Trump vs The 14th Amendment - Brian Rose & Jim Rickards

yeah there's I'll expand on all the answers Brian but the answer to all three questions is yes it is crazy uh it's going to get worse and but I'll be specific we can we can talk a lot more about it uh I did see it coming I in my monthly newsletter I think last September um I wrote about this and I said hey uh everyone knows you know a week is a lifetime in in politics everyone knows that it's a cliche but some cliches are true and that's one of them so I said why am I sitting here in the fall of 2023 writing about the 2024 election you know a year of forecasting a year in advance is crazy you know because things do change all the time I said but I said the reason I'm doing it is because things are happening now the election is happening now in the fall now going into the winter of uh 2023 2024 10 months in this case in advance of the actual election a lot of things are being determined right now so it is timely to write about it and one of them I had um had sort of a trump analysis A Biden analysis but then I had a they call wild cards uh but my first wild card was the the 14th Amendment section three of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution that's what we're talking about I'll be a little more specific on that my other wild card were the third party candidates you know everyone's like look at these Biden Trump holes Biden Trump PS are relevant because you have to factor in the third party it's you know normal third parties get one two% of the vote that can matter in a very close race in a particular swing state but not usually but now you're looking at third parties who might get 20% of the vote or 25% of the vote and everyone's like yeah whatever but no that's that's really going to swing things uh and then and I had a couple others including Trump being in jail on Election Day but um but let's talk about the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution so I wrote about it uh some months ago we've been following very closely um I uh I don't know how many hats I wear but I am a lawyer I'm I'm a constitutional lawyer so I know a little bit about it uh so so let's jump in particularly you know I I travel a lot overseas I just recently got back from Dubai and I run into people from all over the world and they go you know Jim I don't really understand us politics I say well don't worry Americans don't understand it either but we'll we'll try to uh shine some light on it so I don't want to get too technical Brian but I'll just kind of um read um what is in section three of the 14th amendment by the way the 14th amendment was a big deal after the Civil War obviously the country had been torn apart more Americans died in the Civil War than any other War World War II Vietnam Etc there were more Americans killed by Americans in the Civil War um the South lost the so the the the the need at the time was to was to solve the problems that gave rise to the Civil War and reconcile the country the war was over the South L but we had to we had to kind of keep going as a country and how were we going to do that the 13th Amendment uh there were a series of amendments enacted right after the Civil War Between 1865 and 1868 a period known as reconstruction basically reconstructing the country 13th amendment abolished slavery a lot of people think it was Emancipation Proclamation that was an important step but getting rid of SL 13th Amendment is slavery illegal ended overdone uh that's pretty short Amendment 14th Amendment took what we call due process which you know your day in court in other words or right to a fair hearing Etc which it always been in the US Constitution in the Fifth Amendment going back to the Bill of Rights in the 17 uh 89 but um this now the 14th Amendment which was passed in 1868 extended due process to the states so it had always been binding on the federal government now the now the Constitution was say yeah and you states you have to give due process also um and so that was a big deal so that was section one of the 14th Amendment but section three um it's it's uh well I'll just kind of read it uh kind of short version uh no person shall be a senator or representative in Congress or elector of president and vice president or hold any office civil or military under the United States or under any state who previously having taken an oath Etc to support the Constitution shall have engaged in Insurrection or Rebellion against the same or given Aid or Comfort to the enemies thereof uh so basically if you took an oath as an officer of the United States to uphold the Constitution and you engaged in Resurrection or Rebellion or aided those who did you were disqualified from holding certain offices in the future that's kind of plain English way to paraphrase what that is what was that about it was basically about disqualifying Confederate uh officers Confederate military or members of the Confederate States of America they had their own Congress they had their own President Jefferson Davis was President of the Confederate States of America took all this officials state or federal level and military uh officers who engaged in Rebellion said you are disqualified from having office uh under the United States of America as a senator representative Etc uh because you engaged in Insurrection and no one questioned whether the Civil War was an Insurrection it was the ultimate Insurrection so there it is um has that ever been applied it was applied in a small number of cases until uh 1876 that was the period of reconstruction but at that point um the uh the the effort to reconcile sort of got the upper hand and in 18 uh I want to get the date right here um in 1872 the United States Congress enacted the amnesty act and they said you know what yeah we got section three of the 14th Amendment but we're going to wave that uh for all but a few top Confederate officials so there a short list people you're disqualified but everyone else you know uh um let's move on you can run for a federal office uh that was broadened in 1898 uh as because of the Spanish American war and Congress actually you get this retroactively uh took away the disqualification from Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis Robert E Lee was the commander of the uh Army of Northern Virginia which is the main Confederate Army Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States of America and Congress in um uh in 1898 said you guys can run for office they didn't I mean Lee was retired a college President but they took away the disqualification so this was all about reconciliation from that original version the the last CA so there were no cases after 1876 except to remove the prohibition by acts of Congress uh and then they had the um uh an actual act uh saying how you would apply it there's a there's another another section um subsection it says the Congress should have the authority to decide how to apply Section 3 so that threw it over to the legislature um and then uh so there were no cases after uh after 1876 except for one in 1921 at kind of the height of so anti-socialist hysteria there was one guy who was a member was a socialist or self-proclaimed socialist who ran for congress he was sued under this section three uh and the plane of the government lost he the court said no you can run it's okay and he won and he was reelected three times to to to Congress so it's been 102 years since it was a single case and 40 years before that since there were any cases and to the extent Congress addressed it at all it was always to to say it's okay it's okay you can run they basically remove the disqualification up to Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis so is this a dead letter not quite but it's pretty much of a dead letter you go 102 years with no cases and the case before that you lost you got to say this doesn't you it was a civil war thing it served its purpose it it plays no role today along comes Donald Trump and I do think Brian 50 years from now the American Psychological Association will have a textbook on Trump derangement syndrome it's clearly a mental illness it's not just oh you know I get it Democrat Republican Progressive conservative you know Trump I I get all that I'm very immersed in politics but Trump there's something about Trump that just uh causes like what I consider kind of mental illness triggers people know I talk publicly about it I'm on your show I do other shows I do a lot of writing you know Etc but if I'm in a cocktail party I'm not going to bring it up because I don't want people walking out of the room or throwing drinks or starting to fight but that's how badly people are triggered When you mention Donald Trump hey do you want to profit from crypto then join my defi Academy the crypto defi Academy will help you create generational wealth but don't take my word for it listen to my my students when I first got into crypto I remember thinking to myself I need to learn more Brian Rose learning crypto learning defi got to do it I am so grateful that I jumped in and did this I had to break through some limiting beliefs that I can do this that I can afford this that I can be in this it challenges um the things that are deeply rooted within us joining def Academy has been one of the best decisions I have made on my blockchain journey this course was a life changer a game changer a huge eye opener coming from knowing practically nothing at the speed of the learning over the over 4 weeks was just fantastic the information you provided in this class was invaluable I feel far more confident in my next steps you took complex Concepts and made them easier to understand what's different than so many other ones is it just doesn't tell you what to do it actually makes you do it this is for people who are serious about becoming traitors this is the way it should be done I realized from this learning experience again that it is not about what you learn but about who you learn it from the energy was insane i' I've never experienc such incredible energy on a life called Brian Rose you you are Alle Legend my friend it's the only thing in the market where you can get all information and learn everything what you need to know everything is so so clear and so well done and I'm um just forever grateful for this program it made me feel so much more confident about crypto than I did before I did not anticipate how passionate I was going to become about it it's course has been like a big learning experience for me not just in the crypto space but just uh an overall uh balance of Life what I've learned is you know how to take ownership you know of my life in a way that um I really I really hadn't before yeah you can't put a price on that really I would recommend it to anybody topnotch Excellence does not come cheap you know so if you want Excellence you got to pay for it but it's so worth it pull the trigger that's what this course is about you're not going to regret it really it's amazing thank you Brian and team so what are you waiting for crypto is happening now click the link below submit your application and let me Mentor you on how to create generational wealth and build the decentralized financial infrastructure of the future [Music]

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