[Music] all right ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen we are back we are back for another night in our 32 and 31 NFL covering all 32 teams in the month of July uh we're now on to day five these Carolina Panthers we have a lot to discuss as far as with Bryce young which I think he's probably going to be the main topic tonight as far as for me and where I want to kind of gear this uh discussion with that said make sure you guys subscribe if you are new to the channel make sure that you do click that Bell turn on your notifications so way you don't miss a stream also make sure that you do hit that like hit that thumbs up I do appreciate the support on the channel uh so yeah quick shout out to the wrench gang quick shout out to the family all the listeners all the Watchers I do appreciate each and every one of you as we get started like I said I want to start this off by talking about Bryce young Bryce young I think the the biggest thing that I was looking for Bryce young last year was his ability to kind of surprised me kind of surprised me in the sense of hey I'm going to overcome my height I'm I'm going to overcome you know the size advantage that you know the defensive line has and I'm going to overcome all the issu issues and and you know all the things that comes with being a firste rookie in the in the NFL and you know essentially taking over a team and and being that individual who's going to take this franchise in the direction that it needs to go to so yeah you could say that there was definitely a lot on this man's plate you could definitely say that there was a lot that you know he needed to be up to task for so I not going to beat down Bryce young too much but we are going to talk about you know some things that are very very important that we need to get into uh shout outs or do quick shout out to Marble Marble sky in the house what up marble Sky cat daddy in the building what's going on with y'all tonight hope you're having a great Friday great Friday it's been a lovely lovely couple days I had a great uh July 4th we were up on the roof we watched the fireworks throughout the city it was great uh I did drop a short for that if you guys haven't checked it out um so yeah definitely a great time yesterday I hope you guys had a great time yesterday as well and um hope you guys had a safe safe evening of course so yeah for the most part um like I said it was great it was wonderful had a good time as far as you know for the fourth had some good food some good drinks all that good stuff and um yeah yeah I hope you guys did as well so on to Carolina on to Carolina let's go ahead and jump right into Bryce Young's stats and then obviously we'll get into the depth chart and then we'll break down the schedule so starting off with Bryce young uh as far as the season he ended up with 2,877 yards uh Hubbert ended up with 92 Thelen coming over from the Vikings with 104 uh Lavo with 125 on the tag tackles and then woods with two interceptions but getting into Bryce young as we pull up everything here he had 2877 yards he had 11 touchdowns and 10 interceptions he ended up with a qbr of 33.4 now you know obviously this this doesn't tell the tale right this doesn't tell the tale of his talent and what we've seen at Alabama because we've seen his strengths we've seen his weaknesses but we know that the pros overweighed the cons right and so like I said last year I did think that you know the height Factor being one of the biggest issues of him coming into this league and I don't say that because you know short quarterbacks can't be productive I mean we've seen it right Drew Brees is short uh Doug fluty was short KY Murray's short actually KY Murray is the same height as Bryce Young so you know I think that's one of the biggest things that is not only very important to understand that yes a quarterback can be short and be productive just like there could be a short NBA player who can be productive but I think the the league in in this day and age has definitely changed from a defensive standpoint a lot of these guys are faster a lot of these guys can simply just stick their hand up bat the ball down you know uh batted up in the air causing interception things like that you may not be able to see over that line accurately depending on you know your movement and and your your ability to read the field there's a lot there's a lot that goes into obviously being a quarterback who has a short height at 510 and like I said I don't want to deviate from the fact of yes we know he's talented and he can be better but the big problem problem is you know he has to learn how to overcome these specific issues when it comes to the line and that is going to mean that he's got to step up that is going to mean that he's going to have to figure out uh how to become better because obviously we know that height definitely matters when it comes to looking over that line and you know being able to go through your progressions and see you know who's doing what and then you also have to be you know evasive you have to be elusive uh you know so you don't get sacked and you don't throw a pick and a lot of that stuff comes down to obviously Learning and Development but I think you know there's a few things here that Bryce young definitely has you know to overcome and and work through so you know do I think he's going to be able to do it sure I do think he will be able to do it like I said he did have some struggles in his first year uh he started off a little slow he then found his footing and you know the Panthers are listen I'm not going to sit here and tell you that the Panthers have been such a great team that I could sit here and blame everything on Bryce young but I would say that you know the Panthers haven't been a team that anybody really feared right and it's been a it's been a while since the Cam Newton days that anybody really feared the Carolina Panthers so going into you know this next season things have definitely changed for the team obviously we know that Hubbert came over mcaffrey left he went to the 49ers and he just completely you know changed his whole career based on that one move we knew that mcaffrey was talented he goes and moves on and then he obviously displays that talent and ends up in the Super Bowl so that says a lot to me when it comes to you know the Panthers organization and what they're actually able to do moving forward so is there light at the end of end of the tunnel for the this team yes there's definitely light definitely light at the end of the tunnel now the only person that's really you know GNA be able to create this is the man that the Panthers believe in and that's Bryce young I mean let's go ahead and go through the depth chart here obviously starting for these Panthers next year and this is obviously subject to change but it's going to be Bryce Young starting second is going to be Andy Dalton and then of course Jack plumber for your running backs you got chubba Hubbert Jonathan Brooks miles Sanders coming over from the Eagles and then Rashad Penny uh your wide receivers are Deontay Johnson Adam thielen and Xavier Legette then your tight end going to be Tommy Trimble jaavan Sanders Ian Thomas and Steven Sullivan now I will say this he did rely a lot on Adam thielen last year and the reason for that is because th was probably one of the most uh I want to say wor the individuals who he could throw to and know that that ball would be caught Adam thel did some great things I respect him you know as a as a wide receiver and everything that he did for the for the Vikings so him coming over to the Panthers I think was huge it was it was very huge um so I think that was good because it gave Bryce young a veteran that he was he felt safe with that he could build the most chemistry with fast and he was able to do that now also you know that doesn't mean that he wouldn't be able to find Deontay Johnson or Xavier Legette um but I think you know establishing Adam thielen getting that you know veteran that you can throw to that's going to help you build up your confidence when you're out on the field that's going to be something that he can obviously you know build on moving forward in the next season I'm hoping that during this offseason he's focused on you know the other wide receivers and obviously is tight end Tommy tremble to get you know get that really going um but yeah I I think that the big thing for him is is you know really working with his offensive line because he's going to need more time he's going to need a lot more time in that back field to make his decisions and unfortunately we know that you know the Panthers really haven't had a really good really good o line and uh you know obviously that boils down to aim aanu um you know Damen Lewis Austin Corbett Robert hunt and Taylor M mton you know the these guys are are definitely going to have to step up and give their second-year quarterback the time that he needs so that he can actually be better on that field so I mean that's basically it in a nutshell like I said I'm not going to beat too much up on Bryce young and this team they're just trying to get something going with Bryce young they believe in the kid obviously because they started him Andy Dalton's going to be behind him I hope that he is mentoring him and coaching him and not just hoping that he gets a second shot a job uh but I will say that you know Bryce Young's got to figure it out he's got to go out there and do it and from I mean when I look at you know your wide receiver group and your core and the running back that you have your offensive coordinator should be able to put some kind of a game plan together to help you execute at your strengths uh while you develop and become better and work through you know your weaknesses so I think Bryce young should have a better second year I'm not going to say it's going to be great because I feel like there's a lot of things that need to be worked on but I will say that I do think he will have a better second year and uh we could have some surprising you know moments um but I I wouldn't put all the chips on on on the table for the Panthers I'm just going to leave it there now getting into the the defense you've got asan Robinson uh Shai Tuttle Derek Brown DJ wanham Shaq Thompson Jose juel uh Javon Clowney Dane Jackson Jordan Fuller Xavier Woods JC horn and Troy Hill I mean I see some of these names and we know these names right these are household names these are players that have been able to step up and and make big defensive plays and uh get their teams over the hump and then obviously the Panthers now have put some of these guys together uh to create a starting lineup I mean Javon Clowney we know what he can do danne Jackson we know what Jordan Fuller the Xavier Woods these guys can definitely if if position they can change a game they can make game-changing interceptions they can make fumbles happen so I think you know the Panthers really really just have to get it together uh this season and put together a proper game plan moving forward now let me get over to this uh this chat here before we get to the schedule predictions and break that down uh Ernie what up man what's going on with you says what up Jay hoping he has a better season they need to game plan to his strengths you know that's that's the biggest thing because I think when you when you put Bryce young out there like they did last year it was kind of to test what he was good at right we're just gonna that's the co-host over there messing with me uh they basically put Bryce young out there so that they could see what he's going to do right we're gonna put him out there we know he's got some strengths we're going to see what the weaknesses are and as you go through the whole season you see him have these moments where he's feel like he's just got to scramble out the pocket and then you know try to make some magic happen and unfortunately when you are facing different teams that have a solid defense they already know what you're going to do they've watched your tape in college they know you know how fast you can be they know how elusive you can be so they're going to actually focus on that because they know that you don't have much time you're still adjusting to the game so at some point the offensive coordinators are like all right or we can work we work on this we can do this we can we can switch up this and you know like I said there was some moments that Bryce young has had that we're like okay we we see it we understand it we get why the Panthers have chosen you to lead this team and so I think like I said in the second year he's going going to be able to rebound found on the good things that he learned uh work more on some of the stuff that he needed needed to develop on and create more of a chemistry with you know with his offense so that he can be uh an actual opponent in some of these challenges and then obviously on the defense you're hoping that your defense can give you know this team some some chances and some uh some opportunities to keep the games close keep the game tight for him so that you know he doesn't get feel disadvantaged or you know doesn't feel like it's too much for him and that he can't come back and I think that's you know going to be a big part of the defense and what they able to do moving forward uh CAD daddy says Steen still a beast yes Steen is definitely still a beast without a doubt without a doubt uh wallstar what up man what up corduroy J not the Corduroy yo not the Corduroy uh Allon Sports says hey Jay what's up yo Allon Sports in the building says the Panthers could be a a sneaky team but they need to saw us that show us that saw us that um you know I just like I said I don't think that the Panthers are really going to come out and shake the world up but I do think we will see some more moments where Bryce young is able to go out on that field and show us that he can be something down the road um I'm hoping for the best but like I said I wouldn't put all my chips in on the Panthers yet I I I couldn't do it I couldn't do it and um you know I'm not here to hurt any Panthers fans feelings but the reality is this right the Panthers has been a team where we know that quarterbacks have went there to to die I mean that's just the reality of it so now you have you know a Bright Young quarterback from Alabama who looks like he'd have a promising career try to come to this team and fix it kind of just like Justin Fields right Justin Fields was absolutely amazing then he goes to you know the the Bears and he struggles and now he's with the Steelers so I mean you'd hate to see Bryce young come in and kind of have that same situation and then he you know leaves the Panthers and then obviously go somewhere else it's interesting you know we'll obviously make our assessments as as the the the weeks go on and in regards to this Panthers team but for right now like I said I think that the Panthers as a whole has a team that they can actually get some wins we're going to go over the the schedule in just a moment here but overall I I would say this would probably be another year for Bryce young to really figure things out really figure things out all right so let's go and get into the uh the schedule ladies and gentlemen go and get into this schedule shout out to you Jonas Jonas in the building what's up with you man it's been it's been a minute it's been a minute I know you're busy with the family and stuff glad to see you here tonight uh Jonah says Carolina will be dead last in her division young is not good at all going to be failed once again and NFL fans will clown the Panthers for taking the wrong quarterback you know I'm not um I mean I'm not going to sit here and and and bite fight you on that bro you know me and you we go back and forth all the time but I mean this is one time where you know I I think that we're both on the same page and it's sad to say it because you would think at this point that Carolina Panthers have put some kind of package together for their fans and for this team to actually do something do something you know and um I think last year you know we we we streamed a couple Panthers games and we were sitting there like all right this is another bust and you know you hate to see it you hate to see it I mean if we go back we we'll go back to to last year before we get into this year uh but starting week one right right you've got the Falcons and uh the score is 24-10 that's a loss uh week two the score is 20 to 17 I mean that's a three-point game but hey it's still a loss against the Saints uh then you got you know 3727 loss to the Seahawks 2113 loss to Minnesota you got an absolute blowout backto back 42 to 24 with the Lions and then 42 to 21 against Miami you know it doesn't look good then they get a bye obviously then they get a interesting win against you know the Texans and uh you know it's 15 to 13 that's a two-point game very close uh could have went either way then they lose to the Colts 27 to 13 they lose to the Bears 16-13 Dallas 33 to10 you know it just keeps going on and on you know and it's really sad I don't want to keep going down this list but uh you know and I remember this game for those who remember this ATL game they they won the game 9 to7 nobody was excited after this game because of how it was it was terrible and they went by two points and the game was nine to seven and they just miraculously won but then lost three in a row after that and then lost to Tampa Bay at the end of the season 9 to zero so you know like I said I'm not here to beat up on young too much tonight because I get that he's he needs more development he needs more time and it pains me to say this but I just don't think that next year is going to be any better I really don't I really don't I mean let's go Ahad and get into the schedule and uh we'll break this down so obviously week one is going to be against the Saints I mean right we may have a replay of what we've seen last year uh after that it's going to be the Chargers right char ERS we know they have a solid defense for the most part it's going to get Bryce young trouble the Raiders this is another team that you know has a solid defense that is going to give Bryce young some trouble then you know you face the Bengals obviously you've got you got Jo burrow who if he's coming back and he's playing well obviously from his from his injury then you know Bengals are going to run that score up and I just don't see you know this team as at least of yet being able to compete with the Bengals then obviously the Bears this may be something that you know we may have some excitement from because of Caleb Williams and things like that so it may be a little bit of a dog fight with the Bears uh but once again right that's you got a lot of good talent on the Bears so I'm just not sure Atlanta right you've got kurk cousins now and in company I listen it's bad it's really bad uh we get into the commanders I mean sure right I could say that's probably another 50/50 game Denver you know Shawn Peyton I don't see him losing to the Panthers Saints again and then the Giants that's an overseas game listen it it's it's painful for me to even go through this schedule right now it's scary it's really scary uh they go in the by week week 11 Kansas City I mean just you know you can cast that check uh Tampa Bay eagles Dallas I mean even Arizona at this point you know I think Kyler Mary's gonna have a different year this year he's got Marvin Harrison you know they got some good some good changes on defense it's not going to be a good year for the Panthers I I hate it I I really do I hate it I was I was s earlier and I was going through this schedule and kind of just getting an idea of how you know we were going to go through this and I said to myself I was like well I'll you know I'll try to find something I'll try to find something in this list that would allow me to say all right you know they may do something if I'm being realistic right and if I'm just even if I'm trying to be nice right now I'm going to go through this list and try to be nice while not being biased obviously I'm gonna say Saints win I'm gonna say Chargers Chargers win Raiders win Bengals win uh they may give Bears a shake and a close one but Atlanta wins uh commanders maybe another shaky game I may give him that one Denver I may give him that one you're not going to beat the Saints the Giants may do some weird thing where they just figure out how to win because they do that sometimes so yeah I think the Giants may win Kansas City for sure Tampa Bay for sure uh Eagles yeah I don't see you beating Jaylen Herz in that in in that group Dallas I definitely don't see it happening Arizona it's a 5050 so right there it is bad because I'm not comfortable even giving them a win at all this could very well well be the most terrible season for the Panthers it's bad it's really really bad and I hate to say it I almost didn't want to do this tonight I'm being completely honest with you it's bad and it's really a shame because this is an NFL team this is an NFL team that has been around for decades and unfortunately they have not been able to figure it out and put somebody in a position to actually go out there and win since Cam Newton it's crazy to me I mean dare I say bring the man back so he can do something so he can shine some kind of light let's bring Cam Newton back to the panther so he can bring some kind of light and shine to to this team because it's bad and like I said I'm not going to you know harp on Bryce young too much he's young he's still learning but unfortunately I just don't know if he has the true wherewithal and and the heart to actually go out there and win in this league right now I just don't I want it to be the opposite I want to see it happen um but unfortunately it's it's it's just looking like you know it it it won't happen so quick shout out to James Walker what up man what's going on with you bro Jonas is 07 already and the Panthers gave you the their best defense ends in the burns to the Giants it's it's it's tough it's tough all RP says the Panthers are a literal swamp we got to drain it bro we got to drain that swamp uh Forest what up man forest in the building Immortal in the house what up Immortal what's going on with you bro uh yeah yeah this this was tough for me tonight this this was very very tough and I mean for for a couple reasons because I think at the end of the day you know no matter what team it is and no matter how much of a fan you are of your specific team you really don't want to see a team that to be that bad right because you want a game to be competitive you want your team to go into that Stadium or you want that that team to come into your hometown and and you know play a competitive game and you you not know you know what's going to happen that's that's the thing that gives you that that you know that rush and that uh that feeling of the game and unfortunately you know like I said you may see a few moments out of Bryce young that do surprise you but for the most part I just don't see it happening this year as far as anything truly truly good coming out of the Panthers and I wouldn't be surprised if we see Andy Dalton come out to be honest at some point I think that's the reality I think that's the reality uh TJ Friday 6 listeners yeah you know I don't think too many people really uh are rocking with the Panthers y unfortunately it's you know I I kind of had an idea for that I mean that's that's that's just what it is it's it's the Panthers man it was the Chiefs you know Chargers it be what it is bills you guys already know um but yeah like I said the the big thing for me getting into this team specifically and and what we should expect for them is hopefully this coaching staff can really figure out what's going on with Bryce young and and his weaknesses specifically and hone on those and iron those things out during camp in this offseason because the reality is this you can't have another year like you had last year you can't do it like I said we looked at that schedule and it made me almost sick to my stomach it really did it made me sick to my stomach and you know cuz I feel for the kid imagine you given this opportunity right you were the star in your college you were great and then you're given this opportunity to come into the NFL and you land on a team like the Panthers that are basically rebuilding and you completely bomb and drop the ball and it it feel it makes you feel like the World's closing in on you right and let's say you do spend all the time to get things right and you do you know work on the things that you need to and you focus on you know the building up your your you know your Cadence on the field and you're putting in the time with the Playbook and you're learning the defenses and the reads and going through the progressions and all that kind of stuff and then your team still drops the ball because they're just that bad what happens to your mentality what happens to you know your your ambition your grind to to go out there and be great like I said you don't want to see the same thing that happened to these other guys who you know we've seen in recent years uh end up you know end up in the same kind of situation that that they're in and Bryce young decides hey I can't do it here I need to move on you know it's wild I don't want to see it happen I want to see the kid go out there and be competitive and and win and we'll just have to see we'll just have to see Ernie Brown says so you're saying there's a chance listen it's it's tough it's tough uh shout out to morles say Chicago as Carolina second round draft pick in 2025 and listen I I think that hurts them a lot you know some of the draft draft uh decisions that they made and the trades that they made I get why they did it you know knows it's in some part it does help but unfortunately I just don't think that the quarterback draft was the right choice for what this team needs you need a solid quarterback over six feet that can really really you know see over that line uh that's got a strong arm obviously has has have some kind of legs and I I I just I'm not sure if this pan pan team has the kind of you know offensive scheme that's scheme that's going to work well for Bryce young I just don't I just don't you know you you can't give the same kind of play style and play scheme to Bryce young that you would kind of give to Cam Newton and I think that's that's what we almost seen last year with you know him scrambling out of the pocket trying to make a play and things like that um I get he has speed but you've got to have him sit in that pocket a little bit to actually get through his progressions and find the open man so that he can build that up because we know he can run everybody knows he can run so that's going to be the first thing that the defense focuses on and if they're able to get him out of that pocket pressure him obviously that's why he's got you know the interceptions that he does um that's the biggest thing and the biggest reason why Bryce young had such a such a big issue last year for sure uh Eric says Bryce will have a 50 50 season it's it's tough to call it man it really is it's it's tough to call it bro but hey we dropped it in the uh the comments the poll was Will Bryce Young have a better season 71% of you has said yes so that's good that's great you know like I said I think everyone wants to see him go out there and be great this year nobody wants to see you know this kid have another rough year that's just the reality of it uh shout out to Shante what up yo what's going on with you say Jay everyone haven't been here in a long time let's go Shante the last time we seen you was uh basketball yeah basketball Lakers I think it was it's probably like Lakers game that was a minute ago shout out to you Shante much love much love to the wrench gang in the building much love to all the listeners all the Watchers I do appreciate each and every one of you uh Forest says optimistic crowd yeah I mean like like I said it really all depends on if he's really really worked hard in this off season that's what it's going to come down to um there's talented quarterbacks right that just have it and then there's also quarterbacks who they have to work hard to become great and they have to use their IQ to become great and I think that's where Bryce young is he's got to use his IQ to figure this thing out right you've got you've got some Talent don't get me wrong but that's not what's going to really get you over the hump to fix this team and get them in a winning way and he's really going to have to use his IQ he's really going to have to study he's really going to have to give his all into this position if he's going to have any chance of really leading the Fran leading this franchise into the direction that they want to go in and I think that's the reality of it uh Jaden Daniels could struggle too similarly yeah you know that's what we've been seeing for the last couple years right I mean I think the exception to the rule is probably CJ shroud but even he had a little bit of a slow start right people were freaking out oh CJ shroud's gonna be a bust and then obviously he turns things around and everyone's like oh now he's here in the postseason so you know you don't know but you know sometimes things do work out it's very rare when it does I'm interested to see how things go with JJ McCarthy right because McCarthy did such a hell of a job with you know Michigan but he also had some things that I was like all right he gets into the league it's not going to work so we'll see how that works out in Minnesota he could have the same kind of situation this first year we'll just have to see we'll have to see so but yeah uh so we broke down the schedule all that good stuff we broke down the depth chart um I'm going to give as far as my grade for the Panthers I'm going to have to give them this is rough I I can't give him an F right because they do have some good some good things going I also can't give them a c because there's a lot of problems that we've seen last year and they just completely struggled I'm going to not beat him down because I do feel like you know they're going to try to put some things together and be a little better this year I'm going to give them a D+ I'm G to give them a D+ going into this season and I'm hoping that it will change starting you know week one I'm hoping that it will change you guys know how we do we do our power rank we do our predictions every week and um you know I'm hoping that the conversation changes because right now you really don't have anything to go on we all we all know how this works you're only as good as your last year so if we're looking at what he was able to do last year and and the record and everything and then obviously we look at everyone that's on that team and the talent that He has and what they're able to do I have to go D+ until things change and until he's able to show us that he has put in that work to go out there and be better and and show up and get this team you know some some true dominant victories and listen I'm not I'm not putting it all on Bryce young I'm really not the defense has a step up too but from what I seen in regards to the schedule from last year the defense definitely put him in some really good situations to win some really close games that he could go out there and win nine to sevens right uh 13 to 15 things like that that's a defensive battle putting up all they can for their Young quarterback so he can give this team a chance to win and unfortunately Bryce young was unable to capitalize on a lot of it I think that's the reality shout out to Lisa what's going on with you says how would a Ravens Panther Super Bowl sound to you I mean when in 2045 like what are what are we talking about Lisa just came in with like the Mind exploding example there I'm like Ravens and Panthers what uh I I I don't see that happening in the in the next decade unfortunately um I I mean I could be wrong you know pigs could be flying then I'm not sure but uh yeah I don't see that happening at all shout out to M JJ mandolf listen we'll see man we'll see uh like I said overall I just I have to give him a D+ I got to give the Panthers a D+ I'm hoping to see a change and um you know we we'll have to call it how we see it you guys know how we do we we'll stream the games we'll do the predictions we'll do the Power Rankings uh we will readdress this as you know obviously the preseason gets going and we stream those games um but yeah yeah shout out to shant says I'm not a fan of that scenario listen it's yeah I don't see it happening I don't I'll tell you right now Lisa if that happens you know you probably should uh play the lottery because that that is a wild combo there Ravens Panthers Super Bowl wow yeah I don't know I don't I I I can't even fathom it I I really can't um all right so yeah moving on uh tomorrow tomorrow ladies and gentlemen we'll be on six we we we're not stopping all right we are not stopping we've got football uh teams to discuss and um we are on obviously day five and then uh we've got 26 more days to go recovering all 32 teams in 31 days obviously uh tomorrow it's going to be the Bengals that's going to be a good conversation we got a lot to discuss about the Bengals we got to talk about Joe and his injuries we got to talk about you know Jamar Chase we got to talk about this defense there's a lot of stuff going on there and um you know I'm excited to get into the Bengals and what they're going to do and hopefully what we can see from them uh after that it's going to be the Bears shout out to you moral we'll get into your Bears uh uh Sunday Sunday night uh Dallas Cowboys on Monday Denver Broncos Tuesday obviously we'll keep it going from there but yeah we still got a lot all these teams to cover ladies and gentlemen so if you have not you're still watching if you're new to the Channel Make sure you do subscribe click that Bell turn on your notifications so way you don't miss a stream and uh yeah shout out to you guys for rocking with us for rocking with us uh Lisa says I'm not crazy but I see it happen in the next five years Hey listen you you could be right you could be right we'll see we'll see uh explosion says let's go Bears I'm a Bears fan shout out to you explosion yeah man listen um I think Caleb Williams is going to have an interesting year with these Bears I know we said that about Justin Fields but I do think this will be a little different this year I think you know Caleb's got some help that defense is going to be interesting um we're GNA go through all of that so yeah I'm excited Sunday's going to be great for the uh for the Bears obviously tomorrow night we're going to get into those bangal ladies and gentlemen you guys know we'll keep the content going we'll keep the content pumping out for you guys and um there it is there it is it is Friday ladies and gentlemen so shout out to the rench gang shout out to the family all you guys love each and every one of you all the Watchers um if you guys do end up watching this after the stream's over make sure you drop it in the comments do you think Bryce young is going to have a better year next year drop it in the comments let me know uh yeah we'll see you all tomorrow you guys have a great night if you're going out be safe enjoy yourself and have a great great rest of your evening peace out to all of you [Music] n [Music] [Music] w [Music]

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Why Did The Panthers Cut K'Lavon Chaisson ? #panthers #nfl

Category: Sports

If you are who you are be the superstar that you are hey everybody i'm your host theato sit up straight put your feet on the floor let me get a vip on a ready ready sit up straight in the audience sit up straight put your feet on the floor on the ready ready i want vip it easy easy easy check check... Read more

K'Lavon Chaisson could be surprise for Carolina Panthers thumbnail
K'Lavon Chaisson could be surprise for Carolina Panthers

Category: Sports

Today is the latest entrance in best shape of their life season uh new renowned or sorry renewed focus on the game uh in for a big season season this is is basically what happens every year about this time uh this is uh stage me or stage i stage individual right there's the ot there's the mini camps... Read more

NFL Legends Eli Manning & Drew Brees Swear Panthers QB Bryce Young Will Be Good thumbnail
NFL Legends Eli Manning & Drew Brees Swear Panthers QB Bryce Young Will Be Good

Category: Sports

Right hey everybody it is officially nfl week one the college football games have been put to bed for week one with another lolly upet over the florida state seminal never mind that here welcome to the show before we get started hit the like button share subscribe let's give a very special shout out... Read more

Carolina Panthers settle on 53-man roster thumbnail
Carolina Panthers settle on 53-man roster

Category: News & Politics

On tuesday, the carolina panthers settled on their first official 53 man roster of the season, but they weren't done making moves as of yet. wfmy news two's logan campbell. she was down at bank of america stadium earlier today and has more on the transactions of the day. the carolina panthers had the... Read more

How The Carolina Panthers Can Help Christian McCaffery Through The Draft thumbnail
How The Carolina Panthers Can Help Christian McCaffery Through The Draft

Category: Sports

Intro be sure to subscribe keep pounding underscore tv the best panther youtuber ever i'm rocking with the big cat pause up keep pounding what's going on christian miller here lying back at the carolina panthers just want to give a huge shout out to keep pounding tv keep doing what y'all are doing appreciate... Read more

BREAKING: Carolina Panthers release K'Lavon Chaisson thumbnail
BREAKING: Carolina Panthers release K'Lavon Chaisson

Category: Sports

It is time for football at 4 and i have to admit my mind is in a pretzel right now the panthers have released outside linebacker kon chan now unimportantly i feel like we were just getting good at pronouncing his name kavon chaon which was not the easiest one to pronounce so i thought we were going... Read more

NC State Football 2024 expectations, key players, and path to an ACC Championship thumbnail
NC State Football 2024 expectations, key players, and path to an ACC Championship

Category: Sports

Nc state family it's time for an honest look at your sports world let's get you hooked up for pack therapy presented by first horizon bank here are your hosts tim donnelly and wolfpack football legend mike lennin welcome back in pack fans wolf pack fans tim donnelly here alongside mike lennon it's time... Read more

Carolina Panthers must choose Terrace Marshall Jr, Ihmir Smith-Marsette, and/or David Moore thumbnail
Carolina Panthers must choose Terrace Marshall Jr, Ihmir Smith-Marsette, and/or David Moore

Category: Sports

You see a lot of teams their fifth wide receiver they ask to play special teams terce marshall jr doesn't do that so does that open it up for david moore david moore opening kick return slips falls didn't really do well mir smith marett has a long kick return today david moore also dropped the touchdown... Read more

Christian McCaffrey Mix - “Pop Out” || Best RB in the NFL 🔥 thumbnail
Christian McCaffrey Mix - “Pop Out” || Best RB in the NFL 🔥

Category: People & Blogs

It's so [ __ ] [music] good on dir m i'm a walking strip record me it's a 30 and a 40 swit fast as h bit told me sheay for me told her for in h i don't got no stylist morning shoes and pants on fresh as hell yes i know what happened ain't all right so i ain't going to never tell you can follow baby... Read more

Duke Football Head Coach Manny Diaz discusses QB battle, team culture thumbnail
Duke Football Head Coach Manny Diaz discusses QB battle, team culture

Category: Sports

Uh with that being said i mentioned manny diaz head football coach for uh duke is in the building here at acc kickoff and he is throwing on the headset to talk to us right now uh manny can you hear me are you good all right you can go ahead and grab a seat if you're more comfortable stand up whatever's... Read more