🅽🅴🆆 Zachary Quinto who do you think you are full episode 🍁 who do you think you 2024

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:36:25 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] I always wanted to be an actor once I realized what it was singing and dancing troop of kids in Pittsburgh and I felt completely at home I remember the night before my first episode of Heroes aired one of The Producers pulled me aside on set and he was like I just want to let you know that like tomorrow your life will be different it was this huge Global phenomenon really was strange and then immediately after that I got Star Trek that's the most significant and meaningful role Spock that I've played it was like hitting a lottery twice in one year I went from being a kind of working actor to having people recognize me and becoming famous and so there were some when I was a kid I love Pittsburgh I felt very safe there growing up I felt very nurtured I felt very supported but my father died of cancer when I was seven it was it was hard uh emotionally it was hard you know um financially the dynamic completely shifted in our in our family and I can't imagine anything harder my mother I don't think she knew her own strength until she had to she went from being a stay-at-home mom to needing to be a single parent bread winner provider feel grateful for that when when a family encounters such a profound tragedy as the loss of a parent it it kind of Robs a family of the luxury of exploring anything other than how they're going to survive and that's why I think I know almost nothing about my history my father's name was uh Joseph John Quinto he was born in connelsville Pennsylvania my father's parents were both born in Italy they were dead before I was born so they became stories in the family more than they were people and and beyond that I don't know be excited that I'm doing this my mother is Margaret McArdle Quinto she was born in Pittsburgh my maternal grandfather Joseph Mardell was a businessman and a politician I think okay I'm I always get this confused so there's a roadway in Pittsburgh called the PJ McArdle roadway which is named after my great-grandfather one of them served one term in Congress I think it was my great-grandfather but I don't really know anything else so I'm heading to Pittsburgh to see what I can find out about my maternal great-grandfather PJ McArdle in the meantime I got in touch with a geni happy to be here it gives me a great feeling to come home you got to get you got to muscle in there if you're going to go see now this person's not letting you in you got to get in there you can't just wait you want me to be a Pittsburgh driver now just like I will go hey rolling one of the things that I'm really interested in about my great grandfather PJ is his progression I know that he ended up serving the community so much that they named a roadway after him and a pretty significant roadway what's interesting for me is to understand what that Journey was hello good to see you yeah great to see you too thanks so much for spending time with me curious as to what the the link is to Pittsburgh what brought him here what his history was Pittsburgh was home to the labor movement in the turn of the century and so every Union that was on a national level had their own newspaper and those Union newspapers published on local findings the the local scuttlebutt of Union lodges but also National politics and events and that's exactly where I started to look for PJ McCardell great and so I have this for you great so The Amalgamated Journal official organ of the Amalgamated Association of iron steel and Tin workers October 20th 1899 so all are well pleased with the so so he is living in Indiana at this time right okay they M Indiana Great okay never knew I had ties to Indiana the members here all are well pleased with the journal and and well they may be it is bright and clean and a credit to the AA members at large enclose a list of subscribers from the mill may it live long and prosper will what that's crazy that's insane 1899 so to explain that a little bit that line was a famous line from a a stage play of RI Van Winkle so PJ likely either saw the stage play or even more likely it was something he heard from his fellow workers this was as close 12 years before I would get the role of Spock my great-grandfather put that phrase in a letter what are the chances of that amazing wow okay so my great-grandfather in 1899 he's a member of The Amalgamated Association of iron steel and Tin workers which is a union it's a union made up of workers in the metals making Industries so he was a laborer absolutely so he was a skilled iron heater wow and tell me about that Union the union was created in 187 6 in response to employers pushing and pushing to to increase their profits through lowering the wages of workers and The Amalgamated Association they're fighting for safety and just the physical heat so they're exhausted and more likely to make mistakes on the job the workers would get crushed under Machinery or maybe poisoned by the gases they were inhaling these huge blast furnaces could explode there even accounts of men watching helplessly as their co-workers are burned alive after these horrific accidents men like your great-grandfather would have to return to work knowing that at any given moment the same thing could happen to them the atmosphere is toxic low and right the environment is dangerous yeah wow and so workers joined a union like this to band together to make some sort of national voice for themselves against their employers so my great-grandfather pj McArdle he was some kind of Representative he's a corresponding member of the Union meaning he's this time he's about 24 25 years old so young and that's incredibly young to represent other workers he somebody who is remarkable how does his trajectory go from here I have something here that'll answer that question okay so this is the Mony Sunday star October 8th 1905 so now he's 30 essentially here we go so oh PJ McArdle of Muny Indiana became president of The Amalgamated Association during the past week so he's become now the president of the whole thing that's right what coming up Henry mcth so to Italy we go on this side I know Absolut hello that's who I'm named after huh [Music] see so my great-grandfather he is now the president of The Amalgamated Association of iron steel and T workers that's right the national the national that's a huge leap from being a corresponding Regional member of the Union to now he's the president of the whole thing in six short years so this then evolved to now a full-time year old wow and I know that politics factors into his life here in Pittsburgh and later on it's fascinating to see the origins The Genesis of that absolutely such a president can accomplish much in the direction of restoring The Amalgamated Association to its former power and Prestige what was he up against this is a a union that for at least a decade it had been in sharp decline with the rise of Steel in Pittsburgh and globally the jobs had been deskilled by machinery and employers saw them as replaceable inherently replaceable it's the worst time really uh in terms of maintaining power any kind of influence thousand members of the Union before 1892 to about 10,000 and that is what PJ's stepping into with open eyes so that's a lot of expectation on a 30-year-old guy stepping into a national leadership position it's almost it begs the question why would you want the job right like why would you unless you really believed uh that you could make a difference he would have to work around the clock to bring the union back to anything even a shade of what it used to be it speaks to a kind of authenticity yes in him he was willing to put himself on the line at a time when the stakes really couldn't have been higher else for you here one of the largest labor archives in the nation is at the University of Maryland College Park ah can't wait to find out good luck in Maryland thank you I appreciate it great to meet you learning about my great-grandfather I definitely feel a deep sense of admiration for him he was putting himself out there in a really genuine way and a lot of people put faith in him at a very crucial time but now I want you do it was he successful this Library houses the American Federation of Labor papers and within it are a number of unions including The Amalgamated Association the uh the union that your great-grandfather LED right the first one is um right here okay attention Iron and steel workers so this is basically a uh a sort of a propaganda flyer basically right that's right it's a circular from 1909 this is about four years after my great-grandfather stepped into the presidency that's correct Okay thousands of workers which would would permit them it's a very it's difficult to read it actually have a transcription for you here we go and imposing their unspeakable conditions of employment there is but one way to relieve this situation for the men of the Iron and steel industry that way is to organize them forget that you are English Irish Welsh slavish polish German Croatian Italian or Hungarian remember always that you are a working man let your motto be an injury to one is the concern of all organize organize organize organize for further information address PJ McArdle 506 house building Pittsburgh PA wow um wow remarkable isn't it did he write that he did amazing that's incredible tring to reach and I imagine many of whom don't even speak English right that's right was their kind of faction mentality where you'd stick with your kind of ethnic group or the people that came with that's right there there's a tremendous amount of ethnic diversity and um and divisions really in the workplace there's um you know often times not a lot of intermixing and so he is clearly a farsighted labor leader and he's saying look put that aside let's get together we we Face a common exploitative experience in the workplace this is a a very passionate call for solidarity to bring the many against the few but it's also a huge risk cuz he's reaching out to people who are vulnerable who don't like conditions get worse and worse he's up against JP Morgan of us steel the biggest coroporation in the world just before this JP Morgan says to the union The Amalgamated we are no longer going to recognize your union we're not going to negotiate we're not going to set pay rates we're going to treat the employees as individuals not as members of a union and so this circular sent to uh uh the membership is a call for Mass mobilization uhhuh he's calling a Strike wow yeah there's so the stakes are very high here he's going up against the steel trust this billion dollar company huge uh scary I mean that's a big swing right no doubt Young new president relatively new Indiana newspaper from May of 1910 okay and uh so this is now almost a year after the strike a year after he called for the strike correct 200 miners buried thousands of feet underground Henry McArdle was killed is this PJ's a brother that's right wow [Music] okay your great-grandfather's brother died in a mine Explosion wow the brother of the so PJ gets a telegram that his brother has been killed in a mining accident right and are they still on strike yes they are they still on strike so the strikes lasted almost a year the strike has lasted yes wow okay in the midst of what PJ's up against must be uh devastating on so many levels I mean the idea that his brother was killed because of the very conditions that he's fighting to improve that's right it must have weighed heavy on him the death of his brother in a non-union work site strengthened his resolve I'm sure I'm sure so presumably PJ goes and has a period of grieving okay and what I'd like to do is to introduce you to another document that will answer that question there you goh okay take a look The Amalgamated Association of iron steel and Tin workers obious in 1910 that is 14 months after he called the strike over a year later over a year later okay therefore be it resolved that the strike against the American sheet and Tin Plate Company be declared off by direction of the national executive board PJ mcgo president so they lost lost workingclass people have to go to work right you can't stay out for that long right immigrants feel vulnerable all these folks you know they need to eat right this is the outcome so all these men then have to go go back to work after 14 months of being on strike and they don't they don't I mean and nothing's improved for them so what does this do to PJ he remained president he did until 1911 okay okay uh but this was undoubtedly a huge blow I really feel disappointed right now you know and I and I guess part of it about the world we live in today and and the parallels that I see and so to speak and and to be defeated by you know the corporate capitalist interest it's you know just it's a bummer MH definitely but what a fight what a fight indeed yeah um thank you so much man it was a pleasure great to meet you PJ McArdle was reaching out across nationalities and across cultures and and and really encouraging people to find what they have in common as opposed to what they have that separates them there's something really profound about that and something really moving about it even though ultimately they didn't Prevail which is a crushing blow coupled with the loss of his brother I felt really moved to know that I can and I feel like I can trace that to my mom but in a different way her character is uncompromising there's a ferocity there the way that she stepped up and provided for my brother and me after my father died so I'm really eager to learn more I know politics factor into PJ's life later on but I don't know at what point he becomes political so I'm going to go back to Pittsburgh to dive into the city [Music] archives now I'm really interested in the aftermath of the defeat so this is the city council so I think could help tell this story who okay this is a photo wow amazing look at that dashing man huh yeah he would have been around 40 at the time so like my age I'm definitely framing this that's super cool it's a nice shot for city council PJ mcgr your vote and influence will be appreciated so he was on city council he ran for city council he was actually um asked to be on Council in 1911 after two other members stepped down oh really and so he's running for re-election and this is campaign poster uh-huh I have something else I wanted you to see it's a newspaper article 40 okay so he dies at about 65 years old y scores attend mcardle's rights Peter J McArdle has served the city of Pittsburgh as a councilman and Council manic advisor for 28 years so he would have been in this room absolutely he would have sat at these tables that's so cool maybe I'm sitting in his chair sh right now and in fact uh in 1937 he was president of council oh really and so he would have stood at the president's desk oh wow so we know geographically in the room where he was that's really cool very cool um scores of political and labor leaders among pres worth mayor Scully city council was once president 100 City policemen and firemen formed a guard of Honor wow that's amazing so he was kind of a beloved labor representative would you say he was that support of the unions was a through line throughout his tenure on Council he never lost sight of unions in the working class that's incredible clearly a life well lived yeah absolutely [Music] a kind of figure in our family mythology but now I understand more about the man himself and the sacrifices he made in his life I feel proud to be related to someone who accomplished so much and was so highly regarded and seemed to do it all with a real Joy I've always loved Pittsburgh I probably love it a little more now and uh and I feel more connected to him and to that side of the family than I ever did before [Music] okay I got an email from the genor I heard back from sources in Italy who help me push back on your paternal Italian Family Lines attached is a family tree documenting your dad's paternal side so there's my grandparents Maria and Mel and their parents my great grandparents Lucha CFA and Carlo Quinto and filomina D tro and Zacharia kafa my great great-grandfather I think I think that's who I'm named for and then my three times great grandparents and clemencia Rosado and Petro caola we discovered that your three times great grandparents Petro CFA and clemencia Rosato of the 19th century Italy experienced dramatic political and social upheavals it would be interesting to see if they were caught and its crosshairs many of the records pertaining to Lenola at this time are now centralized in the state archives at certa if there was more information about Petra and clemencia out there it would be there so to Italy we [Music] go I feel excited to learn more now about my father's lineage on this side I know Absolut my father's family we stayed you know very much in their lives there was always a lot of eating together and cooking and I always felt drawn to the Italian lineage of my family but of course had my father lived I think there would have been more access and more information and more connection to that lineage I mean this place is incredible tell me where we are and why we're here we're in an 18th century Palace of casserta which was built for the bourbon royal family who rule southern Italy and Sicily in the 18th and early 19th centuries okay I've learned that um Petro CFA and clenia Rosato my three times great grand the very Kingdom that Lenola would have been a part of that's right this area that we're in right now was one of the epicenters of the Revolution that then ultimately created the Kingdom of Italy W so it's this is real history it was separate kingdoms until until 1861 okay in the early 19th century so the 1800s um Italy was not the Italy we know now it wasn't one single nation state it was a diverse collection of different states ruled by different rulers it was a long long period of instability and opposition notably from nationalists who said that they thought Italy should be united into a single Kingdom it came to a head and in 1860 nationalists succeeding overthrow ORS who've been kicked out they're not happy about that at all what what were my three times great-grandparents up against with the political unrest well the real reason we are here is is your family my family home this is where my family lived and I've inherited it yeah exactly you got there great I move in tomorrow great but um the archive the state archives uh moved here in 1963 into this Palace and it holds all the records of police government and births and deaths and so on Wow right I've been doing some research into your family and I found some quite interesting things what we need to do is put on our gloves okay are written and the day is September 1864 so here's the translation okay so this is uh September 9th 1864 in the office of the district delegation of public Security in fondi this morning at 9:00 today AA 55 years old showed up to the public Security office in fondi and declared the following yesterday at about 4:00 in the afternoon we were working in a field Petro cafa brother of Teresa about 60 years old was working with us too so Petro Capo is my three times great-grandfather that's right at some point three unknown fellows armed with rifles Koopa one of them addressed himself to Petro CFA shouting you there old man come up and P thinking they were field wardens obeyed what what were field wardens there were guards who guard the fields make sure the laborers are working oh and make sure that you know they're not stealing anything right they captured him and then it was clear they were nothing but brigands which means that they were Bandits they were Bandits but actually what these brigands are they're really important so are they like fighting for revolution well it's not clear cuz they kind of they'll be on anyone's side if someone pays them between 1861 and 186 5 there's really quite a brutal war going on between the new Italian Kingdom and the and they use the brigands to try and bring down the New Kingdom and so it's initially known as the brigands war these Bandits and assorted criminals a lot of their power is spreading fear so they come down they kidnap someone or they rob somebody and then they disappear so this is all to destabilize the unification exactly like the new United Italian government can't control the situation and the consequence of that for people like your three times great-grandfather was not just political instability but sort of social chaos right we started crying and begging them to set him free but they ignored us and disappeared through the olive Groves there's been no news about him since p no one knows cuz he disappeared is there a commercial now what's going on we'll be back after this break with what happened to Petro [Music] wait they took Petro CA yeah the brigin the brigin took him your three times great-grandfather really got caught up in this really nasty War so this is the brins war Bri War they're coming down out of the hills they had no defense against this these people you know you're working in the field you're minding their own business and these criminals Bandits come down and they just take you away I mean it's a hor story if you think okay okay this is quite a long one so this is now this is the 23rd of September he's now going to describe this is his report to the police exactly sir on the 8th of September at about 1: in the afternoon I was drying pears in corano when a gang of four brigands arrived the brigands on the road heading to aquaviva brought me into the territory of Alura they asked for a ransom of a thousand pastre so so how much how much is that in well it's an enormous amount of money I mean it's completely unrealistic amount of money because if you think that family your family they were earning 20 piasta a year together 20 20 yeah and they're asking for a thousand P yeah so stiletto in this case is a is a dagger exactly and they're really nasty guys I mean it's surprising actually they didn't cut off his ear that he was quite lucky on Monday two Brin started to abuse and beat me again they told me they were about to kill me finally they sent me away after having extricated a promise by means of torture that I would come back to pay them with another 180 pastre why did they let him go they probably let him go because they realized they got the wrong guy or he didn't have any money we don't know that bit of the story it' be fascinating to know actually so where does the story go from here what else is well that's a really big question right yeah what we do have is his translation Petro CFA March 19th 1875 at a home on Strada Del poo number seven Petro CFA died 75 years old so he lived to 75 and he lived another 11 years so do we know about those 11 years sadly nothing you know the things that survive from that period tend to be police records so actually if he hadn't been kidnapped you'd never have found out about him right so where do we go from here but what what more is there to learn I know someone in Lenola who is the local great so maybe they're going to be able to find where my three times great grandparents lived in Lena so off to Lena I and yet he was just this very simple farmer just doing everything he could to provide for himself and his family but it seems like a really traumatic experience harrowing must have terrified him I really see the journey that my father's side of the family took and I'm really excited to go to Lenola and to see what we see there [Music] Lucy said that we're meeting with a surveyor so maybe they're going to be able to trace back some of the places actual homes or Farms that they lived or worked Inno hi I'm Zach hi I'm Maria how are you yeah I'm so happy to be here see yes it's beautiful [Music] so your family was born here started here and always lived here and then they moved all around the world of course yeah okay he wants to show you something a photo okay H that's my grandfather see and this my grandfather ah very well we're related yeah see see Ah that's amazing powered by ancestry the experts behind who do you think you [Music] are so these are the three brothers so our grandfathers were brothers so we're second cousins see see excellent my God grandfather Zacharia Zacharia Zar named after H your name see and when was this picture taken 44 years in the states your grandfather and his uh they were really close they wrote to each other every month really yes uh that's amazing so I also learned um Petro Kaa our three times great-grandfather died here in Lenola on so uh he lived there he died there and also your grandfather was born there oh really so that's where so it was the family home then for Generations generation [Music] wow you like this view this is amazing look at that it's so perfect perfect wow so this is the original pavment orig would have walked on this yes so walked on these Stones yeah that's amazing wow when when you think about going back to your ancestor uh and this is where your grandfather Petro's house was it was bombed during the war okay so from the bombing from the bombed wreckage of the houses they took the the stones and made these walls yes you can see where the entrance was you see where it's of cut this was the entrance of the home I feel like a much more complete version of myself that something kind of opened um a portal of connection in a way to um to these there are parallels between petro and PJ I think they both were resilient they were both caught in tumultuous times that they had to work through in different ways and for different reasons I have a really great lineage um a family of Fighters and survivors and hardworking ambitious people and and that's something that I feel connected to and uh something that maybe I inherited a little piece of I asked John Franco and my father never came here so there's something really poignant about coming here that is really special I mean I mean the idea of being able to come to come here to see this place and meet these people it's like uh a whole other level of understanding and celebration and um love for where I come from and uh I feel really grateful care okay no [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] can bard capturing the Revival Point need equipment I need ammo I'm full health 1 2 3 4 four five 6 7 head there I need glue wall I need a medkit skill ready go for the Arsenal [Applause]

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