but but no but but we're sitting we're seriously we're sitting there we're going and so you sit there and you say to yourself you're like you know so this guy's a really good player but we've played a lot of really good players too that's not to diminish him he could tear us up I mean he is that he's capable of of wrecking the game uh you have to you have to note where he is but we also we've dealt with a lot of guys as well so he's the challenge this week shoot when we played Indianapolis a couple years ago we slid our protection we had with the time we were a little more flexible because of what and he did we slid to Buck now Buck is not what we all would have considered a premier pass rusher but he was their pass rusher he was their bcow in their Rush scheme and so we had to take care of buck and uh so he's the guy this week where he ranks in that group I'll leave that to you guys and uh and we'll see where it ends up we got to go thank you thanks I'm not ready to leave yet okay team has three really good Corners what do they look like on film when you watch them yeah I mean um obviously I just feel like they have like a lot of experience and they have a good natural feel for the game and and um sort of understanding like Concepts that offenses are running and they're smart and uh obviously they're very athletic um you know SAS Garner got some great length DJ reads really quick smart gritty and um so uh for us it's it's going to be a great Challenge and um anytime we're going to you know push the ball outside the numbers or anything like that just got to be smart and aware of of those guys cuz they're really really good Corners so when you watch the Jets defense on film how similar schematically is it to what you're facing in training gamp every day yeah I would say pretty similar um you can just tell their mindset of playing fast and physical just like our guys they fly around and uh you can just tell like it branches back to from when solo was here and so um obviously the the scheme as well um just how they run the their defense and stuff very similar but um you know obviously we we got to be ready for just any any other kind of different looks and stuff and going into it they know that you know we're we're familiar with you know their defense and stuff but uh we just got to be ready for for anything else that they can throw our way so um but I'm excited just in the fact that I've gone against this defense for a while all all of our guys have but um they're different players so um we haven't gone up against their guys yet so that's that's the challenge kind a team that puts so much emphasis un practice reps Kyle talks about it all the time Christian talks about it all the time you've had some pretty key guys that have not had a ton of practice reps between Brandon and Trent and Christian you still feel confident you can just hit the ground Monday night without all those reps and still be sharp yeah um I mean I feel like we've all you know had so many game reps and and just experiened together that we understand just from watching our film and then obviously being back together with the time that we've had so far um um we all understand like how we move how we operate and and how we need to play Within this system um and with each other so um you know Trent was gone for a little bit obviously but when he's come back in it it feels good it feels natural again back in the Huddle and when I'm dropping back with him there and same with ba and his routes throwing to him for the last week or so um it all just feels pretty normal but I mean I could say all that now when the bullets are flying like we're going to find out you know so um and then uh obviously same with Christian too and and his reps and stuff so it goes for everybody but um you know we're all are going to have to adjust and adapt on the Fly that's just how it is with live bullets and and and the live action in game so um like I said we'll find out State um Will McDonald was supposedly a terror on the field on the practice field Matt Campbell said he had to yank him out of some two-minute stuff to to let the offense operate what was that rivalry on the practice field like and and how fun is it going to be to be able to see that guy in an NFL game on the other side now yeah I mean uh you know at practice man will was so Twi and and bendy around the corners and stuff and it was very hard for our offensive line to block him at practice and so um you know for me like going up up against him at practice at Iowa State it was always like dang man like this guy's just a freak and it's hard for me to go through my progressions and stuff but um you know it's we're on another level now in the NFL but uh he's still that same you know Twitchy fast quick explosive player so anytime he's on the field I definitely got to be aware of him but um I'm excited to go against them you know both of us being from Iowa State um with the guys that we have having the league and stuff anytime we're playing against one of my guys from Iowa State um you know I always get excited just and really you know happy for them that they're at this level exceeding but obviously when we step on the on the field it's you know I'm competing and I want I want to beat them so um but I'm happy for will you mentioned that things feel normal but have there been some kind of re acclamation process of going with with Brandon out there on the field have there been any miscommunications and practices um I mean it's hard to tell just because you know we have this is a game week so we're putting in new plays and and things uh for the Jets defense and everything so it's just like any other game week to be honest where we have new plays in and everyone's sort of feeling it out and so I mean I guess there's that kind of stuff with Brandon but when it comes to you know our base you know route trees our Concepts and him running and me throwing him out of his breakes um I'm not going to lie it feels pretty normal feels pretty good and and uh obviously I remember him a lot just how he runs and and how he moves compared to like ju and Debo like they're all different but I just I remember how ba moves and if you ask me I feel like we've been connecting pretty well mentioned that you guys got together last weekend or what which day was that uh I think that was Friday morning or Saturday morning yeah was that helpful in terms of kind of just having that specific time for just the two of you to to get back on the same yeah yeah it was huge uh just he and I out in the field and and like I said just getting back into our base fundamental like routes and everything he was working on his conditioning and stuff as well but more than anything like I said just him getting in and out of Cuts Like ba does it very quickly you know compared to some other guys and he's he's a lot more explosive I would say and his hips are more mobile so like he can break down and get in and out um in any direction and so um that was a good day for me to just get back in the syn of seeing how he moves and feeling it out again so that you know this week at practice we sort of picked up where we left off Reese has said that he obviously moved in the year after you you guys were roommates he he's credited a lot of that to his development what did Bree bring bring to you living with him for those two years at at IA State yeah I mean um like one of the most talented football players that I've ever shared the field with or or just seen play football live like Bree is one of the most talented guys and so seeing his development from you know like right when he got there as a freshman to than us like pushing each other in the weight room and and getting on the field and the relationship that we had um like he was just a he was a brother to me man and and uh like a little brother bringing him on bringing him under my wing and and just trying to push him and and want to see him be best and and to see his mentality flip and uh to go get after it man it was pretty sweet to see and so uh we pushed each other and everything that we did obviously you hear the stories of us like competing and Madden and stuff and that's all true like we were so competitive with each other and just like offseason stuff in the wait room like just pushing each other with stuff where it was basically like You' try to go for time and length and then you'd fail or whatever you know like whether it was a Core workout or a leg workout or whatever so like we were just pushing each other all the time so um but just see see his development over the three years that he was there and that we were there together was pretty cool and um obviously him being in the NFL man he's very talented and he's a freak athlete and and uh I want nothing but the best of a Bree so love him see similarities in the way that he's wired competitively as a running back preparation as you see now with with Christian because you get to kind of see behind the scenes with both of those guys yeah I mean uh I think they both you know just have that mentality of when they step on the field man they want to show the world what's up you know like like who they are and what they're about and um obviously the way they prepare and everything is a credit to that so that when they do step on the field um they're the best they can be and seeing how Christian prepares man I haven't seen anything like that like he does it better than anybody if you ask me and so uh I mean I learned from him we all learned from him in the waight or in the in the locker room and uh just to see how he goes about taking care of his body his mentality getting ready for games like all of it it's on another level so um but to see those two backs you know I've been very fortunate to play with some really good running backs um so so far in my career and um yeah I think that's sort of how they you know compare BR any wager with George this week on on the big game uh yeah yeah we got one yeah you all yall will see I assume you moved on from last season you know a long time ago but I guess symbolically you you really are turn turning the page here I mean it'll be weird for us to ask Super Bowl questions after you know week one or whatever is it is it nice to like okay like it it begins again in some ways maybe it's just symbolic but you know now you're moving on from whatever last year yeah um I mean we've done so much I feel like as a team whether it was guys leaving guys joining our team and growing together with the squad that we have this year and and that's where our mindset is at man it's it's about 2024 um you know we just played we played that game in February and now it's already a new season so for us it is and it's been like that since you know we got back for OT in Camp um just in terms of flipping the page and and getting after it for this year man so it's a long season it's a marathon um but we know what it takes and uh you know Monday night for us it's it's a start of a whole new Journey so excited for it thanks guys for

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Crossover: Brandon Aiyuk is BACK!

Category: Sports

I went down to palo alto and played golf at 6:30 oh you were up with the chickens now back to steiny and guru on 957 the game alrighty it is crossover time we welcome in mark willard and mark grandy grandy portions of mark grandy okay portions great yesterday yeah he can come on whenever he wants and... Read more

Why Brandon Aiyuk for Amari Cooper Makes SENSE! thumbnail
Why Brandon Aiyuk for Amari Cooper Makes SENSE!

Category: Sports

Mary k kat and she's a longtime cleveland beat writer for the cleveland browns and she's been entrenched in that city for a while she was on with a morning show talking about brandon auk in a possible fit with the cleveland browns let's take a listen to what she said and then uh we'll talk more about... Read more

I Am Taking Brock Purdy Over Joe Burrow Right Now thumbnail
I Am Taking Brock Purdy Over Joe Burrow Right Now

Category: Sports

Lines uh real quick one more joke from sfb trevor as we put a bow on our walk of faith uh oh my god sa p j actually makes a good point looks like butcher boy doesn't have time to be on the warriors pregame show anymore he's booked and busy for the next 12 months that's a good one come on laugh a little... Read more