IT'S A BIG DAMN DEAL! | Verdict Ep. 206

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:48:07 Category: News & Politics

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RFK Jr drops out of the presidential race and endorses Donald Trump could this be the biggest endorsement he's ever received it's verdict with Ted Cruz and starts right [Music] now welcome it is verdict with Senator Ted Cruz uh Ben Ferguson with you Senator this is one of those fun pods where we get to do video as well and it is really fun to watch Democrats had what they would have described as an amazing convention they were coming out of it probably with a bump from for kamla and then all of a sudden RFK Jr Monday becomes their worst nightmare well Bobby Kennedy now has dropped out of the presidential campaign and he's endorsed Donald Trump this is in technical political terms a big damn deal even more important is Kennedy's reasons why he detailed just a stunning indictment of is former party it is powerful and it could easily move votes and swing States we're going to break it all down in this show we're also going to talk about kamla Harris as the borders are has lost 300,000 children listen to that sentence again KLA Harris has lost 300,000 children now the media won't tell you about it we're going to yeah it's an important story and it needs to be told for everybody want to tell you real quick about our friends over at Patriot mobile if you are sick and tired of giving your money to woke companies that are fighting against your values one of those categories is your cell phone provider big mobile is giving big donations to democratic causes candidates and organizations they're also supporting organizations that are actually paying for abortions if you don't want your money going there you need to make the switch to Patriot mobile now Patriot mobile takes a portion of your bill every month that no extra cost to you and they actually give about 5% of your bill every month back to causes that stand up for our first and our Second Amendment rights they stand up for the rights of unborn babies and they also support our military our veterans and our first 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that have happened a lot of announcements that have happened in in my political life you've seen a lot too A lot of them aren't as historic as people want to believe in the moment I think watching a guy by the last name Kennedy not only drop out but endorse Trump this may be the most important endorsement that Donald Trump has ever received so look I I I think it has the potential to be seismic we're going to break down the political impact of it but before we talk about the politics I want to focus on the substance because the substantive indictment that Bobby Kennedy made of the Democrat Party is is really significant and I want to start by just listening to Kennedy's own reasons why he endorsed Donald Trump here Give a listen give a watch I'm suspending my campaign activities not only did we do The Impossible by collecting a million signatures we changed the national political conversation forever chronic disease free speech government corruption breaking our addiction to war have moved to the center of politics I can say to all of worked so hard the last year and a half thank you for a job well done three great causes drove me to enter this race in the first place primarily and these are the principal causes that persuaded me to leave the Democrat Democratic party and and run as an independent and now to thrum I support president Trump the the causes were free speech the war in Ukraine and the war on our children this is very authentic you and I talked about this months ago I had dinner with him in in Nevada and you and I talked about it afterwards I was like he's very focused on agenda items right now they have not changed since I had dinner with him he was very clear then I'm in this race for these issues this is why I'm running and then yeah the Democratic party screwed him over royally and that's part of this story obviously but these are important things that many Americans agree with him on look that that that's exactly right you've got one up on me i' I've never met Kennedy uh so so I only know him from from TV from from what he says publicly but but everything I see that is that is sincere that is real he these are are convictions that he has and they happen to be convictions that are shared by an awful lot of Americans you you look at the first one he listed free speech and and I think free speech is something incredibly powerful it happens to be a deep passion of both both you and me yeah uh it is a major focus of this podcast it's a major reason we do this podcast look you and I are often recording verdict at at midnight at 1: in the morning at 2 in the morning um and heck you do a morning radio show too so you're getting slammed on on both sides but the a big part of the reason we do it is is between the corruption of the media and the censorship that is out there that combination is is enormously impactful and you know one of the things that that that that Kennedy said at the rally with Trump uh is he talked about throughout history when you have governments censoring bad things happen and he asked the question when of the people censoring ever been the good guys yeah and it's a really really good question and I got to say I think he is sincere and and there was a time when there were lots of Democrats who defended free speech it's difficult to name a Democrat who defends free speech today in the senate i serve with 51 Democrat Senators there's not one not a single one who I've ever heard speak up against big Tech censorship there's not one who I've ever heard speak up against media censorship literally we go through hearing after hearing files was there anybody that was even outraged so even when you guys were showing evidence and it was all the Twitter files were coming out which is when mus decided by Twitter and we found out about all the censorship that was happening behind the scenes we many of us knew it was happening we just didn't have the proof then we got the proof uh we could see it we could feel it we could understand our reach was changing people were being silenced their accounts are being shut down and we had those things but this was very clear in emails no one was outraged none of your colleagues not even outraged they don't ask questions about it they simply want to memory hold the whole thing so when Mark Zuckerberg testifies in front of the Senate zero Democrat ask a question about censorship when Jack dorsy when he was running Twitter none of the Democrats so you look at the hunter Biden laptop where you had Twitter you you you had Facebook you had big Tech censoring it right before the 2020 election trying to trying to shut it down you also had you you had the the corporate media shutting it down there was not a single Democrat who asked a single member of big Tech about it they expressed no concern and by the way we now know the story was true and that didn't matter but so free speech is a really powerful it is an issue that Democrats used to care about I mean go back to the 1960s go back to the Vietnam War and by the way that touches on another issue you know he talks about standing against War listen it's worth remembering when Donald Trump was President we had zero Wars yeah we had peace and prosperity across the globe through strength through strength with Joe Biden and KLA Harris we have two simultaneous Wars the biggest war in Europe since World War II and the worst war in the Middle East in 50 years and the Democrats they are in the business number one of being so weak that it invites aggression weakness produces War because the bad guys are encouraged by it but then number two they live for you know what can would rightly call the military industrial complex by the way that's a phrase that was initially popularized by Dwight D Eisenhower who knew something about the military but also knew about the business of war and and the Democrats the Democrats seem to like to get us in wars and stay in wars and spend money and money and money and money and I do think Kennedy coming out and saying hey you know give peace a chance that is significant then I also think Kennedy's focus on the war on children chronic diseases and in particular the corruption the corruption of big Pharma the corruption that gets in government and and listen both parties bear some of the fault of this but big Pharma and the Democrat Party are in bed and and and it is you look at the FDA the FDA for example to get a new drug approved it typically cost billions of dollars the trials you have to go through and the consequence of that is really problematic because it means for example rare diseases rare diseases almost never get any money invested in cures for rare diseases why they can't make their money back because they can't make their money back if it costs billions of dollars to to invent a drug if you don't have enough patience to justify billions of dollars as a matter of cost uh uh then then what happens is Big Pharma doesn't do that um i w i was an original co-sponsor of right to try legislation which Donald Trump signed uh I also am the author of a bill called the results act which says that if another major developed country has approved a pharmaceutical or a medical device and so that's Europe that's Canada that's Japan so it's not some Banana Republic it's like real countries with real regulatory schemes if they've approved a drug or a medical device that the FDA has 60 days to approve it here and if they don't it's automatically granted by operation of law that would dramatically change how approvals happen here now big Pharma hates that yeah but but it is fundamentally wrong did you ever see the movie Dallas buers Club yes oh absolutely Matthew MCC unbelievable movie and true story and the fact he lost that much weight to play the character is still insane to me so and as you know I know Matthew MCC a little bit I've I've spent spent some time with him and and I've talked to him about the movie and the movie is actually a profoundly conservative movie yeah uh it's a true story about about a Texan who was going down to Mexico and was going down to Mexico to get AIDS drugs why because they weren't legal here and he was bringing them up here and and and selling them this was early in the AE crisis and and and and and and it is wrong it is fundamentally wrong that our regulations should should prevent you particularly if you're facing facing a a dis yeah it was very clear death was coming on your doorstep yeah you ought to have the right to try and and seek technology you shouldn't have to go to a foreign country all three of those issues are powerful and they all have constituencies that care about them and Kennedy is a really powerful voice for all three of them you you look at what he had to say and and there was that there was also I think part of it was the corruption of the democratic party and I want to play this clip and get your reaction because he just straight out called out what had happened to him he had done this and by the way this isn't the first Democrat to be treated this way Bernie Sanders was treated this way before when they want to rig and fix an election and especially in a primary Democrats they do it they do it and we're seeing it now with Kam here so we don't even need a primary right just we're just going to decide who the person is and you get to vote for the person we tell you get to vote for look at this instead of showing us her substance and character the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for vice president Harris based upon what nothing no policies no interviews no debates only smoke and mirrors and balloons in highly produced Chicago circus there in Chicago his string of democratic speakers mentioned Donald Trump 147 times just on the first day oh who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate in contrast that the NC convention President Biden was mentioned only twice in 4 days I mean that says a lot and that's where I think some of his supporters were coming from like we want ideas we don't want a coronation we don't want just whoever you hand over to us and you don't listen to us and we're just expected to vote for that person if it's K Harris and and you see that happen and I think it's important that he said it that way because I think that's going to bring some supporters with him to the Trump side I look I I think that's right there's a lot of substance in what he said there and and and and there are at least three different points that he's made number one when it comes to democracy Democrats don't believe in democracy in fact they despise democracy they believe in power now of course that's why Democrats talk about democracy all day long you look at KLA Harris who is now their nominee there is literally not one human being on planet Earth who in 2024 voted for kamla Harris to be the president and yet she is the nominee without a single voter having voted for her to be the Presidential nominee that is stunning another thing he says is he says he refers to the media as the dnc's their media organs understand the level of corruption that we have but that he's calling out that that the corporate media and the Democrat Party they are one and the same the media is an extension of the Democrat Party and in fact the media is the left wi of the Dem R party so so to the extent they ever criticize Democrats it's for not being liberal enough it's to push them further and further and further left they are the communication arm of the Democrat Party and the media the corporate media no longer pretends to be journalists they no longer have an aspiration to report the truth they no longer have have an intention to report on both sides they are simply Advocates and advocates for power the media does not you know the Washington post's motto is democracy dies in darkness yeah uh as you and I have joked about that has become a mission statement it is no longer a bad thing when it was written the idea was we don't want democracy to die in darkness now the Washington Post says our job is to keep it dark and kill democracy do not let anything critical of the Democrats come out that is powerful and then the third point he made there is the entire DNC convention had no substance none and and that's not hyperbole like legitimately there was there were people on the street you know man on the street interviews afterwards where there was conservatives out there asking people what is your favorite Harris policy to the delegates who were leaving every night yeah they couldn't find a single delegate to come out and actually say what her policies even were much less what their favorite one was and I love this because it's sad the media should have done that they obviously didn't yeah well and and listen I I think Friday's pod and if you didn't listen to Friday's pod you ought to go back and listen to it because it was our analys of Comm Harris's speech and and we described it as as vapid radical yes disconnected from reality and dangerous as hell and and the vapid part of it look the first half of her speech was kind of nice fuzzy biography it turns out she likes her mom yep that um it turns out that kittens are nice it turns out that that you know neighbors helping neighbors every word of that could frankly had been given by any candidate on planet Earth in either party right any Republican any Democrat AKA no substance kumay no substance at all it's just I'm I'm for nice fuzzy things that's the first half of it to the extent she got into any policy she got into a few radical policies like it turns out the Democrats are all abortion all the time no limits whatsoever that's what we stand for look the disconnected from reality point that we made on Friday is really important the entire Democrat convention was given as if KLA Harris is the Challenger yeah with no acknowledgement that she is the sitting vice president and by the way down the hall is theoretically the President Joe Biden may not know that but but but he is at least he's still the person who can push the button and annihilate the human race right now think how terrifying that is he might think it's it's the rewind button on the on the remote control but he is theoretically the commander-in-chief right now in the entire speech when she stands up and says if you elect me I will solve inflation well okay you're in office now what the hell are you doing today yeah you know if you first office was almost four years ago if you elect me I will secure the Border you've been the border bizar for four years what the hell have you been doing for four years and if you intend to do it why don't you do it now and and that's what Kennedy is saying is that not a word of the convention was about actual policy that she intends to do and instead as he rightly said it was all about Trump bad Trump bad Trump bad that that was the entire message is we hate Trump uh and yet and the party as a whole what they're really unified behind is power they want to stay in power and and I want you to listen to this next segment from RFK because it really does break down the utter Corruption of the media and how the media and the DNC they are one and the same Give a listen President Biden mocked Vladimir Putin's 88% landslide in the Russian elections observing that Putin and his party controlled the Russian press and that Putin prevented serious opponents from appearing on the ballot but here in America the DNC also prevented opponents from appearing on the ballot and our television networks expose themselves as Democratic party organs over the course more than a year in a campaign where my poll number is reached at times in the high 20s the DNC alied mainstream media networks maintain a near perfect embargo on interviews with me that that's shocking but also I I I I've witnessed this when I was a conservative at CNN they would just say don't ever allow that person back on the air don't interview that person we I we were told explicitly when I was there that you went on the air and you discussed the laptop you would basically be banished from the airwaves this is very real I've witness it on the inside and by the way it it's the corporate leadership it's why I refer to them I will never use the phrase mainstream media because there is nothing remotely mainstream about the marxists who are running these media companies and and the the phrase I always use is Corporate media and usually corrupt corporate media because what I didn't understand and you seen firsthand it's the suits it's the CEO it's the head of the news division that make the decision this is the position of NBC this is the position of CNN we support we are the kamla Harris Angel Brigade where we sing her hosas and look Joy let's go back to word Joy was the whole convention and then remember when JD Vance it was everyone started using the word weird all at the same time and I want people able to understand this is how coordinated these media organizations organic deis it is literally the morning message okay everyone here today we say Republicans are weird okay everyone here today we say joy and and and the hosts are are just sort of Puppets in in this now they all take orders they all salute but you know it is stunning and and Kennedy talked about he said his numbers got to the high 20s I don't think I saw them in the high 20s but I can tell you for much of the past years they were in the teens yeah uh they were they were in the teens for a long time that's a big chunk of votes why did the corporate media not want them on it's real simple because it hurt Joe Biden yeah they want a coronation of Joe Biden it is they wanted Biden to win and anyone listening to Bobby Kennedy and he would say something negative about Joe Biden and that was not to be allowed that's not the job of Journalism that is it's interesting you know Kennedy invoked Putin that is how provda works yeah that is how in dictatorships the media works is we will not allow disent and it ties right back into the First Amendment point the media doesn't believe in the First Amendment there's nobody in the media yeah who's upset about censorship I mean think what an amazing statement that is there there's an incredible story yelton and I I love going back and reading history I was reading this a couple weeks ago just as reminders I go back I'm like hey what was happening in other countries and and comparing it to here when yel had his final reelection he was at one point uh about 2 or 3% favorability in Russia this was and they were trying to figure out the oligarchs in Russia how do we keep this guy in office because if we go back to Communism we lose all of this money all of this private sector we've been able to you know to grab up when the when everything fell in in in the USSR and so there was two oligarchs that controlled 99% of the media they actually hated each other and they got together and they agreed we're going to prop up yelton and they just went out there every day and they used they had 99% penetration the homes in Russia are those guys running CNN now that's the whole point but they they literally took a guy yelton that was at 2 to 3% rating with the people in Russia and got them to another Victory so they could keep all that they had gained from this country it's no different than what you're watching here exactly what they've done to comma and and understand the Democrats they all know they are corrupt they know this is about power I want you to watch Gavin Newsome I want you to watch Gavin Newsome we rarely show Lefty pods but this is POD save America and tell who's on this pod for really don't know so this is the Lefty pod of all the Obama Bros so this is the this is the people with Obama you know Obama's top speech writer his campaign manager these are the people that that that that that were integral in Obama's campaigns and integral in his White House they're on with Gavin Nome and and and give a look Give a listen to what they think about commus coronation there's an intangible it's different how you feeling about the switch I mean the switch now we went through a very open process and a very inclusive process uh it was bottom up I don't know if you know that yes that's what I've been told to say yes it was it was it was a blitz primary I believe that's what they called it it's a very very fast Blitz I think it was a blink primary so got that oh a 30 minute convention you know between tweet and another tweet it's amazing how it happened yeah it's been amazing but it is what is amazing is how unified everybody is I mean it's next level they're mocking democracy they're they're mocking your your vote so so and I want to say something so this is one of the the pods that we do on video also so every pod we do is on audio and typically about a third of them are on video as well if if you haven't watched the video this would be a good one to go to YouTube and watch because seeing that image look the first thing that jumps off is those are four rich white boys that that that is is Miracle Whip that is mayonnaise Rich pasty white guys laughing the VP wouldn't like them because I'm sure some of them went to like Harvard or Yale oh no no but that's okay that if you're a Marxist it's okay then you learned what you're supposed to learn at Harvard of Yale it's only if you actually believe in Liberty if you believe in capitalism then you you're horrible but but listen the utter hypocrisy they are laughing about ha we had a the switch the the the switch and and they said oh 30 minutes we just decided boom and then you see is they're all laughing about how corrupt we are we made the decision she'll be the nominee voters you shut up there is no democracy in our party and then you see Gavin news up but we're all unified da yes comrade we're all unified and they all immediately back to our talking points talking points everyone's unified behind kamla that is our talking point and and they know it it's not like they're unaware they know that that democracy is just a talking point that they Trot out when they want to but they don't actually believe in democracy and in fact they mock democracy they laugh at democracy and and the Democrat Party their Central organizing principle is power is staying in power it is why look their single biggest policy vulnerability is the is the open borders that KLA Harris's borders are has been in charge of for 4 years I've had people ask me well why would the Democrats allow this horribly unpopular policy you would think you would think that they would just like for for PR not want to do that and the reason is they see 11 a. half million illegal immigrants and they think these are Democrat voters this is how we stay in power and staying in power is what matters even if people have to die even if migrants have to die even if Americans have to be murdered children can have to be assaulted women have to be raped all of that they're willing to do to stay in power that cynicism is profound it is and and and it's the party right now want to tell you about our friends over at amamos squar uh if you are like me and you love to go out and shoot and protect your family and be able to defend yourself and you believe in the Second Amendment there is a company that is doing something that's really amazing amamos squared ensures you have ammo when you need it it's an automated approach to purchasing ammo on any budget you pick your calibers you set your budget you select a shipping trigger and that's it your ammo grows slowly over time and is stored for free as it builds up it's shipped with a click of a button or automatically on a schedule whatever you want to do now unlike a traditional Subscription Service you aren't forced into a set budget or a monthly shipment you decide your budget you can change it whenever ever you want to you decide your schedule and you can change it 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and this is my theory you can tell me if you think I'm right or wrong he was polling in most swing States I'm referring to RFK Jr anywhere between about 4% to 7% if he's able to keep 40 to 50% of his supporters as he go and they go over to Trump that's a legitimate two to three percentage points in swing States yeah that is the different Center between winning and losing in a in a general election cycle this could be massive for Donald Trump this could have enormous impact and and we'll break the numbers down in a second but but you're right but but let me before we get into the the exact numbers let let's actually just talk about this in the macro level Bobby Kennedy is the son of the late Bobby Kennedy who would have been president had he not been assassinated on the presidential campaign Trail yes Bobby Kennedy is the nephew of JFK who obviously was president and tragically was assassinated as president there is no greater Democratic royalty than the kennedies Bobby than the kennedies and Bobby Kennedy Jr in particular that is for Bobby Kennedy to be endorsing the Republican candidate for president is is massive and do you know when the last time was that a Kennedy supported a republican in a campaign I'm going to go back in ancient history I want you to to to to listen to this interview with Richard Nixon let's go back to 1950 Give a listen as Nixon talks about it in 19 50 uh he came into the outer office my secretary buzzed and said uh Congressman Kennedy is here and so of course he came right in and he handed me an envelope he said you know I know you got a tough campaign against Helen gagen Douglas and uh the family like to contribute so he handed it to me and there was $1,000 in cash uh later on I think it was quite embarrassing to him and he wanted it made very clear that the contribution was from his father and not for him personally but he was delivering it there was no question that whose side he was on and later on after the election when he was speaking at Harvard he said that he was not unhappy about my defeating Helen gagan Douglas because he had not found her one that he liked to work with in the Congress of the United States do you think that the money was in fact from him or was it from his father doesn't make any difference the Kennedy money is all in one pot and he got he had a chance to get I think let me put it this way unless he had wanted me to beat Helen gagen Douglas that money would never have come because I didn't know his father at that time I'm sure what happened is that he told his father that uh well this is one of the coming lights here and his father was anti-communist uh and felt because of what I had done in the his case which was already under the belt at that point that he'd like to be on that side no I don't think he was an Aaron boy for his father the money may have come from his father but he wanted it done too there was no question about that that he was on my side in that campaign I mean that's that's a piece of history that I I hope everyone and like you said earlier if you're not getting to watch this if you're listening the audio only of this one go watch this on YouTube because that's a really cool piece of History to see yeah the video is is is amazing and and it's Nixon describing how JFK supported him in Nixon's Senate race when he was running for the senate in California 1950 against Helen gagen Douglas who was a very very left-wing Democrat and and JFK showed up number one with a th000 bucks cash and so JFK is this young Congressman he shows up with a thousand bucks cash now that's illegal today actually you can't the bagman like that you can't bring cash and it was it some of this came out of Watergate and came it came out of all of that you you had the initial campaign Finance laws that you can't now accept that much money in cash it has to be a check or it has to be a credit card or it has to be Bitcoin but it can't be you're not allowed um I actually had a a campaign rally where a guy came up to me yesterday you were there with5 $100 bills and said here I want to give you $500 for your campaign and I had to tell him I said thank you sir I'm not allowed to accept that under the FEC rules I'm not allowed to accept that much cash you can give it as a check you can give it as a credit card but I can't take that and and I made him keep his money now I don't I don't know if he ended up giving or not but it was an interesting moment it it it is an interesting moment and by the way that was $11,000 in 1950 how much is that today I mean to put it in perspective it's a lot well I I actually ran the numbers and $1,000 in 1950 today is $3,514 that's how much the kenedy's wanteded him to win 13 Grand that JFK delivered to support Nixon in his senate race in 1950 and I don't know of another instance when a Kennedy has supported a republican certainly not in as high-profile a race as the presidential race so Bobby Kennedy supporting Donald Trump wow like holy cow it's been 74 years since this has happened when when you look now at these swing States moving forward and I think there's two takeaways that are going to be political knowledge if I was doing a class teach in a class in a couple years I would bring this up immediately what did you learn from this endorsement number one I think Americans are very much open to a cabinet that just isn't one-sided for one party of the other and that you should look for ways to reach across the aisle because it can bridge the gap and I think this is proof of this with the way that the reaction has been and how terrified Democrats are of this endorsement number one but number two I also think it tells you how important it is to listen to maybe some of the smaller candidates who are running whether it's listening to someone like a Buchanan or a nater or or or even a Bernie Sanders I think Democrats have done a bad job not incorporating some of that younger Phil the burn into some of their later campaigns Hillary Clinton really pissed off the Bernie Sanders people in a in a major way when she was running and I think that's part of history that people hav't looked at so much is that hey you got to make sure that you're that if you're a Democrat even if there's someone you don't like you might want to have a bigger conversation with them so yes now I actually think in many ways Bernie Sanders prevailed in that race why because his agenda became the Democrat Party agenda yeah but didn't she have disdain in it afterwards oh look Hillary did and I assume does uh and and there's no doubt they treated Bernie in his Coalition they treated them like peasants they gave them the back of the hand because the Democrat Party is all about power power power but my point is Bernie's positions were Fringe a decade ago now they're in mainstream that they are now the heart every one of Bernie's positions is what KLA Harris supports that they they are one in the same and when Trump became president what it did is it radicalized the Democrat Party and they ended up adopting Bernie's policies but look you want to understand how big a deal the RFK junor endorsement is just flip it so the media is saying all day long it's not a big deal it's not a big deal doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter they're so desperate to convince you of that that ought to tell you something just flip it and ask yourself if Bobby Kennedy yesterday had endorsed KLA Harris 247 news coverage I promise you CNN went and dumped out of it which is what they did when they were covering him saying he was dropping out of the race start explain why repeat that yeah literally during his speech CNN cut it off by the way MSNBC aired the speech with no audio they had their commentators talking over it so you could see Bobby Kennedy was talking but they thought it was more important to hear the lefties saying the words coming out of Kennedy's mouth do not matter pay no attention you cannot listen to this they are terrified and if if Kennedy had endorsed kamla it would be 247 it would be the race is over this is the final that this broke the back of trump dance in the street dance in the street in fact call off the election in November we don't even need an election game over let's break some of the numbers down so I have here Tony Fabo who is Trump pollster put out a memo just breaking down what's the impact of the RFK Jr endorsement and if you go through the swing States all right I'm going to go go go through each of them seven states so Arizona RFK Jr's current share of the vote right now is 5% the breakdown within Arizona of the Kennedy vote how much of it supports Trump how much of it supports Harris in Arizona it's 53% supports Trump 28% supports Harris that's a Delta of 2 5% that's a ton of votes if you assume the Trump supporting Kennedy votes will now vote for Trump that's a big chunk how about Georgia Georgia Kennedy has 3% and the and the Delta is 47% for Trump 34% for Harris that's a Delta of 133% again favoring Trump Michigan Kennedy has 4% of the vote the Delta there is 43% for Trump 41% for Harris that's the closest but even that's plus 2% for Trump how about North Carolina North Carolina Kennedy has 3% but the breakdown there 58% for Trump 22% for Harris that's a Delta of 36% for Trump Nevada Nevada Kennedy has 4% the Delta between the two all right this is going to be stunning what do you think the Delta is between the two I mean it's got to be in the in the in the teens I would assume because of because of taxes it's much much higher than that really Trump 66 % Harris 16% the Delta is 50% is that because the tax issue there I don't know why it is I just I'm just reading the numbers from F breo's memo so it does doesn't say why let me do the last two swing States Pennsylvania Kennedy has 4% of the vote Trump has of that 4% Trump has 49% Harris has 35 that's a Delta of 133% and finally Wisconsin Kennedy has 4% of the vote Trump has 55% of that share Harris has 25% of that share that is a Delta of plus 30% what does all of that mean it means the impact is very possibly one to two to three points in Trump's Direction in each of those swing states that is a big big deal in a in a an election that could easily be decided by one or two percentage points this endorsement could very possibly change the outcome of the election I think a week ago after a month of of Relentless media propaganda according to the public polling kamla Harris was winning in all the all the swing States but Georgia which would suggest if the election had happened a week ago that that kamla would have won if these numbers move 2 or 3% towards trump it could well be the difference that gives Trump the election in November I want to pull back the curtain a little bit and and in campaigns when you're running for president you have daily serate calls and it's the campaign usually senior staff that runs them and they kind of give out like some data or the talking points of what we're doing today what the messaging is today and by the way you've done that so you were on the 2004 George W bush reelect you were part of the media team so you've actually been part of those calls yes and they're and they're fun because some days they're just kind of like you check the box like not a lot to Chang the day before but you do it it's like hey we're still on this or hey there's this story or this data point or make sure if you're on TV you mention this so I'm on the the the Trump ones now and I can tell you just the feeling on the call the excitement with this endorsement with this big guest that they were having at the rally and everybody knew what it was like it's not hard to figure it out you knew it was going to be this and it was different and it was all about these swing States and I tell people this because like you do those calls every day and become the same in a sense there are certain days where things are different and this was one of those days where it just felt different well and listen what Kennedy did this cycle was a big deal getting on the ballot all across the country it is hard to get on the presidential ballot as an independent candidate he got he said said there over a million signatures those are a bunch of people that were energized that were inspired that were excited now not all of them are going to vote for Trump but if a majority of them if a significant majority already do that's a big deal and it is why the corrupt corporate media desperately wants you not even to know about it and not to care I mentioned earlier a company named Patriot mobile and I can tell you right now I've got my cell phone and I have Patriot mobile why did I switch because every time I make a phone call every time I send a text and every time I pay my bill I know I'm making an impact for what I believe in because Patriot mobile takes about 5% of my bill every month at no extra cost to me they give it back to organizations and causes that support the first and the Second Amendment rights of all of us they also do incredible work protecting the lives of unborn children and then there's another aspect they stand with our First Responders they stand with our veterans they stand with our Wounded Warriors and they give back to projects that make a huge difference in their lives now that's amazing on its own but why did Patriot mobile get started more than a decade ago because the Liberals at Big mobile we're giving massive donations to democratic causes candidates and organizations including those that are providing for abortions right now if you don't want your money going there then take a bill you're going to have every month and have it be with a company that stands up for what you believe in check out Patriot mobile and I'm going to give you a free month of service all you got to do is go to patriotmobile docomo verdict or call them 972 Patriot that's 972 Patriot right now and you're going to get a free month when you use the offer code verdict join me and switch to America's only Christian conservative mobile provider Patriot mobile that's Patriot verdict or 972 Patriot you'll get a free month of service today and switching is easy you can do it over the phone Senator one last just point I got to bring up and I think it's an important one the Democratic Convention was so worried about people not watching on the final night when KLA was going to be speaking that they just started putting out lies and leaks uh it made me laugh Don Lemon for example said I have sources saying that either Taylor Swift's GNA show up or Beyonce or George W bush is gonna speak at the Democratic Convention and then he says stay tuned like clear propaganda George Bush was not showing up to endorse KLA Harris no way in hell but then they had this Beyonce thing out there or Taylor Swift out there so the numbers would be massive watching the convention and it was all lie well look Don Lemon used to pretend to be a real journalist and and he just happily was pushing out propaganda I mean the idea that George W Bush was going to show up was always absurd and was was laughable uh but you're right it was designed to get people to tune in whether it was Taylor Swift or Beyonce they wanted to do something to to to draw up some excitement to get people to watch but but but look I got to say that that night I was I was on Fox I was on Jesse Waters and and I actually said Jesse I want to break some news so I have an internal leak from within the white house that has come out I know who the mystery guest is it's El Chapo El Chapo is going to address the convention and the reason is simple they were brainstorming who's benefited the most from KLA Harris's policies and as they talked about it they could not come up with anyone who has benefited more than Mexican drug lords yeah and and so El Cho I'm told and again this is a leak from the Biden White House that Kamala personally raised the bail money to bail yes El Chapo's in jail but she's very good at raising bail money for people in jail so they bailed him out to fly him to Chicago to speak on stage and say let me tell you are you better off than you were four years ago to all my drug dealing Patriots we are much better off so ceip weather turned out my prediction was wrong but boy it would have been appropriate because it sure is accurate who's benefited no doubt about it don't forget we do the show Monday Wednesday and Friday hit that subscribe or Auto download button uh if you're watching this video on YouTube or on Facebook make sure you share it as well uh and if you're listening to audio only make sure you go and watch some of the clips we played for you today are incredible you should see them in person share it on social media you guys taking the show and putting it out especially and I want to say thank you during the week of the democratic convention we had record downloads and that is because of you guys sharing it so we keep bringing this to you we keep giving you the information and when you share it has a huge impact on this country in the sener and I will see you back here in a couple of days [Music]

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