“YOU MISSED” - Tom Macdonald Is ANGRY After Trump Assassination Attempt! | REACTION

on July 13th 2024 at 6:11 p.m. America encountered one of the darkest days in the history of our nation former president Donald J Trump was potentially almost assassinated by a gunman we don't know who the identity fully is yet there's still investigation going on but we saw a video by Tom McDonald by the way he just released this about 4 hours ago they must have spent all night on it as a response of music to a dark day in the history of our country guys welcome back I'm Isaac this is David what's up we have not seen this yet I intentionally didn't want to I don't know if it's a music video if it's a lyric video we're about to find that out with you guys but we thought that we did an emergency I was after church eating lunch and Isaac called me up and said we have to do this so we ran to the studio to film it for you guys but we're going to get into this and we'll give you some but we're going to get into this and see what Tom created in the last 24 hours the name of the song is you missed so let's see what he says very straightforward it's only 2 minutes long he'd only had 24 he's only had like 12 hours to actually prepare for this moment so guys watch it with us give us your comments and likes down below and make sure to subscribe because we're going to come out with some crazy content tomorrow as well let's [Music] go get him Tom let's [Music] go they burning the country down with they aggressiveness it started with changing legendaries then graduated to your racist if you think that your life matters and your skin don't have melanin they don't want peace they want skeletons they want men to pretend that they're feminine they don't want an election they got so offended by Freedom that they just like killing the president I used to think that the H were misguided but so guys we can't even get that far into the song that line alone we're going to rewind it but listen very carefully to what he just said don't come at this from a political lens it's about what is right and what is wrong what is good versus what is evil they want to divide us y'all they want to divide us and tear this country down and turn it into a civil war so listen very carefully to what he just said they burning the country down with their progressiveness it started with changing what gender then graduated to your racist if you think that your life matters and your skin don't have melanin they don't want peace they want skeletons they want men to pretend that they're feminine they don't want an election they got so offended by Freedom that they just tried killing the president I used to think that the wued but I can see that they're evil Twitter is angry the Trump is in dead you know who got shot innocent people thought y'all were tolerant thought we were equals I thought you valued how everyone feels then why are y celebrating an attempted assassination like you're part of antifa than God the left can't aim thank God the right don't welcome to the of Brave oh my gosh dude it's every single American deep down if you are bleed red white and blue and you love this country what just happened yesterday is an abomination to what we stand for in America we do not stand for taking out your political opponent whether it's sending them to prison or trying to literally end their life I was online so much of yesterday and it pissed me off how much people were saying oh you know they should have got him I can't believe they missed from that close are you kidding me dude like I don't want Joe Biden to get assassinated no because you know what it does it's a human life it's not like they're like Hitler where they're going out and killing millions of Jews that is not what's happening you have a difference of opinion yes I have a philosophy you have a philosophy but this is absolute BS that they're talking about how Trump should have been assassinated no the truth is we as a country need to come together because we were a ceneter away from a civil war yes literally if Trump didn't turn his head to the side as that bullet came through I do believe that God saved yeah this wasn't a random person this was an actual inside job and so what he's talking about is he's not even saying left or right he's saying they are trying to kill our democracy which is really a republic but this is ridiculous but time is going off let's keep going AF dying bit you miss they got the left Why can't your Sho straight y'all are going insane [ __ ] you miss there's no one else you can blame cuz I lock them up in the cage and you trying to kill what you hate [ __ ] you missed told us trust the science but it never made sense to me why would we put all our trust in the enemy millions of people are hooked on amphetamines they're making billions on untested remedies borders are open to people with felonies fighting can't stop them me don't have the energy y'all want to kill them man trying to fight for a better tomorrow by making them Kennedy fighting can't stop he ain't got the energy yo what he just said at the end rewind it like 10 seconds listen to this bar he just did all right means they're making billions on untested remedies borders are open to people with felonies fighting can't stop them he don't have the energy y'all want to kill the man trying to fight for a better tomorrow by making them Kenedy I tried to give yall a chance like maybe the left isn't nuts I was wrong cuz y were exactly as crazy as every person I know that you were all along when a protest go hard when to burn flights go off but y'all are will trigger that you're pulling triggers at presidents y'all the terrorists when you're armed thank God the left can't aim thank God the right don't R welcome to the home of the brave freedom and Afraid Of Violence you wish you was dying bit you miss oh that gave me goosebumps why can't St y'all are going insane [ __ ] you miss there's no one else you can blame cuz I lock them up in the cage and you trying to kill what you hate [ __ ] you miss oh my gosh bro yo how in the that makes me almost emotional man dude how did he do that in like 16 hours it's it makes me emotional cuz he just encapsulated the pain and the suffering from 50 plus to 70 plus million Americans are feeling right now the fact that the man that they look up to he's not God Trump is not God not he not God but he is a man that loves this country and this is the reason why he had a nice cushy lifestyle before he ever got into politics everybody on the left even liked him but the moment he came down that escalator and decided that he wanted to run for office all of a sudden the narrative got shifted and saids we have to take him out I guarantee you even Andrew Tate yesterday he was on a Twitter live space he said I guarantee you if I was I was in a room with with drug dealers and they said this guy has to go let's take him out if drug dealers are doing that like low-level drug dealers what is the biggest big elitist in this country where when they're meeting in those rooms privately what are they saying got there's no way he can be an off this was not a random off looner this was not a laner going out and trying to do something on his own this was orchestrated by the higher-ups and if you people can't see that if you're a liberal watching this channel thank you for coming and joining us but even your eyes your eyes have to be open you know how many people online I've seen said I've never voted a republican I'm a Democrat I hated Trump and now I'm voting for him because when you see what's happening you can't you can't defend it it's not even about Democrat and Republican anymore no it's literally not about politics it's you almost killed a former president because you had a vendetta against him and then you got paid most likely by the elitist up in the government to try to take him out and the you know the funniest part I I I researched this yesterday did you see the the crowd's reaction when the shots went off they didn't they didn't like freak out and start rioting and like trying to leave they all stood their ground and when Trump got off off the ground and he said fight fight fight that was a war cry and every single American that believes in Freedom galvanized behind him in a single moment it's literally going to not only it's going to bring the Republican party together he's going to be at the the the RNC convention he just started golfing today right after this happened he's on the golf course he's he's not unfaced but he's the strength guys I mean if if we could David could we just pop up on the screen right now that picture that I sent you yeah about President Trump the literally will this will be in the history books guys we we put this on our community we'll put this on our community notes but we already didot just stare at for this photo is going to go in history as one of the most iconic because he didn't run away like you know oh I got hit and now I have to save my life he stood his ground he went to the ground which was smart and then he was not really well protected by the people around him as you can tell that he still I mean at this point Secret Service on the Secret Service on the ground did a good job I've watched a lot of reports on it the problem was the Secret Service snipers they knew one of the snipers knew that the attempted assassin was was literally aiming at Trump but he was Ed not to engage and take him out for you H and hangover gang people just subscribe because we're going to be coming out the next few days with a lot of stuff surrounding this we want to really just focus on Tom's Video because that was absolutely incredible before we go though I do want to show one thing this is the guy that died um this recently just came out I think a few hours ago my wife sent this to me he's a firefighter so this is the guy that died and two a couple other people were wounded they seem to be alive this is the one guy that died we want to pay homage to him well I do know a little bit about him so he was a firefighter and he was in the crowd behind Donald Trump his daughter was with him and as when the shots went off he covered her body and took the bullet I mean if that's not a sign of heroism I'm going to read this real quick this is from his daughter yesterday time stopped and when it started again my family and I started Living a real life nightmare what was supposed to be an exciting day that we had all looked forward to especially my dad turned into the most traumatizing experience someone could imagine I know the media will cover this event and I'm going to try my best to stay away from looking at everything especially because I've already seen and lived through it in real time but I want everyone to know what the media will not cover and will not say about him he was the best dad a girl could have ever asked for my sister and I never needed for anything you call he would answer and he would do whatever it is you needed if he didn't know he would figure it out he would talk and make friends with anyone which he was doing all day yesterday and loved every minute of it he was a man of God let's go loved Jesus fiercly and also looked after our church and our members of our family after that she said that he also when he started hearing gunshots he actually jumped in front of his wife and his children and used himself as a human shield to protect them and he ended up getting shot so real quick before we end this video I I want to say something real quick so there is a go on me for the victims that kid rock started it's already raised over $25 million doll the goal was a million it's officially endorsed by Trump so let's put that down in the description if you guys want to donate to the families that have been affected by this shooting we'll put the GoFundMe Link in the description and by all means just go and and just and and donate because this this is such a tragedy yeah but before we go guys I want to do something a little different I want to pray for the victims we haven't done we haven't done this very often but this is this is a time in our country man we need to unite and also know the value of human life that someone's life was taken this is not something to celebrate by any side so just thank you God for just overwhelming the families with your love and just giving them peace and strength in this situation that this won't cause division but this will cause unity in their household and we just thank you Father for the man that sacrific his life and just cover their their family and friends with your blessing father just give them abundance give them overwhelming prosperity and peace that this is not something that is going to cause division in their family for Generations but this is going to be a healing moment for them and for this country guys so we just thank you and thank you guys for for spending this time with us and like we Isaac said Please Subscribe not because we want to get a million subscribers no because the next couple days we're going to come out with information of our own re research about the shooting what's been happening how is this affecting the country how are people online reacting to this so we'll come out with that probably tomorrow and Tuesday so we love you guys you see you on the next video and again thank you Tom for that song that was thanks for watching guys peace peace [Music]

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