Category: Howto & Style
Bonjour chers auditeurs et chers auditrices de notre vib radio r212 aujourd'hui mamouna sharky en sa qualité de chroniqueur de lodge partage avec vous son analyse dans un article intitulé inondation dans le sud-est du maroc une tragédie qui met à nul et défaillances infrastructurelles voici cet article... Read more
Category: Education
Us made a conscious choice to also communicate to europe that guess what our political aims are more important than you and our alliance which is nato which we're supposed to all stick together in this case it's not and we want to let you know we're willing to do these things so they let putin know... Read more
Category: Education
And ja they're fighting in saudi arabia which is you know not far from where we are now this region is it's it's just becoming one of the most desirable places to be they're putting on fights you've been here for four months yeah i spent the entire month here i'm doing episodes of london reel here we... Read more
Category: Education
There are two pipelines that come from russia to germany and the worry was that russia was weaponizing its gas and oil biden wanted an option to blow up the pipeline he was worried that germany was under pressure to put more money into the war in ukraine they were asked to come up with options and one... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I was able to do something that nobody thought was possible get it back to the states and the states now have it and people can make their own decisions within the states this is where every legal scholar every democrat every republican wanted it ro v wade you you've heard this was legally very a very... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
And i love the principal if more people would embrace it or even know about it i think that'd be amazing um you said to me before we got on we're gonna have a tough time cramming this into 15 minutes boy you were right and this flew by this went way too quick and i want to ask a thousand more questions... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
अभी तक अगर मुझे कोई डाउट भी था कि अगर राहुल गांधी जी सम हाउ प्राइम मिनिस्टर बन जाते हैं तो एट द एंड ऑफ द डे तो जो ब्यूरोक्रेसी होती है कंट्री की या जो दूसरे ज्यादा एक्सपीरिंस लीडर्स हैं उनकी पार्टी में उनकी बात सुनके या उनके एक्सपीरियंस से फायदा उठा के या डिफरेंट तरीके की कंटें होती है सिस्टम में कोई ना कोई इंटरवेंशन हो जाएगी कोई ना कोई सलूशन की तरफ बात चली जाएगी तो अगर यह लोग कुछ बहुत ज्यादा भी गलती से यूनो अनजाने में कोई ऐसा कदम भी अगर उठाने... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
This is common sense generation common sense generation welcome all of you the viewers of common sense generation my name is maria kesa cooper and today we actually have a real active politician with us ralt nt from um the foreign affair committee of the hungarian parliament thank you very much for... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome our host mr brian rose okay what's going on everybody thumbs up if you can see me and hear me what's up esther what's up fred what's up jeffrey what's up dylan nice to see you sir it's been too long what's up tim what's up wendy we got luda in the house elena's always here always a pleasure... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] on this tuesday night drowning in debt i don't earn much and everything's high canadian's credit card debt climbs to levels not seen in nearly two decades we'll tell you who's struggling the most water warning why calgary is calling on residents to cut back again finally free an israeli hostage... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It was supposed to be where danny was supposed to come in and he was supposed to apologize to janeo one and this was being organized because jane one was like all i want like if he would just apologize and the fact that the scient that the office of special affairs even attempted to facilitate something... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Trump claiming that haitian migrants are eating the pets the cats and dogs off the streets in springfield ohio the fact checkers in the debate rejected that claim but do those fact checkers live in springfield ohio do they work in springfield ohio perhaps not but one lbc listener does jamie is live... Read more