Georgia Football Roster 2024 | Row Sixty #79 | UGA Podcast

when you meet you do BU dogs you're going to feel a bu stande hello everybody and welcome to Rose 60 at Georgia football podcast my name is Clark gains joining me today as always Adam W baby and this is show number 79 Adam yes sir one more closer to our Clemson preview man we're just knocking them down we are back in the swing of it man couldn't be any happier to be sitting here tonight recording an episode going over what our roster is going to be looking like this upcoming fall man and if you you know just reading through the position groups and just name after name after name you just can't help but get excited it's going to be another special year of Georgia football man and uh one of the one of if not the very most talented roster in the whole entire United States of America Clark resides in Athens Georgia on paper right now we're about to find out if it holds true this season I think it will yeah a lot of names that we've heard of before and a lot of new names Adam that people haven't heard of and we're going to run through like Adam said each position group both offense and defense give you those names who you should look out for this season uh who is going to really pop off let's do it baby so I think we should just jump right into this but before we do Adam I think I think it is necessary to talk about the we have to we do we do have to we do have to Adam it's not all going to be rainbows and butterflies at rast it's not all right go ahead go ahead discuss it there's uh think I think you could call this a cultural problem at this point what what do you say about the rahr Thomas uh incident for those who don't know rro Thomas starting receiver uh got arrested this past week yeah yeah yeah so as a recording to this it's been a couple days now and um you know Clark what I have to say about it this is the second time he's been arrested right I mean um something early similar with some domestic disputes is what we read last year and he uh whatever happened there um Kirby and staff felt like it was great to keep him on the team and uh he played last year of course and uh this go round something else along those lines man and from what I read I'm not going to make speculation if you did it or not because I don't know and we have a legal system here in the United States of America that you got to go through due process CL due process to uh um for your proving to be guilty but in fact man it it it doesn't look good if this has already come up once and then happens again and I will say this man after reading the um allegations and everything if it is true I want them off the team yeah me too it's it's inexcusable at this point um and it does beg the question we brought this up last episode true now if true that's true true that's key word if true if true um but it begs the question does the University of Georgia does Kirby Smart in this football team do they have a culture problem uh and I've been debating this with several people one of those people being McKay Smith you know McKay by this point those are listening if you're if you're a regular listener you've heard that name but he's my best friend we we've been going back and forth on this do we have a culture problem or not um man I'm starting to get to the point where maybe it is to to some extent well I mean honestly clar I've been following George football since I can remember and honestly though yeah but it was the same thing with Mark Rick there you know I heard somebody I heard somebody say you know with oh with the Rick there you know they um Rick took these boys to church yeah I mean there's players that go to church with C I mean you know but I mean I remember vividly how many guys we going to have miss the first two games of the year oh yeah for either getting DUIs buis I mean just stuff happening in the summer and uh and uh it was a it was a deal man where I just think this is happened I don't know why it just seems to happen here more so or if I'm not paying attention as much as what happens in alurn or tuscalo or anywhere else Across the Nation or Columbus Ohio or not but um man I mean it just seems like for whatever reason and then some years it seems more than others in the offseason this happens but going back man to the early 2000s this has been a deal that's uh I mean I remember the last time we played Clemson to Death Valley Josh Harvey Clemens I think Marshall Morgan actually was suspended that game what I mean he had had a Bui then Josh Harvey Clemens doing so I mean yeah multiple guys and I mean we we've had that happen um you know going into a season several times now more than others right now maybe but I I I don't know man I think it's 18 to 22 year olds who are just you know need I think again and I've said it before I mean they go into these campuses and they live like kings and I think they just don't think of repercussions for their actions and I think the real world's got to hit them in the face some again then hopefully Life Lessons Learned and uh and their ways are changed you learn from it I mean we all make mistakes some have more worldly consequences than others by by all means but uh I I think uh it's something that definitely man I wish that you could see hey look this Split Second decision was not smart and look what's happened to this guy over here and the repercussions he's facing of it I don't want to be like that I'm going to you know I'm not going to when I get myself in a position to make those decisions to go down that way you know that's something the holds trueu to every one of us no matter our age but an 18 22 year old athlete in Athens um sometimes I think just lets the decision make and get the best of them and and that's not an excuse It's inexcusable you're still an adult that you know right or from wrong then and I don't think there should be a slap on the wrist for for Stuff uh you know like what definitely what raah had that needs to be a life lesson especially the second time and hate to say it man and uh you know I hope get some help or uh has a you know if it's something that maybe where he's kicked off being playing Georgia football this year but it changes you know perspective on life then needs to have it cuz things are bigger than football even though me and Clark like to get on here and ramble but culture problem yeah I mean I I I guess so I guess you could call it that I mean I don't want to see it it is embarrassing for University of Georgia and I mean when fans talk about it I just you know say I mean you can't you can't defend it I mean just like say yeah hate it but it you know is what it is right now and just hope something changes in right in these kids lives yeah and I think um I think a lot of people are quick to put the blame on Kirby which is just ridiculous I think this is truly caseby case thing um and you know these players they're they're in the spotlight and when you do something wrong it reflects not not only badly on you your family but also your team um and that's just you know that's that comes with the territory of being a division one athlete at a high-profile school like Georgia but um it is it seems coincidental that all these are happening at the same time um I I I'm kind of back and forth on this is this a culture problem is it not I don't know it's not really affecting the the play on the field like the performance I wouldn't say I mean you go look back at the 200 what8 Florida team who had all the issues it didn't affect them major issues major yeah but my point is you know it's not affecting what we're seeing on the field obviously want the stuff cleaned up um people have lost their lives through some of this stuff and and we don't want that right but um yeah I I don't know what else Kirby can do at this point because it seems like the word is he's exhausted all of his resources and you know at some Point these players have got to take responsibility in fact the locker room I think the seniors in this locker room the leaders whoever they are and I I'm sure this is happening right now as we speak they need to step up and get a hold of this team if if they can't get a hold of themselves then they need to have some accountability within the locker room and once again I I do believe that's probably happening um and and you got to you got to push this stuff out man you can't let it sit in the locker room infestor no that's right that's right and it's something that is uh it's just sad to see and you know I know Rah is the second offender of this second time we've heard him getting arrested and I think if both allegations were true then it should be a life lesson of getting kicked off football team yeah especially this particular one if you want to go and read the police report I I I'm I'm not going to put up with that or want to support somebody I mean I hope the best for him as an individual but I think that is something that you don't need in your locker room with that that's but a lot of them though Clark that have been arrested or or or had a bump him the law man I would say though a good portion of them is they're they they mess up they know they mess up I think they own it and I think they're they're they're better from it and I think that happens the majority of the time of what we're seeing it's just not guys completely repeating again you know besides this case that we're alluding to right now but uh we'll see what happens man and um I hate it I just want to focus on football I want to focus on you know what's coming out of uh the preseason camp but at the end of the day man it's 18 22 year olds and um life lessons got to be learned and uh hopefully something that uh that that they can learn them without um serious repercussions and uh and stuff and that at the end of the day that's what I'm here for is uh you know you of course you want these guys to be great football players for us in the stands to watch and for them to be able to go on and achieve their dreams and and and and all that good stuff but most importantly you want them to learn how to be men and face the adversities of this world and what it takes trans relating from going into a 18 202 year old to the real world to a man to a family man to raising a family to being a husband to having to provide bills everything else and stuff too and uh you want to see them go on that path and I think a lot of them are obviously I think there there's some great people and great men in that locker room it's just like any other locker room any other workplace in the country you have some not there's some there and man it's just find like you said leaders in workplace football teams whatever that uh you got to get that culture right and the right guys leading it man and get that mindset into it so uh um I think uh I think um I think that's what that's what we're going to see and uh hopefully that's the last one for this year and we just focus on football for you exactly exactly yeah Adam uh I don't know if you could tell I've got some bags under my eyes um maybe the lights's helping it right now yeah yeah but I looked in the mirror this morning and it's because I'm still staying up till about 2:00 playing Dynasty with Hawaii uh I also have another Dynasty team with a scr strangles you're not a big office fan so I don't know if you'd understand I don't really know much about the office but trust me it's team that's cool Team all right I believe you I believe you the Str stranglers and uh yeah but I'm I'm with Hawaii right now and anyway just just killing it on the recording Trail I'm turning my program upside down and that's good we need it we'll shake up so good let me ask you though tell me about tell me about your Dynasty oh my Dynasty is awesome man you know I mean I I play it late at night um after I get everything else done I need to kid to bed uh get a workout in you know all stuff done what needs to be done I sacrifice you know a little bit of sleep like you said stay into the we hours in the morning and and play play for an hour or so and uh I my Dynasty's with the Appalachian State Mountaineers the Sun Belt I've uh made the 12 team playoff but have yet to win an National Championship get eliminated didn't you say today though that you got to the I got to the nation Championship lost to Texas Tech 60 to 59 oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa 60 to 59 shootout shoot out and um I mean it was it was bad man and I didn't think the computer would do this uh from games in the past the D on computer I got the ball first and over time I went and scored went up and allowed them to drive down the field and scored and the computer said they're going to just go for the win and Championship set go and I couldn't stop it I couldn't stop it what play did they run uh it was a little it was a little um uh it was like one of those little out routes tight end off the line the go line you know kind of a roll out a w deal yeah and oh play action it was a little waggle wow and it was uh but uh yeah that's tough to stop yeah so I'm going to tell you what the the the best play to run on the goal line um is speed option don't do what I do and Malcolm Butler it and throw a slant across the middle and get it picked oh I I've done that so many times on the goal line and it is incredibly frustrating don't throw Slants on the goal line people speed option all the way take your quarterback out pitch it when the when the that's right your Defender comes and wants to smack you in the face get it out to your running back go in and score go in score touchdown yeah I mean I just I I'm enjoying playing the game nering out about it because I love having it being released now because right now you're craving football so bad you're watching reruns you're playing video games of football I mean it's just football football football yeah and that's uh that's where I'm at right now and uh I'm just so excited that we're getting into August where we get to have live news of practice every single day man from all these camps around the country not only in Athens but everywhere else yeah I want to say too speaking of live college or live football not college football isn't the Hall of Fame game coming up this week oh is it is it this I'm pretty sure it is this week this Thursday maybe that gets you excited that gets you fired up man remember who's playing I think it might be the Texans and hold up just a second I can tell you let's see Hall of Fame game oh man that's ex that's exciting Baby W man give me life footb oh I I just every year in August I'm just so excited just so excited that it's just something toaz I love watching reruns I can't tell you how many times I've watched that George Alabama game from 21 National Championship in Indiana I can't tell you how many times I've watched uh George TCU and just all these other games just go back go back and uh my wife's like don't you get tired of watch these you know what's going to happen I said why do you watch Friends reruns 70 times you know what's going to happen in each one of those episodes it's the same thing there's no difference in this right I mean I mean goodness that's a great I mean it's analogy when people talk about you especially all right here's another tip for our our um our our audience viewers here if you're spouse gets on to you for turning on the Georgia TCU national championship for the 689 time and you get on her it's like why are you watching X TV show for the third time Ben watching that's how you clap back isn't it that's how you let them know it leaves them speechless they try to say it's different but then they can't they can't check they can't check it's Checkmate game over that's I mean I know I know as a man you can't really leave your wife speechless like get I'm haven't been able to do like just be able to just aop get the upper yeah exactly I had I mean I I personally can't do that but maybe some guys out there can but um but that particular time I was so proud of myself I just thought of it off the rim I love it and really couldn't say anything back yeah so well the H of going back to the Hall of Fame game it's the Bears and the Texans so I guess we'll see Kamari lter I think he's the only dog in that game oh is he I want to say yeah that's pretty good knowledge off the old Cranium there I think of I mean I know ran was there but yeah no more I don't know I don't know I don't know truly I have no clue um oh okay oh yeah speaking of reruns though let's go back to that for a second go go to rerun I watched and these are two of the most bizarre games I guess you could pick from the past I don't know since 2010 I watched 2011 GE Boise State yall remember that what in the world would you watch that I don't know I just kind of forgot about it I was thinking about Boise State and I was like man how did we lose that game I know it was bad and but what went wrong and Adam I'm telling you man if you go back and watch that it is night and day difference from what we have today in terms of college football the style of play is different uh the athletes look incredibly different the uniforms look different especially the uniform that game yeah yeah those were the that game was hit the Power Ranger uniforms man I remember being so jacked for that game it was my first game at Georgia um being a student at Georgia and uh I was used man I mean boys state coming into coming into Atlanta coming to the South I realize they were ranked I believe number six Kell Moore you know was the quarterback then and I mean he was a guy not a big arm but precise with the football great Field General great Field General terrible game terrible game man started off that season 0 and two but we rallied one East straight go 10 and two man and made it to at Atlanta and know got shellacked by LSU I well know we that first half of the SEC championship against LSU in 2011 was really great I don't think we gave up a single first down no no we didn't we didn't but then the second half happened the Honey B well late in the second quarters when he took that punt back which I still think he let go of the ball before he crossed the goal yeah we'll never know we'll never know and then we got beat by Michigan State in the outb bowl after that so gosh he I mean you know I mean yeah but that that's crazy all right so you said you watched that one which interesting choice watch that one and then the the second one I watched and this was two nights ago I watched Georgia Missouri 2022 and I don't know why I put myself through that again um yeah it was just weird what you think about that one just I just can't believe we won that football game it was unbelievable um go back though if you want to if you want to watch a game that just stresses you out I don't know why you'd want to do that to yourself I prefer to watch like 2022 Georgia Tennessee I prefer to watch the N both National Championship Games you know yeah I U see I can't go back and like watch 2018 SEC Championship or the 2017 National Championship or the uh 2012 2012 oh yeah definitely not that or you know but I think it eases it that I probably am getting closer to I could revisit it now because of what has happened but um pre 2021 there's no way I can go back and put myself through that no way no way but uh yeah I mean that's that's fun man I tell you a game I'd love to get my hands on it's the 2004 Georgia LSU game when sa was at LSU came into Athens man beat him like 456 that's on YouTube I'm pretty sure is it okay I have to um blow that up on the TV just David Green throwing touchdown passes to Fred Gibson Reggie Brown left and right oh man great memory great memory good good times good times another good one for viewing pleasure is 2006 Georgia Auburn uh freshman Matthew Stafford on the planes a unranked Georgia team against a top five ranked Auburn team in Jordan Harris Stadium on a very overcast cloudy day man I I've never seen so many so few Georgia fans travel to Opa Lanka alurn I mean no there was nobody like all the Georgia fans thought were not going to win this football game but I was in eighth grade we went over there and uh beat him 37- 15 not just to upset over a top five team as an under ranked team at their place off something flukish you I mean a straight beat down Trey battle with three picks uh Matthew Stafford had a day man in it was in sprinkling rain good one check that one out I think it was aired by the old um Jefferson pilot Sports you know what we need to do Adam we need to get we need to compile a list of games for the people to watch before this season kicks off just just to go back in time and relive some of these games revisit maybe some of you don't remember these games at all or didn't watch them or that's fine well educate I'll compile a list of some Clemson stuff closer time too like uh and I mean of course we haven't played Clemson every year that I can remember um of my but I can go back to some games I've always heard about I me you think about the first game under the lights at Sanford Stadium 1982 Labor Day night Hershel Walker used as a decoy clerk um he was hurt and I think that that was huge back then of course there was no message boards there was no podcast just read in newspapers is hsel going to play is hsel going to play and one of the best plays that did not count besides the Todd Gurley kickoff return against 2014 second to that would be Hershel Walker came on the field the whole Clemson defense was I Hershel and they faked it a reverse to Tron Jackson who got on the perimeter and scored and Sanford just went nuts that night under the lights and uh and um I mean this was in the second quarter of the first time hersel got on the field because the doctor told Vince douy they could use him as a decoy if they want to right so um he uh he it it it didn't count I think there was a hold or something I forgot what it was but uh you know I mean even though that play didn't count you still see that rerun um years later but Georgia did win that football game and used herel as a decoy but never got to he never got to really um run the ball effectively man but uh that that's a good game to think about man and um the 1980 Georgia Clemson game with Scott Warner some a couple punt returns in that one so I mean that's a big one uh and uh definitely don't want to revisit the 81 one yeah I have watched that one as a loss that's a loss that I have because I was I've heard about this game so much I want to see it when Clemson won the national champ chionship the year after us in Death Valley but BL and Georgia you know we only lost that game was it 13 to3 and turned the ball over five times geez five times wow that's uh that's crazy five times but anyway we we'll get into that I can go off more 2003 30 nothing beat down and um anyway Adam you are truly a walking encyclopedia I we were we Adam and I met up with Rod dler shout out to rod dler and his wife Kelly uh they're from California and they made the trip in their RV to come visit their daughter in St Mary's Georgia yeah um and they came up to Athens and we had a great dinner at the Sal house and and Rod he you know we had a great time of Fellowship but anyway he he was asking Adam like how do you know all this stuff how do you how can you recall all this Georgia football history and I just told him simply look I mean he is truly a Georgia football encyclopedia a walking Georgia football encyclopedia I don't know about that man I love it I I love being able to talk about it right here love being able to talk about it with other people too and uh something I've always enjoyed my whole life and always will until either I'm six feet under or my mind goes bad yeah well um hey let's move on to the roster let's talk about let's talk about it baby cuz man we got a really good this don't get you jacked up right here I don't know what will if you know anything about football know anything anything and about these play players and when you list them down here through here man you hear this list if this don't get you jacked about what we're going to be seeing in the fall of 2024 I don't know what we because Clark is this on paper and I know we've said this a lot on row 60 one of not the most talented roster in the Kirby Smart a yeah I think it'd be tough to compete with the past two I would say 2021 2022 teams gez I mean in hindsight looking back looking back but at preseason height though let's be honest preseason height uh offensively yes I think we're there definitely defensively there's there's I think a lot to be answered yeah yeah there's a few question marks I think but overall it's definitely up there no doubt yeah 100% yeah oh without a doubt without a doubt man I think the potential of what you see but let's let's dive into it we'll talk about let's start with the offense here we're going to do offense defense once again breaking down each position group uh we're gonna read you some names and talk about who we like so and familiarize yourself with them get out and study about them yeah so starting with quarterback it's pretty simple uh the main guy Carson Beck senior year Adam last year he went 72.4 uh that was his percentage uh excuse me his completion percentage M he had 3,941 passing yards 24 touchdowns six interceptions in 2023 played a really good year but my thing is remember and I've I've brought this point up multiple times in episodes before but think about Stetson from uh we're going to call it 2021 though he didn't necessarily start every game in 2021 think about that Elite he made from 21 to 22 I think we're going to get that in Carson back from 23 to 24 boy that's exciting and more I'm telling you I think he just understands offense um he understands his Target so we lost some we definitely took a hit uh with the receivers but man who we're bringing in I think he's got a lot of really good targets he's got an experienced veteran line in front of him another year under Mike Bobo system he's learning he seems like he is poised to just have an insane year and I mean there's good reason he's up there in talks for Heisman too yeah I I mean you you look at what uh what Carson Beck's goingon to bring to the table what he did last year man and uh I mean he's just the NFL potential he's got I mean I will will be a first round draft pick without a out if he has the season that we believe he will have and U I think it's going to be a leader this year and Kirby Smart alluded to that that kind of Bobo's been talking with him wanting him to be a little he's so cool commic Collective and that's what you want as a quarterback to be cool Comon Collective but they're talking about he they want him to be engaged more when you know I mean Rod Robinson gets the ball and scampers for a 15 yard touchdown to Sprint to the goal line and and get in on the celebration o lineman you know and kind of show a little bit more enthusiasm on the field that's something that they want to see him done and that's what they've said they've seen him do this offseason man and uh kind of he he's he's been in this system and at Georgia so long now and he's got one year of starting being the guy under his belt man and uh he's had a heck of an offseason I mean driving Lamborghinis and uh dating what they call social influencers social media influen not social One Singular a social one an influencer I don't know what a social media influencer is but I hear he is dating one and she she's I can't oh my gosh cannot think of her name um does that make you a little bit nervous that he's out and about in the in the spotlight like that or uh you think he's he's dialed in on things that matter he's worried about Lamborghinis and social media influencers I tell you Adam it obviously could go one of two ways I mean but I do think well I mean really though truly though listen I mean that that kind of stuff gets to some people said I'm not saying that's the case for Carson but you know I mean that's something you do have to be cautious about I would say I'm just kidding I think he'll be fine I no I Carson beon to me the pictures I've seen of him going out I think he's he's living what you know doing good whatever do his thing I don't think he'd be a guy that me and him could sit down and just have a lot in common to talk about no no no like me you know probably the Georgia quarterback I could have had the most common with talking about was Jake from you know kind of kind of that like but but doesn't mean but Carson Beck definitely um I like but what I like about it he is who he is and he's confident who he is and I think that'll translate good play on the field but I mean I can just tell by Carson Beck you know he's not going to come on row 60 and and and and we're going to find a lot of uh lot Common Ground besides talking about football but good for him man good on him live your life be you be you okay I'm going to POS a question say that I'm going to pose a question to all those out there listening what Georgia football quarterback either current or former could you talk to and have a a very lengthy conversation with over over dinner or over a cup of coffee man you could I mean and I'm talking not just football just talking about football not even mentioning football just life interest if you're listening to this don't do this if you're on the road you can do this anywhere else type in YouTube just leave us a comment tell us what Georgia football quarterback you would want to have a convers or you could have a conversation with for a long time definitely Jake FR I don't know if you could with Stetson I couldn't with Jacob e or Stetson uh Grayson Lambert seemed like a chill guy yeah you know what about old uh Bryce Ramsey yeah yeah good yep yep I mean I mean that's good thing Aaron Murray I couldn't there ain't no way Aon muray no I could not with Aaron Murray no no no I mean some people I couldn't with I mean and don't get me wrong that means that that I don't not I love what these guys doing and they're obviously restud College uh quarterbacks I'm just talking about just personal interest line up and everything well you might be surprised at him Stafford May green definitely oh yeah yeah David Green Bobo could have about but BL yeah anyway uh we go down the rabbit hole on that we got to get going we've only made one player out of the whole go we're at like 20 something minutes off the rails there all right uh behind Carson we got gunar red shirt sophomore man we saw him uh he's the one I could yeah for sure uh saw him at the Orange Bowl Ren had a great second half there got some really significant playing time I would say and yeah we got to see what he's made of man I mean he's gritty uh he's athlete you know if and Lord Lord forbid this happen you know if Carson does go down I think we are still in good hands I'm not that's not to say Gunner's poised right now to just go in and dominate though I think he might be capable of doing that yeah um but a very solid number two quarterback in Gunner Stockton uh then on down the list you've got Ryan pug Pugi Pugi yep uh AKA pug I love that nickname by the way true freshman haven't seen him play yet uh he was in in spring game get to see him there so don't really know but from what we hear he's a stud yeah man I mean pug is a guy that uh I like him um not don't know much about him like you said he was early in Ro Le so he got familiarized with the program didn't get to participate because of an injury but what I loved about him man was uh when rayola was committed to Georgia the number one all Mr everything pugged it in waiver he said man I like Georgia I'm going to Georgia I'm not wavering I don't care if this cat's here or not didn't put you through the drama that uh rayola did stay true and he's there man and I think it's going to reap the benefits of that and uh something that hey he might take a red shirt this year and um see where it goes for him but uh I mean I like where our QB room is but you and then go ahead and round it off with yeah so typically the surprise typically everybody every team out there college football team division one at least uh they want four quarterbacks on a roster so we went out got Arizona State transfer Jaden or shot Adam tell us about Jaden this is something CL that blew my mind when this happened I this is like kiry Smart's man I mean you can't beat the roster manager that Kirby Smart is knew that we need to go get another guy did not think we would go get somebody to the caliber of what rashada is um you know a guy that and two what was good it was a gut punch that gave Florida yeah Billy Pier down there little backstory don't know all the details but rashada actually sued the University of Florida for false nil promises along those lines I don't know if I had the wens on that correctly but um basically you know all those Florida boys down there said hey Jaden we'll pay you x amount of money to come play a quarterback here at Florida and uh he was lined up to do it and then something happened later on where I guess they couldn't fulfill that promise money and he went to Arizona State and then spent a year over there and is now back at or come back to the SEC and coming to Georgia too he was high recuited you get another yes you get another star guy with a lot of potential in that quarterback room to compete and also you throw a jab at Florida down there and Billy Napier which I love too so I mean uh two birds one St right so uh um you know we'll see I think gunar is the true number two guy and then I mean of course you know we're fans so we're going to have this conversation I already thinking well who's going to be the guy in 25 is it going to be Gunner is it going to be rash I mean obviously a lot of time till then but uh but it's nice to see a quarterback room that has the experience of Gunner who's in his third year on campus man and already was a mature guy coming in um waiting behind the wings of Carson Beck who is um undoubtedly a top 10 draft NFL candidate I mean will be one of the guys that you're already hearing about preseason and will throughout the season and on into draft projections as the number one quarterback off the board Clark with the potential he's got I'm going to be a big year love where the quarterback room under Mike Bobo is right now for sure also love the running back room Adam it's hard to complain gez Louise we got some absolute studs in this room uh as you all know Andrew Paul did transfer earlier this year um but man I mean even even then we still got a slew of talent in our running back room we'll start with Trevor etn yeah we we got we went to the portal again and I don't know if we even necessarily needed to I think I think this is a luxury to have a guy like Trevor etm uh coming from Florida once again another gut punch to them yeah another gut is always okay always okay man he's going to be uh he's going to be special he's going to be special I think it'll be somebody who will be the caliber talented running back that we haven't seen in Athens in a few years since I I mean yeah since uh you know in the past few years yeah well he's not and what I love about him he compliments the rest of these guys so well cuz I mean he's only 5'9 right 5'9 is not very big um but he's bulky and you know I think he he's very agile very quick he can make Cuts uh last year at Florida he had 131 carries 753 yards an average of 5.7 yards a carry behind a line that was less than still yes that and he was split in carry so I think once you put him in this offense and you make him the guy though I think there are multiple the guys in this running back room um once you make him kind of the guy though this could easily be a thousand yard um rushing back running back yeah I mean again another guy Clark where we talk about Kirby's roster management not only recruiting not only recruiting you see the guys that have been brought in from high school and grown inhouse right and and then but then you see where the patchwork is of just bringing guys in using the portal just here not making a living off the portal but just making key additions right there to add to the C and and et's one of those guys and and I tell you you compliments it so well you said it earlier right and then division one football especially in the SEC this is a room the running back room is not where you want to lack depth you need depth the entire season um and I tell you you know last year you think about it Branson Robinson goes down um preseason uh not too long ago zamir white goes down preon couple times yeah and and it just it happens like that and a lot of times it happens to these running backs because they're they're they're it's a very physical game and they're uh they take on a brunt they take on the brunt of the what am I trying to say uh take on the brunt of the load you know thej I me I mean what I thing though with running backs and a pitch for college running backs man when you go into a living room I feel like you don't want to be a guy like a Kion Johnson what Gus maon did with him and just get rode the whole entire time just the ball all the time you want to be able to tell these kids families hey we got AB andc in the running back room they're all three NFL potential they were all three SP split loads which you know extends the running back lifetime which is a very short Span in the NFL so every carry you take from College on up I feel like man is something that you don't need to just you know add too many miles until you get into the NFL man I mean still of course have a healthy load to to develop to uh put on film and stuff but I think it's good when you're not the Workhorse for a team in college and you're able to split loads and then you even see that being the case and some of these guys at the University of Georgia maybe not being their full potential at Georgia but really explode in the NFL but because of I mean they're not just getting the Complete because it is a running back by committee room and always has been because you have studs in there I feel like not just one workhorse does that make sense yeah yeah and some other names here Roder Robinson sophomore uh man he's going to be a bulldozer y'all he is a bowling ball big kid uh he's the kind of the Bruiser if you will you're going to see him run over I think it's going to be a big leap from freshman sophomore you saw it in the Orange Bowl against I know was against a depleted Florida State um defensive uh just whole Squad defensive unit but uh but I think Rod Robinson's a guy you just saw us confidence build at in the last year and uh I mean unbelievably just bulked up even more and I think it's going to be a be a uh be be tough to handle and then rodri's brother not actually but we're just going to say it for the sake of the fun of it uh Branson Branson Robinson red shirt sophomore coming off a season ending injury last year like I said preseason just hate it for him but he's back and healthy this kid has a lot of potential and that one two three punch right there I think all three of those guys will get a lot of carries this year yeah um and he's going to be one on Branson look out for him you got cash Jones you got Chanty Bowens you got I I think that's kind of it that's that's one through five there but um yeah lot of talent there uh yeah that's that's I think there's some more there the running back it's the guy from Tennessee the white uh sa that was last year Savon no no no there running back from Tennessee L I can't remember white hit or something I completely I don't know I don't even know if he's still in the roster anymore the transfer from Tennessee but anyway no that's going to get the bulk of the carries right there uh cash Jones man shout out to him got some meaningful carries last year came in man special teams guy watched the rerun the Orange Bowl where he flew down there and uh broke up the wedge and made a big hit and uh then you know he got rewarded and uh no no he recovered a f no no he forced a fumble on kickoff that's right and then Georgia recovered it and he got rewarded got in the game and got a carry right after that so um no I mean a guy who's played some football man and don't uh underestimate what cash Jones can bring to that running back room and also um to the Special Teams room as well absolutely uh let's go to to my favorite room the receiver room oh yeah and Adam I've said this since January I want to maintain it this is going to be even with the loss of RA Thomas this will be the best receiver room we've ever had at the University of Georgia up to this point okay most talented I'm not necessarily saying they're going to put up the most numbers though they I think they probably could and they probably will um man this is a deep room right here lot lot and lots of talent lots of really high powerered weapons here we start with another transfer I know we keep saying transfer transfer but again filling in the blanks yeah and before we do this hold up let's think about who we lost Marcus rosemy Jack Saint obviously last year we lost lad makoni and though he's not necessarily true receiver um we lost Brock yeah I mean guys you get to the football too and I mean and those are those are some big names especially lad and Brock and and let's talk about just receivers right now lad coni as a guy for what he meant to George in his time you're not going to just replace him on the bat but you know you could have a plethora guys who can come in and uh and and hopefully you know have guys step up and kind of pick up what lad did so well that was just being able to just get the ball to him in clutch situations and when a play needed to be made so I can't wait to see out of these guys who are very very talented who's going to be those ones to step up this year and do it let's start with Kobe young uh senior M he transferred from Miami 63 big Target at him and I think he's going to kind of absorb what would have been hold up let me back up Rah is suspended indefinitely we don't know exactly we're just assuming here um that's going to extend throughout the rest of the season though it I don't know not we'll see um but kobby young though man his stats weren't crazy at Miami uh I think he had 47 receptions 563 yards five touchdowns but man if you just watch the film if you watch him what he did at Miami um he's going to fit in well with what we do offensively he's going to be that guy we need to make a play we need to get the ball uh up in the air and just go jump ball he's a guy so you think it'll kind of be like a Javon Williams that's a great comparison if he gives the production that Javon Williams gave at his time here from that ex slot then I'm I'm ecstatic yeah or maybe like a Lawrence cager Lawrence cager that's a good one Lawrence cager is a good one yeah yeah you're talking about just some cuz I mean you know historically here the past few years especially in the Kirby Smart area when you talk about big body receivers guys on the outside you haven't seen as many yeah right I mean long lengthy guys go up you know one guy we always talked about was Jonathan rump back in the days but uh oh wow you know he never came is that's that's a name you had heard in a long time then but no uh in all seriousness I think Kobe young will be uh will make some plays man and um I can't wait to see wait to see that going be a good fit to that ring another X receiver Nitro Tuggle freshman I mean you got to you got to be awesome to be named Nitro um six foot like I said true freshman lean build you know I think he's quick um but hey he could very easily be a big part of this offense yeah yeah like this year I really do think that so um I don't know we'll see about that slot receivers we got Dominic LoveIt senior uh transfer from Missouri last year we saw what we what he did M uh man run some really good routes and I think this is this could be your leading receiver this year arguably I don't know I was about to say the same thing yeah I think when you think about the receiving room who's going to be the guy and I know there's a name we're going to get to we're we're going to say hey he could but Dominic love it will be the man that uh that takes that step even further you know and uh I think you'll see him produce a whole lot more than he did last year and get the ball a whole lot more and kind of be that guy that Carson Beck's going to look for like big you know know third down situations and um that that kind of that that safety net if you will that uh that makoni was for ston Bennett for Carson last year I think you're going to see Dominick love it transition into that roll CL yeah he had 54 receptions 613 yards last year and four touchdowns and hey don't be surprised Adam if he takes if he takes an end round or some sort of a sweep sir uh embarrassment of riches oh yeah embarrassment of riches another guy a guy I'm really excited see and I know some of you out there you you know this name some of you probably don't though Anthony Evans sophomore uh he could offer a lot of value to this team this year offensively and um you know he super quick kind of reminds me of an Isaiah McKenzie sort of yeah yeah um very Shifty and man you give him open space that kid that kid can fly he can do some stuff man I mean a very talented guy and I think our introduction to Anthony Evans a lot of us were that um one bright spot in the SEC championship last year was uh his punt return you know and I think guy you're going to see field punts this year too so um I think he you're going to see him plugged in in a variety of roles man and then kind of be a guy in the rotation there that uh just another talented guy and another weapon yeah one guy Adam I'm very very excited about uh sovi White freshman okay Adam this is my pick maybe not necessarily this year but in the coming years I think he might turn into sort of that lad makoni okay you think so I really do what are you basing this off of the fact that he was a three star crew okay he was only given uh a couple of offers and the main one being Georgia so we believed in him yeah he's got a great head on his shoulders I just think he's a good guy so K I'm pulling for you man that's right help prove me right here yep yep yep I want to be able to call my shot like man stinking Logan walri he's unbelievable at it he is he is he is we have to get with him this year on who who his uh who his guy is going to be this year yeah shout out to Logan dgd but yeah yep let's move on to probably one of the most underrated is what I want to say uh receivers in this whole room Dylan Bell Adam I do not understand why in the world the national media really the SEC media we'll say is not talking about this kid he's flying under the radar he is absolute stud um you and I are in a text thread with some guys and one of them said that their buddy said that this kid reminds him a lot of Debo and that's a good comparison yeah that is I mean the body the thickness you know probably bulk on even more in this off season but the ability to play at the running back position to be able to uh to to to be a a wide receiver too split out wide at any position in the wide receiver room and uh a guy that huge game at Tennessee last year oh my God huge game at Tennessee last year and a guy that really just came into his own especially um but I what I like about him is a team guy cart I mean you know he was had because of some injuries and stuff at the beginning of last year um coach Bobo had to get him in the uh the running back room and a guy just whatever the offense needs whatever the team needs he's going to do it is what it seems like and I think uh he's going to be a a major factor this year and know just just really just blowing the lid off some I'm going tell you barring injury uh this ought to be his last year here in the red and black and I'm just going to say this you better enjoy it cuz he's going to make some highlight catches some highlight plays this kid is going to be the most fun to watch on this entire roster yeah 100% I can't wait very excited we're on the Dylan Bell hype train this this evening folks but uh can't wait to see him Aran Smith yes sir senior God man he's been there for a while he has man I mean the earliest memories of him was during Co we're sitting in the Mercedes-Benz Stadium against Cincinnati in the Peach Bowl George wearing those black jurgys and we're wearing masks sitting there I mean feels like an eternity to you go but that's that was our introduction was a long ball uh Aron Smith from uh JT Daniels that game yeah dang I I barely remember that but but uh yeah speed burner Adam we just need him to make the big catches yeah that's right everybody knows that man and everybody appreciates him uh even if he doesn't do anything this year for what he did that Ohio State even though it was just wide open but um I mean some big catches he has made and then like you said some missed opportunities man but what I love about Aran Smith and I will always love Aran Smith Clark you really don't hear a bunch about Aran Smith you get what I'm saying he's a guy that this is fifth year in the program right easily could have transferred out and said look you know I just keep getting P you know yeah but no he's stuck around man I think he's been committed to this program this team and I hope he's able to reap some benefits of that uh this year and know and get some opportunities to make even more plays and I think obviously he will because a guy with that type of just straight line speed is uh it's is deadly yeah and um when you have a guy like that you you have to work him in and some packages and and and different play and you'll see that number 11 be on the field this year and uh really pulling for him really appreciate him I think he has earned dgd status because in this day and age of of not getting content very easily and just transferring out when things don't go your way whether it's but self-inflicted that you think because your play on the field or you think you're not being treated fairly you see that a lot with these kids these days and Aron Smith has not been that way he has been faithful and I think all Georgia fans should rally behind him and appreciate for what he's meant in this program going into his fifth year 100% that's my Aran Smith appreciation right we love you Aran Smith we love you Aran Smith there we go um and then two more we're going to end this with two more transfers why not London humph from Vanderbilt I believe he was all freshman SEC last year I say sophomore this year um a big guy 6'4 yeah don't really I mean I he is fast he's a track star um he is really really quick so I'm I'm curious to see is this a guy that kind of Emer meres this year in this offense and that'll be interesting to see what he does this year but I think when we do this next year oh yeah we're really going to be talking some line hum as well but hey he might just be a baller this year as well but he definitely will contribute and will be in the rotation but I really think in 2025 you're gonna be like man yep special uh and then last but not least Michael Jackson II man what a fun name okay senior from USC do you think he'll wear One Singular White Glove he's got to and he's got if he scores a down he's got to give it a what do it again oh do do the moonwalk and then do the moonwalk do the moonwalk yeah 100% yeah okay okay he probably hates People Like Us was bad oh that was terrible I thought that was pretty good yeah you think s you know everybody wears the gloves he'll just wear all white I think that would just be brilliant honestly man that'd be so much fun uh but yeah you know that that kind of rounds off the re oh let me let me add this too okay one thing I forgot mention in the running back room new coach for the first time in the Kirby a Crawford Josh Crawford running back room uh D McGee obviously great job at the University of Georgia went on to pursue the head coaching job down the road in Atlanta for the Georgia State Panthers and the sunb Belt Conference um so first year in the Kirby area having a new guy in the running running back room I trust Kirby Smart hires I've learned to do this time and time again to never ad doubt it because um you know and then obviously uh the guy who's going to be leading the receiver room Clark as an old old name old friend of ours old friend of ours Mr James Coy yeah who I have uh kind of talked negatively about on this podcast and I I'll own it I I have too who at but the difference is this time he is in a he is where he needs to be exactly exactly in the receiver room we'll just leave it at that the good Lord gives everybody a skill set I believe yeah in life and has a and everybody's got a you know profession they've been blessed with talents where they need to go into and and certain roles in that profession right that they are they succeed at and then that might not be you know not might be their calling to be in you know and I think Colin plays is not James Coy's Forte but recruiting kids out of South Florida oh yeah that's his for coaching receivers baby let's put them in there slick that hair back get some grease in your hair James Coy and run that receiver room and get us some dang studs from from down there in uh down there in Miami Miami Dade County man what a slew ATT no I I I like Coy being back in the receiver room man I mean Brian Mendon came back again he just keeps coming back and forth back and forth It's like a like a 16year old relationship man where you kind of you break up then you come back then you break up then you come back that's what McLendon's doing he went to the NFL this time man um I don't think he will be back but hey at least you know he came back won the National Championship um but uh Co coming back that's uh I again trust Kirby with it I think he'll be fine great recruiter um Everybody speaks I mean Nationwide Renown on his recruiting prow especially specializing in South Florida and I think that's the big big draw to it man and um experienced guy I like it right let's go all right let's go to tight end room here um man Adam I did we lose a tight end or something this past year I can't remember feel like we lost one or something I probably didn't make a difference in the room I don't know no um massive ho oh my gosh yeah but my gosh I mean you look at this Talent here I'm not going to say I'm not going to sit here and say hey we got the guy to replace him but you know I do think we have some really capable weapons some guys who really can step up make some big plays for us I don't think there will ever be another one like 19 ever no there won't in in any level of the game uh that made that big of an impact at the tight end position no there won't be there won't be there won't be man and uh and that's not and you know you got a guy like Oscar DP obviously who's going to be you know the guy that you hope is the guy who steps up at the leader in Todd Harley's room there and you got Todd Hartley who has just been a phenomenal tight end Coach recruiter at the University of Georgia probably the most underrated assistant coach on Kirby staff I would say is Harley um when when he was brought in after uh after Beamer left I think uh he's been a great addition and uh and a massive upgrade in that room and but anyway uh going back to the the guys in there Oscar Depp guy is third third year and um and I think uh he he's made some big catches before for us and uh and I think I I really like um having a guy like him and then lost and lucky for his sophomore year MH yeah coming in Oscar LED uh last year he had 24 receptions four touchdowns 284 yards and just think how much that's going to grow this year if if you're the main guy and then and one thing Mike Bobo has made abundantly clear Adam he loves throwing to these tight ends yeah I mean and that's and was that not an argument we had back in the day in 2014 yeah we we wish we could just throw more to our tight ends that's what we said about Bobo all the time and now I think I think either he's adapted or maybe he's just got better tight ends and just just pure athletes and not to not just not to crap on the guys who we did have back in the Rick days yeah um but man these are these are a different breed kind of tight end yeah I mean um they are they are and I think there's a name too that we haven't even mentioned yet that um I don't know but I'm going to call my shot that might be the best one in the room even more so than Oscar when all said and done this year and a guy who gets a bulk of the targets you'll see okay who is I think it's Ben years SEC the transfer from Stanford man um obviously you're sick no brainer say hey I'm going to come to Georgia I mean why would you not if you are a tight end wanting to go to the next level why would you not want to come play on your ti heartley get in this Georgia offense room right so and and I I feel like that's something that uh I think he was a big big fish to get I think he was an All-American guy in the old Pat 12 Conference Ain that right wasn't he all used to be yeah he used to be yeah he used to be the Pack 12 the pack two now yeah I I don't know if he he was all American in that all conference so uh um I think he's a he's a guy who um a very healthy nice addition to that room and um I think we'll be surprised how good he'll be and somebody that hadn't been talked about enough yet I think do you think we see The Return of the uh 13 Personnel Adam where you get Delp you get lucky you get your yes 100% maybe more so 12 Personnel but yeah I mean yeah I mean yeah I just get to but 100% I mean all three of those guys are capable man I mean they're all three studs do you remember you remember having Darnell Washington Brock Bowers and Oscar Delp all at the same time all in one team you remember that it was great it was great man we've been blessed we we are tied in you I don't care what people say we are without a doubt without a doubt man it's crazy man um we also have two other names Jaden Rell and then Colton h both freshmen hey maybe they're the next Oscar Delp or whoever so yeah we'll see that's awesome that uh and then and then last but not least Adam we would be remissed if we didn't bring these guys up the offensive line let's go into that room the core of the offense Clark yeah let's just say it let's just say it these guys all of these um all of these skill guys that we've talked about can't do what they're talented enough to do if the offensive line it what what it needs to be if Carson backck doesn't have time to get the ball to these guys if there aren't lanes that are opened up for Roger Robertson and Trevor etn then they're not going to be able to do and this offense click like everybody's saying it is it all starts up in the trenches and then goes out and uh Stacy seral again um a guy now what he's in his 22 23 24 his third season coming in at this offensive line room um been very good his first two years uh I'll be honest it was a hire I was worried about coming off of Sam Pitman in a short stamp with Matt Luke but uh he's answered the bail and it's just kept Trucking and and the guys that you have listed here Clark is a lot of guys with some Talent a good mixture of Veteran and younger guys that uh I feel like is uh is going to be they stay healthy is uh it's going to be a very special group yeah once again like you just said this is one of the groups we've got to have healthy for the whole season and and it's likely one of these and i' I'd not gosh I hope I'm not like jinxing it everything I'm KN on W for this but it's likely one of these guys will have some sort of an injury I mean just how football man with a possible 16 game slate you know 1 I mean 17 gam slate so I it's uh it's in it's almost inevitable yeah I mean I mean you I me let's say it it is but you got guys in depth has been built there man and guys you can plug and play and at tackle guard you know mooving on E either side of the ball and yeah um I don't know let's start list them off yeah so we'll start with left tack and then we'll work our way from left to right so left tackle Ernest Green played a lot of snaps last year red shirt sophomore um I think man he he's he's a very talented kid um big big physical guy too you got to have some somebody like that on the left side protecting Carson um yeah like him we got left guard Dylan Fairchild yeah he started really making a name for himself later in the season um you know some people they they have some mixed reviews on Dylan Fairchild I like like him I be I think he's an anchor in this offense Junior so experien Center Jared Wilson also a junior heard some really good things out of him and I think at C with s van I me but um you you listen to Kirby talk about Jared Wilson he L athletic guy athletic yes but also a leader and you got to have a good what you he kind of CEO of the offense everybody thinks it's a quarterback and in a lot of ways it is but man you got to have a number two and that number two is your Center cuz that the the center really does you know call out the mic linebackers picks up you know blitzes communicates with everybody so um yeah I think he's going to be special man it Center I'm excited I love the fact that he has been behind cure van pain a couple years and it coming into a starting role where it's not like it's just a true freshman we're trying out there you with a high potential it's somebody who has been in the program knows what the expectation is and has got the potential to be a another great Center at Georgia and we've had some good ones H in the Kirby Smart a think about it there's been a lot of good um guys at that position yeah another guy we're going to talk about Here Right Guard Tate rattled man um huge huge uh win for us that we got to get him back for one more year y because he could have easily probably declared um this past draft and we get him back for another year big piece in this offensive line like literally and figuratively he's huge so uh good to have him back and then that right tackle got Xavier truss this guy I feel like familiar name I feel like Xavier trust has been here since 1980 yeah and I love it that's I think he played on the line he was in Max Jean gillis's was he yeah yeah yeah with him and uh Dan edman Dan edman yeah we met Dan didn't yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean all those guys were on the same line I feel like that's what that's what it feels like now you know but hey I love the fact that we get Xavier trust this guy he listen you want to talk about a guy who's played a lot of snaps it's Xavier TR sir super senior coming back one more year uh I think he ought to start outright at right tackle that's kind of I mean seems to be what's going to happen so um so that's kind of your start that's a great unit man you can't read them names off and think oh my you can't just want to just run through a wall after hearing that and then you get Monroe Freeland at tackle rotating between left and right tackle and then Michael Morris another guy I mean two guys who have played some snaps man that are going to be able to Plug and Play and uh you know it's like every year when unfortunately if somebody goes down and wherever that may be Stacy serial could just plug and play and rotate guys where they need to be man and um and get this line right and I think it's going to be something that you'll see this line especially Jill as you go on into the season and it might take a game or two to get you know get everybody but all in all that's that's that's a lot of snaps has been played when you add them up right there especially on that right side of the line yeah and uh uh Ernest Green I feel like is going to be a guy who can make some money on that left tackle side from the when he came in as a recruit everybody remembers him coming in one of those guys and I think he'll live up to the height man but clar this whole offense you listed off um unreal unreal uh I I think with the potential of what you could do and what Mike Bobo has uh to be able to in his in his tool box is uh is something that's going to be I deadly deadly and it's going to be I would hate to be an opposing SEC defense coordinator planning on that you know even with the massive loss of Brock Bowers and lad makoni that's something you don't just replace those guys you know um a lot of a lot of talented guys in those rooms right now but obviously you can't just take away what those two meant over the past couple years but um you can ask for better after losing them yeah in the sense of just just the the the plethora of weapons that are there so I think it I think you should see a lot of points on the board in Athens as far mhm for sure let's go to the defense side of the football and let's start in the trenches um Adam this is kind of where I think both of us AR called out they've been called out Clark yeah they've been called out yeah called out Trey Scott better be letting them boys know yeah they've been called out by who by freaking Greg maroy oh yeah ridiculous I will say I mean I think I think uh there's some there's some truth to what he said there is there is and I and I lot of fire under let you you win or you lose wait what's the saying you something or die or die in the trenches you do or die in the trenches The Trenches is where national championships are built yeah on the offensive line and the defensive line and uh the defensive line is what we saw for two years that won national championships I mean yes obviously you talk about guys like Brock B ston and L makoni but it's the defensive front the defensive line that you think about having guys like a Jordan Davis like a um like a white man and a Trayvon walker and a obviously a jayen Carter uh and and no you're not going to get those guys every single recruiting class those are generational type guys at that position I I truly believe that especially Jaylen Carter and Jordan Davis is right underneath that so but um you still got a lot of talented guys in that room man and um I think last year them not being up to where I feel even though it was good it's not up to what the standard in Athens is is and uh I mean Curry talked about it and he gave us a warning last year talking to Josh P to SEC media days man it's all going to come down to what the defensive line does you know I think there were some question marks there from the beginning and um you know you saw some flashes but a lot of times you saw something that we hadn't seen in a long time as fans in the stands and that's teams being able to impose their will and run the football on us yeah you know and and and eventually I think it caught up with us in Atlanta in the SEC Championship man that uh um you know we just didn't have the guy there and and and be able to to dominate the trenches in a sec championship game like we had been the couple years before that and I think that resulted in a loss with other factors but I mean that was a big one that you can't can't ignore that you got to you got to improve on this year yeah I saw um an interesting video on YouTube is Kirby and he's talking about 2018 the national championship game obviously lost lost to Alabama let's not talk about it any further than that but he was saying you know they kind of Revisited okay what do we need to fix going into 2019 and one of the things was or sorry 2018 season and he said one of the things is or the most important thing is we got to fix our run defense because at that point I think we're something like 30th in the nation um and he said he look back at the the last 15 national champions before 2018 and every one of those teams landed somewhere in the top five in or top 10 in rushing defense and they were we were at 30th in 2018 so they put a point of emphasis on not only improving just run defense but the defensive line um and and coaching coaching them up getting some bigger bodies in there to run this three four defense because I'm G tell you and we've said this before if you don't have that just just massive dominant nose tackle it's hard to run a 3 four that's right and explain what a 34 is to the people and this is the base defense that Kirby has ran that Sabin ran and it was built From The Trenches out yeah I mean obviously you think about saving and Kirby being DB guys right but what made their DB so successful was the pressure that was getting on the quarterback and making offenses being onedimensional having to having to throw the football gave them opportunities to make plays is that dominant especially interior defensive lineman as well and you hit the nail on the head man a three four defense is three down defensive lineman and kind of you got your four linebackers your two traditional middle linebackers and then your kind of your four your your two outside linebackers sometimes they put their hand in the dirt sometimes not but that's kind of kind of what you're looking for in a three four man and like you said you have to have that dominant defensive tackle like we saw with Jaylen Carter like we saw with Jordan Davis and a Devonte white and I didn't realize this but in this YouTube video too he he talks about how yeah I mean we want to fill gaps right you got the a gap the B Gap C Gap so on so forth but it's important for these guys to have a primary Gap they attack a primary Gap but they also have responsibility for a secondary Gap um and it it's just amazing how he explains it and everything I watched it today it's really cool stuff um but I I think too the most important thing defensively for us is or any defense for that matter in any level of football when you're only rushing three guys you can commit more guys to defending the pass right yeah um when you have you know four or five guys responsible for run then you once again you commit more guys uh to defending the pass which is big so um but yeah let's talk about this line a little bit more defensive tackle Warren Bron super senior back for yet another year love having him back he's a veteran guy you got Chris Kristen Miller red shirt sophomore played in 13 games last year four tackles for loss and one sack injured at the end of the season Adam he showed a lot of uh signs of promise I would say well he was one of those highly regarded guys coming in and uh somebody that we have got to have Clark and another guy we'll talk about uh Jamal Jarrett for the younger guys who are in their second year in the program to take that next step for our defensive line to get where it wants to be period yeah if you don't have guys like those two step up then um I I I think you're not going to take that next step forward with this group I love guys like Warren Branson what he's meant and the guys he's played for played with and the success he's had and guys like Nazir stack house who will get to and uh uh and ingrams Dawkins but you kind of know what you're gonna get with those guys I kind of I think they have they're good football and I'm glad they're back but I think you see what you have with them now the question mark is I don't think you'll see what I'm saying as a big leap out of those guys it's got to be these younger guys that are highly regarded coming in to take that next step and they compliment each other with veteran leadership and this young Talent as sophomores coming in and this uh and and and the kids for South Carolina coming in see where he plugs into to to get to that next level defensive line championship play to run this going yeah and uh I think and Miller's a guy that there's some offseason drama that he was going to transfer chase the bag at USC like another lineman we'll talk about um but he he stayed at George I'm sure he he said he was transferring and then he got a bump so you know you hate seeing that that's the world of college football today but he's still in Athens man so uh I'm sure he got a significant pay raise I'll just go ahead and say it and uh go earn it now yeah I mean period you know y um you know if you're going to get paid like he's probably getting paid now go go you got to go prove it on the field too exactly so uh yeah we brought in you just alluded this we brought in another transfer from South Carolina 64 313 Xavier mlead I think that's how mle I don't know I don't know one or the other red shirt freshman um kind of improving in the SEC really haven't seen a ton from them but former four star so hey I think the talent's there just we'll see how's he plugging in man I mean you know you heard some some good some bad about how he was in South Carolina but the thing is that the attitude that you hear and of course don't know this kid but from what you hear and that's all we could go off of is it won't be tolerated in Athens so he either is going to to uh to step it up and and and get involved in what the culture is and the expectation Trey Scott has in that room or he's going to get left behind uh freshman Jordan Thomas 64 322 four star from New Jersey yeah man uh hey this kid does I've heard a lot of good things just you know perusing perusing that's your word about perusing the message boards and whatnot but uh yeah look out for him uh nose tackle let's go to the nose Nazir stack house super senior coming back baby all SEC second team last year played a he has played a ton of snaps as a Georgia Bulldog I said in this podcast last year when we did this roster you know preseason roster uh roster look that nir stack house could be a first round draft pick obviously that didn't happen yeah this previous draft right but he's still at the University of Georgia so I'm going to call it again okay why not why not why not why not for the second year in a row does your stack house could be a first round drafted okay Mar it down are you willing to put money on that maybe oh okay why not why not we'll make a burger bet off off camera how about that burger bet Nazir stack house first round draft pick oh man another guy at C but I mean I said it last year I'm going to do it again okay why not I mean another guy at the Jordan Hall sophomore 64 320 Adam I this might be the missing piece for the defensive line I don't want to put that kind of pressure on him but I am um I hope to see a big leap from him this year we got to see Sparks and yeah from last year but what do you think about Jordan Hall oh yeah man that's the guy that when we're talking about uh Christian Miller uh and then the next guy we'll talk about uh Jordan Hall and Jamal Jarrett those are the three guys that came in big names and uh going in their sophomore year one year in the program uh that you have to see those three guys step up to get to where we want this defense line to be at period those are the three guys you need to look out for when you start um start looking at this defensive line going into the year when you start reading practice reports when you start watching early season games when Mercedes ben Stadium watch the development of those three and where they plug in and how they play and how fast they grow up to complement the Bron the stack houses and the ingrams Dawkins of the world is uh where you going to see this defensive line go yep yep yep let's go to the defense of ends Michel Williams Jr my gosh he's a he's a big guy oh yeah 265 didn't really put up any crazy numbers last year um but he is poised to have a breakout year and Adam what I'm really interested to see is whether or not he does play in that traditional outside linebacker uh position or if he's an end or if he's a mix um I think he's a nightmare to defend I want him to really take that leap this year that's right I don't think he necessarily hit a sophomore slump but I don't know how much improvement he made from freshman year to sophomore year and and maybe it's just the scheme and um what he was asked to do last year but yeah I I don't know I don't know man but I mean he's goingon to be a stud this year I feel like I think he's going to be the guy and uh you want him to get after the quarterback and uh and and I and I think that's something we need to do better is is get some sacks get to the quarterback better get some more quarterback hurries get uh be disruptive more and uh and and I think Mel will be that guy this year another guy that there was some offseason drama with Clark that he was going to USC another uh Georgia defensive lineman that they were going to try to get out there buy out there and I don't know um whatever we worked out with him to stay hopefully to with him and Miller and especially with Michel was like yeah I can go get a quick payday over there but you know might get a little bit of a bump here at Georgia but then stay in this defensive scheme that I know so well show out in it this year and then be a top 10 draft hit get generational money right and I think that's a smart decision by him glad he's coming back will more than likely be his last year in the red and black if he does what we want him to do it definitely will be because I think he'll be projected in the top 10 and uh yeah I mean a guy I don't think we're can afford to lose and and uh and hopefully somebody's going to have a big breakout money year for sure uh tyon Ingram Dawkins Jr uh 65280 started to merge last year Adam he was injured a lot came the Florida game you could tell he made a difference when we got in there he really did dang I forgot about that but yeah we were raving about him um last year just sitting up in those teal seats that's right in Jacksonville that's right uh Gabe Harris sophomore he had a good spring from what I've heard this that what they say that's what they say I love that I love that game had a good spring I had heard but good good that's what we want to hear he played a few meaningful snaps last year and you know another big body and then uh Joseph Jonah aan okay freshman n 64 275 fourstar I don't know much about these guys honestly someon the the two three four guys um but I do have their measurables in what year what class they're in so good that's uh that's kind of weird good good I love it I love it man I love it all right I love it oh man we're we're pushing an hour and 20 minutes yeah I mean I we just running through man but oh Trey Scott been there a long time key cog right there in that defensive line room glad we still have him just uh put out just NFL draft pick after NFL draft pick hopefully there's a lot more on that list excited that is the that is the unit right there that is either gonna be a George National Championship or not I'll develop about the injury bug or the development how that unit plays makes her breaks if George wins National Championship this year or not yeah period I agree let's go to the linebacker room here oh yeah let's go that really excited about this outside linebackers we have never been upset with the outside linebacker room no never never never showed our ignorance about outside linebacker play Let's start with Chaz chamblas senior Adam senior um oh yeah man you'll see him start well maybe yeah potentially yeah yeah uh but you know I he'll definitely play he's a veteran guy um played a lot of snaps here at Georgia he's caught a lot he's caught cotton coton wow that is not a word he's caught a lot of flack in his time at Georgia and um you know once again folks so we've kind of beaten this like dead horse but I think a lot of it last year had to do with scheme I think it was a lot of people not knowing exactly even though he was doing his job football he's doing his job and we were we were we were critical at times of some things but yeah I mean I don't know man I mean you got another veteran guy in that room and that's good it's always good to have experience come back and uh we will see uh what happens with him this year but uh I think he's a guy who knows his assignments and what he's supposed to do yeah got a high motor high motor that's what like got kind of guy kind of guy you got to have a high P kind of guy that's what we like that's what we like uh next behind him would be Damon Wilson freak yeah sophomore 64 235 um excited to see him Samuel imp pimas and other guy sophomore Adam no Marvin Jones this year he's gone he's transferred uh where did he go I forgot Florida State he was legy Guy Florida State you know Marvin Jones disappointing man um just look like a stud out there yeah I just kept every week this is Marvin Jones breakout never happened never happened but uh he's gone and whatever that's fine next man up uh one thing I'm disappointed I want to see Jaylen Walker in that room yeah and you might I just think there's an embarrassment of riches in the inside linebacker room and Jaylen Walker is a guy who could get after the quarterback and be and take over a game on the defens side of the football yeah that's my breakout guy I love Jaylen Walker yeah and I think he's underutilized and maybe I'm an idiot for saying that stuff but I just think he's been under I think he was underutilized last year and I think uh we we need to get him I mean you you you get guys like Jaylen Walker and Mikel Williams at going after the quarterback that's what scary thought but I mean Walker I just feel like was just way underutilized last year too many I mean should let's back up for a second um xaven Sor was he an outside linebacker or inside I can't even remember he inside linebacker he was yeah man we've had some studs inside the linebacker and I wish he would have stayed but just I don't know not yeah I mean next man up man yeah I mean we we lost uh jaman Dumis Johnson there's been several guys transferring out from this linebacker room once again jaman Dumis went to Kentucky yeah so and I mean really he got overtaken by this guy CJ Allen sophomore stepped up in a huge way last year him and railen Wilson both had big they they had they had to come in when smile was hurt last year they had to fill in those shoes of jaman and because jaman was hurt too yeah and yeah yeah well I mean you you look at it Clark um we there was chatter this time last year about them two stud young linebackers coming in right you know that smile and and JDJ better watch out you know and uh they're absolute studs are absolute Freaks and uh a lot of high expectations for both of them yeah um and it's good to get smile back um you know hopefully you know his off season deal that that's kind of been took care of learned from that moved on and be the leader that I hope he's going to be in that linebacker room and in the whole defense man a veteran guy who's made some good plays at the University of Georgia and um excited to have him back yeah get we got Jaylen Walker Jr Elite pass rusher at him like you said do we see him make that switch from inside linebacker to outside me I feel like that there's room for him on the outside linebacker to get more steps to get after the quarterback more but I mean obviously I'm not going to go against Kirby Smart and Glenn schan because they know 10 100 million times more about defensive football than I ever will but but I just feel like when you got a playmaker like jayen Walker you got to get him on the field man but then you got railen Wilson and CJ Allen uh it just feels like he he's just a an outside linebacker yeah just feels like that it's the perfect opportunity to plug him in right on the outside but then and then I mean and and we're not done here we got Troy BS sophomore he's a pretty good player from what I've High football I his dad's Tod BS head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers yeah Justin Williams yeah unbelievable freshman five star out for that guy yep number one linebacker in the nation uh this past class 62205 ran a 11.01 100 meter time man God that's that's that's impressive right there smoking it shout out to McKay Smith once again guys shout him out a lot we need to just bring McKay on but Adam he is convinced this kid is going to be elite yeah without a doubt without a doubt I mean like maybe even this year be yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 100% man which I you start out of this I don't know I don't know you got a good rotation man you can bring in and that's good that's what you're going to have to have right and then you got Chris Cole freshman five star number three 63 yep 210 pounds number three lineer in the nation yeah and then Christopher Jones freshman fourstar so you got a lot to pick from here and I have to believe at least one of those guys will make a transition from inside linebacker to outside you know it's a talented room when you push a senior Jamal Dumis Johnson veteran guy pretty talented guy out the door that he's just not you know as good of a player as he is he can't compete with the guys in that room period and that's amazing that is period I appreciate what he's done for the University of Georgia but I mean the W was on the on the wall and it started at the beginning of last year and appreciate it again everything's done but you know that just shows the elite athleticism and guys that are in that room when you have a two-year starter go out the door and go to another sec program MH um Adam excited about Blake Newman dgd Texas listener yeah friend of the show Patron can't wait to meet you one day Blake but he asked Adam will CJ Allen be a household name Nationwide by the end of the season oh yeah absolutely man I I love CJ Allen and I love how he you know he was stoling the fire last year as a true freshman and um I I think you saw him just continue to improve improve um more and more especially that Orange Bowl and I think you know him and raayan Wilson are going to be guys in that inside that's going to be just studs and I feel like CJ Allen will be the man and will be the next you know big inside linebacker we talk about being a high NFL draft pick and getting a big NFL contract uh like a ran Smith and is he going to be a buttkiss award winner he could be very well could be 100% might not be this year but next year his Junior season probably his last year at Georgia yeah me he's special I mean uh all those guys are special but uh CJ Allen he da in number three this year so oh that's exting look out shades of roquin Smith there folks all right last room we're going to talk about before we wrap this thing your favorite oh I love the DBS you were a DB in high school love the DBS love the you were the number 16 like Kirby right yeah that's right was that because of Kirby or you just like n just number 16 just number 16 but well Adam this is where things get interesting yes um there's been a lot of chatter who's starting who's not um are we going to see this guy are we going to see that guy let's start with corner here and I think one spot is locked down as of right this second maybe maybe not dalen Everett junor yeah um caught a lot of flag last year a lot and I don't I don't even know if it was justified I really don't think a lot of it was necessary and I and I I was guilty of it I think all us were guilty of it but was it necessary I don't know I don't know um but I but I think he'll prove everybody wrong this year and he going be a stud I hope so and next um you know Tyson Campbell type guy and uh I think uh you know he's going to be one of those next great Georgia quarterbacks you know that kind of where you see one that really solidifies one side of the ball at corner and then you see the other you know and uh you've had that Ringo then Kamari ler and now Dal Everett so uh I think it'll just be next great one so exciting to see what he does but on the other side who is it is it Julian Humphrey is it Ellis Robinson perhaps another guy man who obviously wanted back I mean had to re-recruit him the day and age that he was going to Texas A&M Clark mus champ had to fly over to where wherever he's from I think he's from Texas by but anyway to go uh to go see Julian and kind of re-recruit him get him back so he's on board he was good as gone and now he's back so I don't know I think humre is a guy who's talented and and I think he'll be competing with Ellis Robinson for that other spot but I'll tell you what I think Ellis Robinson's special talent and the guy that's going to be hard to keep off the field right that's a fresh yeah he is a he is a pure athlete number one corner in the nation IMG yeah this kid is gonna be a stud if you play at IMG and you're a five star he's gonna be a stud pretty he's gonna be a stud without a doubt without a doubt oh man um you also got names like dea Jones Andre Evans they're freshman two more two more fourstar corers like I mean these kids could go anywhere just line them up but they they come here because they want to be part of an Elite Squad something special and developed and be one of these long lines that Kirby is developing that he can point to and say hey this was a first round pick this was a first round pick you know look at these getting their second contract in the NFL like changeing money you know all that stuff man and and people know you come to Georgia win championships and be developed and be ready to go in that next level exactly one last name in the quarterback position that we haven't mentioned Daniel Harris sophomore I think he played some gday he pretty good yeah he looks good and he's a lengthy 62 I mean kind of a bigger body he played the Orange Bowl a good little bit um was he not about to transfer or something yeah yeah he was he was he was that was another one man so I mean hey Daniel Harris might be the guy you see I it'll be interesting to see and that's one of the fun things that we love about going into August and that whole month leading up till you actually get to see George on the field is reading practice reports and then every Saturday the scrimmage reports I love a SAT Saturday afternoon in August getting a recap from kind of the the mill Society guys get to go to these things and you know just stuff here and there leaks out from uh video manager guys or equipment guys who are at practices or whatnot you get to you get to hear some chirps every now and then about what goes on to these scrimmages every Saturday so yeah I'm excited about that it's that season again that time again yeah they are physical I can tell you that I remember I love it man that's what cover SE going to be physical man even though you know it's a long season and we can't afford many guys going down but that's not going to change you got to be physical and I think that's what makes and separates Georgia uh into the elite program it is it's the way they practice and the way they conduct themselves let's go to the safeties here obviously very interesting obviously Malachi Starks stood Play Strong safy definitely from has been a stood and since that first game that he played in Mercedes-Benz stadium in the Chick-fil-A opener against Oregon getting an interception man they stood um very special season coming up yep will likely go down as the best defensive back assuming he had a great year this year barring injury he will go down as the best defensive back in Georgia football history perhaps I don't think it'd be better than Champ Bailey I don't think it'd be better than Champ Bailey I I don't know I I mean that's pretty tough I would say the best one of the Kirby Smart era oh 100% yeah so and that and that say that say that's say a whole heck of a lot man and uh but yeah I think Malachi star yeah and it could I mean let's see what happens this year but uh definitely somebody I think who will be a high draft pick again leave early as junior year but hopefully first have a very special year in that secondary in the back end and and and he'll be the leader of that unit man and and that's what I love is you got to mix again at all these position groups of young guys and experienced guys and all all talented guys man I hope it's the right mix to make this run through this Gauntlet man but Malachi's a guy you got to have healthy and stay back there in that secondary be a big playmaker another guy disrup um who may root not rotate but come in if needed uh is Jake Pope he is a transfer from Alabama red shirt sophomore I like what I saw ad him on gday I remember see him at gday so we were like who's that yeah that's big Jake Pope B yeah yeah like um free safety you might see jakori Thomas he you know he got some garbage time last year um 2023 seems like he had a pretty good spring I remember seeing him at gday he played some snaps yeah looked pretty good um you got Dan Jackson a super senior you got KJ Balton a freshman Phenom um could definitely compete for this spot I think in the in the fall and then jonel Aguero yeah who sophomore I think you're going to see some uh at that free safety spot some platoon guys and some sense I think you'll see Dan Jackson get some looks and some coverages man veteran guy knows his assignments real well and uh it's played a lot of football especially would be a big contribut on special teams but I think even in the secondary will be too love Dan Jackson we've talked about how much we love Dan Jackson on this podcast um but I think KJ B's absolute stood I think he's another Malachi STS kind of guy that even as a true freshman it is hard to keep him off the field eventually you'll see balen and and Malachi STS getting the majority of the stats in the back end and I love that you get a veteran guy that's talented and it's absolute freak and then you get the Freshman guy right beside him and uh and I think Balden will make an impact and I think aguo a guy sophomore year we talked about you know how exciting it was for him coming in next year I think he's going to kind of step into that ta Smith uh Nickelback role star role Clark so um and that's the thing I mean they they all earn I think multiple multiple position I I would think and I could be wrong with that but I think aguo will be that guy you see kind of up in that star position yeah I can see that um so that man yeah that that wraps up defense and offense exciting go get fired up you're not fired up about it right now that's a national championship roster right now oh yeah that that's the point if it plays out or not I don't know yeah I mean that that's the point of saying all this and and doing this episode is just to show you how much talent we still have though we've lost some pieces over the past three years man there's a treasure Trove of talent weapons that we're going to utilize season on both sides of the ball love it love it let's talk about one more unit out we do this on row 6 I don't know if they do it on the other podcast I don't know if they do or not but they it wins or loses you football games if you're not careful it sure does special teams yeah now I'm not going to go down the list and name you every person The Long Snapper and all that stuff who is the long I don't know I don't know I know at one point it was uh was it William Mo um I don't I don't know what was yeah I think it was one year don't you remember old Tha Fricks back in the day and trmp frck there's long we need another Fricks to come in long we do what's so we need to carry on the uh the tradition the lineage that's right the lineage um let's talk about our kicking game though all right to finish this thing up pton wood ring baby sophomore had a great freshman year went 21 for 25 last year hit some big and we apologized to pton cuz early on we were like a little bit but he had The Yips a little bit as a Tru freshman coming out of the gate big time you know you're not just kicking in in a in a stadium in a High School stadium anymore you got to get used to the moment but he did he answered he came on strong man all the confidence in the world now uh Payton wooding that place kicker excited to see uh what he does in a sophomore year very confident in him going forward with it so I hope he never kicks the field goal I hope it is literally just extra points and he Nails every one of them yep but uh no pulling for you pton this year man I think I think he's got it that's right um and then Brett Thorson Jor the Aussie yeah back and once again we we cannot overemphasize or sorry we cannot emphasize enough just how important it is to have a weapon like Brett Thorson as your punish that's right and we're not being sarcastic here despite what you made me thinking no I love the fact that he doesn't get many opportunities to show off his leg that means the offense is scoring and doing what we want them to do but when he is caught upon um flips field position and that's a weapon man is to have a punter who could flip field position man and pin offenses back deep and limit them what they could do and let defense and open up you know more of a What Glenn Schuman and Kirby Smart want to do on defense with with where the opposing offense is starting out on the field man and and and uh Thorson's a guy a veteran guy so I mean you love seeing it even we we talked about how much we love what we have returning on offense and defense side of the ball well you're not breaking in a new kicker Place kicker or punter this year too and that's big to have experien in both of those positions as well and something else that uh people don't think about but makes or break Seasons 100% well folks that's your roster right there depth chart I'm sure there will be some change we're there baby but that is the Bare Bones right there man we're there study these names man study them study them cuz those are the guys you're going to be seeing this fall and uh need to get acquainted to them yeah you need to break out we need to dive in more too on some of them but yeah I know we need to break out the uh what did they give you on game days the little program program that's right the program and program I got to look the jersey number we need to invest in a good binoc CU a lot of these guys change numbers man and you got to uh especially like freshman sophomore year like CJ Allen you know he's changing this year going 33 to three right and uh so um yeah we definitely need to uh to get excited about what we have it's embarrassment of riches um you know a lot of teams look preseason kind of think wishful thinking oh maybe we get hot b ball bounce our way stuff happens um we can we can make a ruin but not many of of them are as blessed to know that we already have a national championship roster just that preseason is Georgia is one of those few teams in the nation that can say that man and that is a blessing that exciting but you got to go out there and do it on the field man and stuff and and there's got to be some luck go your way too right I mean uh you know injury bugs got to go your way the ball's got to bounce right your way time to time man and especially with an extended season so we're going to find out but it looks great going into the season right now it's going to happen with a very tough schedule yeah love the guys we have the coach staff we have man let's go so very briefly let me ask you this let's not spend a whole lot of time on this what is the biggest question mark you have on both sides of the ball if you could sum it up in just a couple C what would it be the defensive line is the biggest one to me okay I I I think we alluded to it when we talked about that position group man that's what makes or breaks I feel like with this current rendition and what last year championship football team yep and I think pieces are there but I think that's question marks what we talked about are the uh the Halls the middle of the jarretts the younger guys going to step up with the returning super the stack houses Bron's and Michel Williams and how they mesh together and what kind of production we have there man yeah I think for me I think for me yes I'm I'm agreement with you there the defensive line um secondary yeah I I We've Got Talent we've got lots of talent that we just read you guys but I just want to make sure you know we're plugging in the right people because it's hard to replace a Javon Buller oh it is it's hard to repace a Ty Smith that's right that's right Kamari lter it's hard to replace those guys lot of turn over there you're exactly yeah a lot of lot of churn and so we want to make sure that we get the right guys in and we got we got the right pieces my concern is um you know how how long is it going to take for some of these guys to get caught up to speed right and I don't have a concern about the offens side of the ball I'm just going to say that right you don't at all none none none none I mean we'll see like going preseason looking preseason looking man would say my only concern is the injury bug hitting the offensive line knock on wood yeah yeah 100% we we we don't we can't afford to have any injuries no team can out there um yeah you better knock on that yeah but the offensive line that's the last place you want to to start getting guys down and I'm not saying they're not capable but man it's it's tough It's a challenge when guys those big his big guys go down so all right oh man this has been a long episode man I mean we just we just started Rambling Man there was a lot to cover a lot to go through and I know I'm sorry it might have been a boring episode you know not too much just I mean because we just had a lot to cover and we have to do this as tradition every year for us to go through the whole roster man and just point out what we think about it and and and you know kind of give everybody a template of what they need to start studying and getting ready for to see every Saturday I love how you always say study as if they're taking we do I mean they need to everybody needs to be like just take time out of your favorite TV show or something and just look over the roster and uh get familiarized with these 18 22 year old kids right yeah why not why not see their measurables 64 230 that's right that's right you want to look impressive in sanord stadium when uh when old old buddy sitting beside you you know says who's that number three out there and you could list off a he's you know 6'2 235 lbs he's came from uh BL so and so so and just you know just leave Spees right yeah I mean you know nobody's going to think you're crazy or anything right I mean nobody's going think that's odd you know we're to the next level at all right I mean I mean who who does that that's why you go to Sanford to do that now you're right no other reason that's it that's it that's what that's what is the difference in football fans in the South Eastern Conference in the rest of the world is know weird facts about our no know our team and our program inside out baby I love it oh man I love it well Adam we've got a live calling show upcoming August 3rd we're going to get rowy that night I'll just go ahead and tell everybody right now the women and children do not need to listen to that show okay maybe they can listen to the beginning of it as we start as we start rapping and cracking it up about five more notches baby then that's when you might need to you know put them to bed yeah put them to bed who knows what you're going to get put them to bed cuz who knows what you're going to get is going to be you add the culmination of starting a brand new season brand new format that's never been done in college football history against a historic rival like Clinton that you don't get to play that often man uh in a neutral sight Big Time football game we're going to get absolutely jacked and Rowdy and you better too you better bring the energy if you're going to be on that show ress has got to ensue if you're going to call in you D you better be on your A game you better be on your A game because this is going to be the most Rowdy regular season calling show in row 60 history I'll go ahead and call that and make you that promise right now I will be giving my all that night might not even make it to Mercedes-Benz I'll be so out of control that night cannot wait let's go crank the dang thing baby hey August 30th 8:00. I'm ready to go right now I'm ready to go run through that sheet rock right now go to mercedesbenz cuz we're going to go out there and we're going to kick Clemson's tail baby yeah let him go Adam man ouch man let's go uh August 30th 8:00 p.m. we want you there please please join us YouTube Facebook live you bettering in you better you better uh get you some throat losses in before you get on that before you get on that episode cuz we're going to be R we're going to be R going a rose 60 trivia question one day what is Clark's most hated word people use Mage came off with that word let's go all right Adam wrap this thing up thank thank you'all for bearing with us this episode I know it wasn't the most exciting not a lot of exhilarating conversation it was just kind of you know just to the point to the point I mean you really couldn't just get you know just Juiced about it but you can when you look at just the talent that is there that we're going to be seeing this Saturday and the fall us doing this episode epis means we are getting closer and closer to kickoff man and we have a few more traditional episodes to do and then before you know it after you keep getting a couple more row 60 notifications of a new podcast it'll be Clemson hate week coming up man you've made it to August we are almost there and August means live football from high school from NFL preseason games but most importantly is reading daily scrimmage updates or practice updates and Saturday scrimmage reports man so finding the outlet to get your coverage on that uh it's exciting man just the this is the time of year talk Georgia football with people at work get excited about it man because again for the fourth season coming into ow 60 with Georgia football another championship team is brewing in Athens and I can't wait big season ahead a lot more to cover thank you'all for being with us we love y'all go dogs go dogs

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