The Buffalo Bills without Taron Johnson is a massive loss?

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:37:53 Category: Sports

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[Music] he he [Music] oh [Music] he contr [Music] he [Music] he [Music] contr [Music] contr [Music] audio folks the amount of research I have been putting in on this Buffalo Bills Miami Dolphins match up on Thursday is going to be insane I'm proud of myself I'm not sure if you guys saw my preview for the Arizona Cardinals and the Buffalo Bills but I went really deep into the analytics and uh let's just say that I have an incredible preview video dropping for you later this afternoon I am welcoming dougle D wrong on yes I don't have the patience to deal with TD more than I have to this week um until the end of the game ultimately ends up hitting zero baby but uh very excited to drop this I've been putting in a lot of work so if you have not subscribed to this Channel and turned on Bell notifications I highly recommend that you do so because that video is about to be an absolute banger but we know that we put bangers out only on this channel folks bangers out only I remind each and every single one of you that my goal by the end of the season is to all right surpass 50,000 subscribers by the end of the season and might I say we have been absolutely cooking for the past couple of weeks and um I sincerely appreciate all of the newcomers special shout out to all of um the day ones the people that have been with me for the past couple of years shout out to everyone that's been with me since 2019 absolutely insane now folks um I did want to remind everybody I am giving away a signed Keon Coleman football that is right I ended up winning it off of pristine auction all right and in case you guys are unfamiliar with what pristine auction is this is the ultimate site for all sign memorabilia on the face of the planet right now um I mean it's incredible sometimes you see things like this for example a Josh Ellen sign bills speed mini helmet starting bid 197 I've seen Caleb Williams rookie cards start at $50 for a bid basketball Hockey baseball soccer they have absolutely everything here and in order for each and every single one of you to enter the competition for the sign key on Coleman football what you have to do is that there's a couple of things number one you need to go on ahead subscribe to this YouTube channel you need to be a subscriber you need to follow me on X okay follow me on X as well and then pin this um pin tweet and don't worry I'm gonna make a new one uh because I think Twitter doesn't like when you put external links in the first one but have no fear we're going to be doing that but uh follow me on Twitter and make a pristine auction account those are all of um the rules of being entered into the overall competition or contest for the upcoming week I'm giving away this football I was going to announce the winner on Thursday Night Football but I don't think that this was put in front of enough people so do me a favor guys uh be a subscriber to the Channel download a free or make a free pristine auction account and then stay tuned for the tweet that I'm going to put out I will remind everybody I'm going to announce the winner on Buffalo Bills and Jacksonville Jaguars rather than on Thursday Night Football because I want more people to be able to get into the opportunity but damn what's going on folks how you doing man how you doing man this is going to be a good thing the Jets defense looked like trash last night they certainly did they certainly did Josh Allen is cooked on Thursday SFL outside man I really hope that you're right like there is a part of me that hopes that you guys are right because I don't know how many more times you can look like an idiot and still have self-respect that's kind of where I'm at right now when it comes into anybody even displaying a shred of confidence based off of the history that Josh Allen does to your team on a yearly basis um listen at the end of the day this is a Thursday night football game yes spoiler alert I am picking the Buffalo Bills and it just frustrates me when I see some Dolphins fans just like spew out absolute nonsense like how do you have the audacity like how do you still have a shred of self-respect of being able to show anything but cautious optimism I'm fine with cautious optimism but like the whole thing like oh my god dude we're gonna go out there and roll out the bills like dude come on bro I'm just trying to save you I'm just trying to save these Dolphins fans from yet another absolute evening of Misery all right listen if you win congratulations I will be so happy for you and I agree I want you to speak things into existence I do that all the time but just the my God like the blind optimism that I see from the Dolphins each and every single year is crazy like I see and don't get me wrong I got a lot of dolphins fans that rock with me year round regardless of the outcome but listen y'all are going to see my live game reaction on Thursday Night Football and we're going to see probably like 800 people watching me right 200 of those are going to be Dolphins fans that just show their face when the Dolphins end up going ahead of the bills momentarily right like they'll score a touchdown and they'll start dropping their Dolphins emojis in there but then they ultimately end up disappearing because they don't want to show their face they can't face the music they can't face the inevitable downfall and they can't face the inevitable truth that Josh Allen absolutely whips his meat out against this organization he saves his best games for the Miami Dolphins and by the way I'm sitting here waiting for Mr Josh Allen to be named the offensive player of the week the AFC version I am certainly ready for it it's going to become Miami Dolphins fans all I got to say is Daddy is coming Daddy is coming red white and bills TJ is a massive loss uh to a team with Miami you're right you're right Teran Johnson is but here's the deal red white and bills I'm going to go on ahead and I'm going to be releasing like a really in-depth video What's going to help me out is is that I think cam Lewis actually ended up doing pretty well um he finished the day with 10 tackles and luckily the guy that's predominantly going to be going out of the Miami Dolphins slot is going to be Braxton baros right waddle and Tyreek Hill for the most part are going to be on the perimeter on the outside they could roll out of the slot every now and again uh but I do like the matchup with Braxton baros and cam Lewis surprisingly enough I still like Benford who by the way completely locked down Marvin Harrison Jr completely locked down Marvin Harrison Jr last week uh which is impressive in and of itself so I have a really good understanding and um listen this Dolphins team threw a lot of [ __ ] screens last week threw a lot of screens the other day um I'm going to go on ahead and not spoil my entire like preview video but like this is what we were looking at last week against the Miami Dolphins so a couple of things I like to point out right now um let me see what we have right here um where was I going with this yeah so basically when it all kind of played out let me see they had nine screen attempts in total witha only had six attempts he only had four medium attempts and that was between 10 to 19 yards the vast majority of his attempts last week were between so we're behind the line of scrimmage and short passes from zero to nine yards after the line of scrimmage by itself so it's largely a large Dink and dunk sort of situation and last week the Miami Dolphins collected 240 yards after the catch so all 338 of two his passing yards um more than 50% were yards after to the catch vast majority of those were collected by Devon aan Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Wadd from that particular so like they were completely cooking the middle of the field and they were allowing their wide receivers to really get a lot of that and it could be skewed because a lot of it had to do with Tyreek Hills massive run at the end and hn did their thing but um I mean listen we're just going to need our front seven so we're just going to need our front seven to really be able to make their tackles this Miami Dolphins run attack they do not run in between the tackles folks they live and thrive on the outside runs the Miami Dolphins collected a total of eight yards on the ground in between the tackles so they're not going to be testing Ed Oliver and dayquon Jones what they're gonna be testing is our defensive ends they're going to be testing Gregory Russo they're going to be testing Von Miller maybe Javon Solomon can be activated he was Stellar against the run during the preseason but I'm going to tell you exactly what it is I don't see Raheem moer and I don't see aan having as bad of a game as they did last week I don't see Jeff Wilson being the leading rusher for the team I think that that was an anomaly but I still think that they are going to refuse to run in between the tackles so you're not going to be seeing a lot of runs in the a b or c Gap but they're going to be hugging the exterior of the offensive line really testing our defensive ends tackling needs to be absolutely huge for us this Buffalo Bills team in my opinion needs needs to activate Cole Bishop um he was Stellar in college sometimes he's a bit overaggressive when he's pursuing his tackles however I mean I think that we need somebody that's solid there I love dear Hamlin against the Run game surprisingly enough um and then also I mean [ __ ] at the end of the day say that we end up running 4-3 just go ahead and activate andreon Okay I mean that guy was all over the field during the preseason solid tackler not so good in pass coverage but but as far as being able to bottle up the Run game um that's basically kind of how it works out but I'm not going to spoil too much about this game right now because I want to see what we can have Jay mix is coming in $5 donation man I appreciate that thank you at the end of the day the most Miami can do is improve to his record against the bills to two and six the best that they can do the most that they can improve listen I'm confident about this matchup I really am I'm still doing a deep dive I still need to take a look at the offensive line which actually did better than a lot of people were willing to give them credit for last week uh but we shall see we shall see I say they should go ahead and test Groot F around and find out y'all have to rely on y'all's players playing in complete different conditions because y'all suck sey Mike Green I think moard has hurt Dan he got banged up on the first play that explains it that definitely explains it he had what like he like he had two attempts and six yards hopefully he'll be okay there but I mean still with Jeff Wilson going for 130 120 that game that's pretty impressive uh let andreon play if you actually believe that you're sped but but I am a Fin's fan uh let me see Aloha Dan sorry I missed it but how long is Taran ruled out for Chris Spencer great question this is exactly what the video is about today my friend um he's gonna be out they didn't give week to week it could be like three to four but at the end of the day I mean this is really just when you need big big like big days from from Bernard uh you need big days from Dorian Williams who I particularly loved what our linebackers did last week surprisingly enough it's a big loss it is but I do like the fact that they had so I do prefer the matchup if that makes sense right I do prefer the matchup I'm fine I'm fine with Cam Lewis against braxon baros how can you not love frank uh red white and bills so I got my part one of film for the line out overall b-grade way too many flags and a few Miss blocks but only gave six total pressures on 23 attempts yo by the way DM me Sean do me a favor and DM me bro if uh you're available Thursday evening would love to have you on a show um Demar is going to be tested this week 21 years blanket the run and forc Tu it to beat us he's proven he can't do it and deamar on real this Thursday listen bro dude Hey listen man you better never show your face in my stream again if dear Hamlin picks off to it if dear Hamlin picks off Tua do you have any idea how obnoxious I am going to be I don't think it's going to happen but dude you better pray that better be your number one nightmare all right that better be more of a nightmare for you than the Buffalo Bills kicking your ass because I know you already know that that's a possibility otherwise I think that your delusion should be studied all right if a dolphins fan is not worried about Thursday Night Football you are in denial or I mean you're just pure purely delusional and you're watching way too much TD fins talk if you're walking into this game with a shred of confidence if you are walking into the Buffalo Bills versus Miami Dolphins game on Thursday Night Football and you are 100% sure that this team is going to win easily you're not going to experience any anxiety whatsoever uh please seek therapy please seek therapy because it is about to be an absolute bloodbath it is about to be an absolute blood bath it is and so you really think that he can cover reek for real here's the deal this Buffalo Bills team doesn't run manto man right like we don't run man defense I mean y'all are way too fast for it so we have our bread and butter and eat based off of our Zone coverage and Zone scheme something that Tua has had a very difficult time in being able to beat sha mcdermit is great at making sure that their guys stay in the correct position they jump routes better than anybody on the face of the planet it's all about disguise coverage at the end of the day so Shawn mcdermitt's secondary the way that he builds up this secondary is uh I don't know I really don't even know hot take Cook gets to touchdowns over his 49 think it might still be a good choice I have Douglas with two interceptions or one for him and one for a safety bills grind and run all over Miami and keep Miami offense off of the field and just bully dolphins and win bills 24 dolphin 17 Paris Island South Carolina freak Show man I appreciate your service thank you so much man uh mcdermit knows how to defend Tyreek seify uh mine was oh dude look at that man we got the military in here man I appreciate that my brother is a Marine so definitely feels close to home right there man I can appreciate that a dolphins fan threatened Bill's fans uh with death last night on TD's Channel he was laughing about the guy getting jumped after the game in Miami last year um he is probably like 400 pounds he's depressed hasn't seen his dick in like five years and he takes it out on the internet because normally he doesn't feel powerful in real life so he you know says things on the internet to make him feel like he is that dude you know what I'm saying like that's how you have to look at like real big internet trolls right like people that just hop on and spew hate and I'm not even talking about football trash talk like please football trash talk that's normal that's fun but if people are giving death threats or if people are attacking somebody personally just know that those people are the most powerless individuals on the face of the planet and this is just an area where they can express themselves knowing that they can't do anything in real life all right they feel powerless and the only place they feel a shred of power is on the internet behind an anonymous account so that's why I say feel bad for them before they upset you because they are in a dark dark place but uh that is just not where it is just got back from Buffalo last night you missed out bro I was in the bathroom line for the hurdle so butt hurt oh my God Austin dude I would have pissed in my empty beer can all right I would have pissed in the long necks or the cup at that point Dan can you dance for us if you do the Josh Allen will go over 404 touchdowns it's all on you bro DET talk 90 wants me to go on ahead and dance for the squad man I can appreciate that Amen brother Raymond what's going on man hope all is well I'm worried about our run defense against you All Fins Up I mean how did the like Jags do last week I didn't get to your defense part of my stuff right now but here I mean let me see what's going on um so we saw etn at 12 carries 44 and then cavius bsby whoever the hell that dude was 12 for 73 so I mean about 130 on the ground when it came into it let me see uh run defense so yeah so yards per game like y'all are 25th in the league this is just best that's just based off of that yards yards per game y'all are ranked 18th in the league so 128 I would probably put the Buffalo Bills Run game over the Jacksonville Jaguars so we could potentially um figure that out at the end of the day we're gonna have to see how it goes on Man Neil what's going on man how you doing bro they didn't puyer still is on our side based off of how Jordan puyer played on week one I am almost convinced that he is a secret spy for the Buffalo Bills uh Miami has less of a defense than last year and their offense has taken a step back their offensive line is okay not great corner or safety Blitz to I stay tuned for my preview video folks do me a favor um if you are new here which I can automatically assume the vast majority of you um 192 of you on YouTube 100 of you on X there's at least 75 of you who are not subscribed don't have the Bell notifications turned on I can imagine the vast majority of them are on X folks not all of my content is on X and I never want you to miss out on stuff so do me a favor come on over to YouTube subscribe to the channel and turn on Bell notifications guys we want to surpass 50,000 subscribers by the end of the season it's a tall order it's a tall case but this is the kind of stuff that we have man let's make it happen Duke got the bag despite his injury history this is just slightly more than players comparable injury history shout out to Spencer Brown right tackle for collecting the damn bag my friend shout out my boy Shawn who called this all right he was one of the only Spencer Brown Defenders for the longest time with the vast majority of bills Mafia thought that he was an absolute bump okay but look at this bills have agreed to terms to right tackle Spencer Brown on the four-year extension 2021 third rounder which is negotiated by that but here's the deal dude gets four years $72 million $45 million guaranteed lock it up baby take it to the bank man all right listen shout out Spencer Brown I'm sorry I ever doubted you you never deserved oh is that a Josh Allen commercial all right listen I'm not GNA play that but that's pretty sick Junior College out of California please have a look at my highlights and get back to me at any convenience like that song is absolutely sick but I know that I'm going to get copyrighted but dude listen if you want me to run through a damn wall right now watching Josh Allen get his bag with endorsements on top of Spencer Brown getting his endorsement bag as well I mean forget about it prob um I don't know if I want to go lift weights or beat off right now that's how excited this Gatorade commercial has just gotten me shout out folks pause I'm sorry for all the suspect things I say on this stream I hope at the end of the day it just makes you laugh that's what I'm talking about I love the deal it's basically hey we don't have enough data on you yet so you got two years to prove us right or wrong if you're worth the money with only 19 fully guaranteed I absolutely love that let's make it happen I can't wait for this game me too pyer doesn't want to see Josh come through the hole trust me I don't know anything about the number uh from my platoon all I did was just get through basic and then go to camp gager and my infantry MLS training Neil what's up man how you doing about to take Friday off and turn the F up Gatorade does that yeah yeah yeah most definitely man most definitely that Gatorade commercial got me going well damn LeBron dude LeBron always calls me out about the suspect things I say on stream I love keeping you on your toes who knows Allan has custody of the kids this weekend starting Thursday choosing one or the other is a loser mentality you're talking about lifting weights and beaten off or I should be doing both I don't know talk to me fun times in okay Josh Allen is the 2003 legitimate MVP only other person that deserves it is Dak last year not Lamar Jets lost the division lost last in the division um I wouldn't write the Jets off yet listen it's fun it's fun to talk [ __ ] to Richie right now it really is but folks like don't think the Jets are dead if the Jets go out there and lay an egg against Tennessee and by the way with the Tennessee Titans um their defense played very well last week if it wasn't for the Chicago Bears defense giving them all the opportunities in the world and their scoring defense on Chicago then Tennessee would have won that game like they locked up the Bears offense with not even a touchdown for the most part so um is so an offensive touchdown so watch out man listen don't be surprised if Tennessee actually comes out there and gives Aaron Rogers in that and that offense a hard time you have lerus Sneed like on the Tennessee Titans so that's gonna be pretty interesting hell yeah Mike the triangle Jets defense is overrated man pretty wild guys 189 of you on YouTube 107 of you on X shout out guys let's smash that like button push it on over to the Moon right now let's make this happen there's good days baby there's good days around here I could appreciate that scroll on down here for a second let me see breaking the dases of Buffalo is announcing okay this is not Bill's news uh one of the things that I'm always fascinated by is how many fans immediately wonder how quickly a team can get out of a contract player signs as if the goal is to end it before its term shouldn't the goal be to not get out of the contract the player his good fits going to start filling certain Josh Allen plays under sure why not oh man this is crazy this is absolutely crazy in response to the in response to the NFL becoming a more pass heavy in recent years many have commented that eventually we would reach a point where it became more efficient to run than pass man scrolling on a fourth and one start of the fourth quarter Dolphins down 1714 watch Jaylen Ramsey as the cornerback to the top of the screen for the entirety of the play dude is he half assing let me see it again toward the top of the screen oh no never mind I wasn't looking at that guy the right way he's pursuing he's pursuing baby uh anyway let's see what's going on sorry Dan I don't mean to bring politics into this live stream but are but are you watching the presidential debate tonight I will be tuning in indeed um hey Dan hope you're having a good day and everyone else in the chat he is old aging Neil rather watching paint dry oh man uncle Danny what's going on what's up man you ready for Thursday and did you see the Tyreek footage what do you think about that I didn't see the entire thing um I mean obviously I think that cop uh has a little Wier and he was just trying to Big Time the guy at the end of the day um I don't know I mean I mean maybe he was trying to be famous has some insecurity issues I have no idea why he did it I thought it was BS on Tyreek Hills well no I thought it was BS on the cop side of things but I don't know um so I hope he sues it what's good what's up B B Money how you doing bro hope all is well hope all is well realizing we get to see the Fitz Allen Broan man's pick back up this week look at that g what's going on brother how you doing it was effed up what they did to cheetah yeah man I mean those damn police bro and listen I promise you that that dude was just trying to make a name for himself so imagine if like he actually took him in and so imagine say that he actually took him in the and the entire city of Miami would want that cop job bro they would be picketing out front if the Miami Dolphins didn't have him out there against the Jaguars I'll be right back guys hold up to get a zenino you already know what I'm talking about he should have ran thanks for always speaking positive about Benford kid is legit bro listen man I have been a Christian Benford believer since last year and dude he's been a [ __ ] dog it's effed up what the Dolphins are going to do to the bills it's effed up what the Dolphins are going to do the Bills first off I just want to call out the Entertainer real fast bro I'm okay for cautious optimism all right but blind optimism like what the Dolphins are about to do the Bills bro like how do you have any self-respect left like how do you have any self-respect left coming into this stream right now knowing what the Buffalo Bills do to your team twice a year each and every single year because of the quarterback that is taking Snaps behind the Buffalo Bills offensive line bro I'm just trying to save you I'm just trying to save you because again like always who will be right at the endend of the day me like I always am the Buffalo Bills obviously have the edge against the Miami Dolphins all right we own this team we've owned it for the longest time I'm okay if you come in here and you say you know what Dan I really think the Dolphins might have a shot that I will allow but anything like that bro you gotta prove it dude everyone thinks this is a rivalry this is not a rivalry we kick your ass all the time it's almost it's almost expected it's a bye for this team it is a byee for this team so listen here's the thing I'm fine with dolphins fans coming in and saying hey man you know what I feel pretty good about this game I think we have a shot that I will allow but anything that is that is remotely resembling oh what the Dolphins are about to do to the Buffalo Bills after what we have done to you twice a year here for as long as I can remember will not be allowed and I'm not doing it because it upsets me I'm doing it to save you that is what I'm saying I am doing it to save you this year is different Dan listen SFL outside I promise you that if I search your username okay and if I type this year is different I promise you I would have seen seven different comments for the past five years with that being said completely this is just how it works hey Dan who tries to get the ball out as quickly as possible and make it happen see Glenn this is something that I will accept this is something that I will accept all right like cautious optimism being like you know what it's going to be a close game it's going to be good I will not accept any statement from anybody saying oh man like they're about to walk all over the Buffalo Bills like nothing your team has done for you in the past couple of years has ever established want that you have the ability to beat the bills by more than three points nothing listen that I will allow in the chat that I will allow Kane's heat you're gonna need a therapist bro well give me recommendations because you know why the amount of pain that this team has given you for the past couple couple of years and the amount of paying it's about to give you again on Thursday evening let me know all right and listen yes I would need to see a therapist uh because it's almost like a conqueror after years of domination starts to feel bad for his victims all right that's gonna be it listen I enjoy for the annual part where I see all these new Dolphins fans coming in my chat I love when it just comes out and you are Thanos snaap you are Thanos snapped and then this kid right here just switched teams I cook this kid so bad I cooked this kid so bad that he's now a Bills fan he was like you know what I gotta be a Bills fan now this is exactly what it is I love it uh uh you all are about to run all over us I'm telling you we can't stop the run go bills from Kansas how you doing what's up Dan these fans saying this crazy [ __ ] all the time on here and they all see what really happens dolphin fans only speak words salad and do you think Buffalo is better this year because I think they fell off a little bit uh we had the most efficient offense in all of the NFL last um uh last week so defense obviously there's some question marks but there's going to take some time but uh we had the highest EPA offense in all of the NFL last year last week it's what the data suggests go bills from Kansas funny celebrating player of the week I mean I didn't even see was it officially announced because it damn well should be uh living in the far past doesn't impact the current ERA go bills and so I won $135 on Jay's two rushian touchdowns let's see a couple of that thought Baker was a tick higher no no no we're talking about offense by itself so Josh was the second highest EPA but the Buffalo Bills was the highest EPA offense King Cade was doubled on up baby 316 of you in here I have the best live chat community on the face of the planet man this is a good thing all right listen I wna just make a quick announcement it's a smaller stream today but um I got a lot of [ __ ] I got to do today boys um I'm welcoming dougle durong onto the channel for a buffalo bills Miami Dolphins interview and then on that same video I'm going to be giving you my entire preview and prediction based off of my thoughts on this overall team so guys Dolphins fans included I will have your friend dougle durong on here having a conversation I'm going to release this video probably about 4 pm EST 3 to 4 pm EST so do me a favor subscribe to the channel turn on Bell notifications because you you don't want to miss it and for all of you that want to tune in with me watch the Buffalo Bills and Miami Dolphins face off on Thursday night I will be live on my channel Thursday night subscribe to the channel turn on Bell notifications I love each and every single one of you regardless of what team you do root for and stay tuned for my full preview video dropping later this afternoon peace

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