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I think that's one of the reasons why we connected was the fact that you know I believe me I call him a jerk all the time I call him a fat head and a this and a that the path two young actors from Family Ties Michael Jay Fox and Tracy pollen happened to meet paths on a normal day beginning a romance that would Captivate viewers and cast members alike his mischievous grin and her fun stooping to match his height in their early shot together hinted at a future of celebrity which she would later look back on with Amusement there was an implied commitment to something more meaningful as they smiled for the camera for more than three decades we have been fascinated and perplexed by the many hidden facets of relationships an explosion of Fame based on familial bonds they were completely unfamiliar with one another before this point after a while Michael J Fox's wife broke her silence and revealed things that made the whole world amazed so what is that secret let's find out more about this admirable relationship and do you know Dr Phil leave an A in the comments if you do developing a cure for Parkinson's Disease even though he had some name recognition in the industry she had never seen his work he was attempting the arduous effort of breaking into the Los Angeles comedy scene while she was establishing a reputation for herself in the New York theater industry being a comic which you would would think would have made things simpler for him didn't it was a pressure-filled difficult period still she did a remarkable job of handling everything additionally she received an audition request for Family Ties around the same time despite the Fantastic opportunity she had never seen the show before he was somewhat familiar with the term but had never given it any attention a great deal of opportunity and Fresh Starts occurred during this time laying the groundwork for subsequent events the true tests were still to come even someone who had never heard of Michael J fox was captivated by the debut of Back to the Future he wanted to attend the film for himself after hearing all the buzz and went to an 86th Street Cinema he was captivated by Fox's performance as he watched the drama unfold surrounded by strangers in his mind Fox may have great acting potential time has flown by in the 30 years since that momentous day in addition I to seeing Fox's rise to fame as an actor the man also got to meet Fox's family he thought it was admirable that fox was a doting parent in addition to being a fantastic performer a delightful family moment ensued when the children played the part of being embarrassed by their father's cander demonstrating how well-mannered and gregarious Fox's children were a mirror of the warmth and Direction their father gave them that day though that wasn't the sole event taking place addition Ally there were plans to do something special to promote Awareness on world Parkinson's day the Empire State Building was scheduled to be illuminated in Orange a hue that represents optimism and solidarity for all individuals impacted by Parkinson's disease this deed was a gentle reminder that our choices no matter how insignificant May shape the world making their labor obsolete through the development of a cure that is so successful is the primary objective when the group first joed joined the medical industry it was to leave as soon as they reached their target this would be a huge step forward in treatment methods since it would prevent symptoms from occurring and maybe even eliminate the need for a complete cure so far there has been positive progress with the FDA having approved many medicines the progress is a result of a path of significant influence driven by everyone's hard work and support stakeholders support is a Cornerstone of the initiative and such progress not only validates their commitment but also resonates strongly with them someone mentioned a famous statement while having a casual conversation about meal choices it may have been brief but the message of eating well and keeping things simple was conveyed a flexitarian diet which many people had never heard of before was also another topic we covered although it is mostly a vegetarian diet there is an occasional exception for fish and meat it's a great option for people who are trying to cut Less on meat but still want a healthy diet what sells this diet plan is how adaptable it is you may reap the health benefits of vegetarianism while still indulging in occasional meat or seafood grains veggies and fruits were the Main Stays of the plant-based Cuisine we discussed however Meat and Fish were also available as Alternatives demonstrating the diet's adaptability the goal was to switch things up a bit by eating more grains and vegetables and Less meat in the Unseen journey of a flexitarian one individual detailed how they were a vegetarian for many years until they were pregnant and realized they needed meat again to satisfy their nutritional requirements despite this shift they continued to have an interest in Plants merely to be sure they were getting adequate protein and iron they merely tweaked the balance they began to identify as flexitarians as a result some folks were unwittingly adopting a flexitarian diet while while we were talking it became apparent even when not adhering precisely to labels this diet demonstrates how widespread and adaptable it is were you engaging in self-medication yeah I soon stopped doing that bringing attention to the enjoyable aspect of choosing food choices nevertheless that was hardly the most intriguing aspect before being included in the cookbook each dish had been meticulously taste tested to guarantee its excellent flavor only the finest dishes were chosen for this flexitarian lifestyle sample so you can see what it's like to live this way a humorous anecdote was told about a person who before to residing with a talented Chef would season their meals just with salt and pepper this practice resulted in several comical errors in the end the cookbook mostly plants was lauded for its practical recipes that even kitchen newbies could follow with ease inviting readers to delve into flexible eating habits this compilation skillfully combines words and visuals it's more than simply a recipe book people were so psyched to get their hands on the book and start living this healthy lifestyle that they pre-ordered it Doctor Michael J how has Parkinson's disease affected Michael and his relationship and how have he and his wife coped with it watch and continue to find out the marriage and his personal life Fox and Tracy pollen have built an enviable marriage that has lasted for over 30 years which is not easy to achieve especially in the entertainment industry where relationships are often difficult and tumultuous they have not only faced challenges but also overcome them maintaining their commitment and love for each other their marriage although it only lasted three years when their lives began to take major changes has proven to be strong and enduring over time a rarity in the tumultuous world of Hollywood The Love Story between Fox and Tracy is not just an onscreen love story but has also developed into a deep and Lasting relationship in real life the two initially met while playing a couple in a movie and although genuine feelings did not immediately arise between them their connection gradually turned into a real romance Tracy pollen was in a serious relationship with Kevin Bacon a famous actor in the 1980s they had been together for 5 years sharing an apartment in New York and a farm in Connecticut where they shared a home after meeting in a play that was performed in Connecticut however Tracy's relationship with Kevin Bacon did not last and eventually she and fox found each other their relationship not only thrived but became one of the longest and most admired marriages in the entertainment industry Fox and Tracy went through life's ups and downs together including the health challenges Fox faced after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease Tracy's companionship and support helped Fox through many hardships and the two proved that love and commitment can overcome any challenge over three decades together Fox and Tracy are not only a happy couple but also a symbol of perseverance loyalty and true love in the entertainment industry their love story is a Living Testament that no matter how difficult life may be true love and patience can overcome all barriers creating a marriage that lasts forever although they were both young and their careers were at their Peak the feelings between Michael and Tracy became more and more obvious the fame and busy schedules did not diminish Michael's feelings for Tracy instead each encounter seemed to only strengthen their concern for each other this relationship which started quietly and simply eventually developed into a great and Lasting Love that overcame all the challenges of life and career Michael proposed to Tracy just 7 months after they began dating keeping their wedding preparations Under Wraps was his top priority at the moment he was more anxious about planning a private wedding than he was about Tracy declining Michael made an exception for Lamar's lessons when Tracy got pregnant despite his hectic filming schedule they also hopped on the bandwagon of listening to calming music while pregnant by placing headphones on Tracy's abdomen despite being under the microscope at all times their love and Devotion to one another have been an inspiration both Michael J fox and Tracy pollen are Avid music fans music plays an important role in their lives from the classical works of Vivaldi to the rock tunes of the Almond Brothers they do not limit themselves to a specific genre but immerse themselves in all sounds from delicate Symphonies to vibrant rock songs creating an indispensable part of their daily lives music brings them Joy connection and even moments of relaxation after stressful working days however life is not always just melodious and happy Melodies an unexpected ter turn happened in their lives changing everything Michael who was at the peak of his career and had just welcomed the birth of his son faced a huge shock just two years after they welcomed their first child Michael received a dire prognosis that shook his world in 1991 when Michael was just 29 years old he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a serious neurological disease with no cure the disease usually affects older people but Michael had it at a young age age which made dealing with it all the more difficult Michael was filming Doc Hollywood and a light-hearted comedy at the time while working he began to notice something unusual a slight Tremor in his fingers and hands at first he thought it was just a temporary symptom perhaps due to stress or fatigue but the condition didn't go away it only got worse and he began to worry after undergoing numerous tests and seeing medical professionals Michael was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease this is a serious neurological disorder that gradually impairs a person's ability to move the initial symptoms are just mild Tremors but over time the disease will seriously affect his ability to move and perform daily tasks at the same time Michael J fox tried to remain calm and confident to comfort Tracy even though he was in turmoil inside he felt a vague fear creeping into his mind but to protect the wife he loved Michael hid his true feelings he didn't want Tracy to see his Panic or instability because the last thing he wanted was to make her worry more however the truth was that he was going through an internal crisis a battle between his outward calm and the fear deep within Michael was in a state of denial he couldn't and wouldn't accept the fact that he was suffering from a serious illness like Parkinson's it was too foreign and terrifying for him to understand or accept at the Time Michael had always been in control of his life from his career to his relationship but now something Beyond his control had come crashing down threatening everything he had built when he received the diagnosis from the doctor Michael couldn't believe his ears anger welled up inside him as if he were reacting to something completely irrational he felt betrayed by his own body by a life that had been going so well Michael couldn't understand why this had happened to him a young energetic promising actor just starting to enjoy the fruits of his career the thought of Parkinson's disease was a devastating shock a terrible mistake that he couldn't accept despite this Michael decided to keep the news of his illness to himself sharing it with only a few close people he felt that no one could truly understand the severity of the situation at the time and that sharing it widely would only add to the pressure during this time he had to deal with the fear and sense of loss that Parkinson's disease brought to cope with these feelings Michael began drinking in secret as a way to temporarily forget the harsh reality the stress of his condition and the psychological burden that he was carrying weighed down on him leading to depression he felt like he was drowning in darkness and there seemed to be no other way out than drinking Michael began drinking alone more often from what had been a secret Habit to gradually becoming an indispensable part of his daily life he often hid his bottle of alcohol from Tracy trying to cover up the addiction that was slowly taking over him Tracy although always caring and attentive to Michael could not help but notice the change in his behavior she discovered her husband's drinking habits and began to worry about his health as well as the impact it was having on their marriage this discovery led to inevitable tensions in their relationship Tracy felt hurt and disappointed when Michael chose to hide it instead of coming to her to share and overcome difficulties together their relationship began to experience great challenges as the tension and emotional distance between them increased although Tracy always tried to maintain love and steadfastness Michael's addiction to alcohol made her feel helpless the evenings that they used to sit together and talk now became cold and Silent as Michael often separated himself to drink alone this created an invisible barrier gradually causing them to drift apart Michael realized that his drinking habit was not only hurting himself but also destroying his relationship with the woman he loved most however admitting his problem and facing it was a big challenge he knew that to save the relationship and find himself again he needed to overcome his denial and fear as well as seek help for his battle with Parkinson's disease and alcoholism in a 2013 interview on the Howard Stern Show Michael Fox candidly admitted that his drinking was no longer just a social activity as it once was but a means to escape the difficult reality he was facing this change was not only a sign of the internal struggle Michael was going through but also showed how he gradually isolated himself from the outside world and his loved ones especially his wife Tracy pollen Michael felt pressured by his deteriorating health and fear of the future instead of facing these feelings he turned to alcohol as a temporary Escape however this only caused him to sink deeper into a spiral of loneliness and despair every time he drank Michael felt more and more detached from real ity and this began to seriously affect his relationships with those around him especially Tracy Tracy noticed a clear change in Michael he was no longer the cheerful vibrant husband she had known instead he had become withdrawn less communicative and seemed to be isolating himself she tried her best to support him but Michael seemed to be withdrawing more and more into his world a world clouded by fear and addiction Tracy felt helpless as she watched her husband lose himself the situation became serious when Tracy found Michael unconscious on the floor one morning a sign that he had abused alcohol to a dangerous level that moment left Tracy extremely frightened and worried for his safety she understood that Michael's drinking was not only a dangerous habit but also a serious health crisis that was threatening his life Michael woke up in a days realizing that he had completely lost control and put himself in a dangerous situation this forced him to face the harsh reality that alcohol was no longer just a temporary Escape but had become a real threat to his life realizing this Michael began to rethink the path he was on and the consequences it had caused for himself and his family she said is this really what you want and in an attempt to appear dispassionate rather than enraged do you aspire to be this person paen then went his way after that incident Michael began to change he gradually gave up alcohol and gained his sobriety and optimism his sense of humor one of Michael's defining qualities also returned as if it had never been lost this was not only a sign that Michael had found himself again but also a new beginning where he could live a more authentic and meaningful life however the recovery process has not been easy Michael admits that despite his remarkable progress he still has difficult days days when he is uncertain about his actions times when he feels lost and Exhibits erratic behavior these emotions often come unexpectedly leaving him feeling like he is being pulled into an uncontrollable spiral but what keeps him grounded is Tracy's steadfast and unwavering love despite the many challenges and hardships Michael and Tracy face their Love Remains strong in his weakest moments when he feels like he is losing himself Tracy is always there to remind him of the value of love and patience Michael feels deeply that not only he but Tracy is also fighting not only against his illness but against every hardship life has to offer the bond between Michael Jay Fox and Tracy pollen has always been strong from the very beginning they have been through many ups and downs together but nothing has shaken the foundation of their love and commitment however the strength of their relationship was not the most difficult thing they faced what tested them was the fact that fox a star admired by the public could not remain a secret forever in 1998 Michael J fox decided to go public with his Parkinson's disease a decision that was extremely difficult but inevitable he had been battling the disease for years sharing it with only a few close friends but as his condition progressed Fox realized that he could no longer keep it a secret he decided to face the truth and share his story with the world the news of Fox's illness shocked not only the entertainment industry but also the whole society Fox who was once known and loved for his role as the youthful and energetic Marty McFly in the Back to the Future series now faced a harsh reality Parkinson's disease had become an Inseparable part of his life this Public Announcement not only shocked his longtime fans but also brought more attention to the disease than ever before to reduce the Tremors caused by Parkinson's Fox had to undergo a risky brain surgery this surgery was not only a turning point in his treatment but also a testament to Fox's determination and courage in fighting the disease after the surgery Fox not only continued to live a meaningful life but also became a strong voice for people with Parkinson's disease around the world he used his celebrity to raise awareness of the disease rally support and fund research to find a cure media attention to Parkinson's disease also increased significantly after fox went public with his condition media Outlets from newspapers to television began reporting on the disease turning it from a little known medical issue into a widely discussed topic Fox succeeded in turning his personal story into a major movement attracting International attention and support Michael J fox is not only a famous actor but also an icon in the fight against Parkinson's disease especially after going public with his condition with the support of his loving wife Tracy pollen fox has turned his challenge into a global Mission the couple not only lives with the the disease but also uses their influence to raise awareness and fund research to find better treatments for those in the same situation fox has had to go through many difficulties due to Parkinson's disease however one of the factors that helps him overcome all challenges is Tracy's optimism and sense of humor Tracy is not only Fox's life partner but also a resilient companion always ready to face the ups and downs in life her humor has become a spiritual medicine helping Fox maintain a positive spirit despite facing many events during many difficult moments Tracy was always by Fox's side encouraging and sharing Joys and Sorrows it was her optimism and perseverance that motivated Fox to continue fighting and never stop hoping for a brighter future when asked about Tracy Fox always expressed his gratitude and deep admiration he did not hesitate to praise His Wife emphasizing that she was the greatest source of motivation in his life try was not only a wife and mother but also a friend and companion that fox always cherished we took every opportunity to laugh Fox shared emphasizing that it was Tracy's optimism and sense of humor that helped them get through the most difficult moments she often said that they would deal with the sad things later and as a way to remind both of them that joy and positivity should always be a priority the fight against Parkinson's disease brought many challenges but at the same time it also made Fox and Tracy's relationship stronger rather than letting the disease tear them apart they have found strength and joy in this challenging Journey they know that humor and love are two important factors that help them overcome all difficulties both Fox and Tracy understand that life is not always easy but with love and support for each other they can turn every challenge into a meaningful and memorable experience Tracy's companionship in the fight against Parkinson's disease has made their Journey a little more bearable they have chosen to face the disease with love patience and humor turning the difficult days into memorable moments their love is not only the motivation that keeps Fox fighting but also a testament to the power of companionship in marriage he needed her support more than ever in 2018 when he was going through one of his worst moments as he lay there on the kitchen floor his arm mangled and paralyzed he recalled being able to pick up the phone he felt intense guilt over the accident while he waited alone for the paramedics after all the Physicians hard work on his spine he felt like he had failed them these were difficult obstacles but he learned that optimism and realism could coexist the initial stride toward Improvement was acknowledging his predicament interestingly as he was getting better he found Solus in watching classic television particularly westerns from the 50s and 60s watching these show show restored his faith in humanity by bringing to mind the tenacity and determination of the protagonists in those Timeless stories despite this we learned more from this challenging period he learned to live in a state of both acceptance and optimism as a result of these events despite the hardships he was experiencing he maintained an optimistic Outlook he casually brought up the fact that these TV series had already been shown before he was born to that chain I am an additional link a little bit of immortality will remain with me since my concerts will Air long after I pass away he felt immense appreciation for the moments he shared with his children as a result of this 20 years after suffering a major defeat Fox commemorated the Michael J fox foundation's 20th anniversary it was previously Unthinkable but now it leads the way with 17 revolutionary cures our foundation has been around for 20 years this one has been particularly challenging so we may have chosen a different year if we'd known it would land in 2020 he joked the difficulties that Parkinson's disease brought into Fox's life forced him to retire from performing he has earned another Emmy for his work on Rescue Me And The Good Wife despite stepping away from the Limelight Fox discovered renewed optimism as he tackled his illness day by day he went on to say that even crossing the room for a cup of coffee now requires him to be hyperaware of his is every step from planting his heel to adjusting his hips because there is an inherent danger in every action each step is crucial however that pose no more challenge even though he finds it draining when people constantly inquire about his health he remains optimistic about life in general as he expressed being positive isn't something you can choose to do he firmly stated that it's the sole means of perseverance maintaining optimism and actively striving for an improved future Fox described Parkinson's disease as a gift that keeps taking away when Oprah Winfrey questioned whether he believed it was an odd blessing that enhanced his marriage he went on to say that it altered his perspective teaching him to appreciate the present and not take anything for granted whether it's at glitzy events like the Oscars or just a quiet night at home he and his wife pollen continued to relish every moment spent together despite his health issues through thick and thin they are there for each other making the most of any opportunity to spend time together thank you for watching the video like subscribe and click the next video button on your screen if you liked this one

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