Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:32:38 Category: Sports

Trending searches: celtics
he ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel yada yada uh the day has come uh the day that we didn't want to come throughout this entire transfer window has finally arrived and in typical get it up youran fashion not only is mat set to join Brighton and leave Celtic breaking all of their hearts but they have just gone and beaten Manchester United and obviously if you know me I'm I I like man united so yeah it's a double armmy for me today M giving it that to to Ryme 118 isn't he um welcome back to the channel ladies and gentlemen if somebody donates 100 I will sing Goodbye My Lover in the style of James Blunt for the stream I'm joking by the way I'm joking H it's nice to see you uh we know what's happening we know what this live stream is all about it has been coming it was something that I think as the window dragged on a lot of us including myself maybe hoped wouldn't happen in this transferred window I've just pressed a button on my keyboard I think a lot of us were hoping it wouldn't happen in this transfer window I think a lot of us maybe got to the point where we were accepting the fact that we might actually hold on to mat for one more transfer window and um it it's not happened it's not the case I feel bad uh I feel like I have jinxed or something I don't know when Brighton First registered their interest in a play and this popped up you know I'm would for so ago now it was quite a while ago to to right now this minute um I remember making the first video on it and I said I sat down in this chair and I said mat Ry will go to Brighton I was confident that mat Ry will go to Brighton and I feel like I jinxed that I tried to reverse jinx it didn't work feel like I jinxed it and I pushed him at the door um and a lot of people will have their opinions about the move itself and and moving from a club like Celtic to Brighton but listen I've covered that so many times on this channel you know my opinions it's 2024 these are the moves that players take to get to the next step listen I just watched Brighton beat Manchester United there Brighton had decid to finish six in the Premier League a couple of years ago I know that historically Brighton are not a big Club you can't convince anybody that historically they're a big club or that they have any sort of significance over Celtic they don't but Brighton right now is such an attractive place to go uh and it has been for a number of years mat would have been daed to knock back the opportunity to go and play for them so I understand that some people will be absolutely gutted some people might even be angry and and and maybe push some anger towards M maty for leaving Celtic for a club like Brighton but at the end of the day that's football it's 2020 24 and uh I I can't blame him taking the move I really can't it's now about how we move on we're going to go through all the details and all the rest of it thank you for tuning in to the live stream this afternoon ladies and gentlemen I know we don't usually do Saturday afternoon lives but this is obviously quite a big topic that has to be spoke about um so we're going to try and cover all basis on it we're going to talk about the move itself we're going to talk about where Celtic going next um yeah it's a it's it's a frustrating day I'd imagine but it is happening for all of those who might be tuning in who aren't cled up on the latest updates he's been spotted on his plane he he's on his way to Brighton he's probably there by now actually probably was in watching the game with folk I'd imagine but he he has went down he probably uh is is done played his last game for the club and that announcement will probably come over the next 48 hours I have a feeling it might be Monday morning they'll officially announce it they typically don't bother announcing transfers on Saturdays or Sundays but it could be don't take my word on it I'm just making a a guess that he will be announced as a player on Monday officially but he's a brighten player essentially that's all you need to know thank you Ian by the way for the first donation of the stream H Ryan was hoping this day would not come thank you for the donation first of all and and and yeah I was hoping it wouldn't come either shall we shall we dance over the details and how we got here of course this has been bubbling on for weeks and I guess the only the one and only positive that we can take from all of this is that it's done and we don't need to talk about it anymore Matt has left Celtic we don't need to speculate wherever he's leaving Celtic he's just gone and that's that but I think I would have happily took another seven days of that if it meant keeping Matt O'Reilly uh I I just think he's going to be so tough to replace but look before we we're going to cover the replacing side of things and acting fast and all that jazz in a moment we'll get to that after the move itself we will cover every ground that we can here on every possible basis of it all but mat joined Celtic for one and A5 million pounds back in January of 2022 and I I don't think many people expect him to come in and be the player that he was thank you very much Adam it is time to spend the money 100% uh I don't worry I'm not saying my Point's not going to be that one and a half million pounds would replace him it's not um but thank you for the donation Adam hopefully the Celtic Bard are listening to the fans but I very much doubt it um I wish him well he's moved on he's away but it is hard and I think it will be so so tough to replace him I just don't want people to think it's impossible to replace him because as I was about to say when we SED him for one and a half million pounds from MK Dawns back in that January transfer window you know people were like okay looks a decent enough player he's coming from League one in England he could be okay nobody really expected him to kick on and become Scotland's first ever3 million player this is a record transfer we've not even touched on this yet this is a record transfer in Scotland 30 million nobody if you I I guarantee you I guarantee not one person not one Celtic supporter back in January of 2022 when he signed for the club from MK Dons would have predicted he would leave to become Scotland's first ever 3050 million pound player nobody would have predicted it so I know that people are getting caught up in this whole mat's going we're not going to be able to replace him it's going to be so tough to replace him yeah it will be 100% one of the best players I've seen at Celtic in the last decade um but better players have come and gone uh it's it's it's as simple as that we will eventually replace mat Ry it might not be instantly but who knows it might be the next one and A5 million pound signing from England's League 1 that is the next m r up here uh so we just need to be patient in that regard I know mat really was was loved by the Celtics loved by me one of my favorite players and uh it will be absolutely gutting to see him go but it's not the end of the world uh as long as the Celtic Bard get the finger at their Jacki for the next seven days we might stand a chance of replacing him but I wish him the Absolut nothing but the best of luck I have enjoyed watching him week in week out for the past two and a half years he's been an absolute Jo joy to watch um to be to be quite honest so yeah I I'm going to miss him 100% uh so it all started last night fabrio Romano gave us this first damning update uh around 7:45 p.m. last night that Brighton were closing in on the M ra deal with Celtic the verbal agreement was almost done he was set to become Brighton's next signing after kadogo done working on the final details and then it would be we then got another update if I can get I'm going to have to switch uh between a few of the different stories here so just bear with me then later on this one came at about half past eight roughly an hour later uh mat Ry to Brighton here we go agreement sealed as reported earlier Brighton complete one more massive signing Celtic to receive and here was the big detail Celtic to receive 25 million up front as a fixed fee and add-ons that will take it to A3 million package obviously becoming the red record transfer out of Scotland o and kadogo deals are done and then finally this morning around 9 a.m. fabrio the man that we all hate at the minute and rightly so he gave us the last and final damning update until we get the official signing photographs that mat Ry and far de kadogo will both sign as New Brighton players this weekend Celtic and fener bat have authorized Medicals for both players as Brighton complete all the agreements and then in case you still don't want to believe it in case you thought to yourself nah fabrio is wrong he's wrong he's not getting this one right he's wrong for a change we got the stab to the heart this morning ignore the two adverts on the side of my screen it's not a sponsored video trust me we got the damning pictures this morning maty on his flight down to London to go and complete the move to Brighton yes they shoved them on an easy jet fight listen if you signing for Celtic d m Desmond would get his private jet out for you but no Brighton have shoved him on an easy jet flight he has been pictured on way to London to then go to Brighton and complete his medical complete the signing and become a Brighton player officially it's done it's dusted it's a sad sad day Matt O'Reilly has been an absolute baller uh and somebody who I have never tired of watching somebody who came under a lot of criticism and an po go last season you remember and uh and then dug it out the bag for brandan Rogers and proved to everybody exactly the player that he was um so you know we we're getting 30 million for him which is a magnificent sum of money it's just about whether or not now the board um use that money to replace him mat Bish is not enough I think that Celtic need to go out there and and and do a right good job at reassuring the Celtic f fans that we all in the one boat and that we're all rooll in the same direction however I don't blame supporters having those reservations and those fears that the Celtic board simply just won't do that um so we've got a big big week ahead of us I I'm gutted to see him go I I don't think any amount of money can really make me happy I I think even if mat was to leave for 50 million pounds I wouldn't be sitting here applauding him out the door and and pushing him away I I would be I'd be still gutted and I'm gutted with this 30 million um and it's mostly down to the fact I just don't think the board will spend that money uh that we be bringing for him so we'll just need to wait and see got a lot of questions in the chat I want to get to many as many of them as I can just quickly and and over some details uh The Daily Mail put out there as well uh the deal of course 25 million up front it can be close to the 30 it's got to get to the 30 million pound Mark um or to be replaced with mates bgus for around 8 million from ear FC H but mat will now miss the game tomorrow against St mein at St mein Park Celtic signed them for one and a. half million pounds in January 2022 as I've already mentioned which means we have made you know 28 and a. half million pounds profit on the player which is a record in itself for Celtic and little on Scottish Football um it's a huge huge sum of money and you'll be seeing all these posts recently and the last few days uh about the money that Celtic have red in from an posto signings alone I think it's near the number of 100 million 25 million for Z 30 million for Matt Riley Carol Starfield juranovich all these players who've left that an po sign the club have racked up around1 million and their sales The Profit numbers are absolutely obscene to be quite honest we've got more money at this football club than we ever had through its entire existence and now it's down to the to back the club and back the sorry back the manager back the fans um and the beliefs that we all have but I I I just I I don't know I just don't know I that's my my one fear about Matt Orel leaving the club this this this weekend I I really don't know what happens over the next week um mates bogus is coming in I like the look of him I think he'll be good and who knows he could be the perfect M replacement but we've spoke about AR the angles in this window Celtics should still go out they should spend 10 million in on the angles they should go ins Austin trusty as a center half they should go and get a left back in this last week of the window they should throw everything they have uh at Brandon Rogers to make this squad as as good as possible right now with maty so let's just pretend that maty has officially left the club let's just pretend Celtic are significantly weaker from where they were last season significantly weaker um and that's just fact you know you take M if you ended the Scottish cup finals in the 25th of May and if you said to me or any Celtic fan on the final whistle this will be the exact same Squad next season but without mat Ry you would have been shutting yourself you'd have been raging that is a Monumental seismic downgrade in squads that Celtic have carried over from the 2023 24 campaign to the 2425 campaign um so Celtic have a huge job to do in the last few days of this window it shuts on Friday and uh apart from bogus we're not really hearing anything that would indicate that we are much closer to signing any other players so um we've got to get through tomorrow first of all St men but as soon as it's full time tomorrow in Paisley and actually right now there should be as well brandan Rogers the board and everybody involved in the recruitment process has to be sitting around the big table and they have to be getting these decisions underway because Celtic needs significant Improvement in this next week either that we're going into a Champions League group stage sorry League phase kind of get used to saying that we've gone into a Champions League where the phase of games you could make the the P the point right now that Celtic could lose eight out of eight games I know that sounds dramatic but what what examples do I have in front of me what evidence do I have that I believe we can win any of these games without our best player now at gone you know you can make the case that Celtic are on th for a horrible Champions League campaign uh and and the B and and the manager and everybody else needs to realize that over these next seven days and we need to we need to go and improve so yeah it's it's a it's a massive huge gigantic week for Celtic I just checking my phone to see I thought I was getting messages there I was like oh am I getting some in the no updates but um nothing as Faris I'm aware right now apart from bogus who is going to sign it seems over the next week um aside from that nothing else and that is where the worries are we need to get into talks with guys like angles maybe Alvin Sanchez I don't know I'd rather Engles myself personally but yeah anyway mat O's gone uh let's get some of your questions your points your concerns uh very quickly I just like to shout out Ian and Adam who have donated on the stream thus far thank you I really appreciate you guys um let's go uh oh where do we start where do we start we'll start with cal um surely the pressure is too much for the ball to handle there's no excuses anywhere well that's my fear Cal I I don't think this board feel pressure I don't think that the Celtic board necessarily care about the pressure being put on them by the fans because the the the thing is about Celtic we live in this amazing cycle and the board are the ones that reap the benefits of this cycle more than the supporters we live in this cycle where every September there is pressure put onto the board but in May everyone's happy because Celtic have won a double or a treble and they've won the league title and right now I mean it's pretty safe to say that Celtic are my miles the favorites to win this league because of the state that Rangers are in and for the board that's enough and I think that alleviates the pressure they should feel and it's so frustrating because I think that if any of us were running the club there would be far more ambition than just to win the Scottish Premiership every year we'd want more than that and we wanted B Rangers if we could any any given impress impression I'm just reading the donation there I'll get to that a second any given moment we'd love to BU Rangers and put them out of sight for decades but Celtics board seem reluctant to do that and that pressure they just don't feel it's like they're they're in their own bubble their own world and they don't feel that pressure um they don't want to spend I don't know what they're doing are they saving up to build a new stadium I don't I don't get it where why do we need to bank all of this money to sit on um as if there's some Wall Street type crash around the corner Celtic are more than steady enough for the next God knows how long and with continuous Champions League football which is a severe possibility we're always going to be steadily uh bankr I I just don't understand it but yeah um someone is saying that it's just been announced we in talks for angles now if that is true that would be immense timing to this stream I'll go and have a look in social media in a moment but I I don't know if that's the case I've heard nothing around that H but we have a look I'll have a look maybe it's happened while I've been live I'm not doubting you Kevin I'm just saying um thank you for the donation Superman saying can I do my best Brandon Rogers impression um God uh I sent him down to Brighton and I said Matt Matt you're a beautiful beautiful human being beautiful man you know you're welcome back to Celtic at any time but uh you go down there in your ordinary clothes and uh you just you just live it up you know scor go and uh be a beautiful beautiful human being uh right there was no need for that get to more your questions in the moment uh yes so somebody saying Anthony Joseph's just put up a a tweet um okay I'm going to go and check Anthony Joseph wow what a perfect time for it to happen if that is the case uh thank you to Adam Again by the way can't be far off a green Brigade Banner or law well get to chat no we we are certainly not far off of that at all uh yes I have watched angles two or three times yeah Anthony Joseph has tweeted thank you Lads for pointing this out while Live While We're on the air we do have uh thank you thank you try our best we do have a massive update while we're live in the air breaking news actually uh which is app timing nice welcome yourselves in um uh set yourselves down six minutes ago Anthony Joseph reported that Celtic have open talks with Augsburg uh over uh a potential deal I'm just checking uh over a potential deal for Central midfielder Aly Engle Sky Sports News revealed earli this month at the 20-y old is one of the club's top targets to the place M Ry it's understood angles as Keen to join Celtics so that is a that's a big update uh I I think elsburg will be really reluctant to sell um no McKenzie no it does not just to clarify that does not mean that mes bogus is not happening Brandon Rogers made it clear that he wanted to send two midfielders in this window it would be Mater bogus and uh on the angles I think oaksburg would be reluctant to sell I think it would difficult if you look back to Anthony Joseph's original tweet uh back a few weeks ago they apparently currently value him at 9 million with a week to go in the window that is going to rock it up that's going to go higher uh probably up up maybe 12 13 million I would say Celtic shouldn't Grudge paying that sort of money I I think they will but uh they shouldn't Grudge paying that sort of money and I hope we do pay it because he would be a fantastic M ra replacement and an ambitious M replacement as well so I really do hope that the this this goes forward and I hope that it goes part somebody saying I do not believe we will not we will spend the best part of 20 million in two midfielders no way and and honestly because it is Celtic absolutely it's hard to believe that we're talking maybe 10 million for AR Engles and then the 8 million that we're heing for uh for for M Bas that's 18 million it's a lot of money but at the end of the day CRA and for anybody who does doubt that here's the reassurance that should help you we have made 25 million on Matt oil and that needs to be reinvested and I think that brand honestly if I was to put my neck on the line here I think if Brandon Rogers doesn't see the majority of that 25 million spent on his side I genuinely think Brandon Rogers could be gone in the next 12 months I could see him walking and I'm not just saying that for a reaction I'm not saying that to be Ott why the would brandan Rogers want to stick around if he's getting forced to sell his best player and then he's not even getting to spend the money he left on the first occasion because of the exact same situations he wasn't getting backed he was getting embarrassingly backed and he walked because he couldn't be bothered putting up with it quite rightfully to be quite honest I forgave him almost instantly you all know that watching this channel I was the one banging on about getting Rogers back I was the one banging the drum saying get him back bring him in back him and bring him back to the club um I mean Paul I mean yeah 12 months 12 days he walked the first time for Less that 25 million needs to be spent at least 15 of it and if it's not I think Rogers will be gone by the end of the season I I really do I I believe that because I I don't think that brandan Rogers who was a guy who sat down I was there I was there on the press conference he was welcome back to the club I sat in the same room as Brendan Rogers I shook the man's hand and we all asked him the question why are you coming back why are you back after walking are they going to back you and he said I spoke to the board they have better Ambitions of backing me we're gone for it in Europe he Tau us all of these things and if we don't get to spend the majority of that £25 million on two midfielders he will be gone by the end of the season I guarantee it um but yeah the big news there Anthony Joseph ALB potential deal for on the Engles I think Celtics should go all in I think that they should try and get this player get this guy because I I like him I like him a lot uh just off my I seen him as I said you know me I've always liked my German Football I seen him on a couple of occasions last year in the odd games and the odd Bundesliga highlight shows he looks like a tasty Talent he looks like somebody who could replace mat Ry and uh Rogers away I'll be away for sake yeah what about kyogo impression I don't think I can do that one Superman but I really do appreciate the donation thank you um I can't score goals so I can't do ations of him uh so yeah Bas and angles could be coming in that would sort out the Midfield I would be happy with that but we still need to improve those defensive areas we still need a center back we still need a left back it is it is obviously the main priority for the club at this point and uh I hope that we can get them but is a positive update it but basically just you know it it confirms that the O really transfer will be done in in the coming maybe it will happen today maybe it will get confirmed today but it's happened anyway there's no point in you know sitting dancing about it um uh dancing around at sorry because uh yeah is effectively done and he'll be celebrating Brighton's win tonight with his new his new teammates uh the medical should be passed uh you'd imagine nothing wrong with them we've seen him play firsthand and uh yeah uh that's that right questions so AR the Engles yet done we've covered the majority things we have a few a we bit left on the stream um and that is yeah uh how am I I'm sad really sad let's get some questions in shall we remember a t Tik Tok Todd we compared one moving to PR one at home shaking his Tik Tok it is funny y it is it is funny um I think we should also report the huge new oh did he did all score on him I wish him the best it was never going to work for him at Celtic but there's a player deep down there and I hope he does well I really do I I wish him the absolute best over in Belgium um it's nice to hear him score I'd like to take a pun on l Miller for I I want Miller as well I I like l Miller but he doesn't play for Celtic just now you sign him you loan him out um so yeah Anthony Joseph is a very good source yes uh we've talked about if you're if you're going to bring up the an the angle stuff we just talked about it h you're just a bit late for it but he is a good source Anthony Joseph he's Sky Sports Scottish media Scottish media Scottish Football um journalist uh ad the live stream listen need make my money somehow um mcaf is an option mca's gone he's gone mca's away uh how much would I pay for on the Engles I I if listen just pay the money the point listen elsburg are not a huge team right bu are a solid mid-table Bundesliga side they are listen take it from somebody who loves the Bundesliga right I I mean no disrespect to hbur here because you know they're one of those teams that are are good at producing players just like most German teams are right but elsburg are in no place to be demanding huge money Christ it's hard for even the top teams in Germany to demand huge money unless you're a superstar uh you know you don't typically see players leaving for huge sums out of Germany that often you know Bia Dortmund have been really really good at it but they're one of the top sides when you go the table it's not like players are leaving for 30 40 million all a time alburg I believe in their history have only sold four or five players upwards of 10 million I believe it's that um they're not in a place where they can demand an outrageous amount for the benefit of their own club money is important as well they're in a similar situation to Celtic where you know 10 million quid is is a lot of money to them it's a huge amount of money just like it would be to Celtic so you know I I would pay what they want I think they'll probably ask for if I'm going to give a a prediction if you ask him a prediction on it I think that xbg will ask for 12 or 13 million um maybe there's room for negotiation to try and get that down as close to 10 but with a week to go in the window I would just give them the money and I would make them the record signing in this country it's as simple as that Celtic are at that point now um so yeah uh people talking about jot in the chat jot is not coming back to Celtic I don't know if anybody's reading this in Facebook or if they're b n forums I've just seen a couple of comments talking about that he is not coming to Celtic that's not happening there's no chance of it there's more chance of me signing for Celtic this weekend than there is y so I H just get that one at your mind I'll help you out in this one because I like being nice at that they are Rayban and from boots boots Opticians um kyogo is going nowh with it looks of it yeah I I would say I'm I said this in my video yesterday I'm 90% confident kyogo stays I still have 10% reservations because pep guardo is a lying baldy bastard and I don't trust a word that comes out his mouth he did come out and say in the press conference that he he's done with the window unless circumstances change unless there's injuries or anything along that line of of things he's not going to sign anybody in this window um but as I said he's a lying baly bastard which is why I'm only 90% and not 100% confident kyogo stays but I would say it's very very likely that kyogo stays at this point of the window thank you to Celtic FC AP name for the donation Ryan do you think we'll still win the league yes by a Landslide um yeah that's realistically what will happen Ken I I that realistically what will happen hopefully Engles has a hatti like debut in bags of double well listen this is it now whoever signs for Celtic is going to be given the baptism of fire that's it whoever signs for Celtic now over the next week whether it's Engles uh bogish Center half life backs whatever if they play they they're going to be giving the baptism a fire and I guess there's no better baptism to have than that it'll also ke in Old this Celtic chat last night heing from the podcast with it is the baptism of heated debate because um if you don't play so well half the supports say you've done and you were a waste of money so it's a bit Nery having them debu in these sort of games um yeah I wonder if they've got another M really sitting about would be handy wouldn't it uh stand by for a phone call yeah Craig God help us if I was to play for this I'd be puffing at my ass inside five minutes uh trusty from sheeld listen I've listen I like the look of them I see before I go off the air since we've kind of made this a transfer special this afternoon um before I go off the air I made the video yesterday about Austin trusty and I I seen a lot of people getting up arms in the comments saying Sheffield United fans saying saying he's rotten uh he's not even in the St lineup for Sheffield United whatever I don't care about that um Cameron cter Vickers hardly had the greatest career before coming to Celtic he was loaned out to team after team and we weren't hearing that he was by any means going to be great and he came into Celtic and he rocked her world he is the best center back we've had since Virgil Van dijk and some would say maybe even better than Virgil Van dijk for Celtic I mean for Celtic not say better than foran but for Celtic he's served us now for three years a very high level and before his move to Arsenal he was one of the top defenders in the MLS he got a move to Arsenal for a some moves don't work out for everybody and I don't think that we should be taking the Sheffield United's criticisms too seriously he played in The League Cup and he scored in the League Cup actually this season in this early St St stages so I like the look of Austin trusty I would go for Austin trusty and uh I think he's a trusty signing that's my opinion on him uh bernardo's got a big weekend ahead of them absolutely Som to wind up um trusty starting today versus norch there you go starting today against norch see how he plays um I like the look of him I think he'd be good I think it'd be a good signing um so yeah right uh I'm going to wrap it up there ladies and gents because we have gone for the half hour mark uh mat Ry is gone and tomorrow we'll have to play without him for the first time in a long time and it is all so sad um but thank you for tuning in and I am a way to bear in on Thursday which means I'm not here for deadline day which will be the first time ever on this channel that I don't have a deadline day stream going because I'm not in the country I'm in Berlin uh I'm sad about that because they're my favorite streams to do over the year I love just going for an hour and talking absolute um I doubt I'll be doing one from Berlin so I still have content planned right up until Thursday uh I should still be here every day up until Thursday and I should still be doing videos I'm in Berlin because guess what the Derby's on when I'm in Berlin so I should still be doing content right up through I'll be doing stuff over there you know me I like to do commitment and I've got a big announcement coming soon as well um for the channel which if you follow the community section on my channel you might know what's about to come uh and I think I'm going to make that announcement over the course of this week so yeah I Stay With Me transfers we'll be reporting them as quickly as we possibly can but thank you for tuning in enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies and gents enjoy the fitb and uh yeah I it's been an absolute pleasure take care God bless and I'll see you all next time byebye

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Pro-Trump Psychos are SENDING THREATS to Taylor Swift for Voting for Kamala Harris!!! #shorts

Category: News & Politics

When these types endorse donald trump it is heralded and celebrated by the magam mob but when other people express support for kla harris the right loses its mind oh my god so this woman is fine with his plan to take custody of the children from parents who don't want them to chop off their body parts... Read more

Biden's Trainwreck Highlights - Trump vs Biden Debate thumbnail
Biden's Trainwreck Highlights - Trump vs Biden Debate

Category: News & Politics

Look if we finally beat medicare thank you president uh biden president trump he right he did beat medicare he beat it to death and he's destroying medicare on the the the total initiative relative to what we can to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers president trump i really don't know... Read more


Category: Sports

I am supporting food banks collects food and cash donations for need families in new andar and beyond please consider making a donation via their just giving page the link for which you will find in the description section of this street come on you irons where we go time everywhere we go everywhere... Read more

YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 102 thumbnail
YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 102

Category: People & Blogs

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YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 103 thumbnail
YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 103

Category: People & Blogs

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