Has AI Revealed the TRUE Face of Jesus?

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:28:49 Category: Nonprofits & Activism

Trending searches: jesus christ shroud of turin ai image
has AI created the most realistic likeness of Jesus that we've ever seen a couple days ago it came to light that there's some new scientific evidence in support of the shroud of Trin super fascinating stuff if you guys have not heard about this here's father Calvin Robinson he says a good news day if you pardon the pun further scientific proof that the shroud of Trin is the actual burial shroud used to wrap the crucified Body of Christ the Shroud that give us the most accurate depiction of the Holy face of Jesus and here you can actually kind of see this is the face that we see on the shroud of Trin and so an artist has used AI to basically develop an image of Jesus based on the shroud of Trin so that's what we're talking about today the reason why there's even a connection here between this AI program creating a face of Jesus and the shroud of Trin is because there's this new scientific evidence that supports the Shroud being the authentic burial cloth of Jesus now this was originally posted in the Daily Mail and the daily mail is not necessarily the most reputable Source but what we're going to do is actually look at the scientific article that was published peer-reviewed in the Heritage Journal which is a scientific journal we're going to look at that a little bit more in depth and later on I'm actually going to interview a an expert because I wanted to dive deeper into this I wanted to talk to an actual expert on this new scientific evidence and ask him the question does this actually give us good reason to think that the shroud of Trin is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus now before I show you the actual image that AI has come up with I want to give you guys a little bit more background so let's turn now to an interview with father Andrew Dalton that was posted on pints with the aquinus a couple years ago at this point I've had father Dalton on my channel as well but in this clip he gives a sort of overview of like what makes the Shroud so fascinating and then he's going to talk about the image itself which again is super fascinating and this backstory I think is going to help you appreciate a little bit more why people are are sort of freaking out about this this whole shroud issue and the AI images and just the scientific evidence this stuff is crazy so let's watch this people don't know how much there is out there but this is the most archaeological object in the history of the world say that again for people the most studied archaeological object in the history of the world and apparently that's actually true so this I mean if you guys have never heard of this you got to look into it now and so when it comes to historical events like the what you're looking for is monumentum at documentum right that you have a monument and a document and of course we're all familiar that there are documents telling about Jesus's passion but many people don't know um about the Shroud at least to the degree that one can know and so here's what happened with immanuela I stayed I stayed talking she said wait till you come back next week because there's a physicist who's who'll be speaking Yeah if you lost sleep last night yes exactly and he was just that way his name is uh is Paulo Paulo dzero he spent five years this guy just trying to reproduced by ultraviolet light on on a linen just playing with the variables of light you know amplitude frequency dur ofure so that he could recreate anage like that of the man of the Shroud so this goes back to all the different people that have tried and and tried to come up with some sort of explanation of how the image that's on the Shroud currently actually came about this guy spent apparently 5 years trying to duplicate an image that's this is one of the things that makes the Shroud so fascinating on another linen and this guy made himself famous when he published an article saying that the amount of energy you would need to recreate a similar image would be 34,000 billion watts and of course you you you've probably bumped into this on the internet no I don't really know how like powerful that is but let's let's get forward in the interview a little bit and talk about the depth of the image that's on the shroud of Trin because that is just another fascinating thing about this whole thing only the inside of the cloth many people don't know this that the Shroud is colorized it's imaged on only one side of the cloth so it's the side that touches his body and in fact it's so superficial that if you were to just gently grze with a a razor blade you would you would erase the image of the man forever I this is what Pao Deo discovered if I can just dive a little detail because this is so interesting um if you ask the question like what's the depth of penetration of coloration on the surface of the Shroud the answer is mindboggling it's 200 to 500 nanometers which is uh that's not even a number that I can fathom so I I give this example of a human hair like take a single human hair imagine you could very carefully with your scissors um cut it in half along its long end and discard that half and now with what remains try to cut it in half again do that four or five times until you're left with 116th or 12th of the width of of a human hair that's the that's the depth of penetration I want you guys to go watch the rest of the interview if this has sort of wet your appetite for the Shroud go watch the whole thing it's like 3 hours long but let's turn back now to talking about this new evidence that's come to light because that's going to lead us to the images that have been created now so again father Calvin Robinson he links to the Daily Mail which daily mail is not too reputable but it does actually link to an article that was published in Heritage which is very reputable and uh the title of this new paper that was published in 2022 is x-ray dating of a Turan shroud's linen sample and what I'm going to do now is actually jump to this is the paper in question here is their conclusion okay in this paper in particular the WX s analysis their x-ray analysis presented here for the natural aging of the cellulose in the linen of a Turin shroud sample allows us to conclude that it is very probable that the Turin shroud is a relic of about 20 centuries old Contra and this is this is not part of the conclusion here but that's Contra to the carbon dating tests that have been done that dated it to about the 13th century so they say even if we only have European historical documentation for the last last seven centuries now I actually wanted to delve into this a little bit further I talked about a little bit in different video yesterday but I wanted to talk to an expert and so that's what we're about to do after I show you this image now let's go ahead and do that let me show you this image that AI has created based on the shroud of Terin which again could be the most accurate picture in existence of Jesus this is what it looks like now some people don't really take AI images too seriously I think this one does look pretty similar to the shroud of Trin I mean you can kind of see it here like backing up uh I can't really zoom in on this because this is a link if I click on it you're going to see The Daily Mail website and it's horrible so let's not click on it but that's what it looks like in the Shroud and here it is the AI image now not everyone is super excited about this I actually saw Miss B converted said I think AI images of Jesus is slightly demonic and should not be prayed with or raised up as some sort of miraculous holy image I think we can agree that it doesn't like this is not a miracul holy image the shroud of ter this this AI images AI generated image um she said a lifeless computer program generated it not necessarily I mean it was created by humans so whatever AI program they're using there is some sort of programming that's built in there and that was created by humans so I think that you could even then say that it was beautiful on that basis because it was generated by something else that was it well what do you guys think I mean is this is it beautiful does it look close to the shroud of Trin but let's turn back to this whole is issue about this new scientific evidence that supports the shroud of Trin being 2,000 years old so I interviewed a guy named Russ brol who's been researching and lecturing on the shroud of Trin for 40 years he's the president and founder of the shroud of Trin education project and recently published his first book called shroud encounter explore the world's greatest unsolved mystery that's available anywhere books are sold he's also an expert on this new scientific evidence that supports the authenticity of the Shroud so enjoy my interview with Russ so tell me about this new x-ray evidence that a lot of people are claiming that it basically proves that the shroud of Terin is 2,000 years old what is this evidence what is it all about well it's called wide angle x-ray scattering and what it does is it is it measures the amount of natural aging that is found in fibers in in fibers of other linen and other pieces of fabric and by by looking at the at the at the when you look at fibers microscopically uh they look like a like a like a bundle of spaghetti and so I I I have this example this the the gentleman the uh uh liberado daro who is with the Italian Institute for crystallography uh he's the one who published this in a peer review journal and his research using all this and so he described when you when you look at fibers under the microscope they look like a bundle of spaghetti but over the course of time there are natural ual breaks that occur in these fibers so if you can imagine if you drop it you know these are going to break you can you can break off a bundle just like this right here and it's um so by measuring the amount of breaks that you see in these fibers you can get a good estimate as to how old something is and so what he did they had about a dozen pieces of of of linen of of of a known age either either from the historical context or that they were carbon dated so they knew exactly how old these these other Fabrics were and they measured the amount of natural Aging in all these other fabrics and so that they could get a plot line and then they compared the amount of natural Aging in fibers from the Shroud and the and the and the best piece of linen if you will that that compared it was taken from Mada which is circum Mid First Century and so this was a you know and so what what he said is that there's just not nearly enough aging or should I say there's there's there's far more aging evident in fibers from the Shroud than for it to be only 700 years old as the as the carbon dating Labs would would say okay so what are some of the reasons to actually be skeptical of these new findings I mean we're calling them new and everyone's sort of talking about you know this is a sort of new scientific find as we know now it's at least a couple years old the research is and so but what are some reasons to be skeptical of this this new evidence well I would say that you know uh people would be skeptical because this is not a technique that is usually associated with uh with dating artifacts the issue I guess I I applaud researchers for for for trying to find interesting in creative ways es especially when you're when when there's no attempt to carbon date it I mean if the carbon date's wrong as many people feel well why haven't we done another carbon date and it's um you know and that's a that's a question for the for the for the tourin authorities to answer but if you're going to try to get another method of dating other than carbon dating then it's going to have to be techniques like um like these so in other words what we did here or what they did was to was to was to compare the amount of of of natural Aging in these in these other cloths and then compare it with with other pieces of cloth from a from a known age that we've carbon dated or we know the age from its historical context so then you apply that same technique to fibers from the Shroud and you look at well what what best fits the amount of natural aging that we see um in fibers from the Shroud and that appears to be a cloth that they found in um in first century Masada none of these are guarantees uh you in other words this is just a very interesting way to say hm maybe something went arai with the carbon date as many as many people do believe the Professor Julio fony he published in 2013 is something similar to this although he was using spectroscopy and mechanical analysis to uh to compare the amount of deterioration in fibers from an other fibers and by comparison again using the same using a similar methodology uh he assigned a date range of of 280 BC to 220 AD 500 year range with first century right in the middle and so all these do is suggest you know that that maybe there's something wrong with carbon dating and maybe we need to be looking at this again we're going to talk about carbon dating a little bit more in just a minute but I want to move now to a question how does this new finding like this this new scientific data how does it fit with the other things that we know about the Shroud the interesting thing about the Shroud is that you you you you have you have two bodies of scientific research you have a massive amount of data that was collected in 1978 when you had a team of 33 American scientists go to Trin they have access to the cloth for 5 days working in shifts around the clock 120 hours and they bring 10 tons of gear with them and and so they collect tons of data and and from this data they were able to determine that that that the Shroud is not the work of an artist and that's really significant in other words in other words here you have this inexplicable image of this 5'1 bearded crucified man and the the the justos is it either is or it isn't and if it and if it's not authentic then it must be the work of human effort it must be the work of an artist somehow some way and yet there are no artistic substances on the cloth to account for the image and then you have a whole pattern of blood stains which correlate with the wounds of crucifixion as as as described in all four gospels and so is it just animal blood is it paint well no it's not paint and it's not animal blood it's it's it's it's AB blood type with with uh with human male DNA you know so now this this plot thickens you know you know can you you know someone asked me could can we ever prove this to be the shroud of Jesus and the answer is no because we don't have the DNA of Jesus to match it up but here's what we can do we can prove what it's not and then you can decide what it is I want to talk about some of the assumptions that kind of go into these new findings about temperature and humidity and stuff what are your thoughts on the whole carbon dating Fiasco well you're right to call it a fiasco um is in the fact that you know it the three carbon dating Labs were were supposed to get you know they were supposed to cut three different samples from three different locations they cut one sample from the outside corner Edge Corner Edge exactly where it have been held and handled hundreds of times over the centuries literally you have a you have a 14t long cloth and it would be held held up by by clerics of the church would hold it upright grab it right at that corner where it was cut for carbon dating 14 ft long so you have you have five or six people up here on the on the on the platform holding it out for people to see and this is how it was exhibited um over 275 times from from 1413 until until 1694 when it was finally installed in the um in the cathedral so you know so if you were looking for the worst possible sample location you would pick from one of the two outside corners where it been held and handled hundreds of times and of course that's what they did so now we have one sample cut into three different pieces and those were sent off to the carbon Labs you know and it's like well what could go wrong and so and so then in in 2005 published in a peer rreview Journal uh you know uh chemist Ray Rogers he he begins to look at look at thread samples from that carbon 14 corner and compare them with with thread samples from the main body of the Shroud and lo and behold they're not the same and you know so what is he finding in other words he finds cotton mixed in with the with the with the flax threads in that corner but there's no cotton anywhere else on the on the on the shot is made out of flax and he finds a matter root Dy some kind of a dye in that in that corner perhaps to blend in the brighter newer cotton threads to affect some kind of repair so it appears that we have the the the all the ingredients for some kind of a medieval reweave and so if you but if you take one sample and cut that into three pieces you're only you're only testing one sample and so and so be be so because they violated the sampling protocol it we we we have such a we have a we have a complete mess on our hands and now published in 2019 in archaeometry a peer rreview Journal published by Oxford you have researchers that that then for under the of a of a of a freedom of of Information Act they you see the British museum oversaw all three carbon dating labs in in 1988 and so the British museum they collected all of the results from from from all three labs and submitted it to nature which is a English journal for uh for science journal but for some reason they didn't publish all of the data so there was data that was purposely left out and so finally been asking it for for 30 years people have been asking that that the British museum would release all the data finally they did the re there were four investigators involved but the primary one was n was a was a French researcher by the name of Tristan casab Bianca he spends two years analyzing this data publishes in 2019 showing that that that by that if they had included all of the data and not and not and not kept some data out of it they would never have passed these these statistical reliability tests and so now when you add in the data that was conveniently left out um now it it it demonstrates to us that there's something arai with that sample it's not homogeneous there's something going on with that sample and uh that was not published in um in 1989 I I think originally they were supposed to take what samples from seven different locations and it went down to three then it went down to just one like they only had one sample that's that's not a representative sample like it's the definition of a non-representative sample of something and I I get it like you you don't want to destruct too much of the thing that you're working on but at the same time like you can't really rely on one just one testing one piece and again like you say like that's the corner there could have been repairs there could have been people handling in that section so it just yeah I don't really uh put much faith in that carbon dating well it's sad because you know had they had they done it right we wouldn't be in this kind of a pickle right now and this is and this leads people like this wide angle x-ray scattering and other things to try to figure out well we know that something's wrong so is there another way that we can maybe date this cloth and so these other other techniques are very interesting and in intriguing and suggest that something really is wrong with the carbon dating yeah so here's one actually additional reason based on this new rear research why I think that the carbon dating is is false the history that we know of of the Shroud it's in Europe for at least the last 700 years but if these findings are correct then it would have been if it were created say in the 700 or 700 years ago then it would have had to have been kept in one of the hottest places on Earth to show the same amount of degreg that we see in the cloth right now so what I think that that does is show that the carbon dating at least if it if it doesn't even show that it's 200000 years old or dates back to Jesus it shows us that the carbon dating this is yet uh another big reason to think that the carbon dating is incorrect what are your thoughts on that I think you said it perfectly yeah I mean you know because it just the amount of Aging we see in the cloth doesn't match up with something that is on this that is purported to only be 700 years old well now let's kind of switch gears a little bit and I want to ask you you've been studying the shroud of Trin for a very long time do you think that this is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus well you know I always say yeah I'm 95% there I'll give 5% of the possibility that there's some in incredible artist who predated Leonardo by several hundred years we don't know who he is we don't know how he did it and he never did anything else I'm pretty certain it's authentic I mean like again you I come back to that either or proposition and either is the authentic B shot of Jesus or it's not and if it's not well then what is it well then it must be the work of human effort and yet the result of the Shroud project with all that data they're saying it's not the work of an artist could it have been you know some sort of non human intelligence that created this so I'm not just talking about aliens it could have been possibly demons could there have been some sort of other non-human intelligence that was involved in creating the Shroud well I would say first of all that I I don't think de demons would do anything that actually glorifies Christ because people have come to believe that this is a a testimony not just to the crucifixion but also the resurrection and it's uh so I don't think it would be any any kind of a demonic thing the ex is obviously a question no one can answer that but in terms of identifying you know could this be Jesus well you know I mean you you can you can throw out there and say well thousands of people were crucified how do you know it's Jesus well first of all the crown of thorns over 30 puncture ones around the head I mean who else not in as far as I know no one else received the crown of thorns as a routine of crucifixion it was a mockery for the man who claimed to be king of the Jews and then he was scourged massively why was he scourged so badly cuz Pontius po the Roman governor of Judea didn't want to kill him he tra first thing he tried to do he sent him to King Herod and Herod sent him back and then he tried to trade barabus and that didn't work and so finally he has him scourged brutally hoping he wouldn't have to kill him but in spite of being brutally scourged the crowd were still crying out for his crucifixion and so and then as you know was the uh you know Jesus according to the scripture gave up his Spirit around 3:00 in the afternoon around 4: in the afternoon the the the Roman soldiers would come back by and if anyone was still alive and you know there were two thieves on either side of Jesus who were crucified they took a large wooden Mallet weighing about 15 pounds shatter the bones under the knees and so so they break their legs to speed the process of asphyxia the inability to breathe and but what what does the scripture say but when they came to Jesus they noticed he was already dead therefore they did not break his legs instead one of the soldiers pierced him in the side with a spear and outflowed blood and water probably blood and the separation of blood and blood serum which would look like water so those are all very unique things that happened to Jesus specifically and not to mention the fact that he that you have an image of a crucified man died a criminals death and yet he's wrapped in a rich man's shroud this is an expensive piece of fabric it's a made from a 3 to1 hering bone pattern weave doable in first century using first century technology but expensive and and therefore rare what does the scripture say Joseph OFA a rich man purchased a fine linen cloth so on the line you know one right after another everything correlates with the with the with the crucifixion of Jesus and you have a and and in terms of the blood stains you have a whole panel of blood stains but it's not painted blood it's literally called the exudate from actual wounds in fact what we find is in the in the in the blood chemistry is a very high Billy Rubin content which is kind of a breakdown of the of the of the hemoglobin that occurs during during severe stress I think crucifixion might qualify and then you know so the so the the the the blood patterns uh correlate the actual blood chemistry correlates and and then of course you know the image of a of a you know of a then the thing too it's really unique is that this image resides on only the top one to two microfibers not threads micro fibers in other words in other words each thread is made up of about 200 microfibers so that means this image resides on about 1% of a single thread and so in other words if you take the cloth and the first when when when you when you look at it you see those parallel lines with Scorch marks and burns and Patches from the fire in 1532 and then you see water stains you see blood stains if you flip the cloth over what you would see you'd see the burns you'd see the water stains and you'd see the blood stains but what you would not see is the image of the man the image of the man is a purely superficial phenomenon affecting only the top one to two fibers of the inside of the cloth facing the the body so when you so when you put all that together and then you say well you know show me the artist who can who can do this again if you assume the carbon data is correct then you're looking for a 14 century artist you know I wrote this book that just got published in June and the in chapter nine is called the the the the challenge of art history if this is a 14th century artist then let's look at what 14th century art looks like and let's see what these artists are capable of and let's see if there's anything remotely similar to the Shroud and there's not I'm I don't know if you know this my background is in photography and one of the things that really impressed me was the the fact that the the image on the Shroud is a digital negative so well it's not a digital negative it's it's just a negative and so the image that they've got on the Shroud is is like a negative so if you flip it if you take a negative of the Shroud then it looks correct and so how would someone know how to do that all the way back then it wouldn't have even crossed their mind back then unless you've got someone who's like time traveling back to the past just to like screw with people like that's almost a better explanation than some of the explanations that that I've heard even even the alien hypothesis is better than some of the other explanations that I've heard but let me ask you uh one last question as we start to to wrap up here I've seen some people say that they don't really even care about the Shroud like the Shroud is very interesting very puzzling it's very mysterious but it's nevertheless like not that important of a piece of evidence in support of Christianity even if it's authentic so what are your thoughts on that do you think that if we could somehow prove you're you're at 95% certainty but if we could somehow prove with 100% certainty that this was the authentic burial cloth of Jesus in your mind would that provide very good evidence that Christianity is true well I think it would be convincing to a lot of people but you have your Ardent Skeptics that are not going to believe regardless I mean a a committed atheist is a committed atheist regardless of evidence so I I think it would speak to many people but not to all I would simply say this you know the if if I can plug my book it's called shroud encounter explore the world's greatest unsolved mystery and now why do I say it's the world's greatest unsolved mystery lots of mysteries in the world the pyramids Easter Island stonehinge the Bermuda Triangle why is this the greatest unsolved mystery because it relates to The Greatest Story Ever Told what if what if the God of this universe really did send his only son into the world to become one of us to become a human being and to live a life that we couldn't live a perfect life and then submit himself to to the to the extreme brutality of the of the of the Cross to literally become the perfect sacrifice or as John the Baptist said the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and what if he really did rise again on the third day and from the dead and then promises and then promises victory over death for all who believe would that not be The Greatest Story Ever Told and does and and is it possible that the Shroud is a document of that very set of events and I think that's about as big as it gets

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