[Music] more [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] all [Music] [Applause] good morning to the three cutest Rugrats I ever did see morning throwing your nectar in morning got a little treat y a chocolate waffle it's not a chocolate waffle it's similar no I got to call it chocolate waffle well you can call it anything you like we've had nectarines jasona finished theirs a was just throwing hers down there we got their clothes out we're about to get everyone ready and we're going to get on the road so you one thing I don't miss about the girls being in our van H how did you know cuz I'm brushing mine yeah the arguments with the girls about no brushing hairs in the van and them saying I'm not doing it outside the van it's embarrassing and then them slightly trying to do it in the bathroom and then me going into the bathroom and it just been absolutely there not ideal it's like they're all chilling with a coffee hello hello is hi yeah guys yeah do you remember that time in um LAX anqua in France a couple of years ago huh she shaved legs in the did you hear me did you hear me vlogging about that you talk about I remembered it yeah is do you remember when you shaved your legs and mean you had that big Aur about it into the water for 20 minutes and then to do the Walk of Shame coming watch like this she know she have to come back we always talk about how they feel like proper boss women when they're storming off after an argument like I'm going you can't stop me I'm doing what I want to slowly walk back but then about 15 minutes later you have to walk back CU what are you going to do stay in the woods it's like like I'm like like walking away it's like walking away back like walk coming back sorry I probably shouldn't have done it I know it was a Ru funny times right you guys all yeah chilling chilling chilling chilling good good well we're just cleaning up the van yeah getting the car seats sorted out um and then we're going to head off I don't even oh my go I don't even think we've spoke about what we're doing I'm coming in my shoes off there's some wasp around here so I'm going to close your door we have a flat going across our din now oh my gosh look at my hair right guys I don't think we've spoke about what we're doing this part of the trip and this part of the trip is probably the part that we who who's who's what what is this the part that you guys are most well there's two places I'm really excited about going this is the second one this is what so I think I mentioned this yesterday but I think this part of the trip is going to be the longest like I think if we're going to spend the longest in this country than we will any other um driving to do that in here like in this country there is a lot of driving but a lot of exploring it's not like there's a lot of driving to get to where we're going I I just been like we're doing the whole of it so there's a lot of driving we're doing so today we are heading to Florence we have such good memories that I'm so excited I was actually expecting you to say Italy cuz no one knows we're in Italy no one knows we're in Italy Italy Italy so we are in Italy and we have been to Italy before we've been to Milan we spent a day there um oh come go back running M there no I think we've passed Milan now oh we're really close to itol but like I feel likeing day it's really bougie um so yeah we are in Italy and the plan I don't even know if I'm supposed to say this but I don't see why not the plan is to drive the whole of Italy so we want to properly explore so we're we're planning on driving the full length of the I always have to think about before I the West Coast anyway we're driving all the way down to the bottom we're going over to Sicily mhm which I can't wait for just I'm really excited yeah me too obviously there's going to be stops along the way and and then we're driving back up the East Coast yeah so we're doing the whole of Italy well the whole Coast we're doing the whole coast of Italy which is going to be so fun and we're so excited to do because we've never done this before like we've skirted around we've done Venice we've done like little bit B of Italy but we didn't yeah and Rome and Milan like I said before but we've not like we've not like done like beach places in Italy so I'm really excited to do like the whole Coast is Milan where we went where your surpris was going to fly tiger or was that I think that was Milan I think that was Milan we went I remember it so we was like walking around and there was this big like Florence I remember crying getting McDonald's ice cream there was oh my gosh yeah well me we were arguing for like the whole day and then we got there he said W allow to ice so we went over me and Isabelle walked over to get iceam we got you in the end did we yeah we did I'm such a sucker does any other parent do that like they're really good with threats like that's it now you're not having one you're not having one I we suffered enough just by the thought of not having an ice cream no you didn't suffer Enough by the thought of not having one because you know I always give in I'm such a sucker for it but then I could not possibly sit there and the whole family have an ice cream and one of us not have one like I feels so bad like I would rather not have one and then I'm like she really selfless yeah anyway anyway we anyway yeah so that was a memory but um Milan's where we went and dad said that I could get that Tiffany new necklace so we walked back to get it and the Tiffany shop had closed like yeah I've got it I've got it now like I don't know what it was it was like I can't explain it I have a picture of it but I don't know what the name a monument like type thing yeah it was like a b like it looks like a castle we've been to Pizza P pza the tower I I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure we're going I think we are cuz I think it's very close to Florence I'm sure pza is very close to Florence so maybe we could do I'm not sure though anyway a look that we saw that didn't we you are right indeed Isa you are right acoss was a tiff it was a Tiffany shop yeah just a bit further down I remember like there were being like near it there was like L the people like in the line there was like protest or something that's happening like shouting do you remember I can't remember that no I'm not sure anyway there you go that's probably going to take up the next few weeks of this trip and we're very excited to share this adventure and we are so excited to explore Italy a little bit more than we did when we been previously and not just do like just the city ones feel like we did like the main things before like the C the Milan and then obviously Rome but um and Venice obviously those are really popular touristy places but now we're going to see the whole of it by driving it so excited right I'm going to go and head over to the service station and have a pee PE a pee PE and then we're going to get on the road right MAA I got a really cool present for you yeah I can see do you want to see it you're actually ready for this ma she's going to die you ready to see MAA yeah you ready yeah ready to see yeah you guys this is the video got to hug Elsa yeah can I do I keep your phone and keep doing it yeah can I keep my phone and keep doing it wow ma do you like it yeah she just going to watch that for half an hour wow mom I've been having way too much fun making those I've literally got every single one of my celebrity crushies and made a video H okay Sarah's asked me to film myself which always means a bad thing no it's a good thing you're you're going to be happy I'm going to be happy yeah are you ready for this okay are you ready for a c memory yeah oh remember those yeah yeah good we only got them in Italy as well oh p with cheese on look at the stay of that Beast it's warm as well so Aldi and little like they have different variants of different things they sell in different countries and one of the things they sell in Italy and they don't sell in another place in Europe is this particular type of cheesy bread oh my goodness me I also have got it's oily it's oily bread usually but that one's a cheese version i' got some Dr come here R come here we go I also got one minute maer I also got some giant Olive cuscus and then it's like mini feta hot aora love that yeah and I'll share it with her cuz I got us a share I got you one of the threads on your own and I got me and Aurora want to share and Jason wants a share glass yes so we've had a bit of a disaster today I'm not going to lie uh it is 3:00 p.m. and we've not even left the area we slept in see you Dar upon inspection upon my usual walk on inspection of the van I noticed that one of the rear tires was looked low um which is very unusual for these uh these tires these tires are like but Beast the best off-road tires you can buy in the world they're incredible um anyway I thought I could hear like a low puncture a slow puncture sorry I thought I could hear a puncture I pumped him up on the compressor we've got in the van and um I was fine but I went to go I went to go to a garage just to have it checked out basic when I say disaster right I'm I'm being dramatic what I am what I mean is we went to a garage to have the tire checked she didn't have a ro it wouldn't be a disaster no yeah right so now her naps we have to time drives between her naps you have to do it otherwise it's horrible she takes in the car so she screams so we were driving around to little was getting in and out of the car while she M and now we've got 3our drive and she wants to be out the car walking so that's why it's a disaster that's why it's a disaster Yeah so basically there is nothing wrong with the tire we're all good we went to a yo Master's tire place he checked it there's no leaks no n pumped all the pressures up to what you know did did all the pressures basically checked them all topped them up Etc so we're all good we've just basically blown through Aurora's nap time which means that now drive time is going to be hell so that's kind of why it's a disaster so we looked to a campsite cuz we weren't like oh well it's tough luck well like maybe we should just get a campsite then today and just stay around today just have like a lazy day like do some reading play some games just get a camp site and do the drive tomorrow instead which sounds dramatic but honestly drives are just not fun and this is meant to be a fun trip however the only campsite there is is in this in Milan which is what we're close to and it's almost 100 Ys a night it's like 80 something Ys oh my gosh really I I I can't I don't care if she's going to scream I can't just get on the road blend that blend that 100 in fuel getting to where we need to actually be so I think we're going just going to smash on we've got some food we got some snacks hope we can with some snacks and some food it's not that it's it's not that she's going to scream for 3 hours and we're like neglecting her cuz we're going to make it in the car seat we're just going to have to make a lot of stops like I'll feed her and I'll be able to pacifier her for like half an hour 45 minutes but then we'll have to stop and then we'll have to get out and so instead of it taking 3 hours it's probably going to take us more like 6 yeah but you know it is what it is we're traveling with little ones and you just got adapt my stand not open you got another peachd they're so good I love this one's a new one it's um Peach and Rose I think look Peach and Rosa oh yeah broken no no no not with your teeth you'll break your teeth off she always does this man you know you know them people who like open bottle caps with the teeth Sarah go taste it yeah I know it's just called Fix It tax we fixed it we tax oh that's really actually you didn't really that's good that is it oh yeah that's good that I got you water you got me water you taking the Micha or what got you water I want Jing it's so hot it's so hot today we've had sorry that's why it's that's why it's more disaster cuz it's like 30 something degrees today cold so you know it's the first really hot day we've had I think we got some nice days in switzland a couple of nice days where it's warm but today it's it's really hot just water today it's like Dubai no it's not it's not no it's not it's nothing like Dubai very think this is our second here in no 450 is all right it's not a bad one yeah so great and and we went to see a wasp you went to see a wasp Yes W you're a big Brave boy Jace River me well we don't know we saw it but it has said it did Mila say it it's got to be true then when you're on the road guys sometimes you get a beautiful beach spot and sometimes she got to sit on the roundabout I'm only joking that's not actually the roundabout it's just a piece of grass hello oh she's waving that's so cute to seconds I'm just waiting for M and J look at the size these blooming lights guys look at the size of these flipping lights that he's got on this van we've got those and those and those look look at the size of them and M ridiculous aren't they and nose yeah two SE come on what swe I don't know you good yeah I did way yeah they're the right way darling nose mouth um and eyes come on you n chicken let's go play on the grass for five I need a chicken pox okay come on what memes come on stop banging them come on I knew we saw W is a big one M like this big yeah well not quite that big no she saw my but oh yeah yeah what what SC what that one scared you it didn't scare me what um what what name um Mr wasp okay what what are you doing what are you doing I brought a little game for us to play what's my on about what's you what you want about daddy we want to play do you want to play are you want to what I'm opening Aurora's birthday presents yeah because you know she doesn't need them all on one day any you okay don't go off the grass okay so this is what we were playing yesterday well Jason and M were playing this and they absolutely loved it actually it's a fantastic game though for little on I want Jay bring it back um Aurora likes this one so you just plunk it in like that and then you get out where's the ball let's get the ball one minute here we go here's the ball go put it in the hole put it in there go put it in go then put it in well it goes it does CL Girl Ready [Music] woo again so we're about 20 minutes Drive outside of Florence what on Earth are you doing why are you pulling the Caravan that strong wa let me try let me try let mey let me why are you pulling the carav mov I don't know how to we this thing you're giving me I mean I can't LIF I can't I can't LIF a jackary but I can pull a caravan right mov you got shoes on his M but basically what I was going to say is we found a parking ride and we are too big fit into any of the spaces so we're having to unhook the Caravan and pop it at the side there is spaces stop it stop it there is spaces over a bit further down there um that are like really big but I don't know if they're only for buses so I don't want to mess about basically so checking that's going to be okay no I'm not okay with it no you want take I'm going to par the other way somebody can take the Caravan hook us on take us away that's not funny who's going to do that is me anyone with a toe bar will hook that on and take us away we slept through the storm last night we wer even wa to up our beautiful faces somewhere oh look at theora oh my little Arabella hi darling Oh my gosh you looks so cute hi babe do you think not think you've parked that a bit close think I need to put the way what you what do you mean get in too close yeah that's true you are going to be fuming if you hit the van I a hit the van you crazy careful babe CU she was the motor mover what's he doing just middle of a car park for goodness sake oh my gosh you're going to slay babe that's too fast be careful look how close is popping it to the van oh my gosh mom impressed it's it's in no it's not it's not it's not yeah that's in stop it's in also just because I feel like I need to confirm we do have a wheel lock so it would not be possible all right push it back a bit then it would be possible for somebody to hook up the Caravan and take them away in the night I'm in the girls van I'm in the girls van with Jason M because we're cooking dinner we're having Italiano spaghet no we're not rubbing pasta with a J I like pasta you like it I like pasta and noodles pasta and noodles yeah I like so pasta yeah noodles and chocolate cake oh I like pasta noodles and chocolate cake too yeah Mom have really big chocolate cake I don't have no chocolate cakes she's a girl she's definitely mine isn't she she's definitely mine I'm definitely a chocolate girl um but yeah I'm joking we're having um pasta we're having a quick dinner we're having pasta with this and a bit of cheese on top you holding the water yeah but I think I I think I need it cuz I too hot your hair is wild today in fact both of your hair is wild guys minute minute wow let ma have a turn Jay let me do it on the end yeah it's really one hand wow go ma oh my gosh Ma you BST it I think I can do the there you are so clever and strong wait iing like this it it's hard balancing it isn't it yeah and also I've just been cleaning out the girls I've just been cleaning out the girls cupboards KS as usual there boxes with nothing in them in the cupboards Jay put their fan back put their fan back because put their fan back please okay thank you I'm sure the girls will be absolutely fuming if they come back to their van and we have messed it up so we're not messing it up we're just making dinner yeah there's more space in here I don't even know I could make it's when I'm making pasta I could make that in the van but they were in van and I was out of the van and the water was in here the pasta was actually already in here anyway today's been probably a boring one but we've managed to make it all the way to Florence I think we're about 20 minutes out outside of the city right now and this park and ride will hopefully be really good tomorrow be able to just get up jump on the train or even take the van I'm not sure um and get into the city everyone's really excited to visit Florence because we just have such amazing memories yeah Mila you see when Jay had the fan I'm like put that down Jay is like okay now mil's took it and she's running off MAA put the fan back please to the face Mila Mila ma that's no listen listen no listen Miler no ma put the fan back please put it back I MAA go on put it back please thank you open it okay well just put it on the top there for me like I said please thank you and that is the difference between the timid and the Wild Child Mom it is literally like reliving Isa and it's like reliving Isa and Esme it's like exactly stomp on me I don't why you I never said it was a bad thing you are a child just like me though anyway yeah we're really looking forward to going to pH tomorrow just because we had such good memories and also one minute maer and also the last time we were here sorry guys the last time we were here they did this famous SL Infamous I don't know sandwich here in Florence and it was massive and why didn't we get it last time we were here it the queue was too big the queue was massive it was all the way up the street and we ended up going for a pizza which was gorgeous it was the love hot pizza it was so cute and then I think we said the next day we'll go back and then we never did yeah so we never and honestly it sounds so pathetic but I think about the sandwich a lot no I'm only joking but I was excited to come back and tomorrow we are 100% having that sandwich I can't even remember why it was famous what it was famous for why it's like such a big thing here but I'm sure some of you guys will know and you will comment down below and let us know but I'm I am genuinely so excited to try it tomorrow also we told you guys our plans for Italy how we're planning on doing like the whole Coastal roof rout so if you guys have any recommendations of places that we should stop along the way then comment them down below and let us know because we've never like I said before properly explored itally and we're not want we do have like a vague plan on where we want to go and a few things we want to do and see but not like a full plan we don't have like a full itinery so we don't want to miss anything so anything that's close to the coast or like an hour or two in land would be fine but um yeah comment down below and let us know if there's anything that we must do here in Italy whil we're here so we're just waiting for the pasta to boil as May's cleaning the bathroom it's all the cups every time I drive all the cupboards explode and open could you fill them and go everywhere the girls I don't know how the last time we went in that van we all managed to fit easily it actually is because now that the girls are like we must have got nothing because now that the girls are like full on team I mean you were last time two years ago you were 13 even when I was 13 even when I was 14 I didn't makeup it was only the end of last year that I actually started yeah but now there's just no way because this Caravan is bursting to the brim have you done a caravan to yet I have on my Youtube it'll be up by the time you watch it probably won't isn't let's 100 will it'll be up tomorrow right the pasta's almost boiled so I'm going to do the hard work and open the jar and add it to the pasta and then plop some cheese on top very nice quick and easy dinner for tonight um yeah and then go serve it where are we all going to eat what where we we all eat it you girls should come back to your van actually yeah so that I can leave you the mess right we're all eating dinner in the girls caran tonight Jason rosabel get rid of that scary face please me I what darling I did I he didn't say cool mom she must have not heard me so did you say cool when she said something yeah okay good I yeah okay welcome to probably my like the most coolest van stop for convenience uh I've seen anywhere this is so cool so we're just at basically the park and ride outside Florence tonight and as you can see this is clearly like a motor home camper van Hot Spot cuz this is full literally full of other Vine life is just doing his Lo weding I'm guessing getting the training into Florence tomorrow so this is this is home for the night and the girls are around here part next door I love it man it's just so cozy and good you all right guys although I'll tell you something right now I don't know this is silly me saying this cuz we've got a beanie on but you can definitely tell we're in we're in Italy the window is wa the windows n it's like after storm yeah yeah every every time it's after a storm there like wait I don't know if Mom I don't if mom spoke about the stong this morning man we such a thunderstor last night you didn't wake up yeah I came I came in here this morning I was so buzz and excited to talk to these guys about the storm in the M of the night cuz I'm when i' say there was a a thunderstorm it was like the worst it was mad and um it was so the Thunder the the Thunder was so loud like it nearly flipped me out of bed it was that loud it was just crazy it was constant for about an hour but these guys I was running here this morning really excited to tell these guys about it and be like oh what did you think cuz I was sure that Isa would have been worried about it at least because last time we were in a storm like that in a van was in Albania and we when we camped on the beach in Albania in the spring 2022 and we were it was the worst on the Su I've ever been me and Dad was it was on a beach and I was scared cuz the tsunami's coming and cuz I was in on like the little self but at the front and dad was like quite near it when he was on mom's bed obiously we could still see each other and was poking his head over the bed so I could see him and I was like I'm so scared for 100% we we either we or the just nears got hit by lightning on that night because uh um it was a really heavy lightning strike just really bright light all the power in the van went off and the Thunder was like almost instant and it was so loud like L me Island it fell out bed it was so loud um and then the power came back on after like a couple of seconds so it was kind of like the van I don't if the van got like a hit and a shock so it kind of the system went down and then rebooted but it was weird man that was in Albania so last night it was pretty hairy but um yeah you can definitely it's mug it's mugged right up and um it's definitely warm tomorrow there's definitely going to be no bewhere in tomorrow I think um we've got a really nice few days of Sun so I'm looking forward to this very much so no one's allowed to even look at my face what's wrong with your face she R did a Scandinavia oh right she's been R trying out old Scandinavia looks I just wanted to see myself with the fat eyebrows I used to draw myself I put them on they were fter than that they were they were worse I feel like it's been a bit of a I'll come back in a minute guys I it's been a bit of a Scottish day today because um we woke up had like a little mini well what we thought was a tire issue but it turns out it was all good thank goodness cuz these tires are expensive a pop and apparently they're like a 2 to 3 day wait to get them to get hold of them in Italy so uh that would have been us camped for a couple of days and I'm very glad we don't have to be doing that and then what else happened something else happened today what was it what was it maybe it was nothing it clearly was nothing cuz I don't remember what it was um anyway the point is that we made it to we made it to Florence we didn't expect yeah that was it we we talked about this already we talked about Ry being a bit of nightmare in the in the car sometimes she's not always a nightmare but sometimes she is and because we messed up her whole nap thing because we were Sting the tire out um we expected the drive to be horrible down here today the 4our drive but we actually did it in 3:15 we had one stop so I'm not I'm only cutting driving time was 3:15 driving we had a half an hour break in there as well so all in all was about 4 hours but we made it to Florence and the train is sick the train is literally over there it's a 20 minute ride into into Central Florence and it's €170 a ticket I think anyway it looks like that from the machine so that is a boss win we get to leave these here tomorrow safe and sound in this car in this camera up clearly safe carpack cuz everyone uses it it's got some great reviews as well thank you so much for watching these videos they we TR want I just want to point out just for real that we truly truly appreciate every single one of you guys that watches and supports these videos every single day and um we love making them that's why we do it and um so to have you guys loving them too and being able to support our family in the way that you do by showing the love showing up leaving a comment just watching and being a silent viewer whatever it might be it truly means the world to us because you know you guys have enabled us to live the life that we live today and um without all of you guys you know that would have never have happened so we um so I just wanted to say that I just wanted to say thank you thank you so much I feel it all the time it doesn't get set enough on that note um I'll see you tomorrow good night guys [Music] a [Music]

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