N REPORT HUSKER SHOW (2x4) - Huskers top Buffs 28-10 in primetime matchup

Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 00:26:53 Category: Sports

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from the 1011 now streaming studio in Lincoln Nebraska This is the End report Husker Show sponsored by fat dogs convenience store welcome in everyone bill wrencher in the 10-11 out streaming studio uh 10-11 after dark in report Husker show with sports director Kevin suits after Nebraska Topps Colorado 28-10 in an electric game in Memorial Stadium Kevin you were there you were in the building was it as Electric in the building as it looked like on uh on the television yeah I'm worried that the television didn't quite capture capture how electric it was I mean cuz it's even hard to describe like what the energy is like it's difficult like putting all the words together to say like no there was just a different feel about it and students were chanting an hour before kickoff and anytime Colorado did anything during pregame warm-up they're yelling and then opening to meet's leather for the opening kickoff and oh the energy it just increased and it had a lot of high pitches and then a couple then third and then like Nate Roar holy moly he fed into the crowd like with the third and long or third andeven whatever it is and uh it was it was as vibrant of his of an atmosphere that I can remember covering Nebraska football really in in 21 years there have been moments where it is really loud and I think of 2015 against uh 16 against Michigan State 2015 against Oregon 2010 against Oklahoma they all had then the Miami game 2014 like they had moments but this was this was consistently throughout the game the beginning crazy like it was crazy and you know we'll get to the actual football but I'm trying to just describe what the atmosphere was like because I think that might be the most the biggest takeaway for a lot of folks that were in the stadium tonight um during pregame like our media work room field level is kind of tucked around the corner and it's pretty insulated but anytime somebody came in the door would open for a brief second and in that one or two seconds you could just you could hear like just a buzz and you got a quick like glimpse of the energy outside yeah the door closed and you're back to work and it's quiet quiet again uh but then once you walk out and you're there to stay for the game it was like this is the real deal and I think there there there were a lot of people there Bill and those Sidelines were jam-packed there was National media there there were a ton of former Nebraska players uh there were some a-listers in attendance really close to the field um and they're all taking videos and pictures so even people that go to pretty notable events regularly I think that they all take they all have a takeaway of that that was pretty Next Level and for the actual football team's part you know sometimes there can be that atmosphere and things maybe don't start the greatest and but this was right out of the gate I think three and out touchdown Drive pick six boom boom boom and they're even it's even more electric yeah it it got ramped up I it started ramped up it got turned up even a little bit more because Nebraska's three and out to start the game a quick strike uh March down the field Dylan riyo looked really good to start the game and then the Tommy Hill pick six and all of a sudden it's 14 nothing Nebraska and that was probably the biggest moment of the day or like that that's when I guess you would say the stadium pulse was at the highest on the meter um it did maybe drop off a little bit in the second half I think people were just getting restless at the end because the outcome was already determined however the the officials drugged the game out a little bit there were several Flags in the fourth quarter there were multiple reviews there were some questionable you know was it a targeting call was it not so they went to the booth a couple of times to uh look at those but people were were still there 92,000 plus no one left early um because they wanted to rush the field and see what the scene was like at the end you know and the students did it was mostly just the students though it wasn't it was the students that rushed the field and you know rushing the field let's put it in context it wasn't everyone that could possibly get on the field got on the field and the goalpost stayed upright you know typically rushing the field is it's a mob scene you can't move and the goal posts come down that was not the case um in beating Colorado you can debate yes or no whether students should have gone onto the field um but I think it speaks to the fact that this is a fan base and a program that has just been waiting so long to capture a big moment and tonight I believe would quantify qualify as a big moment yeah especially again if you think you know those students are 18 to 22 years old they haven't really known a lot of good Nebraska football and again I would say tonight was probably some of the best nebrask football we've seen uh in a while the first half no question first half definitely no question um it was dominated again probably by defense for for Nebraska six sacks 10 tackles for loss shadur Sanders looked really uncomfortable for really most of that game he's still you know he's still an outstanding quarterback he still made a ton of great plays Travis Hunter still went for over 100 yards but it was a pretty quiet I feel like 100 yards that Travis Hunter went over 100 yards 10 catches 110 yards I still think Tommy Hill did a really good job on Travis Hunter he did um maybe the tape will say differently when Nebraska watches it back but I feel like Travis Hunter he only had one or two big plays and on third downs and moments where you figured he was getting the ball he didn't get the ball and a big reason of that was the play of Tommy Hill on the back end so I think maybe the headline with Tommy Hill is going to be the pick six but overall how about just limiting Travis Hunter and what what horn finished with I think I mean he had three catches for 26 yards that's pretty good that's that's pretty good for John Butler and in his secondary secondary did an outstanding job and you know the six sacks that's pretty impressive and they were by different guys but I think part of the reason the sack numbers are so good is because of the coverage on the back end I say and and John bulock and maai Bearer they had themselves a heck of a game tonight I mean McKai bear unfortunately got the targeting call and he'll have to sit out the first half against Northern Iowa but he had a bunch of plays couple tip passes John Bullock himself I think when Colorado got down inside the 10 he had uh you know a tip ball and made an open field tackle and and kind of kept Colorado bottled up yeah maai be finishes with six tackles one tfl and at one point in the game when the black shirts were definitely taking control of that game in the second quarter I believe I said to somebody near me that I think we all see why Nebraska paid Tony white what they paid him in the off season yeah he's he's definitely he's the real deal like he had he had that defense ready to go an outstanding scheme bringing pressure being creative with the way that they were coming in at different angles and keep in mind Nebraska defensively showed nothing last week against utap I believe it was a 0% Blitz rate against so the the pass rush they had against UTEP was the front four the front three in this instance um but he was just being creative with how to line guys up and attack different angles and also I I thought the tackling on the back end was pretty good as well Isaac gford deshun Singleton guys really stuck their nose in there um and Nebraska was hitting hard tonight and I think that was part of the game plan going up against this Colorado team was you know let's be physical with them and and that's not just in in the trenches and at the line of scrimmage anytime that they're in space let's get after them so Dylan rayola finished 23 for 30 only a buck 85 one touchdown no interceptions protected the ball last week against utap he was throwing a lot of deep balls threw a couple in tonight's game but it felt like he really managed this game very efficiently yeah I think his numbers could have been better too if there weren't a few flags that flew in the second half you know there's a long pass play to jakori bney Junior which got called back because of a holding penalty um but the turnover thing no interceptions no fumbles today Nebraska's threw two games of the season with one turnover and Matt Ruel said time and time again during the off season you know we just have to protect the Rock and Nebraska's almost dead last in college football a season ago in turnover margin and was they were was itus 17 plus three now yeah they're they're in a pretty good spot so clearly an emphasis of that and the offseason is now paying off um in the one time that they turned the ball over bill it was against UTP and it was the fumble at the goal line which then turned into a safety so it's really no harm done with the one time they gave the ball and that person who fumbled it was Dante Dowell again he got taken out of the game uh probably would have finished with over a 100 yards rushing in that game but he toted The Rock 17 times tonight he was clearly their lead guy went for 74 yards and two touchdowns and ramir Johnson was right there again they had four guys but they really kind of honed in on two guys tonight yeah Dowell got into a bit of a rhythm I mean that first touchdown run that 11 yard touchdown that was a pretty that was a mean run oh yeah I don't know if you ever watched the NFL Network's Angry Run segment like that had a little bit of angry runs in it because it was straight north and south and he was determined to get into the end zone and I mean plus I I think part of that running mentality was one who they're playing um two that that's how they want to run the football but three I'm sure Dante was probably feeling the energy of the stadium and even my one-on-one interviews tonight with MJ Sherman and Micah mooka they both said that they heard it all they felt it all and they were shouting out the crowd for um playing a role in the outcome of tonight's game it was uh yeah it was it was electric the whole night uh rir Johnson he actually again he had a good night rushing nine rushes for 33 yards but he had eight catches tonight he was actually the leading receiver in terms of catches 49 yards and again the uh you kind of knew things were really going Nebraska's way when the one throw over the middle that probably should have been intercepted ends up in rir Johnson's hands and he ends up in the in the end zone and that's a pretty big score too because Nebraska LED at halftime was that 21 nothing at halftime I think it was 2 28 nothing that was the score that made it 28 nothing so the game's I mean I I don't know how many times in college football a teams come back from a 28 point deficit at halftime you can hear of it three touchdown score you that that's possible you got to chip away in the third quarter and make your move then but 28 you're you're on the meter of this thing can get really out of control um so that that was an important score in that ball game I kept waiting for something bad to happen cuz that's kind of been the vibe you know over the past several years and then that play happened and I was like that's the thing that would have been the bad thing but it's kind of breaking our way and I kept waiting for the bad thing kind of feels different you almost don't know how to you almost don't know how to behave when things you don't when when the braks go your way instead of it going the other way well and then the I think it was Jimmy horn there was the play right on the sideline they called him out but then they reviewed it the TV announcers were pretty upset they thought it should have been a catch but they did not overturn that call and so again it was it was it was strange as a Husker fan who's been through a lot over the past 5 to 10 years it was a little bit strange so are are the Huskers ranked come this Sunday do you think again there were a lot of teams in that 18 to 25 that did lose today well college football is kind of weird today it was Iowa lost Notre Dame lost Michigan didn't look very good are the Huskers ranked good question they'll be in consideration I don't know that they they will be I think they're going to be near the top of the team receiving votes okay um cuz I think the jury's still out a little bit on Colorado the team that played in the first half that that's a top 25 team oh yeah no doubt oh yeah if that would have that's a team that's going to win a lot of games this year yeah the team in the second half middle of the pack Big 10 team yeah so next week is Northern Iowa but if I'm Matt rule Like You Come Away with this 18-point win you're almost you're not happy that you didn't max out and play to your potential in the second half but man that should kind of eat at your boys and you can go back in the film room and get after them and say listen we if we're not sharp if we're not crisp we've got this deficiency we're not good here this must get better you know so there's an element of that second half can really be used as a tool to keep this team hungry and it does expose some things that they definitely need to address the one the the penalty yardage with over a 100 yards penalties that's that's not good 12 penalties 105 yards they they had some big plays called back and again 2810 that could very well be 42 to 10 could have been really could have been because Nebraska in the second half they only had um they didn't they didn't score in the second half and you thought they did but Johnson had a 70 yard run called back the the refs in the second half were not not great and the fans standing behind me in the South End Zone made sure that the refs knew that he didn't approve of some of the calls they were making they were probably going to get out of town pretty and there was speaking of the fans not that we haven't done that enough already but there was one fan at the beginning of the game who was on the north side of the end zone or just beyond the North End Zone like Bill I I don't know how like I don't want to emulate and do exactly what he did because I have a mic in front of me he he he did this Non-Stop and and one of the gentlemen standing next to me he looked and said he's got to stop some point right I go no I I don't know that he has to he's probably still in the rail yard right now doing it he probably will not have a voice for the next week and he's not the only one yeah like there was just consistent noise so I feel like the whole team should buy jakori Barney something really nice he's had I think four or five maybe six plays this year where he pops it for 20 30 40 50 yards and he gets called back with the penalty he's electric though oh my gosh every time he touches the ball it's just like he's got a little bit for me he's got a little bit of it's either like JD Spielman or deor Pearson Ellen personel like a guy that can just if you get the ball to him in space I mean they're they their feet move so quick like he's covered in grease yeah and he's pretty slippery um maybe DPE would be a better comparison for uh jakori and he did some things in the spring season that the media members saw and Matt rule continued to praise jakori because he was fresh on campus and no one really knew too much about him so this coaching staff has been a big fan of jakori Barney ever since he arrived back in January he's continued to get better um and he's part of this freshman class that they're all pretty tight so and you get the sense that Dylan Rola has a lot of trust in him as well yeah he's start multiple times tonight didn't see Carter Nelson get really any Targets or play time I think today was kind of surprised by that thought would see him a little bit more but uh I'm sure we might hear from from rule maybe next week maybe as to that reasoning or maybe from sat on Tuesday we get a chance but they got the tight they Beyond Carter Nelson they got those tight ends I know Nelson's a receiver right now but um they got those tight ends involved today um even a couple times they had like um Lian felt they split out wide it's like 44 way it's all part of what they're doing you know like they're dragging them across and you know fedon is targeted had had a nice catch uh Nate borer had a good catch over the middle um again just Distributing the football what' you say riola finished um 23 for 30 I think 23 for 30 that'll play all day no interceptions will play every single game and no no even like fumbles the ball never hit the turf once from any running back receiver or anything um did you catch during the news sorry to cut you off bill but did you catch during the news when I was talking to um Michel mooka how he just so casually dropped in like yeah we're trying to get into the playoff like but that's the mentality of this team yeah you know they they they believe they're good Matt has said all along this team's pretty good yeah and the players believe that they're good and they know that the ceiling for the team is pretty high well you said it so for them to be talking about playoff after 2 and0 and they're not looking past it I mean shoot MJ Sherman didn't even know who they play next week he's like I think it's Northern Iowa North he called him North Iowa he he doesn't even know because they're so focused one game at a time um but as they outline like where they're what they're trying to accomplish and where they're trying to go they know if they go one and0 every week it adds up it it does what I think what MJ Sher stacking days and stacking games is what he said stacking days stacking games yeah and I mean you go back to the preseason rule talked a lot about like hey if we go to the playoff you make it to the championship that's a 16 Game season you know it's kind of like a whatever comment in the preseason but now it's like oh jeez maybe they you know Kirk CB Street on college game day this morning saying they'll be seven and0 going to Ohio State so again the national media had been kind of looking over seeing what's going on over there and again they put their best foot forward tonight both for everyone to see Prime Time game I'm sure I know there was a ton of recruits at the game uh tonight it it was a who's who before the game it was like everyone and their brother was there um and it was a who's who it was nice to see the balloons back inside the stadium they fans didn't have to hold him very long you know they got to release him pretty early because the first touchdown came within what the first six minutes of the game five minutes it was scored at um four and a half minutes into the ball game yeah so the the balloons were flying that was fun there was still some that kind of lingered around in the second half and just kind of took you back in time a little bit because that was such a staple of Nebraska football for years on years and um one of one of my other favorite images lasting images of the night bill was you know after the students Rush the field and there's all the hugging and celebrating and dancing and all that stuff Dylan riola is walking off the field and he's got a couple of players serving as his bodyguards and then a couple actual body like everybody's walking with Dylan and he looks up at the crowd puts both arms in the air and he does that like bring on the noise like that's pretty cool he's got the the some there there's a little bit of swagger there um it hasn't crossed the line of Cockiness either in my opinion I feel like it's just a a confident player having a lot of fun and being a leader and I've talked about this multiple times the thing that really impresses me about Dylan Ri so far is the leadership that he shows with this team against UTEP that first touchdown right after they scored and the offense comes off the field and the pat unit goes out and they kick the pat riola goes running onto the field and at this point you're like what why the P he was running to like the five yard line to give everybody that was on the pat unit a high five and he's cons consistently done that even tonight multiple times you know like he's already got his helmet off he's already been to the sideline but he's the first one to create like these special teams units and celebrate with these guys after they do their job and it is just so far past what most freshman college football players do he just has some of the it factor and the the the leadership qualities he has at a young age are pretty remarkable yeah the hype around him again obviously in the preseason everyone wanted to see it on the grass in a real game now we've seen it twice again you know before today I was like I just don't know but now it's like yeah I'm I'm I'm all in on this team and and and Dylan's getting really comfortable in front of the media as well um bladed his 60 degree what's that he bladed his 60 de I mean that that's a fun little anecdote it then even says like I don't know how many golfers are in here you know like he he just is comfortable yeah um and then he drops that little quote about you know he wanted he just wanted to see his dad amongst all the people after the game and then he found him and all his dad said is still undefeated against Colorado and Dylan said something to the effect of like that's all you got for me you know like but he's just he's being playful and giving us good insight and also answering some nice football questions um and I think he has a pretty good level of respect toward the reporters that cover Nebraska football um so if you follow Nebraska history and if you followed the program closely over the past I don't know 15 20 years he's a player that some people might say he seems a little too good to be true and right now he's delivering and he is meeting all the expectations and quite possibly exceeding them yeah I would agree so next next Saturday 6:30 kick Northern Iowa uh again this is a game that again you think they wouldn't have any trouble with but again oh now see you're just saying it like yeah no big deal it shouldn't it shouldn't be again I say that Notre this is college football Bill Penn State I think was also a 35o favorite over Bowling Green they only won by a tou yeah they're lucky they won that game are lucky they won that game uh so Kansas State almost got beat by two lane today a good game I mean Arkansas and Oklahoma state was a good game I know it's I was in Northern Iowa but got to go one and0 stack in days stack in games that's right and that's exactly what we are going to do uh but it is late Kevin it is 12:30 now so still not my bad time yeah so we're going to continue to have more coverage of this game and again there I mean the 1994 championship team was back Frank soul was back he got honored so there's still a ton of stuff to talk about Bud Crawford led the team on of the field that was super cool he had his belt but I think that's actually Nebraska's like turnover belt isn't it I don't know WWE I think made I think it was a half a dozen or so teams belts and I think Nebraska was one of them yeah we we know one thing about Nebraska they do big events very well tonight was a big event and some of those other things that they um that they Incorporated were pretty cool the the 94 te I'm glad you mentioned that because that was I it seemed like the entire team team was here like everybody it seemed like was here um for the game tonight and of course like after they did their Tunnel Walk they extended the tunnel for the Nebraska players to run through so they're all like high-fiving the guys as they're it's like no no they should be high fiving you like it's such a weird complex no you're the the 94 guys they're the Legends and they're like giving the players started the T yeah exactly so uh that was neat there were supposed to be parachuters uh some guys sky divers that um were going to land on the field at halftime of the game that did not happen tonight um I I saw them during warm-ups I I'm not sure why it didn't happen I have some theories on it I don't want to go public with them but um nothing nothing bad wasn't the weather weather it was not it was not the weather it was a gorgeous night uh the one thing I want to add is I was kind of I was pretty disappointed in the NBC broadcast they really didn't show much of any of the between the third quarter and fourth quarter light show the Drone show it was just a very brief couple seconds as they came back came back to the broadcast okay so the light show it's a little different this year um they still do thund thunder struck but not as much Thunder Struck it started with just some song and then like everybody got their phones out and then they started like flashing the lights at Memorial Stadium and then they go dark and then they have the pyrot Technics now in years past I remember Nebraska Nebraska's players to really get caught up in that and then they start dancing along to thunderstuck and they're very involved in the song um and with the fans tonight they didn't like you saw them look around but I was waiting to try to get you know video of some of the players like dancing and like being involved with the song and the and the scene but they didn't I mean the most you got was a couple of head Bops you know uh but nobody really went too crazy H so that was just different sounds like they locked mat rule thing yeah locked in well again we're GNA have ton more stuff Chase will have more tomorrow in uh in newscast uh in report newscast and again we'll start it all over again uh one week at a time starting next week Monday we'll hear from Rule and get his breakdown after he's seen the tape yeah so the next three we talk about the night game and the light show and all that stuff next two games are night games also yep they got 6:30 next week and then the following week at 7 o'clock Friday Friday against Illinois that will be what Kendall I think said in the in the early show tonight three consecutive Prime Time games I yeah is that right yeah when last time Nebraska had three consecutive night games record's pretty good in prime time yeah it is all right well Kevin it's late you still got some work to do I still got some work to do so we'll let everyone uh go to bed appreciate you for jumping in fun night what it was a fun night it was a fun night it was a great night so appreciate everyone for tuning in watching as always keep it tuned to 1011 both on air and online for all of your latest Husker coverage hope everyone has I guess it's Sunday now hope everyone has a nice Sunday you've been listening to the unreport Husker Show sponsored by fat dogs convenience store watch listen and stream on the 1011 Now app on YouTube or wherever you get your podcast for more Husker coverage throughout the week watch the end report on 1011 Sports at 600 and 10 p.m. and download the 1011 Now app

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