Category: News & Politics
First up 1960 john f kennedy versus richard nixon most composed under pressure kennedy looks cal and confident while vice president nixon sweated under the studio lights kennedy surged in the polls now let's move to 1980 jimmy carter versus ronald reagan most effective at turning the tables reagan's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The killing of an olympic athlete shines a spotlight on violence against women in africa nearly 34% of kenyan girls and women aged 15 to 49 have suffered physical violence more people indicted in russia's whisper gate malware attack five officers of the russian military intelligence agency known as... Read more
Category: News & Politics
President putin has said tonight that the us and european countries will be directly participating in moscow's conflict with ukraine if they lift restrictions on kev using longrange missiles to strike russian territory he said this would change the nature of the conflict and mean the us and other nato... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Today is monday 2nd september and though the bulk of this program as of so many other programs um that i've been doing over the last two plus years will be taken up with the events in the conflict in ukraine i'm going to start with the recent elections in germany in thuringia and saxony two regions... Read more
Category: News & Politics
All right alexander let's talk about what is going on in ukraine and let's start off with the situation on the front lines in dbas we have the the storming the assault on ugar if we can call it the storming of ugar you'll let us know if that's indeed what's going on we have a worsening situation for... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Klare entscheidung getroffen was wir tun und was wir nicht tun an dieser entscheidung wird es sich nicht ändern und ich bitte um verständnis dass ich gespräche zwischen den chefs befreundeter staaten die noch gar nicht stattfunden haben nicht vorher kommentiere heute abend werden der us-präsident und... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] kamla harris and donald trump meet on the debate stage they've destroyed the fabric of our country millions of people let in you adore strong men instead of caring about democracy while secretary of state anthony blinkin is in keev but what is meant by victory may not be what ukrainians want... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Welcome to oracle eyes day by day the violence of the war between ukraine and russia is rising the other day the ukrainian army conducted a quite crucial operation ukrainian security force unmanned aerial vehicles exploded ammunition at the massive armory in the vones area of russia the russian army's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ukrainian troops made significant gains in chase of aar today holding off russian forces from several key defensive positions during the fierce fighting 22 russian soldiers were killed and eight more were wounded ukrainian troops supported by drones successfully destroyed an enemy supply route near... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Buongiorno a tutti buongiorno a tutti bu buon lunedì a tutti buon lunedì e buon inizio settimana a tutti allora vi chiedo scusa io ieri non ho fatto il video perché ero in live poi c'era pirri in live insomma era meglio non lasciarlo da solo allora innanzitutto ci tengo a ringraziarvi per la montagna... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[musik] krieg verhindern dafür wurde die nato vor 75 jahren [musik] gegründet februar 2022 die zeitenwende russland greift die ukraine offen an der krieg ist zurück in europa die ukraine gehört nicht zur nato und trotzdem stellt sich seitdem die frage wie verteidigungsfähig ist die nato wie stark ist... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Dunque è vero signor limonov limonov limonov mi scusi sono francese allora lo so ricomincia per favore è vero che è in grado di scrivere solo di un argomento ovvero di se stesso ha fatto centro io io ho buttato giù questo questo libercolo per guadagnare un po' di soldi ma la verità è che io non mi sono... Read more